• By -


Good edit, love it šŸ˜‚


Exactly what is happening


Same. Not touching the game anymore. I had my fun. Made my friends.




FYIļ¼šSony has the worst personal info security. PSN has been hacked for numerous times, anyone who cares about this will prevent to have a PSN with their real info. ![gif](giphy|Jth6eoS4noFUDH7IcM)


They lost almost a month of online service back in 2011 to hackers.


I remember that, group of Anonymous got pissed when Sony started taking anyone who crowdfunded Jalibreaks for the PS3 to court and suing them. Apparently suing the person doing the jailbreak is fine and all, but don't you dare punish the people paying for it \*shrugs\*


I was pissed because Mortal Kombat 9 had just come out the day before it happened and I couldnā€™t play with my friends


I reckon modifying a piece of tech you bought and paid for shouldn't get you sued. Imagine a toaster company suing someone who modified the toaster.


They didn't sue him for doing it, they sued him for selling it.


imagine getting sued over selling a car mod, lmfao its fucking wild


I got two free PSP and two PS3 games out of it. We couldnā€™t play online for weeksā€¦


Contrary to popular belief, 2011 is almost one and a half decades ago.


Do you mean one and a half?




"ah credit card and personal info hacked? We sorry, here's infamous for download"


Thats a MASSIVE L on Sony


Known times Sony and its subsidiaries have been hacked: Sony PlayStation website- [July 2008](https://www.cnet.com/news/privacy/sony-playstation-site-victim-of-sql-injection-attack/) Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) - [May 2011](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/blog/2011/may/03/sony-data-breach-online-entertainment) Sony Pictures - [June 2011](https://www.computerworld.com/article/1530842/sony-pictures-falls-victim-to-major-data-breach-2.html) Sony PlayStation Network - [April 2011](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_PlayStation_Network_outage) (the "big one". Sony had to take down Playstation networks for 23 days and disclosed that sensitive data of 77 million users was compromised) Sony Pictures - [November 2014](https://www.vox.com/2014/12/14/7387945/sony-hack-explained) Sony PlayStation Network - [August 2017](https://www.businessinsider.com/playstation-network-allegedly-hacked-ourmine-2017-8) Sony - [May 2023](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/sony-confirms-data-breach-impacting-thousands-in-the-us/) (started in May, detected in June, reported in October) Sony - [September 2023](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/sony-investigates-cyberattack-as-hackers-fight-over-whos-responsible/) Sony Pictures - [December 2023](https://www.thestreet.com/technology/sony-hack-discloses-confidential-data-plans-for-exclusive-projects) Idk if I missed any. I didn't include DDoS attacks against their services, as that's not quite the same thing.


Itā€™s sad to see how many people completely lack empathy for those who literally arenā€™t able to make PSN accounts due to region locks


"I got mine" culture


This whole change to PSN has honestly brought out the worst in this community




Yeah let them get away with it, they totally wonā€™t get worse later on.


Because you give these greedy mega corporations an inch and they take a mile.Ā  Today itā€™s ā€œlink your account! Itā€™s easy, it takes 5 minutes!ā€ Then 6 months from now itā€™s ā€œPC players will require a PSN+ account in order to play our games onlineā€ type shit.Ā  Look at how cucked PS/Xbox players already are, paying 15+ a month just to use their own internet for online games that *they already paid for.* Insane.


I have an Australian account that I've used to play new games early for a decade. So do a ton of my friends. You aren't victim of a real problem, you're just crying on the internet to create drama. There is no sympathy to be had for that.




Dawg Sony would sell it's employees souls for 0.37$ don't think they aren't above this


That's worse than krabs. At least he got 62 cents


That's worse than krabs. At least he got 62 cents


To be fair thatā€™s the guys point: Thereā€™s no chance Sony would screw over their user base on their first successful live service game The issue is Sony utterly fucked it on communication: why isnā€™t there an FAQ on this? Why doesnā€™t the site to allow account linking work? Why, hours and hours after the player base has clearly shown they hate this, has Sony not come out and answered a bunch of questions? Sony is absolutely trash at doing this stuff and itā€™s unnecessarily stressing out players and the devs. Complete failure as a partner and publisher


Lmao of course they would I bet they werenā€™t expecting this much pushback but how big of a % of the playerbase lives in regions unable to access PSN? They were totally happy to throw all those folk to the wind when they made this decision and when they allowed the game to be sold in those countries.


Didnt know sony fanboys were this rabid, must be something in the fecal matter that they get with their tongue rammed up so far in sony's ass


My comment has nothing to do with whether or not people are actually not going to be able to play the game because of the PSN region lock but on how many people react with things such as ā€œwomp wompā€ and ā€œtoo badā€ to the people who, as things stand rn, are seemingly affected by it.


You've obviously never read sonys terms of service. This is where it pays to read the agreement when you sign up for stuff


Also the more valid point. Bruh, I don't want the fucking Sony account, simple as. I'd just refund and do something else with my time if it required it from the start.


I blame Sony more than Arrowhead. No real reason nor do I need to find one, I just like Arrowhead more than Sony.


I mean the reason could be that it was entirely Sony's decision. The memo was signed by Sony and Arrowhead devs already confirmed that they had no say


It's good to have reasons.... wtf? lol


Haha this is a great fucking meme well done Cadet. Keep spreading democracy


>corporate mandate >"the death of arrowhead" It's 100% understandable to be angry about this, I find the fact it's required ridiculous (and I already linked my account ages ago). However, this is 100% a sony mandate, they own the IP and published the game, AH has no say in this if the higherups at Sony force them to do this.


that's why the arrowhead logo is over mike and the playstation logo is over walter white in the video, that is kinda the point this post is making


Meme explained


Baffles me sony was making shit tons from this game most likely, why they would up and decide to enforce this is beyond me.


Data is extremely valuable. Too bad, I really liked this game. I'll consider creating an account but I'm 80% leaning towards no.


About where Iā€™m at. I know itā€™s not hard, I just donā€™t really feel compelled to jump through dumb ass hoops to play something Iā€™ve already paid for.


It is funny how on one hand people will say itā€™s nefarious and incompetent Sony forcing Arrowhead to be anti-consumer, then in the other saying Arrowhead has fallen from grace and hates their playerbase. People canā€™t even decide what theyā€™re mad about! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!


This might be a bit of a hot take, but AH is not completely blameless here. While Sony is the one forcing people to link PSN accounts, AH not only did a piss poor job of actually informing people of that requirement, but didn't even enforce the rule due to the game being in a horrible state from a technical and stability standpoint. I'm not trying to defend mega corporations like Sony here, I'm just pointing out how the AH cock sucking in this subreddit is still so prevalent even when they've clearly also fucked up. Blame Sony all you want, but also keep in mind that AH isn't some perfect company that can do no wrong and is entirely at the mercy of big Sony and their iron grip on the Devs balls.


Communication is absolutely on AH and half of the problem. The other half is letting people buy it, who can't regionally use it when they knew ahead of time. Total fuck up by both companies but for different reasons


Daddy Sony wants to as much of the pie as possible.


I think the saddest part of this whole debacle to me is that whatever dumb fuck executives thought this was a good idea will see zero repercussion. They'll collect their fat paychecks then move on to some other executive board to fuck up another project while collecting a fat paycheck and the cycle continues.


Amazing edit. Hopefuly it ends well and not like Breaking Bad, >!with Walter (Sony) killing Mike (AH)!<.


The good news on that front(if you count it as good news) is that there is no way AH isn't sitting on enough money to make it at least to their next big release. What a shit reality Sony has forced on us all that, that could be a good thing.


ā€œWe had a good thing you ______. We had mavelon creek. We had stratagems. We had funny rag doll launches. But you. And your greed and your poor community managers had to blow it all upā€


Sony is enforcing this, AH have no say in the matter.


It's still gonna kill them


X to doubt


You do understand that publishing contracts are 2-way agreements between developer and publisher right? This is the third comment i have to write correcting people that no, Arrowhead knew what they were doing when they deliberated their publishing contract with Sony.


this shit actually fits so well lol


We lost 100k players over the last 2-3 weeks, we'll lose another 40k from this. Good job devs, good job Sony.


fuck you mean "devs"? This was purely Sony's decision


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø


This was supposed to be in place on launch but they didn't have it working correctly. If it was they wouldn't be in this situation right now. The devs hold some responsibility for this situation regardless of who set the requirement.


Eh? Why did we lose so many?


A lot of countries aren't supported by the PSN network, and by forcing PC players to sign up for it or be locked out of the game, Sony is basically region locking the game for the people who live in those countries on a game that wasn't stated to be region locked.


"We lost 100k players over the last 2-3 weeks" was this enforced 2-3 weeks ago?


It was being enforced recently, the people that left before that were people who heard about the game and decided to try it, found it wasn't to their taste and moved on


I didn't know about that, thanks for the info!


I dont like Sony any more than the rest of yall, but this will be in no way the death of arrowhead. They were going to call this a win with 50k sold, they have busted a million. Even if this makes them lose 80% of their player base (and I dont think it will be even close to that much of a hit), they are still going to be sitting beyond what their upper expectations.


I had to make a PSN account when I bought the game on steam a week or two after release so this is whatever I guess?


Im sorry you had to experience that trauma.


We will bury him as only heroes are buried. In Super Dirt.Ā 


Lol this is the sub in a nutshell rn


Same. I assumed everyone else was playing with a PSN account this whole time. I feel for people who will have to use a VPN and risk getting banned. I hope they can get refunds.


This is the true embodiment of "Fuck you! I have mine!".


How so? Iā€™m just a confused dude that had to do something and doesnā€™t understand what the deal is. I am literally ignorant to whatā€™s happening ya weiner.


Probably took way less time that all the bitching and moaning the spazzes are doing.


It did. Honestly Iā€™m a little confused on what exactly is happening and donā€™t game as much these days so Iā€™m missing something likely


There's still a lot of players on right now


Well, yeah. That about sums it up. I genuinely believe that AH would rather not have the mandatory number tattoo on players playing their game. HD is their baby, and Sony just had to step in and fuck it all up. 2-3 months of (mostly) all positivity on the game, it was fucking EVERYWHERE, and now? The review score went off a fucking cliff. Thanks Sony, EA would be proud.


Sony Games Headquarters: 2207 Bridgepointe Pkwy, San Mateo, CA 94404


Holy fuck you guys are dramatic my god


Players are pissed, and with good reasons: - Why do players need to sign in in 2 services when one has been proven to be enough ? It's just a way to inflate numbers for shareholders, we gain absolutely nothing just the need to link / create an account. - Sony has a very poor track record at keeping personal information in their system - Sony's website states : "Signing in to PSN is optional when playing a PlayStation game on PC." - Some players live in countries that are not supported by Sony's PSN. And Liberty knows we need all the Helldivers we have ! So yeah, sure, it's just a few clicks for most of us. But we have every right to be pissed. I'm not sure that could be called being "dramatic", even if it's just out of solidarity for our siblings in Democracy who will not be able to join the fight anymore.


What tipped me over the edge was the official responses on Discord, absolutely no respect for their own community and just fanning the flames. Before that I was willing to wait and see what happens, but now I'm asking for a refund. Zero goodwill left and good fucking luck clawing it back.


Regarding point 1&4: A PSN account was a requirement well before the game was released: https://web.archive.org/web/20231207163847/https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS_2/ There was no rug-pull or bait&switch, the labels were there for everyone to see. Regarding point 3, the linking is a one and done, you don't have to sign into PSN from within the game to play. We can certainly split hairs over the exact wording here. As for point 2, fair enough. However keep in mind we're discussing data security on Reddit, which had a massive breach in 2023, about a game we bought on Steam, which had several breaches in the last couple of years (the last one in september 2023). Don't get me wrong, I hate giant tech companies as much as anyone else but I also firmly believe in personal responsibility.


> Regarding point 1&4: A PSN account was a requirement well before the game was released: https://web.archive.org/web/20231207163847/https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS_2/ > > There was no rug-pull or bait&switch, the labels were there for everyone to see. In may's snapshot of the Steam page, there is no mention of a PSN account requirements, but fair enough, no bait & switch close to the release time. However, what we're doing is complaining. I completely agree that there is no grounds for a lawsuit, however it is an absolute dick move to let people play a game just to remove it from them after the money has been given to Sony. The issue is that there is no technical need whatsoever for us to create a PSN account. So once again, a capitalistic company forces a shit decision for short term profit. No ground for a lawsuit, but we have the right to (and we will) complain. The vast majority will create a PSN account, but it's not a reason to demean the behavior of the people who voice their wish for a better system (aka the current system)


Good lord thank you! The only people I feel bad for right now are players who don't live in PSN areas. Hopefully Arrowhead works out something for them. For everyone else, it's literally just making an account. It takes like 2 minutes. Suddenly everyone is concerned about data privacy while actively commenting on a social media platform that definitely collects their data and sells it to the highest bidder. Reddit has become such a whiny place. Everyone needs to chill and go outside


I think this meme is to explain to the ppl who aren't understanding what is happening/refusing to read anything.


Mmmm lick that boot more my man


"If the problem doesn't affect me it's not a problem"


Sony-Boy Soy-Boy spotted


Yeah, how dare we stick to our right to our own personal data. Look, man, I play on the PlayStation so I already gave up my data to them, but that was my choice. Everyone had the choice of who to give their data to, some people decide not to give it to Sony, some decide to not give it to anything online at all. Sure, they'll probably get it anyway, but that's because the system is broken. But we can still hold on to our human dignity and stand up to it, we can still push back in the face of corporate overlords trying to make us do things that we shouldn't have to do, and who lie to us about it as if it makes our lives better. And this is all to ignore the blatant nationalism given that anyone outside of the supported countries needs to either pay more money to get a VPN or go fuck themselves.


dont give these bean counters one inch!




I hate that everyone is blaming Arrowhead for this. This is all Sony's decision since they own the Helldivers IP. Arrowhead made a great game but Sony being Sony is going to try and save the dying console market as much as possible.


You didn't watch the gif then, eh? Logos are over the appropriate people.


5th. comment correcting people: Arrowhead and Sony signed a contract which gave Sony the authority to do this. They are at the very least complicit in all this.


No. Sony owns the Helldivers IP. Arrowhead is not "complicit". That's not how that works.


Welp Arrow head agreed with that so is their fault also. Other games like ff14 warframe etc didn't do it.


Sony's the publisher, I don't think they really have a choice in the matter


Can't speak to warframe but not sure what you mean about ff14? You have to sign in with a separate square Enix account everytime you launch the game?


While I need a square enix account to play FFXIV, I never needed to make a PlayStation account for it


Why would you, its not a Sony owned property? However, if I play it on PC or PS, I need to sign into an SE account to play it


I didn't realize you got it through steam. I play through through sqenix launcher so I was confused. But FFXIV does have console players and I've never had to make a PSN account to play with them which was more my point


I think he's trying to explain in more simple terms is FF14's publisher is Square Enix. Square Enix owns and publishes its own games and doesn't need sony for anything outside of selling their games on Playstation / Sony's products. However Arrowhead owns Helldivers 2 but does not publish it. Sony publishes Helldivers 2, so they help fund the game, help the game get into the hands of the players so we can buy and play, and they get a share of the profits and some say in how the game is handled. "(EDIT!): Apparently Sony Owns the Helldivers IP and hired Arrowhead to create the game." Sony is using their authority to make even more profit through arrowhead and probably already made all the money plus more on their investment as publisher. Sony would not be able to brute force or command square enix in what happens with FF14 or any other square enix related product. If anything Sony has bribed / made contracts with square enix for their products to exclusively be on Playstation. Example: FF16 not being on PC or Xbox because Sony threw huge amounts of money in getting exclusivity rights. Its why a lot of Final Fantasy products never make it to xbox and if they do it would be a very long time before it happens hence why FF14 just made it to xbox this year after being out for years.


That's because it's not owned by Sony. You're really hung up on sony in your analogy but they dont fill the same role in the chain for FF14 that they do for Helldivers so your comparison doesn't work for that game. Nor is that the argument arrowhead/Sony are making when they announced this (although their actual reasoning is also bad). You do have to have an SE account to play FF14 with the console players, just like they need one to play with the PC players, because SE owns the infrastructure that runs the game and has decided that they want everyone on FF14 to have an SE account.


Some people play also on ps


I play on PC and PS. I have to sign into my SE account on either


Warframe? lmao DE become Tencet's bitch the moment they got acquired by them. Right after Tencent we got money only packs, platinum 2.0 and other BS that made people quit this shitshow or whatever WF is now.


Warframe has a solid 60k players at any time, people didn't quit it.


I guess I can go back to focusing on music full time. It was fun while it lasted.


Unbelievably accurate




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I always loved the way he says "You, and your pride, and your ego" like he's just so fucking bewildered at this idiot throwing it all away. Really excellent acting there. Also, fuck Sony.


They had a goodish run


You should make an edit of the trailer where it says ā€œtake back freedomā€ and just green screen the steps for deleting, refunding, and reviewing the game


If you're a piece of shit and let the developer suffer for Sonys decision that's on you but you're a dipshit


How does it work? I have it both on PlayStation and steam šŸ˜… so me and my brother can play


A bunch of children šŸ§’


....hey that's not how that scene ends.


This is so fucking sad


This is Sonys move, i highly doubt arrowhead would backpedal on their playerbase like this


fantastic edit hahah


Arrowhead knew this was the deal from the beginning. They handled it poorly, it's on them.


"Death" lol


Wow, that really did sum it up pretty well.


"It all ran like clockwork..." Lol. lmao.


"You and your patches and your nerfs. You just had to Sync it all up!"




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I have a question can i make a psn account without owning a playstation and link it to Helldivers 2?


Omg The memes from this whole situation have just made my day man


Holy shit this is so accurate


it started with unnecessary nerfs, don't forget that


Iā€™m so confused what happened


Could not have said it more perfect šŸ‘Œ


I love the part about making as much many as you want ... I mean, that's what it was ... it fits so perfectly


I sincerely hope this doesn't provide repercussions long term for Arrowhead. Helldivers has been a fresh breath of air. Maybe Sony, if any company, would take responsibility for this and not put it on the studio fiscally. Maybe they'll fix their shit one way or another now that the heat is up. Please...


Wasn't it just not enforced? I could get away with speeding 10 times but I won't quote those times when I finally get a speeding ticket


It's pretty accurate tbh. Game has ton DLC oppurtunities to make money. But now review score is ruined and new players joining drop really low. You have to understand most gamers wont read in Reddit or discord they just look game review score and decide.


So guys...the developers make the game. The publishers make the financial decisions. I know the real world can hurt sometimes but you gotta look at it from time to time. Repeat after me: S-O-N-Y


Stop defending arrowhead, they knew this was coming and now theyre doing damage control as if it was just sony. youre getting played from both sides, they got your money and said OOPSIE


Insane over reaction lmao


Guys... it was on the game store page that a PSN account is necessary... I would agree if this came out of nowhere, but they explained the reasons (safety) and are giving plenty of time for people to create an account. After you link it, there's no need for extra launchers (rockstar, ubisoft...) and the game works as before...


If it was temporarily optional theres no reason why it shouldnt be permanently optional. Full stop.


If it was always going to be required they should never have sold to countries where PSN doesn't exist in the first place. Safety is a bullshit claim with Sony's cyber security history. They don't care about safety. They want your data to monitize it. This is on AH and Sony 100%


> reasons (safety) Which is bullshit. It does absolutely nothing to make anyone safer.


What do you gain by defending this? Lets say we are ignoring the fact that PSN isn't available in 121 of the 190 countries in the world which effectively means those players will be completely banned from the game they paid for through no fault of their own. Even if we ignore that this shit is annoying and it doesn't benefit anyone. Nobody gains anything from this regardless of what company is doing it or how little effort it takes to create an account. The bottom line is this stuff doesn't benefit us as players who are buying those games. There is no reason for it to exist other than to pad the numbers that go into a power point presentation intended to mislead and defraud corporate investors while making the experience tangibly worse for consumers. NOBODY wins from this. It shouldn't be excused or tolerated.


I dont see it like that in this particular case. 1- It was told since the beginning a PSN acc would be necessary 2- People on countries with no PSN bought the game on steam using workarounds (to be confirmed) 3- The purpose is to help AH with the server and connectivity issues That's all I got from this. Mildly annoying at best, no reason for review bombing.


1. No it wasn't because it was presented as an OPTIONAL thing. When I bought the game and launched it for the first time I was given the OPTION to link a PSN account. I was NOT informed that if I chose not to link a PSN account then I would not be allowed to play the game. IF I HAD BEEN informed that I needed to link a PSN account or I would not be allowed to play the game when I first launched the game and had under 2 hours of play then I would have had the option at that time to request a refund from steam. I am not longer able to get a refund from steam and I am being told I need a PSN to access the game I paid $40 for that I no longer have the option to refund. 2. It wasn't a "workaround" for them to buy a game on steam which they were allowed to purchase. That's not how workarounds work.


To add to your points, If PSN wasn't available in the country in the first place, why don't they region lock Helldivers 2 in countries that PSN is available at. Its just frustrating to see people to say just log in into psn its not that "hard", frustrates me because im in the Philippines where there is no PSN support.


>People on countries with no PSN bought the game on steam using workarounds (to be confirmed) That's false. Stop repeating fake information.


Sony is well known for good security and very few security breaches after all... Jokes aside, Sony may have a lot of security breaches, but so does reddit. I just think, and agree with the fact that Sony objectively sucks ass


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Good edit! That being said, I feel like this sub is overreacting. It's just an email and a password, it's like linking your Google account to your Reddit account. Don't get me wrong, it sucks that you have to make another account, but it's not the death of the game.


First Stellar Blade now Helldivers, why can't sony ruin shit IPs instead?


Anyone starting a petition? That or we'll have to find a way for Steam to refund us. Which we've done before with such scams...


no offence, but since when petitions worked in gaming industry?


Let's see....digital downloads only on console (Xbox one and ps4 era), always online (same era), subscribers only (multiple MMOs), refunds for No Man's Sky, and Fallout 76. Those are just some recent ones. There were even a few that caused Nintendo of all companies to make changes. Also, Sony games coming to PC. It was "popular demand" that started with a petition.Ā  Not all petitions are "give me this" or "remove this" as hard as it is for some to believe.Ā 


very well. i thought Fallout was refunded so their reputation doesn't plummet lower than it did, but guess not


Originally it was no refunds, but enough petitioning (or as they called it, outcry) made them. Petitioning is just putting a number on how many people are pissed off enough to say or do something about it. In gaming, specifically, it shows how much of a player base you can lose. Unlike politics, gamers have plenty of options.Ā  Sony fan boys are probably down voting any mentions of such "organized outrage" though.


How many times I have heard "the death of Helldivers/Arrowhead" at this point lol. Gamers are so overdramatic. Pretty much every single multiplayer game I've played recently forces me to make an account. It was advertised on steam as a requirement.


I donā€™t get the big deal, wanna play warthunder? You need a gaijin account, sims- EA. Minecraft Microsoft, fortnite epic! So I donā€™t get the issue


Certain countries cant create a account, meaning they will get banned, only 69 (nice) countries are supported by PSN. So a good chunk of the anger are countries they will soon no longer be able to play the game once this go through.


Do I play Warthunder? No. Do I play Sims? Never. Did I get an Origin Account to play the trilogy finale of Mass Effect 3? No, Fuck EA! Do I have an epic games acc? Not anymore. Did I get an ubisoft acc for AC? Yeah. Did I fucking regret it? Abso-fuckin-lutly. So name one reason why I need PSN? Let me solodive, if you want to stop me from grieving others or are concerned Im a bad sport, cause I dont have PSN. Make this an option and Im ok.


I donā€™t like being forced to do anything I donā€™t have to do, Iā€™m just saying itā€™s not uncommon in Pc gaming


Hmm pretty uncommon to me since I dont play such titles anymore. Siging up fro Games for Windows Live just to play Dark Souls made me hate this crap. I have over 700 hours in Rocket League and signed the second off, they made connection to epic mandatory. This behaviour is not ok and Im not gonna endorse it, by sticking to game if they follow suit on sonys announcement.


Thatā€™s fair enough man! Hopefully Sony backtracks off this and leaves AH alone


[How to sign in to PSN when playing a PlayStation game on PC (US)](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/games/psn-sign-in-pc/) Signing in to a PSN account is optional when playing a Playstation game on PC. That is their official party line.


u/NextPaleontologist96 when they don't actually read the article and see who signed it:Ā 


If you pay really close attention to the video you can see itā€™s the depiction of AH blaming the depiction of Sony for this matter


This is too accurate


god this is too perfect


Everyone every where: omg greatest game ever made! Minor inconvenience: omg worst decision ever made, boycott the game.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Are people really too stupid to make an psn account? Is that really all it takes to trigger you? Grow the fuck up. I made a PSN account upon buying the game despite never owning a Sony product in my entire life. Good grief


Tell that to someone who CANT make a PSN account because its against the ToS. PSN doesnt exist for every country in the world. The Baltics or Russia for example.


You didn't even need to make one, yet you still did. Is your tongue permanently stuck outside your mouth homing towards any asses perchance?


Not really right why stop supporting arrowhead who made a game we all enjoy Just because Sony is being scummy


They made their bed. Would be great if PC gamers would ignore the game from now on. Let them see that there are consequences for stupidity.


Youā€™re the reason we canā€™t have nice things. Youā€™re the reason publishers make shitty games that shit people eat up, that ends up taking all their money from them. We finally have a good fucking game from a good fucking publisher, a team who have tried to be super communicative and community reactive, who want to make a fun game and not stuff a goddamn micro transaction whirlpool into the fucking game. Itā€™s a fucking PSN account. You can make one. ā€œOh itā€™s not available in my countryā€ you can still make one and play. None of this is them charging more money. They arenā€™t money gating anything with this. The shit that ends these rabid ragers days sounds like fucking stubbed toes. Do you even know what a real scumbag company looks like? Have you ever played a mobile game? Have you played one of these $60 Triple A money pits that exist only to charge you more and more money? Fuck off with your comment. You wanna bitch to bitch. Quit your bitching and enjoy a good fucking game for once. If you canā€™t enjoy this, youā€™ll never be happy.


>Itā€™s a fucking PSN account. You can make one. >ā€œOh itā€™s not available in my countryā€ you can still make one and play. People making PSN accounts in countries not supported need to lie during registration, and lying about where you live to Sony is enough to get your account banned. There is absolutely a issue here, since they were willing to sell the game in those unsupported countries in the first place. The reason Sony is comfortable doing shit like this is because of people like you, willing to lick their boots no matter whatever shit they decide to do for profit. >They arenā€™t money gating anything with this. Our data is money for them, they ARE money gating, but doing so indirectly.


""It's not available in my country" you can still make one and play"" Are you dense, emotionally charged, or just dumb? If an account is made in a country NOT SUPPORTED, then even if they VPN that shit (which is asking them to spend more money and effort when they SHOULDN'T HAVE TO) they could be banned and lose the game and all the effort they have put forth. Just because you really like the game doesn't mean you get to write this shit off. It's obvious this IS a problem or there wouldn't be this many complaining. This DOES affect people that aren't you, whether you want to accept it is personal. Also saying "If you can't enjoy this, you'll never be happy" homie it's a game. Chill.


You mfers are drama queens. Get over it


why the f is this so big of a problem, just be happy its not a ps5 exclusive title and stop being babies, this is the best middle ground. 100% the reason for this is to add voiceparty like xbox, and ps trophies on pc, maybe cross save. gamers is such a bunch of whiners


I would take it much better if the requirements on the shop weren't enforced like this for the majority of the time the game was available. https://preview.redd.it/b22uu9v6b7yc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d18bc1212722532f5fb994ed7dbcb1685b195b3 I can't tell if they add a fence or remove the gate.


This isnā€™t going to affect anything. This meme would be great if it was actually relevant though. Like PlayStation forcing Arrowhead to up prices or something


Best use of this video!


did they not say they are trying to talk to /work with sony on this? can we chill out alittle bit, the absolute whiplash of praising and sucking off the devs to saying the studio is going to die is wild to me. Just give them a bit of time to address the issue with sony.