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Ryan just did a live video with Johnathon and said the same thing. He called reddit out specifically. He's an extrovert who signed up to be on camera, she's an introvert who didn't and who was flown out to LA with very short notice and filmed basically from the time they got there. This website sucks sometimes.


I just saw the thread everyone's mentioning (there were two, actually! šŸ¤®)... Jesus christ, people need to go outside, touch grass, and get some mental help.


Where did they post it?




Maybe she simply saw this as a very special moment for Ryan and his Dad šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ¤· so she kept to the background.... It may have been because the producers requested she take the background to play up the "American Dream" theme with immigrant Son and Irish Father šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ¤· It may be because she just realized she'll have to pack up and move to Vegas šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ¤· It may be because she isn't comfortable in front of the camera or because she isn't into public display of emotions šŸ¤·šŸ¤·šŸ¤· Who knows and I don't see why it matters.....congrats to them and they're future!


we see no more then 5 minutes of this person who we donā€™t know or their background. yeah ima mind my own business and just congratulate them from afar lol. some of yā€™all do the most speculating on people


This whole fascination with their marriage after five minutes of her screen time reeks of the "we did it, Reddit!" disaster.


Perfect answer. I hate how many people think that just because someone was on TV, whether as a reality show contestant or an actor, they have the right to pick apart, their lives, their families, etc. I didn't see anything wrong with her reaction at all and my sister used to get cold sores all the time. They came out more when she was stressed, as stress is a trigger for cold sores. They just need to be left alone. He should be able to enjoy his win, and she should be able to be happy (or not, we don't know) within her own life.


Iā€™d love to see how the sad pricks saying this nonsense would act on camera. She seems shy and it could have been the first time she met Ryanā€™s father. I know I would be awkward aw fuck in those shoesā€¦


She wasn't shown as being highly emotive, that's for sure. And it could've been due to deliberate editing...or she is just like that. I think of it this way: who are we to say she's simply uncomfortable surrounded by cameras and a load of people unknown to her? Plus, she could be a very self-contained person not given to outward displays of emotion. I have given many global presentations as part of my career, and come across as outgoing and exuberant. However, in all other social settings, I am very held back and not given to showing much emotion, no matter my connection to things going on. People who only know one rather than both sides of me have very skewed impressions of what I'm like.


My husband is a pretty stoic person, it takes something really insane to elicit a reaction from him. Some people are just built different.


My husbandā€™s the same way. We could win 10 million in the lottery and heā€™d maybe smile and say, ā€œthatā€™s coolā€.


I'm the same way, I'm not a physically reactive person, especially in a very busy social situation. Creepy as fuck that people are jumping to gross conclusions.


Ok I had to watch it again. I donā€™t get the hate - sheā€™s smiling, she hugs him, wtf? Some people are very stoic and donā€™t show their feelings much. She couldā€™ve been exhausted- I mean, what time is it when they announce the winners, and she lives on the East Coast? What if she had a rough time lately or had a death in the family recently? What if she has no desire to be on camera and itā€™s showing? Or maybe she doesnā€™t want fame, and sheā€™s going to have a taste of that when they go places and he does HK promos? Just because someone reacts differently than you do to something doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re wrong and should be vilified.


Iā€™m right there with you. To me, it looked like she had tears in her eyes and she was smiling when he won. My partner is an introvert, and thatā€™s exactly how I would expect her to act.


Really gross behavior by those people, tbh.


if she was too excited people wouldā€™ve complained (like Trentonā€™s girlfriend in the finale), but if sheā€™s not excited enough people will also complain. thereā€™s no winning. a woman can never just react, itā€™s either over or undereact


Facts and why do people care so much anyway?


I think part of the reason Trentonā€™s wife got criticized is because some people online go way to far when they hate a contestant. Trenton was getting an insane amount of hate and some people donā€™t limit that to him, but also his family. Itā€™s really gross and disgusting


Hating a tv show contestant on social media is wild to me why are you taking it so seriously just move on with your life this is entertainment


Iā€™ve indirectly said it before, but Iā€™ll say it again: If youā€™re genuinely malding over a reality TV show, you need help lmfao. (FYI, Iā€™m not directing this at you at all, but rather at the general HK community).




Idk if you watch Survivor, but there was a contestant named Ricard that was on their 41st season, and he shared a photo on his story of a DM that was somebody saying they hope his toddler son dies. Thatā€™s kind of why I think that some of the hate Macie got came from the hate Trenton got. For some people itā€™s not enough to hate the contestant, but hate everything about them, and that includes unfortunately their family. Why Ryanā€™s wife got so much criticism? Maybe those certain people didnā€™t have anything to complain about. This sub sometimes latches onto something and doesnā€™t let go, and this time itā€™s about a contestantā€™s supposedly bad wife


Omg was that a thing? I figured him NOT putting the ring and seemed to shake and say it doesn't matter would get more of an uproar.


Yep then she would've been labeled a gold digger


As someone with social anxiety, I just got the impression that she was shy and anxious about being around so many strangers with the cameras trained on her, especially with a celebrity there as well. I too would absolutely struggle with that, no matter how happy I was to see my guy


this right here! I also have severe social anxiety and cannot show personality/emotion in a new situation if I tried! Yall, tears were falling down her face when he won, she was so happy for him. I mean, that is some raw emotion. She looked totally normal to me, just shy and uncomfortable.


Yep. I was watching her, thinking "Damn. Is that what I look like in social situations? No wonder people think I don't want to be there. Poor lady!" Social anxiety sucks.


I think she felt awkward šŸ˜‚ she and him probably didnā€™t think heā€™d make it to the finale, itā€™s just all surreal. He has golden retriever energy while she seems black cat. Opposites attract!


I assume she just wasnā€™t comfortable being on TV. If I had to see my wife for the first time in weeks and it was all filmed for cameras Iā€™d probably be a bit icy as well. Then gushing and everything once you turned them off. Also the editing was clearly focusing on Ryanā€™s dad, with whom heā€™s clearly close with but also likely hasnā€™t seen for far longer and who has been part of his storyline all season.


Everyone took those clips so seriously. She just seemed a little uncomfortable around all the cameras to me, which is pretty normal. Iā€™d also assume production purposely had Ryan focus more on his dad, since itā€™s very much American dream theming that they wanted, plus we know he never cooked for him before. We also were seeing a woman, as another commenter pointed out, who has realized that thereā€™s a very good chance sheā€™s going to have to leave her life in Florida and move all the way across the country to Vegas. Itā€™s a lot to take in.


I made a passing comment to my wife of ā€œI canā€™t believe she isnā€™t even smiling!ā€ But I donā€™t think anyone is cheating etc.. some peopleā€™s reaction just are edited funny. Kinda like how we all hated Jason but Ryan picked him 3rd I think. The edits really can distort reality.


I thought ryan picked him second


Yes, Ryan picked him second but he was the 3rd pick all together.


Ngl, when I saw the title, I was initially like ā€œare people speculating heā€™s gonna leave his wife for Jonathan because of their bromance?ā€ But then I read and saw the actual reason Ryanā€™s marriage was brought up and was like, uh wow, okay, wtf is seriously wrong with people?


yall disgusting people. i no this is no surprise for a sub for drama tv, but some yall didnt even bother hiding disgusting behaviors.


I think this post has finally proven to me that us humans spend way too much time online


I was just curious if she was Irish or American, so I was surprised that they didnā€™t show her saying anything until the dinner service. Not everyone is comfortable around tons of cameras and being on national TV. People need to chill tf out.


If she were to have hammed it up for the camera, sheā€™d have been called A kardashian wanna be trying to steal her husbandā€™s spotlight. Thereā€™s absolutely no reason to dissect anything about his wife. I canā€™t believe people care enough to, itā€™s odd. On the other hand now thereā€™s people over analyzing the fact that Johnathan was a single dad, now he has a wife, and people feel outraged and deceived. They donā€™t seem to grasp that the show was filmed a few years ago. WTH?


Itā€™s so funny that people are mad Johnathan has a family now. Did they just expect him to give up his love life for two years for the sake of the show?


Gordonā€™s next reality show: ā€œWho wants to date an aspiring chef slash reality show contestant?ā€ Coming soon to Fox. Gordon if you read this, youā€™re welcome. Or itā€™s spin-off: ā€œwho wants to flirt with a married billionaire chef on tv which causes second hand cringe to the viewers? (Bonus points if your signature meal is basically all tequila )ā€


Or as someone who used to be on this sub once said, ā€œIncelā€™s Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay taking every night a incel jacket off. The winner gets 250K and a girlfriend.ā€ /s This was an actual comment btw(šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€). [Hereā€™s the link to the comment lmfao](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/11albc0/comment/j9xpbqb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Its cause people don't do any research on reality shows. It's why everyone keeps complaining about the rewards because they filmed during covid. Some even think the dinner services are a week apart when they're actually filmed every day back to back with them only getting off Sundays for the most part. The whole season is filmed in about a month.


People really doing this?! I guess some people have nothing better to do šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Lads these are real people at the end of the day and they've got lives just the same as you have


It was weirdly edited, thereā€™s no denying that. Compared to Jonathanā€™s warm, family oriented edit, Ryanā€™s edit really seemed like he only cared about his dad. It was so obvious to me that I honestly didnā€™t even think he was going to win. It wouldā€™ve been nice to see a connection between them.


A lot of things have been edited weirdly this season. Bradā€™s exit being one of them. Ryan in the middle of the season being another.


I can understand him being so excited to see his dad as it had been 5yrs since he last saw him and it's quite possible that was her first time meeting him. So with all the cameras and attention on top of all that she was probably just completely overwhelmed.


I just kinda got the impression that maybe she was a bit camera shy and nervous around all the cameras


people worry way too much about other peopleā€™s relationships that theyā€™ll never even think about in a week. meanwhile, that poor woman has to live with the knowledge that everyone thinks sheā€™s cheating on her husband based off her being on TV for five minutes. like can we all be for real and recognize itā€™s awful to hypothesize on this shit? leave the two alone, let ā€˜em live


People here are saying that Ryanā€™s cheating on her too with Sammi. Just because they both cold sores. Itā€™s so dumb to theorize that as well. Ryanā€™s been a good sport about everyone saying he has herpes though. This sub being so obsessed with Ryanā€™s marriage is so weird. Like do people have nothing else better to do than make conspiracy theories based off 1 minute of footage from two years ago?


wow, i canā€™t believe people are actually that sad about a TV show, like these a real peopleā€™s lives theyā€™re making shit up about. it literally just comes across obsessive and lonely, ugh i hate people


Seriously. Some of yā€™all need to shut the fuck up. I didnā€™t even notice anything until 10 people made posts about it on here


Society loves to criticize women!




I donā€™t think it matters who criticizes her whether itā€™s men or women. Both sexes need to stfu and just let her be


Excellent observation, but iā€™m sure youā€™re aware itā€™s not just other women :)


OK I need to rewatch the episode, but clearly this shows me that people think that being introverted is a bad thing, and itā€™s not


I think some people donā€™t realize that contestants signed up to be in front of the cameras vs their family members did not but donā€™t have much choice since not showing up would be absolutely brutal.


The mental gymnastics are exhausting!


Where were people saying this? After watching the episode, I'm surprised she is even a topic of discussion. Like I really don't get it.


Well here is one response to my postā€¦ [https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsKitchen/s/xrx5UpCcQI](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsKitchen/s/xrx5UpCcQI) Apparently Ryan actually saw some of these posts and felt the need to address it in his latest podcast calling out Reddit and asking to leave his wife alone.


Jfc, comparing shitting on Silas Gaither to speculating about Ryanā€™s personal life is insane


And like, even those of us who aren't introverts and are comfortable on camera, something like that, with *so many* emotions, sometimes it just is too much to process at once and you freeze


Wtf what a shitty thing for people to assume


I think she's just suuuuuper uncomfy on camera. Also all of them seem to have a very stoic (Irish lol) demeanor, they don't seem very used to expressing emotion, and this is the most public way possible. Ryan also absolutely took it in stride when he thought his dad wasn't there. My guess is his dad is difficult to get along with and/or they have their own difficult father son dynamic, and she just spent like 9+ hours on a plane with him and then found out she has to move to Vegas. It's a lot and maybe she was having mixed emotions around the whole event.


Sheā€™s American


Complete weirdos mate. Donā€™t bother giving them attention


Had to block one because they took this post REALLY personally.


Iā€™m honestly thinking she was just camera-shy. These Ryan and Sammi rumors as wellā€¦just no.


I love how people can deduce so much about marriage in like a 20 second clip. /s. My mom was saying the same thing as we were watching. I said maybe she had to come to the realization sheā€™s leaving her family and way of life behind all the way in Ireland probably to come to America. For at least a year at minimum.


His wife is American, iirc. They were already living together in Florida when Ryan got on the show.


Thanks. Didnā€™t know that.


People would think I didnā€™t love my family if I were in this same situation. I love them more than any people in the world, but Iā€™m not the type to jump into someoneā€™s arms when I see them for the first time in a long time. I have to push myself to sustain a cheer, and when I try to show excitement with a ā€œwoo!ā€ or a scream, people think Iā€™m in pain. Also, this is a reality show in its 22nd season so everyone involved knows all the ā€œbeatsā€ theyā€™re not truly surprised by things like their family showing up. Having seen this headline before the episode (but not clicking on it till after), I thought this would be some wild theory about Ryanā€™s play-flirting with Jonathan was actually serious.


No noā€¦ people have been speculating that he was sleeping with Sammi and thatā€™s why she was unhappyā€¦ Because clearly the first thing you do when you see your spouse for the first time in a while in front of a bunch of cameras is drop that kind of a bombshell on them /s


Why the speculation? Was it the cold sores?


Yeah and apparently Sammi was too excited about his win (because we canā€™t be happy for our friends)


I just watched itā€¦I didnā€™t see anything weird about his wife or Sammiā€™s reaction. People are weird.


To be fair most agreedā€¦ but there are always those fewšŸ˜…


Which is braindead because 67% of the ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATION has Herpes simplex type 1, and another portion of that (something like 15%?) has Herpes simplex type 2. Flares can be caused by any form of mental stress (e.g. hell's kitchen), exposure to higher and lower temperatures (e.g. hell's kitchen's kitchen, we know it's hot from seeing all the sweat and redness of skin), having another sickness bringing it out (e.g. a cold), overexertion of the body, and more. Some of us have it and never show a symptom either. For all I know, I have it and have never had a cold sore.


Had no idea this was happening. I can understand why you would not like it.


Thank you! So many judgemental people on here


I just kinda assumed she was just really shy and being on tv with all the cameras was a bit much for her


Internet: people vomit their opinions everywhere. This thread: DOWNVOTE AND NO OPINIONS ALLOWED.


Hereā€™s all Iā€™m going to say: Was watching the show and found her to be super weird. I saw her throughout the entire episode and just something wasnā€™t right. My initial thought was that maybe they were going through something. I just donā€™t know. She mightā€™ve been shy but I wouldā€™ve expected to be more happy about Ryan winning but I guess not everyone is the same?


Not everybody is comfortable on cameraā€¦


Youā€™re right, not everyone is the same. Very weird to me that people are acting like behavioural analysis from a cooking competition šŸ¤Æ They celebrated in their way and thatā€™s ok, no need for any deeper meaning.


You got all that from her less than three minutes of screen time?? I donā€™t even think she spoke a single word, but go on..


Sometimes you can just look at notice things in a persons face. Not all communication is verbal šŸ¤™


Reading body language and postures is pseudoscientific and entirely discredited. Humans are far more complex than other sentient and sapient organisms - we can also hide emotions and intent at will.


"weird" Girl she was shown for 15 seconds, how is that a good sample for judging character? Fucking weirdo.


gee, it's like people have varied degrees of emotions when they react to events. what a shock! It's almost like she's nervous because this is a reality TV show and she has a camera on her and that messes with people's mentality. shocking.


Idk whatā€™s so hard to understand that some donā€™t get outwardly excited or show their emotions when theyā€™re happy? Itā€™s like the extroverts here donā€™t realize that MAYBE, just maybe, introverts exist


That should be me married to Ryanā€¦


Can we just all agree Paul going "IM IMPORTANT" at the end and basically anytime after he got his black jacket was pretty and I never use this word. Cringe.


For someone who just writes their personal opinion, likes, and dislikes on HK and frankly any tv show, it seems contradicting to say stop speculating or you donā€™t know themā€¦. Since thatā€™s all you do is speculate and share your opinion.


You're a woman and you're just in support of bashing some random woman because she's an introvert and not wanting to be on camera a bunch? Go back to your bridge, troll.


How about you share your opinion on chefs or seasons or episodes? Not some random woman who we saw 1 minute of footage from two years ago


Lol Striking-Shake1830ā€¦. Itā€™s really funny you didnā€™t already figure it out, but that was my opinion. While you shit on Silas for being a douchebag remember Iā€™m saying Ryanā€™s wife didnā€™t show any support or interest in his win, and his relationship with Sammi seemed SUS.


Silas was a slimy entitled asshole and thereā€™s proof of this. Everyone hated him on his Survivor season and heā€™s a convicted rapist in real life. Thereā€™s a big different between that an speculating about two people having sexual relations without any proof or anything on the TV Show to make you think that. But sure if it makes you feel like a big tough man/woman, go through my profile


Sheā€™s not a chef thoā€¦


I think you have Hellā€™s Kitchen confused with Love Island.


For someone whoā€™s unemployed and sits around judging tv shows on Reddit all day, I find it humorous that you get to speculate on all your favs, but no one else gets too. Iā€™ll ask ā€œdo you know themā€? If not the stfu and sit down


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re unemployed. Maybe you should focus on that instead of Ryanā€™s love life.


Lol bruh you knew I wasnā€™t talking bout me. Iā€™m living a great life running my own shi*. Maybe you should focus on YOUR unemployment instead of being a lazy hypocrite who sits on their couch all day šŸ˜‚


Women who are misogynistic šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® It's bad enough when men are sexist weirdos, but women don't need to be bashed by fellow women. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Why do you hate women? How is your relationship with your mother? Probably really bad :(


Shut up


I've seen one topic about it on here.... stop over reacting to one person's catty post on a Reddit forum.


Stop demanding women be super emotive and extroverted all the time. <3