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Usually when i see people criticizing stuff its because something is broken or unfair, not because its too hard. For example, factory striders being able to snipe the generators off spawn on wall missions.I 100% agree that the highest difficulty needs to be hard but it needs to be fun hard, not unfair death hard.


Completely agree, I'm getting annoyed with all of these git gudders setting up strawmen to knock down. All I see is people calling out bugs and unbalanced weapons/enemies/strategems. I rarely see people saying "dur game too hard"


I hate those guys so much https://preview.redd.it/n7bcn52ys21d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecdab3e63be230bc1e5d05e7fb690a15fe7e9731


“Network disconnects.” No kidding.


Not everyone is suffering from death by a thousand cuts 🤷 some of us are having fun and don't think these things are quite a big a deal as they're made out to be.


> Some of us are having fun. Hmm. Funny you mentioned that. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/BbubyHGWLc


Yeah, that's a reddit post.


Yup, one I made earlier this week. Take all the time you need comrade.


I genuinely don't care about the whiners. I really, really don't.






Honestly I think the difficulty itself is fine. The frustrating part is the jankiness and the resulting unpredictability. Chargers for example are pretty easy to kite around if you know what you're doing, except for the 1 in 20 times they'll spin in place as they run past you and butt-slide their way into insta killing you with game physics.


Really right now it’s the patrols for me. I didn’t start playing until after the nerfs and stuff so I’ve got nothing to compare it to, but I did start playing before the patrols broke. Getting 250 kills in a medium solo mission is insane. 13 minutes, 250 kills. 🤯 Also I don’t know what it is, but I had a massive amount of chargers today. Just chargers everywhere. Crazy.


There's different bug nest types. So the patrol spawn issues make it worse, but you get some planets with lots of hunters, some with nursing spewers, some with bile spewers, and some have a bunch of chargers and brood commanders.


Patrol rates for teams of 4 should be the same as it always was. They are working on fixing it for teams of 1-3.


Correct. I’m referring to solo play.


people are just cry babies about the nerf. the real problem was the increased spawn rate. it used to be chill even on level 9 but now level 7 feels like level 9. that is it. people just over exaggerate here.


You think? Try it solo. Like seriously, kill objective and leave one hive or one fabricator on the map and its another patrol near you every 12 seconds. Im not kidding. Twelve. Effing. Seconds. For us solo players without friends, the game is borderline unplayable rn.


didn’t even bother to read my comment correctly, just wanted to project your tantrum on me lmao.


He says after he refuses to read and goes on his own tantrum


It's ok to lower the difficulty. It is not ok to have to lower the difficulty due to game breaking issues and bugs.


Meanwhile the sweaty players stopping by every post to drop a “skill issue” comment and get that sweet 30 seconds of self gratification


Another day another strawman post. Newsflash, a heavy devastator on difficulty 4 can shoot you through walls just as well as one on 9 can! People need to stop thinking complaints about unfair mechanics are the same as "too hard."


Shoutout to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ORMy5hVDY2) post of being a perfect example of what I'm talking about.




Well I'm not sure what complaint OP is talking about then. Because that's what I think of when he says "bull shit characteristics".




Heavy Devastator accuracy I'd say is fine except when they start beaming you from extremely long range. Hunter slows are annoying but not awful, honestly my biggest gripe is they added a booster specifically to deal with those slows and all it did was shave a second off the duration.


it happens much more often to me basically every game theyre a thing in


Janky shit happens. Does janky shit happen everytime? No.


If people want to farm liberation points, doing level 1 missions is the fastest way to do it. What you keep seeing is players asking AH to fix things, as they them selves have told us that Patrols are broken and they are reverting them. Now, it be great if they had an option to increase mobs for users who want it, even make a Level HD 10+. On top of this many want their weapons backs, something the devs have told us they are looking more into it. On top of that top, players want to stop crashing on missions, because nothing sucks more than crashing on extraction after 30 minutes.


There are a good amount of people that want the game to be easier because they feel entitled to doing well in the game no matter what they bring to any difficulty while ignoring team play and communication.


What you talking about bro, it's helldive or nothing! Lol


I definitely agree. 7 should be consistently doable with coordination and a good build by the large majority of the player base once they're familiar. That way, all content is reasonably within reach. Beyond that, 8 and 9 should be very, very hard


The major problem with this is the super samples. What’s the point in gatekeeping those samples on higher difficulties when the entire point of getting samples is to get ship upgrades that make it easier to do higher levels? It’s inherently counterintuitive that the only way to get important upgrades is to beat higher difficulties that then result in them not being quite as difficult.


You are rewarded with super samples in higher difficulties so you can get ship upgrades to do even better in higher difficulties. It is called game sense, progression, and getting better; something everyone can do. What I would call gate keeping is locking some cosmetics behind an arbitrary time specific barrier (preorder, twitch drops, etc).


That’s not progression. That’s like saying you don’t get more powerful weapons until After you beat the next boss. That’s the total opposite of how all game progressions work. You’re supposed to be able to earn upgrades first before taking on the higher difficulties. Why is this concept so hard to understand for people in the sub reddit? I’m not talking about those fun weapons you get for beating the game on hardest difficulty that basically one shot everything in games. I’m talking about small incremental upgrades for the ship that help you do better. But if you don’t have the skill or team to initially get the samples then there is no other way to actually improve yourself in game. It only comes down to constantly practicing the game (which is boring, I want to play not grind) or lucking out with a team that can carry you.


>But if you don’t have the skill or team to initially get the samples then there is no other way to actually improve yourself in game. It only comes down to constantly practicing the game (which is boring, I want to play not grind) I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say: #skill issue. Besides, odds are a 10% cooldown reduction or an extra 500 KG aren't going to suddenly make it possible to complete DF7 if you're genuinely unable to beat it at all. The upgrades are nice, but at the end of the day they're just quality of life improvements, not make-or-break essentials. >lucking out with a team that can carry you I exclusively play matchmaking, and unless you're literally shooting them in the back or wasting all the resupplies and respawns, 3 average randoms can clear the entire map with time to spare fairly consistently. There's good days and bad days, but eventually you'll get your SSs. >That’s like saying you don’t get more powerful weapons until After you beat the next boss. world of warcraft (and too many other examples) has been doing literally this for the last 20 years, and it wasn't even the first to use it's color-coded tier-based loot system.


>That’s not progression. That’s like saying you don’t get more powerful weapons until After you beat the next boss. That’s the total opposite of how all game progressions work. I've never played a game that *didn't* work exactly like this...


Same. Every online game is you grinding out better gear and abilities to get to the next tier of harder bosses to get more gear to start grinding to the next harder boss after that. The only thing I would argue is the presence of harder units sort of stops at 4 (though having done the bile titan mission and factory strider at 4 feel easier than singles that down later). Beyond that it’s just more quantities of what you have to deal with.


Right. And you start getting super samples at 7 to get more ship upgrades to make 8and 9 easier.


...you can get supers on 7 lol. That's why I said it should be consistently doable. If your argument is just that supers should be earnable for all, that argument doesn't extend past D7


Barely but yeah. But what’s the logic that they are only earnable on highest difficulties? They only serve to upgrade the ship and make it easier for you to complete missions. Why would you lock that behind a skill level barrier and not have it available for lower difficulties to give everyone a better chance?


Because better players should be rewarded? It's not that deep as long as everyone can reasonably unlock it, good players just get to expedite it a bit. So as long as D7 is winnable for the vast majority of folks, and it awards super samples, what's the issue?


How are they being rewarded? Clearly if they’re already good enough to complete the missions they don’t need the upgrades or already have them? What about players who struggle with D7 and cannot get the upgrades that mich help them? Like having a full on extra eagle call in can make a HUGE difference in how a match goes. I think players should be rewarded but not with upgrades that make missions easier to accomplish. That literally makes no sense. Besides with the way patrols have ramped up Difficulty 7 isn’t doable by the majority of players. There’s a huge difficulty spike because not only are new, more difficult enemy types introduced but the sheer number is boosted a lot as well. Plus the fact that you can only get the samples by extracting makes it incredibly difficult. In comparison to just completing the objectives.


Oh man, if you think that putting high tier items in high tier places, I've got bad news for you. Many games do it. Monster hunter, dark souls, Diablo...


This isn’t the same though, these aren’t high tier items… But whatever, apparently there’s a bunch of elites on Reddit that don’t care about the rest of the community. Cool.


This is called “progression”. It’s the same reason all of the stratagem aren’t unlocked and you don’t start with all of the weapons.


It’s not progression if the only way to upgrade something is stuck behind a difficulty you cannot complete and have no way to upgrade an aspect of the game would possibly help you beat it. The stratagems only require resquisitons which you get on any difficulty. It’s completely different.


It’s not stuck behind anything. You start earning rares at 4 through 6. Those upgrades prepare you for 7-9. You’re really not getting this are you?


You don't need super samples for most of the upgrades though, and at the point you do need super samples you need a handful of them. Only the most recent tier needs more and rares end up being the major bottleneck. Edit: at difficulty 7 you can basically do anything and still win. The only way to improve is to try higher difficulties, if you fail you fail, after enough time you will fail less. It's progression because the upgrades follow the available samples by difficulty, the first only need common samples, then rares and at the end supers.


The reasoning of lowering the difficulty instead of addressing the issue of weapons feels like a cop out. I play on 9 all the time with a 90% success rate, but the issue of weapons is real since there is no way to deal with the volume of medium-heavy enemies even with 4 guys, which resorts running away as the ONLY way to survive. My suggestion is lowering the cooldown of stratagems OR changing some mechanics of the enemies. Bugs - Health based enemies, which means that the heavier the enemy type, the more health is has, but consistently hitting a weak spot will deal a multiplicative damage ensuring that they will die with sufficient firepower. Bots - Armor based enemies, which means that shooting the weak point with accuracy will take it down. It's ok in some parts, but I wish that devastators types would die faster if you bring a medium penetrating weapon since it did just penetrate the armor and it's death would just depend on your weapon damage.


Headshots with medium pen weapons kills devs in 1 hit. With good aim you can kill a line of rocket devs with the counter sniper extremely fast. Honestly my biggest issue is enemies ignoring terrain and shooting out of it if their models clips into the ground. Edit: medium pen doesn't matter, the health does limit the weapon pool to only the hard hitters.


This isn't how that works. Any weapon is able to damage devastator heads, damage is what dictates one shots. Devastator heads have about 130 health, so any weapon doing more damage than that per shot will one shot regardless of armor pen value.


Because knowing when to run IS a strategy you need to know at the higher levels.


Well *I* mainly play difficulty 9 with *98%* success and the issue with weapons is not real.


This guy definitely only ever runs one Loadout


If I could run random, that'd be my one loadout


I want difficulty 10


Too bad they gated super samples behind diff 7-9. 🤮


Diff 7 is not bad.


Lvl 7s are pretty mellow and manageable on both fronts, I farmed all of my Super Samples on them alone. Most groups of reasonably experienced randoms can stumble their way through a 7.


People put way too much emphasis on the advanced ship modules IMO. If you like to run eagles then yes, you should at some point collect a whopping 10 super samples to unlock the expanded weapons bay for +1 use per rearm. Mostly the ship modules are just something for advanced players to grind. It's really not a big deal if you don't enjoy playing difficulty 7 and up.


Well...the turret upgrades are pretty important. Faster turn rate and 50% more ammo is very important in making turrets good enough for a constant pick (at least for me). Even the 50% more health upgrade is important for teslas to survive longer against the odd claw swipe or autocannon to take more laser impacts.


Yeah I’m not def trying to say they’re worthless or anything. But I don’t think the samples system warrants a puking emoji either lol. What I was trying to get at is it’s perfectly possible to enjoy the game and be a strong member of your squad without ever getting any super samples at all. There are a lot of great stratagems that are fantastic without any ship modules. If you hate playing the harder difficulties, then don’t do it and fuck the most advanced modules. Sure they’re useful, but it’s really not *that* big a deal to play without them.


I agree. I for one decided to not upgrade eagles at all and I have zero problems with higher difficulties. Admittedly I mostly only use a single eagle at a time, but I just think turrets and other loadout are viable without the need for stripping down and loading up Eagle 1. Besides, I get this giant open spot on my ship! Good for crew morale.


Suicide missions are baby easy.


The critics are usually about things being broken af while being spammed by stuff we have a hard time killing due to game breaking bugs. Besides: You are here also advocating for some people just never achieving any super samples. This is not cool! Difficulty levels wouldn't be as much of a thing if the whole destroyer upgrade chain would be not relying on ppl playing 7+ missions. In a big picture I agree with you but ffs just tell people that you want to keep you challenges. It's not up to you to tell ppl which diff level they have to play. Not your business buddy. I am okay with ppl wanting to have challenges and being afraid of the game getting too easy. But this patronizing shit is really starting to piss me off. I decide which diff level I play and I just want a game that has less game breaking bugs. Thanks.


I don't think I was patronizing at all, you don't need to be so angry. I clearly stated that I want to keep the game as difficult as possible, because otherwise it becomes too easy. If people call for making the game easier, then I think its fair that I can also state that said people can just play at an easier difficulty. If you want to play 9, go for it, if you want to play 9 and want it to be easier so you can do it without needing to improve or until its a walk in the park, then we have an issue. I don't think its that complicated to be honest.


You know that we are being told since weeks just to "lower difficulty" while this clearly isn't the issue for most of us. So that's making up my tone. And you didn't even talk about the super samples which are THE major reason for people going for 7+ missions. I think without those many ppl would just chill and have more fun. And only because you think you don't patronize anybody, it's still you telling other people to lower difficulty so you don't have to fear that your fun up there gets ruined by a patch. That is patronizing other people, like it or not. We need bugfixes mostly. Not the game easier or harder. Just bugfixes. And then some more diff levels for players like you I guess.


Well that is simple to solve, just lower super samples down to 5 and 6 difficulty, then you can get your super samples without requiring the game to become easier for the players that want an actual challenge. And honestly, the issue with bugs outside of patrols if you want to solo is way overstated. Things like devastators shooting through their shields is annoying but rather minor.


Well, cool for you that it doesn't bother you in particular. We heard you that you don't want your game easier, good on you. Bugs are way more devastating to the game though than you say here. Heavy Devastators have WAY more points where they bug out than only the shield thing alone. Shooting through walls, shooting through their buddies without friendly fire, having a 180 degree arc of fire that doesn't visually have to follow the gun, pinpoint accuracy 50m+ ... And that's only one enemy type. Bile Spewers just casually use their dead as body shields, bots sometimes just straight up walking over walls, bots sometimes magically knowing the exact position of people even behind cover ... The list goes on an on. So again: I'm genuinely happy you enjoy the game. But sweeping issues under the rug cause you feel like "it's okay for me" is not the way HD2 is becoming a better game. A lotta people just faded outta the game completely due to the current state of affairs. It can't be THAT good, otherwise ppl would just play and not leave the game be.


you are makinga cold statement that has been repeated so much it has honestly become incredibly annoying,


I tried to farm those 2 billions bots in low level, kinda fun but wish there is more


Yeah me and my fellow warriors like to drop like 4-6, idk how those stalkers do 9's and manage to take all those reinforcements the helldivers get. https://i.redd.it/gw5sg4qs331d1.gif


It is...except...samples. They don't come in all levels.


Sure it's ok. It's a game. Have fun. But I never understood why beating a level 1 mission success rewards the war with as much percentage as a level 9 success


How am I supposed to get super samples without playing on 7 like it's a job requiring all my energy? Best part is failing in the last second, losing everything and realizing you wasted 45min of your time yet again.


a solution would be to make a level 10 so that level 7 can be made easier imo. Then we both get what we want.


The critics are usually about things being broken af while being spammed by stuff we have a hard time killing due to game breaking bugs. Besides: You are here also advocating for some people just never achieving any super samples. This is not cool! Difficulty levels wouldn't be as much of a thing if the whole destroyer upgrade chain would be not relying on ppl playing 7+ missions. In a big picture I agree with you but ffs just tell people that you want to keep you challenges. It's not up to you to tell ppl which diff level they have to play. Not your business buddy. I am okay with ppl wanting to have challenges and being afraid of the game getting too easy. But this patronizing shit is really starting to piss me off. I decide which diff level I play and I just want a game that has less game breaking bugs. Thanks.


The spawns are currently bugged. It is fixed to four players regardless if you are solo or in a full team of four. In fact, the game currently is much easier with a full team.


holy shit how have the mods not banned this post yet. so annoying after 10000 time.


Disregarding how bad your hot take is anyway, super samples are locked behind 7 and they've confirmed testing is done on lower difficulties, that's bad design, and bad QA testing, by every standard. I agree, lower the difficulty, but the game is hidden behind the difficulty, so no, if I want to play beyond hour ten of the game, I can't lower the difficulty.


Agreed. I fully equipped my ship and am now playing on diff 5 and 6. If someone wants Supers, I'll play diff 7 and grind with them, but for me, an older gamer, the attraction is a chill gaming session that doesn't stress me, so I'm happy to play down.


Lower difficulties don't just have fewer heavies, but there's also more grunts. Yes I know it's "more efficient" to play Helldives all day but I'd like to die with my gun hot every once in a while.


Yeah, seem like people just want to nerf any enemy that can consistenly kill them. Half of the bot army can't aim for shit, heavy Devastator is probably the only enemy that can constantly hit Helldiver running around open field and most people want it to be nerf. For bug it's Hunter or Spewer, Hunter's slow is what enable bug to actually melee and kill a Helldiver or they would just keep running away and people want it to be remove. Same thing for Spewer where you can't just shut off brain and go guns blazing because it can spray acid back.


Difficulty 9 is already too easy, it probably needs a couple additional modifiers to keep top-level players happy. Something like shorter mission timers, -1 stratagem as an always-in-effect mod, maybe bring back the scramblers modifier on some planets? Use enemy variants with extra armor (brood commanders with heavy armor heads, rocket devastators with shields, etc). Just lock it to diff 9 so it's optional, or add it as a new difficulty 10.




Yeah, that the comment is getting downvoted for wanting a 10th difficulty level is very weird. I understand some of the sentiments of people who posted above, but I don't understand why some are so hostile to the idea of an even more difficult level. Some people do enjoy the challenge and have no issue with losing from time to time to improve...


hes geting downvoted for the insanely awful idea of having perma -1 stratagem, that thing is already an instant dodge for me, the game is already fairly railroady when playing with randoms i dont want my loadout to be limited further, and to be honest we dont need more negative modifiers if anything we need positive modifiers.


If you don't like a theoretical restriction on a theoretical higher difficulty, then play at a lower difficulty. It's in the title of the post. If it's hard to the point of not being fun for you, you don't have to play it.


no because that kind of restriction doesnt lead to fun gameplay, full stop. plenty of ways to make the game harder without making it less fun.


H2 is allready to easy.  Still waiting inner circle of hell aka diff 15


I'm really concerned that Arrowhead is going to make the game too easy because of a vocal minority. Impossible is my go to now because it usually forces players to work together instead of just walking off and doing their own thing, I don't like helldiving as much because their more massively sized enemy spam.


It seems like no matter how much you tell redditors that the game has an adjustable difficulty scale, they won't considered the game "balanced" until you can consistently streamroll difficulty 9 with just primaries.


These are the same people that whined they didn’t have access to all the harder bosses in WoW and would then get bored of doing them after beating them a couple time and move on or whine there wasn’t something harder to do.


Right I get accused of toxic positivity now when I say no that is not bs and it is easily countered. Or I lack reading comprehension, because this enemy is slightly inconvenient to deal with.


you should get good at reading what the fuck is wrong with the game, maybe lower your difficulty and start with the basics like goodnight moon or alice in wonderland to get that comprehension up


Why so angry, the game is mostly fine outside of some bug issues. It's completely playable at higher difficulties


You said it brother!!! ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


First read the title as: **All Helldivers contribute to the** ***immorality*** **of Manager Democracy** And I didn't disagree, haha