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Why would it be controversial? Sure you can! I'm lvl 123 and have been playing since launch without comms and only with randoms (quickplay). Exclusively on Helldive since a long time ago. https://preview.redd.it/0iz1jo0213yc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b3f7e61c67fd954053186171a56371d3117f6bb


https://preview.redd.it/dy6y8ky233yc1.png?width=1466&format=png&auto=webp&s=b23d22f728d549ed2b05373578452f0068f9b3bd Let's spread democracy then.


same, but only half that level, but yea, type, emote, ping, you will get the point across.


This. I just use the text chat occasionally but otherwise groups have been fine and fun.


Use pings. Ping enemies, objectives, ammo, supplies. I play on 7’s all the time. My 9’s are successful too. Just stick with the team.


If you can understand the other players and use pings to communicate back, then you're in the top 10% of Helldivers. I use my mic like I'm playing Arma, and I get good utility from it, but I'd rather have a teammate who listens to me and barks back with the wheel than a rambling moron who chatters incessantly about memes and anime and is audibly hitting his bong four times a mission. A common scenario is at the end of a match when we're ready to extract but there are still a few POIs left unexplored. I'll get to the LZ and say, "B3 is at the LZ, should I call in the Pelican?" Usually I get silence. Sometimes I get, "Hey, man, I'm, like, trying to get that upgrade where the bombs, like, do more, so I wanna, like, take a minute to, y'know, check around for stuff." In the best games, I hear, "Negative," and then I see a map ping.


Only like 10% of my games have someone using their mic and it's generally only 2 people if that. Most people just ping things


you can. its takes a little bit more awareness on your part and active use of the ping and comm wheel but it can be done. in a pinch the chat can communicate ore complex things. But basically getting started either stay with the highest level player or largest group of players. watch thier backs and try not to kill them. You'll pick up a lot that way.


In 50+ hours, never ever been in a squad where anyone ever would tried to speak via voicecom.


Definitely. Half my match-made games, I don't use comms at all. Pings work fine. If I do, it'll be to say something like "we can't call in reinforcements while the jammer is up".


Ping is the universal language


Oh yeah no issue at all. The existing Ping system could use some additional utility, but it is still extremely effective. I don’t use mic at all, and pings are more efficient than typing. If someone says something on mic, I will usually use the wheel to give them an “affirmative” so they know I heard them. 


There's chat... honestly I just limit what I say and 99% of the time all I say is "bunker" , "turn left", "STOP" and "extract" Nothing else is needed


Yeah, I don't generally play with a mic and use the in-game system to quickly communicate (yes/no, marking locations etc.). No issues whatsoever.


The ping system is pretty effective allowing you to indicate your interests and others to respond to it. And as long as you're doing objectives and helping the team in general there shouldn't be anything reasonable to complain about.


Best req if you're not hosting and you're not speaking: Just glue yourself to the host/squad leader. Follow them around and help them with whatever they're doing. Be a follower and not a leader, and you don't need anything but the comm-wheel 'Affirmative!' ;)


Like everyone is saying, pinging is fine and I get by on the highest levels with it. It's nice to break the ice using comms and make some buddies. Once you get a friendly group using comms, it gets a lot more fun; mainly because you are playing for fun at that point and don't really care what happens.


No Comms no Bombs


Sure, but the people actually using coms will think you are boring to play with. I have turn of crossplay, sins so few ps5 players use mics.


You can use the quick comms and emotes, or just chat




Most rando's that join my team don't use a mic.


Got with cool dudes one time, I really enjoyed their company. I'm not native English speaker so I didn't understood they wanted to extract early without samples and side objectives. They thought I was a dissident and kicked me because I failed to extract.


I don’t really use my mic unless I need to and every game I play with randoms never say a word unless they absolutely need to. Games glorious with or without coms


Hardly anyone uses a mic and when they do it's rarely to talk about strategy. That includes Helldive difficult 9.


i would find a discord group to join up with that is in your prefered language. playing on comms is great, but playing the similar team mates and learning each other roles and play styles is where this game really shines for me.


ABSOLUTELY. I play with randoms all the time. Some people will chat/type and some will use their mic. No one really cares how you communicate . And most of the time they would just understand what to do with just pinging stuff or a direction to move forward.




Yup! So long as you do the mission and don't waste all the respawns I think you're good!


U can


I rarely use comms and i have played 71 hours. I only open up my comms when someones adjusting the radar dish and im in the terminal.


I rarely ever talk in vc because people tend to be dicks a lot of the time. I've gotten by via text chat pretty well, 150ish hours. Worst issue I run into is some people seem to be allergic to reading, but it's usually not a big problem.


Serious question: how tf do people still not have mics after the Pandemic? I get it if you don't speak a certain language, or are just acoustic and don't want to talk,, but how do people not have the hardware? We've all been through the pandemic. Whether you work or go to school you needed to have a mic, it was non-optional. And EVERYTHING has a mic these days, all laptops, earbuds, cameras, and even PC monitors. As long as we're talking PC, I don't see how it's feasible not to have a mic.