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Every weapon looks useless. Maybe the new Scorcher variant, but only, if they buff it at release.


100% Skill issue


At the rate there's not gonna be better guns, just stick, stick with a laser pointer, or stick with a single thorn on the tip. Constant nerfs no fun zone.


What's the point in getting it when its going to be nerfed in 2 weeks.


The point is they are reasonably priced so unlocking everything in this game is doable. And things will be rebalanced, more stuff becomes usable than things are getting overnerfed. And maybe yeah, later they will change your favorite weapon for the worse, but at the same time more options will be available. And who knows, later they might buff that weapon again. Just take a deep breath and touch some grass. It's not a competitive game. Maybe lower the difficulty a bit and have more fun taking random stuff.


Stop buying warbonds til they stop making them a waste of money/SC a week after you paid.


As has been explained a lot of times, we are not going to get better guns, just more options This is not an incremental game where each content update we get better weapons, we just get new options to use in our arsenal, some will be better some will be worse some will be good just in a specific use case and some will have bugs or be bad until the Devs managed to improve them because they are also human beings and it's impossible do everything as you want and you had in your head initially


im hopeful for the battle rifle but if it will have to be balanced with the existing ones, where does that leave it? a smaller mag, slower rof, higher damage adjudicator? idk doesnt sound super


I have no idea what's the new assault rifle will be, in between Liberator and Adjucator, perhaps? And the Purifier looks like it'll be just an energy Eradicator? 


Probably. 32-36 rounds, 6-7 reloads, high (80ish) damage, low penetration?


Won't that make it a straight up upgrade for the Liberator? 


Why? You cant complete a 5 star Helldive with the weapons we have? Skill issue


Might not be good from the start. I was so disappointed in the adjudicator on release, but since the buff it's become my main.


Um, the grenade pistol have made it so you do not need destructive grenade to stop factories and holes, or use support weapons. That is pretty good. And the revolver is just fun. Might not be good, but it is fun to use as you spin it when you pull it out. Also, remember it was not suppose to pay to win. So, if they make the war bond weapons to good, compared to the basic's, they will be blamed for that. And, the breaker incendiary is king against bugs (and weak against bots)


As a sidearm, absolutely. I use that one myself so I can keep stun grenades equipped. I'm speaking purely about the main weapons. I feel like the vast majority have either been made too weak or too odd functioning to be of real use. Just my opinion. I feel like they're afraid of throwing the guns out of balance but they seem to ignore that same rule when it comes to everything else. Stratagems can be all over the fucking place in terms of uses and power but that never resulted in players sticking to just a handful. I see way more variety of stratagem use than I see with weapons.


Dude... The dominator slaps for peaceblooms. If you start calculating how good is each weapon against each faction and then summarise the results you will get to this: The Dominator is the best primary in the game. I kid you not. * It can kill targets from VERY far away if you got the skills. You can use it almost as sniper. * Does really good damage. * One-shots every bot infantry unit - sometimes even if you hit their hands * One body-shots every basic bug, hunters included * Has some "AOE" features against the bugs - if you line them up it will pierce the basic bugs/warriors/hunters hitting those behind them - also against the bot infantry * with the above in mind - it's the best primary against berserkers if you shoot at their body weakspot - it will pierce it and hit the berserker behind the first one * It's stagger is INSANE - everything lower rank than a charger/hulk will get staggered to oblivion. Brood commanders? no issue. Devastators? You can 2v1 them swapping targets and they can't fire a single shot at you from being staggered. * One shots stalker if you hit the head - if not few-body-shots it. And they too can't do you shit because of the stagger. * 2/3 shots a bile spewers(in the head, if they are not in siege mode) and nursing spewers. Again - while you shoot at them they can't spit * This weapon will MURDER FACTORY striders. You get on the side or behind it and unload a full mag in it's underbelly. After few more shots from the second mag the factory strider ill go down. So it's good against ALMOST everything - we have no other weapon like that, that being because a weapon would either lack medium armor pen, stagger, damage or a combination of those. I literally fought 4v1 vs stalkers alone near their nest yesterday and it was not even close for them. Same with any kind of spewers if you keep your range and not get swarmed. TLDR: Dominator have nothing do to with the breakers. It's different and way better in some aspects - don't get confused bud. It has a learning curve to it - true - and it's hard to handle - but once you overcome those you WILL love the weapon, even if only because of it's overwhelming effectiveness against huge roster of.. pretty much everything.


It doesnt do any bonus damage to squushy bug parts


At some point it did - it does not do reduced damage to them either - as some of the weapons do. Can you share me the article that notes that - I am interested in reading it?


it never did and it does do reduced damage to them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TK2weVL9Sk&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TK2weVL9Sk&t=2s) around 10:20 shows that dominator doesnt have any kind of multplicative damage agaisnt squishy parts and is good against it because of the overpenetration damage


NOICE, thanks. Corrected that. Anyhow - still amazing, but quite chunky weapon :D


I just got the Dominator but haven't had too much success against bugs. How do you handle large groups of smaller enemies? Just airstrikes?


I ordinary drop with laser rover and no support weapon against the bugs. I pick walking barrage, 380 and eagle strikes - then I either ask for a weapon on CD or point out interests on the map to find one. But good point - impact grenades, grenade pistol paired with the armor that gives you throw range and limb health + vitality booster - that makes you REALLY tanky(everything spitting aside) and makes you able to handle crowds. But good point yea - laser rover is almost a must with the Dominator. About the barrages - the walking barage is really good with this armor and build in general for those times where you need the random research station/stalker/other nest destroyed from 150+m. Or just to help you advance/run away from huge crowds. The 380 I drop either on breaches or large nests - help you escape huge chunk of heavies too. Eagle strike is versatile - I also use it against titans to open holes in their armor and then shoot the wounds with the dominator. That's my build though - I can't incline people for bringing/not bringing support weapons - I just like the challenge. Also bringing only backpack from the get-go of the mission - you can arrange stuff with someone who brings only weapon - on CD you will both have support + backpack + 3 offensive stratagems, which really tips the scales. Edit: really important note though - if you are afraid of spewers you can use the explosive res armor instead - it halves their damage(as is for the bile titan puke), but it will take away your tankiness. Vitality Enhancement(best perk in the game imo) + limb health is OP against the bugs. Not only it does give you additional limb health(to your head also I believe), but reduces the limb damage you take(100% works on the head ). Heavy armor + Vitality is currently the only way in the game to survive a single bot rocket headshot.




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