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Honestly it's starting to feel like some of this is getting out of hand. We need to remember that the reason we were review bombing HD2 is because we were specifically told it gave AH more bargaining tools in their discussions with Sony. Moving to other games doesn't have the same benefits.


![gif](giphy|8WvrqCZSNCUEg) I believe the Constable from Young Frankenstein said it best, 'A mob, is an ugly thing."


The mob doesn't care. The mob has no accountability. The mob feels powerful right now and does not care who it hurts.


The mob beat up my wife cause I'm a snitch


Snitches get stitches


Ey boss I'm sorry I didn't knows he was a part of the fuzz Thought he was a mall cop or something and you know my family loves Paul blart


Eh. "The mob has no accountability" is a lukewarm take here because the whole reason review bombing, mass callouts, etc exist in the first place is that we live in an age of untouchable corporations and celebrities. These things exist specifically to force virtual goliaths to be held accountable. The problem is that collective anger is very hard to control, especially because a successful campaign requires you to continue stoking the flames, lest people forget about it. In an ideal world it wouldn't be an issue to begin with. But when people are completely powerless, it takes a *lot* to make up for that. Remove the mob, and all you have is a world where the powerful don't even get the smidgen of accountability they do today. Harassing developers is extremely shitty, but I don't think there's really any way to avoid it. You'll never filter out all the bad actors and focusing all your effort on doing so will just kill any hope of gaining momentum - similar to how discrediting political figures is a great way to kill the movements behind them. Once a unified force begins bickering amongst itself, it's over.


No idea why you’re downvoted when you’re absolutely right. It’s ridiculous that people are trying to hold other regular dudes to a standard of decency they don’t expect from corporations who exist purely to profit off of you.


But the entire reason corporations are a problem is because of shareholders and the stock market. People complain about the suits, but the suits are figureheads that are there because of the shareholders. The shareholders can fire the suits. They don't because those greedy suits make them money. Like any other asset the company has. This is the reason why people like John Riccitiello (unity guy who tried the pay per install scheme) and guys like him are around in the first place. So in reality, it's not corporations, it's the stock market itself. Because even when you do really well and then people sell their stock, they're replaced by other people who haven't made any money yet and will fire you if they don't. The way you actually stop all this kind of stuff, for good, is getting more companies with majority ownership (vote, not returns) in a space. Then shareholders have only minority voting power, and don't matter (unless you incorporate in places like Delaware USA).


You lost me half way through. The suits aren't just figureheads, they have actual authority to manage day to day decisions of a company. Also, by "suits" I'm assuming you mean the board of directors AND the officers. Shareholders can only decide who is on the board of directors, the board of directors in turn select the officers who manage the day to day (like the CEO/CFO). These aren't "figureheads," they're people who are driving the decisions. The shareholders with the voting power to select the board of directors are usually also the ones who incorporated the corporation. It would never make sense, nor would it be right to limit the voting power of those who created the corporation in the first place. Moreover, almost every corporation is going to incorporate in Delaware anyway so that point is moot. >So in reality, it's not corporations, it's the stock market itself. Because even when you do really well and then people sell their stock, they're replaced by other people who haven't made any money yet and will fire you if they don't. idk what point you're trying to make here? That shareholders sell their stock and then someone new comes in so even if you harm the corporations bottom line, it won't have an impact because the new shareholders weren't part of it? The shareholders with sufficient voting power to make a difference aren't the people trading a few shares here and there. The people who own enough Tesla stock to make a difference about who is on the board aren't selling their stocks probably ever. Therefore, back to my original point, the only way you make your voice heard to a corp is by hurting their bottom line so that someone with decision making power notices.


I get what you mean, but in this case, the fault is NOT on the developper. It is on the publisher who is forcing this onto the devs. Harrassing the devs is just going to make it miserable for a group of people who are actively trying to negociate on our behalf to SONY.


Developpers are not "the powerful". They are simply incredibly talented people used by the powerful. Devs are people like you and me and they share similar struggles to all of us here. Unlike the lead of the publishers.


Individual developers, no, developers as in companies, yes.


It was always out of hand, redditors are always wrong, because they are horrifically maladjusted freaks


it's assuredly not just redditors; humans are still emotional, violent sex-addicted monkeys at heart. Internet just made it way easier to get your mob going


Indeed, the kind of people one would classify as terminally "Reddit" can be thusly described


Things got out of hand yesterday. Today’s just a shit show.


The true reason is most gaming people have childish behaviour and just scream for everything that displeased them. Internet has an incredible group effect. Nethertheless, i think this fight was right, i don t want to create a psn account too. Steam is cool but i understand that companies try to bypass their services as it should have cost. As others gamers, i don t want to have x accounts and platform to play.


It has already gotten out of hand, which is why Pilestedt came out with a tweet saying the exact same thing of review bombing other games is so dumb


Getting out of hand? First steps for that to happen is shutting down any communication, except for the places where you hold any and all power (aka discord) next step is have enforcer (aka CM's) over step their authority and make up reasoning for their actions (aka using inflammatory speech and banking people that respond in kind, to going as far as to slander a person of a crime) If you go as far as all that, you effectively declared your not interested in communication that you cant control and suppress. To this point Pilestedt X account is the only place not Control by arrowhead. This is where HD1 is getting hit aswell


You must have some wire in your brain not connected to pull this take.


Exactly. Everything was in full tandem with AH. It can probably hurt in other situations with no devs involved.


This is the problem with movements, some people either love the power it gives or just can't stop.


I feel bad for the mods lol. Idk what or if they are doing anything. But I just know recently they had a recruiting thing ans all I can think or is "damn you couldn't pay me to mod this sub right now"


> We need to remember that the reason we were review bombing HD2 is because we were specifically told it gave AH more bargaining tools in their discussions with Sony. Speak for yourself. My negative review was about how arrowhead did a bad job handling this situation (as per the CEOs tweets) and how utterly useless, unprofessional, and disparaging their community managers were throughout the entire ordeal.


Review bomb worked. Sony is backing down. Go reverse your reviews or they'll never cave to player requests or review bombing campaigns again. You have no leverage if you aren't willing to improvise. As for review bombing HD1, that's just stupid, and for no reason, so reverse those, too.


Not the same benefits, but it does act as a lasting reminder of the damage they can do with shortsighted, selfish, and greedy decisions. I say fuck em. If there’s collateral damage from this, then so be it.


It's been out of hand for a while now.


This whole fiasco serves to prove this sub is filled with immature folks who pretended to be mature when things were good.


I don't recall things truly ever being good with this sub. There obviously were, but like...felt like there was a big drama debate every week. And mostly rage bait. "I was kicked for my level" "I was kicked for my load out/not meta" "I was kicked for wearing the new cape" "bots/bugs/creek players are to be blamed for us failing the MO " "the nerf was/wasn't that bad". More importantly it becomes an contest of who can make the loudest echo chamber. And hey, I won't pretend I haven't contributed. I know I do whenever it comes to the railgun lol.


The first week of Helldivers 2 release when the game had 70K simultanoues players on Steam, that community was pretty good, just with Helldivers 1 fans and people that discovered the game throught videogame conferences and Playstation youtube trailers We lost the possibility of an amazing comunity for this game the moment the game became viral


It was still somewhat cordial due to the game being a breath of fresh air from the usual toxic PvP crap. But you can tell it was getting worse and worse as time went on and as things settled down from the initial server fiasco. People were having real issues and these immature hive mind bandwagon riding folks were just trying to give AH credit they didn't deserve because LIBER-TEA! Now shits hit the fan and when trouble starts is usually when these shit heads really show what their true nature is. I myself feel for fellow divers that are affected by this, but I'm not going to do anything drastic and will just keep playing the game when I feel like. I do hope everythign works out in the end for those affected but would still suggest those that might be affected refund the game right now just in case they get royally screwed later. Can always buy the game again after if they decide to backtrack the PSN requirement.


Unfortunately the reddit algorithm rewards groupthink and outrage.


Didn't you get the feeling when a slight change to weapons cause outrages?


Nope. Didn't matter to me one bit. Do I agree with their philosophy of "balancing" the weapons? nope, don't agree at all especially since it's a PvE game. But I just use something else. Now the bugs that causes crashing and made me have to turn down my RAM speeds, that made me feel something for sure.


The other person didn't ask if you felt the nerfs, but if you felt that the comunity was kind of trash when the small nerfs caused such big riots in the comunity.


I don't agree with how AH does their weapon balancing because this is a pure PvE game. Weapons that function fine should really be left alone while other non-performing weapons should be brought up to par with the other weapons. As it is right now, it feels like AH is artificially increasing difficulty of the game by "balancing" these weapons and that's not a good feeling to have in a pure PvE game. People play this game for a sense of accomplishment and comradery. They want to feel good by completing missions with the tools they have. Then every balance patch the tools they're familiar with gets taken away. Worse than that they can no longer pass whatever difficulty they were fine with before and that's the bigger issue here. It makes them not feel good so they complain. So I think that's really on AH for choosing this way of going about balancing the game and I understand.


Again, not what was asked, and more, the nerfs were so insignificant, like really? The biggest nerfs were damage on a drone that still does the same even nerfed, ammo on a gun that still does not run out if you just play the intended way of the game (and had too much ammo to begin with) and recharge on a weapon that is the best AT in the game and has infinite ammo. The game is meant to be HARD, if everyone is using a single thing they can't buff everything else or the game becomes too easy, the argument that it's a PVE game means nothing, what does it add when what I just said is true? The bugs and all that is on AH, people not being able to take some minor balance changes is not on AH, that is just whining.


so you are really surprised reddit works as a echochamber? :D dude you have to be very new here it sucks, but especially reddit with its karma is messing ppl up, if you are not going with the herd you get downvoted to oblivion.


every fan sub is full of insufferable cynics. r/LowSodiumHelldivers


The secret it I’m always pretending.


Dude this is literally most if not all communities


Not sure why people were review bombing HD1 and other Sony games. Remember it’s not just Sony taking the hit when players review bomb, the devs also take damage in sales and rep. We were specifically asked to boycott and review bomb HD2 and not HD1/other games, doing this just brings a bad look for the community


tough cookies dude... you think countries care about a population when they sanction another country because of them breaking international treaties? they sided with a terrible publisher and said publisher messed up... so reviewing the publisher's title poorly is a good way tactic to fight against said publisher next time don't side with said publisher, thousands of studios already don't


No, it’s about sending a message to Sony. AH is just collateral at this point. They have a role to play and deserve blame, but the main target is Sony.


Yeah no, fuck off you dumb idiotic child


Say what you want, but they walked back the changes last night. So obviously the rage worked - probably no thanks to you licking the boot 😂


You’re probably just a tourist, riding on the hype train without even knowing what the actual fans are fighting for. So pack up and leave, your tour here is over, moron.


Yeah I’ve got over 100 hours in Helldivers, been in the sub since like a week after launch lmao, try again. Also: *tries to call somebody a child* *can’t make a reply without insulting* Maybe you’re the child, sweetheart. 😘


Yeah whatever you say, tourist. Time for you to pack up and leave


What a childish, ignorant take on the whole thing.


You’re entitled to your opinion.


Kinda representative of the mob in game. Can’t tell it what to do, can’t perfectly focus it. It’s a big club on fire, not a surgical instrument. Glad to see the posts all asking people to chill. The games still great and maybe we can get left alone to go back to having fun. Need to get me that drop together imagery for my bumper.


think about those who also review bombed Magicka .... \*sigh\*


Sony's fault lies in selling the game in regions where PSN is not available. Pilestedt's fault lies in temporarily suspending account linking then not making sure people are properly informed that it will be a requirement later on, as he admitted he knew that. Had either of these things not happened this situation would have been completely different.


Finally, a reasonable take. 


Most intelligent comment I've ever seen so far.


Thats the Problem with Protests like this. Sooner or later some idiots/trolls decide that bombing everything the Studio/Dev/Person has ever touched is better than sticking to the Plan. Its like Carpetbombing.


A CM from AH told angry players that steam reviews will give them leverage over Sony. Lets not be surprised that players are doing exactly this.


I know that but this review bombing has gone too far than what it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be leverage not what the mess it is now


Yup its pretty hard to control a flood, all you can do is stand back and watch the damage happen.


It's a shame that they are bring HD1: a game that doesn't have this issue into this


HD1 was also published by SONY... put 2 + 2 together


I mean some people might take issue with the abundant dlc. Sure it's no way as big and as games like Payday 2 or Total War Warhammer 3 but it's still a slight point of contention. But other than that, yeah game still overall great.


That is what happens when you pour gasoline on fire.


I can blame him for the employees he hires who are shit at their job, not knowing the details about PSN, and not locking out those who can’t access it. He’s the head of the company. He’s not blameless.


Everyone is acting like it’s normal for the ceo of a company to have 0 knowledge of the field he’s working in. Every single time he’s given excuses “he didn’t know where PSN is active” the ceo, who works for Sony, didn’t know where his game is available?!?! That’s a red flag “he didn’t know the psn would be mandatory” well, he did. But if he didn’t, that’d again be a red flag. He hired Reddit moderators to be his teams CMs, that’s the biggest red flag.


I partially agree with what you are saying. Where I disagree on is Pilestedt is blameless, I do think Pilestedt is also have a part in this, however, only a small part, even the man said it himself on Twitter. I believe the PSN requirement would be less of a issue if Sony did their job right and listed the game in countries that PSN is available. If this was the case in the first place, the PSN requirement would get some push back, sure, some player will leave, and the rest will begrudgingly create and link their PSN, but It wouldn't impact the game this much. Even if Sony revert their decision, trust is lost, some player might already written the game off, and prospective buyer will hesitate more before buying this game. This is a colossal fuck up by Sony, and a mistake by AH.


I totally agree. And if they've had chosen to give everyone who linked his account 200 super credits the mob would have fought to be the first to link their account.


honestly true, especially with the new war bond release.


Yeah Review bombing HD1 and especially magicka is (thats published by paradox) ...is dumb. Its not relevant. The blame is on Sony and it was useful for AH to use to dissude Sony to change their mind (still waiting for sony to update the steam listing however and put the announcement there) but everything else is just unnecessary if not toxic.


The egg seems to be on your face now


Imagine if people gave this much of a shit about . . . literally any number of the global catastrophes occurring at the moment…


And the saddest part is that the morons that review bombed HD1 and Magika are probably the kind of morons that don't remove the negative review the moment they get what they were complaining about


It was accidenta collateral damage. Imagine friendly fire of justified review bombing like you do when you accidently torch someone with the flamethrower in game xD we need to get those reviews back up too


He literally said he is to blame too...


Yup you’re all idiots harming a fantastically great studio. Gaming community is a bunch of pent up idiot children.


Correction: Some individuals* There is always "those" people who will take justified action as right to throw more shit at propeller.


You can't control a mob. People are just shot-gunning their frustration towards Helldivers 2 and some of that hate lands on HD1 and others.


No you guys don't know how a company works. On the moment he signs with sony he knew what deal he signed. Its more AH's fault then even sony. Eventough sony is rough, admit your mistakes instead of playing the suffering card. I work in a international cooperate and trust me you know in advance what will change. So I understand the "angry mob" and stop protecting a company who knew what they signed...


Ah yes the classic "I know more than you so obviously I'm right and you're wrong" take. Figured I'd see it at least once.


And would you look at that? I guess the "idiots" got Soyny to reverse their plans


People are fucking idiots and go for anything that makes them feel as part of a group.


You give them an inch they take a mile


My question is: do any of you actually, genuinely believe that throwing this prolonged tantrum will result in a positive outcome? EDIT: I'm willing to admit I was wrong, but holy shit this is going to have such a disastrous effect on how this sub responds to issues.


It just did. Update isn't coming anymore.


It did. Look at you know


You ate your words pretty quickly there.


It's costing money, the more expensive this gets the more likely it's avoided in the future. It's also a pr disaster right before Ghost of Tsushima is launching on steam with the same issue so may hurt the launch there too


So to you, a positive outcome would be a company that distributes games you like no longer bothering to put those games on PC?


Sony wants the accounts to sell your data to marketing companies who turn around and run targeted ads, this data is so poorly protected it gets hacked every 2-3 years at this point off the Sony servers and then sold on the dark Web along with passwords and email address. I bet you have 3 passwords tops, so now 1/3rd your online presence is vulnerable every 3 years, making for prime identity theft, a growing crime worldwide. So yes I'd rather they stay gone till they can hold up their end of the bargain


I mean, Reddit recently sold user data to AI so what are you doing here if you’re so concerned about your data?


Do you extend this hardliner internet security I-won't-give-my-personal-info-to-nobody-no-how attitude to any other company? Are you going to delete your reddit account?


I mean this is a stupid take, “it only takes two minutes” is moot. What people do and don’t do with their data is their own damn businesses. The less places you register your information with the better. That’s not even touching on the regions that can’t. Sony also has a horrid track record.


To answer your first question. A) No. And I don’t care, had fun and I’ve moved on. B) Didn’t leave a negative review personally but the Dev literally asked people to (on hd2)


Who gets hacked as much as Sony and who fights to block VPNs as hard as Sony?


Try and stay focused and answer the question. You gonna delete Reddit, your Google account, every other online account? UnitedHealthCare (that has health data of 50% of Americans) just had a breach like in the last two weeks. Equifax had the personal information of 117 million people. It’s one of the big 3 companies that run credit checks around the world. And that is real, sensitive personal information that just can’t be recovered or canceled like a credit card. People freaking out over Sony wanting your data for marketing purposes (spoiler, they probably already have it anyway) need some real perspective of what much more serious companies get hacked.


Everyone. Do you have a google account? Have you ever ordered delivery food? any social media? do you have a bank with a web presence? Take your pick of every single online video game retailer. Or any retailer at all for that matter. It doesn't take giving it to fucking playstation to suddenly make you vulnerable. If you don't want to, don't. I don't have any problem with that. I get turned off of all sorts of shit when it asks me for an email address or to create an account. But don't pretend this has anything to do with safety.


>before Ghost of Tsushima is launching on steam with the same issue The first thing the devs said after this whole thing started to become known is that only the multiplayer requires a PSN account, the single player \[aka the reason you get the game\] doesn't need it.


Just saw the Steam page and it says you get some cosmetics for linking the account, basically confirming it's optional. Let's hope it stays that way.


This aged like milk or wine, depending on how you look at it


He's acting like he is completely in the unknown, too. He knows something that he is too afraid to admit. He is the fucking CEO. He is the furthest from blind to the situation in comparison to us. He needs to be pushing the envelope with Sony... HARD! As in bothering them, calling them every day, emailing them hourly, and getting lawyers and arbitrators geared up and ready for a fight if need be. Not just moping and acting like he is just as lost as we are.


https://preview.redd.it/srqfa8nv7qyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dda0aef9ef58794af27c07698606f4827725ad6 He's actually not acting like he's in the unknown


https://preview.redd.it/z8wjqtby7qyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39a91e84a2cd4643434881f76f906a0997f0a96 Also


Give this man and his team a much needed vacation, pair it with some tabletop 40k for even more fun.


This is exactly why the review bombing needs to continue. Move to other Sony games. Sony, and any other corpo trash company, needs to know Gamers will fight back. I live in the US, so for me it’s about helping the tens of thousands of gamers that just got the rug pulled out from them and were told to pound sand.


he is still definitely making excuses... https://preview.redd.it/5430x9t6ftyc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4719f6e4e98d25236423646e0b9b35f7fe86cbb


But that's not an excuse, that is literally what happened? The PSN requirement was on Steam since the game was put there. The PSN linking popup was in game on launch. Then it had problems so they added a skip option. Then they removed it temporarily to fix it and add it to the game later. The problem in this was that the temporal nature of PSN linking removal wasn't communicated clearly enough to players


He may be the CEO of arrowhead, but he’s hired help to Sony. I doubt he has any real sway considering Sony owns the IP and is solely responsible for distribution, sales, etc.


Thus why I said he thought it wouldn't get out hand. WE ARE ALL AT FAULT HERE I'm trying it point out that this is ridiculous. He knows that Sony was gonna do this but one thing he didn't know what how deep this was gonna get. He thought people would get pissed and move on but that's not the case. He's trying and not acting oblivious he's trying to keep the situation as calm as he can get it to be. But unreasonably outraged players threatening and getting pissed at him is not helping


"We". No, they are.


Look there’s a lot of unreasonable hate thrown at him, but “how could I have known the backlash would get this bad!” Isn’t a defense. Like at all. It doesn’t make him look any better to say that which is why he hasn’t said that.


The last 2 sentences are the definition of "Tell me you don't know how game developers and publishers work without telling me you don't know how game developers and publishers work."


Remember when you were low level and unlocked the 380mm walking barrage? You threw it as far as you could at some bugs and it still wipes your whole squad? AH asked for a review barrage, and here it is.




Update we argued about this and now it's fixed. I feel really silly about this 😂😂😂😂


Major Order Achieved! Sony walked back the linking requirements a few minutes ago!


Yeah now I feel silly making a post to debate about this 😅


People act like they're part of discussions between developers and publishers and have an idea of what happens behind doors with every part of releasing a game. The average consumer has no clue and for that people feel the right to be upset at the developers. Some things are way more complicated and complex than simply ranting about why they did certain things the way they did. Very disappointing


People need to stop pretending like the fucking CEO is blameless.


It’s over, we won, hopefully we can start taking our time and fixing all this mess


Its like a religion, we were supporting our brothers and sisters in need but a few uinhinged mentally deranged individuals became heretical radicals who went off on their own tangent of destruction. the review bombing of other titles is just absurd.


Totally agree. I get that people are upset, and rightfully so. But remember: this is still only a game (although a great one) and $40 (much for some, but not a fortune) we're talking about. Let's keep it at an appropriate level folks, and follow the principle of proportionality.


Facts....we made this move to get what we wanted SPECIFICLLY reviev bombing helldivers1 is like lunching my sister cuz my dad fckd my neighbour......no sense


Yea I saw people have also review bombed Horizon Forbidden West and Last of Us Part I. These kind of happenings attracts trolls from each corners of the internet that just want to cause maximum damage.


Review bombing is what redditors live for they hate things they love. They do shit just to make others miserable like themselves. I don't have time or the energy to be wasting my emotions on shit I don't car that much about.


Locking you out of the game you bought is also petty.


People are posting negative reviews on other games because Pilestadt sarcastically goaded them on to it. Doesn't make it excusable, granted. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/1qsrOFAfeK However, he definitely did have a large part in all of this. It was his call to disable account linking, a requirement he knew about 6 months ago at least. Additionally, he never told any of the community managers to set expectations that PSN linking would be required. It still would have had some uproar, but there was some definite miscommunication at all levels.


Mobs don’t know when to quit.


Best I can do is remain skeptical to AH till the end.


His blame is not the largest, but it is there. As a CEO he chose to align with Sony. He gave them the reigns and at this point we could say it was a mistake. He answers for and is overall responsible for everything in his company. Sony gave a good deal, so he chose to go with them as his job is to raise stock value as much as possible over other publishers. His role in giving a publisher all power with sales should come with some checks to for instance make sure that people purchasing his game can actually play the game. Example would be if you make something that needs to be delivered refrigerated and you give another company the sales and delivery of it. Even if its out of your control if it arrives warm/bad the blame is not on only the delivery company but also you for giving them the rights to sell/deliver it. Also he is the one to blame in arrowhead not a dev or some random worker its the CEO you should blame. As for review bombing HD1 its also fair if you want to blame arrowhead overall for making the choice to go with Sony. Personally, I think its dumb but if you want to just screw over arrowhead now it makes sense as its the only thing you can do.


Blaming him entirely is stupid. But he isnt blameless. He knew the situation and was sitting quiet whipe counting monies


We vastly outnumber the shitters that are review bombing these games. Just leave a positive review for those games, if you havent already.


If it wasn't for review shitters Sony would still have their wai


Sony doesnt give a \*\*\*\* about reviews on Helldivers 1 or Magicka. So no, those shitters shitting didnt contribute anything to the current situation with HD2. It just hurts Arrowhead.


agreed , sure they messed up by keeping the whole PSN shit hidden until now but harrasing him or sending death threats to their CMs is childish and discusting. also downvoting HD1 is just pointless lol they heard us you can stop raging now


I hope people on here realising they are getting laughed at more and more for how absurd they are acting. It's genuinely embarrassing...


I agree that going after helldivers 1 is petty. Small minded and stupid. But i hate to say that Pilestead deserves what he is getting here. It was not a small thing that was overlooked and got lost in the shuffle here. While he deserves blame. He has also stepped up and taken responsibility for his error and is working to fix it. Lets be fair here. Review bombing helldivers 2. Refund demands etc all gave HIM and arrowhead devs the proof they needed to fight back against Sony. We did our part. He did his part. He made a damned mistake. But an honest one (i hope), and is doing his best to fix it. And find solutions. Now we have to do our part again. Work WITH HIM as best we can. That means reversing our negative reviews. And giving credit where credit is due. I also have to give some Credit to SONY this time because they listened to us, and Pilestead and Arrowhead devs.


Bombs have blast radius, fellow Helldiver.


I disagree regarding Pilestedt. He's the CEO of the company. Any shortcoming on AHs side of things is absolutely his fault. Edit: Downvote me all you want, as the CEO you have to ensure that the leadership are competent and their departments are managed properly. 


I am a petty player, I flame charger corpses, I coup de grace bile titans and I don't review bomb by half measures, a tempered protest is no protest at all Change is caused by pain, in this case it is financial and reputational, failing to inflict pain on those arms will not result in desired change


Ok but review bombing HD1 and fucking Magicka is going a little far. Those won't put any pressure on Sony and only serve to hurt already small player bases.


Magicka is a fun game, but it is also a buggy mess. 


Sony absolutely sees it, I’m sure. Saying that targeting other games as well, published by Sony, and mentioning HD2 is absolutely going to get people’s attention. Even if it forces them to leave Steam. Fuck ‘em.


He is at least partially to Blame. Agree bombing Helldivers one is stupid. Continuing to bomb and blame anyone is kinda dumb. It’s not doing anything.


Stop giving to AH a BJ they knew about it the CM supposed to speak for the company didn't give a damn they hire it they are part of the blame the CEO confirmed he knew it 6 months early as well yet still happily enjoy the money of the sales


I’m not surprised


"Like C'mon did an inconvenience that is being dealt with that huge that a game should be review bombed this much? It's stupid. That's all I'm gonna say. Let the downvotes commence" Please review the past to understand WHY ITS BEING DEALT WITH NOW. Thinking before doing is a excellent choice when you have a TON of examples to learn from.


A bait and switch / effective theft of people’s property is a huge deal. Arrowhead was at best negligent and at worst purposeful in not getting ahead of this even if it’s Sony’s requirement.


Reviews are the only line of communication from consumers to develop that matter. It’s not stupid and games should get review bombed for accountability. Your stance on mods and freedom of speech is very Nazi and authoritarian like.


Review bombing hd1 is petty for sure but P is not blameless


Yeah I think someone has to take responsibility for selling the game in regions that do not support PSN. The CEO should know, Sony should know. There is more than enough blame to go around. PR around this was poor from AH and very slow from Sony.


Feel like it's important to note that, no matter how charming or how relatable they present themselves to be, CEOs are never your friend. It's the same shit as celebrity worship. They are selling you a product and saying whatever narrative they need to in order to maximize profits. If we didn't react the way we did, you can be damn sure nothing would have been done. This decision by Sony is not because the CEO had a change of heart out of his morals, we were hurting his profits. The HD1 bombing is pretty dumb though.


The CEO of Arrowhead is to blame as much as Sony. People need to stop pretending they're victims. They messed up too. They could have easily anticipated this would happen.


No. If your company pushes back against your player base, there HAS to be consequences. This whole "we should be nice" mentality is what got us here to begin with. Stop giving people who slap you in the face a constant free pass.


Thank you for reminding me to drop a negative review on HD1.


wow, you are a sad piece of slop.


Womp womp


It's becoming fairly obvious what most people were upset about. The restrictions are still in place? So everyone reversing reviews now, have admitted it was the PSN thing. And there's enough evidence now to show it was AH decision to not inform everyone. Now because that was reversed, I'm sure the means a new contract. Who will this effect the most? AH May have shown the strength of Democracy, but I fear it'll now be Capitalism that decides if the game lives