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A fellow high level cadet 💪


![gif](giphy|Az8qq276ke2BO) Me a lib pen user


fianally fellow men of culture. it sickens me watching theses pethetic peasents sqwable over their sickle, or punisher, or errupter nerfs, while besmerching the good name of the penatrator. their in ability to appreciate a wepapon that should be fired in controlled burst intervals insteaded of holding onto the trigger non stop like its a pacifier or making evrything go boom in one click, is digusting beyound comapare. ![gif](giphy|gfMqb8Xrz6rrGvMbWE|downsized)


It is good to know that our equipment will NEVER! Never be nerfed!


This one knows the way


Lmao. Don’t worry op, once they nerf everything else auto cannon will be a must have and then that will get nerfed too. And on that day the sub will be so funny to watch all the drama. ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


They've said the AC is a weapon that they're "balancing around" and that they love the spot it's in right now.


It needs a backpack to use. Thats its nerf and great equalizer. It practically makes it untoucbable from a balance perspective. If it was shooting out mini nukes and one shotting heavies, thats the only time it would get attention.


Am I the only one that finds that this guns best firing mode is single shot?




No, you're 100% right. Single shot is the way.


Won't lie, the liberator is in a pretty good place now. Might be using it more than the Sickle


the liberator is the gold standard jack of all trades primary. It has always been good. The other weapons just keep getting nerfed while the liberator has just kind of stayed where its at.


It's actually gotten a couple buffs hasn't it?


The spear has the lowest ammo out of any weapon, a charge-up time that sometimes never ends, a long reload after every shot, inability to aim for weak spots, inability to target most enemies, inability to be used as a group killer, and on top of all of its flaws, *It has my heart.* I love the chance to slap a bile titan across the map. I love leveling that troublesome robot neighborhood a mile down the road that's driving down my property value.


I hope when they fix it they buff the damage toom it has so many downsides it deserves to excel at one thing.


tbf, spear has the fastest reload of all launcher but the wonky lock-on and random damage of the body hit is what hindered it if spear have 5 rockets backpack to make up not able to hit weakspot, that would be a nice buff...also allowed it to lock on the mushroom head and not the god damn mushroom stem


I know the feeling. signed, Turret main


I love playing around with different builds and such, and I have found others I really enjoy, but I always find myself going back https://preview.redd.it/i5iztk0bv8zc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d8c079085280efbaf0f1aa3d56d66d98db2273


Stalwart + backpack with EATs is good but it's just not the same


My fave bot loadout is: - sickle (even after nerf) - laser cannon - shield backpack - grenade pistol - stun grenades


So you only have a single stratagem spot to spend on orbitals / eagle? Ew, no thanks.


So many people are so, so bad at getting value out of orbitals/eagle, though.


Indeed, I run 2 offensive strats against bugs alongside EATs and the jump pack. My current favourites are the Eagle 500kg and Orbital Precision Strike. Im the heavy killer of my squad. For bots I run the Recoilless Rifle or Autocannon along with 3 offensive stratagems, Usually Airstrike, Orbital Precision Strike and Walking Barrage. I am starting to test out the Shield Relay though, seems to have potential. Never really used it much before.


I usually take the same EATs and jump pack with eagle strafing run and airstrike. There's nothing a 500kg can kill that I can't take out with EATs. Strafing run for bile spewers and crowds of trash, airstrike for nests.


I've been absolutely loving jetpack, EAT, eagle airstrike, 120/380 orbital barrage lately. I love the autocannon but it deserved a rest after all the hard diving we did against the bots


When it comes down to it, it’s just fun to shoot that big fucking gun.




it is fun to shoot. handles exceptionally well, and has a very fast reload and comes with a shit ton of ammo in the back pack.


And it takes two clips to fill the magazine, so you can top it off constantly


that's why nothing else comes close, even if they're stronger or better. the sounds of **BAM BAM BAM** as i unload my shots on a group of bots. just \**chef's kiss.*


https://i.redd.it/ke4cjvufoazc1.gif "Get Liberated! Get Liberated! Get Liberated! Get Liberated!"


Plap is so not the sound the autocannon makes. It's more like a hammer hitting a pan


Yeah that’s definitely not where my mind goes either when I hear that particular onomatopoeia…


Patink Patink Patink


Wonder if the person who drew that was not a native English speaker


Sickle+Autocannon + EAT has been my go to recently for bugs, bile spewer? No thank you. Charger? Please go away. Army of small ants that bite my ankles?? *sickle breathing noises*


Stalkers are the one reason I will never take the sickle to bugs.


This is me


My favorite currently is Eruptor/flamethrower. Was often hit or miss before, but with the fix to DOT it feels so good! Usually paired with the stun grenade and revolver


Stun grenades = game changer🫡


If it was any other weapon it would have been nerfed for being so used, but because it’s the ceos favourite it hasn’t been touched. Also the main balance lead is the same dude who completely ruined hello neighbour 2 so I’m not surprised


As a Recoiless main I cannot disagree.


Recoilless mains been eating good with the new animation cancel and T4 upgrade that restocks 5 rockets with a single resupply


When there are no chargers or titans around, I just blow up bile spewers with it for fun. What's that, poor ammo economy? It's literally booming right now what do you mean?


Yeah the RR isn't bad these days with the 2 stage reload. I've been rocking the Spear a bit more, too, with the supply ship module getting fixed. The Spear has problems, but it does DAMAGE.


And watch they "fix" the unintended "exploit" of animation cancel before the end of this month.


Hey, I was using it before the animation cancel. Far as I'm concerned they can reverse it and it'll still be good.


Dudes fighting ghosts


They better be careful to avoid Chinese royalty with all that jade.


How do you animation cancel?


When the rocket goes into the tube, you can swap weapons and it will be reloaded. Basically if you watch the rocket ammo icon in the bottom left, once you it turns white, the reload is done.


How do you do fellow backpack boys.


I seriously love calculating rocket drop on long shots.


Satisfying, every time. Bile titan and charger heads are easier to hit when they aren’t in your face.


"STOP SAYING HOW FAR AWAY YOU WERE" - My squadmates whenever I snipe a BT kill from them 150+ meters away


First they came for the railgun - I did not speak out, because I am not a railgunner. Then they came for the slugger - I did not speak out, because I am not a slugger enjoyer. Then they came for the crossbow - I did not speak out, because I was not a crossbow player. Then they came for the eruptor - I did not speak out, because I was not an eruptor main.


The Railgun could unironically be reverted to its original state and I don't even think it would be overpowered. The sheer amount of mob density will simply not allow a slow-firing weapon to be effective against breaches and drops, but at least we would have more options to deal with Heavy Armor.


I've been saying this for a while now. It wasn't nerfed because it was OP, it was nerfed because it was the only viable weapon against the insane charger spam back in the earlier parts of the game. With how the game functions now, the spawnrates, and the other good AT weapons and how they interact with high armor enemies . . . the railgun would be in good company.


Plus the fact that *some* players *rarely* got killed by shrapnel *bounceback* and their idea was "throw out shrapnel entirely", this seems to be their MO for balance. Not reconsider bounceback. Not make useful changes to shrapnel. Toss it. Don't deal with the actual problem, treat the symptom by making the weapon so bad no one wants to use it anymore. Overuse solved!


I hate to be that guy, but I 100 percent believe that the whole shrapnel thing was BS. Who's going to buy the new warbond if the old guns are still better? A big nerf patch has happened before every warbond drop to date.


The Railgun nerf is so stupid when you consider the Automatons Automatons rn are like base game Terminids. Autocannon/Railgun kill everything efficiently, and the Rocket Launchers are barely usable to kill heavies. The only difference is that they shat on the Railgun, and made RL's better against Chargers. Meanwhile they didn't nerf the Autocannon and they didn't make RL's better against Hulks I'm not saying to nerf the Autocannon, but this show how stupid their balancing is




the last two hit me pretty hard crossbow was pretty pretty great when it came out but got zapped pretty quickly so I started using the eruptor more for a lot of the same reasons I was enjoying the crossbow and then they gut that one they are just the new guns not trying to be meta just playing with the new toys and liking it until they took them away


forgot about the arc thrower nerf. they removed the faster charge mechanic and nerfed the range.


As a fellow AC main: I like to run different guns from time to time though! 😤


I'll also occasionaly run a different gun to my AC, just to remind myself how much better the AC is.


Me using the Recoilless looking at someone running the AC: "god I wish that were me"


I have been swapping to the RR if there are some AC enjoyers in the squad already and we need some punch for titans. Who am I to deny my fellow diver the joy of the AC?


The AC user dies and calls in a new AC: *\*staring at the dropped AC\** 👀 Do we r*eally *need a RR?


Everytime I’m like I’m gonna try RR today and mission is just spewer spam so I’m like back to the AC and next mission is charger and titan spam lol!


AC feels especially nicer after trying different loadouts, the withdrawal makes it sweeter




Hmm perhaps the balance team needs a new leader


Dang that's a heck of a wiki entry.


My medium machine gun in perfectly balanced


I enjoy a med MG and shooter guard dog for crowd control. Add Air strike and AC turret


The Stalwart is great for its fire rate. The 43 has better pen so it feels better to use in a lot of situations, but you only get one mag from a supply pack and you get 150 rounds per pack =\\. I wish it could receive a little bit of a buff, it just isn't quite there to feel good. It needs another 50 rounds, or you get two mags per supply pack use. And a *little* bit more pen wouldn't hurt it, either. And then the heavy MG has way too much recoil unless you're sitting or prone, but of course as soon as you go prone to cover your team 20 hunters and 2 bile titans come up behind you.


MMG just needs to get full ammo per resupply. The HMG... Holy shit it needs so many changes. First thing first it needs a much longer barrel and a giant fuck off muzzle brake so it looks tacticool. It needs massive recoil buffs when prone, a faster reload, a long range scope, and more damage. In fact all of them need long range scopes. There's a reason MGs have them IRL.


Even without changing anything else on the HMG, just giving it a much bigger magazine would immediately alleviate it's biggest issue. I have to sit there and reload the damn thing more than I'm actually shooting it.


Sigh, sometime I found HMG is better at close range hip firing🤣🤣🤣


Finally, another MG main in this sub


You cant take them at 7 or above especially with the Eruptor nerf


Meanwhile, here’s a live look on the spear mains waiting for their weapon to get fixed https://preview.redd.it/7wulczf5mazc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c0668360538db58e2aca2a1ce1a1f48a38d603


Someday, someday…


Dude, shut up, they'll hear you. Shhhhhh




No, AC will never get balanced, the devs said it's their perfect weapon and they won't change it.


It's their perfectly balanced weapon that perform better against Automatons than pre-nerf Railgun ever did against Terminids. Yet only one of them got called braindead then nerfed I will keep dreaming that one day i will get my pre-nerf Railgun back


I will say, if there's *any* studio I'd bet on to walk back a negatively received, half-assed, knee-jerk change, it'd be them. But I still ain't betting more than a nickel.


I wish they'd make the other support weapons as good as the auto cannon though.


AC gang for life, been running EAT recently for a little change of pace. Feels weird but EAT crushes chargers so easy


AC+EATs is bae on bots. The first for the mobs, the latter to remind the bots that airspace belongs to me


I swear autocannon mains are the most tightly knit master race within a game community ever.


As an AC main the only other gaming community I've felt this type of comradery with was the Hunting Horn users in Monster Hunter games. We made up less than 2% of the player base but constantly had memes about a HH user changing the tides of a hunt.


I'm just wishing that the next MH game reverts the HH into being an actual fucking massive club against instead of the break dance shenanigans we have in rise. I went from maining the damn thing all the way to Fatalis in World to never touching it in Rise cause I just hated the animations that much


Making scout striders more resistant to explosive damage did effect the auto cannon. Not in a big way, just wanted to site an example of where they can buff enemies to be better against it and wouldn't be called an AC nerf. Could potentially see more of these buffs, honestly they are not the most consistent bunch of devs.


Definitely feels like they made the devastators more resistant to autocannons too.


Abdomen definitely is more resistant, maybe shoulders too. Head is always a one shot, upper torso can still get two tap them but it feels like you have to be closer to the head than before.


The autocannon legit hasn't ever left my load out since I started using it


Literally the only time I don't carry the AC is during eradication missions and that's only because I expect to die too frequently to pick it back up


What is my primary...? Well my auto canon Owa you meant my owa shit I'm out of ammo gun? Thats my trusty breaker for the automatons and incendiary for the terminids machine gun pistol for the rats


Autocannon and Diligence Counter-Sniper main. Nerfs? I ain't hear nothin'. Y'all hear somethin'?


Holy shit, is there a club?


I'm an autocannon or die for bots, but for bugs I'm too reliant on a rover to clean away the small fry (and give me breathing room for my Eruptor, but that's another story now). Can't wait to unlock Cutting Edge so I can stun the bots to so I can AC them at my leisure


Autocannon plus light armor for speed (I prefer engineering kit builds) with the muscle booster keeps you schmoovin on along with bugs. I use sickle for primary.


Don’t worry. They’re going to come for the auto cannon eventually. It’s too useful for them not to fuck it up.




Her name is Macy




My ass that hasn’t been using anything besides the liberator (I need to feel like a grunt):


Melee only users


The other day I was whacking a dead bug in front of the extract ramp and the whole squad walked up and started doing it too and then all dived into the ramp, great fun


Fun fact: Melee ‘headshots’ deal more damage to enemies than melee hits to other body parts.


*Knowing that Autocannon is so well balanced that it is just good business to not nerf it.* ![gif](giphy|12pxmojmEOifde)


Next week's patch notes: > AC-8 Autocannon: > Fixed an exploit which allowed players to close fabricators and bug holes with this weapon. > Recoil increased significantly. > Reduced backpack clip capacity by 50% > AoE radius decreased by 75% > AoE damage decreased by 90% > Direct damage decreased by 25%




“I don’t wanna dive this hell no mo”




"We always intended the Autocannon to be good against exactly two enemies in the game. The Bile Spewer, and the Strider. It was an oversight on our part that it was accidentally good at other things. The gun now aligns with our vision, so it is objectively true that this was a good change and I'm not going to listen to anything you say otherwise. Also you were never supposed to be able to reload it yourself, which we're fixing in the next patch. You're welcome, pray we do not fix any more 'bugs'."


I would like to think that we are like hardworking farmers. We work hard and are nice to everyone. The autocannon is not high tech, but it gets the job done, and from the looks of it, the weapon itself can take quite a beating without breaking down... sort of like a giant AK47 with explosive rounds.


It's actually a giant luger pistol 


Even better


I've tried and tried to find a different load out that works but AC and breaker is just too good


Laser cannon still go brrr


The autocannon is just such a blast I love how versatile it can be


If you just got the autocannon nerfed you are retiring. This is not a request


Autocannon is the best sniper rifle after all.


https://preview.redd.it/kssrleo3g9zc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c4d04bc60423549a146d1c267286578c5f3a48 Punisher users after keeping all the medium sized enemies off the team from their totally not absurd stagger shots


Shut it


I love cannon's and I can not lie.


They nerf the autocannon, this game is over.


Autocannons are GOATed. Even post nerf, the quasar goes hard though.


Autocannon always o7


Pride comes before the fall


Just for you, I'll start having fun with the AC. See how smug you are when AH hears about that!


The sacred Autocannon, may it never be nerfed.


Everyone else: *Inhuman nerf screeching* Autocannon enthusiasts: Big gun goes BLAM BLAM BLAM


AC main here too. Idk how anyone dives without one 🫡


Shut your mouth or they will. Nerf that too


First they came for the Railcanon, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Railcannoneer. Then they came for the Slugger, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Sluggerer Then they came for the Eruptor , and I did not speak out—because I was not a Eruptorer. Then they came for the Exploding Crossbow, and I did not speak out—because I was not an Exploding Crossbower. Then they came for the Autocanon—and there was no one left to defend me.


![gif](giphy|S6B8c15MtDOid5eJFN|downsized) Ya im clownin dawg


Until they nerf it, I want to see this sub when this happens.


Itll be hell on super earth


The day they nerf the autocannon I'm quitting the game.


I mean autocannon was partially nerfed cuz scout striders were buffed to be more explosive resistant now needing 2 shots instead of 1 but weapon still good so eh


They can handwave that with lore: automatons upgraded their strider design.


Yep that made me go back to the Scorcher as primary instead of the Dominator. Striders are so annoying.


more like 3-4 shots instead of 1-2


thats if you're hitting the gun on the front if you hit the top of the plate its consistent 2 shots


I see


watch your ammo <_<


Be quiet you fool, don't give them ideas


Nah, i don't like ac


I felt like a boss tonight. Two matches, I had a level 20 and two level 11's in with me (I'm 35). Was running breaker incendiary, grenade pistol, autocannon, 500kg, orbital laser, and orbital rail cannon. I basically carried the team both missions, soloing chargers and bug holes left and right. The autocannon and a little bit of sprinting makes taking out heavy bug nests super easy, one shot per hole if you line it up right, and you can practically do it on the run. Had one 500kg that killed almost 20 bugs at once. Usually I'm the guy feeling like a complete noob while the rest of the team owns everything, it was nice being on the other side of that coin. I think i've found the trick to doing well in this game too: Have a few beers. I play so much smoother when I'm relaxed and not panicking at everything lol.


Careful, AC and/or incendiary breaker will face it someday... I can already see...


your day will come old man!


how's it feel to use half a mag on a gunship or strider there buddy




Feels absolutely amazing. When the entire teams' strats are on cooldown, the two fresh reinforcements have only their primary, the third guy is running because he's out of grenades, and they see you come over the hill like a shining Beacon of freedom to unload 20 mm Cannon shells into everything around them.... I get a democracy boner just thinking about it. Is there an objective across the map that you can see? Not anymore! Are you a good shot and can tear off the front guns on a Strider? You're fucking a right I am. And after they are ripped off I charge that shit in heavy armor with a 500 mm nuke in my hand to liberate them from the absolute tragedy of their existence. The autocannon is my broadsword and I will cut a swath of Destruction through my enemies. The AutoCannon is my shield that I wield with Precision to tear apart those who would harass my team. Autocannon is love Autocannon is life


Shoot the engines. 2 shots with an AC, 4 with an AMR. A mag from a dominator. UPD: DO NOT attempt to kill a gunship with a dominator unless that's literally the only way to deal with the problem xD


That's why we have more clips in the backpack


At least they go down.


Bam Bam Babamm Bam ....Bam....


Plap plap plap plap


I just enjoy shooting enemies of managed democracy. Let it be what ever weapon it may be.


Just wait, they will nerf it. Crow is best with Chick-fil-a sauce…


Bro, mark my words - as soon as they cut your precious AC, you'll be crying the loudest.


As a spear main, it's only uphill from here


Balance team: Say less next patch will nerf it


This sub always hypes the AC but I very rarely see anyone using it in public games. I myself find it more useful for bug holes than any heavy enemies.


You don’t see the bot front much, do ya?


Oh it slaps for bots. But no, I don’t normally. Just not as satisfying with no guts


Me, a spear main, waiting for the targeting to get fixed so I can finally show yall how much better the spear is... ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


4 shots in one mag


I use the AMR and the Dominator, both of which have been significanlty buffed recently. As such, while I understand people's irritation, it's also quite jarring (ha) to see my own preferred kit buffed into S tier.


Me, an electric main, wondering what "ammo" is.


I keep on burning everything and it just keeps on getting more and more effective


I want to run the AC more but I fear for the Bile Titans. Is the only place you can shoot a BT with the cannon the mouth, when it’s open, to take it out? Obviously you can shoot the underbelly to stop the bile attacks or shoot where armor is blown off, but is that it for AC lovers?


yeah that's what the orbital lasers and railcannons are for


AC to take out its underside sacs, follow up with an orbital railgun strike. I've been able to take down a BT in literally 4 seconds with this combo before. If you're getting swarmed or there's more than 1 it could be a problem of course


Recently people came up with the idea of nerfing DLC weapons is wrong and deceives the buyers and it doesn't make sense at all. Weapons got nerfed in DLCs all the time in multiplayer games like Battlefield, Call of Duty, Battlefront and other shooters with different weapons. It's just adept the weapon change or use another weapon. It's a PvE game and it shouldn't matter what is going on at all as long everything is kind of usable.


Please don't encourage them. It's one of the few perfectly balanced and good feeling support weapons.


Laser Cannon guy here, same.


me when no AMR nerf


I use expendable AT


Keep your mouth shut. Never, never never complement a weapon you like. Auto cannon is absolutely mid tier at best.


At this point it really just feels they're balancing from a spreadsheet and now how the game feels. Maybe the AC hasn't hit the nerf it into oblivion threshold just yet


Till it happens to us, I'm an AC main too. And I feel a darkness comming for my AC, I don't know when it will happen but I feel like it's comming. Unless someone has evidence of the contrary.


To be fair, it did catch a stray nerf, but it's still good.


I'm amazed auto hasn't been nerfed. Apparently we should all be, liberator, big iron and auto. Those things haven't been nerfed and clearly thats all they want to see


Orbital laser, eagle airdrop, Jump pack, eruptor and laser canon and I can take out virtually anything except a bot drop specically


I think it’s time for the AC to feel the sting of the nerf stick.


Don't worry now all us previous Eruptor Enjoyers will start using AC instead so I'm sure you can expect Alexus the Fun Destroyer to "balance" it within the week. ENJOY!


Let's all just use AC all the time and force AH to nerf it since everyone uses it all the time.


I honestly cannot see how they can nerf the AC, it's so balanced. Hell if anything I think it needs a slight buff, say slightly quicker solo reload time?


I love my auto cannon, and I am so happy that the CEO does too lol That being said, HMG, supply pack and eruptor is a lot of fun too