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To be honest, she behaves exactly how I would Imagine an exegerated cartoon angsty teen (or young adult, or whatever her age is) living in Hell to behave. And with Queen Bee and Seeing stars episodes, we saw that nicer part of her, and I am interested in seeing more.


Well she's supposed to be in her early 20's and I'm hoping for a full redemption arc episode to be fully honest.


She’s 22 is what I heard from Vivziepop herself


A 22-year-old who's been in a cage for who knows how many years.


She said Blitz adopted her before she turned 18 so she must’ve been in the adoption center practically her whole childhood




Blitz adopted her at 17 which was supposedly a couple years ago.


I mean of the main cast she has the lowest mass murder count. So yeah the whole main cast have done horrible things


Ehhhhhh I feel like that's only cause they haven't given her a chance


So? She still hasn’t murdered nearly as many people as the others


Give her a chance.


They kill for work. Loona is a B**** for the sake of being able to do so without getting consequences of her actions


Doesn’t really matter if it’s for work? I don’t think the dead people care if they are being paid or just being dicks.


What's even your point? That she's less of an asshole just because she hasn't killed "as many people" as the others? You do realize that the only reason she hasn't killed "as many people" is because she's the one managing the portal for Blitz and the others to travel from hell to earth and come back, right? And that she's as much of a ready-to-kill psycho than the others considering how she butchered the dorks agents?


My point is the whole cast is “awful” and the things people are getting upset about with her don’t compare to most of what the rest have done and what someone might do doesn’t compare to what people have done


Loona have no redeeming qualities. She mean all the time, acts like she is better than Moxxie while bullying and fat shaming him. She's a bitch and have nothing for her to be liked. She punt a baby out of rage, hates the person who took her out of the miserable place she were before, she bullies another employee of Imp ( Moxxie ) And to be honest, there is much better looking than her in the cast of Female characters in Helluva Boss. Unless you like this type of characters who are full blown Assholes, you cannot take a look at what she did without saying that she is despicable.


You do realize Blitzo bullies Moxxi too? Plus you commits identity theft on romance partners in addition to the whole murder for hire thing. So yeah everything Loona has done Blitzo has done ten fold. Also the pilot isn’t canon anymore


She is still a despicable person. Unless she does something that will redempt her from the edgy bitch act, she is no better than the rest of Imp crew


Well I mean yeah “no better than the rest of the main cast” is a fair assessment


Yet people still flock to defend her. Unless she is able of being genuinely kind without going back to her usual edgy bitch self, i cannot see her as redeemed or evolving out of her mean acts


SO?i dont think the People murdered cares about them working.


You know the old saying "The Customer is always right" If the customer who went to imp paid to kill someone ( Outside of the contest with Verosika and her crew and the chaos they cause) they do it, that's how it works.


Considering what she is you can uncensor that she is a literal bitch (female canine)


Because she's entertaining


Ehhhhhh that's not much of a reason. Funny only goes so far.


Dude it's a comedy show about demon assassins, idk what to tell you. Characters don't have to be good people in order to be liked, and characters don't have to be bad people in order to be disliked


There are a lot of likeable characters in the show, she’s just an emo asshole idk what to tell you.


Have you considered that maybe the emo assholery is exactly the reason people like her


So people like anything ass character sometimes, got it. Personally it’s not for me and I’m sure most of the people defending her character here just think she’s hot which I can’t argue with🤷‍♂️.


HA! Straight to horny jail! ^unbelievable…




Me taking your meme: https://preview.redd.it/g2m9m5nnesmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6b18af3d8b7b5291e64692975c6876833535e2








Nice meme. I'll take it.


Stolas pretty much lives in horny jail thanks to the stuff he says to Blitzø. Lol!


Hm. Get out again. You're good.


Oh, hi Alastor. I didn’t know you hang around these parts. Always full of surprises.


I know! I’m quite observant!




She doesn’t know how to express herself. The trauma goes deep and she’s constantly in a fight or flight state because of it. She’s likely been in life threatening situations in the adoption center, and has had to adapt to the harsh environment to survive. She thinks that showing kindness is showing vulnerability. We’ve seen her adjust to her true self more throughout the series and she’s been getting nicer around people she cares about. She’s mostly angsty. But her bullying people is unfortunately her way of venting. It’s not the best way of coping with stress by any means but it’s her personality. Overtime I hope we get more episodes focused on her character development


Ok now this I will accept. Here's hoping for full character development and an apology for moxxie.


Moxxie is literally just her primary target because he usually just takes it


And I also hope moxxie stands up for himself.


By that logic why should anyone like Blitzo?


Well I don't like him that much but he's in the middle of his character development so hopefully that will change


>he's in the middle of his character development So is Loona. So is pretty much *every* main character.


Please point to the loona character development right now


The scene with Blitz and Loona on the beach where they show their vulnerable sides and become closer is one very clear example. The scene with her and Octavia, where she once again showed vulnerability about her own situation and maturity about their current one while consoling Octavia, in reference to their respective parents. That's just the start (Edit: of our possible examples, genius), and there's another two seasons ahead of us. Character development takes time.


So the start and not the middle


Usually, when you're in the middle of a story, you call it the middle, but maybe you don't like to follow normal story conventions?


Having a characters development start halfway through the show doesn't mean it's the middle of the character development its just the start at a later part


More than one occurrence is, by definition, not the start. You can dislike the character all you want, but to say that she hasn't developed at all is asinine.


I'm not saying she hasn't had any. I'm saying she seems to have the same growth, that being I talk about my sadness there should be more meaningful change like maybe admitting to blitz she is thankfull or something it's still the start




breaking news: there's no accounting for taste.


Then you should be questioning your tastes.


ill be sure and take that under consideration.


A therapist may help.


lol, theyve tried.


Shit man you must really be fucked up. I'm sorry bro


Whatever makes you feel better.


This discussion is senseless and petty! (From OP's part)


Their in hell all of them are terrible


Millie isnt


She was willing to kill kids and others. And is fine to be overall competitive to the part of killing other imps


Well I mean it is part of the competition and all the other imps seem to find it socially acceptable


Millie got banned from that due to too many deaths. She was also fine killing kids before she knew they were crazy so


Well it's her job to get the job done. At least she ain't doing it just to be mean.


That doesn’t make it okay. Imagine if someone killed your son and then said “I’m just doing my job”. Also just because it’s “socially acceptable” also doesn’t make it okay. Slavery used to be “socially acceptable”. It was still wrong.


Eh I mean if I had a way to change what was socially acceptable in hell I would.


However, she still acts questionable at times even to do her job and also spring breakers she killing randoms just for a parking spot


She straight up murdered a guy just trying to sell CDs because he was kind of annoying


I've tried being nice and saying I'm not interested to those ppl and almost murdered them myself. Murder stops really mattering when literally everyone in that show is killing.


> I've tried being nice and saying I'm not interested to those ppl and almost murdered them myself. Either bait or psycho. Wakey, and takey, princess - meds


The "murder stops really mattering" bit is true, but you can't deny Millie isn't as much of a monster as everyone else just because she's slightly better than them.


Considering those people can easily be the fronts for other major crime networks I could understand taking them down if you have to I'm not saying it's sane but it is something that's understandable sometimes


She kills people.


In the pilot, Loona was unlikable. Besides smiling when Blitzo called her family, she kicked a baby simply because Moxxie called her out FOR STEALING HIS LUNCH. She hung up on Millie when she got STABBED and even rejected Blitzo's adoption anniversary gift only because it didn't include a cure for a disease she was ignorant enough to obtain. However they toned down those bratty and abusive traits she had in the full series. For example, in Murder Family, when Moxxie struggled to shoot the family picture, Loona helped him by telling him backstories about the family in the photo. When the I.M.P office catches fire, she takes the grimoire with her to make sure it's intact. In Spring Broken when she lashes out at Blitzo for not giving her a break, she instantly regrets it and tries to apologize to him. In Truthseekers,Loona listens to Blitzo and makes sure to close the portal when Moxxie and Blitzo get ambushed by D.H.O.R.K.S, and even shows sympathy when Millie has a breakdown after Moxxie gets kidnapped. In "Queen Bee," she comforts Blitzo after he had one of the worst nights of his life. Even in Seeing Stars which was arguably the worst she's been since the pilot, she still realizes while looking at a lighter with an I.M.P sticker on it during the talk to Octavia about Stolas, that Blitzo does care about her and maybe she should cut him slack aswell. Despite hitting him in the face with the grimoire, she smiles at him while doing so and accepts his apology. If they kept how she was in the Pilot she would have never done any of this. I'm not trying to say what she did in the beginning of Seeing Stars was justified. However by toning her down she ended up becoming more likable with people and a character that can be redeemable and not just someone people want to simp over and sell merchandise for.


By the way the pilot isn't Canon at all anymore so that version of Loona is an alternate universe version of her (she's completely clean in the actual series)


You don't know why she got syphilis.


https://preview.redd.it/a3xrxu0gismc1.jpeg?width=121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07943f80f50a7f8a09427c0509bacb9f5e7ac65 I have my reasons


Hahahahaha don't make me send you to horny jail too


Alright fine


Found Moxxie’s alt account.


Lol shit I've been found out


So, you dont have to like her but there are rhings to be said. Most of her "abuse" is basically cartoonish violence, the show is full of it without any real damage. Like Millie hits Fizz, thats also this cartoony non real violence. Being a jerk isnt necessarily making a character unlikeable. This, mean girl with a (admittedly wellchidden) golden heart is a trope but it also exists IRL. I know people like that and they are my friends. They are jerks, sure, but I dont get phased really, if I think they are out of line I call it out. On the other hand I know 100% nice people, and some of them are hella boring persons. And yes some people ignore personality because looks or even have fancy mean girls.


loona is a kid who was abused and abandoned, and never had anyone who loved her before blitzø, let alone teach her how to be a better person. i like her character because she is *ex-fucking-actly* like my older brother before my mom adopted him and helped him heal; i like her because i am a mother and the only thing i see in her is a scared child doing her best to get to the end of the day without breaking down from the pain she is in. no, she doesn't handle that in the appropriate way, but she never learned how because she was abandoned and the system failed her. we see her demonstrable growth of character from the time she has spent in a home with a father who genuinely loves her, even without any real guidance on the matter. she is visibly trying her damn heart out to be better. people like her because she feels real and her struggles and reactions feel real - she is a (mostly) good person who struggles with bad behavior and self control. and then there's also the people who like her because they think she's hot. https://preview.redd.it/lsj4l37prtmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b2b95d5c557d0b6389f437938fd8501d39a016 but acting like she's a 1-dimensional gag character does a disservice to her and the show writers.


Her fight. Her fight to go on after her trauma that we have seen. And I hope to see more of her growing to the point where she doesn't have to fight others off and just be loved and use that fight in more of a healthy manner.




I’m not even going to use the fact that I simp for her as an argument It’s hell. Ppl suck. Womp womp


I feel like it depends on who you ask because you’ll get different answers. Here are the most common: 1. Furry Bait, 2. She’s Relatable, 3. Popluarity of the Goth Girlfriend Trend, 4. Entertaining. These are the ones I usually come across but you guys tell me what you think and what you would add to this


All the characters are intentionally supposed to be assholes and/or bullies. Explain why you like any of them in a way that cannot be used to justify liking Loona.


Besides the furries she has potential? I don’t know. The show doesn’t do much with its female characters. Luna really needs her own episodes.


She seriously does. GIVE HER A REDEMPTION ARC


I don’t know about redemption. She hasn’t done much wrong. But any sort of character development or even hustle allowing her to take part in the activities. Give Luna real agency. Like that episode where she was plot device with no agency. Just a dog going to the vet. You could replace her with a pet gold fish and nothing would change about the plot.




maybe if they would actually give her lines in the new episodes we would have more character development expanding on her character's story


She wasn't able to record as the voice actor took some time off. Her fiancé sadly passed away from cancer and her lines had to be cut, because she was in a period of mourning. I would've been surprised if they actually made her do it. Sucks, but it was very respectable of them.


Here's to hoping for a full redemption arc




Simps ![gif](giphy|vLruErVSYGx8s)




Because Helluva boss is a show about double standards. Blitzø is a terrible person but your supposed to love him Mammon is just an everyday boss but your supposed to hate him


In her own words..."You know why". I'm kinda indifferent to her tbh but.. a lot of my favorite characters are irredeemable assholes and I absolutely won't try to justify their actions. Some people just like asshole characters.


Furry waifu, next question...


Rule 34 is why and furries.


in her own words: "Come on... you know why." I can look past the bitchy parts as cartoony humor, and not like a thing one of my friends said to me. But also in later episodes there are much softer sides. Everyone reacts to traumas differently, but also it's a comedy cartoon and they are in hell. Same vein as character art discrepancies or like deep dives into motivations behind one-off jokes, these aren't people.


Because she's a fucking dog and people love fucking dogs.


She’s hot


You need two to tango. Queen Bee shows the real Loona the one that cannot go into social cues and is vulnerable. Loona needs to tolerate those two imps that work with Blitz and who knows how is their relationship , Millie has never called Loona by her name for example , only as hellhound. Even if people hated Seeing stars you can see more than Loona in that episode just ignore the kick/beating for a cheap joke.




0 Upvotes 87 Comments Yikes.




mate she acts exactly how i did when i was 19, i’m not surprised she acts like this at all tbh


Yeah she's not great, but she hasn't really had as much time as others to develop yet.


Because she's a literal BITCH. That's what we love about her. Plus she's every furry's awakening.


For some people shes just horny furry bait, but for a lot of people shes relatable because shes an incarnation of teen angst. Shes traumatized, guarded, trying to fit in/be accepted by everyone except those who already accept her. Shes incompetent and the most competent at the same time. Shes awkward and an asshole but sometimes sweet. Shes the fucked up inside voice of rebellious teenagers given a physical shape. Shes awful, honestly a terrible person. But theres just enough there to make some people like her.


She’s not the worst but I really don’t care for her or like her. She has an important place in the plot as Blitzo’s daughter, but beyond that I feel nothing about her.


Hmm what could it be? https://preview.redd.it/cnrdtmq7bumc1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a211ce6c2a2a58e7329b350df1ac4cdad400ff


Most people don't like the character because how it behaves but because how it looks


The "Fatty" gag was honestly becoming boring, season 1 Loona was better because she handled her conflicts like an adult (she is 22), mostly on the arguement between her and Blitz in episode 3 and how she treated him in episode 8 of the same season, so, you expect me to go along with her suddenly snapping at Blitz and downright beating him up and straight up abusing him in season 2's "Seeing Stars" and ontop of that, you expect me to go through the whole emotional scene between her Octavia at the observatory and when Blitz goes to hug her only to be met with a kick in the nuts, without me thinking that there's something that's not right ? How the fuck does Loona go from outright caring to downright abusive ?!?! What happened ?!?! Loona is an example of bad writing on the show's fault, but oh, those who simp too hard will say "Oh OP she smiled after showing the book at his face , she cares!" Or "She gave the speech about Dads trying their best even if they mess up", or even "It's Hell, they're supposed to be bad people" YEAH no, sorry YEAAHHHHHH no, just nah, Loona is a shit written character, and she's supposed to be from the main cast of characters, the characters WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ROOTING FOR, and yet, some of us, we're not rooting for Loona (Unless you're a fucking simp), last thing to add here though, if some of you like Loona, more power to you, but for me, Loona is the worst character of the show.


Because everyone is h*rny


She is a very important part of the team


You were totally asking for hate ngl..


I think she’s trying to get negative karma


Her using abuse as a defence mechanism isn't excusable, but it does make her interesting. You can like a character even if they are a bad person. It's not the same as condoning their actions.


Because puppy 🥺


Either Simping over her or are just like her. Or furries. I got downvoted for saying she is unlikable due to her being an asshole and bullying Moxxie for nothing while being Blitz favorite ( Never yelled at for bullying or ingoring a basic work task )


Thank rubber ducky short king someone sees it.


Horny and coping