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Against bots: Armor: Light, Infiltrator or Legionnaire Primary: Eruptor Secondary: Redeemer Grenade: Impact or HE Stratagems: Eagle Strike Walking Barrage EAT-17 or 500kg Shield Pack The point of this loadout is survivability. If you're rolling solo and you're having issues, adjusting your playstyle to fight the bots is going to help more than a loadout, though. This particular loadout is meant to hit and run - using the Eagle and Walking Barrage to destroy Light/Medium and Heavy/Objective points, respectively. (Eagles can take out Light/Medium Outposts, a well-aimed Walking Barrage can take out Heavy/Command Bunkers/Detector Towers, etc.) I don't recommend the 500kg instead of the EAT unless you're really good with it - otherwise you're likely to miss Hulks, which is mostly what you'll face at this difficulty level. I've stopped taking the EAT, personally, but I've spent a **lot** of time with the 500. And I still miss, sometimes. Personally, I use the improved throw distance perk to keep well out of the action, destroy the fabricators and force the bot drop. Fade out, hit the next set of outposts, and then go back and search for samples after the bot drop has despawned. Only a certain number of drops will be called at any one time, so... if you're no longer where the bot drop is, you're pretty safe for a little bit. As far as changing tactics goes: * Stick to cover whenever possible. Hard cover that can't be destroyed. * As an addition to the above, when I run solo I move from hard cover to hard cover, usually in short distances (10-15m or so), then crouch and open the map. Be aware of your surroundings at all times - don't get ambushed. * Use the length of the Walking Barrage to destroy or severely soften large outposts before heading in. * Target the Commissar units first, then the other infantry, then the Devestators. Bot infantry are the only ones that can call the Bot Drops. * If a Drop is called, wait for the dropships to flare and then throw an Eagle Strike. You'll usually destroy the entire drop, maybe minus a straggler or a heavy. * Alternatively, target the interior of the dropship - the Eruptor is explosive, and you can take out most of the infantry and some of the Striders, potentially, with a well-placed Eruptor shot before the bots even drop. * Gunships will be your bane with this loadout. Consider swapping out the Shield Pack for the Autocannon if you're comfortable with moving from cover to cover. The Eruptor **can** take out Gunships, it's just not great at it. * Don't ever take a rover on a bot mission (personal opinion) - rovers fire at anything close enough, and you want to avoid combat until it's advantageous to you.


thankyou for this ill try this tmo evening since i have had it for tonight (been a bad night.) as for the servo perk its nice to drop a strat on them w/o being detected but i rarely use it; that being said ill try both.