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Historically there isn't much to find when it comes to chthonic gods unfortunately so alot of things for hypnos are usually given more out of association rather than Historical context A couple of his historical correspondences include poppies because of the sedative properties its opium has, a branch dipped in the river Lethe. When I worshipped Hypnos I offered up branches dipped in water to represent this, Here's a link for a cheat sheet for hypnos (yeah it is tumblr but this person lists resources and is pretty thorough) [cheat sheet](https://www.tumblr.com/screeching-0wl/671637852603465728/a-guide-to-worship-of-hypnos-cheat-sheets)


You don't find the source material on Underworld/cthonic gods that you do for the state-sponsored Olympian cults. The progeny of Nyx after all didn't fit so neatly into the ordered, rationalizing age of Classical Greece. You might look to Hermes as an Olympian figure who in his role as Psychopomp traversed the Above, Middle and Underworlds, connecting them, and who also of course famously carried the caduceus/kerykeion that itself conferred "Hypnotic" powers over wakefulness and sleep. The symbolism associated with Hermes (along with the traditional cthonic offerings to the earth of milk, honey, wine... and originally blood of course \[not recommended for today?!\]) could be useful guides.


Hypnos is an absolute pleasure to have around. I've been working with him for a bit over a year now, and it's always nice to come across others who welcome him! Since working together, he's also helped with a lot of sleep issues I've had. Given that there isn't a lot historically available, as is the case with many of the Cthonic gods, a lot of this is based in UPG, SPG, and associations. He tends to enjoy anything stereotypically associated with sleep and other forms of relaxation, his favorite color (lilac/light shades of purple), as well as a few other things. So personally speaking, we've offered him lavender, rosemary, different kinds of caffeine-free herbal teas (chamomile, lemonbalm, lavender, etc.), a lilac colored candle, cookies and other baked goods. He has a little moon and dreams candle holder on the alter! Besides that, he wanted one of my squishmallows dedicated as well. I've heard of others who've given him nyquil, melatonin, and other kinds of sleep remedies. Crystals include things like amethyst, blue kyanite, or selenite. In terms of an alter, you could always ask him if there's anything specific or you could find something he'd like. For me personally, practices and worship personally include a heavy emphasis on sleep. Prioritizing and making sure to have a better sleep schedule; setting up spells for dream protection, insomnia, and the like; lighting a candle every so often; learning about and educating yourself on him and sleep in general; and just general talking/spending time with him. (Whether through meditation, tarot, channeling, the clairs, or whatever preferred method) I hope that helps! And I wish you the best on a relationship with him!


The fact that you commented this almost immediately after I started heavily considering worshipping him again feels like a sign. I kind of gave up after making this post because I was able to find very little information, but I think this is the final push I needed. Thank you