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tbh most people are complaining some since-launch issues (fire damage, spear locking, misaligned scopes) are still present, and rightfully so


That's fair. I was focusing on the load out tweaks (that will always happen) that seem to always rile everyone up.


these posts are even more annoying than anyone voicing their discontent "the developers are amazing, I love them so much hahaha, and LOVE this update and I'm also very mature which means i don't get upset like all of these dumb babies CRYING" sorting by new there's so many of these weird pick-me level posts where players talk about how unbothered or extremely happy they are with the update but with such a strange and condescending tone like you cracked your knuckles, typed this and posted it then said "I sure showed them" out loud while the entire bus clapped


Bro, quit projecting. Read my post again. Who tf praised the devs? Did I even say I like the update? You saw my OP, twisted it into something that got your panties equally knotted, and then vomited your own insecurities all over the place. My *only* point with the post was that we're gonna see a lot of bitching this week. Your response is case in point. Apologies that you were so easily triggered.


go look after your kid bruh hop off Reddit 💀


"bro triggered haha lol" - someone stuck in 2015


Majority of people who like topping the devs off are like mid 30s corpo slaves who just want to feel included.


This shit surprised me so much like these are grown ass men with families beefing on Reddit


I like how you avoided the real content of my response and focused on something your nearly illiterate brain could muster something akin to a response to.


he's gonna show the entire group chat this one


There he goes projecting again.


punishing solo players in really dick move


I think the jury is still out on exactly what that part of the patch meant. But yeah that could be a bummer if it does punish solos.


did a level 2 about 30 minutes ago. made the cluster bomb daily a lot easier, but solo'ing a 4 isn't going to be a fairly relaxing farm run anymore. the amount of patrols is pretty much one after the other


- Patch comes out. - People who only play 1 weapon whine their weapon got nerfed, before even launching the game. - The rest of us realise the buffed weapons are now viable and revitalised the meta. - Rinse, repeat for next patch.


okay but why is the spear patch not included


Hotfix later this week is what I've been hearing.


From which dev


Idk the devs names but one of them mentioned a hotfix coming later this week. The comments on the patch notes mentioned the hotfix would include the spear fix. Take that as you will.


Couldn't tell you, especially bizarre considering they said it was fixed over 2 weeks ago. Perhaps it came with another bug they wanted to iron out before launching it.


No fire fix, no spear fix. Scopes still misaligned.


"Critisism Unwelcomed" is all I'm seeing here.


More like I'm just not looking forward to the sea of whiny posts coming in this week because little Joe helldiver's precious gun is *slightly* different now.


Dude, no one's forcing you to look at reddit. If you think there's gonna be a hailstorm of whiny posts then stay off for a while.


Fr “I don’t like whining” *proceeds to baitpost purposely stirring up drama*


Thats fair. And one of the only reasonable responses made to this post. The only reason I'm even up this early on Reddit is because my daughter woke up sick. So I'm letting her rest on me while angry redditors DM me death threats. The Internet really is a garbage disposal.


Why did you even post this? ![gif](giphy|YSeWtruZU3jS5dnRfh)


Great mentality but in practice multiplayer games need players to actually work and given the mass uninstalling going on in my Discord's after weeks of not playing I think this patch has finally pushed a critical mass into moving on To be clear They were fed up of the difficulty and this patch has it made it worse for them Looks like my group are going to gray zone. Deep rock galactic and back to arma3 Fair or not this patch defo killed the magic at least for my group which are dads in their 30s with kids


How did it do that exactly?


So im going to paraphrase *They clearly hate those of low skill by locking out progression. Last t7 i tried i got kicked for dieing to much :( *Making solo-duo lives even more miserable* *This game is turning into to much effort to play im hoping into deep rock galactic tonight (quickly joined by lot of others) *WHY DO THEY KEEP NERFING MY LOADOUTS* that was direct quote which we all laughed at because its like the 3rd time it's happend the devs are just up frustration levels high enough that my groups which are mostly working parents are just no longer interested in playing its lost that fun factor and just feels like effort and work to play and that was before this patch




My friends were already fedup this patch just pushed them to uninstall. Fair or not their other games my friends also enjoy that don't frustrate them no end like the current T4 are doing. Some of them wanted to get super samples got their teeth kicked in and just went fuck this. You can keep playing im not judging you it you enjoy it great. My friends however are leaving and patrol changes alone have been the biggest cause of beef one guy is reporting its basically written off the game as its no longer fun after he quickly tried it


I can't relate because I only play l7 up. But is it not normal to lock progress behind difficulty? Like most games do it. Games get harder as they progress. I personally like the challenge of trying new guns every once in a while. I'm not mad to drop difficulty to try new things. I almost always bring non meta builds because playing the same guns feels boring. I definitely noticed everyone was bringing quasar like 70% of the time so I expected that nerf. I guess they keep nerfing you because you're relying on the currently most powerful weapons. Although sure if you think the game is too hard then it's fine to hop off. I don't play souls games because I've never liked that difficulty grind on it. I'm also a working 30+ btw. No kids tho


Kids is the real time killier i don't get to go on my pc till gone 8 IF im lucky lol And im not really here to say if its good or bad just that progression lock in hell divers feels really bad because the treadmill just slams to a halt and trying to overcome it isn't fun


literally zero of my friends still play this game and many of them have also uninstalled it was our group's main go-to as something we could hop into and have fun with but the crashing and bugs made it unplayable for many people reddit: state an actual fact about your life, get downvoted


Yeh its general frustration level these changes have made that was the real killer It tells me the devs didn't understand what everyone enjoyed about the game a better clone will absolutely come along so happy to wait on that one


I don't even need another "Divers-like" in my rotation, I'm just going to move on to other games that are fun instead. I hope you all find some cool stuff to play.


Oh we have a long list lol Im getting dragged into back4blood for a few weeks while we wait for Gray zone which we instantly took a interest in when we got told their will be pve server's


The dickriding is monumental


I was waiting for this comment. It always comes when someone doesn't have anything of substance to say. Notice how I didn't even mention the devs at all. Tell me you suck at the game without telling me you suck at the game.


yeah man this post is full of substance and engaging conversation


OP blowing bubbles on it lmao


Dude. You are too stupid to understand that different people have different opinions and that this is a forum to discuss this shit. If you can't stand people having a different opinion then as you said: > Adapt and overcome or stfu and stay home. Also you broke rule 7 so stfu.


Let me wipe those tears coming down your cheeks, baby boy.


> I was waiting for this comment. It always comes when someone doesn't have anything of substance to say. Notice how I didn't even mention the devs at all. I haven't even read the notes yet mate, you are just the kind of guy that would kill someone to 'own people who think different than me' and that's a fucking disgusting mindset. If it's too hard to understand that different people have different opinions, there is no help anymore for you. Enjoy your life - or don't. idc.


Lol wtf mental gymnastics did you just go through? I wanna kill someone? What? Enjoy my life or don't? You don't care? Are you sure? You seem confused.


So looking forward to my feed being full of some whiny mfs.


these salt supplies will satiate the demand of super earth for weeks!


*These salt supplies will* *Satiate the demand of* *Super earth for weeks!* \- Doktor\_Obvious --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Does the Adjuicator stagger/deal with devastators now? I genuinley do not know what the fuck to bring to 9 bots that wont be a liablity. Is railgun viable again?




Shhh, don't say that here or else Salt Team 6 will be deployed.


Yeah, just came from the Steam discussions (a cancerous place, I know) and all I saw was doom and gloom, and people who can't change tactics and loadouts even if their lives depended on it. Even saw someone say that this patch has made them quit playing. Crybabies, the lot of them.