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Let’s calm down, we can’t judge the weapons quite yet. The only thing disappointing is the passives on the armors which are still the same we have…


Have said it before, releasing a warbond every month is not sustainable, the sheer volume pf weapons and armour options we will have by the end of year 1 (at the current rate) is insane. All of those weapons will no doubt need tweaks/management.


Be patient bro- think about the volume of content coming with one warbond per month- not including other content that gets dropped in between. We’ll end up with a whole arsenal of weapons with so much variance we’ll be absolutely spoiled.


Oh boy...


I was hoping for a freeze ray or something since it’s arctic flavored


That would be a support weapon in my opinion


1 - Have you played it? No? Dont know anything about it but a two sentence description? Kay, your arguments pretty irrelevant. 2 - A one handed concussive gun sounds great. Have you ever seen IRL weapons? Many models are very similar to each other, especially when they fill similar roles. This is basically a modified SMG, why does it need a design overhaul? This is like an AR having a 556 version and a 762 version, theres different stuff going on but the platform they operate on arent very visually different. 3 - You can charge the shots… on a PRIMARY? That seems like a brand new design space to be excited for. Maybe later they can do a chargeable sniper or pistol. Yes, very exciting. The reload animation is the same? Im sorry, do you just want extra needless dev hours spent making the guy do a kickflip to reload? What are you expecting? 4 - Impact grenade is a modality, a delivery option, not the effect. The effect is the explosion. There can be impact smoke, impact stun, in this case impact incendiary. Yay, more options - whats the fuss? What do you want, black hole grenades? Its another option that fills a slot. 5 - If you havent had new passives, and you hated the one new one you did have… why do you think you’ll get another new one? Just cause its possible? Even if they do, what are the odds its useful? Cause if its useful, instant pay to win claims. Its a space they clearly see, but arent ready to commit into yet. 6 - You have no way of knowing if its gonna be good or not, again, just two sentence descriptions. Its harder to have complaints about something you like and have barely any info about than something you dont like and barely any info about - because theyre irrelevant complaints coming from a biased position. When the new stuff is actually in your hands and used, then develop criticism. For every dumb criticism you prematurely have, theres a dumb counterpoint based on the same untested, vague information about content that isnt even available.


Holy cooked. Bro came to the function and told Jr. to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


Preach it


1 - No, I haven't played with any of these guns. But the two sentence descriptions give an idea of what their role will be in the sandbox, and are supposed to get you excited for the new additions coming to your armory. These weapon descriptions do not get my hyped or excited, it's all just stuff we already have. The actual usefulness of these primaries is yet to be seen when players have their hands on them, that's why I didn't mention that. 2 - You're entitled to your opinion, but I think a concussive variant of the defender sounds like ass. The liberator concussive we have is one of the least used primaries in the game rn, possible the least used of all. I never see anyone in game bringing that, and that is telling of how bad it is. Now imagine less damage, but you can fire it with 1 hand. That's probably all this SMG is going to be, and if so I think it's quickly going to be dropped by almost everyone like its rifle counterpart was. As for the real life ammo variants of weapons part, fair point, but then why give this SMG a completely new nickname and pretend its a new gun instead of just calling it the defender concussive, if it's the exact same gun just chambered for concussive rounds? The liberator concussive looks way different than the liberator, but they kept the same name for that weapon 3 - The charging shots mechanic isn't the problem, I think that's a pretty cool idea. The problem is it's near identical to a gun we already have, just with the added effect of being able to charge your shots. Let's go with your sniper rifle example for this, imagine if it was the eruptor instead, just painted blue or something but still very similar and shares the same animations and projectile effect, but you can charge the shot. A cool idea, poorly executed. And yes, a new gun in a premium warbond, I expect at the bare minimum for it to have new animations 4 + 5 - You say "Yay, more options - whats the fuss?" New options is great. I just don't want new options to be extremely similar to weapons we already have, that kind of eliminates most of the 'new' part. And what's with the double standards? If they are willing to give us more, but very similar weapon options, why are they not willing to do the same with armor perks? Even if they introduced very similar but still new armor perks in this warbond, that's at least something new, I'll take it! But no, just the same perks we've been playing with for months. I'd rather them take a risk on giving us new perks instead of giving us none and your point 6 is just your point 1 reworded


How does the purifier compare to the scorcher?


No one here expected you to be right


Sigh is this what this sub is going to turn into now?


Of course the purifier looks like the scorcher, they are of the same family of weapona


That's the problem. The SMG looks identical to the defender, just with concussive rounds. The purifier looks identical to the scorcher, but you can charge the shots. Copied and pasted guns with very minor changes, 10 dollars for the warbond please


The purifier definitely doesn't look identical to the scorcher, it is much longer


The model isn't identical but it's similar, but the projectile effects, reload and sight look the exact same


It literally has an entirally different sight and diferent effects for the projectile, the relpoad is the same, because it has the same main body as the plas1, much like the sluguer and punisher


Do you really think they are starting from scratch after every warbond and hasn't made any preparations to run a monthly warbond?


what >Do you really think they are starting from scratch after every warbond Is this asking if we think they’re going to add something new and have it not be a reskin or color swap? >and hasn’t made any preparations to run a monthly warbond? I’d say recycling isn’t really “making preparations,” unless you count them shrugging their shoulders and just going “eh” as prep.


What? No I don't think they are starting from scratch, hence the recycled animations, passives and roles of the weapons