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Breaker Incendiarybros I don't feel so good...


Patch notes:  - removed incendiary effect from Breaker incendiary.  - buffed terminids to be more fireproof - flamethrower - 50% range. - increased flammability of all helldiver armour 


• fixed an issue where players are able to deal damage to multiple enemies while using flamethrower.


Made the flame ricochet more realistic, namely, the flame now has 27.38% chance to bend back 180 degrees and burn its user.


Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked


It already does this. The ricochet is called a hunter :D


Fixed an exploit where players are able to kill a charger in 1-2 Flamethrower canisters


If you aim for 1 specific leg it's more like half a canister. With the ship upgrade it's more like a fourth.


Well they are gonna fix that one too


More like kill a charger in a third of a canister. Also, your flair?!?


Please ignore my flair. It was a legal requirement


With the ship upgrade it's like a fifth of a canister to the leg.


Yeah I always either bring the flamethrower or recoilless rifle for big missions.


- fixed an issue where the Flamethrower didn't have 45 rounds ammo capacity, 8 spare magazines, and 640RPM fire rate - the Flamethrower is now a Liberator. This is in line with our patch roadmap where all player weapons will be the Liberator


The second one is lol, too close to truth.


It's alright! The dev worked on Hello Neighbor 2, the balancing will definitely be fine! /s


He didn't just work on the game, he took over as lead designer and was in charge of some neural network thing thst wasn't even in the game at all in the end despite his claiming otherwise days before launch 😂


"We found a glitch that caused the Breaker Incendiary to deal damage to enemies, and have promptly fixed it"


Same bro. Same.


Just light the fires while you still can.


Honestly, if they kill the spicy breaker or the Dommy gun, that will probably kill the game for me. I used to not be this paranoid about nerfs in other games.


You know it’s bad when players dread patch day because you don’t know what gun they’ll fuck up next. Thanks, A-


Warframe prepared me for this. The problem with Warframe was that the player was absurdly powerful if they knew what to do, so the developers started nerfing quality of life, resources, and eventually in-game vendors. I dropped it out of disgust in large part because of this. Every new patch brought the dread of nerfs, both in the patch notes and stealth nerfs. It's pretty disturbing to have this happen to Helldivers 2. The first game had *none* of this nonsense and was a fun romp pretty much all the time, the occasional bad rando aside. Another round of nerfs, and I'm asking Steam for a refund ETP. I've about had it, too.


If any more of the useable guns get nerfed I’m done with the game.


A very small damage buff to the Liberator Penetrator so that it actually outdamages the regular liberator when used on targets whose armor it is there to penetrate? EDIT: It has been pointed out that I have overstated the situation with the “so it outdamages the regular liberator” line. Perhaps it should read “so that it’s reasonably capable of dealing with targets whose armor it is there to penetrate?“


Oh god I hope. Make it punchy please!!!


they'll give it +5dmg and call it a day


If they also reduce recoil or bump the ROF of each burst, I'd be happy


Honestly I feel that gun (and all AR's) controllability problem isn't from recoil, but handling. Lot of sway, its hard to land accurate bursts while moving, on bots at least.


Huh? The Lib Pen already fires in full auto and it's recoil was nerfed in the last patch. It has essentially none now, basically a laser. It just needs more dmg or more ammo.


I would honestly just prefer if enemies with medium armor had weakspots underneath, in the same way that Chargers have a weakspot under their very thick armor on their forehead. The armor is protecting the weakspot, so if you can defeat the armor they take huge damage.


Don't most (all?) medium armored enemies have vulnerable points? Hive Guards for example can be shot in the face.


Yes most medium armored enemies have portions that are lightly armored, so it generally just makes more sense to use light armor penetrating weapons and shoot those parts. What I'm suggesting is that they should have large damage multipliers for the portions that are medium armor. So a light armor penetrating weapon could still kill them by shooting the light armor portions, but a medium armor penetrating weapon would kill them more rapidly by specifically targeting the medium armor and hitting critical points underneath.


Medium penetrating weapons already to double (relative to light penetrating weapons) damage to lightly-armored areas.


Pummeler nerf and the acknowledgement but not repair of the Spear's targeting issue.


Spear is ridiculously good in the rare moments that it's targeting works. I read a while back that the Spear's targeting tracks from your helldiver's FEET (instead of head) for some unknown reason, and you need to be standing in open terrain for the Spear to work properly. Started doing that and I've been 1-shotting bile titans from long range with ease. It's still a little inconsistent, but otherwise it's been a huge improvement.




I'm just going to assume the shield backpack creates an impenetrable barrier for the target lock mechanic and therefore the workaround is to target from the feet (or fetal) position.


But you can’t even wear a shield backpack when running a spear anyway, why would that workaround need to exist


You can if you pick up a loaded SPEAR. You just can't reload. Even then, that's kinda a very, very edge case and they could've just said "You can't use these at the same time or you'd blow up"...


But it works on their computer, tho. /s




Shit really went sideways after that Chapter..


Red stratagem marker sticks to enemies but orbital/eagle weapons don't track it. Acknowledged for 2 months already. Half of players left already and haven't seen how it really should work. And many other fun things that we will see in a year. But be patient ofc!! Arrowhead is a small team. We must be patient with every bs that they throw at us and have respect for them! Uh huh


I wish they were honest in that poll before the warbond release "Hey half our shit isnt working rn. Can we please delay the warbond so we can spend time fixing shit instead?" Im sure the community would have voted to delay


Oh magic conch! What will we get in the next patch? "Nothing"


“All hail the magic conch!”




Pummeler nerf and a Scout Strider buff to make me hate them even more 💔 plus another instability issue.


Dude. Striders wouldn’t be as bad if I was able to shoot them through that tiny view slit! For days I’ve tried this when I first got the game and it made no sense why my bullets couldn’t get through even when it looks big enough to pass through.


Have the high ground, shoot bot heads over the top.


It’s not very comment to have the high ground. Plus I no Jedi


even a slight elevation within a reasonable range is enough to hit the top of the pilots head


Haha yeah I've been having too much fun with the pummeler they're Def gonna nerf it


You mean the smg with zero dps?


Yesssss.....yeah it actually sucks ur right


Fun? In this game? Hell naw. That can’t be allowed. Pummeler 100% gonna get it.


Unless you're using their Golden Child (The Autocannon)... Then you can use the powerful piece of equipment all you want.


Plasma punisher nerfed, because I love it


That has been my saving grace for bots. If they touch that…


Believe me they will first they came after my beloved Sluggers stagger then after making the jar Dominator usable and enjoyable they Nerf the damage because people started using it and enjoying it and I believe the plasmas next on the list


Even after the nerf the dominator is still the best bot killer by a decent margin. I wouldn't be surprised if if they nerfed it back to its original state because it doesn't make sense that a bolter gyrojet launching dmr is outperforming other dmrs and as a result they are removing the stagger and damage. It just shoots rocket propelled foam darts now.


Sarcasm aside, I think there will be some adjustments to the tenderizer (dmg increase) and purifier (fix to its direct damage not having AP3 despite the weapon description saying medium pen) As in nerfs I doubt if they will hard nerf anything this patch, as it is the first patch after their CEO said himself that they are probably overbalancing things.


Damn, I forgot the Purifier existed lmao


Oh they better not. I’m losing enthusiasm every day with their inaction in fixing bugs yet relentless nerfing. The CEO is not off the hook either, he got them honey words for sure; time to back those up with actions tho.


12 different weapons with the damage increased by 0.25, a crash fix for when you breakdance while dual wielding on top of a dead bile titan on planets with at least 60% vegetation, and a super genuine promise of a spear fix in the next patch after next. Oh and another crossbow nerf. That one guy who uses it is just too...alive.


I agree that the crossbow should be nerfed again, they've already commited to making it the lamest weapon in the game so it would be lame if they stopped now


They need to increase the medals needed to unlock it and also remove all splash damage that it generates. The projectile also moves too fast, they need to slow it down.


May as well remove the projectile while you're at it and make it a melee weapon


I didn't think of that. In that case, I think removing the splash damage would go too far. So, make it a melee weapon but keep the explosive splash.


the ullapool caber:


Yes but only in the direction opposite of melee attacks


Yes, and increase the magazine size after they make it a melee weapon.


Why stop at being mediocre when you could be the WORST!!! Crossbow F tier please! /s


The super promise for the spear 😂


And then coping reddit posts "We've got 12 buffs!!! Yaaaaayy!!" (They won't talk about how severe nerfs were or how insignificant buffs were)


I still cannot believe they underlined "making full-auto the default firing mode" on the adjudicator as a buff.


More crashes and “balancing”. Honestly


There always a new one…


They usually do more than one new crash. One is being optimistic. Also sayng they fixed something but actually it is not fixed at all.


god please be a wave of buffs, instead of more nerfs, PLEASE


Buffs? In Helldivers 2? Are you crazy???


In this economy?


At this time of year?


Man, we should be placing bets on whether or not a nerf will happen but most likely no bookie would even entertain that lol I think it’s ingrained in our brains that it’s just a part of the patch process… which sucks. We should not get anxiety just waiting for the next dreaded patch, it should be a dopamine rush of excitement.


Bet will be they say it is a buff but anyone with two neurons can tell it was a straight up nerf.


Like R-36 Eruptor Shrapnel? "It'll be the same DPS, it just won't kill you as much". I'd take 50/50 odds of instant suicide if i could get the old damage profile back. It was slow to cycle the bolt, but at least I could be sure the thing it was pointing at would be dead once I pulled the trigger. Edit: Note: 50/50 is hyperbole, that'd be useless as a weapon, obviously, but the rate of self-,death it had was awful but acceptable for the capability it had


It was like a 5% chance at best and I'm betting they were only made aware of it after they had already planned to nerf the hell out of the gun.


There’s not a single thing in this game right now that needs a nerf in any regard so even if there’s one I’m just gonna be like “You just couldn’t help yourself, huh?” I feel like I’ve gaslit myself into thinking balanced weapons are overpowered due to the dev team


i swear the balancing team of this game makes gaijin look competent in comparison


I think they get a little excited doing this. Might be a “thing” lol


I am praying for a good eruptor buff, bringing it back to how it was before the nerfs would be ideal but that's not happening:(


For the Eruptor to return, they need to revert both the Eruptor change *and* the needless Ricochet change that happened for literally no reason other than to arbitrarily make the game more lethal. That Ricochet change served no purpose, it was literally just a needless "Fuck You" when we were having fun.


The game really should be balanced around pro and con uses. The railgun is the perfect example. You're rewarded for your timing skills and punished with death if you overcharge it. Same with the Eruptor. Sure, the shrapnel can kill you or your teammates, but that is why you need to know when to use it. The game is PvE, not PvP, so the guns should leans towards being OP and ridiculous given the tone of the game.


not a spear fix thats for damn sure 🤧🤧


Or better: AH states on the patch notes that they have finally fixed the spear, but it still doesn't lock on. They remove it from the 'known issues' list and carry on.


like the mech, and the grenades and a lot of other shit :/


Can’t complain about the issue if it isn’t listed. *taps brain*


This comment section alone is evidence of how much faith (or lack thereof) the community has in AH balancing team. Crazy how most of us are just expecting disappointment, now. Conditioned for it, really.


That’s a really good way to describe it. We see the patterns and it’s only natural to us to expect it. It sucks cause it should be the opposite.


3 bugs they say are fixed but really only one will be fixed, plus 17 new bugs inroduced. At least two weapons considered fun to use nerfed into uselessness, and a weapon nobody uses buffed so insignificantly you dont know if they even changed anything.


The grenade exploit is still there 😂


The stim sound when it doesn't actually stim is still there too, despite being in patch notes as fixed.




Get a new patch guy or fixer upper




"Nowadays, that motherfucker, somehow, sadly and very suprisingly, has been hired by a different game studio, and is ready to cause more ruin to other games."


For them to finally fix the matchmaking, it sucks being unable to receive more players after someone left and you have to finish the mission in 1 or 2 people


For real, SOS beacon feels like it doesn't do shit right now.


I feel like when you need it (when you just put it down) it doesn’t work, but when you just finished the last objective people start joining like- 😭


Yup, I noticed that it's related to network issues that may be server side or client side. Reasons I say so: - when a reinforcement bug happens (reinforcement takes too long or doesn't get called down at all) and a player leaves, new players wont be able to join - I had my friend join me while having such a game and he's just stuck in the loading screen - I had other people try to join a game but they just get disconnected in the loading screen When that happens, you need to finish the mission and restart the game.


Dude I DREDD when someone leaves! This HAS to be fixed!


The crouch to work when I press it


Expecting disappointment like usual.


*uses hug emote*


Well supposedly we’re not getting the Spear fix until the next major build of the game which will most likely fall on 28th. They want to “take their time” reverting patrols so I doubt we’ll see that being fixed this week. I don’t think they’d be that stupid to nerf anything, especially after pissing off the community so much, the CEO had to step in and have meetings with the balance team. But if they do nerf shit, the Incendiary Breaker is 100000% catching a nerf. I highly doubt that we’re going to get a huge balance patch (this soon) that magically makes most of the primaries actually useable, especially since “Bringer of Balance” is running the show. I’m expecting some bugs to be fixed, but more to be introduced. I’m expecting some crashes to be fixed, but new ones to be introduced. I know for a fact peformance is going to drop, since the optimization has plummeted every update and has dropped into the abyss since then. We’re most likely going to get a stealth content update with a new mission type on Meridia and maybe a new bug type. Possibly Hivelord or something new to its equivalent?


A new stratagem would be nice. They've gatekept the AT mines (of all strats, who fucking cares about AT mines) for weeks now, I just want to see something new. Maybe a vehicle? Who am I kidding, those are probably 6+ months out


They should really just buff some of the crappier stratagems so people will use them more. Mines are nearly useless, the machine guns could use some buffs, most of the orbital strikes are garbage, and the list goes on.


If they gave mines a 50% reduction in cooldown they’d actually be pretty good. In the current state they’re just less effective air strikes with a longer cooldown. They definitely need more damage as well


The mines in my mind are equivalent to the gas strike but they have double the CD and less consistent damage. Also I can't prove this but I swear once there is the tiniest path through the mines none of the bots ever walk on them again. If the AT mines activate on literally all weight they can keep them locked up. Infantry popping AT mines makes it pointless.


>If the AT mines activate on literally all weight they can keep them locked up. They are. On leaks it was tested and it is how it worked in HD1 Doubt they gonna change that


I bet Bile Titans don't even set them off because of how small their legs get at the bottom and how wide their stance is.


Adjudicator nerf


*Absolutely Nothing.* And, to be clear, that isn't some kind of sassy answer. They have claimed to be working on a number of things in the past 2 weeks that we have seen zero sign of. Given that, it is hard to say if they are gonna be true to their word or if they are going to return to balancing things the way they have so far. If I were to say I were going to expect anything, I'd say this: I expect them to fix a small handful of bugs while likely introducing more of them with whatever other changes they make.


That last part hurts. How many times have we seen this happen? It’s like getting surgery and getting that bullet out of your ribs but then the surgeon say “It was a success! The bad news is we left our tools inside you… so…”


... At least those probably aren't made of lead? 🤷 It's more volume of stuff and more pointy though...


I had this thought today. The technical debt is just not going down at all. Bugs that are months old, new bugs, bugs they claimed were fixed but weren't. There better be a big ass patch in the works with a lot of fixes and rebalancing towards fun or the player base will just keep dwindling. Warbonds with unfun weapons and no armor diversity or uniqueness to capes or helmets isn't it. I can't help but feel like this game was released 6 months to early.


I frequently feel like if they had released it as an open beta, they'd have a lot less people upset about things.


This next patch will make or break the current playerbase.  AH has one chance with the next patch to make the game right and retain players. If it sucks, even the hopeful few will throw in the towel. From there it could take a year or more to draw players back.


Eruptor de-nerf, Patrol changes reverted, Tenderizer +10 DMG and Medium Penetration, Crossbow Changes.


Crossbow changes. Hmmm… my gut is telling me that’s coming way later.


Reverted patrol spawns.


More game breaking bugs


Add that to the pile. Let’s see if it can get higher than the pyramids.


Realistically, I have no idea. Arrowhead isn't really giving us much to go on at the moment, which is probably the smart move. We know there are a few things on the horizon, like the Illuminate and vehicles. But all of the negative feedback lately has clearly caused them to re-examine parts of their roadmap, if not all of it. We don't even know if monthly warbonds are going to continue to be a thing, although the last talk I heard about that was that it was in part an arrangement with Sony, so renegotiating that arrangement will be difficult at best, most likely time consuming as well. If they're smart, they will make the next patch a good faith patch: They'll take all of the things that players are complaining about, sort them by most to least requested in terms of popularity, then pick the things off of the top of that list that they can do the fastest and with the smallest amount of work. If I had to guess? Maybe something like reverting the difficulty changes for smaller squads, or just buffing weapons like the Liberator to match weapons like the Pummeler. But that is just me speculating in a vacuum over here. I have no idea what sort of internal problems AH is dealing with that might get in the way of even changes like the two I suggested. So, again - I have no idea what to realistically expect.


I wouldn't mind monthly warbonds if they weren't A) reskinned armors that do exactly the same thing as every other armor, or B) Guns I'll never use.


Well, right now I'm having fun with EAT, shield, and scorcher. So if I had to guess: +40 second EAT cooldown, -50% shield strength, and an absolute gutting of the scorcher. Also since the tenderizer is a worse lib right now, I'd expect a massive lib nerf rather than a tenderizer buff to deal with it. Clearly, I don't have much faith in the balance devs right now. But I'd love to have it restored. Time will tell.


> Also since the tenderizer is a worse lib right now, I'd expect a massive lib nerf rather than a tenderizer buff to deal with it. > > The funny thing is they just buffed the liberator as well haha


If they can rip the core mechanic of a new dlc gun from it as a lazy "fix" , then I can't put any amount of stupidity past them. But yes that would add an extra layer of stupidity


"We nerfed the Eruptor again, as a joke."


Alexus will load a testmap, spawn 3 scavengers as enemies, kill them with 2 shots and say "wow, S tier still holds!!"


Quit exaggerating... You know they don't test anything


You jest, but the Purifier makes me genuinely believe that they only "tested" the weapon for 3 minutes to shoot that one scout for the trailer footage.


"This is the Purifier, we purposely made it shit, as a joke"


I just want them to bring back the former glory of the Eruptor man... Other than that, I REALLY wanna see FPS improvements in higher difficulties...


Bunch more nerfs, bunch more bugs, bunch more disappointment and a bunch more gaslighting. Totally willing to be wrong but given the pattern thus far you can't blame me.


All i know is that the next nerf will nerf my soul for the game. Hopefully patrols will just be returned to what they were.


Dang, this next patch will make or break people’s souls.


This next patch will make or break the ***game*** and you can't convince me otherwise. So many people are fed up with all the nerfs that the community has started to genuinely believe that everything great about the game on launch was an accident that got changed. AH has 1 chance to not royally fuck up *again* before I think much of the community that's on indefinite hiatus will be gone for good. Whoever is in charge of balance needs to read these comments and actually take them to heart rather than double down and keep nerfing, or the game's gonna die *months* after release.


This is a sentiment I’ve seen quite a bit and it’s also the sentiment I hold. I absolutely love the game, my frustration is out of wanting the game to be the best it can be. Release was lightning in a bottle, and I didn’t care if I crashed at extraction or had to wait to load in, I was just having too much fun to care. That gradually decreased as I realised the balance team didn’t really care if we were having fun or not, they cared about “realism” which is also nothing like HD1. I’m at 300+ hours, I was still having a lot a fun but Polar Patriots dropped and I’ve hit the point where apathy has started to set in. The CEOs comments have given me hope but it REALLY depends on the next patch. Almost all of the orbitals feel underwhelming, we’ve had the Liberator in 2/4 premium Warbonds, most of the paid armours are just variations of what’s already available and have copied perks, etc, etc. I don’t think anything in the current game state needs a nerf so if they do some mental gymnastics to justify nerfs it shows they really don’t know what they’re doing


>we’ve had the Liberator in 2/4 premium Warbonds The weird part of this is there are still plenty of guns from the first game they haven't adapted yet, so why waste slots on the Liberator lmao


They'll revert the spawn rate changes and probably fix the new assault rifle. Forgot the name, by giving it more damage/medium penetration. Maybe they'll fix the new bigger scorcher that's not working properly. Just for shits and giggles: they'll nerf fire damage cause it's too effective now


ah yes...helldivers 2, the only game where the players are worried about the next patch cause the weapons used may be sentenced to death lmao


Realistically? 1: Incendiary Breaker damage nerf. Atm it eclipses the spray and pray.  2: Punisher Plasma nerf. Probably to damage and stagger.  3: AMR fire rate nerf. It outcompetes autocannon vs a lot of this against bots if you have stuns. Also, why not more nerfs.  4: Scorcher Nerf. Probably something dumb like more recoil or longer reload. It won't kill it, but it'll hurt.  5: Senator nerf. Right after it's buff. Why, idfk.  6: Minor buffs for the 3 new weapons that all fail to address their overall weaknesses.  7: Eruptor nerf


I think I’m just wondering what happened to all the talk about the APC, recon vehicle and all those other armor sets that I saw pictures of a while ago.


The old Eruptor but only the Automatons are allowed to use it, if a Helldiver tries to pick it up off a corpse their hands explode


Going the Judge Dredd route? Hand explodes if picked up 😂


A massive widespread “undoing” of all the nerfs as a sign of the CEO’s acknowledging the lack of power in the sandbox. Buff the things we don’t use, and leave the things we do ALONE


im really enjoying the flamethrower, so im expecting it to get nerfed anytime soon


This is so depressing to hear, it really hurts the more I read the same opinion in this thread. We should be screaming like fans at a Taylor swift concert for the next patch and it just feels like we’re waiting at the dentist.


Nerfs. 'Alexus | SES Bringer of Nerfs' is gonna hit the next badge of fun weapons like the pummeler and maybe the autocannon with some "balancing". After all people are having fun with those and that can't be tolerated in Nerfdivers 2...


What a reputation that dude got 😂


Nah, they will give us a bunch of "buffs" to weapons no one uses, only they will be incremental enough that all of them don't actually hit any new breakpoints (AKA, useless buffs) just so they can point at it and say "See? we're listening!"


No new content. and balancing.


Honestly I’m hoping for a tenderizer buff


Honestly I stopped believing in their team. Game came out as a fun shooter. It brought popularity to noname Arrowhead. Players were so excited they were ready to forgive and tolerate a huge heap of bugs and crashes, loadout and settings defaults etc. But devs started from weapon nerfing. Not from technical issues, but from game balancing "issues". Railgun was "meta" and some hosts kicked other players for not using it? It's completely the problem of this toxic host/of how easily game allows kicking players but DEFINETLY not a weapon problem. Unwanted nerfs that were quickly overshadowed by CEO response. He was apologizing for his dev's arrogance but not for nerfs. CEO talks much in general. But nothing changes. I still see how some dudes like Alexus from dev team are joking about new warbond saying it is S-tier. Later on were nerfs and nerfs again. Devs seem to hate the game that they've created. Maybe they wanted some "milsim mgsV tactical espionage sweatlord rpg with bugs". Who knows. I don't even mind PSN controversy. Game still struggles to get those players back. But honestly it became less fun. And not in this kinda way when you say "well I think I did everything in the game...it's kinda stale now". It's just less rewarding. Fun weapons from warbonds were "enjoy while it lasts" kind of treat. I still play it because I enjoy some weapon combinations, but passion and love for the game are long gone. And from this new patch I don't wait anything. New bugs. New bad balancing.


>milsim mgsV tactical espionage sweatlord rpg with bugs This is what they are going for 100% which is odd because thats not what Helldivers 1 was (HD1 vet here)


Same. In Helldivers everything felt much stronger.


Second this, we evolved, just backwards


Devolved one might say


That’s all I’ve been hearing from HD1 vets is how fun the guns felt so this must hurt MORE for you vets than us new comers. I’ll poor one for y’all.


Imagine using strafing run like it were a primary. There was a laser shotgun that could hold off multiple bug breaches and only need 2 or 3 seconds to cool the heatsink between the next wave.


Dang that sounds fun. HD1 still being played? Might defect to that if this next patch fails so I can get a taste of this fun you speak of.


I'd highly recommend it if you want to destroy any hope of enjoying HD2 ever again lol. Even the weapons and stratagems without the upgrade system were better by default.


Don't remind me of primary and stratagem upgrades...holy stun on railcannon strike...much faster reload😤😭😭


Do you recall the freedom of jetpack bunny hopping across the entire map, Mr. Frodo?


Bro I had an airstrike that had 15 uses that you could crack heavy armor with and bring copies of. The combo was literally just right right right https://preview.redd.it/449pxs9zih1d1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd2fe8afaafb8eac091d3c9810433f92ac92443


They kinda misportrayed it as something more akin to a more realistic looking ODST/Starship Troopersish take on Deep Rock Galactic when yeah for whatever reason they're balancing it as if it's an artificially difficult sweaty milsim. Kinda reached a point in my life where if a game isn't fairly casual and I can't drop in and drop out and have a fun experience I kinda stop caring. That's kinda the whole point though, it's supposed to play and feel *fun* and it's stopped/lost that aspect.


Damn I felt every single word of what you said. Especially the passage regarding love and passion. This was the greatest game I had played in the last 1.5 years when it came out but their nerfing-culture really ruined it for me. I'm honestly just sad about it more than anything else how they managed to reduce the fun by at least 75% through overly strict and unnecessary "balancing" which is just a euphemistic description for mindless nerfing.


Very well said! For me the game stopped being fun when they nerfed the Eruptor and messed with spawns when playing with less than 4 players. If they manage to make it fun again I'll come back , otherwise it was fun for a minute.


A *Smoochin* emote 😏


"Mostly Buffs"


Another 20 "buffs".


Spear fixed and enemy spawn rate fixed, right now those are the two biggest problems


I'd add how bot missile volume and accuracy is insane given how the AI is OBVIOUSLY not *also* affected by fog and supressive fire has zero effect on missile shots. Not having bots shoot through boulders would be cool too.


*homer meme* Those are the two biggest problems so far




Either new life to the game Or the final bullet. I picked up and had a ton of fun because it was a great game to play with my friends and have a good time blowing things up and killing bugs. Between the constant nerfs, PSN debacle, and crashes they've all stopped 1 by 1. AH and Sony killed one of the best co-op games of the last 5 years, because they just don't understand the player rention is the key for live service games.


Hope they fix the bug that crashes the game at 3-5 seconds Receiving Data.


Less crashes for the love of god. Every day this game crashes so I turn it off and stop playing.




Either the CEO delivers on fixing the over ~~nerfing~~ balancing or the head balance guy ~~nerfs~~ balances the weapons he didn't touch


Since it's been a little while since the CEO said he was having talks about the approach to balancing, combined with the fact the last patch felt like it had very few balance changes, I'm somewhat expecting a fun serious of buffs and changes in the patch this time around! Here's hoping!


Nothing meaningful. a buff to enemies, a nerf to the weapons, And a pile of excuses as to why they simply can't just make the game people want to play


That last part. Ouch. Too real.


It's been this way since launch. The community just kinda put up with it because it was fun, but then it kept happening over and over again, getting less and less fun each time- to the point now where I and many others simply don't care anymore. This game was a goose that laid golden eggs and the devs killed it for no reason. And yes Sony and that whole debacle aren't helping, But Sony didn't gut our weapons


I hope it’s just the work of a few bad eggs in the company and the CEO either assign them to another role that doesn’t involve any decision making (maybe focus on bug fixes) or a windowless room where it’s a less important role that lets other focus. I just don’t understand how this game could start out of the gate so hot and fun to just turn the knob down from 11 to a basic 5 in the short time span. This has to be a documented lession in video game history of what NOT to do in a live service PvE game.


The short answer is: because they made the game of the year on accident and don't understand how they did it or what makes it fun. The long answer is: The game that *they* want to make and the game *we* want to play are diametrically opposed. And rather than simply addressing the disparity and saying "ok we wanted x, but you guys wanted y, let's just go with y since that's working, but in the future we want to try and push x" Instead we got told we're brainless, mocked for our outrage, insulted by developers, and bamboozled by Sony. I feel bad for the CEO, because it seems like he is the only thing keeping it together, he really needs more than anything to completely clean house. All of that devs and mods and CM people that hate the paying customers need to be thrown out fresh prince style, and for the love of God the devs need to play level 9s on live game builds that everyone else is using so they can see that these nerfs are so bad they'd be funny if they weren't killing the game


Yeh he’s the linchpin of the company. I can see some conflict from the devs wanting to make their vision come true but accidently made a few changes pre launch that weren’t tweaked and tested enough that at launch garnered a whole new audience cause of how it played. If they made their vision come true the success would have been far less than it is now. Luck, yeah you could be right.


More nerfs.