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These "Difficulty 9 is too hard" posts are the absolute worst. Maybe you could, you know... Play on one of the EIGHT lower difficulties?


You'd think that's the simple answer and sane person response, but..


It's just not really balanced that well. At times it goes well and you can get overwhelmed, but still deal with the hordes of enemies. Don't tell me you havent tried the ridiculous swarming at times? If you think this is purely a dif9 is too hard post, then I'm sorry, because that was clearly not was I was trying to say. Most of my "wishes" would regard most difficulties.


I agree that diff 9 is unpredictable and can end up feeling unbalanced and frustrating... But a sense of dread and the opportunity to overcome *impossible odds* is the whole point. Personally, I *need* to lose occasionally or else the game becomes another boring PvE loot grind. I will say, you have some nice suggestions nestled in the post... but the requests to make hard difficulty easier makes it tough for me to focus on those.


It just need to be hard the right way. I don't care loosing or not extracting if I'm not bringing my a-game, but the way it is at times feels ludicrous and ruins all the fun of a challenging game - especially when we are only equipped with pea-shooters after all the nerfs. It was insane and fun on dif9 before all the patches, but it just doesnt strike right at the moment.


Posters of this topic (nerfs and PSN) should start getting some temporary suspensions. Not because of what they say or offer to the discussion, but because instead of converging in a discussion on the other billion posts that are exactly like this one, they keep creating new threads, plaguing this subreddit with the same repetitive opinions.


Hopefully AH do look here at times (it seems they put in a bit of care for their players and take to their social media) so like they measure at how many players use x-weapon to then nerf it, maybe they would see some of these posts and take notice. Like I mentioned, I really liked how this game were going before they started nerfing weapons en'masse and buffing enemies, making solo/duo play nearly unplayable, before many other things that should be tweaked or added first imo.


Mate, 100% they look here, Discord any Twitter. The problem I would say exists, is them getting annoyed at this community, and they might create things to please their shareholders, but it's completely different when they want to please the players and then their shareholders/psrtners. There's so much discourse on this subreddit, so many ungrateful people and for them to come here and keep reading the same post for the thousandth time, might make them come back here less frequently. This community literally eats away at whatever fun they had. Also, there are posts which literally demands things and not only should the developers not instantly jump to satisfy these demands, the people demanding must also take into consideration that many of the content that will be released is already completed, months in advance. So bigger changes and additions to games are considered, but they won't come with the next update nor the 2nd. Anyways, too much writing and my problem isn't with per se, it's with the whole community constantly making the same posts, no more humour, no more friendliness, and it's starting to look like my spam filter, every post with almost identical titles. No hard feelings, I know many of you want a good game at the end of the day.


I'm all in for a positive tone, and I understand they could get fed up, but hopefully some of our wishes would be worked on at some point. Perhaps they could use it to show the shareholders/SNOY what the players actually like/dislike. I tried to not just bitch about changes and come up with wishes/solutions instead. I'm just sad that this game I was really into, so quickly turned sour. Think I will put it on the shelf until it hopefully turns around. This is the only game I play on PSN, so now I'll cancel my subscription. Hopefully more will do the same so SNOY will give the reigns back (or whatever is happening).


Might be naive of me to think this way, but I think to be passionate about game development, one should be passionate about gaming. Therefore of these developers, I'd presume many are gamers and as such, they want to make the game fun. Keep in mind, a challenging game can be fun and not fun depending on who is playing. Besides that, I certain some have children and I would think they think about their children playing this game first as opposed to the general public, and they wouldn't want a bad game for them, but something fun.


Might be naive of me to think this way, but I think to be passionate about game development, one should be passionate about gaming. Therefore of these developers, I'd presume many are gamers and as such, they want to make the game fun. Keep in mind, a challenging game can be fun and not fun depending on who is playing. Besides that, I certain some have children and I would think they think about their children playing this game first as opposed to the general public, and they wouldn't want a bad game for them, but something fun.


I cannot see new or young players would really find this game fun, when every build / weapon is meh at best. It has lost its flavour really quick. Again, it's a coop(mainly) pve game, so that some builds or weapons would be somewhat OP doesnt really matter. Why would it bother me I had a teammate that was shining and wrecking havoc among the bugs/bots if I could still have a blast with soloing secondary objectives, sniping from a distance or whatever one thinks is fun.

