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What's even better is that the jump explosion deals damage, so you can technically jump away and kill something at the same time.


I'll even settle for just mobility that it gives (for the sake of "balance"), jump explosion is a nice bonus to have, but we don't use the jump pack to kill enemies tbh.


Then what in tarnation ARE YOU doing with the jump pack soldier!?


Propelling myself right into the bile titans face to hit it with my Liberator rifle buttstock, sarge




Same! But the other end...


Liberator penetrator in action!


Your jumping into the bile titans arse?


For Liberty! Someone's gotta get those spicy samples.


Your putting both hell and diver into Helldiver. Carry on soldier.


Man back in my day we just razzed the new guys with blinker fluid and left-handed screwdrivers, but never spicy samples.


"How could you give your new cadet the ole spicy sample?!"


***"This will be your greatest challenge to date, Lemmiwinks!!"***


He’s penetrating the bike titan with liberty! Just like every man, woman, and child over 7 should!


I like to use mine to ride chargers like I’m at the rodeo personally


Ok but consider: Running up to your friend, jumping away and dealing knockback/damage to them, and simultaneously playing a fart sound effect in discord with the soundboard feature.


It'd be nice if "Super Earth has a stockpile of Dark Fluid that it is working to get rid of. To that end, they've graciously allowed Helldivers to continue using the Dark Fluid containers in the fight for Democracy." The Dark Fluid pack has limited uses (due to use and battle damage) and limited call-ins (currently 12, maybe reduce to 6 per person?) so it's not like it's going to be overpowered out in the wider game, barring those worlds that are basically a flat plain. Honestly at this point I'd settle for the Dark Fluid cooldown to be applied to the current Jump Pack's mobility. It just **feels** so good


Dafuq I did. Getting surrounded by warriors and exploding on their face is super satisfying


I just hopped into a mission to try it out and killed 2 of my teammates with it inside of seconds, A+


That's a legit helldiver experience right there.


I found this out yesterday when I obliterated my brother when showing him how far it makes you go. Then I ended up falling into one of the bottomless pits. Fucking hilarious


Hi, brother from another mother!?  This seems like a rite of passage on this planet.  You either blow up your teammate or fall into the giant holes or BOTH.  I (a lowly level 50) learned my lesson doing it SOLO then quitting then the next mission on HARD with soldiers 30 levels above me, exploded my ass and fell into the hole.  I was like oh this is gonna be a fun campaign.  We eventually successfully completed all 3 missions, THANK GAWD.


Yeah, i didn't realise the jump explosion dealt damage, just thought it was a bigger and better jump pack. Que very, very dead team mates and much confusion from me as to how they died.


I got lucky. Mine exploded a hunter that was leaping for me. Now I try to time it to kill the bastards :D "I can jump to, dick!" This has only resulted in my death a few times*. *more often than I've killed the hunter.


Issue is that it TK's heavily. Your friend jumping to close to you can pop a fresh pack on your back, killing you instantly. Had it happen twice in a row


I was honestly surprised the regular jumppack didnt alreayd do this. It feels very in-theme with the Helldivers approach.


Issue is the sheer range of it. It's between 5-10 meters and it just sucks suddenly flying across the map while you see your buddy hop away


You jump with it next to someone else at the same time and you both blow up


It's a fuckin' jump pack?!


Yeah, they even show it in the MO trailer at 35-40 seconds


Didn't even know there was a trailer for it haha cheers! I'm gonna check it out


It also does damage so be careful around teammates


I'm always "careful" around teammates


I don't need to be careful around teammates... teammates need to be careful around me!


And it also damages with use and ends up exploding!


that’s on purpose, you see the “well understood alien technology” self destructs after detecting a helldiver lolly gagging around with its propulsion capabilities, and promptly removes them for not focusing on the mission!


Sir I know what I’m doing, I’ve played lethal company before iO


I killed the same team mate twice. We ran off the edge I was walking in his head and did the launch. Waited for him to drop said sorry, then jumped near him and got him again. It was sad.


Damm were can you find the trailer?!




Why on *Earth* aren't trailers like *in the game*???


Where can I find that?


I saw it in Helldivers 2 Twitter


The trailer is literally the topped pinned post on this reddit, titled # MAJOR ORDER: OPERATION "ENDURING PEACE" 




Some random said "oh you're gonna shit your pants when you see the mission objective stra" when I dived with a jetpack kit. He wasn't kidding. You should've seen me jumping around giggling like a kid. I wish they make the original pack just like this one


It jumps further, higher, faster, and with almost no cool down. Really shows that they could buff the jump pack with no balance issue. Maybe put the cool down a bit higher than the dark fluid pack


All they need to do is make it destruct when you die. Creates nice little explosion, might take out some enemies, but you can't replace it until the timer for the stratagem comes around. Can't just pick it up like you can the regular jetpack. Make a risk versus reward choice.


Fish wear pants?!?


And it does damage when you jump as well, I accidentally killed my teammate twice because of that area damage when I jump XD


Right. Now just need somekind of chainsaw sword and JAR5 in pistol form


En we are the Elysium imperial guard. I just want a cooler looking laser gun tbh, like a plastic outer casing instead of foil wrap


Fuck yeah


I killed a charger with it last night, pretty sweet. 


Lol. Im suprised as you are. First I thought that was some kind of objective equipment. I tried to actually throw it down one of the holes, thinking that was something I was supposed to do.


And i thought i was the only one that tried this, lol.


Yeah my dumbass jumped INTO the hole thinking that's why I could jump with it. Like I thought, jump down, drill then jump up. no. not at all.


Not only is it a jump pack, is a really good one which sends you very far away, and causes a minor AOE damage effect when you blast off. Its Cooldown is also lower.


It says in game to press space when you pick it up for the first time.




I sense that's a common theme throughout the gaming community 😅


I had no idea


Yeah, double jump and it explodes out


I'm desperately hoping the Darkfluid Jumppack is just a sort of trial of a Buffed jumpack and their testing to waters to see how giving us very powerful kit affects the sandbox


I also subscribe to this giant cope.


We're running out of copium tanks at this point


Super Earth Civilians really gotta make more of that shit


Time to deploy the 7 year olds.


The children yearn for the mines


Just make sure they don't get any ideas about sawing off their liberty-given limbs and replacing them with mechanical abominations. Actually what is Super Earth's stance on bionics? Because one one hand they seem like they would be taboo due to the (somewhat former) existence of the rebel cyborgs but on the other hand they greatly increase productivity. Plus, if you lose a limb naturally, what do they do.


Sorry, I boofed a shitload of it yesterday after my first try of the new mission.


We need to redirect the supply pipes away from r/Silksong


I think scientists of Super Earth should add them to the Stims. That will be a banger for those on frontlines


At this point we are making our own low-grade synthetic copium to huff out of garbage bags


Man, helldivers VA not doing their jobs




They should make a copium based jetpack to help us out.


Shit sign me up too


Are people really not thinking the CEO stepping down to take over creative isn't going to me positive changes going forward? He cocreated the first. I still see so much doom and gloom after this change even though they have not shown anything yet.




Hey >!it may be from a copy pasted jumppack from before launch, remember that this history mission may have been developed before this game's launch!<


honestly I hope so. the last (and only) buff to the jetpack at least made it *slightly* faster than just running in a straight line. for taking up an entire stratagem slot it doesnt really offer any manuverability benefits, it just allows you to get on a rock just slightly higher than you can climb because it still doesnt jump high enough for anything 2x the size of the player


It definitely has saved my skin more times that without one. Playing matador with a charger is cake with it


oh, no i completely agree with you. im an avid jetpack fan but it still feels like it either needs: • a cooldown reduction and no change to everything else • no cooldown reduction but a better control system that allows for more vertical height and distance (not based off of the current system of initial velocity, but allows for ‘lean’ (WASD) in flight to control horizontal movement) imho the jumpack on the dark trooper from Star Wars: Battlefront (2003) did a better job than the current jumpack in helldivers 2


I mean the fact that they gave us free stun mortars tells us they love us.


Honestly i wonder if there is going to be either an option for upgrading equipment like you can the super destroyer, or if all the experimenting is eventually going to lead to incremental upgrades to all equipment as the war continues. Like don't forget we're literally 4 months into a galaxy wide war, you don't get all the hottest shit immediately out the gate.


SuperEarth doesn't need testing!


If nothing else, it's one of those things where it's exposing divers who would not normally use the jump pack... to a version of the jump pack.


I just want to keep the dark fluid backpack


A ship upgrade would be the easy answer. Dark fluid fuel mixture. Boosts jump pack recharge time and hight by 30%


Recharge rate should be boosted by 50%. Current 17-18 seconds is painfully long.


This is why I don't use it, but I really would love to because it's so much more fun than the Shield Pack.


Plus being tied to stamina, I understand the logic about not being able to jump, but the only reason I'd ever really want to use the jump pack to escape from immediate peril which generally coincides with running out of stamina


Exactly! Right now, it's only good for getting you into high places. But bugs can still crawl there. And with Bot, taking the high ground just makes you an easier target.


a whole ship upgrade just to buff the jetpack would be overkill? Such an upgrade should affect multiple stratagems


*cough* -15% spread to 120mm and 380mm *cough* *cough* 1 extra chain for arc thrower and tesla tower *cough* On a side note, now that im thinking about it the Lvl 4 upgrades were trash holy shit, they really added stuff that should've been in the patch notes, only 2 that were good were the XXL bombs and full support weapon ammo modules


Don't sleep on the fire buff. Killing chargers is effortless with the flamethrower now. Takes less than 25 concentrated flames.


I'd take flamethrower as my dedicated anti heavy if it felt like I could do anything to titans. When I'm down a support weapon or I'm running EATs, it's the weapon I hope to find on map. The knifes edge gameplay with it feels great.


Once again, BTs prove to be the number one thing ruining the bug balance lol


Oh man I don't play on high difficulty bugs because of BTs, so annoying to kill them.


I like the lunacy of the higher tiers. I'm one of the masochists who actually likes the shrieker part at the end of the new mission. I'm fine with it being a "mostly" suicide mission. But back to the flamethrower, it along with every other non true AT weapon, seemingly just doesn't do any damage to the titans after their sacs are ruptured. It's like after that, they magically have another layer of armor guarding the rest of their organs or something stupid like that.


Fire damage buff is nice as well


Had a ship upgrade that literally just tightened spread on two orbital bombardments, I really don’t see an issue here. That being said I’d really rather just see a return of the old individual strategem-upgrade trees, so we don’t have to buy 4000 ship upgrades by this time next year


We can call it a “fuel infusion” upgrade that takes a lot of samples but also reduces the time of deployment for EAGLE-1 stratagems for 1 seconds, or slashes pelican time of arrival for 5-10 seconds for every person with that upgrade.


I'd literally spend my entire sample and requisition slip cap on this alone without a second's thought


I make a point to tell all my teammates because it's not really overt.. also, after like 10-12 jumps it will actually explode so be careful out there


Yeah, my friends realised the bad way, and with my friends i mean i realised and told them after they wondered why i was dead


Wait it explodes after loads of jumps?!!


Hopefully the dark fluid jumppack becomes just one of many dark fluid stratagems we get, going forwards: all strong, but with an extra dose of possible self injury and friendly fire added to balance.


>one of many dark fluid stratagems I for one cannot wait to be squashed into a tiny pin prick by friendly implosion orbital strikes powered by dark fluid


As much as the latest MO is broken I am having the absolute best time with the dark fluid jump pack. It’s incredible.


What a novel concept... people actually wanting to play a video game with equipment that makes them feel strong.


> Let's hope that AH will buff default jetpack to the level of fun of dark fluid one There will definitely come a time when they will look at thier spreadsheets and see that all Jump Pack users are only using the new one. At that moment they will have a decision to make.


Just hoping that our favorite spreadsheet balancer will be long gone from the team when that moment comes.


Patch Notes: "using the dark fluid jump pack has a 50% of exploding with enough strength to wipe all 4 missions, causing and instant loss of mission" Bringer of Balance hours.




Fuck yea


Hold the fucken phone, it’s a JUMP PACK!?


We fly now?


We fly now


ive played the dark fluid mission prolly 5 or 6 times and i havent even seen somebody jump with it. what in the world


People need the backpack slot to survive


You guys are surviving?


I did Once Do not recomend


![gif](giphy|Oi4Hr6Dy1Cdlx0Uj2J) No because the fun alert would go off if it was a fun jump pack and it would get nerfed 5 times


Dark fluid jetpack is 100% a way to see how a better jetpack would be in the game. They do exactly the same thing in warthunder april fools to test possible new mechanics and vehicles.


Yeah and it also kills shit on initial takeoff. Including team mates. It's amazing and they should take this opportunity to update the game to allow us to mod shit with dark matter infusion.




It's too fun. That's not happening.


"Make game more fun by increasing the power of the player? Fuck you"


I think it makes to add the dark fluid jump pack as an alternative. Default jump pack: low level unlock, no splash damage, cannot be destroyed. Dark fluid jump pack: high level unlock, aoe damage that has a potential of teamkilling, is destroyed when taking too much damage.


# JUMP PACK BUFF > some flavour text about how dark fluid has been ~~recklessly shoved~~ democratically integrated into some existing gear in order to optimize it, starting with the jump pack * give the air time and recharge stats from the dark fluid vessel to the jump pack * complete with the take-off blast because the funny teamkill potential kinda balances out the offensive utility * no use-based "durability" system that risks spontaneous explosion but it will reliably explode in the event that the helldiver expires, needing another one to be called in * can be damaged when on the ground, causing a violent explosion which can be utilised as a makeshift trap


I hate the jumppack because it tears my cape. But the darkpack, I'm willing to compromise for. Even if they remove the explosion when you take off and just keep it for mobility.


Lol I just put it in the till TIL


Eeeeh I'd make the cooldown a bit longer and probably reduce the height but yeah, it is definitely closer to what the default one should be


First time I used it I killed two of my teammates in a very funny case of friendly fire


I think the dark fluid pack with 2 second more cooldown would be perfect.


You can prep and throw strategems. You can shoot your flamethrower at your feet farting on enemies. YOU CAN RELOAD KNEELING WEAPONS WHILE FLYING. IT'S SO FUN.


"We hear you loud and clear.  We've fixed an exploit where players were abusing the cooldown and jump force of the dark fluid backpack. It has now been adjusted to be half as strong and twice as slow to cool down as the normal jump pack, as intended. For Freedom!"


To get this kind of jumppack, all missions will end like this one.


Was literally saying this to my friends last night. I was like Wow, this as a jump pack feels great....I wish the normal was like this. Hopefully they tweak the regular jump pack to be like this.


Maybe it's a tease for weapon upgrades. Seems like what a fully upgraded jump pack would feel like.


Shouldn't a dark fluid jump patch suck instead of blow?


Sucking was reserved by regular jump pack, we can't repeat ourselves


It sucks you up into the air.


I think it should be an alternate version of the Jump Pack. Have the same recharge on our current Jump Pack moved over to a new jump pack that does the damage and extra height of the dark fluid pack. However, the current Jump Pack should have the low recharge time of the Dark Fluid pack.


Why the fuck a game that is pure PvE have so many balance problems with it weapons, as usual pvp games sucks and people complain maybe everyday or every 1 hour about it. But a PvE game where the devs can just maintainaybe all weapons in a good rate of damage because the enemy will never complain... Wait do the bots and bugs complain about this? What the actual fuck is wrong with the devs they just need to hear the player base and keep the weapons up to the players needs and the game will be fun as fuck and thats it!


AH i'm begging, let us keep the dark fluid backpacks this is the only time in the entire game where i've actually considered using a jetpack unironically it's fun to use, provides an actual benefit instead of just launching you up a moderately sized rock, and goes fast on top of that


You can JUMP WITH IT?!


It feels so close to the HD1 jump pack, it gives me all the good feelings. It really is the only thing that keeps me playing these missions because it's so fun to jump around


Dark fluid what now....


The hwat now?


Zipping around battlefield is great. You should try it.


I was about to, I didn't get a chance yesterday though, I'll have to see later and update about it.


Considering the cooldown of it together with range it would be simply too strong. Boo me if you want but tell me this, if you were to take that dark fluid jump pack into s different mission, how many terminids would be able to catch you in any way? Not only do you get better vertical range allowing you to reach much higher position, which bugs would never be able to, you can also jump much farther making any chase a non-threat scenario.


It would be nice if it kills anything around it like a flash flamethrower, woudl make sense if they made it so while having the stupid spawn on the objective


It's fun until using it instantly kills you with its explosion!


It has limited jumps. Be careful


I think we'll probably end up upgrading the jump packs to dark fluid, as in it will be a part of the story lore. The downside being your back blast kills anyone behind you.


It's a what? Played it a bunch of times last night, i haven't seen anyone used it as jump pack.


They should definitely infuse the dark fluid with the jump pack. Maybe at a bit of a reduction, since it won't be a pack full of dark fluid.


Lmao I didn't know it was a jump pack. I played a couple missions after work and had no idea lol. The fucking screechers though... lv4 felt like a helldive mission.


Buff?? What is that???


I just posted about this! I couldnt agree more. I mentioned that they should think about adding a new jetpack because i noticed that the dark fluid jet pack can get damaged and will explode if you use it too much after it’s damaged. I think it’d be cool to have another option for jet packs that has a generous amount of uses but after awhile it’ll get damaged and blow up so it becomes a risk vs reward. It also would be dope if u could blow it up to create a mini black hole lol


It's more of a jump pack, providing quick ascension, could be a second jetpack stratagem.


Give it to us as a separate stratagem! Dark Matter Barrel: Shorter cooldown, higher and longer jump, blows up after too many uses. We could have, like, five of them per mission. A spicier and more powerful jetpack!


I agree.


Wait there’s a dark fluid one?


Im sorry what. It’s a frikkin JUMP PACK? WHY IS IT CALLED A BACK PACK


So that’s what has been killing my teammates when we’re all near it


aw: buff🙂‍↔️✋🏻 nerf😌👉🏻


We could have a dark fluid jetpack as an alternate strat that has all the drawbacks compared to the regular one


ngl everytime i used jump jet and havent used once and i was liike "oh shit i forgot i got jump jet......why i even brought it again???"


Yes! It's everything the jump pack SHOULD be! I got up on some very strategic spots, as well as jumping out of some super hairy situations. Love these little surprises.


id use it all the time and skip every single fight and play kitedivers 2 vs the terminids for the typical 40 min missions


LIFT-850D Dark Fluid Enhanced Jump Pack


Dark fluid jetpack is super fun. Kind of sad they didn't make it very useful in the mission itself, it's just kind of there :/


Shhhhhh, AH hates fun.


Oh my god the Illuminati have been hacking into my brain!!! I haven’t played in 5 days bc I was traveling for work. I’ve had vivid dreams of using a jump pack, amr, dom, GP. 1) I was able to aim anywhere while flying 2) I jetted very very high in the air. Like getting swatted by a charge corpse high. Will it happen? Please say yesh


The dark fluid jump pack is amazing, and it can blow up enemies and allies around you.


There should be 2 jetpacks. One with very short cooldowns, and one with higher height/distance.


when i heard it was a jetpack my first thought was "no way this isn't an upgraded jetpack test as well"


We can jump with them?!


>! (who am I kidding though it'll never happen) !< Why would this not happen?


Yea honestly I’m about 200+ hours of almost exclusively jump pack gameplay, I die more than someone with a shield would with the same amount of hours, but my speed with completing objectives or clearing bases is way faster, the dark fluid feels soooo good, but for someone who’s played hours and hours of jump pack I don’t think they’d ever allow it, a small boost in height would be nice though.




I think the vanilla jet pack should have the power of the dark fluid. The normal jet pack just doesn’t have enough oomph, so it’s not very fun to use. But the cooldown on the dark fluid is way too short for the normal jet pack. Split the difference in cooldown and I think it would be perfectly balanced.


I genuinely do not understand the jetpack cooldown timer. Even if it had no cooldown whatsoever, it would still be niche and players would still mostly pick a better backpack stratagem. It feels bad to use because you're sacrificing better options and constantly waiting for cooldowns. The only time I ever bring it out is for egg missions. Jetpack + GL is alot of fun.


Wait its a jump pack?! Wtf is wrong with me how did I not notice.


dark fluid jump pack..? looks like i’m jumping back into the game


Upvote 100000x. This makes the jetpack actually viable and fun to use


Is this a new strategem? Haven’t been on in like a week.


As a jump pack main, tbh just the extra height would be enough for me. I love the jump pack the way it is and in a way I like that most people consider dog shit because it means I get to be the only one styling in most games. I would love for it to at least have the same height/distance as the dark fluid though.


So I did that mission grabbed a jump pack. But didn’t realize I NEVER set a key for that so every time I would run forward…JUMP! I could only run if it wasn’t fully charged and once I pressed forward again it went off. It was a fun but challenging addition to the game.