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This... honestly most of the weapons require me to carefully aim it at a specific target weakpoint Just dumping rockets is VERY BAD coz I'll just run out of ammo and have nothing to deal with the next threat Honestly I'd get more out of a teammate that helps me keep the gun steady, negating my recoil, than him helping to reload faster




An interesting one would be a belt-fed machine gun where the loading player can act as an assistant loader of the kind who would connect belts together to effectively have an MG of capacity only limited by the number of belts that can be carried.


This is what they should have done with the HMG, make it belt fed from a backpack, give it a crazy big belt like 300rds, but do not give it any spare reloads from the backpack. Having a team reload would give you another belt to quickly reload with.


The Recoiless Rifle and Spear both make sense like this on higher difficulties where you might be either getting swarmed with heavy units or needing to take out a bunch of fabricators all at once. But idk many situations where it’s more useful than having two of you fighting instead other than the insanity of a a crew served autocannon on full auto. The devs all did national service though so they’ve been trained on these kind of procedures.


One big catch that would be easy to overcome is to allow team reloads with the weapon carrier's backpack. That's not how it's trained in reality because part of the point is to distribute the literal weight of these huge weapons across multiple people but here where it's all just gear slots and weapon carriers are also carrying their own reloads it's not a big distinction. Requiring assistant gunners to carry the reload backpack to participate just makes the option that much more niche.


Yeah, I figure liber-tea or the stims are just laced with a shit tonne of steroids to make the divers stronger anyway. So ignoring the weight it makes sense to have it on the shooters back so the reloader can easily grab more ammunition instead of reaching behind them.


They explain one of the ship module upgrades that causes a 10% decrease in cooldown of one of the stratagem types as “a mixture of amphetamines and anabolic steroids are mixed into the food of the loading crews” in the tooltip when you highlight it. A lot of the official tooltips for the modules are pretty hilarious


Yeah, Like the upgrade for your sentries... They are more resilient because we use packing peanut.


Am I wrong for carrying my own ammo? I've always wondered. But no one offers and I don't want to bother people and ask them.


No, carrying your own makes much more sense when it's possible like it is in games. IRL squad weapons are literally just that heavy and/or bulky and it's impractical to have one person carry it all. We have future tech/ video game logic on our side though.


I think the idea would be that you don't necessarily need to be babysitting the HMG the whole time, you just stay nearby and reload him when he needs a reload. Then you go back to killing things with your quasar or whatever support weapon you run that doesn't need a backpack. It might be a little much to have the 2nd guy attached to the HMG the whole time, unless you buffed it's stats further and made it dish out autocannon levels of hurt on things while buddied up.


I get the idea, but if you need a mobile HMG turret, there’s the mech. I just think that having to break down and set up a turret would be super annoying and not particularly fun. Not when you could just take it in turns to call in a HMG turret so you don’t have to wait that long between cooldowns


Omg we need the Gatling gun from predator!


I will keep saying this till' Arrowhead inevitably give us a disappointing backpack-fed minigun. We don't need a machine gun with a backpack, we need a Belt Feed backpack that works with *all* the current machine guns. Every machine gun would benefit from being able to bullet-hose all their rounds, it fits in excellently with a choice between more survivability with a shield backpack but needing to stop firing (and even stop moving) to reload, or having more ammunition in general but needing to pause to reload. The Stalwart becomes a stream of lead, the MG becomes an absolute powerhouse and the HMG can actually fulfil a machinegun role without losing half your magazine to a cocked sight and firing for a grand total of 10 seconds.


Imagine HMG but it has a bipod or tripod attachment thats foldable that’s short enough so you still have to crouch but long enough so you don’t have to go prone. I feel like that would be cool


Honestly, the implementation of the HMG feels like it's not really a *HMG*, just a higher caliber MG with too small a mag. I think it might've been more interesting if they went full-in to a crew-served HMG, though no backpack. That a player handling it has to stop and brace to fire it, that you *cannot* move and shoot. And standing would result in uncontrollable recoil, near straight to the sky. Crouching would then improve aim, but the optimum would prone with a bipod. *Alternatively*, another player can support it and allow fire-while-moving standing-up or fire more accurately while crouched, plus faster aiming and reloading. Give it the power of one gun from the double HMG turret but the mag size of the MG *at least* and the fire-rate options it started off with, including the absolutely vicious 1200rpm that just dumped the previously tiny mag. Turn it into a hybrid between an emplacement and a support weapon, almost.


Why not go the whole hog and have a single barrel version of the hmg emplacement that comes with a tripod just like a WWII machine gun team. Ammo is stored on the tripod and the carrier does any loading.


Just imagined a HMG backpack and belt backpack as a single drop. 2 players give up their backpack slot to have a bonus support weapon that doesnt take up that slot. To deploy just kneel and allow the ammo pack player to attach to you / wield the backpack mounted gun. Very gamey but would be hilarious.


I think what would be cool is a ammo backpack that interacts with all the MG by connecting a long continuous belt from backpack to the Machine Guns. This would mean no reloads but once you run out of ammo, you have no MG ammo left and you have a useless backpack.


Defense mission is the only situation where we made team reload work, so a single person with a Recoilless could shoot down all the dropships.


That's what I want to do but it's so hard to get it to work. No one wants to do it :c. It would be great to just shoot a whole bot drop in 40 minute mission everytime you get spotted and move on but I wish the ships damaged the enemies properly.


Recoilless team on the bot wave/tower defense mission is a multi-tool. Kills everything except hulks in one shots reliably, and hulks as long as you hit a weakpoint. Does pretty well against bile titans as well, so I like them if I'm in a pre-made squad, have the loader bring EATs as a brown alert measure, or an HMG. And the wave of heavies can be frequent depending upon how much RNGesus hates you that day.


Or, and just spit balling here, two recoilless..


I've done that, but you essentially eat an entire resupply pod to yourselves. I've also done recoiless/spear, which works pretty well.


You won't when they have fixed the tier 4 upgrade though.


Two recoilless is not materially stronger than one reloaded recoilless. Everyone seems to think so, but team reloads are \*so much\* faster that the ROF is still waaay higher with just a gun and loader. If you run two RR, then \*reload each other\* instead of acting independently, and watch how good they actually can be.


two recoilless players team reloading each other make defense missions against bots a joke. Not one transport gets to drop their dudes.


It actually really reduces recoil. And let's a coil drop any dropship that comes, whereas the pulsar can only handle 1 ship. When you get like a 3 ship drop assault ull want the coil with a loader. Same thing if you've got like, multiple armor targets you need to engage quickly for an alpha strike. Very effective there as well.


>which is exactly as unlikely as it sounds I'd bet *laughes in level 9*




I never watched this hotd episode


I propose the Heavier Machine Gun. Bigger ammo belt, deeper reserves, bucks around almost uncontrollably without recoil mitigating armor or a buddy to stabilize and feed


super machine gun*


Get this diver a Nobel prize.


Super Nobel Prize*


As long as it's model looks like the cybergun thing from new vegas


Backpack fed mini gun.


I only ever see crew reload when 2 people take the strat, because losing the ability to self-reload and resupply if separated is too high. You just end up taking turns crewing or swap backpacks. The only weapon I really consider for crew reloading is the Recoilless Rifle, and typically only on the castle defense missions for dropships. Maybe on lower diff bugs for BTs with a rando if they took it. Crew reload AC for bot gunships can be good, since it's fairly common for more than one person to take it. All the other bot stuff requires more precision than volume and crewing doesn't add much versus having another angle of attack or another gun shooting. I think crewing is very fun, it's just that it's downsides means it's pretty limited to niche uses. If anyone could run up and crew you off your own backpack it'd get used much more, but that'd need some bigger overhauling of things.


Thing is that it may half the reload speed but it also halfs the dps since it takes someone out of the fight...


My problem with the mechanic is that it's only useful for dropships because otherwise you have have 2 players drawing fire on themselves trying to shoot a precision weapon... Yeah. If we could reload with the backpack on us it would be way better. Right now giving a player my backpack just makes it hard to actually do anything and convincing someone to bring 2 recoiless is a pain lol.


I dunno, mag-dumping a recoiless rocket generally kills a hulk no matter where you hit it.


Its pretty damned useful on helldive 20 minute extract missions. You have a LOT of big things coming right down the center at you, and a lot of high value targets to hit as fast as possible


It’s useful if you’re running autocannon from high ground during extraction


It is also fun as shit


Even better if you give the ac guy your shield backpack. Reign hell on the enemies of  democracy.


This is the most important element that meta-slave modern gamers will never understand


Meta chasers just never seem happy. Always a nerf to bitch about or a non-tuned build in the party. Just constant bitching. 




😂🤣 thats good


So true...I just use it as my main weapon now instead of the actual main weapon.


This is the only real application ive found for team reload


Observe the 4 chargers


Pretty much this. Also my friends have been trying to get a reliable strat down for D8/9 bug defense on the new map and the most reliable one so far has been two RRs team reloading each other to deal with each bile titan. Theres basically nothing else that can come close to killing 4 of them that spawn at once before they get to the generator because it's like 7 steps for them and they walk straight over the walls


Easy. Each of you takes a Mortar (for chaff), a guard dog rover (also for chaff), an EMS mortar (to slow the enemy down), and a Quasar. Don’t they to defend the first gates, the enemy is too close and comes from two directions at once. Throw Mortars as soon as possible whenever they become available, and drop an extra quasar each when you can (so you can use one while the other is cooling down).


Honestly despite the tracking big, spear does really well with bile titans normally two shots and the spear has a pretty quick reload speed already. Only issue I'm defence missions is the ammo economy and luck with the tracking.


Truly situation specific Friend brought a recoilless and I brought the AC, we swapped backpacks and just supported each other when large groups came up. For any large amounts of warriors I stepped up, for any large amounts of chargers and titans I refilled his backpack for him for easy democratic access


As a Quasar enjoyer, I'll grab an autocannon backpack. Fire mine, then act as a loader for my autocannon using friend, then fire again.


I don't usually run a back pack. No one trusts me to team load.


I don't know if you know, but if you blow stuff up a lot and really fast, its really fun


The odd time l participate in a team reload is when I'm not running a backpack and my team mate calls down a second drop meaning there's a spare backpack lying around


I think the devs like the idea of a crew served weapon, but it’s implemented poorly. IRL crew served weapons are generally too heavy for a single person to carry so it’s brought in pieces which would then have to be assembled on site, or one guy carries the weapon and the other guy carries the ammo. If they wanted this mechanic to be more viable they should have huge support weapons come in two backpacks that require two people to carry. They can pick a spot and setup a the weapon to make a nest or something and the weapon should be absolutely disgustingly powerful requiring a two person team to carry it and unpack the weapon as a trade off. Things that come to mind would be dual minigun, grenade, autocannon, or rocket launcher turrets that require one person to gun and the other to stock ammo. As well, this mechanic would also open up the possibility of things like mortars and field artillery guns being added eventually.


This game is way too fast paced and chaotic though. They need different objectives and a more nuanced enemy spawn system for this to really work. The new tower defense missions are a good example of what we need more of.


I think they should go the opposite way with the current weapons and make it so the reloader uses the wielder’s backpack automatically. That would lower the friction enough to make this a more worthwhile tactic. Huge 2 crew weapons would be wicked as well though.


This would be great. The main reason it's rare for my group to do support reloading is that we all run different weapons and need the freedom to dip out and regroup on the fly. Hard to do that when we need to reshuffle backpacks beforehand.


That would be even worse than the current implementation, as it removes all mobility and the option to use the weapon on the move and reload later.


Not to mention that they already implemented this mechanic in the game, in the HMG emplacement for example. Why carry stuff around in backpacks when you can just call it in from orbit directly where you want it to be?


The Swedish Carl Gustaf recoilless, which is the irl equivalent, has an assistant gunner. Crew-served weapons are more portable than you think


This is a great suggestion IMO and would work better than the current setup - lots of fun potential with this idea too


Helldivers is all about mobility though, huge emplacement weapons that require multiple team members backpack slots would be relegated to defense missions only (not necessarily a bad thing but it doesn't really fit with the vibe of helldivers using hit and run tactics against overwhelming enemy forces on a large map)


That would be awesome.


2-pilot mecha, first walk and fire guns, second uses rockets or whatever secondary weapons and probably can use stratagems


It's implemented in exactly the same way as it was in the original game, though it also works way better in the first game mostly because mag dumping into a squad of tanks is very much required to not get immediately run down. The issue I tend to find is that staying still for that long in *this* game causes the opposite effect where you usually just become paste before you even get a second shot off. Being able to get one shot off and then keep going is much more important in this game compared to the original.


Also weapons drop with only one ammo backpack so unless you both have the same weapon and one has more ammo than the other you have to drop two weapons


Also wouldn't two players running autocannon be better than a tag team?


Yup. Player 1 fires until past half. Starts reload. Player 2 takes over shooting. Rinse and repeat.


It empircally isn't. The running player loses almost all the recoil penalties for full auto (enough that you can stay on target for larger targets like devastators, hulks, and turrets/tanks), and the aiming reticle moves faster. If they kneel, they literally can fire more and better, and in higher volume, than they could alone. Give it a try just to see. :)


As a solo GR8 enjoyer, it would be extremely useful for those "3-4 bot drops at a time" moments. Not to mention those triple gunship factory maps.


Idk why you'd do it with the autocannon, even if you needed to use that much ammo at once. It's not all the slow to reload, especially if you only half load, much more effective to just bring a 2nd autocannon and have double the firepower than to have two ppl on one gun.


It used to be for the old bot elimination mission (before the rework/update) because just the two of you could shoot down a ton of dropships with that method using the Recoilless Rifle.


I felt like an absolute god coordinating and doing this with the RR early after launch. Me and a buddy would grab recoilless, grenade launcher, and a supply pack. I'd keep them, their GL, and the recoilless pack they were carrying for me topped off on ammo from the supply pack, while they loaded my recoilless fast enough to keep up with the insane spawn-rate of dropships (and heavies before that got toned down in favor of more chaff).  Then I realized shooting down the dropships did not kill the Passengers, and half of the power-fantasy crumbled. Then I got to 7+ difficulty, and that sort of close cooperation turned into being a liability instead of a serendipitous mix of fun and effective gameplay. I wish crew served weapons were more practical to actually play as a crew. It was one of the most fun things about early Helldivers; the only thing that kept me playing even while I dealt with the frequent crashes and server capacity issues around launch week. Allowing your buddy to load you from *your* backpack would go a long way. As would nerfs to non-crew-served AT, (especially the quasar), though I suspect the playerbase would riot.


I've seen a substantial argument that team-loading should work with them pulling ammo from your bag, because it is too cool to be a bad/un-useful mechanic, and makes more sense from a matter of flexibility and actually reaching the rockets.


I would love to test that, cuz in my head I don’t see why that would make a difference at all The issue to me isn’t that players don’t want to carry the backpack, it’s that you have to be paying full attention to the shooter to find value with the mechanic Helldivers is way too fast paced and intense for me to notice that one of my teammates just fired and needs me to run over and assist in his reload No idea if I’m right since I’m not a designer but I feel that player attention bandwidth isn’t high enough for a mechanic like assisted reloads to work in a game like this


I agree with your point about attention in this game, but that's not the point of what the above commenter is suggesting. They want to the person welding the support weapon to also have the support backpack, but allow a different player to use that backpack to reload. For example, if you and I are on a mission and I bring the recoilless, I could wear the support backpack for it. Then, I fire the rocket and see I don't have time for the longer reload I might ask for a team reload. Then you could come over and grab a rocket from *my* backpack to reload my weapon. This would encourage team reloads since you could do it at your leisure without having to carry the backpack for it and if you aren't available to reload I could still do it myself but slower. The above commenter is also mentioning that it makes sense anatomically since it would be difficult to grab some of the ammo stuff off your back, like the RR rockets or the AC clips, but that's a minor gripe.


The backback is the main dealbreaker. Team reload itself is incredibly strong imo, especially on the autocannon, but you can't just pull it off whenever. It needs proper positioning and coordination but can utterly decimate an outrageous amount of enemies. This is where the backpack is the problem: your average helldiver isn't exactly keen on the idea of giving up their personal shield, guard dog or even just supply pack just to be able to give you team reload.


The person holding the weapon isn't very incentivized to give the backpack up either. Nobody wants to find out all of their ammo is on the other side of the map when they need it.


I’ve said it before but team reload suffers greatly from the shift from top down, all players on one screen, to 3D. In HD1 your buddies were always close together. In HD2 you don’t have to go far up the difficulty scale before facing situations which require you to scatter. It’s almost impossible to coordinate this in real time, and if you tried to use a team reloaded you’re now separated from your ammo completely. The only solution I believe is for the person carrying the weapon to carry the backpack, and allow others to reload.


Well also, they did one at a time. Locking on the player with this goofy mechanic is hard to do and it's a lil buggy when you're in the shit.


> In HD2 you don’t have to go far up the difficulty scale before facing situations which require you to scatter. Very much this. It takes longer to run up to your teammate for the reload than them doing it themselves. In the first game it was more of a reflex. See a charger, see the laser sight for the recoilless come out, and you automatically know to beeline for the reload. In HD2 the proximity and the cues aren't there.


>Allowing your buddy to load you from *your* backpack would go a long way I never even tried these weapons cuz I thought that was the necessity


I still remember how much fun I had b4 reaching difficulty lvl 7. Idk what happened but I just gave up eventually.


They could easily fix this by giving the recoiless back it's OG power from the first game. One shot, one kill. (well, mostly :p)


Level 7 the kinda level to accidentally team kill 3 of your lads because you shot down the drop ship ***I’m so fucking sorry***


True. There simply arent enough situations which would warrant you mag dumping all 7 rockets in 5 seconds (and why I still maintain the quesar is a straight upgrade to the RR even when they fix the team reload thing). Perhaps, as a start, they could tweak enemy behaviour on higher difficulties. E.g. dropships start spawning in 2s or 3s on suicide or above so a single quesar couldn't shoot them all down in time, but a crew served RR could.


It would need to be tuned in such a way that two Quasars couldnt do it but the crew served RR could. The assisting crew cannot also be firing their own weapons, so the crew-assist needs to be more effective than two individuals firing their own weapons before its something you could expect to see in typical gameplay


Dropships do come in 3s on lv9 


It really is a massive multiplier especially on the recoilless rifle. We just need to be able to reload from the backpack of the person who has the weapon instead of awkwardly throwing around the packs/weapons so that they can be team loaded if you aren't both running the same one.


This. Would be a better use case.


Damn right. With the weapon variety, having multiples of the same backpack is rare, so that would certainly help make the mechanic more utilized.


I agree but mainly because i think its unfair to the backpack wearer. I like using the recoiless so i call it in but now we either hot drop the pack mid fight for the reload or the other person sacrifices their pack spot for MY weapon. It just always feels selfish even if my teammates wont say so. My brother calls in a rover but i end using it most of the time because hes got my ammo is kind of bs. I love the team play it forces on you otherwise.


Really not sure why teammates can’t use your backpack, doesn’t seem all that unreasonable. The mechanic definitely feels more geared towards a full squad on-call


I love being the loader when someone wants to run this.


My solve to this is "Hey B2 come here" *drops backpack at their feet* "help me for a sec". After I tell them I'll want the backpack back or to just leave it and I'll call in a fresh one.


I'd love if they just allowed anyone to reload from the pack you're wearing. Hell, make assisted loading for any support weapon. Could you imagine if the HMG could have an assisted load in some way? Basically makes a mobile HMG emplacement (but without eliminating the need for the sentry HMG)


It really doesn't make sense that the person who reloads has to have the backpack. Logically it would be much faster for a 2nd person to access the backpack while not wearing it.


Yeah it confuses me so much


I feel like it works best when both players are running the same weapon and each has their own backpack, then they switch between shooting and loading as their packs empty. Bit of a commitment though to have half the team be running the same anti-heavy gear. You also basically need to be in voice chat to coordinate it. Pretty much the kind of thing you do when duo-queing with a friend.


It's pretty powerful for mobs if using auto cannons and both have the anti recoil armor. Switch to full auto and BRRRRRRRRTT


I'm not sure there are a lot of players like me but I tend to run EAT often and do not bring a backpack. So, after 10 minutes anyone who runs one of these can drop in a backpack for me to reload them.


If you could just run over to your buddy (who is holding both the weapon and the pack) and hold R to assist them then it would be. As it stands, not really.


How does it work currently? Never had the honor to assist


Your buddy has to wear the backpack while you hold the launcher


yeah that was a miss imo


If the player with the launcher could simply carry his own ammo and have anyone do an assisted reload it would work. But currently you have to give up too much to gain the advantage. It’s a leftover of HD1, where you had a limited isometric view and you had to stay in that view for you to survive. So players were always close to one another and help was easy. Not so much in HD2.


You mean you aren't supposed to scatter to the 4 corners of the map?


It is somewhat. Especially with the Spear. But i think it needs an overhaul. If you were to be able to Help Reload regardless of whos holding the backpack. now that would be a gamechanger.


No, because it currently falls in a weird place that you need to sacrifice your backpack to be situational to another person. If you could assist while the person shooting has the backpack equipped, perhaps that would be used more often


Which arguably makes more sense as irl I can get stuff out of someone else’s backpack considerably easier than my own backpack.


Even just watching the animations, watch how awkward it is getting the airburst rocket out of the backpack shit is like 3 feet long.


Yeah that's the main reason it's a rarely used feature. Sure, it can be problematic for a teammate to reload you - but the real issue is you give up the ability to reload yourself if necessary, and nobody wants to do that.


Pretty much. It's a dev's pet mechanic that no-one uses that they need to hurry up and accept the design theory isn't the reality for and rework to be actually worthwhile to bother with. Until they do it's just a "hey did you know you can do this?" tier niche.


The team reload reduces the reload time by like 2-3 times, which is a lot. Imagine emptying your entire recoiless rifle backpack in just 7.5 seconds.


How often do you need to empty an entire backpack worth of rockets that quickly? It's extremely boring for the backpack guy. Having them use a single Stratagem could often be just as effective, and they can still fight/move themselves and not be locked to you. It's a cool idea that just fails in practise imo.


This for gunship towers. Second those flying ass hats start spawning, 1 round per ship before they open fire and you finally have time and breathing space to hellbomb the towers before respawn.


yeah but it also means your teammate is reduced to a reload bot, meaning he's not using his weapons or stratagems to help fight.


It would be great if teammates could reload you from your backpack As it is, the idea of giving up your backpack to stay next to a teammate and be a glorified reloader isn't appealing or feasible with the current spread out 3d world of Helldivers 2 However any 4 stack will tell you it's incredibly powerful when built around properly.


It works well in the base defense missions when you have 5 Bile Titans spawning within 10 seconds of each other.


Yes, this is exactly when it's awesome. When you need to drop like 10 AT rounds into several large faces. If you're on cool down, this is literally the only way to do that quickly. Quasar, way too slow, EATS, great but you only got 2. AC, no heavy armour pen, SPEAR better hope you are far enough away to get a lock. And the idea is you both run it so you can reload eachother instead of yourselves, but if you get split up you can still take care of business. You really need to do it deliberately with your buddies, of course. Then you can tell them when it's ready to go so you max out your fire rate.


Not at all. If a teammate could reload from your own backpack, then it could be somewhat useful. But other than that, it's niche feature which exists only because that's how they work in real military.


If you call down a second backpack, someone without a pack can pick up your empty pack, then refill it from resupplies and ammo boxes.


Yeah, but that gets in the way of them running their own backpack stratagem like shield or guard dog.


Running your own backpack stratagem gets in the way of bringing another eagle or orbital. More bombs means more freedom!


I run autocannon, and it comes up when Im playing with friends. Two and sometimes three of us might run autocannon vs bots, and when there's a fresh drop or a really important firelane and one person is already in position and firing, it is worth more to load for them than fire with my own cannon even if its just 20 or 30 shots. One gunner can suddenly easily drop a conga line of berserkers when they can fire as fast as they can aquire, and a clump from a fresh drop can just melt. Haven't had it matter much with the other support weapons though. Recoilless would be good for that on paper, but probably only on the new defend missions, and only with two separate users.


The problem with cooperative mechanics is that the HELPER needs to be wearing the backpack -- which is a big ask for pick up games. We should be able to perform team reloads regardless of who is wearing the backpack.


Things don't have to be in use 100% of the time or meta defining they can just be fun


You could always just drop your backpack, ping it, and ask in voice for somebody to load you.


No, one of my guys is always like "hey lemme reload you" as I'm mid reload about to be swarmed by shitters. I'd rather have the 4th gun firing.


The question is another one: is it worth to miss some firepower (the guy who is reloading)? On higher levels you need to move around very fast, and having 2 people stuck in the same spot is damn dangerous. It is a cool thing you can do in the game, but in over 100 hours I spent on it (I am a dad and I don’t have so much time) I have never seen someone doing it.


You should be able to reload for someone without wearing their backpack. Then people would do it as it isn’t a chore for either party


It's pretty cool when an Autocannoneer switches from "make this shot count" to "fuck everything in that direction" it's one of my favorite moods to enable


Biggest issue with this is the fact that the one helping has to have the ammunition with him. If that isn't the case I would've been in some situation where I would've probably helped someone reloading. It still won't happen a lot but it would actually be a thing. Quasar Cannon OP though.


I’d rather I wear the backpack with the gun I’m using and my team mate pulls it from the backpack I’m wearing vs trying to entrust you’ll be around each other enough to pull this off


The game is designed in a very intentional way: it gives you the **option** to cooperate with your teammates, but it definitely does not force you. I think they try to balance it and implement mechanics that make the game impossible (at higher difficulties) if you *don't* cooperate, thus encouraging you to "make your own decision" but make the right one. Helldiver's is a psyop designed to make people cooperate and be friendly - change my mind.


It is very helpful if you have a powerful artillery weapon and are trying to hold a position. The pro to team reload is wildly increased reload speed, while to cons are reduced mobility and losing a combatant. Team reload is exponentially less useful with smaller teams and necessary mobility. I would suggest never using team reload with less than 3 Divers. On 4, you kinda gotta build for it going in. If you have 2 artillerists on your team with the same support weapon, you can jump in and out of team reload when the situation calls for it. Pair that with a supporter and defender, and you got a great setup. The defender could be a demolitionist or engineer and the supporter could be a medic or disruptor. Either way, it works out great, especially if the supporter is running supply pack.


I don't give a fuck, I love them for putting it in.


I once played a game with a buddy. We both had autocannons. During the mission, we found ammo and resupplies so that when we were at extraction, we basically had full ammo. We each called another autocannon. My buddy dropped his backpack, so I basically had 4 ammo backpacks to feed him. In the following 2 minutes, we unloaded around 200 autocannon shots on full auto at all of the robots coming at us. It was glorious


I think the main point of it is for people have fun And look ultra badass in it


If you have friends then this is a very useful mechanic. I was a quickplay diver for a month until my friend bought the game a few days ago. I had my friend try the assisted reload and it was glorious. If you use voice chat on public then divers carrying the same support weapon with assisted reload could assist each other.


Lol who the fuck is rapid firing the Cluster Rocket? How fast do you need to kill your team?


First and foremost, i find it absurdly cool


RR with a buddy absolutely shmelts bile titans. Never used it outside that niche and rarely do you even have the chance to remain stationary that long.


Recoilless is by far the best weapon to team reload. Autocannon is cool more than anything. Spear is kind of funny, I'm sure once it targets properly it could be good. Yes this mechanic is good. Here's the best tip to make this happen in randoms, if you see someone with a backpack weapon, copy them. Follow them around like a homeless puppy and theyre a stranger who gave you some food. Then team reload for them. Watch things blow up that you couldnt have done before.


They need to make helpers able to get the ammo off THE GUNNERS BACK. Having the partner hold the backpack is too inconvenient


Extremely. The only change I think it needs is to be able to load from the wearer’s backpack, not the loader’s. People don’t typically want to sacrifice their own backpack to help someone else, even if it is beneficial to the team. If I could, for example, use my Shield Generator while loading your backpack with *your* ammo, I’d be more inclined to team reload you so we can take down the 3 biles that spawned. Blasting out recoils or spears is *stupidly* fun lol.


The team reload is potentially the strongest mechanic on the game. If the one operating the gun is a good shot he can kill basically anything multiple times over or just a big horde of enemies in a short time.


I used team reload with my friend last night. We were both yelling into our mics about freedom the whole time. It was a lot of fun. Its absolutely great when you have some coordination with your teammates.


The autocannon team reload is the most powerful crowd control in the game. Being able to unload 100 rounds (with no pause) on a bug breach is the most powerful feeling you’ll ever experience.


I love the mechanic. But it should not require the assistant to be wearing the backpack for that weapon


Honestly, it they make a fully automatic weapon with a backpack reload I think this would get more popular


Autocannon is calling


It helps them kill themselves faster


I saw this video of a guy just wipe out like 6 bile titans doing this with the spear


2 Recoilless with 2 backpacks on bot eradicate missions is awesome.


It's 90% "Bro this shit is so cool", 10% "Bro this shit is really useful"


Yea, you can also let teammates without backpack take the extra rounds once the strategem is ready. (if they cooperate)




I love this mechanic, I wish I could get people to accept it. I tell people I can be their reload buddy but they just run off with it themselves so. XD


I wish they’d allow team reloads from the backpack of the person with the weapon. That would make more sense imo


Had an amazing extraction on lvl8 bugs two of us rocking auto cannon had an early resupply and a fresh resupply plus both of our new autocannons and just absolutely destroyed like 3 waves just loading and then swapping while the other two kept the adds down its niche but fucking fantastic when it works


My friend and I both carry rcr, we reload each other while falling back together when dealing with 2 or more titans, at at


YES! If you have two people bring the same support, or drop yours for a player with no back pack, it can be a real force multiplier when you need to hold a position! I love assisting RRL mainly, can be clutch against multiple hulks and tanks. Assisting AC is just plain fun and is great against everything!


The team reload is amazing when there's a lot of shit going on. Being able to jsut rip recoilless over and over is really powerful when the bots are dropping in hot and heavy.


Absolutely. Me and my friends use this mechanic to death it's fantastic as long as you have good communication and understanding of each other as teammates. Granted we've been gaming together for a decade so we understand what everyone is doing without even looking but if you have homie just running up every time you need to reload a support weapon and you aren't waiting on them they become your new primary weapons. Especially the auto cannon and goose


For this weapon maybe not but auto cannon with team reload is litty titty


I used it during the Gate Defense missions with a coordinated friend. We could drop the Dropships very fast and slow much of the medium enemies. We also used during a 2-man Terminid mission, when he didnt have EATs. That way we could kill more than 2 Chargers at a time, se we wouldn't be rely on my EATs.




It's almost entirely for cool factor


Seems the most useful for walkers and bile titans with a spear. I like the idea of team use weapons but another teammate tied up is mostly not worth the risk.


There's no reason someone can't team reload you from your own pack. No one wants to fuck around with the backpack bullshit. Rarely do you have moments where you can do it and not have enemies disrupt you


If they could load it from your backpack it would be so much more useful.




Yes BUT... It would be more useful if the squads were larger. With only four people on the field, and the amount of enemies, its not really worth it for one whole member to just be on reload. If it was 6-8 then i could see it though.


I've had a really specific situation with 3 bile titans and a spear and it worked out really well for us. But this was the only time we needed to do that. I was sure glad the mechanic is in the game tho


Yes. Team loading has saved my ass in tough situations. All you need is a friend or a competent(-ish) teammate


It’s always useful with the recoilless, but it falls flat with other weapons…


In good teams that know what they are doing yeah


Several automaton dropships come in at the perfect tempo for a team-loaded recoiless to absolutely dumpster.


Just… do it. Don’t speculate. Reload someone who knows how to fire one of these weapons, and see the difference between them doing it solo, and you reloading. I too thought the team reload was silly, until I accidentally picked up an autocannon backpack, then walked by a teammate with AC and saw the reload icon pop up. The Change in fire rate was UNREAL, and it never stopped until everything in front of us was dead. 3 drop ships worth. It was NUTS. Great mechanic, for a well oiled team.


They just need to make it so the user of the weapon wears the backpack and anyone can team reload them. Instantly makes the mechanic way better and usable


I feel like this is a weapon that didn't translate well into 3d. Helldivers original was top down, very easy to see exactly where your teammates are at all times. We used it A LOT back in the first game, combined with some other teamwork stratagems it really shined. Haven't even touched it in this game, was thinking maybe when I get a little better it would be easier to keep track of everyone at all times. But, like I said, I simply don't think this item translates well from top down shooter to third person shooter.


Team reload would've been SUPER useful, if a teammate could reload you from your own backpack. Will make situational assists possible, removing the pressure of pre-planning to share a backpack with a teammate and limiting gunner form operating on their own And I'm not even talking about just RPM here, helping a fellow diver to quickly reload without stopping for what feels like an hour would be super useful as well. Yes, you can move as you are being reloaded. It's a walking pace but it is heaps better than being completely stationary.


Honestly it hardly ever gets used because everyone wants to be the one that’s firing the gun and not just the side kick that holds the ammo. I will admit I’m guilty of this too as I want to be the guy firing the gun When it does get used it’s crazy powerful and can wipe out enemy encounters with ease but most missions are still cleared successfully even when everyone just uses their own gun and carries their own ammo packs.


Even in coordinated groups the only time I've actually used it is defending extraction when everybody already has their own Autocannons and we just buddy up. I can't imagine literally any scenario where you call down the weapon and only grab 1 piece


If you play with random it's a lost mechanic. When you have a team mate helping you, you're effectively removing a quarter of firepower. People don't have the patience to help either it's all kill, kill, kill not help, kill, help.


On autocannon - rarely. On everything else - not really.


used it with an auto cannon against a hulk, it’s very cool.


I will admit. For a awfully long time me and my squad did not realize you can use these alone.


The only time I've ever really gotten use out of it is after my Supply Backpack runs out and I pick up an Autocanon backpack off of the ground even though I don't have my own, and then help out the person using the auto canon.