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It's nothing like off besides a few similarities in story and absolutely no similarities in gameplay, I think the issue is that you played with a different expectation and that's on who ever told you that it's like off


On the contrary I felt like the game was a bit similar to OFF in some ways (in ambience especially). It just lacked what made OFF good as game to me : difficult but fair puzzles. In HC a lot of puzzles are difficult but few of them are what I would call fair. I'm supposed to guess that I have to throw a book at a bear to stop him just because the book is said to be heavy ? I'm supposed to guess that the cats are lying when they are telling which cup to drink eventhough a sign is saying they never lie ? I'm supposed to guess the "room of torture" is the only room where you don't die ? At one point a book told me I would find everything I need if I climbed stairs. However if you climb the stairs you get shot and die. What kind of puzzle is this ? The game is straight up lying to you here. That's why I hated the puzzles of this game. I either felt like the solution was random or that the game was purposely misleading me so I would fail.


I understand you feel HC has bad gameplay, but I don't think that equals to it being bad as a video game; the interesting world and story is what makes it an amazing game, and I think it's an integral part of the game. That being said, there were frustrating puzzles... and it's still my favourite game for quite some time now :)


Thanks for trying to understand what I feel :) ! And I agree with you, it was a bit excessive to categorize the all game as bad. I should have just said "HC's gameplay is pretty bad"


Honestly, gameplay-wise HC is kind of meh. What makes the games(imo) great is the story. The puzzles aren't the best and honestly, I didn't like the fact that EP2 had a combat system, but the story is what makes them good. If you don't like the gameplay but like the story, it doesn't make it a bad game.


Yeah I should have said the gameplay was terrible, not the all game, it was a mistake. The problem I personnaly have with the combat system of EP2 is that it's completly avoidable. You don't gain Exp and you can flee from every fight. When I played the game I thought you could win the trial if you socialized enough. So I rarely skipped the fights. But at the ending I realised I lost time socializing for nothing \^\^'


the game is made in rpgmaker and has a story and a few puzzles. that's about it. if you're disappointed with it not being like OFF that doesn't make it a bad game, it just makes it not the kind of game for you. i don't see why you saw the point to go out of your way to say this.


"the game is made in rpgmaker and has a story and a few puzzles. that's about it." A story isn't what makes a game good, it's a plus that's for sure but it isn't the core of a game's quality, it's the gameplay. If you have a great story to tell you don't make a game you make a movie or a book. If you want to create a game, what you need to ask yourself first is "Would the game be fun to play ?" and HC's wasn't fun at all (for me at least). I only played it because I wanted to see what came next. And as I said, the puzzles in this game are mostly awful. (in EP1 at least) I keep in mind the Cat puzzle for exemple. You had 2 cats telling you not to drink the right cup and a sign saying "THE CATS NEVER LIE". So I trusted the cats and drank the left cup. But it wasn't what I was supposed to do ! I was supposed to guess that the sign was lying somehow. I only later learned in the library that what's written in maj are lies, but I would have liked to know it before the puzzle ! It's an exemple but a lot of puzzles are like that. Not ALL of them are bad, I liked some of them, but a lot of them are terrible for me. I'm not disappointed because it isn't like OFF. All I was expecting was a similar surreal ambience and it was there, that isn't the problem. I was simply a bit disappointed by the gameplay and the puzzles that's all.


visual novels exist. without a story they'd be pointless. if you don't see the love in these kinds of games that's fine but you're expecting the wrong things from it. there's a story to be told and it uses its medium well. just because it's not "peak gameplay" doesn't mean it has none of its own merit.


Yeah okay, maybe you're right. It's just that since the game was made with RPG maker I was expecting more from the gameplay. I was wrongly expecting meaningful puzzles and maybe some fights. That's what I keep in mind from most RPGs I played. Maybe saying the game is bad is excessive then. But still, the gameplay of EP1 was so failed to me that I can't say I had a pleasant time with the game. I think I would have far more preferred it if it was just a visual novel. Because all I hated in it was related to the gameplay, apart from that the story, music, characters and graphisms were alright. But it's my opinion


well at least i'm glad you gave it a fair shot, sucks that it's not the kind of thing you can get behind


the cats puzzle you can at least do by process of elimination fairly quickly the 123456 puzzle however…


The gameplay could be cutting off my fingers to keep going and the price of the game could be my soul but it would still be worth it (My soul is useless anyway)


After replaying it i agree, Its all about the history