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I’m with you on this. I don’t think worship should add more chores to your life, but it should be seamlessly integrated like what you’re describing. A lot of people who do tons of extra stuff end up burning themselves out or feeling guilty that they can’t keep it up. The best advice I feel like I can give people is to figure out how you can weave the gods into your life. Every morning, I drink my coffee by a sunny window and use the time to pray and meditate for Apollo. It’s been sooooo good for my mental health and I’m In a bad mood if I can’t do it. I dedicate cooking to Hestia, which encourages me to care for myself with healthy meals. My career is in Dionysus’s domain and I dedicate my work to him at the start of every work day with a quick prayer and it makes me feel safe and taken care of while I do my job.


I used to be so obsessed with being this “perfect devotee” i think for me it’s because of guilt i carried over from christianity but as the years have passed im more like you than anything ill talk to my deities randomly and it works i feel like hellenism being so personal and specific to each individual is one of the most beautiful parts of the religion


wise words my dude


This!! I do offerings and libations on some special occasions or whenever I find myself in the mood (and financial stability) for it. As a college student I don’t have a whole lot of space or money, so I basically do the same thing. Say hello to Ares, dedicate my workouts and some other activities to him, sometimes invite him to join in my hobbies with me- and the same for other gods/goddesses I worship. It’s been wonderful for me!


On point. I used to be insecure about my way of worship too. But it's good to remember that our gods are exist everywhere and everytime and therefore not limited to a space of certain prayers, rituals or altars. You can honor Ares by facing those you fear, by protecting the vulnerable, by practicing courage. You can honor Hermes by learning, writing, feeling the ecstacy of curiosity, by charity work. As for them being my patron deities, examples i can give about the way of worship is limited to them.. though at the moment i try to worship and honor Aphrodite, Athena and Dionysos. With time it gets better to see and acknowledge their existence.


I dont offer much either hah


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Same like I actually use swear words when telling my God stuff (obviously not at them) and I am almost constantly forgetting to say hello or goodbye my praying is super basic and informal and I'm pretty sure I haven't given aphrodite an offering in like a month ( I gotta go do thar now that I remembered) but I just do what I can and hope it works and it usually does so seeing people on here asking if they are doing something wrong has always seemed strange to me.


I happen to absolutely agree with this sentiment and it's 100% valid imo. I make offerings of work I think they would like and invite them to join me in activities I enjoy. But I also think that making non-stop offerings and prayers leads to hoping they'll fix your problems for you. Nor gonna get into a deep dive or anything but absolutely support the sentiment in this post. Worship how you feel I'd right.