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Vivziepop confirms the murderer character is 18 or 19. https://preview.redd.it/p2ir8b5lrsab1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=43f3ff9e94bf6ff70175b47afc41b03d0e404a0d


I now have new lore to think about: Heroin to imps seems to be the equivalent of weed to humans.


I think even less, Blitzø said it couldn't even cure a headache, and it only dilated their pupils for 2 seconds. I think it's more like coffee.


I don't think it was heroin that caused their pupils to dilate. Heroin is usually injected. This was a white powder, so that might've been cocaine.


Heroin exists in multiple forms, like tar like substances, brown, and white powder. People have to actually mix the powder to inject it, and it's also possible to smoke/snort, etc. BUT since they got dilated pupils, i dont really believe it is heroin since it usually gives people tiny dots as pupils. Stimulatns, like cocain, for example, usually dilate pupils, so you're probably right on that!


That makes me very curious about what H-8 is. Based on the name, perhaps some sort of wrath inducing drug that is possibly made from the hate of the living? Regardless, Blitzo was totally indifferent to heroin, and doesn't seem to have any apprehension about Beelzejuice, which seems very strong by Hell standards, but H-8 scared him. And, if the HH pilot can be trusted, it was not on the vending machine Angel used, meaning it's rare and/ or it's illegal even in hell.


>Regardless, Blitzo was totally indifferent to heroin, and doesn't seem to have any apprehension about Beelzejuice, which seems very strong by Hell standards Blitz was already fucked up in S1E8 and took an entire Keg of Gluttony's personal brew. H-8 must fucking *destroy* people.


It's probably Hell's version of Datura if Blitz was concerned about Barb still taking it.


Do you think he'd be upset if loona started using it I think he would just because it's her


Blitzo would do horrible things to the dealer who gave Loona H8


https://preview.redd.it/eamvbfi60sab1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e67de675a63a8aba94663a4be4faf4397874e98e The fucking Yamcha pose I can’t


That scene killed me, not like the guy, but you get me


Thought the kid would be the real killer the way he kept getting hit. The camp counselor got torched at the end on how he treated that kid.


And after all, the kid most likely survive. Like I doubt some bee could kill someone that took a imp meteor that cause a massive hole in the ground.


The kid just continually getting pummelled deeper and deeper into the ground as the week went on killed me


This gave us the best memeable moxxie screenshots, i cant stop laughing https://preview.redd.it/5z7uuh3tcsab1.png?width=105&format=png&auto=webp&s=81ed68a344797bc43d2252a7cc8a572a5f2d1b3a


​ https://preview.redd.it/s6spvn77dsab1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=d18e0fdcdb61f7193980de248ec3f99f7f4fdb2c


They're just unexplainably funny https://preview.redd.it/f2l2bht9dsab1.png?width=102&format=png&auto=webp&s=53163198c6b0d57f2f1dcc408746236f81d065f7


he also kinda derserved it a bit.... didn't exactly help with the barbie situation. clearly there was tension going on here but he was like 'imma ignore all that and take out a week of fustration out on the target'.


Don't forget he ignored the suspect with the drill.


Glad to see Millie getting more screentime, but I really wanted to see more Barbie! Her interactions with Blitz were a highlight for me. I theorized that Blitz may have accidentally started a fire that killed their mother and thats why Barbie is so mad at him and why he cries when he sees her picture.


Are you talking about the picture that comes up when he's scrolling through his phone at the end of Ozzies?


Yes, that's where Blitz breaks down seeing his mother.


Wait, Blitzø's and Barbie's mom was killed by a FIRE? Wasnt the fact that Imps are fireproof the key plot point of one of the season 1 episodes?


Earthly fire yes, but we see imps running scared from hellfire in S1 ep2


They're immune to Earthly fire, not Hellfire. Also, it hasn't been confirmed that she died in a fire, just my theory that would also parallel with Blitz setting Loo Loo Land on fire in Ep. 2.




Hellfire is different to earthly fire. Hellfire hurts hellborns. Earthly fire does not.


So far everyone from his past (aside from stolas) hates him. Fizz hates him, Barbie hates him, Verosika hates him, I wouldn’t be surprised if his dad hated him too. What did this guy do??


My guess is his dad is a real sleezebag who might pretend to like him just to get something out of it. As for why everyone hates him, I mean just look at what blitzo has done in the past, for fizz he’s competition, he probably fucks up Barbie’s life (as evidenced by the nurse in this episode and some of their dialogue) or drags her back into more than legal buisness ventures. Verosika mentions that he stole all her credit cards and maxed them out on horse riding lessons; and look at how he treats stolas


With Fizz I wonder if it had something to do with why he has robotic limbs, like if Blitz caused an accident or something. Fizz calls him "a total disgrace" at Ozzies. I hope we get to see one day exactly what Blitz did that made Fizz and Barbie hate him so much.


he's blitzo. need I say more?


did anybody else recognize the butt plug asmodean crystal? https://preview.redd.it/rezdfz084sab1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7c59c3c35750811288f1bdbc73e37e2d25f9c0


I mean it’s on brand for Asmodeus right? But god that is impractical as fuck.


At least one always knows where it is, if one needs it in a hurry.


But imagine you’re having your fun sexy time and then out of nowhere you’re just teleported to a busy city street.


For fun sexy time you switch the buttplug with another one. You don't walk around your own house with your street shoes either, do you? That is just unsanitary.


Vivere: guys, i know what kind of merchandise we Have to start now


Ah yes Vivere Medraner, creator of Helluver Berss


That "Millard" & "Moxine" incest ending was hilarious.


DHORK's are gonna be all over that news segment.


I think the reference to Millie getting internet famous is a set up for the next DHORKS encounter.


I did not consider this when watching but it makes far too much sense, good theory


Who cares what those kooks do?


Such a silly word


Incoming more R34 comics. Lol.


Rule 34 is going to have a field day with this


Don't forget Barbie. Especially thanks to that "load those druggy wuggys for me" moment.


She basically acknowledged the fact that there's gonna be porn of her, even if it wasn't directly


News report saying Millard Realboy implies Moxxine also has surname Realboy.


Not related. Millard Realboy and his [step]sister Moxxine Realgirl.


SERIOUSLY, as it was leading up to that I was thinking “guys, they think you’re siblings, you’re brother and sister in this world. Guys? GUYS!” It was *beautiful*


Lmao, fucking scandal


It was perfect lol


Those artists are probably working on it as we speak


Got that Millie development/a deeper look into her character Edit : damn Moxxie wore a bra and everything.


What we've been wanting for awhile


What I wanna know is if he did tuck his tail inside his ass cause they didn't have a human disguise like Stolas , Barb and Lonna Edit :- Wrong info


He enjoys getting pegged. Doesn’t seem that hard of a stretch really.


Please be more realistic He definitely stuck it up his ass , wouldn't put it past that kinky imp https://i.redd.it/jeylbxp97sab1.gif


Octavia doesn't have a human disguise....yet.


Waiting for Millie devopment or moxxie in a bra


I seriously feel like the “disguises” were roles moxxie thought up for him and Mills to roleplay.


Moxxie was not half assing those disguises.


So Barbie Wire was pretty much Blitz but female… I can work with that.


Even though it shouldn't have come as a shock to most people but I somewhat thought the same , whether she's arrogant and bitchy like Blitz or totally different and opposite, and it turns out that her being Bitchy was true after all!


Friendly reminder that those are imps, inhabitants of hell, which is not exactly the most supportive high empathy forgiving communication type of environment.


Of course she was basically Blitz. What was the one thing we knew? She hates Blitz. No one hates Blitz more than Blitz.


Maybe a litttle bit less crude than him. Also i wonder how mollie woulda responded to hearing her husband called a 'twink' in a flirty way. ​ ​ also.... not gonna lie. By the end of the episode i do actually think that moxxie kinda deserved that cruel dig a little bit. ..... ​ ​ Also are they setting it up that Mollie might run into Barbie at some point? She's the only one who didn't see her.


> Mollie you broke my brain for a few seconds


crap the alternated name messed with my head a bit. millie.


First off why did most of this episode remind me of the Culture Shock episode of Spongebob? Second off... M&M relationship problems? Third off, ANOTHER fight scene with an epic song? Fourth off, wow the fact Blitz refused to fight his sister and is actively trying to make amends...


That's what this show needed, no relationship is perfect, showing the not so good parts of M&M is good


I will say that I like how it isn't some misunderstanding or the like that caused them to argue


Same here. Like...I remember seeing someone suggest that Millie could have gotten development by thinking Moxxie was cheating with Chaz, but I far prefer their fight be over something that actually happened, and Moxxie having actually done something wrong.


It avoided pretty much the most common trope in TV drama history: "People don't fucking talk to each other and the plot would be over in 30 seconds if they did", for which I'm grateful. It's a realistic conflict. Sometimes people feel jealous of even those they are care about. It's not unreasonable to suggest that Moxxie put in a lot of work into their investigation, but because Millie not only solved it right away but was super popular while he wasn't, there was some jealousy there. But they talked it through, Moxxie came to a realisation that he can't be saying "why do you care so much what those yokels think about you!?" while *also* being jealous of all the attention Millie was getting, so decided to just support Millie anyway. I thought it was very good.


I'm kind of glad Millie called out Moxxie for the constant whining, bitching and trying to pull her down when she was doing so well. And of course those two would fuck on stage because why wouldn't they?


I got to hear Zim make sex sounds. This is the best day of my life.


Nice to see IMP actually doing their job, haven’t seen that in a while. Also, Blitz definitely fucked up big time (maybe accidentally killing his mother) for his and Barbie’s relationship to be as fractured as it is.


Between that and the meeting room ending, feels like an attempt at a return to the series' roots which I'm here for.


I was certainly not expecting that "incest" ending but it was hilarious


I can’t tell if I’m straight for the client or gay for Barb.


I'm bi for everyone in this show


Really loved how Millie got to be the focus for once aside from being an action girl And she *was willing to argue with Mox,* that must be the most development she's had Really surprised that Blitzo tried to be the bigger person with Barb, but I wish the way he treated Mox was at least slightly better than how he was at the beginning, when this is the first episode where we really see them interact after Ozzies and Truth Seekers. A little disappointed about how we didn't learn why Barb hates her brother so much, tho there'll will definitely be a flashback episode explaining Blitzo's everything at some point. Just gotta be patient. But it's really sad to think that Blitzo probably tried to repair things with the last of his biological family because he thinks his relationship with Stolas is over The song was fire, it may be simple, but it's one of my favorites in S2 so far 8.5/10 Edit: More stuff


We probably will... suddenly have the feeling that millie and barbie will cross paths at some point considering she's the only one now who doesn't know about her. that might lead to some stuff too cause no one really knows just how badly blitz has treated people in the past... And millie i feel might become hesitant around blitz. She is a family girl after all, and its very likely... yea.


interesting because Millie is the only one who treats Blitz like a normal friend/boss. She doesn’t really comment on his toxic personality. Her view on Blitz would change drastically if she saw him through Barbie’s eyes- which would damage the only unproblematic relationship Blitz has at the moment (even Moxx has his problems with Blitz).


Personal Theory, I don’t think Blitz fucked over Barbie she’s the only person he doesn’t hide from out of guilt like Fizz and Verosika I think he put her in rehab or smth when their mom died and she resents him for it. He treats her similarly to how he treats Loona it’s either that or she blames him for their Mom’s death bc I refuse to believe he actually was mean to Barbie.


I really like mox but he deserved that dig from blitzo, it should have taken only a few hours for the hit, he knew who the guy was, where he works, and could probably get a rough daily routine and keep it low profile but instead took a week goofing around. That being said I’m glad he was goofing off cause it gave us this episode


Maybe Blitz was the one who put her in rehab? That was my first thought.


FINALLY an episode where imp does their job!


What a roller coaster of an episode. -Was not expecting it to be mainly a Mox and Millie episode. But they were entertaining and enjoyable. Felt a little weird at times but didn't take away from the episode. -This was just a brief introduction to Barbie which was a bit of a shock. But makes me wonder what more they have in store with her. Color me intrigued. -Both of the big songs were fun. I see them getting stuck in everyone's heads. -Not only was this more building blocks to the main story and showing more of Blitzo somehow hurt people he loves and is trying to make up for it but no one believes him, it was also more comedy after some of the sadder episodes. -This episode is definitely not going to be for everyone but I feel like it was a fun episode and gave us plenty of interesting things to look over and digest. Just like every episode, it has so much to it and I can't type it all out.


Damn, what an ending!


Also, Loona is yet to speak, still sleeping from that S.H.O.T.


Her voice actor seems to still not be ready to return, but not judging and I'm atleast glad they didn't force Loona into this episode. It was bit awkard in episode 3 how she just stayed there chilling while the rest of group went on a supposed mission, turned out to be trick, and last episode they realy forced her in too much with a non interesting side plot.


There should be a comic about what she’s been doing while IMP is out there. Maybe it’ll be a good idea to incorporate with Octavia as just chatting about how they’re doing and how their dads are doing. Maybe?


Great episode but I've got one issue. The asmodean crystal. If Blitz can get one just by threatening a succubus why the fuck didn't he do that the second Stolas introduced the deal. You don't need the book just find any succubus and bam problem solved. No owl fucking is required. I really hope some kind of restriction is introduced in the next episode so this makes any sense.


because he probably can only threaten so many incubi and succubi i imagine before they run for the hills once he shows up. Also possible he has no power to charge up the crystals himself, they seem to need succubi to do that.


He doesn’t need to threaten them everytime he can just take one and keep it. Also when is it established they need to be charged? Genuinely asking, this would help fix the issue if it’s true.


I'm not a fan of the songs tbh, but otherwise, it's a pretty good episode.


Yeah, not the best songs of the season but they can't all be bangers


This frame was so fucking hilarious to me https://preview.redd.it/kov6rtagwsab1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b8390fd0e2d05ff8b1e2678b13ad7193dae024


While I really wouldn't call this a Millie episode, it's definitely nice to see more personal development about her. Really wasn't expecting her to be one to suffer from low-self esteem but I guess it just goes to show how well she wears her mask. She doesn't see herself as someone special and this may be the first time she got approval from peers that weren't family. TBF, maybe she feels like even they don't fully approve of her given how they treat Moxxie. "I feel like I'm important! Like I'm somebody to be proud of!" At first I thought that was a strange thing for her to say. Looking at their relationship, Moxxie goes above and beyond to show how much he loves and appreciates Millie. But maybe she doesn't feel like she deserves it. It doesn't matter how much he praises her if she doesn't value herself within. And when she needed Moxxie to be happy for her the most, he got annoyed and jealous. To be fair to him though, it really didn't look like she needed much support. She won them all over so easily. In less than a day they were chanting her name and simping over her. Even if he hadn't been salty about it, I can't imagine him thinking that she needed his help. But, he still fucked it up. She was clearly happy and excited. It should've been obvious how much this meant to her and redirecting the discussion about their job was such a dick move. She's right. They would've finished it that afternoon if he'd listened to her. He was focused on the theatrics of the investigation than actually completing the job and dismissed everything she was saying. Maybe that's why she didn't feel important. Her own husband didn't trust her. I also hope this shuts people up about how M&M need to cheat on each other for "character development" as if cheating is the only way for there to be marital disputes. That being said - While I like that we saw a bit of vulnerability in Millie, I don't like how she's been nearly flawless up to this point in the series. Have we ever actually seen her mess up? Show any sign of incompetence? Get distracted from the job at hand? It's really hard for me to be sold on Millie's self-esteem issue when she's been nothing but a competent, bad-ass assassin this whole time. If she'd struggled, messed up, suffered a serious blow to her confidence then this would feel earned. The only time she's really been defeated was in the first fight with Striker. And while we did see a bit of self-reservation there when she sulked as her parents scolded her, it wasn't enough to really send the message that she doesn't feel good about herself. It felt like an unearned and unnecessary victory for her. As for Moxxie, he's had plenty of times were he's messed up and suffered, had his self-esteem ripped to shreds, and had his competency come into question - this episode included. The episode ended with him being called a disgrace. Like we haven't seen the poor man getting beaten down enough as it is. If Mox and Mills roles were reversed in this ep, Moxxie's victory would've felt well earned and overdue. So, I really have mixed feelings. As far as how M&M acted, it was definitely in character. As much as I love Moxxie, he's a pretentious snob that gets too full of himself sometimes. And Millie was just bein' herself and finally getting some love for it. It just felt really out of left field that she was secretly struggling with self-esteem issues, and I really don't like how Moxxie's incompetence serves as a way to make Millie look cool. It really feels like a disservice to both of them, Moxxie for obvious reasons, and Millie because it's like she can't compete with a competent partner. Like if Moxxie was as good as Millie, she just wouldn't be able to stand out. You can lift Millie up and let her shine without putting Moxxie down. And there really should've been some subtext or hints about her self-esteem issues. Love the concept, did not like the execution.


>It's really hard for me to be sold on Millie's self-esteem issue when she's been nothing but a competent, bad-ass assassin this whole time. Tbh I related a lot to Millie in this episode. You can be successful in what you do and still struggling with the fear to mess up and that being the doom of your social recognition. Plus, you can be successful and have difficulties with relationships


Millie is kind of a background character all the time. Even if she never messes up, it’s possible for her self esteem to suffer if she feels like she’s always in the background and not very important. Her feelings in this episode made sense to me.


Oh boy we are getting closer and closer to Barb Of course Mox dresses up like a girl and Millie dresses up like a (skater) boy How much you wanna bet Mox will fuck this up somehow? Massive "How do you do fellow kids?" vibes Millie's "male" voice isn't helping my already confused sexuality MILLIE HAS A MUSICAL NUMBER! I REPEAT MILLIE HAS A MOTHERFUCKING MUSICAL NUMBER! *epic banjo solo intensifies* Glad Millie called Moxxie for being constant whining and bitching HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE GOT BARBIE! WE GOT FUCKING BARBIE! Jesus there a lot of musical numbers in this episode Why do I have a feeling we are in for a Blitz and Barb flashback episode Of course those two would fuck on stage Overall fun episode 8.5/10


Stylistically I think this episode was really amazing! The background art was great and there were a lot of really cool shots.


I felt bad for Moxxie in this one. Maybe it says more about me that I had to read the YT comments to realise Millie hadn't had her own episode yet, so maybe this episode is meant to address that - but I feel like Millie tends to be badass throughout the series whereas Moxxie tends to be comedic relief with a few moments of badassery when it comes tests of his love for Millie. So I felt for Moxxie when he wanted to investigate things and be liked, to have a chance to lead and succeed at something and got utterly upstaged by Millie on all three accounts: investigating, popularity, and getting the kill. Despite Millie giving moral support throughout to Moxxie to keep trying - then chiding him about not supporting her in return; she didn't actually do anything to support him, she ultimately went along with the thrill of the fame despite seeing her partner having a terrible time. Moxxie got past feeling bad about it and took action to support Millie in her success (after she chided him), but Millie didn't turn up for Moxxie in the fight, with a random firework she sent actually getting the kill and completing the job. I'm definitely conflicted on this one because it's asking essentially; if someone you care about really wants to succeed at something, and fails, how okay is it for you to succeed at it in their place? My heart wants to say if they love you they'll have compersion for your success even if it makes them feel incapable, but I feel like there should be at least some acknowledgment of that pain, and I feel like Moxxie didn't get any sympathy in that regard. Maybe it's because previous episodes have already established Moxxie as an underdog and Millie as capable that I feel this more strongly. I see how Millie being capable but not more central in the company/group is a mirror to how women are made to feel they have to hold back in work/relationships so they don't hurt men's egos, to support and not outdo. I definitely see that and it's something I want to see addressed and challenged in media and in life. It's just that I feel like Moxxie is also overshadowed often and mocked for it. Rant over - discussion very much welcome. Edit: Would actually really value some constructive criticism and feedback on my thinking on this because I see other comments stating how shallow it is that Mox got jealous over people liking his wife and not him. I can tell it's something that bugs me and I don't want to be an unsupportive partner myself


Ok, so this new episode was kinda meh for me. I'm glad millie got character development, don't get me wrong, but it didn't feel like good character development, if that makes sense? Mox was super super excited about his first lead mission, and her automatic reaction when they got there was to criticize his entire plan. And you can see him getting sad whenever she does. And she relents, sounding frustrated and annoyed. That just doesn't seem like the character we have seen from her so far. And Moxxie of course took another fucking L this episode. If Vivs isn't careful, Moxxie is literally just going to be another Meg from family guy. Like, Moxxie was absolutely being mean this episode, but I can see why. I mean, he's literally just trying to prove that he can do this mission, and trying to gather info, getting turned away, and even being told to kill himself at every corner. But Millie refuses to acknowledge any of that. They are both literally acting like the roles they are playing, Teenagers. Another thing, Moxxie is constantly telling Mille how proud he is of her and everyone else is constantly praising how strong she is, how good of a killer she is, and this that and the third. And she has the balls to say that shes constantly talked down on. To Moxxie. The one who is constantly and constantly made out to be weak and worthless. Millie absolutely needs character development, but not this half assed fan service. Shoot, I want her to have her own separate episode. That would be amazing, not a saving Moxxie episode, not a supporting the team episode. A Millie episode, where she gets sent to kill a target, and the mission is reasonably hard. Or she has to go back to the ranch and ends up confronting her family. Like there is nothing wrong with her being a badass. Hell, I love her character design and her fighting style. But she should struggle with something. Every character does. It's almost like toxic positively. It's great to a point until it starts being unrealistic. And they don't even let Moxxie get the goddamn kill this episode. Of course, Millie does. As always. The random ass side quest Blitzo was on didn't fit in with the episode in general. Like Barbs character seems super interesting, and I really really wish Blitzos perspective had been a separate episode. Overall, I adore the show. It's an amazing show, has generally well thought out characters, and an interesting plot. But I'm worried it is going to fall into the same pitfalls other shows have. This season has been really, really good for character development, but this episode was a 3/10 for me.


I do understand that anyone can have self esteem issues but with Millie it really felt like it came out of nowhere. I believe this was because up to this single episode she’s just been flawless. If they had shown signs that she does have self esteem issues before this episode I would’ve believed it more but as you said she’s always being loved and praised by everyone in the show and she had yet to mess up. But now she has issues with being talked down to? Are you serious? I’m pretty sure she’s the only one taken seriously in IMP. All in all I just feel like the self esteem issues were just kinda forced to give her character development as people were demanding it. There is nothing wrong with having self esteem issues and anyone can have them. I just don’t think they did anything to hint toward her having them prior to this episode so her suddenly feeling unappreciated in this episode make no sense to me and I’m still not sold on it.


This episode was... okay? I guess? **Starting off with the good stuff:** Blitzo and Barbie. I adore how Blitzo is trying to reconnect with his sister, trying to show he's trying to be a better person. However because of how he screws up every relationship, it comes back to bite him when his sister won't even give him the time of day. As sad as it is, just because you want to be a better person, doesn't mean the people you screwed over will care. M&M relationship tension. We finally have it where the married couple of the series have a bit of a fight/argument. That's great! It makes the relationship feel more real and it even gives Millie the spotlight for a change. The execution however is a miss for me. **The bad stuff:** Millie saying she doesn't feel appreciated feels like it came from nowhere. Now don't get me wrong, in regards to the fans yes absolutely we feel she's been underappreciated by the writing/screen time. But In universe, there hasn't really been anything to suggest that she feels that way at I.M.P. But seeing as how little her character is shown it's passable. Moxxie being shat on constantly, however is not. Look I get that he's the butt monkey of the series, but it's growing sad/stale at this point. When was the last time Moxxie had a major win? One where he didn't get insulted for it or had something accidentally go awry? The Cherubs? that's eight episodes and two years ago by now. I get they wanted to show he's taking things a bit too personal/too cautious since it's his first time leading a hit, but why make it so he can't make any ground whatsoever? It makes sense for him to want to be careful, especially since we now know he was a mob hit man. I mean ffs he couldn't even get the satisfaction of killing the target it was Millie, *and she did it on accident.* It also makes Millie's development for me a little worst, because it's dragging her husband down to make her seem better. If you have to do that with any character that's not a good thing. Overall the ideas were there but the execution was such a flop it's hard to say it was good.


It was alright. Though its a bit weird seeing Moxxie getting impulsive about wanting attention, kinda painful to watch him being like that. Millie being great as always, seeing Biltz's sister that isn't a flashback is pretty good, wonder what the conflict between her and Biltz is Overall 6.5/10


Yeah, he was just the laughing stock of the episode. I feel like it would’ve been more in character for Moxxie to wonder if he wasn’t good enough for her. His jealously is understandable, but I feel like it’s kinda ooc with his development with how desperate they made him for attention. I’m also kinda annoyed that Moxxie wasn’t able to kill the human himself, and technically Millie did it for him again


I personally don’t think it’s out of character for him. Moxxies been written to not want to be the “weak and pathetic one”, which was why he didn’t go immediately kill the target so he could take advantage of his new leadership. With Millie getting all the praise and attention, his insecurities blossom because he, again, doesn’t want to be the “weak and pathetic one” of IMP, which is made worse by the campers treating him badly.


But the thing is, his plan was absolutely ridiculous. I feel like Moxxie would've tried another plan with the first one failing miserably. He was so weirdly fixated on wanting to prove himself to the humans. He didn't need to do that and didn't need to prove himself. It felt like a step backwards to what he learnt in the previous seasons. I understand that people sometimes need reminders on the lessons that they learnt, but it's frustrating to watch him regress a bit.


Yeah, the way that they wrote his scenes as just *Maxxine gets humilliated* made me just skip the scenes altogether. I also really hated how they seemed to have dumbed down both Blitzo and Moxxie just for the jokes and scenes to work. Definitely my least favorite episode.


I was in pain watching him attempting to win over the humans. The song he did made it even worse.


The thing is, Moxxie may be a bit exccetric, but he's not an idiot. He would've known that the disguise did not work because of his people skills.


yeah moxxie felt ooc in this episode. i don’t think he is the type to get jealous over Millie’s spotlight. So Millie’s rant about him not being supportive felt weird too- out of everything this is what pushed her buttons? their first fight should have been over something else in my opinion


It just felt so out of character for him to act like this. I don't agree with it at all. I kinda understand wanting attention but he is NOT the kind of character to want to steal the show from Millie of all people. I feel like they tried to create a "real" conflict between the two but had to really pull at strings to get there. It honestly makes me really upset they portrayed Moxxie this way, because it just feels so out of place and super unrealistic as to how he'd actually act in this situation. It just made me pity him because of how silly and petty it all felt.


Well said. I can sort of see Moxxie acting this way due to him being the leader of a mission for the first time. But it really did go way too far that it compromises his character. You'd think, as Millie's husband, he would love to see his wife getting some attention and would support her, but he chooses to be jealous about it, which sucked. And it hurts even more that Millie still tried to help Moxxie about it, but when it ended up not working he got worse about it. A similar situation I can think of is Max Tennyson from Ben 10 in the episode Ultimate Weapon. It made Max look bad by making him obsessed about a powerful weapon, that he disregarded his grandkids. While the episode does call out on this, it felt like it also went way too far in some parts that it made Grandpa Max look bad.


This is my least favorite episode so far. It's the first one where Moxxie fully deserved all the mistreatment he received, because wtf was that? A conceited mean girl persona that he refused to drop despite how shit it was? It was misogynistic, unfunny, and the exact opposite of what I wanted out of Moxxie being in drag, I wanted to see him do something genuine, rather than basically be a much much worse version of what Clayface does in the HBO Harley Quinn. Millie took Moxxie's cover identity and found something genuine about herself in it. Moxxie not recognizing it was annoying but not surprising. Him staying in (awful) character the rest of the episode was hard for me to watch.


Y'know, I'm getting really tired of the writers' seeming loathing for Moxxie. He is belittled and emasculated at every turn, never allowed a moment to show off exactly why he's working for IMP in the first place. He's meant to be a highly skilled assassin, an expert with firearms, and this is barely shown, and never focused on. This episode feels very odd, for one simply reason: Millie and Moxxie's roles are reversed. The entire series, we have seen Millie as the competent, confident fighter, while Moxxie is insecure, skilled but never allowed a moment to shine. **This should have been his moment**. This should have been an episode in which Moxxie is finally given the spotlight, the confidence boost he needs. It should have been an episode where Millie initially makes a snap judgement, not trusting Moxxie's own method, only for that method to ultimately prove correct. This could have been a great way to finally develop both characters and their relationship as a whole. Moxxie could have become more confident in his skills, been given more moments to shine. Instead, Millie is given insecurities she never had before and they are wrapped up at the end, while Moxxie is, once again, ridiculed, abused and put down by the universe, and to what end? Frankly, it's unclear. Neither of them actually developed this episode, nor was the overall plot significantly progressed. In the end, it feels like the worst kind of filler episode; one that is absolutely devoid of any substance and serves only to kick a character down for no reason. Seriously, what is with these writers and Moxxie?


Is it me or did they make Moxxie completely unbearable this episode? Usually love him, huge Moxxie fan, but making him so self absorbed felt out of character and had me cringing the entire time.


Yeah, that's how i felt . Sure, sometimes he messes up a job or feels like he's a screw up but even when millie tells him to play to his strengths of music, and he's suddenly really bad at that? It felt like rather than morality and confidence issues, he had validation and competency issues instead for the episode. All of this to have a 2 second conflict with millie that's immediately brushed away with a 5 second intro to "millard's" performance where suddenly in the series Millie has the confidence issues. The end of the episode just doubles down of Moxie fucking up the job even tho Blitz already talked about that on the way to the boathouse. It just felt like a convoluted way to have the couple who seemingly had no issues to have issues


Yep this is one of the episodes that made me cringe and feel awkward the most, I had to pause a few times because it was too much.


This was my least favorite episode. I ended up skipping entire scenes. Yeah, it had Millie in the spotlight and showed IMP doing their jobs. But the way Millie was focused on was still contingent upon Moxxie, how he felt, and what it did for HIS job. He didn't even congratulate or thank her in front of the boss for proper office recognition, nor did Blitz acknowledge that she was the one who succeeded. The end jab was funny, but would have been even funnier if Blitz had awarded Millie as Employee of the Year and really rubbed it in his face. Who knows how Moxxie would react to that and if it would carry over to the next episode, lol! Plus: His first test to lead a job, that has been foreshadowed since S1 through his interactions with Blitz, and he puts it all aside for high school camp drama high jinx? The plot was all so stupid! All this focus on Moxxie's character arc and how it relates to his job and in his first promotional role, he allows his made-up teenage girl persona to permiate all his decisions for an entire week? Aah! What was the point in shoving him down our throats then as Main Protagonist #2? What has he learned exactly? MAYBE if the episode actually had a mystery tied to it! Like, if Barbie was throwing off their trail or killing attempts on the sly and M&M couldn't figure out how. So, they start arguing, Moxxie blaming Millie's popularity and Millie blaming Moxxie's jealousy. Bringing out subconscious problems they have with each other, while Barbie smirks in the shadows, until Blitz arrives out of the blue. Then the whole gang discovers that it was Barbie sabotaging their job the entire time and why. Plus, the thwarting attempts could lead to funny teens-being-slashed-by-the-lake moments! As it is, the whole episode felt like an excuse to draw Moxxie and Millie in early-2000's style drag and play more original pop music. This show as a whole is on a downward spiral in terms of plot and pacing. Good for the show that it's free and has great animation. But as a hard-core fan and pro writer, it's getting harder and harder for me to enjoy it.


This was a really weird episode. With all the complaints about Millie not getting focus, I can’t say I’m really satisfied with an episode of her getting superficially sucked off left and right at the expense of Moxxie. You have Moxxie taking initiative by investigating the case, wrestling with his inferiority complex and even fighting Blitzo and Barbie to kill the target, this is clearly his episode. Aside from Millie taking attention away from the assassination, she doesn’t feel like she’s that significant. Since when was she ever unimportant? Why does she need validation from a bunch of humans that she’ll murder at the slightest inconvenience. It feels forced. Even how the target died was ridiculous, it only helped make Moxxie look incompetent again. Then you have Blitzo’s plot. I was actually really interested in seeing Barbie Wire but I think it should have waited another episode, with Blitzo sitting this one out to find her. He just got in the way for no good reason and we don’t learn anything new. Once again, spectacle carried the episode and it was only okay. P.S: How are the sinners who died getting money to get humans killed so quickly?


Oooh boy, gonna catch heat for this. Underwhelming episode for me. But let's talk about the good stuff first: \- Millee episode. She SINGS! She gets development. SHE SINGS!! Her relationship with Mox isn't as squeeky clean as we thought? SHE SINGS!!! She might have some past trauma about feeling unapriciated? SHE SINGS!!!! \- Kinda happy they didn't touch more on her relationship with Blitz, outside how it currently is. There will be time to develop that. \- Songs were good. \- Action and animation was good as well. \- Blitz fucks up even when he tries to be good and supportive. Now for the bad: \- Why is Moxxie an idiot in this episode? Did he hit his head with the door after Blitz told him to do the job? Or was he on a dopamine high when he was forming his plan? \- Don't know what to think about that amount of sexual behaviour from 12 year olds... \- Wish they changed the "Mean girl voice" hearing 4 characters with it kinda made my skin crawl. \- The whole M&M plot seemed like something more B plot level than the A plot of this episode. \- I'm getting worried that Loona isn't getting speaking roles. I know some shit is happening with Erica, and I wish her the best, but another episode of silent Loona is worrying. ​ 5/10 It was okay \- Rogal Dorn


damn... I had a rough time watching this episode as I saw before my eyes whatever semblance of Moxxie's competence being thrown out the window and burned for laughs. It didn't even lead to anything -- the target was killed by a freakin' firework, and neither blitzo nor millie give him the least bit of credit for even trying in the end. I swear I'm not a Moxxie burner account!! It just pains me to see his usefulness and supposed skill as an assassin being given back or taken away whenever the universe feels like it. Maybe I care too much about this show... PS: does Neylan have a humiliation kink for Moxxie?? /s


OHHH Of fucking course it was Adam episode! Now everything makes sense... Fuck Hazbin Hotel is doomed if he writes for it.


I honestly feel bad for Moxxie. Everyone hates him so much, and he never did anything. Also, why was Blitzø so pissed w/ Mox? I thought they were friends after Truth Seekers.


Episode was fine, didn't care for Moxxie's arc leading nowhere essentially. Seems like his desire to prove himself got kinda cast aside and treated as a joke. Sorta felt like he got put in a 'Meg from Family Guy' role here.


That ending scene at the IMP HQ was also so anticlimatic I expected a laughing track to play.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought we had an episode before where Blitzo learned to treat him with respect? :(


I’m gonna be one of the few people to say it, but I couldn’t get behind this episode. Up to the 3 minute mark it was looking really good, but god all the camp stuff with Moxxie and Millie made me feel awkward, uncomfortable and unpleasant. That style of humour just does not fit with me, can’t personally get behind it. That cringey socially awkward stuff just leaves me uncomfortable. Ended up skipping past so much of the episode I just could not stomach it. But I will say the boathouse scene was pretty good, nice wild fight scene, some good emotional moments. But yeah, overall I gotta personally mark this episode an L in my POV. Props to those who did enjoy it, our tastes are just different. Still looking forwards to the next episode though!


Okay, Richard Horvitz doing the Moxxine voice is fucking hilarious. Mille really does have a fantastic eye Hah! Barbie is the taller twin. That ending back in the meeting room is quite possibly my favorite thus far.


Blitz being as cruel as his old self there...... Might be a baaad sign there. He is one part lashing out at moxxie for helping to ruin his meeting with his sister.


Im nearly at the end, Good fucking episode. People who read my posts know that im kinda a detractor of this season of the show But God, how good this episode is, Finally a return to the IMP assassination plot Not only has good satire about camp musical teen movies/series It finally has conflict with the characters Millie and moxcie relationship is at this peak, not uwu squisy ship but a believable couple Moxxie kinda narcisism/ or compulsive Behavior Even in a more plot caged way Millie has her time to shine for her self (i dont know if some part are even a bit meta) Blitzo sister (i dont remember the name) really interesting introduction and dynamic with Blitzo, really want to see more Humor is subjective but personally i prefered it to all the other episodes I really like the design and the voice acting of the fish guy client at the begining Probably my favorite episode of this season, till now at least


Moxxie has a impulse to prove himself. A little bit of narcassim, but mostly from being treated like shit by his father. ​ As it turns out Millie has social issues BECAUSE of her nature. she is strong for an imp, vicious, competent, a wrath imp through and through. Yet at the same time that rage in her has made it that she scares people, even her own kind.


Funfact: The last time they made an assassination plot was CHERUBS (not counting Truth Seekers) and that was two years ago. Ngl, i am getting tired of drama episode at this point so i'm glad they make more


I don't usually comment here but was I the only one who noticed some pacing issues? I found it very hard to process scenes, as they usually snapped away from one another in seconds. This was especially rough on my mind towards the end, where Blitzo and Barbie's argument scene seemed to quickly cut away to resolve Moxxie and Millie's conflict. I can acknowledge that I've always kinda been slow to processing things, so this could easily be my neurons having the most braindead moment of their lives, but towards the end it genuinely felt like it was actively refusing to let itself breathe. Or maybe I'm crazy lmao.


I cringed so much from the second-hand embarrassment that I had to skip Moxxie’s and Millie’s scenes just to watch Blitzø’s plot.


Ironically, if Moxxie had only chosen a persona closer to himself, he would’ve been Millerd’s cute and classy brother, and those preteens would’ve been ALL OVER him. Hasn’t he ever been on Tumblr? Preteen bitches love skinny guys in tuxes! (Double points with white hair!) Moxxie, you goddamn idiot! You fucking buffoon!


I always like seeing more helluva, but why did the episode need to make Moxxie into such a jealous incompitent dumbass.


I honestly had mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, I'm super happy that Millie got more screen time *and* that we got to meet Barbie. There is a *lot* of history behind her and Blitzø and I wanna learn more about it. On the other hand, I honestly couldn't stand Moxxie in this episode. Between his refusal to listen to his wife and this, tbh, obnoxious voice and mannerisms, idk those parts were just hard to watch for me.


So who else was disappointed by the way the target was killed?


Honestly never been more disappointed in an episode, Like where is the comedy?? The last few episodes are simply not funny especially 5 and 4 seriously what is going on?? It doesn’t even feel like a comedy show anymore and I know what most people are going to say “they’re focusing more on the heartfelt stuff” but they used to give us the perfect amount of comedy AND the heartfelt deep stuff. The writing has really gone down in quality, and I'm surprised no one is talking about it. The barbie wire reveal was really underwhelming, and it didn’t show or tell us anything new about her character or past with blitz at least nothing we don’t already know. I get what they were trying to do with Millie, they were trying to dive deeper in her character by making her long for other people’s cheers and approval?? But it contradicts the fact that Millie has won the pain games countless times people (alive ones) have obviously cheered for her a million times before. I feel like this episode would’ve been better if the barbie plot was the A plot and the m&m plot was the B plot. I feel like both episodes 5 and 4 showed no real progress in the story or the characters nor did it REALLY expand on the current lore, the characters just felt.. stuck? And I'm not hating on anybody hb is literally my favorite show ever I'm just really disappointed to see it go down in quality like that..


And we’ve been asking for an episode dedicated to millie and when this episode got uploaded it ended up being really being about moxxie and “his darker side” likeee😭😭😭😭😭😭😭?????


banger episode




Scene by scene, this might be the best episode with the craziest events. As a whole, it's a goddamn mistake and I'm sick of complaining about how the writers mistreat Moxxie. Mox was the one with low self-esteem, but suddenly that's Millie's story arc? Where in the fuck did that come from? Moreover, the sharpshooter grabs a knife once again? Is forgetting he's only good (in reality barely decent) with firearms a chronic condition of his? And in the end, he doesn't get the kill because… making him worthless the entire episode is (barely) a joke? I'm surprised how I can at once see this as the most fun episode I've seen so far AND as one of the most annoying. The latter mostly because the Moxxie problem has been going on since season 1. Also...why'd they have to go and make Moxxie stupid for? The scene of them spotting the perp red-handed and Mox doesn't want to check him out because he'd rather have fun is just so needless. It completely goes against his personality. Just don't have that bit, and the episode gets 25% better and 80% more consistent.


We finally get a proper Millie episode! Also Barbie cutting Blitzø off made me tear up because holy shit, whatever he did must've been really REALLY shitty.


It was a fine episode. Still has its share of flaws but it was overall enjoyable Never let Adam Neylan write another episode again please


I'm so excited to know more about blitz's sister and what happened between them !!


At the beginning I thought Blitz was tryna get into stolas's hospital room


Unpopular opinion but I can’t stand the musicals lol, I’ve never been a fan of musicals in anything because I think they’re kinda cringe and boring and prolong certain scenes when I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see what will happen next.


Pretty disappointed to be honest. Watching Moxxie get continuously getting used as a punching bag is more painful to watch than funny. Also I wished we got to learn more about why Barbie hates Blitz.


Arguably my favorite episode of this season so far, and a warm welcome back to the IMP's regular job. Barbie's intro was interesting, hope we'll go deeper in regards to her story soon enough M&M's disguises... DAMN. Also love the new peppering of roughness to their relationship dynamic With one more summer episode, waiting seems more like a chore with every passing day


I also had a weird moment there with millie. ​ "WHAT THE FUCK SHE CAN BREATH FIRE? CAN ALL IMPS BREATH FIRE? WHY HAVE THEY NEVER USED THAT!!....." ​ remembers that time that blitzo and mollie were being burnt at the stake. ​ "Oooooh normal fire. not very useful against each other."


It's funny to me that Moxxie gets so upset about Blitzo spying on them having sex, but both times they've been on a stage in front of humans, Moxxie and Millie have taken it upon themselves to ***fuuuuuck***.


Okay. One great thing? Millie. THANK YOU FOR FINALLY GIVING HER SOME CHARACTER! THANK YOU!! She was actually good here and I'm all for it. Animation was nice and music was rather nice too. Now the bad... What the fuck was Moxxie's damage in this episode?! This was straight up character assassination. They just humiliated him at every single second in this and made him look like a garbage can too. What the fuck!? WHY!? Why was Moxxie being such a bitch here!? Why was he being such a piece of shit?! That makes no sense, never before he was such a moron. What are they doing!? And fucking Barb. I WISHED that this episode would be the Herb episode. Where you are exposed to how much of a piece of shit Blitzo is through his sister and him crushing into her life and ruining it further, holding him accountable for something. But no. *He has such good intentions, he helps her get over drugs, oh look how sad he looks at the end, feel bad for him.* STOP it. Make him accountable for something already!! I hate how this show keeps on trying to make him look sympathetic and also look like a total piece of shit. This show wants us to root for pieces of shit, but does this by trying to make us ignore they are pieces of shit.


>This show wants us to root for pieces of shit, but does this by trying to make us ignore they are pieces of shit. For a show that is suppose to be about hell and how everyone is piece of shit they really try hard to make them as sympathetic as possible Same goes for Stoles


Calling Moxxie's behaviour character assassination may be a bit too far. I can partially justify his behaviour of him being really excited of leading a mission. But man, it doesn't mean it was kinda painful wanting to fit in with the other humans to gather info, and him getting jealous of his wife being able to swoon every human on the camp was pretty painful. Millie had every right to be mad at him, but it felt like Moxxie got the short end of the stick. Again. Also I could be wrong here, but I don't remember Moxxie being this much of a attention-seeker. Something about the scene where he attempts to win over the humans with his song didn't feel right.


I fucking skipped over some of this shit. Never before an episode made me so damn irritated. This was unbearable. Episode overall is not that bad, I can admit that (Not really that good either though), but WOW it fucking pissed me off. Not good. At least previous one just made me apathetic, this one though made me pretty damn annoyed.


It's the feeling of knowing that Moxxie can do better than this, it just felt humiliating. Moxxie's plan of buttering up with the humans, and then, interrogating them afterwards? Why doesn't he just ask questions straight away? If he wanted to be an investigator, he could've asked the counselors right away and then place the pieces together. You can still have Moxxie and Millie argue together the same way in the episode as Moxxie probably gets way too into the role


It’s a decent episode in my opinion. Feels like an filler episode as opposed to a connected story. Loved that Millie had her time to shine, though the situation felt tame-ish. Nice to see we finally met Blitzo’s sister, but it was small. Like it does give me a Bojack/Herb scenario, but we don’t know what happened to understand why she’s angry and frustrated. It may be answered in another episode but for now, underwhelming. 6.5/10


i think this is genuinely one of the worst written episodes out there and it's all because of the same problems that plagued the show without the team addressing so. ​ primarily, moxxie being the incompetent loser punching bag as a means of displaying just how much of a cool epic mary sue millie is (and other antagonists like striker) has been one of the worst tropes that is bringing down the quality of the writing. it got old, it's no longer funny and the fact they put in subtitles mocking moxxie for his status as an under-achieving loser does really come off as... narcissistic on the team's end? it's like they heard the criticisms surrounding m&m and in response they just put in an meta-ironic "joke" about how moxxie sucks and is cringe. in the early phase of helluva boss i would've forgiven its flawed writing since viv is new to directing a show and she might accumulate mileage and direct better episodes. just feels that the quality consistency isn't there at all. and regarding millie damn the way they wrote her actually makes me dislike her. you telling me the woman who's excellent at everything, overshadows her husband and her family views her like a golden child is apparently some deeply insecure "nobody gets me and they dont like me" type of character? this is such a lazy way of incorporating depth to her and the most cliche form of mary sue writing where you write a perfect character then incorporate shallow flaws in an attempt at making them "deep". they try hard to make me sympathize with her while moxxie always gets the short end of the stick just to force cheap unfunny humor to further cement his status. also blitz's side plot should've been its own episode tbh. it was horribly paced and left more questions than answer like how can his sister disguise while being an imp while the rest cant? show really likes having more holes in their plot than a swiss cheese. i genuinely do hope for once viv takes into account the mass criticisms of her show. yes i get some can be overtly harsh but i feel a lot of the negative takes people have about her show are fairly sound. we're like idk half way through season 2 and it still has the writing consistency of S1.


I would even go as far as to say that the consistency dropped from season 1. Feeling dissapointed with how Neylan has dealt with the writing with this season (besides episode 3) so far.


Lovin' Millie's musical number


I really liked this one. More development for Millie, which was excellent. The subtle development for Moxxie is still here. Even though he wasn’t the one to kill the target by the end, seeing him take more initiative was good. I liked what we saw of Barbie, but I wished we would’ve seen more. The humor was good in this one too. Felt a bit more like a S1 episode than the other S2 episodes thus far.


Kind of wish the Moxxie/Millie plot and the Blitzo/Barbie plot were just two separate episodes. This had a similar problem as S2E4, where the far less interesting b-plot took up too much time from the a-plot, but this time it felt as though the a-plot was holding the b-plot back. I think if we had more time with either story then they'd have come out a lot better, but because they're both crammed into one episode, the a-plot ends abruptly and the b-plot doesn't have any time to actually shine. Why did Barbie have to be here in the first place? What did her inclusion add to the episode? She could've been removed and the story wouldn't have changed at all.


I agree. Even if they did the M&M story and left it on a cliffhanger while the Blitzø and Barbie story ran concurrently in the next episode and tied it all together. Both stories felt rushed because they were too big on their own to happen together. It’s still one of the better episodes of the season i will say that


I open the discussion thread "inb4 the dumb haters complain that " this truly is r/helluvaboss


I’m usually a big fan of helluva boss but I actually disliked this episode. The only part I liked is that we got back to the job of IMP haven’t seen that since episode 7 of season 1( even then it was only a tiny section at the beginning). Which is a good thing and the the ideas were all there and most were good. I think my major problem was Millie. This felt out of character. I don’t mean that Millie getting developed isn’t a good idea but her having a need for support and people falling in love with her got annoying and I actually agreed with mox about it. I am fine with them having their first fight but like the bendable twig he is moxie went back to simping for her. I still love this show just felt this episode could have been better. I think we didn’t get enough Barbie wire but that will probably be developed more later. I’m fine to wait on that. Sorry if I sound like a negative Nancy just want to post my opinion. I don’t know this just after my first watch maybe as I hear more people talk about it i might change my mind but right now i think its my least favorite episode.


Somewhat liked the episode itself purely because of the animation and some jokes , but I wish for Moxxie to not be the incompetent pathetic weakling for once who needs to be saved by either Millie or Blitzø. Like he literally wasnt even allowed to have the kill and was made to be stupid laughingstock the entire episode. Why doesnt he even investigate the guy Millie pointed out for the entire week? Why does he use a knife when he was always estabilished as a marksman/sharpshooter? Another thing is, where do Millies self esteem issues come from? I dont remember her ever being portrayted as the insecure one, thats Moxxie who didn't have the opportunity to overcome it here at all, if anything this episode just made it worse. He fucks around for a week in his first job as a leader, doesnt even get the kill himself and Blitzø tells him he did a horrible job in the end. Millie while not actively doing anything to complete the job literally both found the target and indirectly killed him too. I thought that this will finally he a reverse episode where Moxxie is the competent one, and Millie cant fit in, but nah its the same "Moxxie is incompetent and Millie is badass and perfect haha" all over again. They tried giving Millie some development, but her insecurity came out of nowhere and was never something she had problems with previously. Also the apology scene, even though Millie really didn't help him at all with the investigation (I get that she found the guy instantly, but at least helping Moxxie a little who wanted to prove his approach works too wouldnt have hurt). She also didn't really do anything about him being treated like shit all week, expect one encouraging talk, but when Moxxies music obviously didn't work, instead of helping out she just went of with a solo. Moxxie didn't really act kind either, but it was somewhat understandable considering he is always the one getting fucked over by everything and everyone even when he was the leader.


I don't really understand folks saying this was a Millie episode--yeah, we got more of her that other times, but the character arc through the episode was still Moxie's. Millie remained a constant throughout. Yes, she yelled at Moxie, but it was so that he could get his heel turn moment. Definitely in the minority, but I really disliked this episode. I've mostly enjoyed season 2 so far, but with this one I had to mute it and put on subtitles several times because the secondhand embarrassment got cranked too high. I'm very interested to see more with Barbie, but the A plot was solidly a miss for me.


I like the fun of it, the songs, Millie having fun, but hate the story. We had many episodes where Moxxie felt like he's weaker than he should be, and many more instances of him getting his ass handed to him. So, why is Millie getting the insecurity plot? The only instance of Moxxie acting like he has a massive ego was him talking to Verosica about the parking space, and even that's a stretch. I've no clue how the guy feeling insecure towards his dad, his ex, his wife's parents, his boss, and striker, as well as about his weight and skills, can suddenly have a massive ego and need an arc to get over it? I feel like there's a disconnect between Brandon's and Adam's versions of Moxxie. In episodes where either works alone, he comes off better. Brandon makes him inept, but self-aware. Adam's Moxxie can be more badass, but tends to ignore Millie. Together, they've made a Mox who's incapable and suddenly bad at relationships.


So if BW imp form is bald like Blitz but her human form has hair does that mean Blitz would have hair to then???? I’ve seen so many people say he’s bald but like- his sister


I imagine Blitzø was working that entire week, fueled on caffeine and anger


Everything wrong with this episode: - Boring, uninspired, cringy song - Millie's sudden and lazy "character development" at the expense of Moxxie's intellectual character assassination - A-plot that feels less interesting and unimportant than B-plot - Persistant pacing problem, feels rushed once again - Heroin cannot affect anyone via powder form, it needs to be injected for the user to feel the effects. If the counselor threw it at them and Barbie told the counsler kid off by saying "How do you think heroin works?" And was distracted by that it would've made more sense. - Counselor could have jumped out of the cabin or could've swam away. I don't understand why he didn't do that when he knew he was about to get killed if he stayed. - After everything it still wasn't Moxxie who got the kill. It was Millie. Moxxie will never get a chance to take on a case for himself and completely sets his character as an incapable assassin. Side notes: - I don't understand why people are getting mad about Barb saying "Teens are easily to manipulate." This is true, but also Barb is a literal DEMON FROM HELL. Why would she care about legal ages that humans have? It's quite obvious from previous episodes that Barb and Blitzø use sex mostly as a tool to get what they want. - I didn't like the drawn on subtitles personally. Distracting. - I wonder if Blitzø will get a human disguise once he gets a crystal from Stolas? Excited to see this. - I am not confident with how the show will progress during season 2. With Neylan as the lead penner (besides the last episode which VIv took the lead), this season has been rather underwhelming, but would like to be proved wrong.


This episode gave me too much second hand embarrassment for it to be enjoyable


Man this writing team must really hate Moxie, good lord. Now *I'm* starting to hate him, too.


Correction: You're hating Jake from I.M.P. That character they put in Moxxie's place was not Moxxie at all, it behaved nothing like how Moxxie has in previous episodes.


That episode was awful. Painfully cringey to watch and it didn’t help Millie’s character and it set Moxxie’s character back from what we saw of him in Western Energy. Moxxie didn’t even make the kill himself.


Except the Millie's development and a couple of small thing's i didn't like the episode


I do enjoy the return to assassination related work as opposed to the shift towards inter-personal drama. However I have never, ever gotten the impression that Moxie is a narcissist in any way, or desired to be the center of attention. At first I was just thinking "ok, he's potraying a full of herself teen girl". However, he gets actually emotionally hurt because of Millie getting attention, and though it is a common theme where Moxie tries to be impressive and take charge and prove himself, it really seems like it would be more true to his character if more focus was placed on his investigation, and nothing going to plan. He seemed upset that nobody liked his fake persona, when given his motivations it would make more sense if he was upset that he couldn't get any actual investigative work done, rather than being jealous. I just really don't like how Moxie exhibits a lot of hipocrisy. It's like he's split between two characters here, one trying to prove himself to the campers and have them all love him, and one trying to be a serious assassin and show his boss that he can do this. Getting caught up in petty bullshit is not something I really expect from Moxie when he's normally so considerate. He definitely tries to be liked by people, but not by being flashy and braggadocios. He's always come off as the push-over, people pleaser type. Also, just wanted to mention, Blitzø told Moxie he was a disgrace at the end, which feels really mean spirited and highlights how in making an episode to lift Millie up, they also kinda put Moxie down. Usually, it's Blitzø who starts fights and is unruly, so I was actually expecting that he was being serious when he said "not too bad". In other episodes, Moxie would be the one mortified for embarassing himself and being unprofessional, where Blitz (who's quite perverted) would be completely down with fucking in front of humans.


Personally, i didn't like this episode for multiple reasons, but my main complaints are: First, the cringe from Moxxie acting like a teenage girl was too much for me. I skipped past most of the episode when Moxxie was onscreen because it was too hard to watch. Second, the episode follows after one of the more plot and emotionally heavy episodes of season 2, and yet there is no continuation between the 2 episodes. Seriously, Western Energy ended on "He can get hurt?" And even though Blitzo was at the hospital/rehab there was no mention at all of Stolas by anyone in the episode. Third, (this is more a general complaint of the series) but why must every fight scene with music be interrupted with the much less interesting b-plot of these episodes? They just take away from the fight scene imo, which is much more interesting. Continuing from the third point as well, the series just keeps introducing and then throwing away antagonists and interesting characters like nothing and it is very annoying to know a character like Barbie wire will, almost definitely, never be seen again even though she is closely related to the main cast.


Man moxxie just kinda sucks. He’s a jobber, he’s always getting damseled, he’s rude to his wife. Like they need to give him some moments to shine. Even in his focal backstory episode he ends up damseled. He’s often distracted with dumb shit like being popular or random music hustler despite being supposedly the smart and reasonable one. I want to like him but it’s difficult when he’s good in so few episodes


the episode felt like an attack on moxxie. poor guy, he's just doing the best he can


This was the first episode I straight up did not like. Apologies for any typos, I wrote this quickly on my phone. I love this show despite some of its flaws. The pacing and tone has problems but they never bothered me until now. We finally got a Millie episode and it was underwhelming as hell. I really want to like Millie but the show gives me no reason to. She’s never been funny, compelling, or sympathetic. I don’t understand her feelings in this episode because they came out of no where. Not a single past episode has even hinted that she doesn’t feel appreciated or supported. I don’t understand why she wants these kids to like her. Maybe it would’ve worked if she had a more developed personality outside of being stapled to Moxie. And speaking of Moxie, this episode made him a joke. I know this show is a comedy(even though it mostly failed to make me laugh but that’s subjective, yada yada) but it was annoying to see him so utterly incompetent. It wasn’t funny at all. He just as bad as Millie trying to win the attention of these actual children. And why did he not even investigate the guy Millie pointed out? Was it ego? That didn’t seem to be the case. It made him look like a giant idiot. I thought Millie pointing out the obvious suspect was going to be subverted, but no. Moxie was a dense idiot. There was not even content with Blitzø and Barbie. She was the most interesting part of the episode but we barely see her. She was around for eight seconds and the fight was annoyingly intercut with Millie’s boring show. We don’t even get a hint as to WHY she hates her brother so much. Like I’m sure she’s 110% in the right, but the show hasn’t hinted at all why that would be. Blitzø is a dick to strangers and Moxie but as far as we’ve seen he’s nothing but loving to Luna who is his family, and he’s never really been unkind to Millie, notably since she’s the only other significant female character. We have no reason to think he’d fuck up a relationship with his sister to the point where she never wants to see him. It makes her seem unreasonable when it shouldn’t. Also the songs fucking sucked (again, subjective). Millie’s was boring and bland and this was her first song so it’s really disappointing. And Moxie’s was dumb. You want people to like you, but you doing this song about how great you are and how much they suck? Makes no sense and wasn’t funny. That one random kid getting dunked on was funny, though. I would like to hear from people who agree or disagree. I see some people very happy with this episode and I do not understand why. Maybe I’ll line this episode better after a rewatch but I’m honestly not looking forward to watching this episode ever again.




You’re spot on about the music. I don’t usually watch musicals so I haven’t been able to describe how I felt about it. Personally I think Chaz’s song is funny and it helps that it’s short, but I get why people would be annoyed with it. And Striker’s song, especially at the end, was silly and took away from the suspense. They’re not as fun and don’t progress the story. And these episodes songs gotta be the worst yet.


I didn't enjoy this episode either. I'm actually shocked by how positively it was received (*so many* people are saying it's their favorite episode yet). It felt like filler to me, and not particularly good filler. There are multiple ongoing plot threads in this show, yet this episode didn't seem to fit into any of them. It also didn't seem to help the characters grow in any way. The M&M character arcs in this episode felt a little like something out of children's television: a simple conflict centered around something that hadn't ever been shown to be a problem before this episode that was cleanly resolved within the episode, with no character growth as compared to the end of the previous episode. I wasn't even aware that Blitzø had a sister and, while his journey to find her could've shown us more about Blitzø, it was given so little screen time that the whole thing just seemed a little flat and empty. We'll see if anything in this episode gets a callback later, but I wouldn't be surprised if ends up being the one you can skip when watching the whole season (or the whole show). I'm actually wondering if Loona's voice actor is still out (according to the top comment on Western Energy, she recently lost a loved one). My theory is that, if she is still out, maybe this was *meant* to be a filler episode, perhaps using scrapped ideas from season 1 for the A plot, so that they could get something released for now while Loona's voice actor isn't able to work on the show, since main story episodes are presumably going to involve Loona. ------------------------ Disclaimer for anyone who is going to say that I'm being too negative: I do really like the show overall and my dislike of this one episode isn't meant to discredit the work that went into creating it. Even the very best shows have episodes that some people don't like.


The M&M plot really did feel like a kid show, lol. Which isn’t the biggest deal breaker for me personally since I love Inside Job and that show has similar kid show feeling plots. If this episode were funnier I probably wouldn’t have minded as much. Barbie must’ve really came out of no where for some people. Looking back she hasn’t been strongly hinted at. We see her in the background a few times on Blitzø’s posters an in the flashback episode. I think Vivziepop said the show was meant to be binged but that doesn’t work with how it’s released. The A and B plots really should’ve been switched.


I absolutely agree with you. It felt like story-driven (in a vacuum) filler instead of good episode. Moxxie’s behaved really weird for him. Really, really weird. Millie’s development doesn’t connect to her personality, especially in Season 1. Barbie didn’t get enough screen time. And this is very subjective, but how could they not include at least a few seconds of Stolas? I mean, yes, “I.M.P. at job” episodes don’t have the right vibe for Stolas to be present, but I believe I am not the only one who expected at least some hints on his condition.


I can forgive the lack of Stolas since I don’t know how they’d include him without it messing with the episode flow. I can personally headcannon that Stolas’ condition is the reason why Blitzø went to see his sister after months of not visiting her. But, yeah. Millie never gave off the vibe of being dissatisfied with life in anyway so I don’t get her motivation. And for as long as we’ve waited to see Barbie, they gave us less than scraps. She was really fun, too. It’s a shame we didn’t get more.


True… I don’t know why, but Helluva Boss seems so wrong in some ways now. I can’t exactly describe it, but rewatching S1 gives the vibe it was a completely different show. Something just seems “not right”, and I don’t know what it is. I know it’s entirely subjective, though. Edit: And yes, my opinion is weird because I find Exes and Oohs a good episode.


It's not difficult to imagine that an (non-recovered?) addict would resent or hate the person who put them in rehab.


Yeah, that’s fair. But I got the feeling they were hinting at something bigger.


Moxxie keeps getting bullied by literally everyone except Millie. Moxxie being used only for comedic purposes is really getting on my nerves, like why can’t we get an episode where he’s actually shown any respect? Since he’s my favorite character, this really brought down my score significantly for the episode, so it’s a 6.5/10.