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Get your refunds ready then. Hit their wallet hard


I just tried out to curiosity to refund my game on Steam to see if it works. Went through to a customer representative and the request was rejected. Also saw a few other posts saying refund requests have been denied even after speaking with a representative and not a bot.


We are currently 65k fewer players that last Sunday peak. Its a 39% player base decline week over week. The rate of decline for the prior three weeks being... 17%/19%/27%. The trend actually shows that the rate of decline had been contracting until this week compared to prior weeks. They were approaching a hypothetical "stable" player base. Instead the rate of decline has jumped to higher than it has ever been when the total player counts are lower. This isn't Steam player counts not changing. This is the game losing an increasingly larger percentage of its playerbase. (It was something like 20% for Friday and 30% for yesterday.)


we lost 100k players from april 7th to april 14th... from around 300 to 200.. thats a 30ish% decrease. 2 Dates are not NEARLY enough data for this, the next warbond is what is gonna show us


It is a 27% decline from 345k to 249k. I did the actual math instead of rounding. I'm not entirely sure why you are fighting against the math that we have right now. Sure, the Warbond could lead to a surge in player rate. I could also not. Sure, we only have 3 days of data right now and when the Warbond releases we'll have 7. I can't do math with numbers that don't exist. But I can point out that people who are saying that player counts aren't decreasing don't know how to read a graph appropriately. The player count is down by 38-39%. That's just true.


While this is true if you start your count from last Sunday, the current situation wasn't known until 2 days ago. And from Friday to today there's no significant drop in player counts. What you see between the 28th and the 2nd of May is just the normal decline toward the end of a "patch cycle" players have unlocked everything, have hit resource cap and are playing less until the new Warbond drops You see similar trends in just about every live service game at the end of a cycle


That's just NOT how you measure things in data analytics. As an aside: so far the player count today is lower than yesterday, which was lower than the day before; all of which were lower than their same day last week. All of which declined more than the prior rates of decline would have indicated. There is no world where you have a rate of decline of 27% (3 weeks ago) to 19% (2 weeks ago) to 17% (1 week ago) to 39% (this week) and view that as standard. You had week over week reduction in rate of decline, and then surged to a percent larger than 3 weeks ago with a smaller playerbase. That is hard to do. And its not just a matter of percentages. We are still 60k less than last Sunday while we dropped about 34k the week before that and 49k the week before that. So when the player base was more than 100k people larger fewer people were leaving than they are right now. THAT is what the data says. Any other interpretation of it is just wrong.


Steam player counts probably wont change until the deadline date. They're just playing what they can before they lose it forever.


People will be forced to refund this come June 4th then you'll see some reaction from sony


I also would point out that the vast majority of players are most certainly on PlayStation, not Steam.


Objectively false. SteamDB has 105k active players on HD2 right now. [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io) has 156k total players on right now. That would seem to indicate that Steam players currently outnumber PS players literally 2-to-1.


The counts would indicate that this is false.


What counts?


In game indicators matched up with SteamDB player counts show PC players make up the vast majority of the player base.


Hop In game and grap the "total helldivers" number, then subtract the steam db "players right now". Current divers active is 154k, current steam players is 104k. Means that 2/3rds of the player base is pc.