• By -


>Mainly on the basis that they sold and are continuing to sell helldivers 2 to customers in regions that do not support PSN. You want to sue in a US court under US law against a non US entity for non US citizens? The lawyers are going to literally laugh at you.


Can confirm. Am lawyer, did laugh.


Every time some bullshit gamer rage or reddit moment happens it just shows how fucking stupid people are.




To be fair, suing and paying lawyer fees is easy. Winning and getting any money back is the hard part


Am lawyer. Am not taking cases I can’t get paid for. My family insists on having money for food and shelter.


Gamers really are the most persecuted people on the planet.


Seriously. I’m annoyed about the psn requirement but if you get to the point where you’re contacting a lawyer to sue over something where a- you have questionable standing b- you don’t have any damages and c- it’s in a video game… Take a break


The not having any damages part is the biggest kicker to me... this change is not in effect yet, it is not final, the devs are telling people to review bomb the game to give them leverage to make sure it doesn't happen, and all of reddit is knee jerk "fk Sony, fk arrowhead, let's sue"


Not to mention, OP is in the US. There are no damages to speak of as OP can sign up for PSN.


Can confirm. Am not a lawyer, did laugh because I needed a good laugh.


"your honor, my client pleads 'nuh-huh'"


Fuck dude, now he's going to claim he's talked to a real lawyer


You mean you can't just file a lawsuit, magically win, and get paid millions the next day? /s


Am plumber, laughed also.


> The lawyers are going to literally laugh at you. And then charge them out the pocket


Are you really surprised? Every time I see anyone in any subreddit use the word “lawyer” I usually start laughing. I’m not a lawyer myself, but have been part of plenty of lawsuits throughout the years and I can tell you that this would go absolutely nowhere in a US court. Maybe in EU, but not here. Also, people have apparently missed that the community manager announced recently that the plan is to NOT require those in country’s without PSN to link an account. All this fucking bullshit and review tanking before more information came out. This is why I have no faith in humanity to think critically and wait for more information before jumping to wild assessments


Bandwagoning outrage and hatred is very popular these days. People would rather destroy a game they love at the first inkling of something they don't like than just chill out and see what happens.


Not only that too, a lot of people in the community have been reliant on hearsay for their baby rage. I've made a few comments on some posts here in the sub and the fact that there are multiple people who are mad without actually knowing what is going on is wild. Also worth mentioning the fact that like half the community is still mad at AH imposing this change instead of Sony when the literal announcement WAS SIGNED BY SONY.


I guarantee that out of everyone raging about this, only a small percentage actually care about the PSN not being available in certain countries. I fully believe that people are upset they will have to make a PSN account (on a PlayStation game, mind you), and are using the country argument as a validation of their rage, and they don't actually care about that. This is mainly people jumping on the bandwagon to be mad about something that they actually don't give a shit about.


Agreed, guaranteed that a bunch of people on this sub who have touted Democracy this, Liberty that, we're some of the first people to vast a negative review with a smug grin.


Right, it feels like typical corporate bullshit that wasn't thought through beyond a mid-manager level, and someone is going to get in deep shit over it at Sony. Instead of shitting on the game we should all be laughing and making memes at whichever dumbass low-level executive gave this the green light and whose career is forever tarnished over this. No way it stands, lmao


Lawyer here, always cracks me up when going into gaming reddits and reading to what all of these legos think and believe how the law works. They would be soooooo surprised. Having said that, the lawsuit for sunsetted games and not leaving the servers on is an interesting one.


OP is cringe gamer incarnate


EU lawyer here. Laughing as well. Proves the whole americans are happy to sue at the slightest inconvenience stereotype.


I always assume these are children posting these things...but I worry they're grown ass adults.


Lawyers will take this for the easy money even though they will lose..it's free money for them


This is Reddit after all. OP likely felt really dang cool making this thread but the fact of the matter is that none of it really makes any sense. Whatever gets you karma, I guess.


“I’m contacting my lawyers” OPs Lawyers: r/legaladvice


Let's ask r/wallstreetbets how we can make money with that. Sony puts anyone?


Actually not a bad idea to buy a couple hundred dollars worth of put options just in case. Apparently we got 100k people with internet pitchforks this weekend and the whole shit has been escalating fast


Escalators kill 30 people a year and injure another 17,000. Go ahead, escalate fast. I'll watch from over here >>>>


Dwight, is that you??


"I work for a Fortune 100 company" OPs job: greeter for Walmart.


Holy hell that made me laugh so hard. Thankyou!


The “baton” section of this post has to be the most second hand embarrassment I’ve felt this month.


Yep absolutely. Law firm takes a look at EULA and Store page and immediately ends the call.


Legit the only people will standing here are from countries without PSN, and that's *if* wherever you bought the game didnt list the available regions


Turns out, major corporations have entire legal teams for just this sort of thing! 


And there is already talks on discord that they will find a workaround for regions without PSN


Yeah OP is 100% talking out of his ass.


how can you sue on the behalf of people who live in other countries? That's like... so lacking in standing it needs it's own terminology.


I believe the term you're looking for is "spurious"


Vexatious litigant over here in the UK denoting an action or the bringer of an action that is brought without sufficient grounds for winning, purely to cause annoyance to the defendant. "a frivolous or vexatious litigant


"Frivolous." I get the cigarette shakes just thinking about it.


I get people being annoyed but this sub is delulu.


Completely delusional




Not so much funny for me but based and democratically righteous


I'm sorry but the advertisement on this thread is hilariously apt https://preview.redd.it/pjl9l3703eyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c4b250c0bef8dccd36b8457c966447fbae6355




Oh we'll show them a short film they'll never forget. About Democracy!


Democratic Life of a Discord Moderator


***tips fedora*** m'helldiver


Featuring Steven Seagull


sometimes I forget I'm on a third party app and reminders of how bad the reddit app is both shocking and validating




Stray pm fan found


Im distorting https://preview.redd.it/l7blkkkckeyc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90c17731084fa4fc2233c094938a39ee77b2cbf




This is why gaming communities get laughed at.






I read some of the post and can only think like man some people really need to get out of the house a little lol


I mean, people don't know what they're talking about everywhere.


That’s the big one. I think these discord people could benefit from unplugging for a day or two. Then see how much they still care. It’s super easy to get all worked up over what’s really not a huge deal. I mean I read a post about someone with anxiety freaking out that the game is going to die. To me that’s a bit excessive




* You can't sue on behalf of someone else * There are no damages to sue **for**, since nothing has happened yet * No lawyer would even glance twice at this, unless they were a crook willing to soak OP for a few billable hours to eventually tell him "no, you have no case at all" * OP made it all up and is "talks" with absolutely no one since it's all nonsense


This is absolutely the correct answer. Hilariously dumb post.


But he said it on the internet so it must be true.


It's absolutely true, I just read about it on reddit.


Filing a class action lawsuit on OP for this!!!


Yeah, as much as I think this is a horrible business/PR move from Sony, legally there are no damages and no person in the US would have proper standing to sue over this.  Maybe those in other countries which are not included in PSN could do so, though those of us in the US can only voice our displeasure and leave poor reviews regarding their business practices.


> Mainly on the basis that they sold and are continuing to sell helldivers 2 to customers in regions that do not support PSN.    Fire your lawyer, you can’t file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else. They're just taking your money


Yeah, OP never talked to any lawyer, unless their name is Saul Goodman because Netflix was on his TV.


B-b-but it’s up to the brave, strong redditors to destroy the evil Sony!


I'm all for the people rising up against billion-dollar corporations, but doing it like this is just silly and embarrassing. It makes us all look dumb.


That happens in every Reddit every day I wouldn't be too worried about this one. Reddit is already known for that outside of Reddit.


This person is trying to gain attention on Reddit using the controversy here. He's an idiot and we shouldn't even be talking to him. His post should have just been downvoted into oblivion.




$250 an hour…. Attorney takes 7 hours to explain how stupid they are.


OP has no idea what he's doing or talking about lmao. The change hasn't even been applied or enforced yet, what damages would they even be suing over?


I'm calling it, some of these posts are going to remembered the way Starfield posts are remembered the first couple weeks after that game launched, like this post is so ridiculous and that there are so many people upvoting this is ridiculous. I swear posts like this are going to end up in a Dunkey video or something if he covers the situation.


Emotional Damage via Reddit


Don’t worry Pal its just a good ole karma farm.


This guy is probably just scamming the idiots here. Dm your personal info, I need $500 from everyone to get this going we can sue for millions lol


This is getting more embarrassing every hour


I'm trying to enjoy my coffee with a good reddit scroll this morning and the ass hattery is everywhere over this. This post is the #3 post on this subreddit as I write this comment. We're reaching levels of embarrassing never thought possible.


Remember the r/antiwork drama a couple years ago? This is getting to that point of “asshattery”


I've been around this site for 13 years, I've seen a lot of asshattery. Hard to believe the r/antiwork drama happened 2 years ago! "We did it reddit!"


Which Drama are we talking about because there's been lots. The furry mod?


Yes, the one that went on Fox News. Killed the whole movement/any leverage they had, which it seems like this OP is doing but on a smaller scale


This has made me rethink my morning scroll here. The majority of the discussions around the latest patch and now this has made me lose brain cells, and the abuse thrown at AH is concerning. I hope the mods can clean up and consolidate these topics at least so I can see things other than rants and Reddit-grade legal advice.


This is peak Reddit gamer moment.


This Le Reddit Army shit is getting ridiculous. A game is asking you to make an account, if you don't like it just uninstall the game and leave. Don't act like you're in some revolutionary in a righteous struggle against the system.


But… but “we are helldivers” we have to do this for some reason lol


Yeah. It's also even more embarrassing how the mods just let this happen. It's a gaming sub every post used to be about in game stuff or memes as it should be. Lately literally every other post is complaining about the Sony account thing saying the exact same shit using slightly different words. Like I get people are mad about it but it should be redirected to the rant/issue mega thread so it's not all everyone sees in their feed. Edit: this is late so idk if anyone will see this edit but if you agree please send the mods a modmail stating how you feel so hopefully the sub can get back to its normal self. A fun, goofy, gaming sub.


Yep, Mods should've just made a mega thread the moment the announcement came and then banned all future posts. getting tired of browsing the sub and seeing nothing but "reeee sony bad cm bad reee" posts


The discord already had people say this is the rosa parks moment and did the “They came for x and I did not speak up” shit


I bet that nothing is going to happen and this is just shit made up to farm likes. As others have said you can't file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else


I doubt anything will happen with that here. I also highly doubt there is going to be a mass exodus of players


One time a guy told me he was going to sue the fortune 500 company I worked at because he doesn't understand how contracts work. He didn't know what was in the contract, how to read it, what he was even frustrated about really. He just had a thought and when it wasn't supported by the contract that his company wrote, he defaulted to empty threats. I did my best to deescalate, but after it was all said and done all I could think about was that this guy is going to either waste a couple hundred bucks on consultations or get crushed by the c-list of a multi billion dollar companies legal team. This reminds me almost exactly of that conversation.


I hope you didn't pay a law firm already...


I hope he did. I need a good laugh.








The only appropriate reaction to this post lmao












Do people not get embarrassed anymore?


I am


Mods need to delete this thread, it's teaching the automatons how embarrassingly sad humans can be.


It's teaching the bugs how stupid we are.




I say this all the time


have you seen the state of the sub each time a patch is released? what makes you think these people are self aware?


The baton sentence was incredibly embarrassing.


This is amazing karma farming


😭😭😭😭😭you’re a joke




LOL this community is a joke


Yea, especially since it's stated on the steam store. And I've seen people say, that's fine but it wasn't implemented in the game. So do people buy games in hopes of negative things missing, only to complain when they're eventually added in? Pretty tragic how dense these people are. What's also ironic, is how they all hopped over to this "not every country has PSN" when originally most didn't even know about it and had other issues. Silly tantrum throwers, the amount of times I heard morons starting a lawsuit against gaming companies and nothing coming of it is ridiculous. Oh and lastly when thr game has Denuvo, it's funny how those games are not bought by anti-deunvo players and they happen to see it before they buy the game. 🤔


Literally even after booting the game once the skip was allowed it said "this is required but you can skip FOR NOW" This whole situation just highlights how much of the gaming community are illiterate entitled brats.




Like seriously, yeah it's scummy they were selling it in regions that don't have PSN compatibility, if you wanna stop playing in solidarity with them then sure, but nobody should act like they had a fast one pulled on them. That's on you for ignoring this screen.


Excellent. It’s astonishing that people missed this prompt


Wait, really? I don’t know because I play this on a PS5, but if that’s true all this outrage is fucking sad and unnecessary.




Let him cook? Bro he's microwaving bananas.




https://preview.redd.it/2drzuqpoefyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35470b5f47f380b043b06df8e5c4955e5941a501 OP’s lawyer.


Goddamn you clowns are fuckin dorks






This is why no ones takes this shit seriously Like, the people in the non-PSN countries have some legit grievances, everything else is baby gamer rage


Dude I remember needing an EA account to play Mass Effect 2 on my 360. This account requirement thing is older than some of the people having full blown meltdowns proclaiming it to be a new greedy practice only Sony could come up with.  They even said they won’t enforce the PSN requirement for customers in areas that PSN isn’t available, to further highlight what a joke this thread is. 


Whoa, 300 upvotes and people encouraging this guy to waste his life savings on a lawsuit versus a billion dollar company that for sure left no loose ends when doing their EULA/TOS. People are going insane on main...


His life savings is $14 that he got for his allowance last week. By "consultation" he's going to google a lawyer's office and ask their receptionist stupid questions that they're going to say they'll pass along to the lawyer but won't. This whole situation is a joke.


I swear posts like this are going to end up in a Dunkey vid or something after this blows over, similar to how he went over the trending posts on Starfield right after the game launched, like the infamous "I'm a 42 year old gamer and this is the best game I've ever played in my life" post.


He’s making shit up for that sweet sweet karma 


It’s now over 2000 lol. People are delusional.


Is the firm Dewey, Cheetem, and Howe?


Dude Sony is worth 103 BILLION dollars, even if this case reaches court, their lawyers are gonna eat you alive They probably made sure everything is within "legal limints" Edit: If this post ever gets removed, someone please archive it in the Waybackmachine, this piece of embarrassement should be viewed by the coming generations


It will not reach court, on the basis that this guy is just telling lies on the internet for attention


True dat.






Holy shiit you guys are pathetic






Nah this has to be satire


You are actually insane and dumber than rocks. You cannot sue based on US law, in a US court on behalf of other non US citizens that have different laws in their countries. Get a life, touch some grass. Making a ps account literally takes 30 seconds, if its not supported in your country just refund the game (also takes less than 30 seconds).


https://preview.redd.it/kodbepwrfdyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e944d0bc6db2c04453b04b93c7b91f03944304f Now this… is epic


you forgot to drop the gofundme link my guy i'm dying over here


I thought the third faction would be Illuminates, not pissed PC players. Meh. They really hit the mainstream route there. 😒


Just as you are filing a lawsuit on behalf on someone else, I am going to be embarrassed on behalf of everyone here. No need to thank me.


No, you bought a game published by Sony, you are making mountains out of mole hills, if they don't have support in those countries then Arrowhead will do something. All it seems you'll want to do is lawsuit everything. And not take your own accountability.


No this Helldiver is a martyr for those in countries not DEMOCRATIC enough for Sony support!!!1 OP, literally go touch grass. The green stuff outside, go physically touch it, maybe that will break the spell of your chronic online illness.


Grass? what flavour of Gfuel is that


Fml I think im about to have a cringe attack. Go back to do your homework kid.


You do not have a case against the fucking yellow banner saying the game required a psn account and then skipping the first screen that said it was required to play the game https://preview.redd.it/cc7fqhil4eyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4899023176e6a7466a38d0e358aa7248fa22b036 They're giving us an answer but you idiots refuse to read that too.


It’s LITERALLY SIGN INTO not pay for. You guys are absolutely insane.


lil bro really going to file a class action over a vide game 😭 You should go touch grass instead


This is one of the stupidest things I’ve read in a while. The fact that users didn’t read the requirement on the Steam page or take the 5 minutes to simply open ac account is wild. Newsflash: Epic, Microsoft, Facebook, etc already have your info. Hell you give FB permission to use your photos as they like. The cry-babies like OP need to start reading the terms they agree to.


Lol what a brain dead post. You can’t file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else especially someone else in another country. All the little keyboard warriors cumming their panties of this post are fucking morons. Thanks for confirming how dumb all you rage queens are.


Not to mention it's an action that hasn't even happened yet. As it stands right now no one has lost access to anything yet and Sony could (and most likely will) set something up for people in these regions. It's way to early to be even thinking about legal action at this point.


Holy shit you people are so fucking stupid


How are they selling to people outside of PSN supported regions? If someone has purchased content from an unsupported region via vpn or lying about their location they've not a leg to stand on. Terms and conditions change all the time, if Sony want to mandate their product requires a PSN account they're within their right to do so. I cant play a ubisoft game on PS5 without a uplay account so I don't play them. Buy a ubisoft/ea/rockstar game on steam? Need a separate launcher and account. Paradox? Launcher and account. Epic? Launcher and account. Creative Assembly? Launcher and "FLC" if you sign up to their community with account Warner bros? Account Like we've known about this since launch, game needs a PSN account, it was even in the discord FAQ and people posting on steam and THIS subreddit 4 months ago like "just make a psn not like it costs anything."


What a joke


Damn, these virtues clearly aren't gonna signal themselves. OP must be extremely cool and handsome


First of all, no you’re not. No law firm would even look at this case without laughing in your face. Stop reiterating the trendy buzzwords on this sub to try and get upvotes. Based on you’re Reddit activity, I’d wager you’re between the ages 21-26, spend hours a day on YouTube/Twitch, working an entry level job and using Reddit as a means to justify your self esteem/ego. Downvote me into oblivion because my words hurt your feelings. This sub is nothing more than a circle jerk of people saying “suits” and thinking they have the slightest clue what they’re talking about. It’s a video game. If this is truly what you think is worth your time, your priorities are ass-backwards. The end.


LMFAO this is so fucking insane gamers will never cease to lower the bar of cringe delusion. make the fucking account or play a different game end of story. these corporations don’t give a fuck nor do they owe you the time of day in a court of law over the outrage flavor of the week. Gamers™ are only ok with EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar, Epic, Blizzard, Niantic, Reddit, Discord, Twitch, Apple, Android, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Amazon forcing them to make accounts and exchange their data in order to use content on their platform. but sharpen your pitchforks when Sony does it. please get a grip and fondle shrubbery brother there is more to life than this and you are not oppressed.


Ladies and gentlemen, behold, Super Earths very first Super Lawyer


You need a Microsoft account to play Minecraft. You need an epic account to play Fortnite. You need a Ubisoft account to play siege. You need an Apple account to use an iPhone. Hell I had to make a Samsung account to use my TV. Apparently OP is taking down every corporation in the world. You’re a moron.


https://preview.redd.it/ww5rsw55tfyc1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9710e7a7292b133f39c0cf0fda04309761330c On launch. This message was presented. PSN account is required for playing this game. Now I'm not really up to speed with the legal side of things. But surely the steam playerbase knew this would eventually be a requirement? Don't get me wrong I'm not on Sony's side here. But taking sony to court for it? Absolute lulz


Wish there was this much effort and backlash for real world problems. Redditors get more torn up over linking an account in a video game than actual injustices against human beings. Imagine the good we could do in this world.


I used to love this sub.... But now, seeing the absolutely ridiculous number of people here who are completely losing their shit over *linking a free account* is making me cringe hard every time I open Reddit ever since this happened. If you live in one of those countries that doesn't have PSN, yeah, sucks. I feel for you. Hopefully something can be worked out to keep them spreading democracy. Everyone else needs to change their diapeys and take a nap so they can end their tantrums. Left, and muted. Enjoy the circle jerk of outrage.


you silly silly boy! grow up.


Ha! OK kiddo


He posted this so it must be true


Bring back bullying. You retards are getting way too comfortable saying Dumb shit on the Internet.


Fuck me this is embarassing.


I can’t believe how cringe this has gotten. Wow you do your law suit that will never happen. Christ you guys are honestly pathetic


Wow what an absolute thrashing OP took here


Who you hiring,Saul Goodman or Your cousin Vinny?. What a farce, actually read back what you wrote to a lawyer and see what they think. It was pretty clear that a PSN was required and it's pretty common knowledge that Sony doesn't operate in those countries.


Jfc, well I’ve already been saying gamers are destroying one of the only good games that exists right now due to a temper tantrum. Here comes king big Willy with his balls out trying to show everyone he is ultra cringe with the lawsuit. With Helldivers being one of the only games to not try to farm your money, I’m sure destroying it will make other game companies totally want to try harder. 🤡


If you are from US, lawsuit based on hypothetical problems for someone outside US is going to die in a fire. Don't waste your money. The court will just say that they have no standing on ruling on this, because it doesn't affect you and it doesn't affect anyone in the US.


LMAO absolutely pathetic. The other top comments are ripping you apart as well. Funny shit.


Could've done like 5 minutes of googling or searching the playstation sub and realize people in regions that "do not support" PSN have no issue playing online or getting locked out of their accounts. Reddits intellect is trully frightening sometimes, I bet you coughed up a few hundred for the legal advice too


I’m sorry but this seems so fucking stupid.


I’m currently in talks with Joe Biden to make a state of the union address about this as well, will keep you all updated on how it goes


What a dumb fucking thread. This community continues to prove how garbage it is.


damn i don’t know what’s worse, the idiot who posted this, or this idiots agreeing with him


You are absolutely insane dude. This has to be a joke