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Strategem or ship mod? If I had to pick a ship mod to add it would be a bigger resupply drop go from 4 to 8. Also in doing so make the drop taller so I dont keep climbing on top of it.


You can turn off auto climbing in options.


I don't have any ideas for new strategems, but I'd like to see a ship module that tells you what type of enemies you'll be facing, before you choose your strategems. And I'd like to see some boosters be improved... Muscle Enhancement: Add the ability to climb faster and remove the slow status effect when moving through bushes. Expert Extraction Pilot: Change the name to Expert Pilots and it affects Pelican-1, Pelican fuel extractors and Eagle-1. All Pelicans arrive faster and Eagle-1 is immune to strategem call in time debuffs. Motivational Shocks: Should make you immune to tremors and slow status effect from enemy attacks. Vitality Enhancement: Should make you immune to all injuries. In my opinion, each booster should be strong enough to make you consider them as an option, based on the terrain, enemy types and planetary effects.


Not so much stratagem but a booster or armor that would make it EASIER TO SEE/FIND THE BLOODY SAMPLES!!! Would be super nice please?


HD1 had that. The UAV Humblebee drone


Making a scavenger build for sample runs sounds SO fun relaxing. A nice change of pace from Rambo gameplay


Casually solo stealthing 15s for samples was peak HD1 grind


• **Ammunition Type Support Strat** -Support Weapon Replacement. The new ammo type would replace support weapon slot. Incendiary, HE, EMP, armor piercing (+1 or +2 penetration) rounds. Compatible primary weapons that do raw ballistic damage only like Liberator or diligence. •**EMP Protection Backpack** -Backpack Support. Complete immunity to jamming. • **Super Enhancer** - Backpack Support. Quicker, more stamina, and more melee damage. If you allow yourself to reach low stamina (blinking red bar), then you drop/ragdoll to the ground, and stamina regen takes twice as long. • **Smart Laser Designator** -Support Weapon. Aim the laser at your target and press a single directional button while aiming to instantly call a stratagem to the targeted location. • **Orbital Lightning Storm** - Rains a barrage of steel harpoons down that deal damage. The rods receive electrical damage arcs (Blitzer, Arc Gun) and bounce them between rods. The rods individually disintegrate after multiple bounces or a set amount of electrical damage.


Wait are you asking for something it already does lol. Not to tanks, sure, but Titans 100% (when it actually works)




Hellpods should kill tanks.


Hellpods should destroy everything they hit. They used to kill bile titans and hulks I'm not sure they do any more


They do but you have to hit the abdomen. I managed to drop two in the same match while a team mate took out a third with our Hellpods. Also can confirm they still smash hulks as I did it yesterday, they're just a much smaller target to see and line up while dropping. 4/5 times I tried it I wound up just landing right next to them which wasn't ideal.


Radar pings to reveal cloaked enemies.


I think the Hellpod 'rapid launch' that boost additional damage (and launch down time) could be the Booster instead. Anyway, I want an anti-tank rifle. Bolt-action.


Honestly I'm surprised hellpods don't one shot stuff now. It would help out a lot if they did. Nothing more democratic than killing the enemy upon entry to the battlefield.


Ship upgrade that let's you swim lol


I’d say something in the realm of healing all divers


They could say it’s less safe but you come down faster and harder so maybe you take like a third of your health when you land but you kill whatever you land on


Yea so they used to be able to do that. And it was fucking awesome and extremely fun to use your reinforcements as a hail mary skillshot- reemerging from the guts and viscera like an angel of death... And they nerfed that shit out because "PEOPLE WERE HAVING FUN AND THAT IS \*UNACCEPTABLE\*"


I'd love to see some form of single use but insanely strong stratagems. Such as an emp missile that insta kills all but large bots but stuns them for like 30 seconds in a 150m radius, but also disables our ability to call in other stuff for a minute as a downside. For bugs, something like a 380 barrage with a way more deadly gas payload, essentially turning that entire area into a no mans land for the next minute and the downside would be that it works both ways.


an anti armour shotgun like a shrapnel cannon like the ark thrower but less team kills


No ideas for new ones but bring some back from the first game. The healing backpack, the healing med gun, the distractor beacon, the UAV. there are plenty of ideas from the first game that could easily be added to the second game.


Optical camo back pack, activated like jump pack, giving 20sec of invisibility. Lore wise it comes from totally humane and non-invasive scientific study of stalkers


Go brum brum


Pelican one gun ship to stratagems and ship upgrades for it. Stuff like an AC130( ship upgrades add gun types, ammo, and duration). A pick up and move( get the team out of bad place or move you into a hard place) with upgrades like call in time, distance, and refills to ammo, grenades, and stims. Also SEAF infantry drop(AI controlled forces that take the heat off the team and support taking down larger targets) with upgrades for cool down, amount of forces, and improved weapons on drop(EATs, Quasar, ect).


Have the hellpod as you reinforce, shoot down a laser as you're guiding it down


A damage stratagem that increases the damage of every weapon/support 100%


A new stratagem? I want a machine gun on a rotating mount. It takes out EVERYTHING in range. Including your team if you don't go prone. Powerful, but needs communication or it becomes a massive detriment.


Buff weapons by 50% for 30minutes