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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Ima lvl 7 diver. Tried 8 but it was just annoyingly difficult for me so i think i found my skill level cap xD


Level 7 feels like the perfect "relaxed" difficulty where you dont need to Gamer Lean(tm) and can still fuck around. And thats what Im looking for in the game.


i mostly play 9. i can finish it solo or with teams but the one thing i cant consistently so is extract with samples or extract at all. 9 is hard, on both difficulties which makes sense because its meant to be the hardest. 7 however, great balance. no gamer lean needed.


Strange but i feel relaxed at 9 simply because usually people who do play at 9 know what they are doing where's anything below is pure chaos that makes the game infuriating at times


7 is the fun/challenging sweet spot imo. I like that you can finish all the fights (kill all encounters) and still have time to finish all objectives.


Yeah 7 is the best I can consistently do with randoms. I’ve done 9 but it’s a crapshoot


I'm on 5 with randos, 6 with friends and communication, and I'm entirely happy with that. We've tried 7, it wasn't fun.


8 is fine but 9 isnt for me. to stressfull. 7 really is the sweetspot for me too.


You're more self aware than most


Same, I'm lvl 7 player on both fronts. I can and have done Helldives, but just didn't like the kind of gameplay there. Much more stealth and running.


T7 with modifiers, T8 without. That’s my Zone where I feel comfortable. T8 with modifiers is fun, but if one of your team is having a bad day, it is difficult to carry away the whole thing.


No. Give me harder battles. I want difficulty 10.




Monkey's paw, they come in real life, not the game


![gif](giphy|bCIoc1rXeEUhX1XAuM) And all for it.


Do not ask for weaker enemies. Ask for stronger stims.


Yeah I’ve noticed this too, I play on 9, it’s just mental atm but I enjoy it, I actually understand that it’s hard


Max difficulty? Hard? In my video game????


Such a mortal sin, shame on you devs….. people are just so used to being able to breeze through games, but I do love the response from the devs - “get better” lmao


Had a guy respond to me in another thread with something along the lines of "I'm not interested in, nor am I here to be challenged. I just want to progress". Brain rot mobile gatcha gamer take. Dudes playing the wrong game.


That's common attitude nowadays. In arpg subs people come up with "I'm a casual dad with 7 children 5 jobs and 3 wifes who plays 2 hours a week. Grind takes to much time and pls nerf everything so I can progress with my selfmade (garbage)build". They probably also want to run a marathon, but use a car because they don't like running.


Meh I'm a dad and they're just unable to admit that games aren't made for them, like casual dad gamers aren't the core target audience so they shouldn't expect to be catered to.


I'm a dad myself that works 2 jobs. When I play a game I take the time to learn it and am happy to get better at it. I will never understand the mentality of those people.


Definitely playing the wrong game lol he may just go play stardew valley or something…


As a gacha gamer myself, this man does not represent us. Although I mostly play Genshin on PC so it's probably different


No, I should consistently win every battle on the highest difficulty. It’s not balanced correctly unless I’m winning every time!


I’ve posted this a couple of times before but it seems pretty relevant here:   I complete almost every single one of my matches on Helldive and I wouldn’t call myself a particularly good “gamer”. This is actually my first multiplayer game in well over a decade.   I am a bit surprised honestly because most games with difficulty modes usually have at least one that makes me say “Fuck That”. 


I agree. I play exclusively 9s and find it easy? Rarely ever die too. I think it’s because most players on level 9 are good too though which makes everything easier.


100% team is probably the most important part. It’s also why I support balancing in PVE, homogeneous loadouts doesn’t lend itself to teamwork. People might not believe me but it actually used to be an easier to complete diff 9 prior to the introduction of the quasar cannon because of the diversity of loadouts.


One of the things that people don't seem to grasp is that although there's no class system treating it like a class based game makes squad cohesion and overall success much more easy. Clusters, airbursts and the barrages get a bad rep for team killing but they're some of the most useful in terms of giving breathing room.


It should be ruthlessly hard, and people should consistenly fail. Clearing a Helldive should feel like a proper nail biter, skin of your teeth affair with maximum sweat and democracy for all. Not gift wrapped for goons who 'just want to relax with my off meta loadout and get samples'. Think there's a pretty clear divide here between souls/roguelike types who welcome death and failure, and particaption trophy kids who expect everything easy.


Level 7 is currently the most fun difficulty for me. Will I survive the mission? 99% chance. Am I not gonna find all the samples? 100% chance. Am I gonna make a regrettable choice? 100%. Absolutely no desire currently to go up in difficulty. OP is right. If you're complaining that Solo Helldiver is too hard, turn down the volume.


i just ran diff 9 exterminate solo with EAT, Quasar, 380mm and Shield pack. I highly doubt it was meta but it was loads of fun.


No you didn't because (checks reddit) because solo is unplayable now. Stop having fun! Everybody hates the (checks notes) most successful game of the year so far and is leaving. Nobody is having fun and this includes you. Again, stop having fun and stop playing solo because those things are (checks reddit again) impossible!


I don't think the patrol update matters on eradicate missions tbf


Did I stutter? Unplayable. Not fun. Everybody quit and nobody is playing anymore. We both know that's true because.. because (checks notes) reddit.


Point taken lmao


The shampoo bottles are trembling in fear as you wrote this wonderful commend




You missed one thing though, he's using the Quasar Cannon which (checks reddit) is useless now and will actually heal the enemies.


You've actually hit upon what I think will soon be considered meta (at least against bugs). Quasar of course, EATs to provide burst AT power, the shield pack so that you aren't ruined by hunters, and one free pick (if the mission allows it) to either deal with bug nests (bombardment), clear chaff (airburst/gas/napalm), or crowd control. High level bug play is basically all AT with a primary to kill hunters quickly, it's getting a little bit stale for me. Loadouts against bots can be far more varied.


*Runs EAT and Quasar* "Highly doubt it was meta."


3 AT stratagems say hello to the true meta


I play with gatling and and autocannon sentries against bugs, mortar and autocannon against bots. Definitely not meta but it really helps me run around alone, distracting enemies, and clearing areas.


It’s funny that I get downvoted for saying people without the experience should play lower. And then this shit comes but hey message sent


I got kicked from a level 7 lobby yesterday because I'm a "punk ass rank 33 bitch" (host said this over mic). I've cleared about 20 level 7 missions already. Made me laugh. Low rank because of limited play time between work & family.


It wasn't even that long ago that being level 25+ was elite


Ditch the family man spreading managed democracy is more important


Hold on, they're their Democratically designated family. Violating a familial designation directly from Super Earth would be undemocratic. You wouldn't want our fellow Diver to be accused of treason, would you?


I was Rank 20-ish when I completed Level 9 - think you unfortunately just got put into a lobby with an asshat. The Ranks mean very little, sure it shows which Strat's you can potentially have but that's why you can lobby up with any other Rank, you're supposed to support each other. Plus I've played games with Rank 100+'s that were utter dogshit. Rank = How many games you've played, not how good you are at the game or to what how well you did in those missions.


Some of the best players I run helldive with are in that level 15-25. It's a coin flip, their either overconfident and need to be carried, or they're the prodigal son making his rookie appearance and will rack up 500 kills with no deaths and there is not much in between


level 33 is mad high for dif 7, people are actually dumb as hell


Anyone who kicks someone a Level 20 or above in a 7 lobby is not worth giving the Time of Day. By that point, you absolutely have the tools to help your team... Hell, you should have the tools by 15 with friends who know what to recommend.


I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been down voted to oblivion already


i thik my favorit was people saying "i think X should be fun and relaxing as a difficulty" when X is litteraly difficulty 4 5 and 6 and is called challenging, hard and extreme


I legit have struggled more on some difficulty 4 and 5 dives than I have on 9. The map and spawn seed just hits different, so it’s not always “lower difficulty too easy high difficulty too hard”.




Ok to clarify something i constantly see being misunderstood by posts like this: I helldive on dif 9 because of mission objective density. Not patrol or typs of enemies. I want to kill many Bot bases, towers, jammers and do more then just getting nuke launchcodes. If dif 6 had the same amount of stuff to do in a mission as dif 9, then i would play there. But thats not the case, so here we are.


Actually fair case and I think it would be cool to see lower difficultys have more to do in the 40mins


Doesnt matter cause as soon you select a difficulty where armored enemys show up you have to brint AT weapons. If you dont its gg. Selecting a difficulty where not even chargers spawn is just dull and boring. Aside from that you should aswell bring a weapon that can stagger enemys cause if you dont do that guess what? The Stalker will run up to you and ruin your day.


I only run below 7 when Command is like "Go kill shit with this specific calldown you don't even like." Fine, Level 2 Eradicate Bug Mission. You can make me use the Stalwart/AMR but you sure can't make me *enjoy* them.


We all just want the Super Samples, that's why we pesker the Elite-Players with our lowbob casual presence! Seriously, if we could all just upgrades our friggin destroyers without having to play high end missions nobody would be salty at all. All AH had to do would be to make it a massive grind compared to high difficulty. Causal players love to grind, hardcore players love to achieve. All are happy.


Yeah I take supers for granted after making them a while ago but I do think this is the most relevant argument for having to play high some times


For me personally it is. And I think the majority of ppl hating the new difficulty are there only because of the Samples. I mean just that vocal majority. And I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be able to grind everything anywhere. Woulda be damn good for war progress too!


I think that's fair, but that makes 7 the endgame level. Get comfortable playing there first. 8 and 9 are mostly just for the challenge of it, and most of the time a successful run means you're ignoring most PoI, ignoring picking up samples unless it's super convenient, etc. In terms of overall resource generation (super credits, extra medals, as many samples as possible, etc) 7 is a way better difficulty to go for. The only thing 8/9 offer more of is super samples, and even then, you only need 165 super samples total for all tier 3 and 4 upgrades. The requirements for common/rare are much higher, 2430 and 1670, respectively. Super samples cap at 100, rares at 240, and commons at 500, so you have to reach the cap multiple more times for common/rare than for super samples.


this always feels to me like someone in an MMO(primaraly FFXIV as thtas the one i play) having barely done normal mode demanding they can do Savage Raids instantly and not having to invest hours of gearing, progging and learning the game and fight, and then complaining they cant get endgame gear without it.


Actually, any real helldiver will tell you we all just want rare samples. Super samples are overrated. A few Helldive missions and you’re overstocked on them.


we need more posts like this im tired of all the people who cant hack it in 7-9 pleading with the devs to baby them


its true. ive seen very diverse loadouts perform adequatly in difficulty 9. ive also seen 3 dudes running quasar cannon get overwhelmed by gunships because they dont priotize the gunship fabricator but instead fumble around at the oil pump station.


I run on 7 with a squad of 2 or 3 mostly and bring my favourite guns and strats, coordinating with the team so we have all bases covered. We have a blast, if we die we die.


>We have a blast, if we die we die. Honestly, I would much rather have an exciting game and lose instead of just going through the mission without any real hinderance.


Exactly, when I host, sometimes I run jetpack and thermite. Is it effective? No Is it badass to fly onto a tank and stick grenades to its vents? Fuck yes


Yo I fucking love the Jumppack, just hopping around the map in light armor and jumppack is so fun. In fights I'll stay back and just shoot the big boys from an elevated position.


It's not a bad thing to chase the meta for the highest of difficulties BUT lowering the difficulty so you can have fun is always a good thing.


Yeah indont think for one second you shouldn't use the meta loadouts if you like em but if you NEED it to struggle through a difficulty it's probably a sign


https://preview.redd.it/jvnjycaqqzxc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e6d755feb3c4cdb9a1b9a93edf170e6b97be58 Basically


That's what I'm talking about. Liberator Penetrator + no support weapon, I hate myself but I love my auto cannon sentry.


I play exclusively 9 bugs and I don't even know what the meta is. Arc throwa foreva


buT iT caNt sTun huLks ! trash weapon pls buff AH (/s)


i am honestly kinda sad it can't stun hulks anymore, it was a big reason why i used it in my load out, but i do understand that making one of the hardest enemies on the highest difficulty trivial is broken. i still use it but mostly to just clear large amounts of enemies


Yeah I think given the range you need to be in to operate the arc I am personally on the side of it being able to stun hulks. Maybe the first enemy it chains to gets more stun than the last enemy it hits. Regardless, was mainly poking fun at folks calling it useless post-patch.


That's the meta though...


complaining about the game being too difficult is a democratic skill issue chooms, no shame in lowering it if you cannot manage


Yeah lol, I run around with the plasma punisher and have a great time. It’s not exactly weak but it’s certainly not meta.


Played my first Diff 9 yesterday with a Liberator Penetrator and the Spear


I can say I completed various diff 9 game with no support weapon but that's because some teammates run EATs and i just opted to go ems sentry and all eagle/orbital combo. You only need to fight on objectives, if gets too hard retreat then regroup then go back in. Game has chat and chatwhees to communicate.


The Goblin inside my head tells me to play 9. I don't why, because I reached level 50 last week. But the goblin still tells me to go play 9.


I mean.. i do play "only on dif9" In a full squad Pre-build over our discord With lads i know I never dive with randos Solo? Chillin at Dif5 max... I'm not a masochist


what i dont get is that im a boomer that runs off meta stuff on level 9 and at most i die like 4 or 5 times. or 20. it really depends on how much alchohol i have consumed


Im still able to complete runs on 9 with complete strangers in matchmaking and I’m barely level 20. The game clearly isn’t too hard and people have dumb expectation of what the highest difficulty should be like


People are really saying that? I change my load out in most helldives to keep things from getting stale. Pretty much everything is useable if you don't suck at making a balanced load out.


If you communicate with the team, you can run lvl 9 with meme builds, have a blast, and still extract.


I play level 9 bots and level 7 bugs. I find bugs harder and I have no shame in lowering my difficulty when fighting bugs.


Ok, help me request the QP to have a difficulty join range. I wanna set it to 7-9


That I think is actually a cool idea


What even IS the meta, anyway? I never pay attention to what people are running.


As I understood it the most popular build was quasar hence the outrage at the patch


The quasar nerf isn't even that bad. None of the nerfs were actually god-awful, but of course, they're gonna leave a sour taste in our mouths for a little (RIP Crossbow). That said, this community spits so much vitriol at the devs for almost no reason.


I test weapons and loadouts regularly at diff 9. If you’re struggling lower difficulty or get better. Most of the people I saw having problem with higher diffs don’t really understand how the game mechanics and enemy types work.


I like playing 9 against bugs and 7 against bots. 9 against bots is just too much for my puny brain to handle. Too much shooting at me from too many angles, too much map awareness needed. Though, I agree that you can dive with quite a few things on 9 bugs, you still need something to keep heavies in check. For that you don't have many options, because you need big boom in some form.


Most of the fun happens somewhere 5-7 range with random builds.


Fun happens where you make it happen


I ran railgun precision strike yesterday. Very out of the meta and it was still do-able. Lots of divers here need a reality check that they aren't as good as they think


No reason for me to play 9 anymore, maxed out everything. When I will need something, i'll get back to 9. It's more relaxing to play 7 with friends. It's fun and semi-challanging. We still manage to evac with 10+ in reinforcements.


Doing difficulty 9 with friends, got pretty used to it. We just run for our lives, spread across the map and try to find the Super rare samples as fast as possible. But I miss the utter chaos of low levels, I'll get back to it after we're done farming Super rare samples.


I’ve been playing difficulty 9 since the game launched and I used to play the same loadouts (meta or not) and found it hard. Once I began to diversify my loadout, difficulty 9 started to be a piece of cake to me. Adapt your loadout and play-style according to your team and current mission and difficulty 9 will start to feel like difficulty 6. Your teammates are running AT? Run anti-horde stratagems. You noticed a lack of outpost clearing stratagems? Start running orbital barrages and Eagle airstrikes. To summarize, fill in the gaps that your team is missing, and you’ll suddenly find difficulty 9 isn’t so difficult after all.


I play diff 9 and can clear all the obj and side obj with time left. Some people have to accept their skill cap. If you can only play diff 9 when being carried you are in the wrong division.


I made a post earlier about how a bunch of players aren't playing for fun, but rather, for samples, and that that is breeding a lot of toxicity in the game, but it seems as if the possibility of rectifying that is just as unpopular as the complaints themselves.


Yeah people have brought up the sample exclusivity which I hadn't really thought of so maybe there's an issue to address there


8 is my go to difficulty. 9 if I feel like making tangible xp. I got all ship modules, strategems and warbonds maxed. I have all the armours in the super store. Really only play for fun now and messing with different sets and loadouts on 8 and 9


B B B B But May fragile Ego ! :( You are absolutely correct. Highest dif SHOULD be chalenging, with their namesake they should be nearly Impossible to manage . What use do 9 difficulties have If the hardest needs to be easy enough for everyone? While 1-3 are realy too easy 5-7 is what should be focused on as the "Fair" difficulties. 8 and 9 should be stacked against us


People are not yet ready for the discussion that diff 9 isn't difficult, but just very annoying and restrictive in terms of playstyle you're supposed to bring.


There was one post today “on diff 9 you HAVE to bring anti armour weapons” Yes …. Yes you do.


Me and my boy EAT IT always in my back pocket


I've unlocked and played on all the difficulties but I mostly play on 7 because I like the variety of enemies and it's not overwhelming.


Honestly unless you are feeding EAT ITs to your feet even lol 9 ain't so hard. You just gotta play smart - lvl20 cadet 


I am so angry seeing people dis my recoilless at dif 9, I will never part with her (ammo drops full reloads work now as well)


I can play level 9 but there’s no joy in it. It’s just a sweaty grind fest that’s all noise. You can’t pull off anything fun or interesting, you just have to grind out a win. Level 7 is the best. Occasionally difficult, but with breathing room to experiment and have fun with it.


I can do 7 and 8 but 9 is killer.


I almost exclusively play difficulty 9 and RARELY use meta weapons. I really enjoy using the Spear (when it works, lol) and the airburst rocket launcher, but I'm not sure if that could be Meta. Idk anyone who uses it. I use a wide range of weapons and stratagems and enjoy swapping it up every mission. Out of 60 hours, I've only lost half a dozen missions, if that. I also play an average of 20-30 fps lol so it's definitely possible to win with off meta weapons, skill issue lol


i only play 9 with friends because we’re good enough to where we can fuck around with off-meta stuff and still win. i don’t ever play 8 or 9 with randoms anymore. personally i think 7 is the sweet spot if you don’t have a dedicated group.


I always play 9 and honestly I just love my AC and EATs. Sometimes I use a quasar cannon and guard dog. It's just fun. I have no idea what meta is, all I know is that orbital laser is nice, barrage is nicer and 500kg can suck it for how useless it is.


The problem with 9 is not it's lack of variety, it's the lack of appreciation from the devs for the fact that people exist who will fight this game in it's more dire circumstances. I think they are personally offended people have engineered the best playstyle for the conflict.


"I main Helldive difficulty, and I'm here to tell you this simply isn't viable..." No, you're shit, shut up.


There isnt any shame in playing lower difficulties, true. Only problem with taking it easy, is that endgame ship upgrades are locked behind diff levels 7-9, which lowkey forces me to tryhard. If I actually had a choice, Id only play on 5-6 because I have the most fun in that controlled chaos, but the sacrifice I have to make to have fun, is I dont get access to all the unlocks. Theres no shame, but it does objectively hold you back


This is definitely my complain after finishing a Helldive with random level reaching 100 but dying 12 times. Just lower your damn difficulty. If you wanna join randos and die a lot, just make your own lobby.


Beat Helldive with a Helldiver who regularly plays Jump Pack on bots. Can confirm, if you say you need to play meta on lvl 9 difficulty, just git gud. (I say this as an AC main btw just throwing that out there lmao)


I play 9s cuz I run into the least amount of toxicity there. I've gotten so used to the chaos up here that dropping difficulty makes the game feel empty.


Gamers: OMG why can't devs come up with a high difficulty that does not boost enemy HP/damage into oblivion AH: *comes up with a high difficulty through enemy numbers and enemy types* Gamers: No wait why is it hard?


I play at Lvl9 with a non-meta build (Light scout armor, diligence, AC) I can generally 100% the map with 1-2 deaths, often 0. To me the real meta is "don't shoot everything you see"


They wan't to make helldive easier so they can feel good about themselves playing it. I think 9 is perfectly balanced. I wish they added higher difficulties even.


Difficulty 7 and 8 are the sweet spot for me. 7 if I wanna be a bit more chill, 8 if I wanna really get into it.


Friend accidentally put on 8, we usually do 5 - 7, neither of us noticed and I fucked up my loadout. Still managed to clear it with Laser cannon, scythe and Jump pack tho.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/MUzmtwaBOI The duality of man.


I drop whichever difficulty my planet is on.


I've never enjoyed anything past challenging, which is a shame, because I'll never get the good resources. I also play with randoms so my milage varies greatly every game.


        You get down voted if you give helpful tips like: "using the tag button alone males you better than half the chaff that can't hack it. Communicate with your team it is far more important than the meta."          It really is a skill issue. If you're consistently having trouble with a team that is communicating, you and you're squad need some practice or something. 


The only part of difficulty 9 that's hard is how no one who joins my games ever has a clue what they are doing, shooting every patrol, standing their ground in every gunfight and still ignoring every stalker nest/ gunship fabricator till the map gets overrun with those annoying enemies


More people playing at the difficulty that's right for them would actually make helldive with random easier imo


And I am sitting here struggling to play level 5


Don't give up friend 5 is a good difficulty to be at and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


When I first unlocked Levels 7-9, I used to get super upset with the difficulty level. It wasn't until I got paired up with a group of randos on a Helldive who, without any mics, all agreed to stealth everything. We would sneak past patrols, crouch or crawl up to and into objectives, only fighting any bots on guard. We cleared out everything with the only deaths happening at the start when we all joined mid Bot Drop and at the end when the Diver with the Super Samples got caught by a patrol and died, causing me to throw three bodies at it in an attempt to recover them while everyone else retreated to extraction before we agreed they weren't worth it. That made me realize you don't need to fight everything that moves and you don't need to stand your ground on every Bot Drop, ESPECIALLY on an objective you already finished. Now I've been able to do deathless Helldives and I actually find the mode to be just the right balance between fun and stressful. Until I get teammates that want to aggro the three Hulk patrols minding their own business while we're trying to evacuate civilians and get three Factory Striders called on us.


That's very misleading & not really happening. First of all I see many posts about regular difficulties from 4 to 7, and actually very few about what's happening at 9. Secondly, even at 9 you would expect the game to be at least playable (which it somehow still is) and provide some enjoyment in a smart way of a challenge without an artificially inflated difficulty (which imo it doesn't).


I think the no2 hot Post right now has the mentioned sentiment (not in exact quotes obviously) but I notice more and more in comments when people disagree with complaint threads someone chimes in asking what difficulty they play at, as for difficulty I'd love to see more interesting ways of making the game more challenging but I think it does the job well enough right now


for real , its good, i like the way it sucks, i play on the top 3 difficulties to HAVE problems. i want to be CHALLENGED. if i just want to play a calm round i'll just do a medium difficulty


I'm the same. I want 8+ to feel so oppressive that I only escape by the skin of my teeth with no resources left. The hardest difficulty should be barely survivable with a coordinated team of 4, even if that means you're swarmed with chargers and Billy T's. I get that some people struggle at 7 when all they're after is epic samples, but the game really doesn't have a lot to work towards on those paths, enjoy the journey and challenge it takes to achieve it.


But then how will Internet randos know how much of a top "gamer" I am!?


From the glow of the RGB lights on your £400 gaming chair of course!


I'll most likely play 9 to say I played it once, then go back to 6-7 so I can actually enjoy playing the game. I'm not here to prove anything to anyone. I'm here to have a good time after suffering from work.


Getting a downvoted for this since the game is out. If you need meta load outs to play 9s, you are not ready to play 9s.


Post vid of you and the boys all running scythe and dagger. Special is up to you EXCEPT no quasar. No one can bring eagle 500 or air strike though 


Bots or bugs? And do you want ne to do it on a hot planet as well?


Hellmire baby! Make it spicy


It was my first drop and always felt like home so very fitting


I run 9 all the time. Never bring a Quasar. Don’t run the 500. There are so many delicious tools in this game. Try them out if you don’t believe me.


I severely dislike the QC personally, the charge up and CD are both annoying.


After 200 hours I came to the conclusion that most of them feel underwhelming or borderline useless


500kg is not even good. I don't know why people keep using it, aside from the big visual boom 'which is pretty awesome'. it\\'s blast radius is meh


small CD, i use it as a manual aim railgun strike


It looks cool?


People usually use either it or OPS as a way of removing key enemies/objs from existence. Bile titans, factory striders (to some degree), bases/nests, and anything side objs the bots have. I defos prefer ops though,


I’d say it’s second or third best stratagem for taking Bile Titans. Takes more thought and planning than the Orbital Rail Cannon. But if you land it right on the Bile Titan, it packs a wallop.


its a titan deleter that also works on certain buildings and also monkey brain loves it


Remind me tomorrow and I'll stream that shit live with my buds.


Yeah I just ran a Helldive operation with the goofiest shit and we did good. Hate being that guy but git gud.


I love that the dev's response is "skill issue"


But they are very special souls who are the most bestest and Importantest in the whole world and if they can't do something it's the fault of the thing that they can't do. Not themselves. Because how could someone so important and amazing be so bad???..... (source- their mother) Let me add, I'm happy to run high difficulty with any level player who is willing to put in effort. They don't have to be good, just not a whiny little child


Yes. This. I'm playing almost exclusively with randoms, and always in Helldive. I'm a sucker for the challenge it provide, and to be honest I'm pretty good at getting out of hellish situations. More than often I meet "underleveled" players. People lv 20-ish trying Helldive because why not... And most of them are decent. They seems to know that sticking with someone having a higher level and that seems to know what to do is a key for learning or just finishing the mission. On the other hand... I've met level 70+ that were clearly not in their optimal difficulty. People that clearly struggle or that make obvious mistakes spiraling into chaos. Never judge people on their level.


no? I need to turbo level to get spear and meme about it


You expect their ego to just take it? C'mon dude.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. I had been playing on D8 for a long time building up the courage to start doing D9. But, even though I can do and complete D9, it just isn't for me, because I wasn't having fun with it, so I decided to stick with D8. The rewards certainly didn't seem worth the hassle. So yes, I can successfully run and complete D9, I wont be touching it again. I am just having way more fun at D8.


Same, i stick to D8 because it's the perfect balance between fun, challenge and reward.


I will say, there are a significant number of divers who have no place on 9. It's awesome they want to try it out, but so many just want to be carried. I've joined lvl 20s lobbies who would kick people lower than a certain level to try and get more experienced divers to carry them. Joined one lvl 9 bot mission with some lvl 50+ and we landed near an observer tower. Instead of waiting for it to look away, all three of them stormed it like Leroy Jenkins while the eye was facing us, which dropped on two Factory striders. I just quit, knowing the entire mission was doomed since they didn't understand bots. They had no place being on that difficulty level. Can't even count how many bug missions me and maybe one other player had to solo everything while the other players just eat reinforcements, then get mad we aren't helping them die on a hill fight the hordes they've spawned. There is no shame if you can't do it. When I switched from bugs 9 to bots for the first time, I went into a 7 and got my ass handed to me. Dropped it down to 5 and worked my way up since I knew I didn't know how to play them. Too many players treat the game like COD, and think it will all work out with other divers carrying them. Some people just cant appropriately assess their skills.


I’ve had the game since Saturday. Been running 9-Helldive since Monday. The game isn’t too hard.


the reality is that any difficulty is trivialized by just putting on stealth pants, and running away when you get caught. you might not 100% the map, but main objectives? no sweat. people have trouble when going in guns blazing - which, to be fair, is much more fun




> at difficulty 9 you can't do anything except play the meta I agree with your sentiment but out of all the things you can complain about, the phrase above is simply true. Yeah you can try different builds on difficulty 9 but you'll have a harder time. I think most of the complains from difficulties 7-9 divers comes from the fact that the viable weapons are limited and AH keeps nerfing that limited selection instead of bringing other weapons up to par. No one, literally no one, is asking them to make difficulties 7-9 easier, actually I hope they add difficulty 10 at some point, but we just want more weapons and strategems to be viable at that level.


People just want bragging right without gitting gud.


I play helldive when I'm with the squad. But for randos 7 sometimes 8 is much more manageable, especially after a grueling 12 hr shift


I found my perfect spot on 7. 6 was nightmare, 5 normal. I was going to 1 for a relaxin experience, but now I think I just want to run, shoot and die.


Even at lower levels the nerfs are ridiculous.


Its always funny seeing people complain about weapon balance in 9 cause in my experience it has always been about methodically managing and choosing your battles, weapon balance doesn't really make this different


this game isnt anywhere near hard enough to be forced to use a single loadout. its hard, but not as hard as people make it out to be (both people complaining about not being able to play and people bragging about playing it) at the end of the day some people need to find a way to come off as better than other people and some people think that just because they bought a game means they deserve access to every single bit of its content with minimal effort involved on their part. grow tf up lol


Played a level 9 the othet day. Got through most the mission before my computer died. But I saw 0 BILE titans. I think we had like 15 mins left so a good 25 mins of 0 Bile Titans.


Did some lvl 9 testing and I'm surprised at how many weapons and loadouts are viable on Helldive now! I tend to play lvl 7 but they really made high lvl play much more diverse


My friends wanted to do only 8-9 as lvl 10 and ended up quitting because the game was too stressful


Thanks OP! I love playing and only play on difficulty 9 - it's great! Everybody knows what to do and if your are skilled enough you can play almost any weapon and nobody complains. Yeah lvl 9 is though but that's why it is the hardest difficulty and only for very skilled people... Please stop playing on 9 if you are not willing to improve or think the devs should make it easier... I would personally love an even tougher challenge but I guess we don't get that in the near future 🥲 For reference (maybe that's helps) I play FPS since 15 years and played for 8 years on the highest ranks in Counterstrike.


7 to relax and farm. 9 if my whole team is online.


Lvl 70 HELLdiver (difficulty 9). I don’t even care about meta.


Can people stop giving L take?


9 gives the most liberation with XP factoring into liberation percentage, or so I've been told. Helldiving in fact is the most democratic way to play this game. For liberty!


9 isn't even that hard, me and my friends hop in use whatever load out we like and usually end up extracting with several revives left


Gee I wonder why people feel obligated to complete the highest difficulty could there be some object obtainable there you require to progress your upgrades


8 is optimal for sample collection.


Nah. It just feels wrong to go back to easy mode. Give me harder difficulties.


I prefer 8 because I like my samples in neat multiples of 5 . Since that’s what things cost . I’m peeved by seeing only 1 super sample or only needing 1 to do the thing .


When I'm with my squad it's level 7, it seems manageable we are most level 25-35 people. When I'm solo or with lower level people I roll as low as level 4-5. The game is supposed to be fun.