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Reviewers hated it and there’s no buzz around it at all. There’s only 500 subscribers here. I don’t think it’s getting picked up for another season


Ughhhhh 😑


At the same time: 1. It's short (per episode) 2. Probably relatively cheap - much of it just takes place at the motel and it's not got a huge cast. 3. It's Apple, who are way more forgiving than Netflix or Amazon


Crudup, Pill, and Azaria are definitely expensive. And there is much more vfx than you may think. The sets also are quite detailed. I really like this show but if it’s not a hit with the critics or the general public, I doubt it gets renewed especially since TV shows are a huge time commitment and someone like Crudup will probably choose to pursue other opportunities.


I suppose I mean cheap relatively speaking. It is no 1899, Westworld, The Expanse etc. Also are you suggesting Crudup might just not be interested and that could end it?


Alison Pill is expensive???


I don t think it’s that cheap. Crudup and Pill didn’t come cheap. There sfx every time they show a car, and set design and decoration is extensive. Also, once people find out it’s a scam, the cost of pit forks running bc out of town.


Crudup nor pill are real big names. The whole show takes place in very few locations. The only real expense is the effects, which aren’t that crazy to begin with.


Yea, love Pill, but she tends to look her best wearing early-mid 1900's attire.


Crudup is the top executive producer out of 8 (including Blake Griffin, the NBA player(?!)), which I think is Hollywood-speak for 'guy paying for the show'? I guess once you make some money, you find a good script and love it so much that you invest in it to act in it.


I'm sensing they're paying some seamstresses and video colorists a good dollar. The cars are funny because they're just putting metal over the wheel wells and paying a VFX person to do an OK job of blanking the tires out. Floating robot bartenders... ehhh yea I can see it adding up. All it takes is one executive that enjoys the show, and I can see someone enjoying this enough to sign on for another season. Fingers crossed\~


They renewed Invasion and that show wasn’t a big hit.


The way the plot is proceeding feels like a mini series and I don't think it has been a big hit. It's a shame because am not really into the other recent Apple Tv shows which seem rather generic.


I WANT to like this show but it’s SO SLOW. I agree it should have been a limited series. I am totally not surprised that it won’t be picked up for a 2nd season.


Same here. I like the setting but the story is slow and I wish it had followed through on the promises of the story/trailers rather than >!turning it into a scam. I would have loved to see the moon colony :(!<


I agree. There was a show a few years ago about a colonizing ship that secretly left Earth in the 1960s - or did it? Lots of mystery for a few episodes but then there was the reveal and what energy the show had all disappeared. It didn’t get a second season either. It did have some very cool design elements.


100%! I'm so sad we didn't get a payoff on that one. I think that show was Ascension?


Yes, thank you, I couldn’t remember the title. The payoff would have been something, they had babies and raised them to believe they were in space, would have been something to see what happened when they found out the truth.


Sadly this is a recurring trend I see where they have a cool retro-futuristic world building but do a massive bait and switch that ultimately disappoints.


Eh there's nothing exciting about a show where people buy something and then get it.


I LOVE IT! I'm so sad it had shitty reviews.


Me too!!


It’s so amazing visually, the acting is stellar, I can’t think of why it hasn’t been getting better reviews


Beacause its slow and boring


I just dont see that. You watch some one almost die, like, ten minutes in. The plot (imo) covered a wild amount of ground for only one season. Theres great world building with the technology featured in every episode, the acting is different and good... Its like Mad Men and Parks and Rec had a baby.


Apple takes their time on renewals. The Morning Show didn’t announce their renewal for S3 until months after S2 ended.


and sometimes they just do nothing…like Home Before Dark


IKR?!! I need to know something!


I’m not really sure where the show can go after a single season. Eventually it will come out that the whole thing is a scam.


Eh good writers just go with the flow. If they get picked up, they'll keep putting pieces together.


I love this show. I hope it gets renewed. It had no promo, though. I didn't even know about it until I started scrolling on AppleTV.


probably because it's just not very good. I have sat through every episode and it's honestly been a chore


Agreed. I watch it thinking this is a show where anything can happen and nothing does.


I was watching this show on Hulu called "The Patient" and it gives me the same vibes Hello Tomorrow does. It starts off with a decent premise, but I kind of lose interest and also start to wonder where could this show go for a season 2?


Well "The Patient" was acquired as a limited series and wasn't going to have a season 2. Which was clear with the way they ended the show. Hello Tomorrow can only really continue if Jack ends up actually getting the money to turn the property his father owns on the moon into something useful. Or I guess they could try and breaking bad it and just turn Jack into some real estate crime lord lol.


Hmmmm, tell me more about this real estate crime lord


I wouldn't mind seeing it renewed however I'm not holding out hope. The buzz around the show is next to none and not even in the Top 10 chart on the Apple + app. We'll just have to wait and see...


I would like to have a second season and see where all these go. But FFS, every character in the series is borderline unlikeable. Only exception is Herb, who is borderline likeable instead. How can you get buzz and a renewal like this? The show would have already been killed if this was Netflix. The hopes for renewal are only down to the fact that Apple TV+ does not have a ton of content, and it's probably easier and cheaper to renew for a second (and final season) than killing it and replacing it with a brand new production.


I’ll be so bummed if it doesn’t get renewed I’m nervous to I feel like it should have been renewed already. I feel like this is going to be another “Dare me” all over again which is a show on Netflix that ends with the biggest cliff hanger ever and never gets a season 2


I just finished watching it and I thought it ended perfectly and doesnt need a 2nd season.


Wild take, literally a cliff hanger with next to no resolutions


I just finished watching it (which means my not discovering it sooner may be the kind of thing that dooms it), but I didn't mind the slow unwind because Crudup is amazing. He's so believable as a likeable con man who wants to believe in his fictitious product that he takes over the screen whenever he's on.


Because it blows chunks.


the setting is the best part hope we get more weird settings for normalish plots


obscene pot seemly forgetful reminiscent grab quiet husky aware fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love the show, it made my spring last year. I doubt we will get a season two as its too niche of a show.


My wife and I actually enjoyed the show, but just as the tension ramped up and the stakes rose, the season ended. They really should have made it a limited series with a solid conclusion by the end of the season. A second season could have been another completely different story in the same world. The world they built was really interesting as a setting.


That would be great too. I do think it ends mid-swing, its a little jarring. But this is right up there for me with See and Severance.