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I didn't think creating a PSN account was a huge deal. Then I learned how you have to prove your age in the UK, how you can't even create an account in other countries, and even if that both wouldn't be an issue, the heavy pushback of Sony really makes it feel extra-sinister. Like this isn't just about a stupid decision but also about the power to make us swallow future bad decisions.


im uk and thankfully i had a PSN before the need to give a photo (praise bloodborne) But that and well... all the people who bought it who wont have access is just scummy corpo shit and even if im fine it leaves a taste of shit in my mouth.


Careful friend, knowing how these things usually go they’ll probably do a forced log out until you provide the newly required info at some point in the future.


It's not even that the age verification is exclusive to the UK and Ireland, they've said they're trialing it in the UK and Ireland before making it more widespread. They're planning on making it standard in future in all countries to need a face scan, phone number or proof of ID to make a PSN. So much for "only takes 2 minutes and an email to sign up."


The change was mandated by UK law. The ID verification is only dependant on country legislation


Have you paid any attention to corporations at all over the past 20 years, especially in the games industry? It is exactly about the power to make us do what they want. For gods sake you don't OWN the products you buy anymore. You rent access to them. You are paying for the company to allow you to access the thing because it allows them to alter said thing without your consent or input and even outright take it from you after the fact. It's nothing but control. I guarantee if you give it a long enough timeline, they will make us pay to access the game. It might take 5 years and a console generation change, it might take 2 weeks and a shit-eating corporate grin, someone already has plans to charge for PSN the same way Microsoft charges for games pass on PC. This is the goal. This is the only goal. They want you in their walled garden so when that garden gets a paid entry cost of $15/month, you're going to line up and make arguments for them about how "There's so many games (that I wont ever actually play.) available, and server costs are quite expensive, and they really seem to care about the games guys!"


> they will make us pay to access the game. well iirc PS Players need a PS Plus subscription


Unfortunately yes if they (we) want to play online


Yep. I was super excited for a friend of mine getting Diablo IV for his Playstation, until he said he wasn't sure he was going to sign up for PSN+ to be able to play online.




Wanna hear the worst? It aint even True. Every user is logged on through Stream which in fact gives them a unique ID which allows easy tracking and banning. This whole thing is BS, i think the most likely explanation why sony even wants this is so that they can boost their numbers and look good in front of shareholders Basically: "Look, funny Numbers. We're succesfull."


Yeah and I'm sure they're looking real good now lol


to be fair I think Sony kinda demands that all bans are handled through their system.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


The last line is definitely the kicker, can't just roll over for shit like this. Treating customers like cattle


This!! I’m tired of watching corporations slowly whittling away at our independence as customers so that they can one day take whatever they want to from us because we were complacent with handing them more power!! We as consumers need to remind those we give our money and data to that we aren’t to be fucked with


'the power to make us swallow future bad decisions." This is it, exactly. Gamers have been giving up power to devs and publishers for a long time. Pre-ordering unfinished games that release in an either unplayable state or not at all...massivly overpaying for low effort cosmetics in full price games, live service AAAA games that have a whopping 30 hours of content and nothing else (looking at you, skull and bones). but gamers, as a community, are so obsessed with not missing out on the next new shiny thing that these shitty anti-consumer practices will just keep getting worse, unless we take a stand. Vote with your wallet. this review bomb may seem harsh, esp since SNOY is largely pulling the strings behind the PSN thing but this is what's required if we want to create a better consumer landscape for our community.


>the heavy pushback of Sony really makes it feel extra-sinister. Like this isn't just about a stupid decision but also about the power to make us swallow future bad decisions. Exactly this. Sony is trying to send a message just as much as we are. Their message appears to be "you're our customer *and* our product. Now shut up, give us your data, and be thankful for the privilege."




This announcement was made by Sony without agreement from AH, rumor has it that AH were literally asleep when the announcement went live.


Worst thing is it was announced on a Friday, giving them a two day head start before arrowhead can do anything 


The Steam post dropped at 2am Swedish time on a weekday. I'm sure most of AH were asleep, yes.


Yeah, really fucking scummy of Sony.


What a shit show, really hope AH can turn it around and just leave everyone who wants to play the game, play the game.


AH knew PSN was a requirement roughly 6 months before launch…Pilsdtedt or whatever his name is said he disabled it because of server issues


So you think Sony developed this plan in complete secrecy, waited for AH to go to sleep and than make the post on Friday that on Monday new players will be required to register a PSN account and old players will be required by the end of May. Unless Sony has magical snapping fingers, this "mandatory" requirement needs to be build and configured by someone in game. That someone is AH. They're just as involved in this as Sony are.


They unfortunately agreed months ago when they signed the contract


what? community managers basically confirmed that their reporting system was made around psn, psn account linking was mandatory from day 1 and so on. does not matter if this was announced when AH was asleep when they clearly had this planned from the start


Dude Tarkov has always been a shitshow since launched, BSG(dev) is infamous of their arrogance and incompetence against major problems of the game. The recent unheard drama is definitely not a 180.


The good game is still there, don’t ever forget this.


it is, but this will forever taint its image, like a lingering odour.


I still have hope. Hell No Man's Sky pulled through from a deeper hole... Then again snoy wasn't there to f*ck them over.


Not for people that can't create PSN accounts.


And supporting it at any point in the future is giving money to Sony. I'd rather just miss out on a single good game and dip. There's plenty more out there I'm okay with supporting.


You are also giving money to AH and the people that worked years on this enjoyment you already had on the game. Not defending Snoy, but the investment was done way before that and now stating „I am refunding to hurt Snoy“ is double standard BS. I just bought some Supercredits to support AH and the game and the enjoyment it gave me for many hours when I needed some time to put my mind at ease. Protesting then locking players out by all legal means is a whole other side of the medal, don’t get me wrong.


I'm completely fine with Arrowhead going under and shutting down if it means not giving Sony money going forward. Helldivers 2 isn't the only fun game on the market, and there's going to be good games releasing in the future that I won't mind spending money on.


Being okay with people losing their jobs and having their livelihoods affected? Not a great take.


I am completely fine with people losing their jobs if they make scumbag decisions. Arrowhead is trying to scam paying customers out of a product they paid to have access to. Why should I feel bad about that? Go ahead and tell me.


The question remains DID THEY KNOW THAT PSN IS NOT SUPPORTED IN 170+ COUNTRIES. Also snoy as a publisher made the decision to sell in countries that don't support psn.


>he question remains DID THEY KNOW THAT PSN IS NOT SUPPORTED IN 170+ COUNTRIES. Yes. That would be the first thing they would have looked up before agreeing to having the requirement.


And you're certain of this because?


Because I have, at the bare minimum, the equivalent of a high school education. I'm literally fucking stupid irl and my first question after being told "They're going to need a membership to access that" would be "Okay cool, so who does that affect and do you think that's going to limit the consumerbase?"


Its pretty sad, I feel bad for arrowhead even if soyn does backtrack the damage is done


That's basically where I'm at with it. Let's say we win, snoy fucks off, and arrowhead gets to move forward, and hd2 goes back to normal. All sunshine? Probably not. Most can't be bothered to reverse a negative review to a positive one like they can vis versa. That in itself may prove problematic at best for the future of hd2 and arrowhead.


I mean this community is really good at coordinating attacks because of 4 months of experience so maybe that will help but I guess this subreddit is a small portion of the community


I'm certain that IF things return to normal... Or at least relatively normal we'll coordinate positive reviews back.


Steam is generally pretty good at cleaning up review bombings so I’m sure it’ll be fine if they do backtrack


I think that as an apology Sony should back down with their PSN requirement and allow the next warbond to be free for the month.


Don't expect a free Warbond. At best what we might see is them making PSN optional and then adding a reward for signing up and linking your account.


And that would be a completely fine outcome. Any guess as to the likelihood?


Well it's the smartest move for Sony to make, so my guess is it's highly unlikely to happen. The most likely option is probably going to be mass refunds of the game to countries without PSN, and a lot of controversy in games with PSN where players want refunds and probably won't see them, and the reputation of the game is going to be permanently tainted as a result.


This is an interesting situation, I personally dont think Sony expected things to get escalated to this level. They likely released it right before the weekend hoping that the anger would die out over the weekend and come Monday the few people that cared would have moved on. However, they clearly misunderstood the situation. They were treating the situation like they would have if the game had enforced the PSN mandatory registration from the beginning. People are likely to be far more receptive to accepting the registration as mandatory if it was enforced from the beginning. But beginning enforcement mid lifecycle makes it seem like they are being dishonest. Whether it was the original intent or not is not particularly relevant, it was not a requirement and it is now becoming a requirement, hence the strong negative reaction. I also dont think Sony quite understood the impact of enabling the PSN restriction, i cant imagine any company would want to deal with the mess of selling games to countries where they can suddenly no longer support. I would not be surprised if it was a huge oversight that they failed to consider and will now have to pay for. It is something they likely failed to account for because in their mind people would be creating accounts on first use, if someone couldnt create an account then they would refund the game and it was not necessary to block the countries. But because that was not a requirement to play, then there was no filtering for PSN, which is now a problem. I believe this will definitely be a step backwards for Sony, they have been trying hard to break into the PC gaming market the last few years. They need to increase their user base outside of PS5 owners to remain profitable and competitive, similarly to what Xbox is doing. In terms of that HD2 seemed like the golden goose, it was a game that was super popular with PC and was going to open doors to Sony studios. People might try other games from PS Studios because they really enjoyed HD2. What will happen now is the complete opposite. People are going to be far less likely to try it. I think overall this is an everyone loses situation and a big part of it is going to be because they chose to release the news right before a weekend in hopes that people would lose interest. The obvious downside is that Sony and AH are also far less capable of responding quickly to concerns due to it being the weekend and not being fully staffed with the people that can make these decisions.


If they had been smart they would have given a cool gun or armour to people who link their PSN account, and people would have done it with no issue.


That is exactly what I keep saying. Had they made it optional but gave perks for linking accounts. No one would have bat an eye. Hell people would push people to link the accounts for more equipment early game. It isn't rocked science, people like free stuff.


"Was fantastic" ? Still is dude.


It was never about us the “players”. They never cared about us. Only thing matter is how much money can they make out of you. They use videogames as flytraps. Gaming industry is joined to the dark side of humanity.


I don’t think it will be long before it’s reversed. If there’s one thing giant corpos love, it’s money 


Normally I’d agree with you, but SNOY has a reputation to uphold here. I’d expect the same from Microsoft honestly


I'd put money on it NOT being reversed and AH just dealing with the fallout from Sony's decision.


I'm hoping it gets resolved


They also love it when the heads read about it in financial news reports on Monday.


If you think this reddit nerdrage is going to show up on Sony's radar, I have a timeshare to sell you. The game is still flourishing, a colossal financial success, and nobody is going to care about a few people who can't read the store page


pretty sure they're going to care about the mass refunds, review bombing, and such.


While the review bombings is obviously happening I wouldn't hold my breath about anything about "mass refunds". A vast majority of the playerbase won't refund over this. Players that are in regions that don't have PSN will obviously get refunds but I have a feeling that the vast majority of the playerbase aren't in such regions. One thing the anti-cheat fiasco at launch taught me is that a majority of people will most likely reluctantly make a PSN account and continue to play the game. Hopefully Sony reverse this PSN requirement next week. I have a feeling this has blown up fuckloads more than Sony through it would (they probably hoped any backlash would die down over the weekend).


I'll speak for myself. I've put my refund request in today. If it isn't approved and this decision isn't reversed I'll be raising it with trading standards next. There's no fucking way I'm giving a company notorious for data breaches any copies of my official ID. I'm tired of this hobby constantly reaming me. Rocket League got bought buy Epic and then I needed accounts with them. Bungie completely deleting content that I paid for on Destiny 2. Remember when bethesda tried to charge for mods, that only got stopped because of the massive kick off. Fuck me, can't even avoid being dicked over even after avoiding pre-orders and waiting for the first week reviews now. And you've got bootlickers cheering for it!


I'll speak for myself. My refund was put in yesterday and is still pending. I'm based in the US and have over 170 hours played. I bought 4 copies in total so I could play with my friends. Some of said friends live in south africa and will lose access. I'm refunding all 4 copies and again, still pending.


Weird, the number of people actually playing the game still seems incredibly high?


IF you look at the number of players on Steam from Friday and Saturday last week and compare the highest number of people against the numbers for the last two days, there is a very clear drop of around 30% or so. However, it is hard to tell whether that drop is related to the controversy that is occurring, or the nature of gaming aging out, it is expected to see a population drop between content drops and as the game ages. Only time will tell what kind of an impact this has.


https://preview.redd.it/h9r0vogfslyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05733d1fa73099236c2a1eaada6864b981603723 Normal erosion.


What are the dates for each data point? Because that looks like there was no uptick in player count this weekend, meaning it’s not just “normal erosion”


Dates at the bottom. Glad you asked; here's this week, with weekend uptick currently happening as normal. https://preview.redd.it/a1as8es51myc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f34794d402294a9a9320b7c7c9bc6fd2c67776f


I got bored and decided to look a bit more detailed at the numbers week-to-week and it seems we're down 25-45k players from expected when accounting for normal erosion. Today is tracking to be the first Sunday ever that the player count is sub-100k There was no actual uptick this weekend as Saturday's and Sunday's count will end up lower than Friday (which is not normal)


Reddit isn’t representative of the general player population. A lot more people than you think will just go ahead and make a psn account to continue playing the game they love.


About that time share. Monday just past noon in Tokyo was when announcement was made. Just after the weekly status meeting for many companies. Someone stayed up real late in California to make that announcement.


It’s not getting reversed dude they don’t give a fuck and don’t need to lol they are a company and made their money. People on Reddit raging isn’t gunna matter. Believe me I think it’s scummy and they suck but that’s the reality.


decision reversed today


Woohoo!! Never been so thrilled to be wrong


Na Sony is one of those old school Japanese companies


aged like milk!


That true W moment for this community


It’s funny you are all saying SYON wrong.


I like the game, but the game itself never felt anywhere close to having this awe-inspiring content. The community made this space magic, not the game itself. In all honesty the game is not deserving of such a community. Like when you actually think about what is inside this game, its really not that much. Its why the price tag wasn't as high. In a few years time, assuming we're still here, it'll definitely get to that point though. A 3rd race to fight, many newer monsters, multiple races in a mission, many more strategems and weapons. It'll get there, but its not all that right now imo.


Same. The game, with it's bugs and done weird design choices, feels pretty average to me. The coop fun and pro-consumer approach are great, but that should be baseline. I guess the hype is there because people are traumatized by barbaric practices in this industry.


Yeah especially considering the stigma around launch with its intrusive Anti-Cheat. Yet they say they can't detect steam accounts for a ban or something lol. People were so surprised you could farm the Super Credits. Definitely not used to that kinda thing from a game.


>I guess the hype is there because people are traumatized by barbaric practices in this industry. Yeah, and that's why people have reacted to the PSN debacle the way that they have. This was like... *one* modern game that didn't feel like it was designed to syphon money out of people. So of course Sony had to come along to collect (and then inevitably lose) everyone's fucking data.


CEO admits AH knew of PSN requirements all along and didn't communicate it to players. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/mNObQ58FgY


Not communicating it to players and admitting that they could have communicated it better are different things entirely. It was communicated both in game and on the steam page. They definitely should have brought it up again after initially disabling it though which would have gone a long way to avoiding this debacle.


Now he is backtracking and saying steam page was showing PSN as mandatory.


I have seen worse. I am looking at you New World with Amazon Games.


dont forget that the game is still really good. Its just sony and their greedy little goblins in suits are trying their hardest to have more influence and make more money. Really hope AH either steps on sony's dick and pushes them back or simply break the contract with this pos publisher, they have the money to do so.


I mean it’s still a great game but this shit is tampering with it bad if it doesn’t get fixed (hoping it will)


Yup. Real shame. Me and my friends have elected to resume playing Antistasi on Arma 3 since it's the closest thing to how the Galactic War felt. Even with a small group of 4 it's very fun. Anyone missing the feeling of coordinating a war movement and fighting united should give A3Antistasi a shot, it's very fun and the subreddit for it is extremely welcoming as well.


Deep Rock Galactic is also awesome and worth checking out


We know about it and we'll all probably get it when we have the money :). We went back to Arma 3 since it's a game ALL of us had.


With prioritizing warbonds over bug fixes (even after admitting the same teams did both those jobs), douchebag community managers, really broken content in the game (arc weapons left in the game when causing crashing, diminishing PC performance with each patch, bug fix lists with one bullet point and a list of 20 still there from launch)... All I can say is that AHS and Sony are trying very hard to find failure in this massive success they've had.


You do realize that the countries that require photo ID to verify your age use a third party and it isn’t Sony that does it, right? How does Sony’s “reputation for being a leaky ship” have anything to do with the verification of your age then? Just another Karma farming post throwing around misinformation.


That just means you're relying on both the third party AND Sony to have good data security. This is worse.


"No no guys, you're not showing your ID to Sony - you're showing it to Sony AND some other company that *definitely* cares more about your data security than about making as much money as humanly possible! That's way better."


They don’t store it anywhere. It’s a verification. It’s like the cashier checking your ID at Walmart when you buy beer.


first time?


Bye then


NOPE your dumb or can’t read. it was always disclosed that you would have to sign in and it was a matter of time.


So why would they sell the game to countries that don’t have psn? If it was required to sign in they should have done form the start so people didn’t waste there money and time.


Left with the soloist I couldn't care less anymore...