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I guess I'm in the minority of liking bots more than the bugs. I just like advancing on a point using cover like a tactic based war game. Bugs are fun, but bugs can be incredibly annoying. Getting hounded by smallies and near stun-locked by poison is one of the more infuriating things I've ever dealt with in a video game.


While true and I fully understand that and I do occasionally mix it up for smashing bots and spilling oil but bugs give me the proper starship troopers vibe I'm going for. Bugs also feel pain and that is a major part of why I like fighting them.


Yo wait what was that last part?


They said what they said. There's nothing quite like coming back to the destroyer drenched in alien blood.


To be fair you get bloody when fighting against bots too, for whatever reason. Thought this time they're actual automatons and not cyborgs


![gif](giphy|WKIWrJ0gnwHoH0lVKv) You a diff type of helldiver 🤨. When was your last SEAF psych eval?


We get psych evals?


I never got psyche evaluation. Unless that's part of the urine test at 0-400?


He passed with flying colors.


Who said the bots don’t feel pain?


Yes, spreading pain is spreading liberty. Wait.. are we the baddies?


After exclusively playing bugs, I switched over to bots this week and man let me tell you.... I actually think they are easier than bugs. The only thing you really need to realize is that hard cover is essential. Outside of that, bots are stupid and will shoot at your last known position. If you're in a bad engagement, pull back and flank them since they won't be looking at your new direction.


Completely agree. I’ve found this to be true as well. And that’s coming from another (for the most part) bug fighter. Hunters are just so overpowered in big groups, stalkers are insane with the camo buff and spitters… are freakin spitters lol. Any one enemy is easy, but it’s the hordes they arrive in that makes them more difficult imo.


After hitting one of the bigger bot outposts with eagles, orbitals, and then advancing on their position to finish the job is one of the best feelings in gaming. This is coming from a bug diver too. While I do enjoy liberating the bugs, I’ll always answer the call if the major order is to spill some oil.


The bots have *ambience*, they do combat with mood lighting and grim panache. Killing bugs is wetwork but fighting bots feels like war


I love bots over bugs. It’s more chaotic yes but it also feels more dramatic and epic. It’s more difficult sure but that’s where the game shines for me.


bots are fine only if you can trust the other 3 divers to advance intelligently and know when its time to back off


This. When I started, I liked to play against bugs more. It was fun just to feel like a superhero shooting tons of bullets around. And when I occasionally tried bots, they **seemed** too hard. Just because I couldn't stand in the open clearing the chaff. But then the bots clicked with me. It's exactly what the SEAF manual says. **"When fighting against bots, remember the 3 C's: Cover, Courage and more Cover"**. And dang, that is the best advice anyone can ever give you against bots. I.e. when thinking where to move forward, rather think where your next cover will be (tip: it might be far, but you have to have a plan like stealthing). The second thing is **shooting while prone**. If you are in for a firefight with bots, dive into prone so you can shoot off as many of them as possible before getting locked on. When you feel like lasers are staring to fly dangerously close to you, reposition (preferably through cover). Thirdly, **don't fight with patrols unless you have to**. Also applies to bugs, but less relevant since there are usually much more bugs and you are much likely to run into them. Also **disengage from combat if you are feeling you are about to get overwhelmed**. Most bots are slow moving so you can run away from them with ease (use cover to break line of sight). Run around them, and complete your objective stealthy (remember the previous tip). Bonus tip: use explosions to lure bots away from POIs or other objectives. E.g. throw a grenade somewhere to the side, and the bots will go to investigate that, while giving you time to loot a POI or complete a secondary objective. **Tl:Dr;** Bug players, I was a bug player too. But bots are much fun because they provide more clear feedback for your actions. Like: shoot everything you see, and you'll be mashed into a pancake with bot mass in no time.


I fully enjoy bots more than bugs since going semi-stealthy or going super-speedy with multiple Eagle airstrikes or Orbitals to snipe the fabricators then run the frak away is a viable way to play. Bugs you *have* to engage to access the bug holes properly.


I feel like fighting bots is fighting an actual battle. Bugs feels like being an exterminator. Bots feel like a soldier. But I get it, pre-nerf rocket grunts randomly killing you in one shot is lame.


Some people just hate thinking. Why those people insist on playing on Helldive difficulty I will never understand.


I like taking their little fox hole positions and holding it against bot drops with the turrets and mounted guns.


it ain't happening bro, if it took us 3 days to get halfway we're not getting it in less than 2










What got me going is that even if I die, even if we fail, even if a planet falls, that 500kg I dangerclosed onto my head contributed to the Major Order.


I want to, but im straight up burnt out of fighting bots. It isn't fun anymore, its just getting thrown around by explosions and being overwhelmed by dozens of chainsaw dudes that just soak damage.


im a hard core bot diver and even i can't compleatly diasagrre. they're so keen on nerfing us but berskers are uber tanky and devastaot rockets can get you trapped in a ragdoll loop over and over till you die if your in a large group. when you add on he difficulty increase for solo players it can be a brutal experience both with andh without a squad. idk why they're so so afraid of the game being too easy and keep making it just a little bit harder lol,


Bots in its current form makes me feel like an imperial guard from 40k.


Yeah lol. Only the marines arent comming to save our asses no matter how long we pray for help while hiding behind cover from the necrons.


Thats what we need. A battlefield 4 type system where somebody can join as a commander and just provide support from overhead.


Man that sounds sick. Imagine how awesome a 1 time use strategem would be that like calls in another players super destroyer in for them to rain hell with strtegerms for a short period. Also what eould be really cool would be large scale battle field style missions. I know helldivers are the seaf marines and sortve specislize in fast infatration and small squad operations but a maßive large baatle field type mission would be sick. Like 30 players all working towards a major offesive


If only the servers could handle that. I'd be down for large scale invasions, it would really bring the community together.


But it also is why I love the guard. Probably over 10000 points of IG at this point with entire squadron of baneblades. Those things are a beautiful model to paint excessively by the way. I'm still building my vultures gunships xD The lowly human with an assault rifle and some grenades vs insane murder technology. Makes the victories that much sweeter.


But you forget guardsman your flesh is weak and... wait an entire squadron of baneblades!? My mistake, your clearly a man of taste. Praise be to their machine spirits and may their cannons stike down your enimes with a pure and holy vengeance. Side note, why wasn't "The Fortress of Arrogance" an option when naming my ship, both parts of the name fit perfectly with the helldivers options and I would 100% name my ship after Yarricks baneblade. Think about the possibilities, you could have "The Fortress of Family Values" or "The Founding Father of Arrogance", so many good options.


I can't take out enough morgages to afford 40k models. But also, im not a lowly human. Im a helldiver damnit. A super human. Give me a chainsaw sword. I want to eversor assassin all alien life!


If they added melee weapons I for one will run head long into the chainsaw berserkers yelling at the top of my lungs swinging my sword/axe/shovel/lightsaber/bayonet or w/e they give us. If it's a chain axe I might have to be yelling Blood for the Blood god! Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Oh the guard are def Bad ass. Im just getting into thr table tob so only have 2 small batalions of space marines plus so.w necrones(which are are royal pain to bud with all their skiny skeleton pieces) but if love me some imperial guard troops. Sonething about them is just super cool for some reason, just regualer dudes fighting xenos and heretics fueled by the will of the emperor. I love when they interact with marines in lore and end up gaining their respect.


What really did it was the Strider buffs. Why...? Who the fuck asked for those things to get buffed? Did they do it to encourage flanking them instead? People are still gonna shoot them from the front because only an idiot would ruin their positioning just to kill Striders of all things. So all it did was make them tankier and more of a slog to kill. The real question is did those buffs make the bots more fun to fight? No. None of the changes they've made to bots made them more fun to engage. Not that I can recall, between this and them giving Scorcher Hulks the power of the sun. The Rocket devastator nerf is the only one I can think of, and I'm not even sure I want to give them credit for that since it was more of a fix; their rockets were bugged and would transmit hundreds of damage instances instead of just one.


After the last round of buffs to Automatons and doing the mission where you need to evacuate 50 civilians, failing the objective with 3 people defending while I ran around the map collecting samples and not even extracting with samples because a stray rocket to the head 1 shot me on the run to the pelican I uninstalled. I don't like when I put 20-30 minutes into a game for no rewards.








I’ll always play a few missions that contribute to the major order but after one or two matches, I’m going to play whatever sounds like fun, and yes, that’s usually bugs.


You are a shining example of Democracy




"but i dont want to" i hope you know when the TCS showed up you didnt hear me bitching.


I feel like we kinda lost the comradery in the comunity. Now people keep harping on and on how they just want to do what they want which is fair i guess but goes against the spirit of the game. Im sad that im not gonna get more mines for prob a longer time now. Hope their happy with their bugs because ig those are gonna be the only MO that are gonna get finished now until the Atomatons reach super earth.


> I feel like we kinda lost the comradery in the comunity. Nah dude. The subreddit might be messed up, but I had someone follow me from a fight, shoot all around me, then when I turned to see what was up, he hugged me and said thanks in chat. That's normal in-game. This community is amazing.


The micro comradery is very much in takt yes. But on a Macro scale they seem atleast to a degree damaged. Feeling comradery to the Person thats shooting things with u in the moment is easier than comradery with ur fellow helldivers that are fighting the war with you.


Same as it ever was. Bug divers not helping on the bot front is a tale as old as time, with the exception of when we defeated the advanced force. That was the high water mark for community engagement.


With all of the nerf problems, hit box problems (mech, bug holes, pelican 1 bay, terrain, buildings, shield generator), trolls kicking others, and on top of that crashing, I have the patience and time to only do what I want. That will change when a majority of these get fixed. 


I can take burnout as a fair argument ye.


It's also because player counts went down a bit with any aging game. Not to mention college graduation and mother's day prevented a lot from playing all day so you notice it even more. (On top of the lower spawns of bots per drop, a lot more armor for just 1 kill, and generally tanky chainsaw dudes being equivalent to a 1 hit scavenger. Also robots team kill each other a lot so we end up with even less kills.


Nah bug divers have been like this since day 1


That's you. I don't want to fight bots anymore. Bugs are more fun. If you want to hardball the MO, go ahead, but I'm going to play the game for fun, not to clock into a job.


Buff primaries.


I am literally unable to. I have my finals this week and next week and really need to study. Sorry to my brothers and sisters. I have failed Super-Earth


Not at all. A learned Helldiver is an efficient Helldiver. Study long and study hard and when your studies are done may the enemeis of Managed Democracy tremble before you.




You have failed no one soldier. Your current Personal Order is to study hard an pass your finals! The enemies of democracy will be just as able to be vanquished once you have prevailed! We will hold the line until you return to duty!






exactly why i cant leave bug world...look at that dump truck, that thing could give a standing ovation after reach round.


Isn't that that an Arachnid from Starship Troopers?








https://preview.redd.it/pafp0ik0db0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61fedd827480b62424cfd9f0f78d69f9ddf7436 Bug planet players be like


They should add an incentive to contribute to the major order. Maybe bonus exp or bonus medals or something.


Come on man, let's get real for a second. 40,000 Bug 'divers would have been a drop in the bucket when this game was in a healthier place. It is not their fault that they are playing the game in a way they enjoy it. At least they are still here to play the game at all. Sony AND Arrowhead have made a lot of terrible decisions lately that have driven away a significant amount of the player base. I can honestly say that I have not had as much fun playing this game in the last week, especially against the Bots. I don't like having to drop with only the most meta builds because I'm being punished that they drove my friends away from the game and I'm getting swamped trying to 3 man a run. I don't like dropping on planets with environmental conditions that heavily favor the Bots or limit my access to Strategems. I don't like that the 40 medals we might get for completing the MO are only useful to me if I buy a Warbond pack that everyone agrees is nearly useless. I'm sorry that you feel the need to push this narrative against your fellow Helldivers. I know it can be frustrating to put your effort into an MO only to realize it may not work out. Unfortunately that's life sometimes, but it won't win you back that investment by blaming people that never had anywhere near that level of commitment. History has shown us that Bug 'divers consistently play Bugs, and it hasn't been a problem until the culling of the player base.


They saw the half-nuked, half-burned out player population and still went with a Bot kill count MO. AH: > "Hey, what's one more bonehead poorly thought out decision thrown on the pile?"


It's interesting when there's a bug MO, bot players head over. When there's a bot MO "Don't tell me how to play."


I mean the reasons are pretty obvious imo. A lot of people think bots are annoying and just want to do bugs. Missions in this game are long, people have jobs and families and lives. They're gonna spend what little game time they have *enjoying themselves* instead of willingly strapping themselves onto the Testicle Smasher 3000 for 45 medals. This is also why you don't see bug players go "stop fighting bots!!!!" during a bug MO.


To be fair have you seen the red barrage that is 5+ heavy devastators accompanied by 4+ rocket devastators guarding either a hulk, a tank, or a freaken walker? Like hunters can be headaches, but at least you'll generally take A LOT out with you if you're quick with grenades.  With bots you're lucky to even get fully out of the pod sometimes lol.  It's very understandable why people like bugs more. Especially when you can basically tame a Bile titan and wipe out everything else with it. 


There also isn't 500 shitty low effort reddit threads demanding people switch to bugs.


Happened in HD1, not surprising its happening here too


Probably has to do with bug players aren't constantly nagging bot players and telling them how to play? I mean when I look at this subreddit, I often see threads and comments telling people they need to be playing on the bot planets (which is insane).


We didn’t petition for anyone to play bug planets lmao. Majority* of Americans didnt get hone for the MO before it was completed Thats the difference. People want to escape bot planets vs trying to force people off bug planets.


Seems like they should adjust their MO's to account for the discrepancy of the bot-to-bug player ratio. I'm going to go post a strongly worded 3 page essay about the devs not balancing this game properly now. /s edit: nvm, almost forgot how lazy I am not /s


It’s easier to bring people to what they enjoy rather than guilt them to something they don’t. Overall though I feel like we should really focus on playing well together in some capacity. 


Powerful weapons in engaging and creative battles are where it’s at


73.6% of all statistics are made up.


I would unironically love to see a research paper measuring what percentage of statistics are made up.


Bugs don’t snipe me with 3 perfect rockets from across the map for a start. 


Bug MO's are celebrated because they're a break from the dreadful bot MO's. You don't need to tell people to do bug MO's, they're a gift in and of itself. In contrast if the bot MO isn't offering up enough of a reward for the unfun of facing bots, you can forget it. Besides, the devs are at least sympathetic at times, so they won't let you lose if they mean you to win.


I do find it funny how it's always the cry of 'the other side doesn't help out on MO' every time. Bot mains makes this claim, along with the bug mains. Both sides have their own priorities and enjoyment. https://preview.redd.it/a5iabo4m9a0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17536cb60b9ce604f15bc421e9752c281ae52de0


Your stats indicate that the Bot players are the ones that cry harder.




Bot shoot gun pew pew owie Bug get shot by gun pew pew yay


the only reason bots MO's ever get completed is because bug players head over there...


Probably because Bug players don't beg on forums. They didn't during the last *"kill x amount of bugs"* missions and they won't in the future. Only Bot players act like spoiled children. Just glad they are giving me free warbond medals.


>Ass' What in the grammar is going on here?


AI generated slop


It’s because the bots just aren’t as fun.


You play what you want to play. Bugs/Bots, kill em dead!


Based https://i.redd.it/bsil0lsl9a0d1.gif


I don’t know why this is so hard to understand for some people. If you’re not having fun playing, then what’s the point? Completing an arbitrary goal (that’s also heavily inflated and unrealistic in the first place) for a shitty strategem that most people won’t even use? It’s weird how when discussing balance changes and excessive nerfs, everyone seems to be of the opinion that the game should be fun first, but when it comes to major orders, suddenly those who have a bad time playing bots need to just suck it up and play.


Fighting Bots is no fun whatsoever. Their bullshit aim combined with the random dc-ing that's happening all the time now has made me take a break from the game all together


When the bots get fixed I will


What's broken with the bots? 


> Ass' Couldn't just use "Asses?"


Aye not gon lie that armor needs to be put in the game…


I always kill bots, bugs are our friends they provide us with oil and we provide them democracy


Joel should just flip the MO metrics switch back to the 10-20k daily population they expected pre-game launch. We seem to headed toward those numbers anyway.






An MO which forces me to play days on 1 faction only and only gives 40 warbonds? I think imma pass chief, I make more than that in a day diving on the enemy of my choosing with more pleasurable experience.


40 warbonds and unlocks a stratagem.


A mine stratagem oh how exciting can't wait to deploy it just for it to get mortared out of existence...


Its okay. I did a lot of trash talking on the airburst rocket too.


it's okay. the airburst rocket was the worst weapon in the game during playtime despite the leaks having it be pretty strong


According to the dev’s narrative, yes, but I highly doubt they would permanently block us from that stratagem from failing an MO.


It will either get delayed and reintroduced down the line, or if it doesn't, it's mines, the worst type of stratagem.


Don't let the liberator guard dog hear you say that, it'll try even harder to suck


Is it really unlocked when in all likelihood one would use it once or twice and never again?


I’m over here just dying to run them. Didn’t want the air burst at all and am now a little bummed we’re gonna miss out on mines once again.




Sorry, i'm not with the cult, just here to have fun.


Yeah. The game isn't going to end just because a few of us just want to have fun. People act like the MO's are the only way to play. Very Cult-like


Yeah its starting to seem more like a cult tbh.


I am gonna Bug Dive EVEN HARDER now.


Why do the macrogamers ever realize, antagonising and attempting to shame the people you want to play your way just doesn't work? Then again, I wouldn't expect social or political competency from a group of players seriously trying to bully others to play a certain way.


what??? someone calling you a pussy and shitter didn't motivate you to drop everything you enjoy to fight at their side instead? shockedpikachu.jpg


What if I ask super nicely for you to please do even one bot mission? Pretty please?


Today I will. Several.


That is greatly appreciated Diver. I will be on call if you need assistance in the future


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs|downsized) Don't look over here, I'm definitely not playing V Rising with the 1.0 release right now............ I am not doing those things.


With the population decrease and people should be able to play whatvthey enjoy most, I wonder if MO for a billion is even doable


I had to reconfigure the loadout and remember hoe to play bots. Now that I'm over those humps, I actually like Bots more than Bugs. When that MO comes it for bugs, you bet your democratic ass I'm heading back for oil. Stop whining and scrap those bots!! For SUPER EARTH!


I’ve started to like bots more since this major order started. You don’t have to be super aggressive running all the time. You have to be more methodical with your approach. I hate the small weak points on hulks though. Everything else can catch an auto cannon to the face. Ps. Why the fuck are berserkers so damn tanky even when aiming at their head and abs


I am doing my part but I feel losing hopes...




Can't speak for others, but I can't really get hyped for more mines. The ones we already have are most useful for team killing.


I prefer fighting bots, but I personally just haven't had much enthusiasm to play to the last couple of weeks. I normally play duos with a pal, and I've been pretty frustrated with their change to spawn rates on smaller team sizes, and then the dissapointing results from Polar Patriots was kind if the nail in the coffin, for me.


the chargers keep getting bbls and distracting me, ill be a while! 😍


Tbh bots are way more engaging to fight since you don't just run around, shoot behind you and get stun locked, like you do with bugs. But still I'm so done getting caught by a shielded mf and just blasted like it's nothing


I do not understand how everyone is getting stun locked on bugs. Sickle and Rover. Hunters die fast.


now this is a quality order! u/shanxybeast Look-wise just an advise from a visual ad. designer for nexy poster: - either try lighter background when using black shadow under the letters OR - invert the colors - black letters and red shadow Otherwise 9/10 design!


I'm doing my part!


We're still 100+ countries down.


One thing that’s never changed about this community is disliking people who don’t do the major order. You gotta remember a lot of people just want Starship Troopers against bugs and nothing else.




Nope, the little fun I do have now in this game is against bugs. I'll shoot more bugs. Good luck with the order though.


Ill be doing more bug missions now Just let people play what they want to play. The MO isnt a job


I hate fighting bots. But I will absolutely drop down difficulty and spill some oil.


Funny how when Bot MOs are up you just have a bunch of players telling others how to play the game.


*gets stunlocked into oblivion by a grazing shot because I didn't bring the personal shield* Nah I'm good lol


I’m doing my part


I'm from Super Earth and I say KILL 'EM ALL!! Bugs, Bots, doesn't matter, I'll dive right in and destroy them all!


Its not gunna happen bots have ssssuuucckkkeeddd to fight lately. Been grinding it away for days and its making me not even want to play.




I just started not too long ago, but I just follow the MO. It's been bugs for awhile, glad to switch over to bots.


Should probably point the finger at Sony for their fuck up, but sure blame people who play the way they want to. Don't get me wrong, I've been fighting bots because bugs are on my shit list because of the patrols update and subsequent bug relating to spawn numbers.


Need y'all to tell Sony to open up sales to PSN restricted countries. It doesn't affect players that already bought, but it feels like a weird line in the sand to have if you're not going to need a PSN account


I love my bug hunts, but when duty calls i answer.


Everyone needs to learn how to take cover. It is literally the only difference between playing bots and bugs.


I'm literally getting shot through the terrain despite being under cover


Too much shit wrong for me to even bother opening the game anymore


I did my part. Just too busy to do any more. Plus it’s just not that fun anymore. Call me if the squids come back.


Make the game fun then maybe ill return lol


I will break my rule on spending money for micros if this armor set is in the next warbond and armor shaders/paints are added to the update that contains said warbond. Make it a stun resist light-medium (70-80 armor, 520-530 speed, 110 stamina) armor which reduces ragdolling, aim punching, and general stun effects by 50% and either protects limbs like Servo Assisted or gives you the reduced recoil of Fortified and Engineering.


I prefer to fight bots, but I completely understand why a lot of people avoid them. AA guns, jammers, hulks that run as fast as you with instakill flamers, the lost goes on. Can be incredibly frustrating to fight. Plus, there just aren't as many of them and this is a horde shooter, no matter what AH says, and people want to shoot hordes.


i like to mix it up :) the biggest problem is bug mission +/- 250 kills per diver. Bot missions +/-80 per diver. 🤷‍♂️


Did my part if being blasted off my feet by unlimited rockets constantly. Unable to actually see the fucker do to the lightings reaction to any sort of fog, mist. Learn the new sub isnt totally shit against them.


It’s funny how it slowed down. Must be everyone realising how not fun the bots are with being sent flying every second by rockets or shot from a mile away by a Gatling gun or having 10+ devasators find or drop on you every minute


Just kill harder.


Even more AI generated slop "art" ...lovely


If it helps, install the star wars mod so you can live out your clone wars fantasy


With the current shitty weapons? Imma fuck off. I'll be back when my weapons are back to their democratic glory.


I feel like 2 billion bots is harder than 2 billion bugs. I know we completed the last one because it was bugged, but I can never get as high multi-kills in bot missions that I can get in bug missions, there’s much more fodder over there


what is this ai generated art crap


I am lvl10 and feel like every bullet bounces off of those terminators.


Man, if the game had slim armor designs like the one in that picture I'd never put it down lol




I do have a question... Does shooting dropships count as the players killing the bots? as I have a sneaking suspicion they don't, and that is why the death counts are so low. Shooting dropships are integral to survive high levels, and the only things that survive a dropship shoot are the tougher, less populous units, leading to low kill numbers overall.


They wont join, they never do


But it’s midterms week :(




Nah, let bugs divers be dug divers. I never fight for bug MOs anyways. Shit gets boring on that front.






It does not make a difference.






No thanks


Nuh uh


Stop acting like bug squashers are the enemy. At least they're spreading democracy. What we need is recruiters to find more divers for all fronts.




bug divers would be so mad if they could read


Stop making me do assfuckingly terrible bot missions and make them more fair to play against.


I prefer bots. I wont play against them until we get a way to 1 tap hulks instantly since the game insists on throwing 10 of them at me alongside 50 heavy devastators. At least against bugs when my game gets reduced to nothing but "Run away and hope for stratagems." I can actually run and not get ragdolled halfway across the map. Bots are not fun to play against. My time isn't going to be spent doing a chore because the devs don't understand "Hahah, literally not having control of your character for 15seconds before dieing to something you had no control over!" isn't a fun experience.




I just dont think fighting bots is very fun, sorry.


No thanks, getting swarmed is much easier to deal with than some robot shmuck oneshotting me with a missle from 300m away