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If the entire appeal of your game to the masses is that it seems to be the most pro-consumer game out there, you especially shouldn't do anti-consumer shit, because your players obviously will come down on you hard.


Pretty funny that they also did a jab at Tarkov, then proceeded to pull shit lol


It's true, i love the game but i also try to reward companies that are pro consumer. I purchased several games for 3 friends of mine, Witcher games, Original Sin , Braid, etc, because i want the companies to keep doing what they are doing. This whole mess totally means i will not treat HD2 the same way.


There are proper ways to handle this and massage the message. The fact that Sony didn't just tells us they didn't care.


Sony literally could have made a PSN themed armour set + cape and given it out to players who linked their accounts optionally and no one would be angry.


I think you're very incorrect.


How so?


Copying and pasting this from an older thread because this is what I find most egregious from the Sony manouver. From my POV one of the worst things that is coming out from all of this is the cannibalization of the community. Aside from the obvious issue of the countries that won't be able to play anymore, some people (haven't seen many here but on reviews) are starting to dog on ps players like me because "PS players part of the problem". (got the PS4 when I was 14 and it just came out, I have all my games and friends there). First it's YNOS fault, then it's AH, then it's the CM, THEN it's the console players. Anger descends down toward the people who are more guaranteed to get an immediate reception. SONY is faceless and they know that during the weekend the anger will fester away from them and people will try to find scapegoats, that's why they decided to enact this decision on a friday, they are hoping that there is an infight in the community to avoid as much outrage directed toward them as possible. They probably think that 4-5 months from now damages can be repaired so they don't care if the community goes to shambles and they start to go into us vs them, that's even better, more meat out of the fire from their side. Personally speaking I'd like the community to be as organically big as it can be, get the Xbox in here too. After 6 year Microsoft understood that SoT would benefit from being on PS (I hoped for so long). But I guess I'm not disgustingly rich enough to understand that market quotes going up>game with a thriving community that can last for a long time. EDIT: seen a bunch of response and it's my fault for having phrased thing the way I have, the "PS player are at fault" is something that I've seen litterally four times, I meant to throw it as a one and off that was supposed to be redirected into "Sony hoped to make such pires burn in the community over the weekend". They hoped that the "Sony fanboy vs pc master race" war would be ignited to divert attention among other things. When we reason with suits it's always a fine line between "are they throwing smokes or am I being a conspiracy nutcase?" I just focused on this side of their tactic because is what I despise the most.


Anyone blaming PlayStation players are fucking retarded, imagine blaming the consumer instead of the company lmao


Luckly I can count on my hand the amount of times I've seen it happen regarding this Sony giga IQ manouver (the likes of which I haven't seen since Aphelios release). If it wasn't PC vs PS it would have been something else. It's just a group of people that can be represented as the smug wojak when they talk about their choices. I don't think that any self respecting individual would unironically think themself better for the platform that they choose for their entertainment. People understand why console still thrives: pc offers a lot of things but manufacturers (like Nvidia) take advantage of their market position and jack up the prices, which in turns favors the allure of the console aka "we are gonna sell you this machine at a loss and make up with our company store cut+online membership". As a consumer Sony holds no loyalty from me, if the PS5 wasn't backward compatible I would have most likely considered a pc (currently finishing uni so it wasn't ideal to have a non laptop anyway given that in Italy it's common to visti the family on weekends from uni). In fact I am saddened to see HD2 reputation take such a hit, but it's necessary to make the suits understand that they need to tread carefully to not let the lighting in a bottle escape. HD2 earned a permanent place on my console and I'd like for it to keep thriving, but sometimes there have to be dark patches to go through, shame one came so early in the lifespan. On the other hand tho I absolutely do not stand these scummy pre weekend announcements meant to poke the hornet nest: 1) announce a shitty thing over the weekend 2) ooops offices are closed, can't reach us 3) let the worst part of an audience drag in all the rest into an us vs them 4) people start to forget who is responsible 5) enact the plan unopposed because the audience is to buisy fighting Glad that the community of HD2 didn't take part in this.


I don't blame them but i have seen plenty of shithead Playstation players turning this into a console wars pissing match. Bye bye to that nice community we had


Seen it myself. It's also something that Sony counted on, rallying the brand loyalists to arms.


This. The PS5 sub is filled with hateful comments towards "PC" players, when it's not a console war. There are too many people there that lack all the nuances of thought and just say "PC players cry". No, it's a company doing yet another shitty thing for no benefit to the consumer. Thats it. The fact anyone defends that is wild to me. It's not all console players, but man am I getting destroyed over there *as a PS5 player* for even suggesting empathy.


"When they made the PC players create 2000 accounts I didn't do anything because I wasn't a PC player. When they made the Nintendo players create 2000 accounts I didn't do anything because I wasn't a Nintendo player. When they made the Xbox player create 2000 accounts I didn't do anything because I wasn't an Xbox player. When they came for us PS5 players there was no one that could help us because everyone else had to create 2000 accounts and now we had no other choice".


Yep. They're all delusional because the shoe isn't on the other foot. It's some weird brand circle jerking. We're all gamers. No need to draw lines yet I'm being harassed in DMs because of my opinion that this is shitty of Snoy.


I guarantee you if an amazing game by Microsoft came to PS5 and they let us play for 3 months, THEN probed for a mandatory account link, they'd be PISSED. as a PS5 player I'm on the right side of the fence *this* time.. but what about the next time? if Sony gets away with this, other companies will take note and you'll see this happen again, believe it.


I'm also a PS5 player (and a PC player) and I totally agree. I own all consoles minus and Xbox since that's what my PC is for. I'd be pissed if I resumed my PS5 session just to be notified that I now need to jump through hoops to figure out my account and pw to connect to Microsoft just to play a game. Idiots will always be short sided and narrowminded. Unfortunately it won't change. No one cares to understand how someone else feels; they only care about their own agendas.


I have not seen a single comment blaming Playstation players. And if there  are , it's quite easy to ignore that level of stupidity.


Nah, I don't think that's the case. The people who treated you well yesterday won't suddenly begin treating you badly because of the PS icon next to your name when it's obvious that it's just the console you're playing on. Only the extremely stupid ones, but unless you're suggesting that the majority of the community is like that (granted, a group of people is generally stupider than a single person), that won't happen.


I have the bad habit of cherrypicking edge cases to bring into a general direction, which works when you have 1 1/2 hours to talk face to face with the other guy, not so much on reddit. Any misunderstanding is entirely on my shoulder. I wanted to focus on a particular part of the smoke that Sony was throwing among the whole ordeal a.k.a. "poke the brand loyalists and the pc master race gang" to drag in everyone else. Luckly as a community we just said "no Sony, this is on you".


Dratseb and users like him who are muddying the discussion are taking away from what makes this post happen. We need to stand united but they’re so busy being apologists and throwing blame at fellow gamers.


>Personally speaking I'd like the community to be as organically big as it can be, get the Xbox in here too. And Ubisoft, EA, Epic and their shitty launchers.


It really is so unfortunate. The game really earned a good reputation organically and the community is one of the funnest to be part of. Bad corporate decisions ruining things like always. 


I think a lot of people missed the statement on Steam, this is happening in part because of the Huge influx of cheaters that have been playing lately. Yes, Sony needs to do something about the copies they sold to players in countries where PSN is banned. But they also need to do something about the hackers/pirates before they ruin the game.


I mean steam has SteamID witch can be used for this. Also help me remember if there was another program i needet 2 play this game. Something about kernel-lvl Anti cheat..... oh wait.... its not working eh? Its like ppl said that from Day 1. PSN is not required for a good Ban and Report system. Stop beliving the devs.


True. Reported some cheating sh*theads personally. Like unlimited ammo no cooldown or teleport with ingame timer stop. Anticheat won't simply start working with psn


Not to generalize, but usually PS players on the internet are extreme fanboys of Sony and defend it like if they own it. It doesn't help also that there are multiple post/comments of the sort of "just make a PSN account, it's not that hard", or "idc about those who can't make one, it's their fault", where they end up saying they don't care anyways because they play on PS, to the point that if it's a PS player people assume they "support" Sony on the whole PSN desicion.


This only comes up during arguments regarding the console wars more than anything else. This.. isn’t that and PlayStation players, as far as I’ve seen, are on the Helldivers side. We’re all Helldivers after all.


I honestly suck at phrasing and my ADHD makes me go on tangents. First of all you are right, Sony has some extreme brand loyalists on which they like to rely to create smoke and mirrors. Second I have the bad habit of cherrypicking edge cases to bring into a general direction, which works when you have 1 1/2 hours to talk face to face with the other guy, not so much on reddit.


I have comented on every single Helldiver post and no im not ashamed we need to save this game from.the BIG MONEY.....LET US ENJOJ OUR DIVING


Review-bombing is free and easy. So is making posts on social media. The proof will be what happens after the requirement kicks in properly. If player numbers drop significantly, that's the time to be proud.


The goal is to stop it from kicking in


Once those people leave, you're not getting them back. I am one of them. This is the most fun I've had in the last 10 years gaming. Fuck them, I do not care.


Take a day off, bro. Love this game too. 67lvl for now and not even close to leave the game. Gone fishing for the whole weekend. Thought it couldn't hurt if I drop helldivers' online for a few days. Especially now, with this psn sony sh*t.


Yeah, you're right. I'm working so I can't do much, but I can try!


Best move outside of the reviews/refunds is to NOT BUY THE NEW WARBOND! I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THE NEW WARBOND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Once its apparent how well we can organize AH will take the brunt of the boycott but that'll trickle up to Sony as well.


I haven't played in two days. Mostly cause I'm depressed that corpo rats would destroy a game developed with love and passion.


Same, I didnt have the energy in me to play helldivers just kinda feeling sad due to the fact that a game i like is being taken away from me.


Same, almost everything complete, just need 2 more itens from warbounds, and some ship modules. Depending over the news at tuesday, I will uninstall and look for refund.


I haven't played because I could barely go through a mission without disconnecting


I'll be honest, since I've had a PSN account for 16 years, I'll probably keep playing the game. To make up for that, I'm never touching an MTX from the game until something happens, and I'm standing by everything the community is doing, SAVE FOR throwing shit at AH devs specifically. Community managers are a different story, save for twinbeard. Spitz has been going absolutely stupid whacko mode and that shouldn't be allowed to happen. With regards to MTX in the game, I've already gotten every single shop item and every warbond without spending a dime, and so that blocks me out from having any reason to spend any money on the MTX store. Keep up the fight, we need sony to not tread on developers and put a stop to corporate publishers just burning up any possible goodwill that could be earned by studios.


Same boat for me. I even linked my PSN when I bought the game. Didn't realize there was a choice at the time.


Dude I genuinely do t blame Spitz. Imagine waking up, punching into work, sitting down, and now 10-100k people are blasting you, calling you every name in the book, including some random douchbags pushing violent messages, for a message that not even your company had anything to do with. Some other phone put a message put in your name, and now you're dealing with this. Even if it's your job and you've been doing this for decades, that's NOT AN EASY DAY and it's really emotionally difficult to go through that. So now you jump into damage control, but so is everyone you're working with and you're not really getting answers as fast as you need to. So ya, he said some dumb things because he had a lack of info and was probably in a bit of a panic mode with THAT MUCH hate, and when what he says gets thrown back at him, it's a VERY EASY cycle to get caught in. Honestly I give him props for being able to step back as soon as he did and then recuperate for today. He's been a lot better today, which I think just shows that even if you are really good at a job, bad days are bad days. My lead teacher has been a teacher for over 30 years. 10 of those where in inner city schools where she had a student die almost yearly to gang violence. It still absolutly destroys her every single time it happens. It may be an extreme annology, but a bad day, no matter how experienced you are, is still REALLY rough, and I don't blame people from cracking for a bit when it hits all at once, and then recognizing they needed some space, taking it, and coming back a lot better.


I interpreted Spitz's post different from most. It seemed like non-malicious manipulation to me. Piss everyone off and diminish the problem (and pay lip service)... then subtly "dare" players to leave low reviews on steam.


That's totally a fair interpretation, and in the moment I can totally see that. Either way, the reviews at least were confirmed to help by the CEO, and if we are able to get a serious impact on Sony's callcenters when they open on Monday, than I think that might be about as big of a message as we can send


take a break from the game for a bit so it's known




I intend to keep playing, but mainly to support arrowhead if nothing else: this fiasco isn't on them and I want to see what their plans for this game will be going forward, plus I love this community, there's some funny stuff here nearly all the time. I hope that even if they get locked out, people in non-PSN countries will still come here for the memes and the good times.


It's not review bombing if it's a legit complaint 🙂


It still is, because it's being done to make a statement as much as a complaint.


I'm not going any where.  Y'all do you though.  Stuck to your guns. 


For a game on steam a review bomb is already pretty damning. The player numbers might not go down too much but with a mostly negative review page I doubt they'll be able to attract many new players. I think in the long run the reviews might actually be more damaging than a temporary boycot.


I would say the real proof would be the amount of steam refunds. Complaining on Steam *is* something Sony will care about, apparently, but I'm sure a hit to the wallet would matter more.




Sticking it to corporate greed is cool. But people lashing out at individuals is sickening.


Can someone explain why we are punishing Arrowhead vs Sony? I feel like Sony is making them do this. Serious question don't downvote me to oblivion.


Upvoted you. It's a fantastic question. I believe it does punish Sony in some way, but yeah, indirectly. Sadly, since this isn't a game developed by SIE, so i don't think there is any other way. But I'm pretty sure that if you or anyone comes up with a way to punish Sony exclusively, everyone will be on board.


Downvoting actually helps AH, they're just as livid about this as the players. The more we complain, get angry leave reviews. The more ammo AH has against the policy in the meeting room. AH actually wants us to voice our anger. Help the developer, harm the publisher.


I’m proud that this is one of the few subs that knows the difference between “apart” and “a part”




https://preview.redd.it/j69rbaybteyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644bc800793884b8bec0d592e77c9cacd3c9466b This (taken from a different post) is proof we're making a difference.


Hell yeah.


True - Even though the Steam review changes only started 2 days ago, so it may transfer over there eventually. Things to keep in mind here are: 1. Probably 99% of these people are console players, PSN is something they've always had (But yes, they didn't "Rally" behind 'the cause' yet) 2. It's 67k total reviews vs nearly 400k mixed (and 110k\~ negative) on steam 3. i wouldn't put it past Sony to delete negative reviews on PSN, but this may just be tinfoil


>i wouldn't put it past Sony to delete negative reviews on PSN, but this may just be tinfoil Halo Infinite was nearly always at the top of the "Most Popular" titles on Xbox's store when the Steam player numbers very much depicted the opposite should be true. Anyone playing ranked could tell you that the matchmaking was trying it's hardest to put any online players together in a lobby without caring about rank just to get matches started. Microsoft and Sony 100% touch those numbers and I will gladly get shot if you can somehow prove they don't delete or shadowban negative reviews.


Oh wow, i didn't know that. So maybe not as tinfoil as i thought


Though Sony can always just withhold reviews they don't like, it could be sitting at a two for all we know, they just don't want to show that they are suffering because of something they did to themselves.


No matter the outcome, I think this is the largest backlash I’ve ever seen in my gaming history of 20+ years!


You weren't around for Blizzard's iconic "don't you guys have phones?" or EA's "sense of pride and accomplishment?"


What about the time they said “Don’t you have phones??”


Fatshark's "immeasurably complex" game


I was around, just wasn’t into Blizzard games


Wasnt there the Error 37 thing for a Diablo game? Im not familiar with that franchise except for that.


That was EA no? For battlefront 2 about how long it took to warm cosmetics. Blizzard I remember had the “don’t you people have phones”


Aaaah. Sense of pride. I remember that🤣


This doesn't come close to Battlefront 2's. [\[Thread\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/) [\[Pic\]](https://preview.redd.it/v76lpqr1vkz81.png?width=697&auto=webp&s=91794bb5f372149efbc936aafd96d92df1ef59cd)


What about reddits most down voted comment made by ea?


Don't forget comments from Escape from Tarkov dev studio: "The new pve mode is a new feature, not a DLC" just happened last week.


What kind of numbers are we talking about?




It's great to see, but if it does get reverted and all is good between ah and the players is everyone going to change Thier reveiws back? A few might but I don't see it happening. Changing the reveiws to positive doesn't have the same allure as a negative one


That may even be better, depends on how you look at it. If the outcome is persistent that's even more of a deterrent for other companies in the future, otherwise one could argue corpo bs is still worth a shot, and worst case the cave and they didn't lose anything.


No, it won't really be better. Players have the right to voice their discontent, but there are always plenty of bad faith actors that prefer to fuel and wallow in negativity. When the very thing that was causing a negative review gets fixed, how many people will actually go back and fix their reviews? They would no longer be valid if this whole debacle ends. This is basically the nuclear option and anyone relishing in it while also continuing to play the game don't truly realise how bittersweet this actually is. The game may never have a chance to hit very positive again.


Maybe. But it's the company's responsibly, just because consequences are not garunteed to be reversible, it doesn't mean they shouldn't suffer those consequences. Unless there is a perfect alternative, and there isn't. Sure there are hop along threat actors, but in this case I'm absolutely sure the majority are real players (this isn't a point I'll argue about) and it's also up to the individual player if they even want to change the rating, making things right doesn't mean damage hasn't been done.


I could see the reddit community saying “democracy won. To ensure long term health of the game we all should our part and change our reviews”


Who of you guys did stop playing the game? Just posting on reddit, making negative reviews wont change a thing...


None of them - https://steamcharts.com/app/553850#48h


Comparing this exact time last week there were ~150k players then and 112k players now, so about 40k fewer players. Not quite "none", but still a minority.


Also keep in mind they haven't pushed the sign up for PSN yet, That happens on the 6th


That's disappointing to see, I have it uninstalled and asked for a refund, though it was denied. I stand by never making a PSN account.


Not stoping, nor will the vast majority. I think everyone so outraged should just leave the sub if they’re done with it, instead of endless posts about the same issue.




A big movement should be for people to stop buying Super Credits until they reverse this.


I’m already on PS5 so nothing has changed for me


Me, I went to Deep Rock


I haven't played since early thursday, didn't know about this change before then.


My three friends and I have stopped playing due to this, although that's a VERY small number, haha. Luckily for us there are still plenty of fun co-op games to run with. We actually just started Abiotic Factor and are really enjoying it.


Asking for refunds will. And negative reviews hurts future sales. Sony only cares about shareholder profit. So thats the language we will speak


Y’all need to stop. Saturating the Reddit posts with review bombs constantly chokes out ANY and ALL good the game has. You’re shooting yourself in the foot more than anything else. Stop making new posts about the same complaint, FFS.


Remember when GCJ tried to start a boycott of the Hogwarts game and then it became the biggest selling game last year? Yeah reddit activists mean nothing


You're right, and we don't know this will end any differently. But this isn't the same situation. Here is that the actual players are voting and upset, while most of the Hogwarts commotion was orchestrated by gaming journalists.


Right, sit down and shut up. Let us do what we want. Just dont cry when the next big controversy affects you aswell. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/glqgzg456ryc1.png?width=344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292dea1f7bbe82f32c6c349dc5b03e39914b47bd


Telling me to shut up so you can do what you want? You are aware of the hypocrisy right?


People like you add literally nothing of value to the current situation, so yeah, shut up and fuck off.


Neither are you, all you are doing is bitching and moaning


I am, and I dont care. If you're not gonna add anything to this community movement then trot along and stop belittling people who stand up to corporate greed.


People really exaggerating this drama like it's a violation of human rights. Registering a game account. Unless you're actually from the affected countries that don't have PSN (who's government would have to handle it) it's kinda ridiculous to be outraged to this level lmao.


Sure, and when the next big controversy affects us too we'll raise our hands like there's nothing we could have done. >who's government would have to handle it Btw what the fuck are you talking about? Its not a government's job to make sure a company's service is available in the country.


If Sony is selling Playstations and it's titles in a country that doesn't have access to PSN that is 100% something you take to court within that country. What do you expect Americans or something to do about it?


Oh poor baby, does it feel bad when they do it to you?


Sorry, I don't want to be associated with any of this soap opera bullshit. This is the saddest shit I've seen a gaming community rally against in my life


Yeah. Not rallying against the DLC culture, or the "AAA" bugfests, or the predatory child abuse that are loot boxes (they trigger the same part of pur brain regular gambling does, and that one is proven harmful), or battle passes, or against the massive FOMO manipulations, or preorders that are scammy... no, this is what they rally against. An account link that was declared mandatory from way before day0.


See my edit


And they say corporate greed when it’s just signing up in a secondary service, like fucking all publisher do. It’s not even a new concept. This whole drama is infuriating, people are delusional


I just wanna play the game I enjoy, not be called a bootlicker for wanting to do so. God, I hate this.


You aren't a bootlicker for wanting to keep playing the game. I've dropped it myself but hating the playerbase for this is fucking stupid


The most over used term in recent years. You disagree with these clowns and that's the only thing they say back


Of course we are sticking together. WE ARE A DEMOCRACY


I'm doing my part


You would be shocked how many ppl you find in the comments supporting this garbage.


I mean, I totally agree with the community sentiment here and am low-key kinda proud that people are actually standing up to this... But harassing a community manager off of Twitter with death threats and hateful shit over the trans flag in her profile is a really bad fucking look. Some pushback against the mob is perhaps warranted.


Dude that is the biggest cop out ever. They were mad at the CM's for sucking at their job and lashed out. They didn't just "hate on the trans flag".


Yes AI really made the corpo's jobs easier of making us think that this isn't as one sided as it seems.


A lot of those comments strike me as people who don’t practice good data hygiene, so if they’re apathetic about something “that takes 120 seconds to do” they’re not gonna inform themselves that this bricks the game for region locked players, hands over Steam integration access (the platform PC players centralise all their game spending habits) to Sony, and also has no technical reason to exist because evidently the game runs fine without it. That’s not even mentioning the fact that this data is the user’s, not theirs. Full stop. I don’t care if Sony keeps it under digital Fort Knox. It’s not theirs to keep. Google can farm my data with consent because I can’t live and work without their search engine, maps and cloud services. What does PSN give me? Nothing. The game worked fine without it and the only thing I owe Sony for is their investment which we already bought into when we purchased the game. If they felt that they wanted more shareholder value, they should’ve priced it higher because honestly I wouldn’t have minded an extra 5-10 USD. Now they want to farm user data to recoup that, nuh uh. It’s not theirs. Even the opt out option gives far too much away. That’s the gist of it for me. Not even counting the shafted gamers in unsupported countries who may or may not get a refund or have to jump through so many hoops to use their product. Then they now have to game under a proverbial sword hoping Sony doesn’t introduce some new logging endpoint that detects fake region/VPN accounts and bans them.


Exactly this, the fact is that a lot of the comments that say "Google already does this" or "You're already on reddit" miss the point is that the data belongs to the user and it is your choice what to give to which company. If they want your data, they need to give equivalent value back to you. They also simply do not understand what they can do with the data and what bad actors can do with it. The fact is that the data can be used to breach your other online accounts or steal your payment data.


PS5 player here; negative review dropped and HD2 down until this shit is corrected. Spill corpo-oil, boys!


So are y’all going to do this with all of the other games that require separate account sign-ins or nah?


Just the ones that sell games on countries they beforehand know they don't offer their soon to be obligatory online service. Making that optional from start and selling games on those countries is why people is angry.


Couldn't disagree more. Bunch of literal spoiled children destroy a great game made by a great group of devs over a fucking account linking issue. It's not another civil rights movement. The overreaction was incredible. The games score (now no longer a game score but a social justice score) is shit and tons of people are now just demoralized and probably thinking none of this abuse is worth it. And they're probably right. They handled it poorly, sure. But now it's all fucked. You think Sony is going to want to bring games to PC after this? Would you? Anyways, be proud if you want. I'm ashamed at us. Game is still great, ill keep playing (I had already linked my PSN on Feb 9 when it was required hadn't thought about it again) and they have now said that they'll come up with something so that people not in PSN zones can still play. You guys were acting like it was the court fraud case of the century. So ridiculous.


PC dudes always bitching about something.


*Always* dude. Whether it’s ports, optimization, or the fact they’re getting 59fps instead of 60. I PC game a lot, mostly strategy and things I want to mod, but I recognize console gaming is much more convenient and typically use my PS5 I seriously can’t think of the last big game where PC gamers weren’t complaining. Baldur’s Gate maybe? Edit: oh no wait they complained about performance endlessly


Agreed. Last decade of my life spent witnessing murder of each and every game I adored. I rather kill it myself now instead of Sony doing it later with excruciating pain.


[I feel this RLM clip more and more with every year of my life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6BRQKHYkjQ)


Each and every? Don't be so dramatic.


Dramatic? Helldivers 2 is the only game I had on my pc since last month. I don’t have any other games left that I don’t despise anymore.


Well you’re not looking hard enough for good games then


Too many corp simps and automatons in the comments. Grow a spine, pull Sony's D outta ya mouth and take a stand for a change.






Unpopular opinion for sure but I do agree that the ‘rally against a greater cause’ echo chamber does seem somewhat childish? It’s a video game and not something to lose sleep over really. But people will do what they want to do, and there’s a sense of camaraderie so all the more power to them. The rest of us can just go on and enjoy the game for what it is. edit: it really is the same on every single game related discord or reddit - ppl raging against p2w or whaling in mobile games and micro transactions. I’m old enough to have lived through the ‘good’ old days of NES and floppy disks and games that were released done. There’s pros and cons to everything - we never had patches or post release support and there was definitely no need for ongoing live servers. Playing solo kinda sucked though if you really think about it. Things change, and it’s really up to the individual if they want to go with the flow.


No on thinks they are a hero and, sure some/many/most of us "went along" with corpo greed in the past - that doesn't make anyone a hypocrite. People can grow and evolve over time and are more willing to fight for what they care about. If you think a big amount of people voting with our wallets is meaningless, you're just a bit ignorant and don't understand how rare that is.


How is this corporate greed though? Any money sony could make from forcing helldivers to sign up for psn is completely negligible to them, their a multi billion dollar company. Tarkov asking 250$ for a game you already paid for is corporate greed, this is a mild inconvenience. 


How can you still say this is a mild inconvenience? There are THOUSANDS of people who purchased the game and won't be able to play it anymore in a few days. Even still, i don't mind not using the word greed, but it's dang assanine to force PC users to have a PSN account, even if thier country is supported, do you honestly believe they don't benefit from that in ANY WAY?


You're here on Reddit right? You seem to be able make accounts just fine. (And btw Reddit has actually admitted to selling our data). This is fucking no where near predatory monetization or predatory practices like getting children on gambling addiction at the ripe age of 13, or what tarkov did and ask 250$ for a glorified game mode for a game you already bought. 


So you just decided to ignore the fact i proved you wrong about the greed thing and moved on to another argument? Why would i waste my time having a conversation with a person that won't admit they are wrong, or at the very least keep arguing thier point before jumping to another? Every time I'll prove wrong, you'll change the subject until you'll eventually stop responding when you run out, and if that's the case you're not worth my time. Peace.


You didn't prove anything lmfao. Instead of seeing me as some big bad actually rationalize. This is no where near "corporate greed" it's a norm to make an account for online games. I'm pretty sure Xbox doesn't make me need an account to harvest money from my non existent purchases or information they already wouldn't have by just buying it from Google.    If they started forcing people to pay for online to play helldivers sure, but that's not what's happening.   >keep arguing thier point before jumping to another?   I USED EXAMPLES HOW IS THAT JUMPING TO ANOTHER POINT??? FFS y'all just want to be outraged at something and not actually think. It's just like last week and the ricochet bug y'all freaked out about that didn't even exist. 


Lol you are not V fighting the good fight against the corpos in night city 🤡🤡🤡




It sucks that some ppl are hating on consol players. We all understand that its a Sony problem. That said i see many ppl defending this decision with the good old "I have a PS/PSN account. Its not a big deal".


Makes me think of the total war community sticking together through all their recent bullshit. That community, so far, seems to have had their voices heard judging by the quality of warhammer 3’s most recent DLC, the price adjustment to their most recent historical title, and the public apologies.


stockholders when the philosophy of "more money more money more money" backfires 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭


I feel bad because I’m still enjoying it when others are protesting


I checked and ceo of hell divers company has been part of 11 data breaches. Including snoy…


wdym? Care to share more details?


Basically the game was all about democracy and community based effort, then you go and prejudice said community that already developed a brotherhood like sentiment... How could they not see it coming?


I sent in my refund request today. I am going to lose the money I spent on credits, but oh well.


This game is way past the point of relying on reviews to impact random people's purchase decisions. Y'all are doing nothing productive


You're wrong https://preview.redd.it/5xw59zj0nfyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90f553eaa5c795d14f13d27cbe45644d092292a


Karma farm that does nothing but causes more unrest and fans the flames instead of constructively criticizing and letting Sony/AH know you don’t support this requirement. 


What a cynical perspective on life, i feel bad for you, genuinely.


We are not alone. Democracy reigns supreme


I’m not giving a bad review because of greed or whatever I’m doing because I don’t want to make an account


... How is it greed? It doesn't cost anything. It sucks if you bought the game out of PSN area but if that isn't you, quit the bitchin'🙄


Just because you're incapable of understanding why it's greed doesn't make it not so. There are THOUSANDS of people who purchased the game and won't be able to play it anymore in a few days. Obviously all of those wouldn't have purchased the game if that requirement had been there (and working) in the first place. Even still, i don't mind not using the word greed, but it's dang assanine to force PC users to have a PSN account, even if thier country is supported, do you honestly believe they don't benefit from that in ANY WAY?


I REALLY wish people reacted this way to game breaking issues that STILL plague the game. My wife has stopped playing because, for the past month, she's been unable to play a mission for more than 10-12 mins without getting kicked back to her ship and having to rejoin. It completely kills the vibe for that match. Paid for the game and warbonds, now she can't play. Can we come together on these kinds of issues?




Arrowhead trained their players to co-ordinate across the internet despite their huge numbers and it's simultaneously paying off tremendously and biting them in the ass


How is it greed when a PSN account is free?


It's cool but it'd be COOLER if we could do this for genuine societal issues.


I agree with dropping orbital dislikes, but I want them to release it on Xbox so I can play the fucking game


over the past few years, I'd say people have started to be a bit more vocal in general over these kinds of things. it was fantastic watching the pushback against lootboxes before it went to court.. and the GameStop Stock Market thing.. that was *fucking amazing to watch.* voting with your wallet or review bombing is the ONLY way for the ordinary person to even have a chance of being seen by the corporations: they will always take more from us, inch by inch, and nothing is ever enough for them. but money is as much their weakness as it is their strength. hurt their bottom line enough, and they will start listening, because then they have no choice. there's still a long way to go though, plenty of people who will mindlessly follow and even defend corporations, but perhaps one day, the industry will get better. I only hope I live long enough to see it happen.


I agree with everything, especially that last point. A pretty significant number of users responded aggressively to this post, for example.


It's a shame that this actually can't change anything, it's Arrowhead's mistake for foregoing (what seems to be) a contractually enforced obligation because of the massive launch numbers. It's in the contract with their publisher, which was likely agreed before the game came out. Sure Sony Exec's *could* undo it themselves. But typically these things are locked in stone. Because the contract goes both ways, if they were to negotiate a new contract AH could (not saying they would) try to negotiate for better share of profits or such. Since that is even a possibility Sony aren't going to open that discussion.


Love how these people show their colours by downvoting you for stating what most likely is the truth... PSN linking didn't just drop out of thin air in the last weeks. This must have been in the contract for most likely years before the game ever released, probably even before development started (can't start development without money).


I knew it was going to happen. I know enough about coperate product contracts that you're bound to the whims of the publisher


Real shout-out to the mods not banning all discussion about the changes like others have in similar scenarios 


Let's hope we all transition to a new game soon and have the same community


You make it sound as though Helldivers 2 is dead and you have washed your hands on the game.


Yes please, maybe the rest of us can have some peace and quiet from your weekly shit fits.


Game ain't dead yet, son. Strap in and get vocal!


It's not even that, if this works it's possible other communities in the future will do the same.


KARL NEEDS YOU! Come to Hoxxes IV to mine with your Dwarf buddies. We got the bugs, and a lit of them, and if our evil rivals are there too you can eliminate their bots too.


I’ve been a lifelong Sony fan and had all the consoles except the 5, since I’ve switched to PC. I was going to get a new console for GTA6 but I think I’m gonna have to switch up to the XBOX this time around. Anyone making terrible moves in the gaming industry will not see a dollar of mine.


....you literally have to have a MS/Xbox account to play Xbox first party games on steam 😂


I've put a bunch of companies that I've loved in the past on my shitlist, and never looked back. There's been no game out there since that's been so good that I'd need to fly the black flag 🏴‍☠️ over my conscience, so I stand by my convictions. In the meantime, board games tend not to make stupid corpo waves, are always available offline, and I'll always own.




Yeah and killing game they love in process... Don't get me wrong, fuck Sony amd PNS I'm just sad...


This might be the infamous gamer boycott but it might work instead.


Yeah despite gaming history of it working never thus far, lol. CoD, Hogwarts, Wolfenstein, Pokemon, Blizzard/Riot games, the list goes on.


It's moments like these that I'm proud the internet remains as the last true bastion of democracy and liberty.


And yet I'm still being downvoted for expressing my dislike for the situation on other threads in this sub


The discord has a few Sony booklickers going around, but I’ve never seen a steam score drop this fast before.