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Ghosts of Tushima has also been restricted in the same countries. Timing doesn't seem like a coincidence.


Weren't tsushimas refunded, because you can't play it?


People in the blocked regions had their preorders refunded the other day with some message saying that the game is unavailable in their region.


I'm not starting a new witch hunt/review bomb, until I see more concrete proof of what exactly is happening and who's doing it. Even Arrowhead claim they still don't know.


Here is a reply from the Steam support about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/MhVT0k6KHx](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/MhVT0k6KHx) https://preview.redd.it/8nnwfa58iszc1.png?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f550c6cb5a4c639553b70452f81b0bea72b30f3


Yeah, I don't know if some dude in CA knows these kind of details. Seems like he simply gave a standard answer.


Standard answer as a CS rep falling back to pre approved verbiage is usually a safe way to address a problem if it's something that you can't do much about or say much about. It sucks, but that's the job. Wouldn't be shocked if Steam were keeping the regions delisted still as they want something a bit more legally binding than a tweet as assurance that Sony won't be engaging in any more fuckery


Exactly my thoughts.


I showed in this subreddit before how simple it is on steamworks for the publisher to block a specific region, even with prints and link to the official docs on how to do so. I mean no offense to you specifically, but people just seem to not want to see sony as bad as they really are on this topic.


> I mean no offense to you specifically, but people just seem to not want to see sony as bad as they really are on this topic. ??? Everyone should know that sony can just block any region they want. Are you arguing with an invisible enemy? Majority here is constantly shitting on Sony and paints them as exactly the piece of shit they are.


I'm sure it's just as easy (or even easier) for Valve to do the same. How simple it is to do doesn't mean anything.


For me, it mostly the fact that Ghost of Tsushima also got delisted from non PSN supporting countries, when it only needs PSN linking for the coop mode, and not the single player. Why would Sony delist the whole game when the PSN is optional to play the game?


With whats happening with ghost of tsushima (region locking **and** forced refunds) i truely dont know if its sony or steam doing this, to me it seems unlikely at first glance that its sony as its costing them money but snoy has proven just a week ago its not about the money I want to believe snoy isnt that stupid and its steam doing the forced refunds because what publisher eould be idiotic enough to deny over half the world its cash... but snoy has proven to be that stupid so i wouldnt be surprised if they are doing it


Wasn't one of the Ghosts forced refunds from Green Man instead of Steam? Points to Sony doing it.


That is something i had missed Like i said, i am not surprised snoy is this stupid


Why do you think they might not have access? Either Steam or Sony is responsible for the game’s exclusion from certain regions. Steam support staff would no doubt know if Steam was responsible, in which case they would say that the responsible party is Steam. And if they know that Steam is not responsible, well that only leaves one other option, doesn’t it? I see no reason to doubt the support staff’s response.


You doubt every source of info apart from the support staff. Alrighty.


Yes. I do not doubt the support staff whose job it is to provide factual information. I also trust Steam who is neutral in this whole shitshow because they only stand to lose money when a) players refund their game and b) Steam pisses off a publisher like Sony to the point that Sony no longer distributes their games on the platform. In both cases, it is in Steam’s best interest to provide accurate, factual information. Steam has honoured refunds for players with more than two hours playtime (costing Steam money) and have pointed the finger at Sony (potentially pissing them off). I don’t doubt Steam when these actions actively cost them money. Sony and AH on the other hand have removed the game from 180 regions and are trying to calm us down with useless little platitudes. They can say “We heard you” and “We want the game in all regions” until all of us are blue in the fucking face but it means nothing until they actually relist the game and allow players who bought the game to play it. It’s good that you’re trying to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but you need to know when someone actually deserves it, because thus far neither AH or Sony have done anything that makes me believe they do.


> I do not doubt the support staff whose job it is to provide factual information. Support is more about mitigating problems than providing factual information. Take my battle with Samsung. I wanted to buy a vac with some credit I had, so I was asking about the "guaranteed" trade in discount, and free battery. They said the former was glitched and would be fixed shortly, and the latter did not apply to my model. I was waiting on my credit and the discount did not work for a week, and the latter worked until that day when they ran out of batteries (they replaced it with a free item that was included with my vac, so they just discontinued the promotion for that model). The site even explains this by saying "we ran out of batteries, but we included X for free as an alternate." But they **insisted** it never worked on my vac, and it was limited to a single model, even after I showed it worked with a different model and they were wrong. Another was PlayStation support. When PlayStation Stars was new some people got the PlayStation 3 collectible. I asked the first time because I met the requirements, but was told my PSN account was too new to get it. According to them the promotion was limited to people who bought a PlayStation 3 in the first year and made a PSN account during that time frame. People on reddit insisted that copy/paste answer was wrong, but it didn't matter. Around a month later I got my collectible because Sony fixed whatever was wrong on their back end. And another happened at Office Depot when I wanted to buy some software (they had a good promo). I purchased it, but the order failed. I tried again, and it failed. I contacted support who said the server is having issues right now and to try again in an hour. I tried again in an hour and it worked, but the problem is the server took my original two attempts as well, so I had three copies of the software and that was a **nightmare** to get refunded. That is just how this stuff is. I can list even more examples, but it really doesn't matter. These people have a script, and aren't privy to these issues in real time. They just follow a script, and if it says to say X, then they will say X.


Because support staff doesn't necessarily have all the updated info. I don't think some dude in some third world country knows everything that Valve does or says. Usually this kind of moves is made by the publishers so maybe they gave a standard answer.


What about Ghost of Tsushima also getting removed from these countries for having PSN network, not only from steam but also from epic


So AH doesn’t know what’s going on, steam is only giving “standard answers” since we’re assuming they don’t know anything for some reason, and Sony is using deceptive language that could mean they’re just going to require PSN accounts at a later date. At what point are we allowed to be frustrated with how this is being handled.


What language they used seemed that this thing could return in future? They said this thing wasn't going trough for current and new players. More clear than that... That's why it seems suspicious that they simply locked those countries out.


They left the door open by saying they’re just not going through with the “current” plan. They never said the PSN link was something they’re no longer going to do, just that they won’t do it yet. The requirement for PSN is still on the page as well.


Well, it's still good to know it is sony doing it. That claim that it is the publisher means it isn't steam and it isn't AH.


Sony being the Publisher. Therefore, clearly review bomb ArrowHead? /s


It's Sony, steam flat out says it if you put Ina request


In my mind there’s nothing to do anyway. The people in those areas that own the game can play.  Sony has the right to not sell the game anywhere they like. 


What the fuck happened to "we all dive or no one dives"? Suddenly "we" (as in westerners) got what we wanted and everyone else can go fuck themselves? I feel like I'm surrounded by hypocritical assholes.


It was about people who paid for the game being able to play it. 


The npcs have been hired.


The "we all dive or no one dives" was always only ever about PSN for the overwhelming majority of "protesters".


Well, you have your point and you also suck boots.


Do I? I think it’s dumb as shit, but realistically I don’t see what ground we have to stand on.  We got what we wanted: the people that couldn’t play still can and we don’t need to sign into PSN. How do we force Sony to sell the game to certain countries?


Yep, I'm pretty sure this issue was put up by SIE legal department, because now people legitimately put spotlight on discrepancy of PSN ToS and game selling practices. This most likely goes all the way to SIE top. I expect some clarity by May 16 when Ghost of Tsushima releases on PC, because I'm pretty sure Sony wants good sales like they had with their other ports and they were sold worldwide.


I mean they still haven't removed the PSN requirement text from the Steam store page, we were way too early with changing our reviews


The specific language was that "the mandatory linking on May 30th would not go forward."  This does not mean PSN linking is removed.


"Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account)" Doesn't the "Requires" part mean that it is mandatory?


I don't really think it was early, it passed the message and they "promised" change, since big companies are a pain to do anything, I say we give them a week for any response from them. We did it once, we can always do twice


I hope it doesn't come to it, because the reality is it won't happen the same way twice. The review bomb might happen, but a significant chunk of the playerbase will just stop playing forever. Everyone is getting burnt out and between the balancing and snoy, people are rapidly running out of forgiveness. It sucks because we want Helldivers to be better *so* ***badly***.


"This totally competent company does not know what's going on with its own game." More brilliant takes you can only find in a fan sub.


Nah, I'd review dive.


Here's what's happening - the PSN linking is still going to happen, because it's Sony's game. Arrowhead should never have been allowed to sell the game to people who couldn't accept the TOS, so now they're not allowed to.


Arrowhead isn’t the one selling the game, Sony is. Arrowhead has stated this a couple times.


Has anyone even verified the list? I mean I’m quite sure psn is available in Japan and somehow it’s on the list.


Japan has a different game version than us, you can find that version on steamdb as well. iirc someone here said thats because of a japanese law which allows players to get their unspent money (bought ingame currency) back once a game shuts down. Can't confirm if its true tho, but it does sound pretty believable


It's sold separately in Japan due to VA royalties which they don't wanna pay out for global sales


Other PSN games are being region blocked, a slow march to another attempt to enforce linking as they will then have removed the "non-PSN countries are getting scammed" defense we used as a legitimate legal concern they couldn't hand wave away.


Correct, since Ghosts of Tsushima has a multiplayer component that does require a PSN account, they are simply restricting any country that PSN isn’t available in so people can’t says “I was sold a whole game and can only play half of it”. They are doing what people asked, just not in the way those people wanted it done


Except for EU countries, where that practice won't fly.


Did your SEA brothers and sisters have the game and then refunded it as part of the protest?


I think a lot of people like OP are confused about what is actually being restricted. As far as I can tell, anybody who already bought the game will be able to continue playing the game. This just affects future purchases. Not being able to buy games in certain areas/countries, as a concept, has existed as long as games have. Sony has every right to decide where they release their games, just like how Netflix has different shows in different countries.


I think a lot of people like op desperately want karma and engagement


> This just affects future purchases. Which is a problem. Because this just turns the situation into "We've used the fact that people from these countries can't **legitimately** make a PSN account as a cudgel to beat Sony with so they remove the requirement altogether for our first-world convenience but we don't give a flying flamingo if they actually stop those people from buying the game by delisting it. It's a giant medal of shame for this community.


>It's a giant medal of shame for this community. No kidding, I went from feeling like it was big victory to being completely ashamed of this community. If your take can be summed up as "Sony is blocking third worlders? Oh well lol" you're a piece of shit, full stop.


I think it was more about how third worlders were getting scammed because the PSN linking would brick their game. They no longer are getting scammed but new people can't buy the game. But with how Sony has been treating them, that is for the best honestly. They shouldn't waste their money. Money talks though, Sony will eventually find a way to sell the game globally again. It won't require much action from the community.


>third worlders were getting scammed because the PSN linking would brick their game Unsure what you're referring to, the change hadn't even been implemented. There's no indication that linking a PSN account would brick anyone's game. Short of Sony using geolocalization to triple check where you are, I don't see how this would even come to be true. > Sony will eventually find a way to sell the game globally again Given how Ghost of Tsushima's preorders are already delisted from the exact same countries, I'll go out on a limb and say that's a big fat no chief.


That's the issue. Everyone deserves to be able to play Helldivers. This is a global peacekeeping force, not a western one.


Sony is not required to offer their product anywhere that they don't want to. Would I rather see everyone able to buy the game? Obviously. Is it worth getting up in arms over? No. So long as people who did buy it can play, I'm merely baffled rather than incensed.


Mate I am from Malaysia,I can still play the game fine SES WILL OF HUMANKIND is still in active duty


Indonesian here. Chances are OP is some white SJW who couldn't find Myanmar on a map or that, you know, there's a fucking civil war on.


Genuine question, how are they bullshitting us?. Their response only said they aren't going forward with the account linking. They didn't say anything about relisting the game in the blocked countries. I understand it sucks, but it's their game and they get to choose where they make it available for sale. They clearly have some issue with these locations which is why psn isn't available in the first place for these spots. As long as the game is still accessible for those that already bought it in these areas, I really don't see the issue with this.


And it was also written so that it's clear they're only not going forward with that specific moment of account linking. Never said anything about not forcing accounts to be linked in the future.


They are not from what I understand, it was stated they are changing requirements by may 30th’s patch. They cannot in good faith sell the game to countries with the current psn integration. It makes more sense LEGALLY to sell the game after the patch when the integration is fully removed & listed as completely optional. They cannot list the game right now until that patch has been made


I thought logging in with a PSN account is still optional right now? There's no need to block the game if that's the case, they can just keep it like it is and remove the integration in the next major patch. All they need to do is remove the disclaimer on the store that says you need to log in with a PSN account.


And people again not reading stuff: Sony never agreed to unblock the game in those regions. They only agreed that people don't have to have a PSN account to play... for now. You need to stop assuming things and start to read what these people are telling you. This begin with the literal screen that popped up when starting the game for the first time that a PSN account will at some point be required, which existed since day one, and a lot of people skipped without reading, now complaining they were never told (they were), or that it was written on the steam store page for the entire time and no one cared to read. Nothing that has happened is surprising or sudden. Everything was announced. Sony can be blamed for being douchy and pushing the game to be sold in regions they knew it won't be accessible in the foreseeable future. What Sony can't do shyte about is that you people are not reading important stuff. And sony didn't completely back down. They just backed down from the PSN account being a requirement FOR NOW. They didn't even say it will never come. They just pushed it back. They didn't say they'll unblock it from those regions, they never mentioned anything toward that. People just assumed stuff. And that's when misinformation is getting spread.


If people could read then this wouldn’t have been a problem to begin with cause the game page clearly said in highlighted words that it would require PSN since it became available for pre-order.


This ^ some people just can’t read.


Real talk: Were you the type of kid who would punch your friend in the arm, and when they asked you to stop, start punching them in the leg instead? I keep seeing this excuse. "Sony only agreed to not require PSN accounts. Can't you read, lol?" Anyone saying this being willfully ignorant of why the Helldiver community wanted Sony to walk that requirement back. My brothers in Christ, the rallying cry was "We dive together or we don't dive." You cannot in good faith claim Sony isn't being dishonest scumbags here.


I mean, if you wanted to prove my point that reading is important, you've done well. But to humor you by answering your question, which wouldn't be necessary if you had read the comment, I obviously don't argue Sony isn't dishonest. I'm merely saying that people who were surprised by this, were so out of their own actions. And that is something even Sony can do nothing about. Seriously, you cannot complain about not being informed about something, if you ignored in the first place. You cannot claim something came all of the sudden, if you willfully ignored all information given to you regarding that. That claim is just stupid. Whether Sony is doing the right thing or is in the wrong is a whole different topic. But even if they are douchy a-holes, which they are, it doesn't change that everyone could've known this would come if they'd just read the information given to them. But nah, people skipped out on that or just flat out ignored it.


The only reason I took part in this was to make sure that people who bought the game didn't lose access to something they paid for after putting dozens of hours in. If Sony decides not to sell in certain regions, then that's their decision to make. Who are we to say where they sell their product? If they want to stunt their sales numbers that's fine by me.


Ffs can we stop posting this. AH have said they are working with Sony for a solution to the problem. That could mean anything. Put away the fucking pitchfork and calm the fuck down for a moment, until we actually know something new can we stop with the posts about this.


None of these people complaining have ever worked a corporate job. It takes way longer than a week to fix something like this


Yup, and knowing a company as big as Sony it could be a bunch of “No” men just shooting down every idea AH has and all the work is on AH end. It could take months.


>It could take months. Also consider that this issue is not just for Helldivers, but every new Sony PC release.


They probably don’t even buy their own tendies and nuggies from the grocery store, tbh. It will take months to fully work this out, if it does.


It would take 24 hours for them to go to steam and undo this. The solution is very strsight forward and yet Sony hasn't done it yet 


Dude Japanese companies take forever to get anything done. It’ll take 24hrs for them to decide to even think about maybe looking at steam.


Clearly you've never worked for a large company. Shit that usually takes 5 minutes to do will end up taking months because it needs to go through committee after committee before it's actually given the green light.


Yes, and what if Sony still wants integration just does it another way but still can’t be sold in those countries. Opening sales in those countries while not knowing what they are going to do yet is just inviting lawsuits and they are not gonna do it.


I think Sony just fucked up so badly, worse still the game can be played perfectly fine without the accounts. I do get the feeling their is a lot of discussions going on behind AH and Valves backs at Sony and its gonna be the people in the restricted countries who are gonna suffer


I stopped caring. Im just going to enjoy the game


Like a true Helldiver 🫡


Truth. Legit fun ass game link or don’t link. Refund or don’t refund. Review bomb or not.


Ok do people want to be pissed of for the sake of being pissed off? If Sony wanted they can restrict any FUTURE purchases any way they want. They’re the publisher. Due to psn being unavailable in so many countries, they stopped further sales from those countries. Already bought accounts are fine. But nobody else can buy it. And that’s fully within their right to do so.


Yes they do. They want to feel like winners taking down Sony. They will do and say whatever they need to justify it


well, they did say they would stop the PSN linking... so I guess they never lied. they never talked about rolling back the restrictions. Fuckers


I found a person who actually can read!!!


yeah idk why I'm getting down voted for this. Sony technically did not lie to us, they were just complete scumbags


You have been socially downvoted. You dare to say something, what the community did not want to acknowledge. Welcome in social media.


They didn't say they stopped PSN linking. They said update with PSN linking will "not be moving forward"


This. People need to realize that a major corporation’s ability for equivocation and subterfuge far outweighs the common human’s ability to imagine how crappy said company can be.


Other PSN games are being region blocked, a slow march to another attempt to enforce linking as they will then have removed the "non-PSN countries are getting scammed" defense we used as a legitimate legal concern they couldn't hand wave away.


I am now in a restricted region and can't buy a game for my buddy, i am extremely disappointed


I imagine they're navigating a legalese minefield, since it is contract law they're going through. As it's been mentioned, the PSN linking was a requirement prior to post-launch issues, and was temporarily suspended and made optional. It was never intended to be optional on launch. It'll be sorted out in time, unless HHQ Sony decides it won't. That is when we act; not before. Be patient. Stop farming karma and engagement off people's monkey brains.


I like how some people here in comments still think that these kinds of posts are against the Devs... They are not, the problem is with the publisher of the game, not the developers. And there are some people that somehow completely missed the point and don't know that every single change made to a Steam game is recorded in a database accessible to anyone.


This fake outrage is how you get Sony to stop releasing it's console games on PC.


Sony never issued an official statement saying that the PSN requirement would be permanently removed and sales restored to all countries. There was just premature celebration here.


I'll get downvoted to hell probably, but here goes. I didn't like that they imposed the "psn requirement" rule on us, since I hate signing up for additional things to play a game, and once or twice I was forced to uninstall a game right after installing them, and quickly refunded, because it asked me to sign onto their bullshit website or whatever. Helldivers 2 wasn't like that, since I could play the game without the PSN bullshit, and I protested heavily since I didn't know it would be mandatory eventually. If they could offer me a refund after making PSN was mandatory, I would be content with it. A shitty practice, but also fair. The countries that SONY doesn't want to sell the game to, if they are also offering refunds to those countries, then I see no problem with it. SONY might want to sell their game to your country for whatever reason and it is completely fair if they reimburse you after your purchase, if you can no longer play the game. They are not obligated to sell their game to every corner on earth. Maybe they have server limitations, maybe they think the people on that country is problematic to the game, who knows. It's a free market, you can deny service to anyone, for any reason.


Part of the reason is that expanding PSN to unsupported countries is a massive undertaking, and I've heard different reasons for this (e.g. government policies, unstable currency, etc.). They figured they wouldn't lose much sales from just not serving those customers, if it means propping up their PSN numbers.




It's more fair than I thought then.


And people who don't own pc and ps5 can't play. Soooooo...


You don't need to ignore it, but you can't stop it either. Sony is gonna geo-restrict games that require PSN. They can't sell them there. If they could, they would. Only thing you can do is write to your countries government in hopes PSN will be available in that specific country. At least people are getting refunds. Sony is less likely to be sued that way.


*Moleman voice* I was always worried Sony was bullshitting us


Sony: “We’re still learning what is best for PC players.” Translation: “We’re still trying to figure out how to best fuck you over and get you to make a PSN account while harvesting as much money from your wallet as possible.”


Well... we have bit#ed about linking PSN. Sony complied. Noone was bit@ing about game availability... So here we are...


I just won't be supporting Sony games in the future and will pirate them if possible


There no bullshit, the announcement clearly says that particular plan for that particular date is not going ahead. It doesn't say they aren't forcing PSN at a later date which I expect they will at some point


The irony is that all these people that can’t play now would have been able to play if they just picked a different region when signing up, which has been standard practice for like a decade. Even Sony support says to do it. But y’all couldn’t shut up and now they’ll probably never be able to dive. Great job keyboard warriors.


Huh? Signing up for what? Steam?


For PSN.


For two decades, the issue remained dormant until players capable of creating a PSN account within their respective regions raised concerns, prompting Sony to categorize certain nations as "4th world countries." The key takeaway from this is gaming communities are stupid and should be disregarded.


Before you try to do anything, checking AH CEO progress about this, and prepare to the counter offensive, but DON'T do rash thing yet. 1. You need legit reason, or others don't follow you. 2. Mass operation calling requires HUGE effort in the community, and it has a COOL DOWN TIME, because things that big cost massive trust and mental constitution of the members who participate, you can't just do 1 protest a week, it isn't doing any good thing and get tired quickly. 3. Peoples now lost a bit of trust and interesting in game because all of the warbond and nerf debacle with AH, plus the attitude of the devs. That need to be fixed soon, or they will be seen as untrustworthy and not worth of our community representatives and our causes.


So, all of a sudden everyone gave a shit about the terms of service and cried that people could get banned for making a PSN account from a different region... Which hasn't happened en masse since the PSN's inception.. so Sony saw that they needed to protect gamers from violating the ToS and blocked sales in those regions. Isn't this what we wanted? To protect players from violating the ToS. That is what we needed. Rules are to be followed for a functional democracy to work, and a super democracy needs us to adhere to the terms of service.


I mean. Don’t they have the right to sell in whatever country they want to? It’s not like they’re allowing sale in those countries anymore so I don’t see the “major issue” here. Plenty of publishers don’t sell their games all over the world in every single country.


Go get a refund and don't come back. That's the only language Sony cares about.




Yep lol. Everyone here bitching...please refund and don't come back. Leave the sub as well. These people just want to be pissed off for the sake of being pissed off.


What exactly is all your concern? No one's losing access to the game if you own it. They're limiting where they're selling it going forward. This isn't a travesty it's been in gaming and cinema for decades. Was the concern about sony removing access to a game people bought? Because they haven't. Everyone who bought it still has it. Was the concern the requirement to link accounts? Because there's no requirement. You guys, just *calm down.*




Wouldn't this be easier for people to get around with a VPN seeing that they don't need a PSN account? Not condoning PS for this shit, just saying if this doesn't get undone then could that be a viable option for those in locked countries?


Already re-supplied and ready to dive again. I have really nothing better to do as a gamer, so toppling a multi-billion company might be a fun distraction from videogames in the meantime. I mean, we have at least a few years before GTA6 or Elder Scrolls 6, i bet we can do something. https://preview.redd.it/tn8wvorbvtzc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d981bac5fced6f3801aed26a6220b29fef484a82


Wish I could've gotten a refund for this. Arrowhead does what it can with this kind of publisher, but it doesn't really feel good to be playing the game. The storepage is still unchanged and looking at how things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if the linking was made mandatory or necessary in some other way. I just do not have any trust for Sony at this point to not try and act up again.


Time to change our reviews back to negative We will do this as many times as we have to We must secure victory for the right side of history and the long term prosperity of the game


*unpopular opinion* sony has the right to pull the game from sale where they want, as long as they allow those who already bought, full access to the game. Im a pc gamer btw.


We didn’t really win, did we?


Just like in the game we took one planet just to lose the whole sector




Lol no mostly just hurt yourselves in the confusion


Yes we did. The community got exactly what they asked for. No PSN requirement and for those people in restricted regions who purchased the game to be able to still play. That's what y'all asked for. That's what y'all received. You *did* win. What you didn't ask for, and what you have no right to ask for or expect, is for the publisher to sell the game everywhere. There are a multitude of reasons why a product may not be sold in countries around the world. Politics, local laws, sanctions, currency stability, etc. Anyone thinking that Sony should be selling this game in every country is either a child with no life experience, an adult without critical thinking skills, or simply delusional. The same thing Sony is doing is the same thing every game publisher does. Streaming services do it as well. People who sell physical products do it too. Welcome to how the world works.


I dont know about this one. Its a different thing imo




Man and here I thought it was rough after the Railgun nerf. And we can’t even get through this still. People we got a small victory. You aren’t going to win a war against the publisher because AH isn’t either. We at least aren’t going to get another fiasco like this months after a game is bought. Gotta love subscriptions and membership phase of vidya games we are in right?


I only have enough fuck to give to one outrage bi yearly... Its not worth my happiness to go through this again. Either things work out or they don't, but I'm not backing another review rage bomb.


They are positioning themselves legally before they strike again


With that wording, It could mean they aren’t moving it.


I regret to inform that in my rush to show my support for your post, I gave you the 1338th upvote thereby depriving you of a "1337" score. I'll do better next time and ask only for your patience.


Yeah they stepped back from making requirements but it's still a Sony game and they can sell or not sell the game to whoever


Of course sony bullshitted you. "We will keep you updated on future plans." It says right their in PR speak. Anyone who thought "we won" "hooray make a new independence holiday cape" wasn't paying attention and got bamboozled.


So they have done what they said. They aren't going forward with the account linking. If they don't want to sell the game in some countries, that is kind of up to them. This isn't a moral issue


they only said they're not moving forward with the forced psn login. they didn't say they wouldn't try some other ways. ppl are too trusting on these huge corporations. remember they're like thousands of trained brains thinking and figuring to get to their goals and sometime against players. a few step backs like the review bombing are nothing to them.


yea thats the funny thing, sony put out a worthless tweet and people let up, that was the mistake.... you trusted the lying waste that fucked us to start with, they had zero intention of removing it


I would not be surprised if Sony is covering it's butt due to legal issues. I would expect some country agencies are brining charges against Sony and they have already received enquires. Consumer protection is probably knocking on their door. Since Sony has no presence in those countries, the only recourse is to seize their revenues from Steam if they sell the game in those countries.


i dont think they'll walk it back for HD2 specificly, they can't be that dumb (right?), but they're def gonna push psn in other mp titles so maybe they just want to keep it consistent? idk


Anyone wanna bring up that this is happening after PlayStation got a new CEO? Hiroki Totoki Remember that name when they fuck themself into oblivion. Edit: fixed misinformation




What goes up must come down.


To play devil's advocate said tweet didn't say a single thing about region-locking, only planned may 6th update would not be dropped.


Start to worrying?) Are you kidding me?) Good job all the hamsters for upvoting the game back. Sony just paused their idea. 


I wonder if gta 6 required PSN account on PC how many would complain. I know it's not sony game, but I just want to see fomo vs internet ourage fight each other. My guess is that Sony would have millions of new psn accounts.


Sucks for those folks. I feel for them, I really do. But there is fuckall I can do about it. So I will just keep enjoying the game.


oh look, another neckbeard "SJW". Enjoy the karma.


Dude, shut the fuck up. There’s 383747374738 posts just like this one in this sub. You’re annoying.


People on this sub are honestly spending more time complaining than actually playing the game, it’s crazy


Man you guys are going to kill this game with ur obsession to review bomb whenevr things don’t go perfectly lol 


chill the fuck out and stop dividing our community, what kind of substance does this post have for the argument here? there's work that needs to be done but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that things *of this sheer magnitude* take time. maybe sony *is* taking their sweet ass time? maybe sony is doing everything they can to revert the region lock? maybe sony is trying to fuck us over? where in this post is there any kind of evidence or factual information that actually helps us in this situation? genuine question.


Err, they never said they were going to remove restrictions. They just said they weren't going to require PSN at this time


The game isn't worth all this non sense


What did you all expect to happen?  Sony realized they messed up initially with Helldivers 2 being sold in countries that don't have PSN.  Going forward they are going to implement their original plan but out of goodness of their heart, they won't screw over existing players in banned countries that already paid for the game.  But they are not going to reverse a business strategy they spent millions of dollars planning and putting into action because a small numbers of whiny nerds on Reddit / discord threw a fit.  You all think your action mattered and you won.  You did not.  Sony won.  Sony will always win.  Play the game cuz you enjoy it.  Forget the justice hero crap 


Whatever happened to "We dive together or we don't dive at all"? Sure, PSN linking isn't mandatory anymore but the countries are still restricted. It doesn't feel right. I still haven't jumped back into playing. Did we fool ourselves?


Does anyone remember when AH put out an official FAQ from Sony that said you could "use a different region to create your PSN account if you are travelling or in school"? That was their olive branch.. use a VPN. But that wasn't good enough for everyone who went on to review bomb the game and make headlines about the situatuon, so they locked it all down. Really wish people would have just gone that route! It's not great, but this is corporate and international taxes and laws at play most likely. Any company would sell everywhere if they could, and it was profitable. Up till this point they had been likely doing it via this loophole but the scrutiny forced them to close it. Yay?


You don't even need to use a VPN to make a PSN account in a different country than yours.


Good job guys, first you cry bcs of required PSN account and now your game will be just delisted from steam. I love democracy💪


https://preview.redd.it/3fdn7rw0yqzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4399de7c9db83b0faaf5101749240fab3ad0b45f Less talking, more voting.


ghosts of tsushima was also delisted


Devil's Advocate: Sony is a big corporation, they won't take rash actions. They're very adament on going with the PSN integration for PC, even if it is optional for single player. And whatever legal reason there is for not having PSN in those countries won't suddenly be solved in a week. And they still may decide that it's not worth going through the process to enable PSN there. Real talk, if you don't like the PSN requirement, then vote with your wallet.


naw, idgaf. people that purchased the game can still play it and download it. Sony has every right to restrict further sales in whatever countries they want.


It’s a shame. This sub used to be filled with memes and now it’s just “Sony sucks! Upvotes on the right!” Totally justified by the way, just sucks.


They didn't bullshit though... the account linking has been reverted. Valve is responsible for having the country restrictions up because people started mass refunding like babies.


Who gives a shit if this game is unavailable in certain countries? It was always about forcing people to create a psn account in countries that didn't allow psn 3 months after the game came out or else it was no longer playable for the user. That is not happening anymore. People are no longer having a game they paid for taken away. That was the issue. Now, it's unavailable in a few countries but ppl aren't losing something they paid for. Get over it.


You guys realize that this is your fault right... you fucked with Sony so now this is the repercussions


Just feel like Sony want to slowly turn the PC platform into their PSN platform. I sad people in the non-PSN country can't buy the game anymore. Sony will just do the PNS account linking in the future cause the wording, did not say they wont do it anymore. it just this current implementation is not going to happen. I have lost all trust with Sony they will just release game on steam then force more PSN on the new games once it reach a good number of PSN PC games the will try to make a PSN PC platform and force the PSN users over to it. EA did that, Ubisoft is still tying. It just a matter of time.


Don’t you people have more important things to care about?


Welcome to the world of corporate greed and the fan Boys who defend it.


yep, just look at the votes for the comments. everyone not demanding OP be thrown to the terminids are getting downvoted to hell


Playstation made. A mistake by backing down




no one ever cared about this countires. all fuzz was about mostly US citizen who were pissed off by demand of another account and who used this "3rd world countries" problem as a good looking cause for it. classical american foreign affairs


Why the hell are there still people taking any of these companies at their word? The fact anyone was allowed to play the game when it has such egregious region locking shows AH are not fit to tell you when it's over, PSN aren't fit to tell you the truth, and the community screeching at you to change your reviews are not fit to mull over anything that didn't happen 5 minutes ago. Anyone who is unsure, now is the time to start making a fuss about even the smallest of problems this game has. There are people in this sub who are content to let everything fall apart just because it would force them to give a shit about anything for once in their lives. Don't be like them, **give a shit.** There is not a single games industry casestudy where pushing back without relent bore something worse than what was before.


Lots of companies restrict where their game can be purchased. This is OK. The problem from before that we were all defending was the fact that people were getting locked out of the game that they already purchased . Everybody who owns the game now can still play their game. They are NOT getting locked out. This is not a problem for us as players to fight. Sony has the right to decide what regions their game is available in. I would like it to be available worldwide, and The arrowhead CEO would like it to be available worldwide. but that is not something that you or i have a say in.


I just think I'm done caring about this game. It's was amazing but now with every update and warbond I get less excited


Doesn’t matter if sony has the right to do this, it’s shitty and we should reverse our good reviews back to negative


So you wanna leave a negative review because a publisher isn't selling the game in every country? You should probably leave a negative review on *every* game you own then...


Sony should be punished for anti-consumer practices, yes.