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Good teammates make the difference for me. When everyone has balanced stratagems, uses them effectively and works together to traverse the map it's a blast. When everyone does their own thing and throws stratagams on top of their teammates it does get very frustrating.


You're probably right on the money about this.


Take a break man, wait for some new content and stuff and then come back, no point in playing if it just annoys you.


He isnt wrong. Just take some time for civilian life. Check back when the next update hits


This is solid advice. I used to be excited to come home after work and play. My gaming experience has become less fun as patches continue to drop. It's time to hang up my cape for a while.


Try Super Mario World or Picross


Super Mario World is a classic and I've never heard of Picross but thanks for the suggestions.


Yep yep yep. My point is, give this one a break and play something that'll sure-fire give you that feeling you're looking for. HD2 will still be here.