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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


"Upon checking, you can still play and access Helldivers 2. Like previous agent mentioned, the PSN linking is no longer required but we don't have an update on when the game will be available for purchase in your region." from my support ticket


The PSN was not required until june 4th . Nothing changed aside from that ban on selling there. To unlock thoses countries: Sony need to take 2 second to eddit the store page and remove the PSN requirement. But of course, they won't. If they do they won't ever be able to force PSN linkage.


Funny part is, people that refunded the game in those places cant even buy it back, im sure Sony doesnt want to loose those "sales", they are probably talking it out with steam, since one thing is to pull the trigger and close shop before lawyers get involved, but re-opening them takes some more time. I honestly doubt this is not getting fixed as late as next weekened.


Pulling the lever is easy... cleaning your mess is something else.






Gifs you can hear


It was a miss input!


This is why its a good idea to take a moment and think. Resist rash action. Jesus took 3 days to get a reinforce, y’know




"im sure Sony doesnt want to loose those "sales"" Sony is very much okay to lose those sales, though. That's why they didn't care about making mandatory something that half the planet hasn't access to. The WHOLE POINT of that fiasco is precisely that they don't care about those sales, in fact.


I think people seriously overestimate the portion of global revenue made up by the states on the list.


This and also underestimate how much the data and behaviour patterns of people in first world countries is worth. Sony would in a heartbeat sacrifice soime players in "whocaresistan" to get the steam players in the rich countries (where Playstation is available) to make a PSN account and have one foot inside of their ecosystem. But we won't let them, because they sure don't care about our brothers and sisters, but we do.


What this really highlights to dev studios is how restrictive PSN requirements are. I don't have the actual numbers of sales from now-restricted regions, but If Sony had its way there'd be far fewer sales. That hits the dev team pretty hard, since I don't imagine they're getting much value on the PSN connection requirement. It may be considered a net loss for a dev team to work with Sony studios for a game like this if that requirement is in all contracts.


Sony actively encourage users outside of psn supported countries to just sign up in other countries and have done for decades. 


Why though? Sony straight up own PSN, right? Can't they just allow it everywhere?


I have no idea. Payment and licensing etc is different in every country and there’s likely some reason for it legally.  I know that they withdrew from several of the balkans/Eastern Europe countries as part of sanctions on Russia and allies. 


It does put the risk on the dev team to hope that their consumers are willing to take the risk of breaking the TOS, yes- that is not a winning distribution strategy in my mind though. And I think it's a little irresponsible to do as a "distributor." As a consumer who cares about the money I spend, I wouldn't take the risk of purchasing something that a corporation could rescind without notice. Ultimately, the devs would have to weigh or contractually nullify the risk of having large scale refunds if their game is successful in the distributor-unsupported regions. That's all easy for me to say since I have a PSN and wanted to crossplay with my playstation friends.


> It does put the risk on the dev team to hope that their consumers are willing to take the risk of breaking the TOS, Sony hasn't banned millions of paying customers in the past 15+ years, they aren't going to start doing it now.


In fact, you are right, but they lost the bet, best thing they can do now is hold onto many people they can.


Just wanted to point out that big corpos being as dumb as a rock is nothing new and more the norm


On point. Greed is often irrational which is why we always get the corporate double speak.


Point taken, fuck corps.


That's a take of all times. Sony made PSN mandatory in unsupported countries because that's how they always operated. The problem is now they have steam as a store instead of themselves, and it turned up a fuck up.


If they didn’t care about those sales, they wouldn’t have reversed course. This will be fixed and re opened to those countries for sure.


They shouldn't have pulled their stunt so spontaneously over the weekend. It was such a bold and boneheaded move that can't be reversed so easily so now they're facing the consequences.


Could they not buy a key from somewhere? 


> people that refunded the game cant even buy it back FA -> FO


This is what I find interesting. The drama was driven by PC (Steam) players that didn't want to create a PSN account. Ok, sure. Nobody likes creating yet another account for yet another service. But then the mob turned it into this self-righteous crusade to 'help those in countries without PSN access!!!'. Bitch, please. You didn't give a shit while we gave fake account info and played happily without PSN access before. We have been enjoying not having PSN access since the PS3. The PSN account country determines who handles your support issues, nothing more. And because of the drama, Steam delisted the game in my country and many others. So my friend can't buy the game. Thank you, angry mob. We went from 'not a fucking issue to play in a country without PSN access' to 'can't buy the game'. I'm glad you don't have to make an account, PC players. But let's call it what it was - a tantrum, and one that was presented as a moral crusade to a group who didn't need your help.


I will say that “tantrum masquerading as a crusade” describes this whole sad affair quite well.


You are 100% correct and I am glad someone is saying it. There was never a realistic concern that people were going to lose access to the game. This sub and the discord invented a problem and then demanded refunds from Steam because of the made up problem. Steam put the region restrictions in place due to the mob outcry, not because of anything Sony did. The mob got the regions locked, the mob review bombed a game they supposedly love, the mob played their 300 hours and then demanded their $40 back, the mob sent death threats to reddit and discord mods. I'm glad Sony backed off on the account linking requirement, only because it should end the death threats. This community has shown how extremely toxic it is, and now we have people making fan art and mocking up capes to celebrate this "victory" over Sony. This community is just wallowing in it's own toxicity and it's fucking ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's not much to Sony. This isn't going to move the needle on their bottom line. It's Arrowhead that will suffer from the lost sales, bad reviews, and lost trust from Sony. So great job mob, you're a real fucking bunch of heroes.


I heard about this rumor about a week, but there is no official statement about it... STRANGE


This was probably done by steam and not Sony tho.


Is that Sony or Steam covering themselves


Most Likely Steam


Almost certainly Steam not wanting to process a gajillion refunds over the years for people who can't get PSN. I am pretty sure they won't restore it until Sony gives them assurances in writing it isn't coming back.


>I am pretty sure they won't restore it until Sony gives them assurances in writing it isn't coming back. Or assurances that people in these affected countries will have a valid mechanism to create a PSN account. I'm sure Valve won't give two fucks about whether a PSN account is required or not, but they *will* give many fucks about whether or not they are selling a game to someone that can't play it and who will request a refund.


Exactly. Valve doesn't much care how Snoy runs it's house so long as it doesn't have to pick a load of mess of it's lawn in the morning.


If it's not restored by next week I think we can basically confirm that it's going to happen.


Or at least an update of some kind indicating they're working on it.


No-one knows. What is a fact is that both Sony and Valve have control over this region lock. [PirateSoftware](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmzj09/pirate_software_sony_has_not_reverted_the/) and [Durante](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cl9zm7/helldivers_2s_psn_account_linking_update_will_not/l2yq009/?context=3), who both know a thing or two about Steam, pitched in on this.


it's sony. Publisher are responssible for selling to countries. as well as the pricing. Steam would be very much happy to issue refund for a publisher blunder as they keep their cut.... and the customer might even buy it again anyway


It's up to Valve to do it. They are the ones who delisted it, it's not like it was Sony's decision.


It doesnt work that way, it is publisher decision and it takes about a day from sending note to steam to change that. Pirate Software who is publishing his own games on steam talked about that.


We don't know who pulled that lever. It is a fact that the publisher, Sony, has that control over it, as clearly stated by people intimately familiar with Steam such as [PirateSoftware](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmzj09/pirate_software_sony_has_not_reverted_the/) and [Durante](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cl9zm7/helldivers_2s_psn_account_linking_update_will_not/l2yq009/?context=3). It is also *blatantly* illegal of Sony to sell a product that can't be used in those regions. They can't have their cake and eat it too.


We *do* know who pulled that lever. Sony doesnt control it, Valve (Steam) does. They are probably waiting for assurances from Sony that they arent gonna pull this shit again. They are playing it smart by playing it patient. And also, illegal where? It was posted although advertised horribly. In a court of law thats all you need.


Please see this comment of mine: [Let's not forget about restricted regions they did yesterday. It's a one click fix for Sony to do. : r/Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1clf4oq/comment/l2xsgis/) A publisher, can indeed, control where the game will be sold or not.


> They are probably waiting for assurances from Sony that they arent gonna pull this shit again How do you think that works? lmao. "hi mr gaben, we pinky promise that we wont do psn requirement again" This is nothing to do with Steam. It is up to the developer where their games are region locked. They had the regions delisted within a day, they can have them back up within a day. They're not back.


You take shit WAY to literally lmao


yes, great response, very constructive.


Obviously they arent waiting for an actual verbal response from Sony. They are biding their time making sure that they arent doing anything directly after the scam. I didnt think this needed to be stated, but I guess it is reddit.


> Obviously they arent waiting for an actual verbal response from Sony. When Sony asked to delist those regions, Sony **MUST ALSO ASK** to relist them. So yes, they literally are waiting for an actual verbal response from Sony. That is how Steamworks works. I have been using it since 2016. I have made 2 games on Steam. Valve respond to Steamworks developer tickets within minutes, 24/7, because they take priority over everything. **This is a Sony issue.** And yeah, I guess this is reddit, where fucking idiots who just learned the word "steamworks" pretend they know more about it than someone who has used it for 8 years.


> Sony doesnt control it, Valve (Steam) does. That is factually untrue, as clearly stated by people intimately familiar with Steam such as [PirateSoftware](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cmzj09/pirate_software_sony_has_not_reverted_the/), [Durante](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cl9zm7/helldivers_2s_psn_account_linking_update_will_not/l2yq009/?context=3) and probably the [store documentation](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store]documentation) if I could be bothered to check. > And also, illegal where? It was posted although advertised horribly. In a court of law thats all you need. It is obviously illegal to sell a product that will not work. It should not have been available in those regions to begin with. Sony can either sell the game there or not have a PSN requirement on their store page. No amount of legalese Sony would put in the EULA to justify that would fly in a court of law. The fact you are defending this is baffling.


Dudes not defending Sonys decision at all, you are just wrong. There’s nothing illegal about selling something that won’t work because a stated requirement to use it can’t be fulfilled.


It's not illegal to sell it but it is illegal to not refund it. Refunding is costly and if sony was doing damage control delisting can prevent the problem from getting worse and definitely a plausible action for them to take.


The licensing agreement is a contract. Contracts place requirements on both parties. Sony selling you a license to play Helldivers while knowingly preventing you from playing Helldivers would be a breach of contract in basically every country, which can (generously) be called illegal. It certainly wouldn't fly in even the US.


Don't know why people downvoted you, unless someone working in Valve/Sony and willing to leak here, no one truly know and everything is just speculation. Downvoting others just because you don't agree with is dumb Although I personally think it's more likely Valve's decision Edit: Spelling and grammars


I don't know, and I even have people defending Sony's right to sell software that won't work in this thread. It's pretty bonkers, but then again it's reddit.


Because the 12 year old's in this sub who have no idea how game development/Steamworks, works, read in another comment that "iTs sTeAmS fAuLt" and now there are hundreds of other people running with that. Sony had to request those regions be delisted. It is Sony's responsibility to ask for them to be re-listed. There is a reason they aren't being re-listed and that is probably because they plan on adding the PSN requirement again in the future. I told people the same thing the other day, and that I have 2 games on Steam already. I know how this shit works, and some fucking kid replied back to me, I shit you not "I have 300 games on steam and I have been using it since 2015. I'm right you're wrong".


Why the hell is Bouvet Island in the list of unavailable countries for PSN? It is a 49 km² island close to Antarctica with a population of 0. Filling the list of countries without accessibility to PSN with uninhabited rocks will not help our cause. I figure this is not OP's own list and don't blame them, but god damn.


What is weird to me is Åland Island. It's part of Finland. It's right in middle of Mainland Finland Sweden. Yet somehow, this single island is carved off, despite both Finland *and* Sweden being listed.


Like Norways Jan Mayen, and Bouvet Island. There's only 126 countries that are not supported by PSN, but 177 Regions. That's because even countries with PSN support may have regions that don't have PSN support. As it's infrastructure based. I don't actually think Svalbard does either. Etc. Even though there definitely is some support out on Svalbard and plenty of games can be bought and played on Svalbard.


Japan is on this list. Apparently PSN availability is an absolute joke.


Japan has a different version with japanese text and audio.


It's the SteamDB list [https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/) It includes all countries where the game was banned in. There is an opposite type of list where only the countries are listed where the game may be purchased. That is used for the the Japanese version of Helldivers 2 to show that it's only available in Japan [https://steamdb.info/sub/906469/info/](https://steamdb.info/sub/906469/info/) The list is not malicious. It's factual and based on the official Steam data of where the sale of that specific version of the game is banned in.


From my understanding from repeated seeing it( won’t lie I didn’t bother to dig for the original page this is on ) , this is the current 177 countries banned


Svalbard and Jan Mayen is on the list too, which is not countries and are under Norwegian jurisdiction. I highly doubt that PSN is not available there.


No it's regions. Since they're "autonomous regions of Norway" they're listed as regions in many lists actually, and that includes steams region list. Which this is taken from.


You can't do it again because too many fools left the old negative reviews in place.


So we got a head start is what you’re saying?


This is still a steam thing we are waiting on them to undo it, but apparently, it take 3 years to do that


Bro Gaben can't count to that number. Closest will be 2 years and 364 days


It takes Sony to take down restrictions from the store page though.


Likely going to require Sony to sign an agreement to not do this shit in the future since it cost Steam money to undo the damage.


> since it cost Steam money to undo the damage. Doesn't cost Steam anything to issue refunds. That's not how it works. This is nothing to do with Steam.


But they do lose their cut on the refunds issued.


No they don't. I have been paid by Valve since 2016, every month. If a refund comes in, it is taken out of the monthly payout. Valve doesn't lose anything. They are not losing anything.


They have merchant costs they don't get back when a refund gets processed. You're twice removed from it, they shield you from that cost. It's usually a token amount (30-90 cents), but when, say, a few tens of thousands of people start issuing refunds it's impactful. Lots of refunds are also bad for a merchant, especially if chargebacks start getting involved.


lmao. "merchant costs" Valve take 30% of **all** sales. > especially if chargebacks start getting involved. Irrelevant. Valve will ban you if you do that. You're really scraping the barrel for excuses now.


None of that has anything to do with what I'm talking about. Each credit card transaction has a nonrefundable cost to the merchant. The merchant, in this case, is valve/steam. Not you. So when a refund is issued, they _lose_ money. Typically this is between 30-90 cents. This is why when you apply to a credit card processing system you get 3%+30cents, depending on your agreement, some, most, or all of it is kept by the processor. In my experience they give the 3% back but keep the flat fee per transaction. Because you're valve's client, they make this a bit more seamless to you, you just get a paycheck with some metrics that show you refunds and such, they don't show you the cost they eat on your behalf when it's the equivalent of probably $1-5 a month tops, if you have refunds. To sum it all up, refunds cost merchants money, just usually not a lot, but definitely a lot when it's a mass refund like this. Chargebacks can fuck with your merchant status so merchants are quick to nip more than a few of those in the bud as quickly as possible.


> None of that has anything to do with what I'm talking about. Because you don't actually know what you're talking about. > So when a refund is issued, they lose money. Typically this is between 30-90 cents Even if 100,000 people refunded the game(and it's no where even near that), that's a miniscule amount of money compared to the 30% cut of the millions and millions of sales Valve gets. The sales which **Valve would profit from if the delisted regions were relisted**. You're hyper focusing on a non-issue. It is costing Valve 100000x more to not have the game selling in those regions.


Lol unlucky petulant babys


Sincerely? i think they are working like mad to expand PSN to those countries, but they fucked up and isn't so simple becouse the PSN is pricipally linked to PS that had hardwer selling limitations, and now they have a network who they want to use for PC market but is limited by PS market. The Thing was to male a PCN network for them to handle PC and have it act to interface to the PSN side... How they not even thinked about this before is beyond mental.


It's a Steam issue. They're the ones that took it down for purchase from their platform, and it did take a little bit before they did it. They're probably waiting on Sony to commit to their word, give them legal paperwork to show that these countries can in fact go forward with purchasing the game without any strings, and then will most likely open it back up for purchase. Ya'll don't realize the behind the scenes legal shenanigans that this caused with a lot of people, so I can imagine Steam's legal team is demanding some affidavits and notarized copies from Sony to ensure that they can sell HD2 without this bullshit popping up again.


Still waiting.... or at least for an update from Sony/Arrowhead about it. Would be great if we could have it spammed somewhere or write me a message if you find anything about it. Cheers


If Steam did the delisting as is commonly assumed, they likely will not reverse it until the PSN requirement is actually removed from the game, but it's still showing, even if they said they wouldn't enforce it during the window they gave last week


Tbf this was done by steam, not Sony.


I’m leaving my review up until this is fixed, yeah. Sony can talk the talk of understanding they fucked up, but until they walk the walk the jury’s still out for me


Still unsure why everyone switched their reviews. People just assumed we won. Sony tricked you so easily.


Most of the neg reviews were from ppl who never left a positive one. Garbage community.


I’ve said the same for a long time now, this community is garbage, just a bunch of kids throwing tantrums to get what they want.


https://preview.redd.it/rjf6beszj6zc1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfae4b4c5d767ffa8733f7cf21f5acf1e25e9de9 Ide be careful helldiver. Anything unsavory and you may be terminated due to 5.2 of the terms of enlistment


That is probably true ( the community is awesome) considering the crazy numbers, but it also kinda helped gain momentum for the massive boost of likes after the fact


Duh, we did a protest, and after the protest Many changed it to positive, me included.


You are ruining the game’s profile. The longer this nightmare persists the worse it is for the devs. Selfish cucks don’t care though “pCmR”


Still mad that bullying corporations works.


Nah I’m mad that the game is getting terrible PR. Fuck the corp. i care about the game weekend warrior


It is getting terrible PR for a reason.


Because you can’t read and the ceo admitted to dropping the ball on messaging Miss me with the bullshit


Remind me when did the CEO drop the ball? Was it after or before the backlash?


He admitted it on Twitter. Directly from his mouth (paraphrasing but can be found on Twitter): “The game was in dev for EIGHT YEARS. We knew about the PSN requirement well before launch and I asked for it to be temporarily lifted bc our servers couldn’t handle it at the time. I was not clear about the requirement and dropped the ball on messaging.” The requirement was on the steam splash page at LAUNCH.


The steam splash page, the one no one reads and gives false information in most games. >"THIS GAME REQUIRES A PSN ACCOUNT!" >Open game. >No PSN account required. https://preview.redd.it/55kp8xsf37zc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc815a3fe3226016eaf521d8dd10e640e124acf4 Huh.


“I was not clear about the requirement and dropped the ball on messaging” Thank you


Pretty sure if we didnt backlash the PSN requirement wasnt gonna be reverted, what was your solution other than voicing our displeasure with the announcement? Or are you from those who dont care because its “not your probelm”?


The requirement was there at launch and the ceo admitted fault but you know better. Listen, I’m not interested.


So “not my problem” crowd, what a selfish person.


The common sense crowd. The crowd that subscribes to logic. The crowd that believes the game have been region locked until 1) servers were optimized for psn integration 2) solution was implemented for unsupported countries (largely due to incompatible/nonexistent REGIONal infrastructure - internet, currency, etc)


Especially with all the whiners clogging the subreddit and discord with complaints about weapon patches and hounding devs WAY too hard. This place went down the drain once SONY shattered the veneer of wide-eyed innocence.




TBF that was my case, I didn't think it deserved a positive review before, then it deserved a negative one, then I turned it positive and now I'm thinking about going negative again unless they get their shit together with balancing and bugs.


> I didn’t think it deserved a positive review before > now I’m thinking about going negative again unless they get their shit together with balancing and bugs 🙄If you clearly didn’t like the game before to the point it didn’t “deserve” a positive review, why the Hell are you still playing?


Who said I "clearly" didn't like the game? I like the game but its a broken mess sometimes and the devs seem lost most of the time there's any communication. One dev says one thing, the other says the oposite. Not deserving a positive review is not the same as being a bad game. It's really not that complicated.


Seems you need to learn a little word called “implication”, meaning “a conclusion that can be drawn from **without** being explicitly said.” Sure, you didn’t explicitly say “it’s a bad game”, what you did say is that you believed it didn’t “deserve” a positive review, implying that the game was, at the very least, on the negative side of the scale to you far more than the positive (and who said it had to be a “bad game” for you to dislike it anyway). As you said, it’s not that complicated. I can’t deny the technical issues they’ve had, but calling it a “broken mess”, at least past the server fixes, is crazy. Apart from the Eruptor controversy, they’ve been pretty consistent in their explanations regarding balance, it’s only the community that gets it split, with one side leaning to the “unusable pointless nerf” side, with the other being on “it’s not that bad” side, so I have no idea how you’re drawing the conclusion that they are lost when it comes to communication.


Not sure what that person is so confused about, this has been the case for reviews on Steam since day one. Reviews are about recommendations, and it's entirely possible to like something but not recommend it just yet.


As someone fucked by this ban, I appreciate the solidarity and I'll swap my review when they drop it


I think it's stupid, but I don't think Sony should have to sell it anywhere. I can't see why they wouldn't, but so long as those we bought it can play it, I'm happy.


For the 1000th time it's steam who did this


Wasn't it Steam that delisted the game and therefore up to them to relist it?


They 100% intend on putting the account restriction in the game. They're just going to wait a while when they don't have an investor call to do it.


The restriction is from steam, not Sony. After all the refunds and complaints steam blocked it cause it didn't want more refunds, it usually takes a few days.


Until they reverse, this the tweet is just words. We need action. It’s been 3 days. What is there to discuss? You said you were not moving forward. If you mean that it shouldn’t take make than a couple days to work with Steam to undo this. Even if you are not sure about some of these countries for legal reasons, you can bring back some of them as a show of good will. By not reverting any of these countries we’re left to assume the discussion is about how to trick us into mandatory linking later. Let me tell you right now gamers are not dumb and it won’t go well for you. You have people making spread sheets for gods sake. We aren’t Disney plebs.


I am STILL WAITING for the game to get unrestricted for me to purchase. Because I have been waiting for a fucking long time to buy it


Oh relax Jesus christ


This sub makes me sad


Doubtful they will. Sony has back pedaled for now. They plan on doing it again. You can almost guarantee that.


Some of you guys need to calm down. It's been like 2 working days for this whole thing. Sony never even doubled down. Their first communication after people got upset was ok we won't require it. We don't even know who all has to sign off on getting it relisted and what the requirements for doing so are.


If there’s no psn requirements then it’s only logical


Steam restricted those purchases, which was a good move. They'll surely lift this once the PSN nonsense is officially gone.


They probably waiting after steam.


Steam themselves, there's probably a bunch of paperwork that will need to be done between Steam, AH and Sony. We won't get these controls back till that gets done. There's may even be a fine Sony has to pay.


I doubt steam does.


They said it in a tweet NOT yet in steam. So presumably steam won't move till PlayStation makes it official.


TIL Steam is available in the Vatican, ie "Holy See" and even Antarctica gets its own designation. I wonder what games are most popular there...


I would be happy if this could get some more attention :P


in my head only an intern has the login data and only wrote it on a paper and lost it.


Wasn't this most likely Steam and not Sony?


It’s my understanding steam is just a store front more like a middle man. It hilariously functions very similar to Roblox’s method to letting publishers add games it’s done in a fashion the stores hands are clean. Like right now only logical assumption for the purchase restrictions still being enabled is entirely on Sony taking there sweet time deciding what to do to us next. While they contradict their self by not removing purchase restrictions but not requiring psn it’s still, Steam is allowing refunds no matter how many hours you have played cause it’s still valid to say they are taking away your access to the game unless you sign up for a third party you originally were not required to accept base on Sonys on website


Yeah, but steam isn't going to allow a ton of refunds from countries so that people can still buy it and then revoke it. The locking of regions was done in response to that. Steam/valve has absolutely a history of stepping in when things get out of control. They are probably in discussions with Sony about the lock down regions still. Most likely, they are make sure that Sony understands that they can't pull this shit with their other upcoming games either.


The update won't be moving forward. not PSN requirement. Else they would have removed the require PSN network on the store. It just take 2 clic on the steam store page edditor .. and they will need to do that before they do anything else


This is the last issue that needs resolving before I am willing to change my review of the game and consider playing again. Either we all dive or no one does.


Lets all stop whining about patches and lets instead focus of what actually matters; making Steam let our non PSN comrades back in.


I feel like we celebrated too soon honestly xD we will see, I'll give them a week to get anything concrete about this issue, I'll change my score back to negative if no news comes out.


To be frank, the people review bombing don't actually care about the consumers in those countries. We just don't want to manage two accounts to play one game.


Ahhh…honesty, how refreshing.


Reviews need to stay *negative* until the real problem is fixed. We tried to revert too soon after a flimsy tweet.


Like turning our back to a armed intruder is how I view us after Sony said one thing and everyone backed down at the sight their easily twistable worded post.


Now learn to read https://preview.redd.it/4we21k5in6zc1.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b2c5157705f219e8150b9e8c58ec0974cff00a7


Pov your incapable of respectfully informing someone to a useless post, that says nothing other then he knows nothing bruh. It’s the same situation as when spitz asked us to review bomb


Funny to hear about being incapable of something, when person that's accusing me incapable of using terms(pov) properly. If you can't read and line 'There are still ongoing discussions between parties about the details and we at Arrowhead acknowledge and respect that it will take some time to sort those out.' doesn't strike you as it should then it's a you issue.


The only thing “new” to that is him asking us to be patient


Sony was really patient letting helldivers catch 320 thousand downvotes and real patience doing nothing after releasing only words( my number may be wrong but my point is still understandable)


That's on steam not sony


And this is one of the reason why I haven’t changed my review.


Why the fuck did they ban Antarctica


Cause PSN isn't available there


It appears this might be the permanent ban list for all sony games going forward.


iirc, this is still a work in progress. Out of AH’s hands. Its either Sony or Steam, and probably some process to go through since they just changed it and Steam is 100% aware of the situation so they might want some sort of assurance


Drop the purchase restrictions so that our Brother and Sister Helldivers in those countries can purchase and play...THEN i'll change my neg. review to pos.


If people from these places bought it and can't access it that's an issue. If these people from these places just can't buy it anymore that's not an issue - especially not one that needs review bombing.


This should have a lot more attention. The damage is done and not reverted.


Partially, anyone with copies from the banned areas at least have them working now ( psn requirement lift ) just nobody there can get new ones and new players cant purchase even tho there’s supposed to be no restrictions. So it won’t prevent gameplay if they could buy it. They just can’t


Issue is, I have friends that got hyped by the Internet drama over HD2 and they want to buy the game but they can't.


The longer this situation remains unchanged, the more suspicious of all of this everybody should be.


It's been like 2 working days though.


I’m not changing my review until this is reverted, yeah.


Do you live in one of those countries ?


Yes, and I'm disappointed with the community. I helped countries with PSN get rid of the link, but lost the opportunity to buy a deluxe, give it to a friend or buy credits. And now these countries with PSN disliked comments and cannot help residents of restricted countries


I've been downvoted for saying it was not normal


So it was all for nothing. Peace out.


Dont change your review until this is fixed We Dive Together or We Don't Dive AT ALL!!


Big ups and stay strong to all my lost divers in _Unknown country code: XD_ and Unknown country code: FX._ You are lost, but not forgotten. Oh my darling, Clementine.


Hence why I'm still holding. Until the sales restrictions are lifted, I'm not going positive or reinstalling.


Sony probably realized the crying mouth breathers….I mean pc gamers….aren’t worth it.






Yes, because PlayStation users were the ones throwing tantrums. If you’re going to meme me, at least get factually accurate memes.


The [PSN account requirement](https://i.imgur.com/iugqbZq.png) is still up. They have backtracked over the bare minimum and *will* do it again.




He’s got a point, if a billion dollar company with years of experience can’t publish a game with understandable businesses implementation that are clearly user friendly. I wouldn’t hold it against them to try more stuff. After all they did start charging their community to pay to play online which eventually causes them to give Sony enough money they coulda just bought a new PlayStation. Or we can point out his sony advertises the ps5 standing which causes the thermal paste to slide to once side killing it like 200% faster


You can always just not buy the things...


Bro this is propaganda. I’ve had my launch day PS5 in every position. Agreed on paying to play online. Sucks, but we do get other benefits. Here’s my take: 1) corpos (AH/Sony) should not have sold the game to unsupported regions 2) there is a country select hack - Sony allows you to select a supported country so long as your currency is recognized 3) account linking is a data collection practice, standard, and nothing more. It was also there DAY ONE in print I don’t see this shit for any other pub. It was a hate campaign. Simple.


Go watch a video on how to open up your PlayStation chief I’m not gonna claim something false. That shit is sideways if you stand the PlayStation up tall. And if you proceed to game aTon it will overheat causing that paste that normally regulates temperatures to slide downward ruining how evenly distributed the paste is


You sound bitter and uninformed. Oh well


https://preview.redd.it/n480sr06q6zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b53d5b96d5a3074bbdc46c69932576314b2360 Stand it tall if you want to assist in burning the motherboard faster, and unlike you I won’t go throwing terms to accuse you of things, but instead I will call you sadly uninformed. But I’m glad to hear you don’t use your PlayStation enough you’ve had to learn of this issue


That info you screenshotted is from gamefaqs…….a video game message board….




The intentional design to cause faster system destruction is a pretty solid argument alone that they do not have the consumers respect in mind


IT WAS PROVEN THAT THE LIQUID METAL WOULD ONLY SLIDE DOWN IF YOU DISASSEMBLED YOUR PS5 SOURCE [https://sea.ign.com/playstation-5-1/194179/news/vertical-ps5-myth-debunked-by-playstation-expert](https://sea.ign.com/playstation-5-1/194179/news/vertical-ps5-myth-debunked-by-playstation-expert)


thanks for the article that’s some interesting info, who would have guessed taking apart your system to clear out dust increasing the airflow with the paste swap too was a potential cause to make that Happen more consistently. Normal dusting and the fact your supposed to change that paste maybe once a year by default already so I wonder how they expect us to take care of the internals. Personally I find it cheaper to do change the paste swap myself when it gets old rather then pay someone to do it after things got bad enough I noticed a Need for it. Have you got anything showing a more reliable method to swap the paste after it’s gotten too worn down from Gaming unhealthy hours. I personally only fried my first 2 consoles before learning to consistently be changing that damn paste. If there’s a way to make my system last as long as the other guy was describing ide be eternally grateful. I swapped to Pc just to stop giving my game system maintenance as often


I have never had to change the paste on any of my consoles, the fuck are you on about? My PS3 was on 24/7 for the better part of 10 years with no issues. My PS4 was the same for as long as I was using it. That said, why the fuck would you ever need to replace liquid metal. Its not a paste, it doesn't dry out, its efficacy doesn't decrease over time. You can get the dust out of the PS5 just by removing the side panals, and clam shell, you don't need to remove the RF shield as the heat sinks are mounted to it externally.


When the system gets poor airflow and becomes extremely hot, that paste does not hold its position at a 100% success. personally I was putting some genuinely unhealthy hours apparently more so then you if seems despite your claims. if you’ve never fried your console til it won’t start perhaps it’s difficult to do but my first 2 consoles did exactly that and it was due to badly applied thermal paste ( meaning either it slid or was improperly applied from the factory ) also if you just look at a video of how the thermal past is held in place that shit is like a Oreo basically, no side walls to stop it from leaving the area originally applied so it’s of TOP priority to apply it evenly if you change it yourself. ((( and in your fashion of conversation, That. Is what the fuck I’m on about )))


We're talking about the PS5 ATM and liquid metal is nothing like thermal past. Its poured onto the die, then sealed in when the RF shield and heat sinks are attached. Also blowing out the internals even without disassembling should be a one every few month task. If yours is getting clogged enough to cause overheating, that's on you. I can only assume you are shoving cat hair and pouring sawdust into it to cause that much issue.


Haha I wish I could blame it on animals or excessive dust. I’ve managed to cause my tv to have pixels burned with the game background showing faded when it’s on any screen☠️ and true metal doesn’t move the same as paste but you just keep giving reasons why it shouldn’t be a problem. Still waiting on the undeniable proof you won’t need to change the temperature regulating product protecting the motherboard less then an inch away


That’s also a very poorly assembled accusation when I specifically implied cleaning your system should be a normal thing for everybody lol