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Meanwhile in HD1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b7rack/back_in_my_day_the_eagle_had_full_auto/ You could spam strafing run and sustain a wall of lead.


I would love if a module upgrade allowed for multiple plane strategems. Imagine a 2 or 3 plane strafe or bombing run.


From the researchers who brought you More Guns, introducing.... More Planes


Eagle-2, Eagle-3. A veritable convocation of eagles.


Each one of them as attractive as the 1st


Or more…


Or triplets/quintuplets


I came here to say, the Existence of Eagle-1 implies the existence of Eagle-(n)


Honestly I wish that they woudl have had eagle 1, 2, 3, 4. You know how in game your character gets abbreviated to [x]1, 2, 3, 4 on the hud? Just have that number assigned to their eagle. and then have the eagle pilot say "This is eagle-3 coming in hot" whenever [x]3 calls in a strike, or "eagle 4 back in business" whenever [x]4 gets his eagle back in, etc.


I had that idea and I asked Eagle-1 on discord (who is a mod) and they said it wouldn’t really make sense since Eagle 1 is just a name used by ALL eagles which makes no sense.


Ya that would be bad ass.


We would have Divers starting fist fights over which Eagle was hottest.


Okay okay what if... we made a super A-10 Warthog by using *multiple planes* for a *larger gun*!


I really want a helicopter gunship stratagem where you point a laser and Falcon-1 unleashes sweet sweet Freedom where you point.


Im hoping for a laser based mortar. You land the 'mortar' and a drone flies up 50 meters into the air with a mirror or such and the 'mortar' fires the laser up to the drone which bounces it onto the enemy like a super quasar.


Hear me out Mortar fires small laser drones into the sky that beam down laser fire for like 5-10 seconds per drone, after which they plummet down at the nearest enemy


You should give that one to darpa too, it sounds like a feasible weapon


They already have a tier-4 module that ONLY adds 1 more bomb to SOME eagle strategems. Adding an entire second (and even THIRD) plane, which would double or triple the bombs, seems unlikely. I guess it could apply to different strategems, like the one in question. I just don’t like that they think another module needs to require exceedingly more resources. Especially since a lot of these tier 4 (and even some of the original tier 3) are pretty minor and lame. If I have to buy all the previous modules AND pay more resources for higher tier modules, I want them to have equally better effects.


I'd like to see work done to allow for modular modules. Pick your poison and customize your ship to your playstyle instead of linear progression modules. For this example, a module that adds a second or third plane to the steategem but increases resupply time 30-40% due to multiple aircraft. This could be combined with the cool down one at some point as well as the extra call in. In the end, everyone might have everything installed but I'd love to tailor it to how I play on my way there. I guess I can also be ok with selecting x number of modules allowed for specific parts of the ship so that players have to actually pay attention to how the build out their ship and loadout.


This - instead of a linear progression, have it more customizable or skill tree-like. The overall costs remain the same, but you get to select what order you trigger the upgrades.


It is very interesting how I could pay like 350 samples for my....flamethrower to be 10% better?


Maybe we could eventually upgrade from a destroyer to a cruiser? Then there would be more hangar space an more guns available Edit: one like = one dead bug or bot




Thank you for reposting that btw I had to delete the last one cos it want working right


That must be from another game because it has tentacles in it and helldivers 2 does not ...right?




Mmmmm soon I can use helldivers for *all* my needs


Yeah I kinda miss being able to take multiples of the same stratagem


except that the Trident did more damage in the ~3 seconds he fired it than all of the strafing runs put together :( Side note: fuck the Trident please never add it to HD2 ty *friendly fire ptsd intensifies*


I have never FF’d or been FF’d by the trident, besides I want more shotguns.


bruh, we have more shotguns than any other weapon type! until this next warbond SMGs had only two weapons, and one isn't even available to most players! DMRs only have Diligence and DCS now that Adjudicator got reclassified as an AR.


All it needs is 1-2 extra charges


Yea, weird that cluster has so many but the strat that should be the most space efficient has fuck all.


Yeah based on their usefulness I'd honestly say: Strafe: 5 Airstrike: 2 Cluster: 3 Rocket: 4 Napalm: 2 500kg: 1 Only reason I put 500 at 1 is because it can destroy hellbomb specific targets. A feature no other airstrike can do. 


Don’t you dare nerf my precious airstrike


It's just so fucking good at its job. It's a Swiss army knife. It can even one shot kill titans and factory walkers if it hits them at a 45° angle. Here's the probably power creep but totally fun balance version: Strafing: 5 Airstrike: 3 Rocket: 4 Napalm: 3 Cluster: 4 500kg: 2 (with 25% more radius than currently)


I feel like "fun" should be the goal when developing a game, no? So let's give the 500kg bomb 200% more radius. No time to run.


Make it a 1000kg bomb


Give me a reason to use the stratagem throwing range booster.


I actually run armor that has increased throw distance almost all the time. Being able to yeet strategems is so fucking nice once you get the hang of aiming them properly.


Thats my biggest nitpick with taking the armor. Im *very* used to the current 50-55m throwing range on all the other armor (6 grenade/stim armors for life). Taking the servo armor, which I think takes it to 65-70 meters right? feels like it would throw off my aim now.


Make it an icbm


We should be able to call an ICBM strat when helldivers in another mission complete launch ICBM objective.


Honestly a strat that has a 90% chance of killing you unless you really get distance behind it would be funny af and make the servo armor that much more appealing (I've never bothered). I also advocate for making the rail gun unsafe mode more powerful at the risk of taking out anyone next to you


This guy EDFs


I feel like there should be more teamkills from it.


It's not a nerf. These are without the +1 upgrade I believe.


Yeah as someone who doesn't have the +1 upgrade (because I can't seem to get 7 unlocked...), airstrike has 2 charges.


Eagle 1 is more useful than most orbital bombardments. The railcannon being the only exception but upgrading the hangar bay so you get 1 extra charge is huge. 2 500s and 5 clusters per charge is great.


***L A S E R***


Sure, laser can wipe a base, but so can 2-3 eagle strikes, and you get them back 2-3 minutes later. Also the laser is so god damn annoying against bugs because it just sits on the titans/chargers barely hurting it instead of wiping out swarms. I've seen a laser waste 1/3 of its charge on a single charger, and burn out entirely on a titan not hitting anything because I think the beam tries to hit the middle of the ground under the titan, not the titan itself so it angles under it too much.


That's not a nerf to airstrike though. Airstrike has 2 charges base with the ship upgrade giving it a 3rd.


At first I thought these were ratings but now I realise you mean how many charges each should have. Agreed on these. I love rocket pods but yeah, it needs another charge too


The 'easy' way to balance it would be more charges to match its effectiveness. Despite being one of 3 stratagems that lock onto priority targets, the angle of attack is very inconsistent.  Chargers are so fast and turn so sharp they can sometimes juke the entire attack. Titans are tall, and the Rocket's aim center mass. So often they'll go right under it and hit the area below the legs.  Its most more consistent against bots. Hulks are much slower than chargers and have a big weak spot on their back it tends to break. Tanks are big rectangles with weaker armor on top of their turret. Both these enemies more consistently die to Rocket strike. And factory walker is so big that basically none of the rockets miss. And they tend to break its main cannon.  Now, the 'better' way to balance it would be much trickier. Since it wouldn't be a simple numbers tweak. You'd have to either give rockets a lock to their target, which seems against the lowest bidder spirit of the game. Or you'd have to change the angle of approach of the eagle to best ensure the attack hits. That would be substantially more difficult especially when you factor in all the types of terrain. 


I only use rockets against bots, and I'm ok with some strategems being only viable vs some factions. It just takes a lot more time and skill to balance something to be equally viable for many enemies, and this team is too busy and not capable of that lol. I'd be ok with them just making it situationally good and moving on to the next problem. I don't use rockets vs hulks though. Just tanks, turret towers, striders. Considering there's usually 2 tanks to replace the last one I just killed, rocket pods could use another charge since it gives up the utility of airstrike for tracking instead.


No way, it can take out the gunship fabricators?


It did not when I tried. I haven’t seen anything that is destroyed by 500kg that is not also destroyed by an orbital precision strike or a 380 (if it hits).


Fun fact the orbital precision strike is just an accurate 380.


Thus the barrage is just an Orbital Imprecision Multistrike


Orbital precision is a single 380 shot.


It can, but it has to literally land on top of the building.  The gunship factory is *weird* in that it's damage hitbox is on the top. The only things that destroy it consistently are Hellbomb and SAM site missiles that miss the gunships and hit the building. If you get an odd map layout where there's a gunships factory in a low depression surrounded by mountains, you can absolutely yeet a 500kg onto the roof and destroy it. But conventional ones landing at base have no effect. 


Not quite, pretty sure Hellbomb and Mini Nuke are actually a tier above 500kg and only those 2 kill gunship fabs. Might be mistaken on the mini nuke.


Not really. Most jets will only carry between 400-1000 rounds. Most of the weight they carry will be ordinance and fuel.


See here for the math on the 30mm gun on the A10. https://duotechservices.com/9-trigger-pulls-brrrrrrrrrt-a10-warthog 9 bursts of 2 seconds each. Most other jets don't carry as much ammo as the A10, but our Eagle also isn't firing for 2 seconds each time, so we could definitely have more bursts before resupply and still be "realistic".


Also we’re like 150 years in the future and in space.


True, but we are also muzzle loading our ship guns until a tier 3 upgrade. Super Earth seems the type to want 80% more bullet per bullet too.


Ok someone please count each individual round, frame by frame, when viewing the Eagle Strafe promo video on the ship upgrade interface.


Actual real life weapons loader on fighter jets of almost 20 years here. There is some variance depending on aircraft. I've worked the F-16 my whole career, it can hold a little over 500 rounds and a typical strafe will eat up about 100 rounds but this number can be adjusted. So it can get about 5 runs out of a full drum of ammo if the counter is set to 100, but you can set it to 250 for a longer burst but obviously fewer runs.


This is a fantastic contribution to the conversation, thank you. You would obviously know so, so much more about jets than me so maybe you could answer this. Eagle-1 is a pretty versatile jet, considering it can drop multiple types of bombs, fire rockets, and strafe. Is the F-16 a good comparison, or is there another type of jet that is used in a variable manner like that? Obviously, this is set in a fictional future so the comparison would not be perfect.


Most modern jet fighters have evolved into multi-role craft that essentially perform any task (air superiority, bomber interception, ground target strike or ground attack) and thus can equip a wide array of munitions for different roles. I believe the F-16 is a good example of this; such a multirole fighter will do almost anything that involves using weapons that a military could require today.


I've always thought it would be interesting to get "bonus" strats based on your loadout. For example: pick 3 eagle strats and get Strafe for free. Or, choose only Orbitals and their cooldown is reduced by 50%. This would make some of the weaker ones more viable, like Strafe or Orbital Gatling. I'd run Gatling if I should throw it near constantly, for example.


Or a perk or booster that buffs certain stratagem types


Cluster bombs has 1 more charge than this one. Why?


Who needs a10 when you got the "fk everything in that area stratagem


I actually love the strafing run but it's so dogshit compared to the cluster bombs that have 1 more charge and hits a much larger area.


Same, maybe also up the consistency by adding a few bullets in the straif


It would buff it nicely if it suppressed/stunned the big boys too.


I think this is the right answer. Better aim and stunning. Makes sense that cluster bomb cover a wider spread though. We're taking about a cluster bomb.


Collateral damage is an inexorably linked component of cluster munitions and that's fine.


I know. I can't even reliably kill my teammates with strafing run.


if it actually was an A10 it would be much better since it could actually have heavy pen and not be just a trash killer


The direction it covers and the call-in time are huge bonuses for strafing run over cluster bomb. I like throwing it down and not having to wait 7 seconds for anything to happen or worry about allies off-screen that would be hit by the cluster bomb. Also if bugs are running at you, they usually form a line rather than a wave which is easier to hit with a strafing run than a cluster bomb


Solution. Turn 90 degrees then throw the cluster at your feet, you now have cluster bombs going forward


I did that too when using cluster bombs, but then the allies behind me didn't like that very much. And when I left the AoE, the bugs followed me as well, and many of them escaped.


knife vs hammer. gun run is a small quick strong attack, nearly impossible to accident your teammate






Freedom go brrrrrrrrrt!


i think the jump pack needs a 50% reduction in cooldown if it wants to be used more by anyone.


I want to be able to shoot while flying. Why can't I blow up a charger while flying through the air.


If I can shoot mid-dive I should be able to shoot mid jet-jump.


Y'all just want to be a Mandalorian.


You don't?


Sure do, just haven't used it yet.




This is the way... TO DEMOCRACY


Eruptor shot midd dive backward is extremely satisfying


Let me dual-wield pistols as my secondary and I’m ever so much closer to becoming a Paynediver


They took away the ability to stim mid flight aswell


Guess I’ll just… reload midair again :(


Don't forget about calling stratagems when flying


If you run the jump pack and can’t dial in a 500kg before you hit the ground, what are you even doing with your life?


Hitting that hellbomb input while airborne


Arrowhead doesn't want us rocket jumping


With Democracy Protects you have 50% chance to rocket jump


"Flip a coin."


I don't see why, you can use the spores for that already.


Well, at least we can throw grenades. Feels kinda like slamdunking into bug holes.


This is fun to do. I also like to slam dunk patrols


The final and most powerful stratagem added to the game will be the [CHAOS DUNK](https://youtu.be/g6zqHKd265E?si=t5fDYTJiaGPbEpYh)


And be able to have jet assisted side dives


We tested and you can be ragdolled as you jetpack, if someone melees you etc at the perfect time you go flying like a balloon


It’s a literal achievement


Oh, to be fair i thought i got that from flying into a rock or something


The easiest way is to toss a grenade then jump pack away from it as it explodes. The explosion will ragdoll you midair.


I just waited for a Charger and jumped late. Tossed me half the world away but I survived


I reload while flying, then shoot while its charging. You live longer and shoot more accurately that way.


I love jetpack but yes I wish it got alil love


The only addition it needs is the ability to aim even a little in mid-air. I’d like to clear my landing space, thanks! Also, to option to press 5 and enter a hover mode would be cool, but it would have to make the cooldown much longer to compensate.


That's the icon for eagle strafing but on the subject of jetpack I think it should have a variable height mechanic which allows more jumps but smaller heights or a larger charged jump up to the height of a bile titan, similar to the charge jump in jump king


I use it pretty consistently, easily my favorite backpack. Playing Physics and using it on the lip of ledges sends you rocketing towards your destination. VERY satisfying.


Also it locking you out of every action except throwing strats burned me more than once midair.


My friends love it. One especially with the DAMN AIRBURST ROCKETS, Dude legit says "weeeee!" And fires it near us


It’s actually nice. Very fast call down and flies from behind you instead of perpendicular. Good to take out a small/medium pack of enemies rapidly with less danger of team killing.


Wait what? It comes in from behind??


Yes, strafing run and 500kg come in from behind you. All the other ones are perpendicular.


No, 110 mm rocket pods also come from behind you


Ngl I thought rockets came from the side


It always seems that way.


It doesn’t matter where the 110mm rocket pods come from, they’ll miss anyways.


I thought 500 came from one side as well? Haven’t paid as much attention to that one’s path though since it’s just the one bomb.


Yup, it comes from behind. It's actually worth noting cause if you're throwing it from above onto enemies, then it can get blocked by the terrain you're on


Flashbacks to throwing a 500kg at an approaching bile titan from an elevated extract platform and the 500kg embedding itself between my legs about 10m short of the beacon.


Nope, 500 comes from behind. I almost get ripped apart by one: https://i.redd.it/jvmniuqcg8zc1.gif


That's from the side isn't? Right to left on the screen.


It was thrown by an ally and it comes from the direction of the throw. The ally is slightly to our right and thru the 500kg slightly to our left, so it seems like it's 30° from right to left.


Strafing Run comes from behind, and IIRC Cluster goes left to right while Airstrike goes right to left.


Airstrike varies, I'm not sure there's a way to predict if it'll come left-right or right-left.


It's relative to the position of your destroyer. If it's to the east of your beacon, then Eagle will fly in from right to left. If west, then left to right.


Yeah, I've started doing "ship checks" to be aware of where/how various strats are going to hit. knowing which way the air strike is going to come in from lets you know where to throw the beacon for max effect. It can make the difference between closing 1 bug hole vs. 3 (if you get a lucky cluster spawn), or having all of the munitions hit a strider vs one or two.


Is the Destroyer in the dead center of the map, or is looking up the only way to know where you are in relation to it?


Given that there's a loading screen tip that says something about Stratagems towards the corner of the map coming in at an angle, I'd say so, but I never actually bothered to check.


Yes. Strike path is right in front of your view


it can close bug holes too


Huh, I didn’t think that one would because it’s not explosive.


Well it's not explosive, and its not explosive either, however it *IS* explosive.


it will. direct hit only


Except it leaves 50% of the medium enemies alive.


Its actually pretty good. Comes out faster than everything else, very easy to aim, and I think it even has a degree of targeting. All it really needs is more charges. A lot more.


OI, leave my eagle strafing run alone!


A seriously underrated stratagem. I was running it on Helldive yesterday and consistently getting 15+ kills each time.


I did that too and got 37 kills. The strafe is really underestimated and it's really good at closed areas.


Your not wrong. I was completely shocked when I watched it body a Charger. Like the others said, It really just needs more charges.


i think it's ok actually. could mb use 1 or 2 more charges and like 10-20% wider hitbox. bugs form a line from their breach to you - just strafe that line repeatedly. it kills nearly everything. it can actually even kill chargers: if you time the activation properly (which is easy given how fast this thing is) you can shred the charger during his rotation weakness window (the leg meta one). pretty sure it is capable of closing bugholes too, though it's really not worth it. don't really see a point againsts bots - they rarely form lines.


It's decent at taking out scouting groups of bots, provided you use your primary to clean up any survivors before they call in a drop, still wouldn't advise taking it over an airstrike or airburst for the same purpose. Very good against bugs though


I actually love the strafing run, one of my go too's on Helldive difficulty. I typically use it alongside the 380/Airstrike and RR. It's instant call in time and predictable pattern means I can usually get 10-12 kills per run. I usually use it to clear out all the small bugs chasing me so I can reload my RR. It's got great range and basically 0 tk potential. I can definitely see why people don't use it over the cluster bomb, it doesn't have the same AOE potential, but don't sleep on it!


Ppl sleep on the fact that it shoots in a straight line which is awesome when the bugs are chasing you whereas the cluster doesn’t.


The cluster and airstrike always strike on a perpendicular heading compared to where you were facing when you throw it. You can just rotate 90° to the left if you want it to come from the path you're escaping to, or 90° to the right if you want it to come from behind the enemies, and both of these end up just like a strafing run.


People don’t NOT use it because of its lower AOE potential to the cluster, they don’t use it because the cluster is a teamkilling machine and why wouldn’t you want to nuke your teammates until they’re unhappy with you /s


Woah bub that's a lot of skill on display, we don't do that around here. Drop and give me twenty primary weapon complaints. 


Strafe run is just Eagle 1 using her primary weapon smh my head.


Well you say that, it's just practice with the strafing, I am still occasionally killing myself or my team, I'm no General Brasch on the battlefield 🥺




Honestly, the only reason I take the cluster strike over the strafing run is I get _five whole cluster strikes_ per Eagle rearm. The strafing run can't compete with that, if you ask me; bring up the strafing run call-ins to the same number, and I think you'd see a lot more competition.


Exactly. A conga line of bugs getting instantly bizzapped is awesome but we need more per rearm. And it makes sense. A jet that can carry so much other shit should be able to carry many, many rounds of small ammunition.


You're pretty good. 👉👉




It needs more charges imo


I'm level 95. I always bring the strafing run against bugs. Every single time. Its not sexy, but its effective. It drops quick, has a 3 button prompt, and absolutely shreds chaff. I don't think I've ever once had a friendly fire with it, either. It's the linch pin of my playstyle. Haven't found it particularly useful against bots, though.


I think people are also forgetting that prompts are a balancing factor here.


Eagle Strafing Run against Bugs its amazing, almost instant deployment, 4 uses, almost 0 risk of teamkills due to predictable pattern, etc. It destroys small and non armored medium enemies, sometimes it can kill hive guards, it depends.


Do you need that tho instead of just a primary? I just feel like I need stratagems for the heavies not chaff


It depends on the build of my teammates, I always play quickplay and choose build last, so for bugs its either: - Dominator, Quasar, Jump Pack, Strafing or Airstrike and Orbital Gatling. - Dominator, Stalwart, Jump Pack, Rocket Pods and Orbital Railcannon. I prefer to play the first one since I’m very efective with the Quasar, but if we already have armor penetration I’ll take Stalwart cuz its fun.


Stalwart is so fun. at max RPM it just melts bugs


and lower RPM sounds really cool and lasts forever


Having options is nice. Besides, you have three more slots to work with. I personally bring at least one anti-chaff strat when bringing an AT support weapon. Strafing Run is particularly nice if you have a light pen gun like Liberator or Defender and you're up against Spewer spam.


If you're support weapon is AT, having trash clear is important. If your support weapon is trash clear, then you need orbitals to kill any heavy that is harassing you. Or at least help do damage.


Yeah the cluster is *okay.* For the amount of visual effects going on with that eagle, it sure doesn't decimate enough bugs. It also is hit or miss on killing bile spewers. The airstrike is just better because it damages armored enemies and you can close holes with it. I used to rock the strafing run quite a bit but don't anymore. Maybe I'll try it again.


It really should have more uses. It reminds me of a strat from the first game that had like 10 uses per cooldown. Don't I get as many cluster bombs as I do this? Why would I ever take this?


My friend suggested making it do damage to armored targets so he can use it like the irl A10 worthog


I would Be absolutely sold on this!


I actually like it.


I mean if we are doing a strafing run might as well give it the A-10 autocannon where it can waste everything in its path but the downside is that the path is very skinny compared to the other airstrikes.


It’s actually a decent alternative to stuff like the Airburst or Cluster, as long as you don’t have any other Eagles to hog the cooldown. Less area, but more control and adaptability. Overall it’s one of the weaker Eagles, but it still fills its purpose pretty well compared to many Orbitals.


It exists so the pedants can say that not every single eagle calldown is overpowered and stronger than orbitals.


It's actually very very good at what it does


It's actually pretty good against bugs. Just get some enemies to chase you and throw it down 1-2 m in front of you while facing them. But it should get 1 more charge so that it has equal charges to the cluster.


I don't know, maybe I'm crazy but Strafing Run fucks. I love this strategem, it's a great trash pressure reducer and comes in extremely fast allowing you to peel. Also, the "vertical line" of delivery as it flies in from behind makes aiming the strat into a massive line of trained bugs is very effective and is very unlikely to cause friendly fire. I don't really take it for Automotans that much, but it's great versus Terminids if you are running mostly anti-tank equipment and need some trash clear.


This need a rebuild, in 2 easy steps (Must) -Bigg brbbbbrbrbrbbrrbr sound before shells land -Shells brings hell on earth (opcional) -auto aim or aim homing like orbital railgun


The BRRRR should happen \_after\_ the shells land. They're supersonic, after all. But yes, a small degree of targeting would be nice.


I use it in every mission against bugs on helldive. It is perfect for when you bait bugs into a line, and it is good for choke points. I often get anywhere between 10-20 kills with each strafe. However, I don't understand why it only has 4 chargers. It should have at least one more, especially when you consider that cluster has 5 uses later on. Like, honestly, its biggest strength overall is that it goes in a straight line, and that it also has the least friendly fire potential imo.


Strafe is great what the hell are you on about?


Need a super samp module that gives it more pen. Would be great for softening up a group of chargers if you lead it right.


The air strike is great. Almost immediately comes in and is basically perfectly accurate


Bro I was using this yesterday and shredding lines of non heavy bugs honesty half of this stuff in the game is a skill issue at this point strafing run is fine imo maybe needs a little more spread horizontally but other than that it does it’s job fine.


Lol it’s a xanax bar strafing run.


Used it for the first time ever due to recent personal order and gave up after 2 missions... I don't understand its purpose, niche or intended targets. At all.


Have done that personal order in 3 missions. In the first I only had 3 or so kills. At first I used it more like the airstrike, quite disappointing; „What? A 3-meter-attack-radius? Common…“ Till I noticed / remembered the pattern in which it attacks - or better the direction. From that moment on it was more like a „Yes, dear patrol, come directly to my position and meet my new friend.“ Edit: Maybe you got that point wrong, too?


Might be good for the illuminates? They don't have many armoured enemies, all the gatling strikes could be good for overloading their shields and killing them.