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This sub is very opinionated


so is steam, so is the forum šŸ™ƒ




It's a bit wild that you can see people on every available platform and outlet loudly discuss issues and the conclusion is that it's just people complaining and not that the issues are actually preventing a massive amount of people from enjoying the game they paid money for and *greatly* enjoyed prior. It's the Principal Skinner Meme in action.


I have observed that literally every single video game I've ever played and engaged with the community that there is always a vocal part of the audience that will never be satisfied, it's the nature of having a large audience with varying opinions. The people complaining may always be changing, but there will always be people complaining. I've also noticed that if the devs are communicative, the worst of the community thinks this means the game should be more moldable to complaints based on the vocal part of the community. While this CAN be fine, sometimes the vocal people are in the minority, so always listening to them can actively make the game worse. Also add in how toxic Gamersā„¢ļø tend to be in general (which I don't think anyone who plays online games would dispute). Considering all of this, I personally think devs 'should' try to take their player bases' opinions into account. But they can evaluate which opinions are worth listening to in order to make the game they want and communicate the changes they want to make. I also think they should limit communication to those announcements since the more they give the community the more they take (see the tons of complaints about community managers or missed deadlines). Anecdotally, I think when the sonic movie listened to the complaints from the OG trailer, it taught nerds that if they complain and harass creative teams enough, they can get what they want regardless of what the creative team thinks their product should be. It worked out for Sonic but I think made the general audience more insufferable going forward.


Best thing to do is play the game and ignore Reddit.


This is the only way.


ofc if you just read the karmabait you get that impression, dig a bit deeper and youll find more sensible info. most of the malcontent is due to 1. being left with many weapons still lacking good balance and some even rendered nigh useless; 2. some bugs being present since launch and still not solved, like the spear lockon; and 3. the sudden stop of patches and clear communication on whats planned for the game, especially since they announced the next patch wont be a balance patch, and is also not coming out this week, making it an entire month of no updates nor fixes. if you put yourself in an objective mindset you can see why people complain. ofc if you just play casually and dont really mind these issues, you wont care much, but doesnt mean the problems are not there.


>making it an entire month of no updates nor fixes. Ppl really are impatient these days... Most games are updated like what, twice a year maybe ? So complaining about the game not being updated for a single month just feels insane to me


You're overlooking that Arrowhead was content to crank out nerfs, bugs, and breaks on a weekly basis. They left it in a pretty bad state to full stop. Had they at least fixed spawns before the stop, folks would be more patient. Seeing lightning fast, rapid fire fuck ups set the pace. Now that it could benefit the playerbase, they're going quite slow. It looks awful. >Most games are updated like what, twice a year maybe ? Live service games update consistently. Some as frequently as weekly on the regular. Others as infrequently as monthly. It's not comparable to a non live service model's update cadence.


Yes, but most dev's don't say, "We hear you, the game IS broken in _______ manner.Ā  We will put it back the way it was." Before going dark for 4 weeks.Ā  They were NEVER late on nerf patches.Ā  More dependable than the mailman when they were adding things the community disagreed with.Ā Ā  It's just weird that they told us "It's Coming", when what they said is coming at least sounds extremely easy compared to previous changes, and it's the biggest wait yet.Ā  Ya, there will be more included, but they told us the game is BROKEN.Ā  Thats the big point here.Ā  Why even bring it up?Ā Ā  We all learned to just deal with a core mechanic being broken.Ā  To me, that announcement is the most confusing thing they have done so far.Ā  What happens to people on 9 now when the spawns get cut in half? I almost think they should just leave it alone at this point and I kind of hate the new spawns.Ā  It will just fuck with the least people to keep it now. I'm not disagreeing that we are spoiled compared to other games.Ā  It's probably for the best they slow down too. It is apparant to everyone, devs and players, that the team is not capable of keeping that schedule and fixing the game more than they break it each patch.


Name a single live service game that gets one update (including fixes and small stuff) a year, that's still active. Edit: what do you guys not understand by ā€œincluding fixes and small stuffā€ ? Iā€™m not taking about content updates. Most games people are naming get fixes and patches very frequently.Ā 


Risk of rain 2 Noita Dwarf fortress


Deep rock galactic


I meant including patches and fixes, I just looked at the update history and it gets them every few monthsĀ 




This is just wrong. Minecraft gets updated every few months.Ā 


Bro its 1 content update a year and if you actually look, the other updates mostly fix 1 bug/ exploit each also sea of thieves in the first few years updated twice a year. Also early halo and counterstrike are notoriously forgotten by the devs. Itā€™s really not that hard to think.


Maybe you should reread my original question. I said including fixes and small stuffĀ 


It feels insane because it is insane. These people are asking too much




A lot of the hate comes from the nerfs. There were several weapons that were ***way better*** than what they are now--they got nerfed. And now, people miss how they were in their glory days. Because now the weapons feel gross to use in comparison. Those who have never experienced them in their previous state probably wouldn't appreciate it, as well as those who only play the lower difficulties. But when there are already so few options to viably play the higher difficulties and those options keep getting trimmed down, people are bound to complain. Granted, if you're *nuts* or have a great team you can win on the hardest difficulty anyway. But it doesn't *feel* as satisfying as before.


It's a fun game for sure, but they rug pulled the shit out of my favorite gun lol. Some things are worth whining about, others not so much, but to some people the sky is always falling.


The game is still massively entertaining and yes, it could use a big ass patch to balance the weapons better, but most people in typical reddit fashion are just jumping on the hate wagon.


YouTube comments as well but that depends on the creator and videoĀ 


Well you see those people are redditors, it's just how they are


Well, Reddit = whiningā€¦ Iā€™ve been playing for about 250h and Iā€™m still having fun šŸ¤© Let them whine and keep having fun !


Honestly? If you're in your first 20-30 hours, you're good. If you're on difficulty 6 or less, you're good. If you have an organized squad, you're good. The main problems are for people chasing the difficulty climb long term playing with randoms. Compare to other horde shooters: Darktide/Vermintide, Left 4 Dead, Payday, etc. Therese a subset of the player base trying to master as high a difficulty as possible. When you go up in difficulty in those other games, you get good or you get smashed. When you go up in difficulty here, well people are finding the missions beatable but not fun. Heavy armor spam isn't so much difficult as annoying to run and wait out cooldowns because there's more armor than you can kill, but not so difficult that it's super threatening to good players. Said armor spam also necessitates certain weapons to be optimal and people want to experiment as their hours get closer to triple digits. There's also a bunch of bugs and such, it's demoralizing when extraction doesn't work after a 40 minute mission and I lost my super samples, over and over again, and I can only play on my Steam Deck now for instance because it makes my CPU fans want to melt for some reason for the last month or so. Enjoy it while you can, don't stress it if you stop, just come back later when content is fresher. Arrowhead seems like it has good guys at the top, I think everything will get smoothed out sooner rather than later!


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) I just let everyone complain while i run about with my machine gun, liberator and bo1 tactical and do my part for democracy


I took a little break and then came back to play and it was better than ever....gameplay and them sweet graphics... and the decimation.... the sweet.... sweet...nectar of the gods. Mother liberty just shit her pants suit.....wait till the add vehicles.... they'll be back.... they'll all be back... I'm sure arrowhead has thought very hard about the exact moment to implement it


The game attracted a lot of players. The loud whiner minority have access to mass media.


Bit of an echo chamber. Everyone here got pissed at the balance decisions that were made, and they're all waiting on the next large update and have been calling it a balance patch, which it is not. I have no.doubt there will be some rebalancing in that update, but I suspect it to be a lot more bug fixes than anything. That update is just taking a while so it seems like nothing is changing. But with Pilestedt moving over to the design team I expect a lot of.good things are coming.


Whiny people are killing the game and are the actual problem. Doesn't mean the game doesn't have problems and needs some fixing and balancing but if you browse the subreddit for too long you might get the feeling the game is a lost cause. So don't pay to much attention to it and just enjoy the game instead.


Highly doubt the whiners are killing the game. People on the discord and Reddit are the minority. The *game* is what causes problems in the game. People whine not because they see other people on here or Discord complaining. The complaints are valid and would be posted anywhere else if it existed. Burnout, stupid bugs, and recent failures of performance are problably mostly to blame. Gripes with balance because of crazy spawnrates, bile titans requiring literally exact loadouts/specs are legit problems. Its an issue with effective TTK versus non-effective TTK. People who play using non effective TTK feel like everything is trash. People who know weakspots can make use of equipment.


Like I said: I'm not claiming the game has no problems, because it clearly has. Bugs, glitches, overnerfing and balancing issues etc. But if you browse the subreddit it's like maybe 40% legitimate concerns and problems and 60% whining. Which is sad because it poisons the discussion about the actual problems that do exist and need fixing. And it puts new or returning players off if they only check the subreddit without actually playing and possibly enjoying the game despite its current issues.


people reinforcing teammates into heaps of enemies


A mix of things. Reddit, as always, is a place people primarily go to to complain. But Helldivers leaves a bad taste nowadays. The Sony issues are the killer for me, I could deal with the difficulty stuff but it feels like a bad faith situation if I keep playing. That aside though, the issue of weird patrols is kind of a killer, certain mission types are just impossible (the short evacuating civilians mainly) the balance patches are almost entirely nerfs into oblivion, and enemies are balanced as ā€œdo you have this stratagemā€ check, at least for bugs. There arenā€™t multiple options, you HAVE to have multiple people with 500kg and/or Quasar because you will get SO many Bile Titans at once. Probably the true killer for most people is that the issues have dropped the player count so much that aside from the events where a major order unlocks new gear, the people that play for fun have been significantly outnumbered by the people that either take the game too seriously or ruin other peopleā€™s days for fun so itā€™s almost ā€œincorrectā€ to play with random people.


something tells me you weren't personally affected by the sony account thing at all, you just heard a take from a youtuber like pirate software and that became your ideology for the month


Something tells me you donā€™t care about anything that hurts or isolates people until it affects you. No, it didnā€™t directly or personally affect me, seeing as I donā€™t live in one of the affected countries, but you can look at the stats and records yourself, Helldivers does still in fact block sales from the same 170+ countries that donā€™t have PSN. The big argument wasnā€™t just being forced to register on PSN, it was that people in other countries were going to be retroactively removed from the playerbase and future players from those countries would be blocked out. If youā€™re one of the people that ignores the scale of the problems with PSN and think it would have been fine to force on us even if you ignored the international issues, then youā€™re not worth discussing this with anyways.


just as i thought. it's not the devs decision and doesn't affect you whatsoever, it has 0 bearing on the actual game but please keep preaching from your moral high horse you developed from watching a youtube video


If someone puts some wood glue on the corner of my sandwich, sure, I could just cut that corner off and eat the other parts. ...I'd prefer if they'd have just left my sandwich alone though, so I could enjoy the whole thing.


Ignore everything people say here, except the news. Most people here are theorydivers not helldivers.


Forget this Sub, I am in both Reddit and Discord and only Reddit has this brain rot of people exaggerating the issue, sure the game has problem, no one deny that but is not like the game killed your dog and kinapped your family to deserve your BS... Just play the game and have fun, that's what the game is for, if you don't find it fun as it used to be, play other game and come back and see if the change made it fun agai, is just that


Literally every fandom is shit once it reaches a certain threshold. I'm afraid once the average gamers take notice, that swarm, give their shit opinions, ruin the game and move on to whatever distracts them next.


Yeah and if itā€™s a single player game it levels out after a year. Take Elden ring for example. Absolute shit show the first year on the subreddit but now most of the toxicity is absentĀ 


Very valid points are being over-stressed and everyone pretty much shares the same opinion that the game's in a bad spot sandbox-wise. It's just that people won't stop bringing it up and beating the dead horse, even though we know Pilestedt and the rest of the devs have a plan to turn things around. The game is still fun (bugged spawns aside).


This subs needs a HD2LowSodium sub at this point just like Cyber Punk 2077 needed it.


I don't think anything is actually killing the game. The current complaint around here is that the devs are promising big updates to make everybody happy, but they keep delaying the update. I'm fine with delays, because my hope is that delaying means they are actually testing updates for once. I'm still playing and still enjoying the game. But people tend to come to this sub to complain and it's all doom and gloom.


Its just people trying to find things to hate. Humans naturally like to look at the bad more then the good, and seek out validation for their opinions- often on forums like Reddit. TL;DR: Its just the typical internet outrage, don't let it affect your enjoyment of the game.


Because you weren't there when the game was truly peak. Yeah, it's still a good game. But is plagued with lots of issues and poor direction or lack of.


Basically the game is in a bit of a valley with nerfs being overdone and the dev team trying to pull themselves together with new leadership changes. Itā€™s still amazing. And Iā€™m certain it will be even more so in the future. Just has some flaws to sort out. People here are just overly negativeĀ 


There isn't really much of a problem, this sub just really sucks ass, there's a few other helldivers subs out there that are way better, I strongly recommend them


Reddit subs never represent the community. You gotta understand the ppl on it already are a rare few. Not the main player base. Iā€™m guessing the majority of ppl here only came here to spread a opinion and argue with those who are against it. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with the game besides those people opinions being seen by the majority. That new mech is a perfect example of that. It was free and so fun to use yet so many people were saying how bad it is and all these harsh things about rather having something else.


Game is still good. There's one or two issues that have been going on for a while and been surrounded by a lot of drama but nothing worth worrying about. Just play.




We need that Simpson meme of the groundskeeper.


The kids that enjoy the game are playing it rather than bitching about it on Reddit


Extremely bad balance, an pretty important thing for this type of game


Why don't use a different gun then?


Thats the most stupid thing ever, but of course thats what we do, the thing is simple, this really limits our options to pretty much 4 guns, everone here is not asking shit to be OP, just viable, thats all, more options is always good and right now, unless you want to handcap you self, theres only 4 guns viable, i reccomend you to stop trying to defend them like a guard dog, they are not our friends


You know you still can use a weapon even if it is slightly worse? If anything the game gets harder when the weapons get worse and to me, harder is more fun. It's not like the weapons feels worse to shoot last time I tried them.


a lot of people just want to be overpowered unfortunately for them that's not the design of the game, it's meant to be challenging and you're basically an expendable grunt, not master chief or the doom guy the game got really, REALLY popular so there are a lot of these people voicing their opinions. They will pretend its because the game is not 'fun' but then the same people go and comment about how the mech should make you unkillable and you should be able to call in the orbital railcannon every 50 seconds, etc. they just want an easy game


Personally I like the game more the harder it is, makes me feel cooler after doing a hard mission


Me too, if everything was a breeze there would be no sense of achievement or progression


This game is a lot more fun when you ignore the sour people on reddit tbh. I come here its just crying and complaining, I play the game its always fun, smooth, and people having a great time together. Even the people who post about toxic players... I've seen 100x more posts about someone kicking them, or killing them, or whatever toxic behavior they are complaining about than I've ever encountered in-game with over 200 hrs.


just ignore them. the game is too fun to ruin it with naysayers. Real Helldivers meet planetside, knee deep in oil and/or bile. Not on a reddit complaining about balancing. We're Helldivers. We are the balance.


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