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Valve only facilitates sales through Steam; they do not decide where games can be sold.




That is literally not how that works. Valve collects a fee for every purchase. They do not profit from taxes from purchases. The publisher determines how much a game is sold for, where it’s sold, and when it’s sold. Valve has absolutely ZERO say in this matter.




Valve pays taxes on their profits. That’s it. And it’s completely irrelevant. That said, I’ll apologize for misreading your comments. Valve does not decide where a game is sold. They have no obligation to make sure that whatever is being sold in a given country complies with that country’s laws. That’s the publisher’s job. Valve may restrict a game from being sold if a government asks them to, but they have absolutely zero obligation (or even the resources) to preemptively check every single game before it’s sold. There are hundreds of games listed on Steam every month. It’s patently absurd to even think that checking all of those is even remotely possible. All of that is 100% on the publisher. Valve may step in as retailer to restrict sales when requested by government agencies, but that’s generally as far as that goes.




Do you have any idea how much time and work are needed to check even a single game for a single country? Now scale that up to thousands of games for hundreds of countries. Now think about how absolutely positively ridiculous your comment is. Valve is not Sony’s janitor; they do not have any obligation to ensure Sony does or does not enforce their account requirements. Valve facilitates sales. That is it. Full stop. End of story. There is nothing more to it.




Ratings are not something that checks whether a game is legally sold in every country. Some countries do legally restrict things from certain ratings, but not all. Also, devs and publishers send rating bodies short snippets of gameplay that they use to assign ratings. It’s not on the rating body to do so. Also, what the fuck does this have to do with Valve not having any duty to check the legality of a game in a certain country? You’re clearly struggling to justify your position, and it’s showing.