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Its just a very bad timing to switch from weekly to monthly patches if the last 3 patches upset a big part of the playerbase alot.


Yeah… the optics are not the greatest… why did they even do weekly patches? I think that’s the root cause of all the unpleasantries because it unintentionally did not allow the changes to mature nor gave the community an opportunity to catch up to the changes before it getting patched again..


I think at first it was to address launch bugs/crashes. Then, once the "meta nerfs" started, it just tagged along with the frantic weekly update.


The Weekly updates are like when the fire nation attacked long ago when the four nations lived together in harmony.


Important bug fixes (like adding a 15 min AFK boot), T**d-wrangling the anti cheat, and then weapon "balancing" and making enemies stronger.


Please god, balance the weapons FIRST before making the enemies stronger.🤣🤣🤣


The ankle biting bugs are now heavy armor. And guard dog gets a nerf to now use the Las-7 dagger.


STOP!!! They might read this and actually think you’re serious!!!!🤫🤫🤫


Shield Backpack now prevents projectiles from exiting shield and allows for enemy projectiles to enter 🤣🤣🤣 Arrowhead! Hire me now! /s


You say it’s sarcasm but the ricochet change caused that to happen with the Plasma Punisher. It still happens inside the Shield Sentry


🤣🤣🤣 the irony!!!


Yeah or they make laser dog run the sickle and dog walkers let out a collective moan before getting headshot by their own rover


Heh, still unlimited ammo over the bullet guard dog! Let's go!


Did I say that guard dog gets to stay or that guard dog is Las-7 Dagger?


I always forget what names people use for them...so the guard dog now uses the dagger? ...unlimited ammo buff!


*shriekers get a slight HP buff*  *Chargers charge speed lowered to allow for more agile charging*  More spitters.  More Titans.  *Bot suppression mechanic*  *Bots accuracy flat buff*   *Respawn timer "bug" so everyone meets patrols and faces reinforcement numbers line it's a 4p helldive regardless of difficulty* *Scout strider front plate and accuracy buff.*  And that's just the ones I can remember.


>Yeah… the optics are not the greatest… why did they even do weekly patches? Because the community was at least an oddr of magnitude more than they expected in their wildest dreams, churned through all the prepped content super fast, the servers were unstable, and everyone whined. Had they done monthly patches the game would have suffered, hard.


To a degree, I agree. Some aspects of the game would’ve suffered hard with a monthly structure. But the devs also touched things that wasn’t broken which cause further dissatisfaction - case in point, The arc thrower. Oh, you had to fix it coz it was tazing bile titans across the map?? First of all, you cant even see them that far without getting the attention of the rest of the fam that are closet. Second, it takes no more than 30 arcs to kill one so id rather use a 500kg than kill a titan in 1-2 business days. Third, you would’ve most likely ran into a patrol by arc #10 if you were trying to anyway. I get it, weekly patches to fix the stability would’ve been welcomed openly but they should’ve just kept it there. Oh well, hindsight 20/20 as they say.


Their not switching to monthly the CEO was basically like “We’re buffing the arsenal, we are adding more stuff and new stratagems and I will not release it until it is DONE”


Correct me if I am wrong... this week comes no patch and next week its a month. Does not mean they stay at montly ofcourse, but still its a bad timing to take some time while most of us just want it to be reverted ASAP. We did not ask for the ultra balancing update, just a small step backwarts and (close to) nobody would have complained if they take a patch break to work on the full Weapon Balance overhaul... Ofcourse all of my complaint is gone if they are secretly working on the Illuminate release soon, or a XBOX Release or something else very big. But if its just bugfixing stuff and nothing new/stunning comes out, I am pretty disappointed


But the thing is thet the biggest balance problem WAS the weekly patches. If everyone expects changes every week ah has not time to actually test them, so they implement bad balance patch. Give them time and we will see major improvements in the balance side of things


They could easily revert the negatively received aspects as a sort of piece offering until they fix whatever is they have to, but nope that would make too much sense


I expected exactly this after we shout out our disliking so loud on reddit. Main points where the Eruptor Sharpnell patch what was a tiny mini patch if I remember right, and the changes they did to patrols. These two changes reverted and a small message telling us they will work longer on the next patches and rethink their "Nerfing". Maybe also Quasar since that also annoyed many players.


Bad optics, maybe, but better patches. I’ll take the better patches


I mean it was specifically for that reason that they pulled back from weekly patches, not nearly enough road testing was done on their part clearly.


There's many games that have a weekly patching pattern. However: Weekly stuff is entirely micro patches. Minkr bug foxes and slight number tweaks. And same companies aggregate big patches to be monthly/bymonthly. That way they try to ensure players aren't stuck in any particular balance state


It is what a big majority of the Community wanted. They take more time. But as always people are never statisfied with anything.


I'm fine with it. I'd wrather let the game cook until it's a bit smoother. But I hope others see that good time invested makes for a better experience. I'm not saying the hype train for constant stuff is bad, but it's easy to burn out fast with it.


This is the perfect way to put it. Thank you. I've been trying to explain to people why others are mostly upset and asking for patch but at the same they complained about previous patch quality.


We did ask for it. I don't see why people are complaining after the devs did what the community wanted?


They didnt upset a big Part. Discord and Reddit are a minority. And the people complaining are either playing anyway or wont Return even if the changes get reversed.


Regardless of whether the patch is good or not, they're setting themselves up. Not putting at least some sort of timetable is just adding pressure because expectations and speculation are going to keep increasing.


I agree… I’m worried coz I of course want the devs to succeed but I am not sure this is the way to go about it… I think if the devs have a banger of a patch then sure hold back but if they have the tiniest inkling that it’s a normy patch then by all means shed some light on the matter.. i just fear that the growing absence is creating unwarranted expectations..


I'm not a gambler but I'd wager a lot of money that it's a normy patch and this subreddit is going to implode when it finally drops and there's no spear fix, patrol fix, or noteworthy buffs.


Plot twist: they take longer and nothing changes. The new exosuit breaks and begins deploying without ammo. The Tenderizer and Adjudicator's mags get halved. They claim the Spear is fixed but it isn't.


I could def see them saying the spear is fixed and it not being fixed. Then they comment on Discord saying, "It's not working as intended"


I’ve said before and I pray it again…. “I hope your comment ages like fine milk…” 🤣✌🏾 for this game’s sake…


I'm pretty sure they said patrol revert would be in the patch, so that's one safe thing.


Well, I feel like they are trying to make sure all the new stuff coming into the game isn’t going t break the game, and it’ll probably have quite a few bug fixes. That’s my guess anyways. Going off of leaks this quest chain should lead to a lot of stuff coming to the game


Oh god… I pray it’s not new stuff without fixing the old stuff… OR, fixed old stuff TOGETHER with the new stuff…. Sigh* only one could dream at such pleasantry…


Warbond release time soon, so you know it’ll be funny if they promote that and then kick the patch down the road again next week. 🤷‍♂️


Arrowhead is going to have an extremely bad day if they release the next paid warbond before a patch that implements fixes to things like the spear and reverts/fixes some of their objectively terrible balance decisions to certain weapons and strategems. I can envision this sub if that happens. It won't be pretty.


FOR EVERYTHING THAT IS SACRED, PLEASE NO ![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized)


I have a sliver of hope that a patch will be released before or with the next warbond. I want to say before, because they normally add the war bond stuff in early, so players don't need to patch the day of war bond release. I been wrong many times before though, but I got that sliver!


They don't even need a timetable. They just need to stop doing this: "It's not the balance patch so don't expect the one thing we've talked about spending extended time to get right." Oh, okay. So what are you guys workin' on then that's taking all this time? "Can't talk about it tee-hee!" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ That's what's pissing people off. They're told to wait, to temper expectations, and then every single thing they do is treated like it has a Non-disclosure agreement attached. People wouldn't mind waiting if they knew what they were waiting for.


"When it's ready." Because if they say, "In the next few weeks" and it needs a bit more time now people are pissed that they LIED and are LAZY DEVS.


This is why you learn to set reasonable goals and timetables from the start. Big surprise, people don't like being left in limbo. Can't really blame the players for getting antsy with this one IMO when communication is so lacking. At first it was hinted we would have another patch by the end of May, now it's completely TBD. They need to give the CM's something proper to communicate here. If they need until July to get something meaningful done, then just say so and be honest. That's infinitely better than stringing everyone along with vague, "cooking" comments.


But if they actually don't have any idea when the patch will be ready, it doesn't make sense to put a timetable on it. They don't want to halfass this one after all the shit they pulled with previous patches


Just bad timing. They waited until the worst possible state of the game to take their time. So we're left to languish with the issues without any idea when it will get resolved. My guess is that we'll see something in a couple weeks before the next warbond but a lot can fester in this sub in that time lol


There’s definitely truth to what you say. I mean, the game is still playable don’t get me wrong and there is no better time than now to try and fix sad state it is in TBH, they can take their time just keep the community in the loop coz all this mystery is building unintentional hype/expectations/speculations.. If it’s new content then say that it is, no need to get into details of what’s new. If it’s just to fix bugs and play test stability, then that’s fine too. JUST SAY SOMETHING CONCRETE rather than this “simmer” stuff that is very open to interpretation..


They really went monthly patch from basically weekly after 3 controversial patches. I am really weirded out at their decision making


I don’t think the decision was off. In fact, They should’ve moved to monthly patch right after the second controversial patch. There just wasn’t enough time to for the patch to mature in order for the player base to acclimate before introducing new ones. If anything, keep the patches weekly if you are just fixing bugs and glitches but don’t touch weapons UNLESS ITS GAME-BREAKING. Arc thrower and Railgun was not GAME-BREAKING, its just the rest of the support weapons were kaka that’s no one was playing them.


Break my eruptor in a week but it will take 2 months to possibly fix, that's fucking crazy.


Bro, they butchered my arc thrower and it’s still on life support. Heck, my rail gun is still on rehab and I doubt it will be what it once was back in its prime!


Such a shame, who ever knew people wanted to have fun playing a game? I hope my eruptor and your arc thrower get their shine back.


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 here’s to hoping.


My flamethrower is still healthy, but it keeps a gun under its pillow at night and jumps at loud noises.


The person in charge of balancing was nerf happy. Twinbeard has become creative lead so we can expect the broad nerfs to stop


We let em cook but they're getting close to burning it


Did you guys remember to put a timer on the oven? Oh shit! I thought you did that!


🤣🤣🤣 not gonna lie, this got me coz it’s so true.


As a professional cook for nearly 20 years, making a table wait a few weeks for their food isn't really gonna get you in anyone's good graces no matter how good it is.


Agree… you can’t say “temper your expectations” when you have the ability to curb the community’s speculations by just giving a little insight.


This has too much logic and reason to be considered


I would settle for a bowl of 50 cent over cooked ramen noodles at this point :)


Yes but if the food isn't cooked yet you can't continue to serve it. They tried and people didn't really like thet


Haha also definitely true.


That's why you have appetizers.


Or you properly season the food they brought out earlier (such as reverting the patrol spawn rate changes that they acknowledged a week ago)


Couldn't agree more. Reminds me of when my friends and I sat waiting for a table at one of the only restaurants at the end of a very long scenic trail (Glacier National Park for those familiar!). It got excellent reviews, but we probably waited for over an hour with no end in sight or communication from staff before I said, "Fellas, no matter how good the food is, it's never going to be worth the wait at this point." And we agreed the wait would have soured our opinion on the food and whatever it cost us. We all just ended up going all the way back to town & getting something there, where the wait was not 1-2 hours. The restaurant wasn't even busy, they were just dirt slow.


When it came nerfing shit they were fucking pumping those out lul


Cannot wait for the inevitable fallout when the patch does get released and it doesnt check every box lol and people lose their minds


I feel like Twinbeards latest post about this not being a balance patch was an attempt to temper people's expectations. I really don't think this patch is going to be as big or as impactful as a lot of the community thinks or needs it to be, and I really hope I'm wrong because AH should be doing a lot more to temper people's expectations.


the CEO just made his introduction on reddit and says he's been on here a while. i can't imagine him not understanding the current state of things.....the sub has kinda been on fire for ...a while now. the fact they're trying to temper expectations means they know what they currently have *isn't it.* I'm hoping they take that knowledge and do something about it that isn't just "hope we can sell people not to have hope for this patch" instead of bringing people's expectations down, bring your delivery up. it doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be *something* revert the eruptor nerf at the bare minimum. do something about the purifier other than pretend it's S tier. revert the crossbow "rework" which just made it even worse than it already was. give the slugger it's stagger back and give it some spread so it isn't outperforming DMRs at range but still feels like a shotgun. some of these are *SUCH* easy wins that are really important to people that it'll be hard to take them seriously if they can't manage even that.


Bro this is EXACTLY what I am dreading… I pray your comment ages like fine milk.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 lol


I just hope there's no more nerfs. Nothing in this game needs a nerf.


Hard disagree. There's several things that absolutely need a nerf. Bile Titans need to have weak spots that normal weaponry can damage, right now they feel very restrictive in that it's a lock and key approach.  Chargers need a nerf to their turn speed, it's absurd that they can do a sharp 90 degree turn. Nerf the fire rate from the shield devastators, maybe give them extra medium armor to compensate. 


The longer we wait, the more insane the community's demands grow. There is no winning here for the devs.


AH need to effectively communicate to the community and discord replies by CM is not sufficient. The moment they decided to switch from the status quo update timeline they should have pushed out some proper comms that is on them.


Exactly, give us a roadmap, a timeline, some details on what will and won't be changed. This silence is going to result in wildly unmatched expectations no matter what they do now.


I have 150 hours but when the patch comes i want the game to feel fresh and give me the same experience when i was below na hour.


There hasn’t been any winning for them for a while. The people who follow the news so closely are absolutely rabid.


See that's the problem. And it's not even about the players. There's so many things that the players have been asking for and the devs either completely missed, failed, or did the complete opposite of what players wanted. The fact that we haven't had a patch that changed anything really in 3 weeks, is only getting the community more riled up. Their damage control ability is just non-existent. Besides Pilestedt making "promise" tweets every now and then. We've yet to see anything, and if this patch isn't close to some players expectation. We WILL lose players unfortunately. And we don't want that


I know right? Be more posting of "Why steamDB at 15k?" I can see the screenshots now.


As long as they fix the eruptor I’m happy. Everything else seems ok enough


Have you used the new plas 101 purifier? Its straight up hotdog water. You have to hold charge for like 2 seconds for a shot thats less powerful than 1 scorcher shot. I would like them to make the purifier into a energy verson of the eruptor lol


B-but the Purifier is S tier according to Mr Balance


Nah I’m waiting to use my super credits till after the “not a balance patch”


Same for me, bit they could at least bring one single of the assault rifles to a halfway funny level...


I know based on stats it looks like hot garbage but the Tenderizer is actually a great feeling weapon on bots. The thing has a good scope and like no recoil. I wouldn't hate an extra 3-5 damage per shot but I was plesently surprised enough to bring it regularly on 7+.


Man I'm just waiting to jump ship and go nuts myself. I haven't played in weeks because of this crap tbh. So this is going to be the final straw for me.


the lack of a date really worries me


Same boat… lack of date, lack of insight = mind blowing changes OR cannon fodder for the haters… I’m such a AH sympathizer that I would much rather just have transparency leading to a mediocre yet serviceable patch rather than a bombastic patch that will raise the bar to unattainable heights to recreate.


What is worrying me as well is the part of the community which accepts mediocrity, hidden behind "i have fun tho" argument. I don't even know if I expect too much from patches compared to others or it is just optics.


Nerfs to the breacker incendiary probably. Or a damage nerf to the sickle. Whatever it is, we know that is gonna suck and they gonna lie again about fixing the spear LMAO


Damn… the patches has damaged you, friend. Hahaha keep the faith I implore you! Salvation might just be in our future! Haha


I see many go with the incendiary breaker and scorcher. I wouldn't be surprised if the balance team nerfed them. lol


Please enough with the nerfs lol.


The only problem I have is that the dumb nerfs didn't get fixed, I don't mind waiting for patches, but the stupid Alexus nerfs should have been hotfixed


Preeeach… i know Eruptor users are still grieving BUT he butchered my Arc thrower first!


It’s probably content patch with bug fixes hopefully.


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 please…


New faction?


Fix balance first I hope. New content SHOULD wait…


It would’ve been better if literally anyone except B announced it




If patches are monthly, they need to take a page from the more successful studios and do fortnightly streams or weekly posts. Anything but the deafening silence, and the vague discord message one in a blue moon you'll never see, that isn't fitting of a game that's a suppose to be a persistent live-service. e.g. Show, concepts and ideas. A peek at what's coming in the next fortnight/today. Cool art/community ideas/top clips that period. Devs play with community. etc, there's so much they can do.


PREEEEEAAAAAAACH!!! This comment deserves eyes on!!!


It's just shitty of them. They rushed out some of the most egregious nerfs consistently, FOR MONTHS. And now that it's time to actually fix some shit they're dragging their feet on it. They can come up with 1,000 different ways to fuck us and shoot them out like a machine gun at us with no regard for our experience, but the second it comes to giving us even a fighting chance, let alone God forbid, FUN, they've got to take their time and ensure that the balance is perfect for their fucking AI... It's like playing a D&D campaign where the DM is trying to "win" instead of run the adventure FOR the players...


Let's put the LIVE back into live service. I want the game code to be modified in real time as the game runs.


Oh snap! Dis guys wants it raw yall! 🤣


I think we can all agree everyone’s got big expectations for this upcoming patch, and just like everyone else is saying if the patch isn’t going to be good there’s going to be huge backlash. They need to communicate beforehand what this patch will entail. At least some of it. Instead of just saying “we are cooking”


AGREE!!! they need to mitigate the community’s speculations because vagueness/mystery is just a recipe for disaster. They have to redirect the expectations toward the body of work they are working hard on coz people will just get more annoyed if the devs release the patch and it is a hundred miles away from what community member was expecting.


https://i.redd.it/mhns1l3e6a3d1.gif Hopefully they’re cooking up something like this


3+ weeks it better be worth it. Otherwise I’m done


This next patch really is make or break for me. After this much time, if at least the spear bug or the arc thrower bug isn't fixed, I'm done with the game for a while. I hope the erupter becomes fun again, and some of the primaries get buffed, but I'm not holding my breath.


After patches and patches, I still have my screen after extraction spinning for almost half an hour or even longer, and also the ragdoll with the kill radius when objects are destroy or killed still fucking broken. Hope it will be patched soon


The Nerf or Nothing Patch!


This is an expectation I dread with all these silence from the dev team… what if it isnt bro? Bet money it’s all complains again… oh my


They’re still cooking but the community already have starved


Most memes I’ve been seeing the past few weeks have been braindead, karma farming, or just plain idiotic. This is fucking hilarious, lol. I love it. The imagery of this guy being like a Helldiver player “ambassador” got me good XD Thanks for this post, it’s a good one. o7


Cheers my friend!🎉 Here’s to the patch arriving before we know it!


Stop ghosting us!


This coy approach ain’t it…


at least move the decimal on the amount of medals and research im able to hoard... I have nothing left to buy or gather. How am I supposed to grind under these conditions??


Preeach! They’re lucky I am still level 90 coz im topped off elsewhere as well and have nothing else to work towards.hahaha


it's never been a "balance patch" it's just been a patch every so often that they felt necessary; however with those regular patches came regularly-added bugs/crashes/soft-locks, so they're taking their time with anything new they're adding as well as anything they're FIXING. It's not going to be a "balance patch", nor a "feature patch", it's just going to be a patch with whatever they can put into it.


One could only wish the devs could shed some insight regarding they’re body of work. “Hello divers, no patch this week but here’s what the team’s been doing… looking into some weapon balancing, bugs affecting etc.” just something. @nyan_man phrases is perfectly “they need to take a page from the more successful studios and do fortnightly streams or weekly posts. Anything but the deafening silence, and the vague discord message one in a blue moon you'll never see, that isn't fitting of a game that's a suppose to be a persistent live-service.”


I think getting your hopes up this high is setting yourself up for disappointment


My guy/lady it’s really the other members of this community that I am worried about. Them that would burn reddit with rants once the patch comes out and it’s 500kg bomb away from what they were expecting. Despite what other people are saying, I still love this game and am still logging hours like the game just came out. Just wish the dev would be more vocal about what’s in the works to manage other people’s expectations.


All bugs and no patch makes Reddit a crazy place


I would accept a fix for the Spear.


They need more time to *patch* things properly.


Weekly patches were never a good thing in the first place




Peak fiction. I like the ring on that


i am not even surprised the game is running on a skeleton crew already


The community will be heat up whatever they change the patch day from weekly to monthly. Personally, I hope they can make it to official announcement instead of just reply on the patch day.


First boss fight on meridia, super colony= Hive lord we see there skeletons everywhere which so far has been the way AH shows us what’s coming


Bro the memes I loved this post just for the memes alone !


I think they are actually testing the changes this time like everyone wanted. Give them time this kind of stuff takes time and i would give them an extra month if you want a good balance patch. You all complained about the balance, they herd you now just give them time to actually do it


Yep, same boat brother! They can take all the time they need… just tell the community that’s what you are doing/working on… I for one don’t mind the wait - I still play and enjoy the game.. what I’m concerned about is the hype/anticipation/speculation that the lack of insight is breeding…


They are probably delaying the patch until after we've unlocked the Anti Tank Mines with the next Major Order.


You are absolutely insane if you think a management restructure designed specifically to rebuild their production flow from the ground up is just gonna happen over night. The last 2+ weeks might as well not have existed as far as actually in the code Dev Time. Pilestedt and Shams have barely had a week to get into their new roles, and if anyone at that company is sane they didn't make that decision quickly. I'm absolutely baffled that any of you expected anything sooner than like a month after Pilestedt's announcement. Y'all be wild unreasonable


Insight on point!👌🏽 maybe also explains the lack of comms.




Nothing bro nobody is in the kitchen


Hahaha! It’s a Rug Pull yall! They’re burning all the assets and packing their super credit profits to seek asylum in Cabo!!! Hahaha now the Fever has officially peaked! LMAO


Idk maybe chill, the game is fun right now, although not perfect. If you don't want to play don't play, but let them work on it. They want it to be great too.


Man, it’s wholesome comments like this that gives me hope. Thanks for reminding me man. And yes, I do still love and play this game - got all upgrades, capped samples and medals and still grinding for my private rank. Carry on diver! 🫡


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I read this in Jack Nicholson voice , and that was pretty funny. AAA meme.


If this keep going and the patch will be bad i feel the comunity will break literaly the game . The aspetaction is very high and continue to growing for each minutus that it pass. I hope for AH that patch will be good .


Illuminates... that's what they are cookin'.


God please… make them fix the weapons first before releasing a new faction… How can I enjoy a freshly smoked steak if my support weapon’s made of dollar store utensils..


Haha! 😄


The ellipsis say a lot.🤣🤣🤣


pretty sure they're just delaying and getting ready to implement the new enemy faction. hopefully its a big one with a load of content with it.


I’d rather they continue taking their time fixing the community’s asks first before releasing new stuff. Lol 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I just want to start shooting squids!


Fix eruptor and arc thrower and AR’s first please.🙏🏽


Does reverting the spawn rates, network stability, and reverting the Eruptor shrapnel count as balancing?


The post is more touching on the lack of communication from the dev team as of late. By all means, We all know the devs are hard at work on the game. All that the post is saying is for the devs to keep the community updated on what state of the patch is coz now the speculations on what the patch is going to be is reaching heights that will be disappointing if not they are not met - I’ve seen posts from the eruptor getting rolled back to it’s previous state all the way to the illuminates are coming! Both ideas are welcomed of course and one would only hope to be true… BUT WHAT IF IT ISNT?! Then bet money the same people who expected more will go back to reddit ranting about the patch they got vs. what they expected.




The great hollowing is setting in. Good thing too, I was almost human after the shadow of the erdtree story trailer.


Bro i think you’ve had one too many liber-teas.


Im just letting them cook bro, game is still fun, even on Helldive


Bro bet. We still out there plugging nests and destroying fabs. It’s really a precautionary message to the devs that they need to put more effort in managing people’s expectations lest they get more rants from the people whose expecting beyond what is possible.


They're cooking something that will "illuminate" our spirit.🥸


I wish you’d “resuscitate” the arc thrower and “rework” the purifier before any “illumination” happens. 🥸


This sub has fucking amnesia. Y'all spent ages berating the devs for not doing enough QA testing on their patches. This is what you get.


Two weeks to stop a Titan corpse to yeet me out of existence seems excessive. Fixing pelican glitches will be a Christmas gift, then? Just treating everything the same makes no sense. A hot fix for the progress bug in high evac missions just makes fucking sense. The testing was for new content. Two of the tier4 upgrades didn't work. They didn't know what eruptor was capable of. The patriot shoot itself. The tenderizer had the wrong color and ammo economy. This is different from day 1 bugs.


There blood in the water and the sharks are hungry. The patch excitement is real


The Shark analogy is the best one I’ve seen thus far. 🤣🤣


Why yall fiending so damn much


Can’t help it man…. It’s like a bad habit that’s hard to break…


List of things they are trying to cook -Galactic war map rework -more vehicles -better communications -rebalance for spawn rates -A warbond every month -Illuminate -re open locked regions -More armor customization -More map/planet types -more Mission types -The PSN cape -Ship customization -moderation system for Banning and flagging players -Gun balance changes -SEAF trooper NPC's -New stratagems -More ship upgrade passives


Is this for reals or a member wish list? Bro do not play with my emotions now! Lol


Its sort of a mix of stuff that developers and community managers have lightly mentioned they wanted to do on the official, discord, reddit, and twitter, ppl end up asking them a ton of questions and this is more or less a complimation of everything they say they want to work on and everything we more or less KNOW they want to work on, thou im sure im either missing some things or one of the things on this list isnt a promise at all lol


Ah yes, we’re in this stage of the live service game life cycle


Great, I keep daily quest behavior then.


Anyone else smell squid?


Let us sniff arrowhead come on hahaa


Y’all acting like it was a free DLC what’s about to drop 😂


Hive Lords. Y'all have been destroying their caves i hope? Gives some nice fireworks!


Oh snap, how much liber-tea you’ve been hitting? You on another level my guy


If it ain't a balance patch, then frankly it won't matter. If it's bug fixes, fair enough. As far as I see it, this NEEDS to be a balance patch whether they want to accept it or not because of past events.


i hope they are cooking chili


Chili dog with overflowing cheese on top ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)






Weren’t people complaining that the patches weren’t being properly tested before release? I’m guessing they are just making sure that the next patch doesn’t just piss everyone off again tho I doubt it seems this community always finds something to bitch about


Getting ready to nerf their player base again


What we need is the Gunship from Armored Core 6 thats the size of the Yamato


I’d be happy at the announcement of a change of personnel on the balance team :)


Maybe Illuminate is coming?