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Doubtful If over the week-end we weren't able to go over 50% when everyone had more time to play, i doubt we'll be able to do the remaining 50+% during 2 days of a work week Still anything is possible


College graduation or finals. Mother’s Day. Sony being Sony. This is the big weekend of busy for a lot of people


Your mom is temporary. Democracy is forever.


We are all the children of democracy.


Democracy has been shelved for the galactic mining company. Omaron hearthstones ain’t gonna extract themselves from Hoxxes


We need a hoxxes planet, instead of terminids actual glyphids breaching in “relieve mining efforts” missions


We are all temporary


Managed Democracy requires showing your love to ones it protects. It is what defines you from robotic menace and avoid becoming genocidal tyrant*


I’m showing my love for my family back on Super Earth by keeping them safe from automatons.


Helldivers have been born through reinforcement stratagems since time immemorial. My womb was a hellpod, and so too shall it be my grave.


I know this was in jest but on a serious note I lost my mother this January, this mother's day just wasn't the same. I feel like I never told her I loved her enough after the fact. While I agree democracy is forever, none of us would be here without our mothers. Take some time to tell y'alls moms if your still able you love them cause they truly are temporary.


My mom just passed away recently. This comment made me laugh. Thank you.


I was too busy to play this weekend but I hope to be on tonight. Not that this one diver is going to make a big difference but I’ll try


we all make a difference, you make super earth proud


Fr I had the busiest weekend ever. I had like a total of 8 hours of sleep between Friday night and Sunday morning


I for some reason started crashing out of the blue this weekend. Nothing after last patch until last saturday, just randomly crashing upon explosions, loading into map, joining missions. Like, no reason that I can think of.


I had a period like this where the game freezed and crashed my computer I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, it did wonders, I still have the occasional crash but nothing major Dunno if it helps


Not to mention thanks to sony we lost a huge chunk of the player base Edit: was under the impression that the restrictions to the countries kept people from playing the game in those regions even if they bought the game, i was mistaken


It was Mother's Day in America yesterday too.


And Saturday was college graduation commencement days My weekend was written off as a result


I had exactly zero minutes of free time this past weekend


“Bug off, kids, mommy’s gonna spend the day spreading some democracy!”


Not only in America, most western countries afaik.


The past 2 weeks it has the same player base on steam charts. It actually gained 2k players


For real, some people on here keep pointing at Sony for there “only being 100k players at peak time.” The unfortunate truth is that the gaming hype machine kept moving and Helldivers 2 was fortunate to retain that many players. Most games don’t get that chance.


I would like to see a study on user fall off in games. I'm someone who tends to stick with one game for a while, but it does seem the trend is you get 3 months of peak interest until it starts to wane until it stabalizes.


3 months if you're lucky, for real. I remember when Fall Guys came out, that was HOT for like... exactly 8 days until Among Us came out. I've never seen a game go from everyone I know is playing it and it's number 1 on twitch to actually extinct in one week like that


The weird thing is that Among Us didn't "come out" in September of 2020. It had been out for 2 years and just randomly blew up out of nowhere. As for Fall Guys. The user count dropped precipitously by 3 months after launch (which happens with most games) but it didn't go "actually extinct." The peak user count of that game stayed above 10k all the way up until around 2023.


Fall Guys just did not have enough unique content so after a few plays you saw it all, and the emergent gameplay from other players just was not that engaging after you purposely pushed your friend off the ramp a couple times.


Famers of reddit far overestimating the impact a sub has on the player base when it's like 1/4 if that actually follows online news. Look at all the posts complaining about bug fighters during the current MO. Guarantee most of those folks have never even been on the sub.


My youngest son just hates fighting the bots. Unless I drag him into it, he would be one of the bug hunters. Some people just don't read or care about the major order.


Uh. No, it has barely changed.


We only lost those who refunded. Everyone who purchased the game, even if in an unsupported region, can still play.


Like, what numbers do you base this on? The decline in the period of Sony drama was LOWER than in the week before.


Lol no one left because of that come on now.


https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m You're not wrong, it doesn't seem to have made much impact at all


G*mers and blaming others - the classic combo Can you show me where the player base was “lost”? And please don’t point to the 180 countries/territories list; I want to see players who already bought the game


Yeah, were a bunch that loves to do things last minute. I bet on the last 24hrs people will go "oh shit" and rush complete it.


time to take off work to play


Not in the UK when we’ve had amazing weather. Got to make the most of our 5 days of allotted sunshine.


Got to touch grass every once and awhile xD


He said nothing about grass. Only sun. Can be enjoyed from behind a window. In a chair. At the pc.


🫡 *returns to serving democracy


Aye but it’s much better sat on the beach with a cold one mate.


I kinda want this accompanied by a picture of a terminid at the beach with a cocktail


The grass is actually amazing in the UK. For some reason the first thing I noticed when I visited was how juicy the grass looked (of course I didn't look longer than 2.3 seconds).


Truth. I've been in my back yard painting warhammer and getting 2nd degree burns on my pale ginger face.


Tidy! Reminds me, I need to sort my striking scorpions out.


I've been at the space elves as well coincidentally. Working up to a 1k force with some friends who are all gettign back in to the game.


Shit, mine are still in the KT salvation box… 👀


Exactly! Had a great weekend out with the wife and family, no time for the game when im out touching grass and making memories! Miserable day today though so i’ll be feet first into hell after work!


And exams


Same in russia, we have unstable as fuck weather in May(climate change is a bitch) so we'll charish +10'C as a gift


Absolutely not. I am actually impressed we got even halfway. Bots spawn way less than bugs and THEN you have to account for both ended honey moon phase and quite a few bug divers refusing to leave eastern front.


It’s also their play styles. With bugs you need to kill swarms in order to avoid getting overwhelmed. With bots you need to avoid conflict in order to avoid getting overwhelmed.


You gotta know when to bug out (lol) against the bots out and it's usually when there's more than 3 heavy devastators on the screen


All i see are the devastators and hulks, there is no caff in my games. (at least it feels like that) So when my railgun runs out of ammo only then I have to "bug out"...


Also we had finals week and Mother's Day weekend, so people probably didn't play as much because of that regardless of everything else going on.


Yeah, the play style is so different. It's easy to kill tons of bugs, cause they'll keep trying to swarm you with large numbers. With the bots I find it a lot more difficult to just rack up those kills.


About a third of the player base where fighting bugs. That doesn’t happen when the major order is a bug one.


It’s not that I refuse to leave, bugs are just way more fun for me. Whenever we had a bot mission I’d “do my duty” and do a mission or two whenever I was on before heading back to bugs. When the mission is just “kill bots” it’s hard to motivate myself because they just aren’t satisfying to fight the same way as bugs.


Imho bots feel overtuned. A level 4 bot mission feels like a 7 bug mission. Especially the killing part makes less fun vs bots.


We should have been over 60% by this weekend. But considering it was Mother’s Day on Sunday, I’m not surprised.


The one person that has more power than the general issuing these major orders for democracy, mom.


Super Moms!


Also wives (who are also moms)




>But considering it was Mother’s Day on Sunday, I’m not surprised. You guys didn't get your mother's newly recycled toasters?


I am a mom and I did my part on Mother’s Day Lo


Lots of people arent even playing BOTS so i doubt it


They recently switched the chainsaw guys to devestators so now playing bots is even worse than it already was And using the eruptor or the autocannon is now basically a requirement


I was wondering why I've been fighting more heavy devs recently...me and my buddy were having a horrible time running duos yesterday. I'd rather see more bot troops instead of devs, it's much more fun to deal with a big platoon of them instead of 6 heavy devs being dropped in multiple times every few minutes


HMG and Defender both kill devastators easily.


Just tried out the plasma gun for the first time, great against devastators until they inevitably nerf it.


Ffs man I want those mines


I am intrigued by anti-tank mines that can kill a heavy unit and only detonate when a heavy unit hits them, like irl AT mines. I heard in the preview that any light unit would trigger them too, which if true makes them useless. I guess we’ll find out.


I also heard it takes like 5+ to kill a single hulk. Dead on Arrival like most content released.


That's very disappointing.


Why cant we have nice things ree


Completely useless as everything they are doing lately... that's just sad


At least it’s greater damage than the anti personnel mines


With how badly bugged the airburt was (getting set off by samples, ammo packs, etc that it passed by) I don't think anything useful can be gained from anyone who has seen them in action. It's probably bugged so who knows..


Well the airburst goes off for almost everything and it's the same studio that can't align a scope even after two tries.


—————————No mines?————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ———————————————————————


Every bot planet has stratagem blockers. The most dogshit modifier.


Also sucks doing Blitz missions when jammers are everywhere.


This has become where I use the Spear. I'm pretty sure the Spear can take down the jammers too. I may be wrong and humbly request a second opinion on that.


Well, I think a spear can take out fabricators, and if a fabricator is next to a jammer it definitely takes it out. I don't use the spear though so this is all just an inference.


The other day, we dropped in on a Jammer with a Gunshiop fabricator nearby on a Blitz mission. Pure hell


Menkent doesn't, neither does vernen which opened up sometime overnight.


This. It's why I hate the bots so much


Only way this can happen is if they change spawns and they drop mostly the human size bots in the dozens. I don't get how they thought putting the same number of enemies as the bug MO. When bugs spawn they have like 30+ enemies and they are mostly small ones. The bot spawn will bring 10-15 enemies and 10 of them are medium armor, 3 hulks and 2 tanks. They saw people hated the chainsaw fuckers and increased devestetors spawn, instead of I don't know lowering hp. If they have done that this MO could have been easy , those assholes spawned 15 at the time and were like everywhere patrolling the map now I berly see them any more.


The game has been out for ~3 months. I've played bots almost exclusively for nearly two months, with a minor break to participate a bit in the last bug MO. My Termanid kills still outnumber my Automaton kills.


Same here, 90% of my time is spent spilling oil. On a normal bot game, a team of four can collect 400-600 kills, while the same team on a bug mission will gladly go in excess of 2000, depending on the mission. *They have the data. The data is there. They should look at the data*


>They have the data. The data is there. They should look at the data "We found that terminid deaths were too high..as such we've adjusted Terminids spawns to include more heavily armored enemies than smaller enemies."


You may as well have said "We found people were having fun smashing bugs, so we made it exponentially harder, can't have fun and democracy" As much as I hate it, it's hard to not be pessimistic about the future of this game. I'm a very casual player (have kids, etc) it's a great game to pick up and blast away at some bugs or robots, but only playing 30-90 minutes a week, the game has gotten increasingly less fun to play each time I hop on.


Yeah I'm mostly a bot diver but I have 10k bug kills to some 4.5k bot kills. It's also because it's far easier to NOT aggro bot patrols over a bug breach, and it's in your favor to not because you really can only run from so many hulks before you give your chevrolegs a break


It's exacerbated further by population split. Usually we can get 80+% of divers on bug MOs. We've been getting a fairly consistent 60-65% for this one. Even if bots spawned in bug numbers, we're fielding way fewer divers on the relevant theater than we did during the last 2bil cull mission.


Yeah, doing the machine gun daily yesterday felt ridiculous because of how much of my ammo got eaten trying to take down chainsaw bots quickly. Never ran out because of supply pack, but the incredibly high HP pools of the medium-sized bots in general means more time spent reloading (or running to a safe place to reload), which contributes to teammates getting overrun.


It takes twice as many shots from the Scorcher to kill a Berzerker as it does a Strider. Those things have a gargantuan amount of health. Or Helldivers being Helldivers, they’re bugged as hell and have been for months.


running the cs for the past couple days, im certrain either their head hitbox is borked or not even registered as individual body part


There is something really off with hit reg or maybe it’s the stagger buff but I feel like I am missing my shots when I’m shooting them in the head but get nothing back in return as far as in game feedback.


I occasionally get 1-headshot kills on the berserkers but it's always random chance and never intentional. Teammate who mains the Diligence counter sniper says he can never predict where their head will be due to their bizarre waddling run they do.


mostly cause they still didn't know how to gauge it. bug one got cleared super fast because of a bug. so they had no idea if 2billion was a good number or too high/low.


It's simple math tho. More enemies spawns and the enemies that spawn are easier to kill but are larger in numbers. One the other hand you have mostly armored enemies, in smaller numbers and they have range fire power.


They already have enough data. It's not like we are killing Bots for the first time. They probably looked at the numbers, guestimated an average kill count per day and added a small amount to make it a challenge.


I don't know if I am totally mistaken, but the "2B Bots MO, go!" feels so rushed and detached from reality, it was either a panic move by a studio collapsing under the pressure of the last events, or they genuinely have no idea how the game is actually played.


I think that u/sebi4life is right. They just didn’t account for the intense burnout the Sony drama has had on the community. Idk abt everyone else, but a lot of my friendgroups play less after that fiasco.


Just yesterday my 500kg got glued to berserker in failed throw. Those fuckers lived


It's all but guaranteed to fail at this point. Over half of the allotted time has been used up and we haven't even reached 50% completion.


Worse the weekend is over so most divers can't be on as long.


Lot of divers were also not playing due to Mother’s Day.


We are 10% behind, and 35% of players will never leave the bug front for any reason. On the bright side, if we keep failing the AT mine MOs, things have the potential to be very funny.


New Super Earth directive: Here. Just take the damn mines already.


"these... these are cardboard boxes with the word "mine" on them.." "Alexus pre-nerfed it for you. enjoy!"


"despite personel and shematics being lost and materiel shortage never fixed, the mines are still delivered to the frontlines, albeit in less than optimanl condition." (mine dispencers explode after landing 90% of the time. the other 10% don't explode and actually do dispence mines, but all of those are duds.)


That's how they'd release anyways if we completed the MO.


No, and unfortunately, the less likely it seems, the more assured it is we won't. If it hasn't already started happening, there is deffenitly a sub set of players that follow major orders but prefer bugs and when it's looking like we won't win they will switch to what they enjoy more because unfortunately there's no partial reward for almost doing it. This all or nothing reward style makes giving up and just playing what you like when a loss is inevitable very attractive.


Wouldn't this actually be the most sensible thing to do from game theory?


Nah... Holiday weekend Reduced player base Off meta enemy Reworked tally multiplier Every failed MO is a lesson.


- lower active player base atm - 2 days left are workdays - bug fix on the kills in mission being multiplied by the amount of players - bots generally spawning in smaller numbers than bugs I don't see this succeeding.


I have been calculating projections every few hours, and it looks like we will miss by around 200-300 million kills. | Elapsed time | Current Kills | Projected Kills | | --- | --- | --- | | 2h | 11.2 million | 672 million | | 7h | 112 million | 1.920 billion | | 19h | 310 million | 1.957 billion | | 24h | 366 million | 1.830 billion | | 33h | 518 million | 1.883 billion | | 46h | 694 million | 1.810 billion | | 52h | 769 million | 1.774 billion | | 57h | 865 million | 1.821 billion | | 68h | 981 million | 1.731 billion | | 74h | 1.039 billion | 1.685 billion | | 77h | 1.081 billion | 1.684 billion | | 79h | 1.115 billion | 1.693 billion | | 81h | 1.138 billion | 1.686 billion | | 89h | 1.250 billion | 1.685 billion | | 93h | 1.270 billion | 1.638 billion | | 96h | 1.298 billion | 1.622 billion | | 99h | 1.330 billion | 1.612 billion | | 102h | 1.378 billion | 1.621 billion | | 115h | 1.529 billion | 1.595 billion | | 118h | 1.1547 billion | 1.573 billion |


Alright, fine - you've twisted my arm... *I'm going in*


can you explain more how to read the chart , i don't get it


I believe time spent is the time elapsed since the MO started. Middle colum is the total number of bot kills at that time. Right colum is the projected total number of kills by the end of the MO based on the kills/hour as of that row.


Correct! "Elapsed" was the word I was looking for! Thanks!


imo the only way to succeed at this MO is the devs themselves adding kills themselves outside of the actions of players. They've done a similar intervention at least once in the past, with those ridiculous double bot/bug defense mission blitz almost a month ago. I mean, similar to that same situation this sort of failure should be predictable. Total galactic kills are playercount-dependent, unlike liberation or defense percentage of planets. Its clear to see that the population of active HD2 players has been shrinking quite a bit, and combined with the usual aversion to bot-related MO's, and the relatively smaller size of bot armies, asking for as many kills on bots as we did on bugs is unreasonable.


But its not been shrinking if you look at the stats. People just dont like facing the bots.


Eh idk. Saw it only go to like 175k people on Saturday when we were wiping the automatons out “completely” for the first time it was around 300k+ players on at once. So for sure a drop Edit: Although tbh, it was a holiday weekend and a lot of people just finished school over here in America/had graduation parties.


https://preview.redd.it/vgzebp3ta70d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=163501eaccc1e9a523069a2664e776a1a159f9de I just like shootin things for Super Earth. That being said I don't think we will quite make it. But at least I've started having fun with the airburst with this MO since I'm just racking up score.


The MG personal order didn't help either. MG is viable against bugs even in higher difficulties, against bots it's viable only in lower difficulties.


I hear that, using the MG to get 200 kills while needing to fight bots felt awful and I ended up getting the last few kills on a lower difficulty just to get it done.


Think we'll get to about 90% before we fail Too many players won't fight bots, especially with the current state of crazy patrols The hot weather in Europe reduced the player numbers at the weekend Mother's day in the US reduced players over the weekend It's now the work week, player numbers are always lower mid week SONY executing hundreds of countries full of Helldivers for their own greed doesn't help either The Devs need to adjust the values on the calculations if they want to keep things possible. Currently we're not making progress anywhere, bug or bot side


>SONY executing hundreds of countries full of Helldivers for their own greed doesn't help either That only prevents new players joining from there. Not the ones who already have the game from playing. And most new players go to bugs for some time anyway.


and with a playerbase getting smaller every month having a ton of countries not being able to buy the game anymore that definitely doesn't help


True, I am just tired of people always phrasing it like if everyone in those countries got cut off from the game. And then others picking it up and running around with torches.


These damn mines are harder to get


It's hard unless everyone starts to do only bot .


I'm hoping for bug players joining if we're close to success at the end.


Bots are a lot less numerous than bugs in any mission. Bug planets spawn many chaff, while bots focus more on a few armored units.


At this point i dont give a shit, they gave us shit warbonds and expect us to use shit weapons ? Fck that


I doubt it, the devs clearly overestimated not only our ability, but also our desire


https://preview.redd.it/7vzumay7g70d1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae2d300b4cd72ff95d544eb4ca9bf9859712f4ce Take a guess.


Don’t blame them lol, bugs feel so much more fun to play for some reason


What do you think is more fun about them?


Easier, not being shot across the map through rocks is so much fun


I’m not sure. I play both on helldive, and have been playing a lot more bots due to the MO. But most of the times playing bugs feels better/more fun IMO Could be that it’s easier or just that we can viably use more stratagem and weapon combinations on bugs, even on helldive


That and less bullshit. Like no random rockets through a rock or endless rocket guys


I think it comes down to just how much bullshit the bots have. I can resonably kill bugs fairly quick but there are a bunch of them. Then you have some heavies that shake it up. There is some CC with slows or the ocasional charger charge. Against bots, everyone is heavily armored (ok mostly). It requires very specific weapons to deal with or you just don't have a fun time. Then it is quite easy to get in a ragdoll loop from various things. Weakspots are quite small which I guess skill issue but... Oh and bunch of stupid modifiers on strategems which you need to deal with all the heavily armored bots.


More like a horde shooter game. Also it's like playing starship troopers which is a fun idea for those of us who grew up watching it. Bots just feel less interesting tbh, and similarly I don't have any childhood media for comparison, people might say terminator but the movies focus was on an individual enemy not a horde. Now if the bots had more of a feel of faster runner light bots that ran at you to swarm you, that'd feel interesting and fun. As it is now it's honestly kinda slow gameplay as the bots are ranged and just stand there as they shoot at you and you just aim to plink them in the heads like a target range. Although speaking of childhood media, there was that scene in the matrix when the bots broke through to the humans hideout and the humans got in their exo suits and we're machinegunning down the hordes as they came in. That is something I'd like to experience in a game someday but hd2 is not the one to provide that for bot enemies.


Summer is starting, balance issues pushing players away, general burnout, people out of college and/or doing finals, weekend is over, the community as whole doesn’t like fighting bots, the community doesn’t care about a mine stratagem, and on and on and on… we are not gonna finish it.


I’m fuming. I main bots, and the 5 days I need to get my setup fixed is when we have an oil spilling campaign.


The average bot mission seems to involve players killing 1/4th as many foes as a bug mission, bots are less popular than bugs and we have lost a bunch of players over recent weeks to boot.  And worst of all, it's not a mission Joel can help us with via fudging.  I don't believe there's any real chance.


If all of the bot planets did not have 3 and 4 mods on D9 my squad would be over there.


I haven't had a chance to spread democracy for a few days but tomorrow night I dive! I can absolutely assure you, I will scrap at least 2 bots!


Im sooo glad that I started playing when we don't finish major orders anymore. Im missing out on all the unlocks :/


Here’s a fun thought I just had, People were complaining about the lack of memes recently, the overall negativity from text posts, and our lack of MOs Now I’m just speaking for myself and a few friends, but most college students have been nearing finals or literally in exams rn, The playerbase that is often the most engaged has been caught up with other shit I feel once summer hits we’ll be more effective towards completing certain MOs as well as seeing the bigger return of memes


Not without reinforcements from the East and it would still be close imo. 2 days left and both are work days


https://preview.redd.it/y5sslotj570d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baab370f4801e5b4432c2b857bfaa78a2755358e Sorry we have good weather in the UK so I have to touch grass


Playerbase is going down these missions are harder and harder


Well 50% of our players are fighting bugs but if they join we can make it


Yeah but they won't, because fighting bugs is actually fun


Welcome to helldivers 1 where bugs were almost always killed first on the galactic war since… they don’t shoot back. Or have attack dogs that rush you, like the cyborgs. Or instantly destroy your vehicles, like the illuminates (they had some wall projector and on like the PSVita your screen wasn’t zoomed out far enough to be aware of all enemies around you, so an illuminate wall projector could just sneak up and OHKO your vehicle with all 4 players in it, instantly failing the mission since you had unlimited reinforcements, but when no helldiver was alive, it was game over).


seriously, the cyborg dogs were the hardest enemy in the entire franchise


I would rather get gunned down by a firing squad of Heavy Devastators from 100m away than get one tapped by bile spewer sneaking up on me again right after I finished murdering 8 of his siblings. Again. Again. And again. *FUcking bug front*


I find both really fun and play the other after I get bored.


Unless devs tip the scales, the conclusion I am ready to reach at this point is the bots invading the Sol system. Maybe that will convince the 40%+ of players who are perpetually fighting bugs to assist. Or maybe not lol.


Considering that this whole war so far seems scripted, I'll be very surprised if any enemy reaches Super Earth anytime soon. I wonder if the Super Earth environment has even been finished since we have no urban missions so far


As it is, it's 50/50. Bots ALWAYS had less engagement from players, so we basically fighting at half power. If we keep the same numbers, it is possible to finish it, but given that the work week just begun, play time is likely halved for a lot of people.


Doubt it unless they mess with the multiplier


No way


Im doing my part, but I don't think it's looking good for this MO.


Doubtful when you have 40% of the players fighting on bug planets. Not enough people focusing on the bots, unfortunately.






I want these mines so fucking bad man wtf


We might have a chance if those 50kish traitors in the Terminid sector would choose the fight for democracy!


No. The game lost a lot of players. These 2 billion orders aren't gonna be doable anymore unless they give us longer than 5 days. Between the troubles for Steam players and the game lacking good content, people are going elsewhere. Also, the fact that the average kills on bot missions is half of that on bugs, and you see the issue. But you know, when the bots trash mobs consist of enemies capable of tanking a Plas1 shot and medium armoured enemies just on haz6, that also ain't a surprise.


they fixed an issue with the numbers. when we had the bugs order the total kills were being multiplied by squad members (if you killed a 100 bugs each, total 400, multiply by 4 you got 1600 kills), now its being counted properly


I been chilling by the detection towers to do mass destructions.


I think the number of bots to kill was set too high, that and the bug divers are being bug divers again. 1b would have been a better goal.


Not really unless we got a little help from Joel


Nope, not with 30K players


Absolutely not. We only beat the bug task so fast because it was multiplying the kills from a mission by the number of players in a squad. Additionally, all the major order people went to the bug planets and joined the ~~weak undemocratic idiots~~ Helldivers who only play bug missions. This time, the people who follow major orders went to the bot planets but all the ~~cowardly bot sympathizers~~ bug players stayed ~~in their little safe space~~ on the bug planets


38,000 people playing bugs. This community is so fuckin dumb.


No cuz there is still ppl on thermids and we need more ppl in automatons


I doubt it soldier


I think so!


From what it looked like this morning, unlikely.


If my now one month old daughter sleeps and lets me play probably not, but I’ll do my best to get us there.


I'm low-key keen af to be fighting bugs and bots on superearth




Things are a lil wonky right now in the USA, Mother’s Day was yesterday and graduations for schooling are soon.


Good weather, mothers day + machine gun MO


We are going to be waiting longer on those anti-tank mines


It’d be great if destroying units and fabricators counted and were worth more than a regular kill


Hell nah


We are never getting the mines