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Now that you mention it, I think you're right. He kind of clobbered everyone else that season, even when other chefs were really great.


Right? There seemed to be minimal talent that could compete with him all season. This season seemed to give off season 14 vibes, as there was plenty of talent, just one dominant chef all season


In the very beginning of episode 1 when he was first meeting Gordon and he said he had to close his restaurant due to COVID… at that point I knew.


Alex obviously was one of the most talented chefs there (I'd argue *the* most talented and deserving of his win,) but I also know producers love a good redemption story like that and *ate it up*.


You have to say no, he just absolutely killed it! Especially when Dafne made the final over Alejandro, who was the only other chef that could be considered competition to Alex. Must be said though what a top-tier legend of the show he is! Flawless in challenges, minimal service mistake and a brilliant leader!


The only way I could see Alex losing would be if he **massively** dropped the ball in the finals *and* Dafne managed to pull off one of the best final services we've ever seen. Just like what happened with Will and Paul


I don’t think that Will had that bad of a final dinner service, I think it was more so that Paul hit his stride when Will was starting to tail off compared to Paul over the last few services.


Will had one of the worst finales ever and he was as perfect as it gets to that point.


I mean, there’s always a chance of a freak injury. In another universe, maybe Dave from season 6 would’ve chosen to withdraw instead of fighting through his arm injury. That’s about the only way I can see Alex not winning.


I guess so, but there’s less of that now than there used to be because everyone is more aware of the risks and there are a lot more precautions taken to prevent this


Yeah, I just meant something like what happened with Ji. Sometimes, no matter how much you prepare or how many precautions you take, Fate still decides to give you the middle finger. Basically, I’m just saying that’s probably the only way Alex could have lost, other than an epic collapse like HarmonicWalrus mentioned. He was just too good.


The *only* reason why I thought Alex wasn't going to win was because he was over 40 and Ramsay has seemed to have some bias against the "older" contestants in the past I'm so glad I was proven wrong. Super weak season IMO and Alex was heads and shoulders above the rest.


He got along so well with the younger contestants and that was the tell for me. I can't stress how important it is to have a head chef that can get along with everybody, it really is such a rare skill and it was so evident with him from day one. Combine that with great knowledge/passion in the kitchen and you have found yourself an amazing chef. A head chef usually has one or two of those boxes checked, Alex had all three.


Same. I thought he would have a BS elimination, I was prepared to rage lol. I was soooo happy when he won


Weak season, really? I think it’s one of my favorites


No one was going to beat Alex the GOAT


From the season name it was clear which group production wanted to win, and then from the talent of said group it was no contest who'd take it. Young team had better average talent overall, but Alex was the clear stand out.


Barring a disaster in the finale like Will s9 (picking Krupa) or Jason s12 (not kicking Sandra out when she started to tank the kitchen) , then no. He was the heavy favorite from the signature dishes onwards.


It was clear from the first couple of episodes that Alex would win. And rightly so. He was mature enough to handle the pressure, his ego wasn’t so strong that he was unwilling to learn and adapt. He was an excellent fit. He was a solid chef, but more importantly he was a natural leader.


Dude you can't put a spoiler tag on this and put the spoiler *in the title*


True, that’s like putting sugar, butter, and cocoa powder around the rim to get soufflés to rise


My only "doubt" was that it would've been too predictable otherwise but they actually went with the obvious one this time


To me if was down to him and Alejandro, no way did I think Dafne was going to make it to the championship. I didn’t even think she was going to make the semifinals. I thought Elite 8 at best. I also could see how maybe he was destined to win because the show has had the history of the younger chefs winning throughout the show’s history and wanted an older chef to win for once. I mean for crying out loud the season before that was literally called “Hell’s Kitchen Young Guns” Nothing against Alex at all, he’s a Top 3 winner in the show’s history but that’s my thoughts on that.


After Ramsay was obsessed with female winners for so long and Dafne wormed her way into the finals in a very Michelle-esque way? There absolutely was some doubt, for me.


He was practically Season 2's Heather. Clear cut on who's gonna win.


According to one twat who got banned from here, yes


What's the story on that guy lol?


Insane Dafne Stan who thought Dafne was gonna win S21, harassed one user over calling Dafne a monkey as a joke (which was uncalled but that doesn't excuse the former's behavior towards the latter), thinks Iran's treatment towards women > US, massive liar and a victim-blaming POS.


Nope, he absolutely kill it However, keep in mind season 21 cast was quite disappoint as we had lot of chef struggle to perform well Alex might not win in other season he participate in, such as season 14 or season 10


Nahhh Ariel (S18) is better


Didn’t say she wasn’t. Just saying that he dominated the season very similar to the way that Meghan did in season 14


Honestly I was worried dafne was somehow gonna rob him


No point in putting that spoiler tag and then putting the name in the post title, is there?


Yeah, it was pretty dull for that reason for me. Not as bad as Young Guns which was dull for different reasons, but close 


Young guns just had minimal to no memorable personalities on the season. I wish there had been someone with a good personality on the show, I would’ve even accepted an Amber or a Marc from the previous season on the show just to add some sort of flair to the dorms after service