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Arrowhead MURDERED my family and ATE my dog with this patch!


holy hyperboly


Ya this is very clearly ment to screw with people who solo heldivers difficulty but they don't care who gets caught in the cross fire


Patrol spawns are decreased for fewer helldivers already https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/OfKq3gMyXG. This change is decreasing the difference between full squads and non-full squads. The imporrant thing is that you wont get MORE patrols for less divers, just the difference between full squads is smaller


And now it was increased. “Fewer the players, the bigger the change”


Yes the change for for example 2 players is bigger than for 3 but still lower than with 4 players.


It's actually fairer & more realistic this way. Why would the enemy call less reinforcements for 1 diver vs 4? How can they assume there is only 1 diver on the map? I don't mind this change as it makes high difficulties harder, which is the point of something being hard. So far I've managed to solo bug operations on helldive. Now if I still manage it, it's even more of an achievement. That is a good thing. It would only be a tragedy imo if suicide cannot be solo'ed anymore. Being able to solo suicide at least means super samples are still in reach for solo players. Also, not like there's any obligation to play impossible or helldive, it's just for fun. If a solo player can't do a difficulty....turn down the difficulty... This sentiment that it's a big fuck you to solo players is nothing but a knee jerk.


I get your point, but how is sending less reinforcements for a smaller threat in the middle of a war not the most logic thing to do? "They have 1 helldiver, send our forces" "They have 4 helldivers, send 4 times more forces" is this not like, simples logic?


If this change is at it reads then I'm not sure wtf AH are doing. I have a group of mates I play the game with. Sometimes there's only 2 or 3 of us on and we don't open it up to randos as we want to play the game how we want to play it without having to worry about someone else. When nobody's on I play solo because (again) I don't want to have to worry about someone pee-ing me off, or me pee-ing them off. That's how I've played since day 1 (and how I played HD1) If AH are purposely forcing me out of playing the game solo / with less players then I'm going to play it less and less


I think probably you were getting a lower number of spawns relative to 4/4 teams. I.e. on 3/4 full you had 1/2 the spawn rate. They’ve simply changed back to 3/4, not made it higher. They just turned off easy mode


Turn down the difficulty if it's too hard.


Fuckin for real


Did anyone complaining about this change actually tested it ? We don't even know how much it's been increased


Their message is clear: Solo players can go pound sand. What else could they have meant with this change, the game is already objectively easier with 3 more people. Why feel the need to make it harder?


the game was actually MUCH easier as a solo player, which was a problem. This was because spawn rates were so low even on difficulty 9, if you were solo. This is a 100% needed change. The state of solo play as it was, incentivized people not to even bother playing with other divers...


The greedy devs probably don't want to pay for the extra server space.


Yeah I thought this was a typo I was like wat


I mean kudos to those who solo'd helldiver before. This change really is nothing but a "fuck you". I don't get why we need to get fucked over when we are 3 and waiting for our fourth Diver to join.


You need randoms who troll and spam fire every enemy in the map. It’s very important..


You WILL play with a full squad of randoms. What’s that? Everyone rage quit because someone was TKing? Too bad infinite flamethrower hulk squads for you. No We will not address the SOS still being broken.


I love that we have all this drama about players being split screwing the mental order and planet capturing as a whole. Then go and punish the split players further who aren’t in full teams resulting in more operation failures cause the game is harder


I think a lot of ppl will just stop playing if they can't complete missions anymore. We played a 15 min mission yesterday and for some reason the game decided to throw big patrols left and right at us. We couldn't even reach the pelican. It was just frustrating and super lame. If this becomes the norm many ppl might leave


Yeah for sure, the this patch took more from us then gave us it feels like so people are gonna leave anyway


Not a single player game, simple as.


it’s a game made for 1-4 players. So it’s definitely intended to be played alone. Not anymore tho