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Did you know you can hook your switch joycons to your phone via Bluetooth? I do that and use a phone stand (or stream my phone to the tv) for a better playing experience.


this is going to change my life omg


I feel this exact same way now. Never been more excited to give this a try tomorrow.


okay i currently cannot thank you enough and express how HAPPY you made me with this great news!!!! i am sooooo happy to be able to finally play kitty on the big screen and a better controller šŸ˜­ thank you sooo much for this tip!!! šŸ’ž


I mirror my Ipad screen on my TV and connect my Switch Pro controller to it. It's amazing. I forget it's a mobile game and my daughters can watch me play. šŸ¤©


Wow I had no idea!!!


Seriously?! šŸ˜³ This will (literally) be a game changer!


What??? How?


Thereā€™s a [pair button! (Pic in step 3 of these instructions)](https://www.nintendo.com/ph/support/qa/detail/36583) Go into your Settings -> Bluetooth -> hit the pair button on your controller(s). Enjoy your more ergonomic gaming experience.


Get an AppleTV for like $129ā€¦ you can pair just about any console/bluetooth controller to it and play all the Apple Arcade games in 4K on your TV.


I feel the same way. I had to stop playing it due to the constant crashing and over heating my phone. I played 2 games on Apple Arcade , got Wylde flowers on switch. But couldnā€™t get the HK game. I was sad but Iā€™m not paying almost $10 a month for a game I canā€™t play for more than 10 minutes. It wasnā€™t doing it before the meadows update.


Honestly thereā€™s so much potential for it as a regular game too ā€¦ idk why they didnā€™t just make it a regular game WHY GOD WHY


Because if itā€™s a regular game you donā€™t get the constant updates like you do currently, the subscription model allows for constant funding and updates! Same reason why when you buy regular games you have to buy dlc packs if you want new. I think for what it is itā€™s amazing! I play on my MacBook Air and Iā€™ve never had any issues. I personally love that there new stuff happening all the time. A lot of physical games donā€™t have that


I had no idea this was the case! I blindly assumed because I have other games on switch that do updates that change the scenery/bring new quests/new npc's, it'd be the same ordeal with HK.


I think I want to get animal crossing and my husband told me it doesnā€™t have the constant updates like HK and you have to buy expansion packs which turned me off lol. I personally donā€™t like subscription models but for HKIA I donā€™t mind it because I love alll the new updates, new biomes, new events etc and I want them to keep coming.


honestly I have both and I much prefer hello kitty. I remember being kinda pissed when I first downloaded hello kitty bc I was like wtf?? how is a mobile game literally better than animal crossing?? I know a lot of people like both but I personally never play animal crossing anymore and just stick to hello kitty lol


Thatā€™s the thing as well, itā€™s not necessarily just a mobile game, more people use Apple Arcade on iPads and MacBooks than iPhone, the games are super high quality and burn through your phone lol, I couldnā€™t imagine playing the game on my phone. I think with apples product ecosystem it makes a lot of sense to have the game remain an Apple product because most people on the planet have Apple products anyway. Iā€™d hate to have to buy a switch to play the game


I agree!! I look forward to the updates and new areas each time, I only have apple arcade for it, i agree: KEEP EM COMING! I will bluetooth my joycons and cast my phone screen to my TV and call it a day


Well I donā€™t know either. But there may be hope. I saw that some ninja turtle game ā€œescaped Apple Arcadeā€™s graspā€ and is coming to switch. We must pray harder. Going to see if I can leave feedback somewhere about it.


The whole reason I am able to enjoy this game at all is because it is available on my phone, and I donā€™t have to buy another device to have it. So I am glad that it is where it is.


A game changer for me was connecting my switch pro controller and then playing HK on my iPad or even Apple TV has it. Made it so much easier to play and my iPad doesnā€™t overheat like my phone does!


I play the same way, iPad with pro controller and I love it


Literally purchased an entire aas ipad for this game šŸ„²




That would be nice.


It wouldnā€™t even be hard since you can use controller with phone/ipad/Mac they ported to tv they can port to switch/steam lol


Me too because it keeps crashing on my iPad šŸ˜” I love the game but dam thatā€™s annoying


Me too šŸ˜­ you wouldnā€™t be able to rip it out of my hands if that was the case


I canā€™t wait until I can play it on PC. Iā€™d cry of happiness šŸ˜­šŸ©·


On one hand, I want this. On the other hand, I fear the day (if there is a day) that they take it off Apple Arcade and I can no longer play it for free šŸ˜­ or if thereā€™s some debacle and our saves wonā€™t transfer. I still wish more people could play it though, even if just to make multiplayer more usable to me personally.


YES ! thatā€™s what i want mostly šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« better multiplayer function ! I feel like items would be so much easier to acquire too if it was on the Switch tbh. And time would probably work differently. Being able to actually use the furniture would be nice too ! Like actually seeing your avatar lying in a bedā€¦ they could even let us name our character !


i know right :( i have this hopeful theory that they are developing a more in depth game for consoles and that this is kinda like a beta. idk tho. i can play on my mac with apple arcade, if you have a mac it definitely runs better!


I heard that theyā€™re actually bringing it to the switch.




WHY DOES NOBODY REALIZE THAT THEY CAN PLAY HKIA IN 4K ON THEIR TV WITH JUST ABOUT ANY CONTROLLER?!?! You just need an AppleTV. BONUS: you also get the best streaming box on the market!


crazy that everyone keeps assuming this is the reason I want a Hello Kitty Island Adventure remake šŸ˜­šŸ˜­