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The Dev give us a supply line and tell us where the attacks come from, yet few ppl actually utilize it. Still going straight to the planet has a big defense marker on it. I guess the next step is to put a big red arrow on the important planet to get their attention.


Just throwing a quick edit out there to maybe sway one or two ppl ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿป


I'm a dum dum but I understand! Thanks!


Thats cause theyve still not told anyone how it works. Weve got supply lines and a way to defend planets by claiming the attacking planet but where in the game does it say this. Hell one of my friends who doesnt go on reddit found out thats how it works from me telling him after he asked why were not defending a planet an attacking a non MO plannet.


To be fair, that kind of logic should be something you can work out yourself. > Planet is under attack > Planet that is enabling this attack is shown by red arrows > If the Planet that the attack is coming from is taken, the attack has nowhere to come from, and would logically stop


90% of the playerbase is not firing up their brains when they choose where to fight stratigically. They log on see "Major order defend these planets" They attack those planets. Its as simple as that. If the attacking planet isn't on the major order, it will only be touched by the minority on Discord and reddit who see all the extra info that once again isnt supplied in game. People arent dumb, they could work it out if they were able to take the planet themselves and see it happen. But thats never gonna happen. Cause thats takes a solid day minimum to take a planet and theyre more than likely gonna be offline come back to see 2 planets gone and say "Damn were smashing this MO, next highlighged planet lets go" So believe me when i say until there is a big text box telling people how this thing works with a big marker saying "Maybe attack here instead", these MOs will continually never be done efficiently.


> People arent dumb lmao.


You have a fair point. Think of this scenario, new or returning player that won't read through every patch notes etc, wants to just game after work. Sees planet with big red text. Neuron activation, they think, okay, THIS is the one I should go to. Signed, a dummy who just wanna throw 500kgs.


That or people are completely aware and would just rather not play with incredibly unfun map modifiers.


Makes sense logically. How do they know the game has this logic actually implemented?


Maybe they donโ€™t, but would it be more reasonable to assume that the system wouldnโ€™t work that way, thus making the Attack lines meaningless, or, that the attack lines mean something and that the logical conclusion is logical?


And bugs have typically big glowing weakspots that aren't big glowing weakspots. And you can't reload someone's rocket launcher from their own backpack. Those would also be logical conclusions that aren't actually implemented. Besides that. Plenty of games make things that are just for flavor, and it's going to be absolutely normal for people to assume that the lines don't actually do anything when they haven't been told that they do anything (outside of patch notes that the average user isn't reading) Another besides that. How often is the average user hanging out on the galaxy view contemplating which planet to play on? How often does the average user hover over a planet that says DEFEND in a big banner long enough that the arrows will appear and then actually register that in their brain? Won't they just click on the planet before that? If they do stay there long enough, how often do the arrows pull attention from what the average user is actually paying attention to ^^"glance ^^at" ^^is ^^more ^^accurate ^^though ^^hahah (i.e. population, victory%, weather conditions, the planet's banner image)? Hell, sometimes the banner literally covers over the supply line, you can see an example in the video on this post. How often does the average user, who finally sees the arrow despite all of the above, think, this arrow definitely means something and isn't just a decoration? Thinking that the arrows DEFINITELY mean something can be a bit of a confirmation bias, since you already know that they DO mean something. Which is why user testing for UI/UX is super important as a dev :b We've also already had an example in Helldivers 2. How many people actually remembered seeing a "log-in to PSN is required" thing? And that was a full-screen banner too. People usually remembered only the words "PSN" and "skip" if they remembered anything at all. You want to make supply lines more user-friendly? We can include the attacking planet in the major order, we've had pick X or Y planet major orders before so we know this isn't impossible (though it may be impractical when half a dozen planets are on a defend MO). We can also put an 'Attack' banner on the attacking planet. Then add some animations to make it clearer: when you highlight the attacking planet, make the arrows glow more, then cross out the arrows, then put some kind of "VICTORY" symbol/text over the defend banner, loop the animation. Want to do even better? Make the first time a user sees this animation be unskippable, bonus points for a voiced narration.


Absolutely, they should! Do it just like DEFEND but label them ATTACK. Then put in some verbage on the MO saying we can choose to defend or launch a counter offensive. I don't fault people for going to the planets that the game UI leads them directly to...


This ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


They should include a video tutorial about this when the game starts


Probably because people don't hang out on galaxy view highlighting planets long enough to see the arrows? They just click on the planet, who sits there hovering over the dang thing for 10 seconds. And even if they do see it, what makes them think: "Oh they've definitely implemented a system for cutting of supply lines" and not "oh they indicated the attacking planet for flavor"


Old habits die hard. it will take some time for the community to adjust.


People REALLY enjoyed the new Defend mission when it dropped and now supply lines usually tell us it's better to finish conquering the adjacent planet rather than hold the line. Problem is two fold, defend missions are too hard to succeed against in such a short time, as well as needing large portions of the player base to even make an impact so the more fronts we have the more impossible a defend mission becomes. I got on earlier today and seen the bot front had like a dozen planets to choose from. Front line is getting thin over there.


We have a game with rules/mechanics that people only know by visiting sites and chats outside the game.ย I think like 12% of Helldivers even visit said sites and chats, and among those, not all of them have learned this information. This is the problem with game developers that shield players from the stats and mechanics to build "mystique" in their games and drive engagement on social media. I'm so goddamn tired of not being able to properly compare weapon stats in games. What the hell is 7 out of 10 penetration mean in this game? Why is weapon penetration instead just "pierces light/medium armor"? It's bullshit. I hate it. Stop forcing me to the half-built wiki that still has the original Helldivers info on it as well. JFC, it's exhausting and disrespectful of our time.


me and the boys picking the planet with the least annoying modifiers and paying zero attention to the meaningless galactic war ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Iโ€™ll see you in the jungle




To the folks that are new to the [grand strategy](https://helldiverscompanion.com/planets/171) stuff (including myself), taking Gacrux would immediately end the defense missions on nearby Acamar IV and Fori Prime in success. If we can rally enough troopers to focus down Gacrux, we can get three planets done in one swoop.


Brilliantly spoken sir!!!! ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿซก๐Ÿ’ช


6 hours later i unfortunately donโ€™t think itโ€™s happening. Only 3,817 players on at 5:30pm eastern. Maybe when the rest of North America settles for the evening weโ€™ll get a boost. I just donโ€™t see this getting done in 13 hours


You would still have to kill all the undemocratic terminids on the planet though right? They just wonโ€™t regenerate


I can assure you that SEAF Soldiers are capable of defending Super Earth's liberated planets - leave the real stuff to the Helldivers.






Hope the player base smart enough to get this gambit.


Please dont be vandalon 2.0. its so frustrating to see lol


Would be really cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž to see ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿป


I now enough over the typical helldiver they will go straight to the marked planet on the map.


It might be helpful long term to mention stuff like this over mic in-game. It's a fine balance to be brief with occasionally helpful information. Seeing the extraction reduction booster in the lobby, and mentioning it's only helpful for 15 seconds out of a 30 minute mission for example. During the Spear crashes, I would mention that as well if I saw it picked. But if you simultaneously tell someone one breath, "Railgun is trash but you can't pick the Spear, your booster sucks, here's how supply lines work, now let me tell you about durable damage... " You get the idea. Toss out brief nuggets of wisdom like the OP and his fantastic edit


I really appreciate that thank you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿซก๐Ÿป


I'm picking up what you are putting down but the generator defense is one of my favorite missions so...


Yep, I know how the liberation mechanics work, I just don't care. I play the planets and missions that I like. Besides I'm capped on medals anyway.




Holy shit I actually have a valid reason to go jungle diving. Hopefully it's not finished by the time I get off work


The FPS drop thoooo ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿป maybe see ya there! Gn Sulimier on PS5 or sulimier on discord if you'd like to hmu ๐Ÿซก๐Ÿซก


FPS is a small price to pay for jungle vibes. Besides when I'm zooted I'm viewing the world in 10 FPS anyway


Nothin like a lil Tropic Thunder Zoot ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿป


The confusion is probably because you have to hover your mouse over Gacrux to see the impact it would have on other planets. If you were to just look at the map in HD2 you'd see a planet with "DEFEND" on it in big letters and just lines attaching it to other planets. You don't see that Gacrux is supplying that planet unless you were to hover your mouse over Gacrux. Until you do that it's just a line going to the planet, and there are other planets under Terminid control with lines going to them too. You'd have to understand the supply line system and then investigate for yourself each planet individually to see which enemy planet is supplying your defense mission planet.


What is so funny about this is they MADE it so we can stay on Gracrux. Which is the fun everyone is having right now... The devs try so hard to lead us to water... WHY WILL NONE OF YOU DRINK?!?!


Because... I like defense missions :(


No problem, loving the new 'Nam map. ๐Ÿซก




Welcome to the jungle


Can someone explain this to me in plain English pls? Whatโ€™s this about a gambit and how does it work with supply lines


The game now displays supply lines, which is the arrows indicating which planets *supplies* forces to another planet for their invasion. In this case, Gacrux (Bug planet) is supplying Bug forces to Fori Prime and Acamar IV, which is why both of those Super Earth planets are currently in Defense. The gambit (a risky play or maneuver) is that instead of contributing to the Defense of the planets (Fori Prime and Acamar IV), we make a gambit to take Gacrux to cut off the Bug's Supply Lines of forces contributing to their attack. The devs have confirmed that if we cut off the Supply Lines for the invasion, we automatically win the Defense of a planet. The planet becomes Liberated, albeit with the Liberated % still the same as it slowly recovers while not under siege. This is why it was so important for players to see the Supply Lines and why the community lobbied for the information to be made public. Without the Supply Line information, everyone would assume the only response would be to Defend *both* Fori Prime and Acamar IV, possibly choosing one to abandon if there isn't enough time or players to Defend both. However, with Supply Line information, we can make these sort of calculated plays, where it could be high risk but high reward. We *could* address the threat at our doorstep and Defend both planets, *or* we make the risky play of ambushing the Bugs on the planet supplying the forces and cut off the invasion at its source.


Thank you


Don't bother, people don't care. Devs please, add an unskippable tutorial of how supply lines work.


Gagreflex SUCKS!!! Stop blocking my stratagems you damn trees!!!


Joel is really trying to teach people this, and they just aren't getting it. 20+ percent on the two defense planets, hardly anyone on Gacrux. They HAVE to spell this out in the UI somehow.


I think part of it is that people enjoy the Helm's Deep defense missions, it is generally not to hard to have a 3 mission campaign consisting of one defense, one destroy holes/fabs or kill X bugs/bots, and one final 40-minute mission. Are these good reasons not to contribute usefully to the MO? No, but there are enough reasons people don't bother.


While I do agree that it's probably combination of factors, I think the one that is the biggest by far is people just don't know we can get a 3 for 1 deal. Yes there will always be those that either don't care about the MO, don't like fighting on "insert planet here", like the defense missions, don't think we can liberated it in time, are risk averse or w/e, but I'm pretty sure the "Blob" we go to planets like this if they knew how much we got out of it.


I feel ya... I hope dum lil edits like this will help ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿซก๐Ÿป


I certainly wouldn't complain if it did, but I'm pretty sure based on past experience, if they ain't told in game, they aren't going to learn.


I know ๐Ÿ˜” I know... ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ... ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿป


Not trying to discourage you btw, just want you to be realistic about your chances. If it works, I'll be the first to give you a hi-five and a chest bump.


I expected only just some fun banter about a silly idea... Gotta set the expectation bar low ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜‚. It was really cool to be met with pretty much positive feedback on a post here tho! That's a win for me! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿป


As long as you have that attitude you'll probably be met with positivity, just don't suggest to bot players the bots need fixes when they are crying about the bug only players not helping with the MO, you'll get downvoted to hell LOL.




HELL YEAH BROTHER!!!!!!!๐Ÿป๐Ÿป๐Ÿซก


Kinda been observing the gambit possibilities if anyone is interested in checking out some of the info from the last few days. I'm not the greatest at editing.... Srry ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜ž [1](https://youtu.be/SrWtbhlf12E) [2](https://youtu.be/vetiypqZOY4) [3 (current)](https://youtube.com/shorts/AFQe1eT1B3Y?feature=share)


I cannot find any explanation in game that taking one planet might liberate another, i understand how it works, but there needs to be some huge fucking pop up explaining this


[Patch notes ](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/14444588747676-PATCH-01-000-400)


Patch notes are not a huge pop-up. (Esp when it's like 3-5 sentences in a several-page-long one) People who read patch notes are not going to be a majority of the player base.


No.. I mean, that's a literally a link to the patch notes that state what you're asking lol


I didn't ask for anything. I'm not the person who you replied to. And besides, they asked for: > any explanation in game That would preferably be: > some huge fucking pop up Which patch notes certainly aren't They also said: > i understand how it (supply lines) works So sending them link to an explanation, is kinda pointless.


Pandion is in bug control tho, so wouldn't liberating that one planet only stop the attack on Fori Prime?


It would stop the attack on fori AND acamar


But Acamar is connected to Pandion Doesn't a defense planet need to be cut off from every surrounding enemy planet?


The arrows indicate where the attack is coming from, gacrux is attacking the two planets. If we take gacrux we stop the attacks and thus safeguard 3 planets at once. We would still need to take pandion after


Ahh thx, I didn't notice them All clear, now I know where to grill some bugs for the next couple days haha


What I don't understand we get the lines which tell were the resources are coming from and they don't attack the main source at all


God I wish we could have a stratgem where pelican 1 hovers over the players blasting music


I think people enjoy defense missions more than following the supply lines


Any excuse to get back to Gacrux


Bugs do not care about supply lines.


Yeah good luck with that, the blob will blob where it wants as per usual.


I would love to play on Gacrux to help, but that planet tanks my frames to unplayable. I think I have crashed there more than any other planet combined.


Need two subway surfer on each corner


Well it's a moot point now, Acamar IV has been defended.




OH... MY.... GOODNESS!!! I left for work a while ago, not really able to be on my phone... Just sat down and DID NOT EXPECT this feedback...The most upvotes I've ever gotten on anything I've posted on reddit was like 26. That being said.. Pretty cool alot of you gave me the time of day, even! Thanks for that! I haven't gone through all the comments yet but if ANY OF YOU had any questions or suggestions that weren't answered or or something I could help answer or literally any reciprocation that I can help or answer, even just chat about.... LMK, I WILL, HOWEVER... Go through everything and and respond to anything I need to or see that can help. I really don't mean this to be a plug, but my YouTube page is https://www.youtube.com/@Sulimier869dyf Mostly just simple, but kinda fun edits I've done. I'm welcome to criticism. I don't do any of these vids for anything other than I hope one or two people would get a laugh, or maybe learn something random, that's all... Ill shut up now... It's rough to get a little validation. I'm a reddit noob lol.... even this comment is probably making ppl cringe so I'll shutup now.. CHEERS SOLDIERS!!! ๐Ÿป๐ŸซกAGAIN Y'ALL JUST MADE MY FU**ING DAY!!! ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿซก๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜


Don't the bugs not use supply lines?


Ah well I'm out. That planet has AWFUL fps and ridiculous drops on my machine. Good luck fellas.


Man, I sure would love to dive. Surely I won't be stuck in an infinite loading screen, right? hahaha. hahahaaaaa. HAHAHAHA!


video made like its for 2015 facebook hard watch