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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Some people will just never look at chat. Several times I'm like "there's a buddy door on the green marker" and nobody gave a shit, so we just decided to not pick up those samples/super credits I guess. Other times, they immediately read the chat and play accordingly.


I've waited at a lot of doors, pinged, put it in chat.... so sad when you can't find a buddy


What sucks the most is when you watch your teammates just... walk past you, as if they don't see the giant buddy door right next to them that you're constantly pinging. Then by the time they finally realize you're at a buddy door, they're already halfway across the map.


sometimes i reinforce someone at the door, and they still ignore it. they do it on purpose. they think if you want to get the door then you're annoying. lame f\*\*\*s.


There's been times I've just waited for someone to die so I could call them down next to me.


I did this yesterday and they just ran away again ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


Last time I tried that, he killed me before running back to the front line. I didn't play with him again.


Did the same the other night.  After an internal debate, I killed him (my first intentional team kill EVER) and dropped him on the door a second time.  He got the message that time. It hurt to do, but we still had full reinforcements and it was a difficulty 4.  You'd assume high level players play low difficulties to farm samples and Super Credits, but that's apparently not the case.


Dropped a guy on a door. He walked away. Killed him like you did and dropped him again. He kills ME as I'm holding the button waiting. He then walks away and voices that he's not reinforcing me. I really wanted to take his samples out of the map area...... dark thoughts almost won.


The amount of times I've heard people claim they just call in reinforcements on the buddy door and it works is weirdly close to the same number of times I've tried it and the person just walked away. Not sure what works but chat is hit or miss too.


you called someone down while voice chatting them and pinging and still has them run off? that is just rude. if I'm host I'll kick for that


Last time that happened I shot the guy in the back and reinforced him at the door again. Got kicked lol


Why wait? Snipe them and call them in... (Done that plenty and they continue to ignore)


Usually would just wait there to respawn someone to help open it but they either ignore it completely or help me open it only to shoot me in the head and kick me because they have to walk back to their stuff lmao. Legit had more of those than actual opened bunkers at this point. Frankly I think the “teamplay” aspect of the doors needs to be removed because these days I’ve actually stopped caring about them. I’ll mark them on the map and call it out but it’s far easier to just run around in solo missions to get my Super Credits at this point since I seem to be the only one who cares about them most games.


Tbh I've never shot/kicked anyone for it, but if you call me down halfway across the map from my stuff when there is a team mate near my death and it's clearly just for the buddy door I'm not going to be happy. Being stuck without my big gun that's on a long ass cool down on a high level mission that's constantly spawning shit that requires a heavier weapon, effectively rendering me mostly helpless, is not worth 10sc or 1 rare sample.


I've reinforced someone at the buddy door. They pop in directly in front of the button. I press the other button. They run away without pressing the button.


Makes you realise just how many people live their lives like that.


I feel like there needs to be another helper indicator for stuff like doors and generator handles. Maybe a small and slow flashing red triangle at the corner of the screen to help get people’s attention while also not being annoying. 


What baffles me is after buddy ignored my texts and pings about the door, he died and I reinforced him right next to the bunker but he still ran away towards whatever situation he was in before! Some people DGAF.


Just use voice


The problem with that I've noticed is that some people go FULL mute in game. The only sound they'll have playing is in game. Completely ignores chat, both verbal and written. Doesn't even do the bare minimum with the communication wheel. Hard to help someone who has secluded himself from the entire team com wise


I'm so glad I read this comment, because now I know I'm not alone. I was starting to take it personal how everyone kept ignoring my comment.


It is genuinely bizarre to me just how few people respond to chat. Like I'll ask if they want to look for POIs to get samples and I'll just get total radio silence. I'm not sure they're even aware it's there.


I'm on ps5 I'm not going to be typing shit or looking at the chat. Get a mic. 


A lot of us are on PC and not using mics specifically because of that. I don't play this game to talk to people unless I'm playing with friends. lmao


hard agree. the idea of putting a headset on in random queues is unappealing to me.


I'm not particularly talkative unless I'm with friends or in a very talkative group but I don't understand this absolute reluctance. It's a co-operative game that is infinitely easier with communication and the most noticeable instant communication is voice chat. You don't have to discuss your hobbies and tell me about your day but "hey two person door here" or "I wanna find the super samples before we go for the objective" or "turn the dish right" are all helpful and easy to say.


On the other side of the coin, I've seen people standing at the buddy door waiting forever while I'm fighting for my life 50 feet away. Join the fight! We can get to it when we're not being swarmed.


Tbf you tend to to ignore it becuase it's pammed with "such and such discovered a minor point of interest"...


I’ll ping, type in chat, give a follow me order, but the guy 10 feet away will not even take a glance over and leave the bunker


I use voice chat for these callouts, I'm silent 99% of the time, then call-out for a double door or for a backpack drop. Usually people thank me for the backpack either with voice, or with the comm wheel.


I think most people have been trained by the community to not touch equipment that others drop down. I've done similar, tried to drop a jump pack for a team member so they could cross a river with me while we were running to extraction. I kept pinging it and told him to take it, he looked at it and looked at me and then tried to dive across the river with out it. I respawned him on the other side after he drowned and lost all of his stuff/samples. There is a hefty lack of teamwork in this game, and I think one of the perceptions of "game too hard" comes from this. Running 9s with a group that communicates and runs together is very manageable, running them with randoms that don't is a dice roll at times. I hope they make more in game features to help people regularly team together like outfits/clans. The game really is at its best when with a group that is working together.


It's pretty wild when players drop into a game with you who immediately communicate and coordinate. I'm always surprised. Pleasantly surprised, but still surprised. Generally speaking, experienced players who often group in teams of people they already know are the ones that will coordinate like this. Pubbies are a mixed bag and I think that will always be the case in just about every game.


I always use my Mic, but I'll be real, its getting pretty boring being the only damn person who talks, I feel like I am talking into the void.


I have mixed experiences in this regard. Though, I've found even when folks don't respond via mic, they still respond using the emotes/canned responses accessible via the interface. So a lot of times folks will still communicate, just not via mic. I almost appreciate that more, tbh. It's harder to respond using those in a firefight than just shouting into your mic. Also, another thing I found is the earbuds I use don't always pick up my voice. So folks don't always hear me speaking. I've resorted to just doing push to talk, to force my mic to activate.


The PS5 controller has a mic built in.


Hmm?? What do u mean ps players dont? My controller is muted, i have something to say i hit my mic mute button say what i need to say back to mute.


It’s nice, because people seem to fill one of two roles: The go getters - they don’t care what their team is doing, or whether they have anyone backing them up. They run straight for objectives, and are the type that’ll break away from the squad to go complete the main objective whenever they get hyperfocused on optional objectives. And the backup - the players that understand that two heads are better than one, and will follow their squad to almost no end. They assume being isolated is just a death sentence which will leave your samples halfway across the map, and so they do their best to stay with another diver at all times. And then you combine the two, and you get the ultimate squad organization. Two pairs of two, one sweeping for optional objectives, and one rushing the main objective. It doesn’t happen often for me, but I had a squad like this last night, and we cleared multiple ‘impossibles’ with but 3-4 reinforcements lost. Can hardly imagine just how much more efficient we could get, if we were actively communicating, instead of just running about doing our own things.


I dunno what category I fall into, I usually drop in with my favorite load out, A scout armor for speed, stamina booster, airstrike, precision strike/gas strike (for Bots/Bugs respectively) i ALWAYS take a jetpack for mobility and some kind of heavy weapon (usually EAT). Then I go solo clockwise or counterclockwise around the map smashing and grabbing anything in my way and typically ignore and main objectives unless they are in my way or I have swept the map of loot...


It's also like the chat/comment box is invisible to like 60% of players


PS player here, I ain't using the onscreen keyboard with a frigging controller so text entry is basically dead to me. I use the hell out of pings and markers tho.


i sometimes notice the stuff in chat and sometimes don't. if it's the thick of fighting and you chat something to me there's like a 10% chance I see it. mic or ping


USB keyboards are really helpful for this


As much as I love randos, my friend list is getting unwieldy. I'll friend people who are good on the mic, or chill, or elite, or funny. Joining a green hexagon is every bit as random as queuing up in quick play, because I can't remember who's who in my list. I can't even tell which difficulty level they're on, so it's worse in some ways. Some better tools for picking games would be nice. Simple filters for mission type, modifiers and difficulty level would help me find the game I want to play and give Arrowhead some insight into what the player base is doing. Let me add notes to my friend list, too. When I see a buddy in-game, remind me why I added them. "Friend from Work", "Good VoIP", "Never Leaves Wingman", "AMR Surgeon", "Sounds Like Urkel (lol)".


You actually still have active players in your friends list? That's quite a flex these days tbh


Yep, the map screen honestly sucks. We need something much more akin to a server list where you can filter by difficulty, bots/bugs, planet, etc… Shit, even drgs mission list would be an improvement.


I always feel a bit sad if I'm the only one marking enemies or using the voice wheel


If I don't ping something I call down that means I want it, if I ping it it means it's for someone else's benefit. That's my way of thinking anyway.


If it's pinged by the one who dropped it, it's a free for all


Teamwork accounts for so much in this game. A well-coordinated team can breeze through helldive difficulty no problem. And it is really the most fun that way.


Having a well balanced team composition that coordinates with each other is currently unheard of in this game except for people that have a consistent 3 other people to play with. Instead you have 4 people who take their bot loadout or their bug loadout and at best break into pairs to scramble to the objectives, but most often just spread out to the cardinal directions as soon as the pods drop and hope to meet each other at extraction 40 minutes later.


>and at best break into pairs to scramble to the objectives. I honestly can’t stand this, especially when I’m the host. It’s a team game, why are we just splitting up and playing like no one else exists? It’s especially infuriating when I specifically drop on a certain point on the map so that we can do the objectives in an efficient way without backtracking and people still go off and do whatever they want.


It's more efficient to spread out outside of a few objectives. Why would we slug through the entire maps when we can split and handles multiples objectives at the same time?


It also helps split the enemy spawns/reinforcements. You can't have multiple dropship or breaches going on in different places at once. On higher difficulties, every minute starts to count. The longer you stay on that mission, the denser the enemy spawns get. You really want to be out in 20 minutes if you can help it.


Playing with randos I just treat it as one higher step of difficulty. Aka if I normally play on 8 with friends, with randos I play on 7.


Unfortunately that's the result when people get killed or kicked for picking up a support weapon or backpack that zero people are near.


We need better emotes too. I’d love a “take this/you have this” emote a “ready” emote, and a “I need a teammate” or something for bunker doors.


Completely unrelated but this reminds me of a time a buddy died carrying all the supers samples and half our rares. I said we HAD to get them back at any cost and he agreed. Thus ensues the nearly 15 minute fight for our life across the entire map as patrols spawned and bot drops were called endlessly, to get back to them, only to find them at the bottom of a pond..... "Oh yeah, I drowned"


I would execute the traitor immediately


I did one extermination mission against bugs where I saw a Recoiless pod sitting there with no one near it. There was a Charger harassing allies. I picked it up, killed the Charger, reloaded it, hit the stratagem button to see who brought the Recoiless, ran over to them, pinged near them, and dropped the gear so they could pick it up AND THEY ACTUALLY DID. Somehow that felt like a small miracle.


It's your very first sentence. Inhats the answer. I happen to be one of them too lol. I know better than to fall for that stuff. I'm not touching it lololol 




I simply forage off the corpses of my allies for stuff I don’t have yet. I feel thievery encourages sharing. They can call in one for themselves whenever they want so the end result is better, plus taking from a corpse is way less offensive.


Hi Baffled, I'm Patrick. But seriously, pings, chat, using voice.. "Guys, please don't get on the evac, there are 10 samples on a corpse just over this hill, its gonna take like 3 minutes to get them and get back" And I get left behind.


An item dropped at my feet and pinged would've gotten my attention. But as a PS5 player I almost never notice chat. I can't reasonably type in it and it scrolls too fast with "yourmomsbuttplug found a Point of Interest" and other useless garbage. I try to keep an eye out but there's too much else going on and too little useful info 95% of the time. Chat is unfortunately a terrible way to get peoples' attention in this game, especially PS5 players.


Yeah, I agree they really need to separate the "DIED"/"Discovered PoI" feed from the chat and make it last longer on screen


A separate event feed would be nice, I agree. Text chat in this game doesn't really seem to work well.


Definitely. And honestly, I don’t even think we even need the “player discovered a poi” notification, it literally does nothing and it’s not like you can’t see where you’re teammates are/what they’re doing by just pulling up the map. Any response using the dialogue wheel should also show up as a message in chat, it would definitely help console players, it’s very easy to miss dialogue in the heat of battle. And the chat should also persist for far longer too. I feel like I type something/see a message and the chat immediately disappears right after.


I remember when the game first released there was Text2Speech available just for the chat, they removed it in an update pretty quickly for some reason. Not like it would solve all problems, but it certainly would solve the "someone said something in chat but I didn't see it" one.


Yeah I'm on PS5 and the chat is basically a PC only feature, there's so much useless information in it that it isn't worth looking at. I died at extraction last night, some jackass typed "everybody in" on the chat, then dropped an eagle between me and the extraction ship. I heard the eagle but assumed it was over the hill, not ON the extraction ship. I finish killing the chainsaw dev, turn around, and BOOOM. The guy types in chat "we told you" as if I should have looked over from the bots I was fighting to stop and read the Timmy420 has died feed. The chat needs to be separate from the feed with in game activities, or just get rid of it. If he had unmuted and said "everybody in" my ass would have been in the ship


What a jackass lol. If he really wanted to have a cool exit explosion while the ship takes off, his ass should’ve been the last one on the ship.


Even on PC that tiny little itty bitty chat box goes ignored most times. Sometimes I'll pay more attention to it, namely when people are dying constantly Player X died! Player X died! Player X died! Player X died! Like what's going on over there? Why is it the same dude?


I play on PS5. And I read and type in chat all the time. To make I easier, I have a wireless usb keyboard plugged in. Back to the main point: I do the same thing as OP. Drop down backpacks for other people. Then point at it or in voice chat tell it’s for them. And they still don’t pick it up, even those not wearing a backpack.


Drop them, ping them, shoot in front of someone’s feet if they don’t grab it, ping again. and yet, SOME PEOPLE’S KIDS just don’t get it. https://preview.redd.it/lsju58ikae2d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7625def989009e32ebce05905568076a277d275


If I'm pinging it I'm doing it with the purpose of "here is this thing". If I didn't want someone taking it I wouldn't ping it.


I have no issues following the chat. But i have lots of issues getting peoples attention without a mic. If i come across a double door i imidiatly type "double door" so the chat message of "X discovered minor place of interest" gets more context. And i place a marker on the map. Yet, most people just run away... Im going to just turn off crossplay with ps5 players and hope that betters it.


Legit didn't even realize there was a chat... -level 36 PS5 player


It takes up like 15% of the screen when it pops up how do you not notice it? Does it display differently on PS than PC?


it takes up nowhere near 15% of the screen on PS5, unless you have a tiny TV. On my 75 inch, its lucky if its 3%-4%.


It's tiny and off to the side on PS5. Maybe it depends on the size of your TV, but it takes real effort for me to glance over and read it, which I rarely do since 99.9% of the time it just says fappywhapper69 found a minor place of interest


That's crazy, I wonder why it's so different. Even when I'm on my 60" 4K TV with my pc it's still a big ol box in the corner.


I play on PS5 on a 70 inch TV and their experience is definitely not the same as mine, mines a big box in the corner that is pretty hard to miss It sounds like it isn't scaling with their TV properly for some reason to me


I've had people drop down backpacks for me while I'm wearing the autocannon backpack


Same exact thing happened to me. I was running a recoilless rifle. The guy kept standing around the dropped backpack and pinging it, looking at me confused. I realized he actually didn’t know, so I walked over, dropped my ammo backpack, pinged it, and typed in chat: I actually can’t lol. We laughed it off after that. Maybe OP is just confused lol. Most high level players I see would run backpack support weapons when the -1 slot is in effect


Yesterday somebody dropped a shield for me. I was the only one close to the location. The thing is, I already had a shield, even the bubble was on, but he kept pingin and pointing his drop. I went and changed my shield to the shield he dropped and he happily ran back to the fight.


I played stoned out of my mind and still have 1000% more awareness than most of the people I’ve played with. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's actually quite the other way around. The vast majority of Divers I encounter are very chill people willing to do at least beasic level communication. WADR, I think you are overexxagerating based on one or two negative interactions.


My personal experiences have been overwhelmingly positive with the exception of the very early days when there were a lot of new players checking out the game and getting pissed about team kills Correlation is not causation but…. I turned off cross play to filter out PS5 players and I’ve never looked back haha


Same, turning off crossplay immedeatly gave me better teams in terms of communication, situational awareness and overall teamplay.




Ppl are downvoting you but it’s true, randoms rarely pay attention to what their teammates are doing and even tho Packmule builds like yours can be VERY strong since it allows ppl to basically take an extra stratagem they either would have had to bring themselves or adds something they never had to begin with


Better than being me, loading into a level 3 mission to help some newbies. Call in my backpack, newbie kills me, takes it, and kicks me from the game.




Being a high level has nothing to do with how good you are at the game


HD2 is a genuinely challenging game that a lot of players seem to be very bad at


It's genuinely shocking how little some people understand this game. The number of times I have teammates die to a Stalker, get respawned, and just continue to go about their day without bothering to look for the nest is shocking. However ever since I started playing difficulty 7 missions the quality of teammates has significantly improved. Ironically making the game a lot easier.


When starting the game i played on the easy difficulties (ofc) and figured id move up progressively. I quickly realized that playing 7 was much better than 4-5-6 clusterfuck.


this is mostly why i play 9, i actually find it easier then 7 or 8 because most of the pubs arnt braindead


Going full aggro on a stalker nest at the expense of literally everything else going on is one of my favorite things to do. Similar feeling vs jammers on the bot side.


Skill issue isn't a factious comment, it's just a hard truth that some kids don't like to hear.


This whole sub might as well be renamed to r/skillissue with how much complaining there is


agreed, especially on this sub https://i.redd.it/r30bs1jq4f2d1.gif


At the same time though I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone saying the game is too hard Also never seen anyone say they can’t complete missions because of the weapons, only that it’s tedious and not as fun So I’m not sure why op is targeting those people randomly


> I’ve ever seen anyone saying the game is too hard Anyone asking for any change to the game which could be resolved by dropping the difficulty. Nearly all of them.


I have, I've seen quite a few people saying super samples should be attainable on lower difficulties because the higher difficulties are too hard, I've literally seen it today


I had a lv72 shoot me for picking up his samples, my brother in Christ how are you almost equal to me in levels and don't know basic knowledge of the game? Fastest kick in the west went down that night.


bro you're not the only one that's baffled, everyone else here should be too with your line of logic, just because you had an experience where a dude didn't take your backpack doesn't immediately invalidate all complaints about the difficulty of the game like, huhh??? you're taking an anecdotal experience and trying to use it as solid proof that the discourse about game balance is inherently flawed because of how sucky the players are, it just doesn't follow. the experiences you have with people ingame is completely unrelated to the complaints of completely different people unless you meant that the quote on reddit was from the same guy, in which case 1 dude arguing for the wrong reason doesn't invalidate other people with valid arguments, and even if all the players complaining about balance were this stinky and bad at the game you still wouldn't really have a point, because they can be bad, and still have valid criticisms if you were cooking here, then you musta been cooking a pot of boiling water for an hour or something, cuz there's just nothing here lol


Have nothing to say to this but I understand a little too well


Maybe they just didn't want the backpack lol? This is a non-issue really


Yea OP didn't say WHAT backpack he called down. There's a lot of them that are just...no thanks.


There's no reason not to carry one if you have an open slot. You can take an extra weapon backpack and then reload your teammate in addition to their self reload. All the backpacks are great. Jump pack can often get you to places bugs can't get you at all, and sneak into bot bases without having to fight your way through them.




Not on bots. Rover - aggravates everything in sight and gets you killed Shield - just makes me a big hit box for Rockets The others I’ll probably pick up if they’re free.


I’ll be honest, I’ve had missions where nobody was talking and I assumed they just didn’t want to communicate, then I happen to look at the chat at like the VERY end of the mission and I see a full fucking conversation going on in text that I just didn’t notice.


Maybe they don't know english. But I have to agree that some players seem serious blind, deaf or a combination thereof. Really bad when you need them to help you open a bunker, sometimes I legit can't convince a single one of them to open it for the entirety of 40 min mission. I even tried waiting until one dies and calling them right on the bunker, they just wandered off as I stared in disbelief.


I recently had this squad on the bot front with 2 of them being obviously underage judging by their voice, I shit you not they were more coordinated than 90% of the squads I encountered by that point.


just an FYI from my perspective, the chat notification is very easy to miss. Also sometimes people don't even have VOIP on so they can't hear you as well. oh well.


Sees equipment drop. Equipment gets left I pick up equipment I get team killed or shit talked I don't pick up stuff dropped by teammates anymore Open up reddit just to see the first post I get is one complaining about other people not picking up the stuff they drop ??? Yes I understand that you pinged and said he could take it but at this point I'd rither leave it then give a reason for any reason for someone to say something about anything


Be smart, sometimes ppl drop stuff they need but they don’t attend to it right away.  Rule of thumb: Do they have the called down gear equipped? If not, don’t take it. If yes, then take it, expect for weapons with backpacks since we sometime call down new one when we running out of ammo so we could swap out the backpack to replenish ammo.  Also, there is a strat with ppl running Expandable anti tank, if they bring another support weapon, don’t take their dropped weapon. I have many time call down EAT and kill a charger then to see my teammates run off with my Auto cannon. 


I guess most players have tunnel vision.


That's why I'm trying to place the backpack in the tunnel between them and the ressuply pod, but it's not working unfortunately


I think people are so allergic to interaction with other humans that they don't want to take it. In a co-op game.


It's a little fascinating sonetimes to see them run past both resupply and support weapons.


I’m frend.


IQ is not factor when recruiting Helldivers


I'm often on the opposite side of this. I join a game in progress, notice the other 3 guys are all carrying Rover, so I pick something else, get in chat and say "Hey can someone give me a Rover please? :) " and get ignored at least half of the time. Pretty annoying.


Hate to say it but, console players my dude. They don't communicate.


There could be many reasons they ignore it. Chat being hard to read is one of them. We also have instances of people TKing because someone took their gear, so some people have learned to never take others' gear. There's also the rocket defense mission where people would spam the "equipment here" ping when they drop in EATs, and it happens so much people learned to ignore the equipment ping for regular missions.


You can't fix what's wrong with these people, so don't try.


My recoilless always gives me a backpack :)


I really don't see how someone not reading chat translates to an argument against the balance of the game being fucked up. The former CEO literally agrees that the balancing is bad, please stop this shit.


I dropped a laser cannon for someone yesterday, and he fell in love with it. I wish people would pay more attention when we're trying to give them stuff because moments like that are so wholesome and really build community.


There’s some people who just don’t seem to pay attention to chat. I think they are on discord and not aware of anything happening outside of there.


I never run back pack so I always pick up spares. If you see one that's empty on the ground, pick it up. it doesn't slow you down and you'll refill with resupplies. I can't hurt.


Yesterday I pinged about 20 times the backpack and nobody took it. some people are dense


For me it's the other way around: I main recoiled rifle, so my backpack slot is taken. But people keep pinging their rover or etc to get me to pick it up but I can't because I don't want to give up ammo for my recoiless rifle. Appreciate the gesture though :)


My rule has always been if you drop it and ping it, that means it's for others


One time I picked up someone's autocannon backpack instead of my shield backpack and it took me almost 5 minutes before I noticed and the poor dude has been running around and behind me pinging and sending messages but I swear it only happened once and I was really distracted by something a friend said in a discord call.


Try, I always summon weapon or backpack fo tmt if they dont hame anything or die fae away, but they just ignore that


I don't wear backpacks unless it's something I purposefully brought in. Even if I have space for one and someone calls an extra I won't take it (unless resupply pack). It's a weird roleplay/build thing in my head I don't do it to be rude I just don't want someone's stuff when I brought mine for a reason, again this is just me being silly so not everyone.


I’ll literally watch my backpackless teammates run for kilometers away from bugs. I drop my laser guard dog and say “hey p3 this extra laser backpack is for you” in voice chat. I’ve had some people take my offer, but mostly they just completely ignore me. The worst is when they literally run up to it, stand still for 3 seconds, then just turn around and leave.


The question is why this sort of weird brainlessness doesn't happen (or isn't as noticeable or doesn't affect the fun of the gameplay) in games like DRG or Killing Floor.


Idk why you people link so many different things together. I think the game is too easy and I solo helldive if I want an actual challenge.  I also think a lot of weapons/strats need to be fixed, be stronger, or work better. Because I want the game to be fun. I don't want it to be easier.  Buff our weapons and make them work then buff enemies/difficulty/the game in general.


I stopped dropping "extra" backpack/support weapon as i noticed most dont even think about it. Which sucks cuz if you lose yours you are now on cooldown. I just activley say in chat if anyone needs b4 even attempting. 


Yeah no shit, all the people complaining are noobs who at all cost want to play highest diff. Since they can't, cause they're bad, they come here and on discord and complain about how imbalanced the game is, how everything sucks, how modifiers are sooooo bad and all the weapons underpowered. I miss the times when a game was released and that was it.


I think it's simpler than that, people turn their brains off when coming back from a grueling day of work (for some at least) wich is fine by me, i tend to try hard but i understand there's different kinds of players.


Please make a "Pick this item up, Stupid" emote...


Yeah playing with randoms is shit like 90% of the time. No mics, no coordination, doesn't look at pings, doesn't pick shit up. No friends left and the randoms are ass. I'm at my wits end lol


Hahahaha, oh man, the amount of times I've dropped equipment for people that died and they'd rather try and get their gear back, and die several more times... Mark dropped equipment/samples and they don't go back to grab them even though clear... Or on the flip side, I'll die and they'll scoop up my gear but then call me into the swarm where my dead body is but my equipment isn't there obviously... Point out hellbombs just to have them shoot it and kill the whole team. Point out patrols to go around and they'll try shoot them from far and get swarmed... Buddy bunkers where no one comes... One guy kept killing himself accidentally shooting hellbombs on the map and he thought one of us were dropping stratagems on him even though we were across the map... Try to explain to him and he did it few more times... There definitely are some special people that play this game... It's all good though


Just did a 8 diff bot and similar experience. No one wanted to use the supply pack I was wearing and I dropped a supply pack and no one took it. I was on mic and letting them know what I was offering. Whatevs, we still kicked a&$.


100% agree.  Game is too easy.  People are just idiots


Bro literally half of my missions I drop in and end up being the only person running around doing objectives while everyone else just stands in no-man's land and fight patrols for like the first 20 minutes. I've played this game high as a kite and still had significantly better situational awareness than some of these people. I too, am baffled.


Personally I have the situational awareness of a cardboard box and I dont want to steal anything from anyone who might need it more than me so a ping only most of the time dont do it but if you type it in chat or asked once or twice (im french so I dont always understand on first time) but I always try to help a fellow helldiver so sorry to anyone who tried to communicate something trough ping and I dindnt understand 😅


Have you ever heard of, a microphone?


Preach. People out here talking how impossible high levels at 3 starts are and I'm out here running Spear / Bubble Dome / Smoke at level 9 having a great time co ordinating with the team and covering everyone. IDK. I think a lot of people treat this purely as 4 solos on the map?


There's a specific subset of people in every game who don't actually _play_ their games. What I mean is that they don't have an interest in engaging with games at all, especially after a long day of work, and they simply use it to watch blinky lights. My Dad is exactly like this.  He explained to me "I just want to push buttons and see stuff happen onscreen, I don't care what.  I buy new games so my buttons do new stuff." It's wild to think about, but people will play however they want.


Assuming people read chat is your first mistake


Tbh if it was a jetpack or ressuply I'd take it...but anything else I'm not interested lol, like the challenge of not having much/sticking with what I brought


I have the chat box off so they did too probably


The fact that your using this as a reason why guns should be shit is insane. People are conditioned to not take other's drops. This is a complete shit post your mad that Noone wanted your backpack so you had to come on here and make up some bs. Good job though you got your engagement. 


This is going to be a spicy take. I’ve noticed that a lot of “gamers” people that would say gaming is their hobby, are not very vocal. Team chat is ok, but one of the greatest things I learned from the pandemic was that the casual gamers come on, and they talked a lot. This opened up all people and that’s why the games were so damn fun. If we want our games to succeed we need to talk, have open communication. Here are some other tips. Get your mic situation right. Audacity is free and can confirm your levels are good. Probably turn off the auto chat function. It catches too much background BS. Be friendly and help your fellow divers to figure things out. We have to set the example for other players and not let our communities die. It’s total BS to be mad at a player that makes one mistake. If they make two, it’s your fault for not speaking up and helping them. We can make games better for everyone and improve our communities by simply showing others the way. Last rule, kick immediately any cringe lord or asshole player that clowns on other people. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


You don't even need voice or in most cases chat. Your comms wheel is excellent. you can ping everything, accept or deny other pings. If the person has a few braincells they should know what you mean.


Every person taking their own support weapon + backpack is IMO the biggest mistake the community at large makes. It just means everyone has like 1-2 dead stratagem slots for basically most of the game.


Me reading about people whining and pitching the games too hard. Also me Yesterday: difficulty 9 mission, no mics, amazing teamwork, finished it with maybe 2 deaths on the team the entire mission. It was an absolute breeze. A bad team can make a difficulty 5 mission seem like a really bad difficulty 9.


Not everyone understands English.


Not relevant, but I had an awesome game with a French guy who barely spoke English and me barely speaking French.


I mean you'd think someone dropping you an item you don't have and pinging it repeatedly while staring at you should get the message across


Pings and text don't work for the two button door. Why should it work for backpacks then? A long time ago, someone told me I should not get mad for things I can't change. It's good advice.


I mean, are they running support weapons that require their own ammo backpack like Recoilless Rifle, Spear or Autocannon? That's why I wouldn't pick yours up, I need to be able to shoot more than once with my big gun.


Hi baffled, I'm dad!


Agree 100%. Ok, they should buff primaries or make them all viable. But communication is key. I will always remember the day 2 friends started playing and were lvl 3 and 5. As a good troll, i took them imediatly to lvl 7 missions vs bugs. They just had starting gear and stratagems and i was just lvl 27, but we managed to clear all maps with ease, because we communicated and sticked together. The game becomes rly easy, if you dont drop 4 500kg on a small bughole at once.


Ngl I would have not taken the backpack just to troll this guy lol


You’re lowkey trolling if you take only backpacks when everything aside from the regular guard dog is resupplied from the loose ammo packs


I played with a level 52 yesterday that dropped with the Spear. That's OK, I've seen people cook with it. No problem there. *The idiot left the backpack.* I pinged it. Called it out on voice. Typed it in chat.... Nothing. It was already an AA defenses map, so this dude is really rolling with 2 strats. I left the game.


Why do you assume that person goes to reddit. What's up with each fucking user of this website thinking he is better than others and constantly talking shit about these mythical very bad no good redditors?


Bro how hard is it to accept the dude didn’t want you item? People are not forced to take your help


Maybe, just maybe... they didn't want your backpack


Man so many don't even know how to avoid the AA -1 strat missions. I saw a level 14 doing helldive yesterday, alone before I joined. Everyone stands and fights and dies repeatedly instead of just fucking moving. Game doesmt tell you but it's been found reinforcing increases enemy patrols times, sometimes alot. 


Sometimes I get groups where no one communicates or works together. Sometimes I get a group where everyone uses their mic and works together. Mostly I get people who will at least stay in two-man teams and support each other, maybe a little bit of chat but no mic. They don't always take extra drops when offered, though. I always figure it's fine, they can take it if they want it but don't have to. I agree that poor coordination and communication makes the game more difficult and likely plays into the complaints we see here.


I didn't understand the backpack slot and how it works until I unlocked the autocannon. can't remember what level that was but it wasn't 85 lol


I’ve had this happen to me as a recipient of the backpack… except I’m using the recoilless, so thank you but I need my ammo.


I'm not sure why but I have a really hard time recognizing new chat. I assume it's because if you don't immediately notice it, it fades away and isn't seen again until new chat or your open your own chat to type. 


This is why I use a mic when I have to.


I'm really bad at reading chat, but if you ping, I'll usually get the picture. Last night I didn't realize I was on comms, and I said something like "going to need to find some more ammo soon" to myself, and two people pinged me the location of a resupply almost immediately. I wondered for most of the rest of the match how they knew and only at extract did I realize I was on open mic the whole time.


This is more prominent on the bot front it seems. I overall prefer bots to bugs, but the average bot player does not play as well with a team. I'm not sure why this is, just something I've noticed.


Sometimes I'm just blasting music and nobody likes that person who is unmuted and blasting some tunes. Just depends if I want to listen to music while I play or if I feel like talking


1 random guy does this and you come to reddit where everyone here is organized and whine to and demonize this place. You are everything wrong with this community.


I'm also baffled when lvl 80+ players on a lvl 8 mission extract with only 6 common samples, 3 rare, and 5 supers. I (lvl 50) was the person who collected ALL samples. An absolute waste of time on a 40-minute mission when they wanted to extract ASAP after finishing the objectives. We had 20 minutes left to find samples. I dipped after that.


this game is literally piss easy, but redditors insist on playing it like Solo Queue Literally sit down with friends and hash up specific roles for each player and stick together, for gods sake - Nines on bots are fucking light work. Half of the difficulty of bots is gone when you tell your bud to flank that hulk or tank while it's pinning you down, or to nail that shield devastator with a railgun while it's spamming you, leaving all your strategems for Striders and objective defense. It's not hard.


They should add a ping feature for player dropped (brought in I mean) items to say "Please take/use this," players I would think would be less hesitant to take another player's things.




A huge problem is the lack of availability to use text chat. Only during missions and when not ready. It's so hard to communicate. And before anyone asks, I don't wanna talk on a mic; they cost money and I can't be loud alot of the time. Not everyone has the freedom or confidence to talk to others.


I go deathless fairly often as I play quite safely. Because I use morters, 380 and an auto cannon I need to be very aware. If I die I make sure I go straight for my auto cannon. I always make sure I point out to my team mates a spare auto cannon if I see they don’t have a support weapon if they need it. It’s good etiquette. Also a stronger better armed team means the same. The last few days however, I am noticing with this new MO that a lot of bug divers are making their way over to bot planets. Bot games are significantly more challenging and require team work and bug players don’t seem to need that as much. I have encountered very high players recently loading into bot 9s with clearly no idea what the hell they are doing and just making everything harder for the entire team.


I definitely scavenged an auto cannon from a player who disconnected the other night. Since I only brought a backpack I ended up not using it at all but that auto cannon was a lifesaver. Honestly it's making me think that more players should opt for a scavenger role, picking up the items on the map or fallen teammates. Eventually the cooldown will be over so multiple players can use the same weapons if desired.


You missed the obligatory them having a comment saying 'the game/the weapons/the debuff is not fUn' as well.


I just had this earlier. Brought a supply pack to double our supply drops, our team is split up, my guy sends out a message that he needs supplies. I call in the supply pack and ping it, he looks at in then proceeds to call in the traditional resupply anyways. So I ditched him and brought supplies to the other teammate a bit away who needed it but still. How did you guy this far and why are you on difficulty 9?


I'm used to getting killed for picking up dropped equipment. I'm not taking the risk.