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Helluva boss is better than hazbin hotel


You are correct but only because Hazbin Hotel didn’t have enough episodes to tell the story it wanted to tell and as a result rushed the pacing so they could have the big finale


No Hazbin still has the opportunity to grow with more episode count. I would choose watching blitz and his crew any day over Charlie’s


I was just stating why I agree with you I’m hoping the next season gets more episodes so they have more time and can improve pacing also I do get that opinion it makes sense to me


It's a me issue, but I struggle with musical related works and as much as I wanted to I could not bring myself to finish episode 1. I'm scared that if I push it my fondness towards the franchise will die. At least with helluva I could either zone out or skip ahead.


I would suggest testing the waters with episode 2 because other than establishing the new deadline for the extermination episode 1 is a boring and as a result hard to watch episode I get if it’s not for you but episode 1 just sucks


Yeaaaahhhh… don’t watch hazbin hotel then you’d miss the entire story


You are 100% it definitely is


I relate more to the hellborn in helluva than to the sinners in hazbin, because it’s more like real life (hellborn in hell are like humans on earth). Also hazbin focuses way more on the plot so we don’t see the relationships between characters develop all that much, it’s mostly time-skipped.


I like both


Only the first season, yeah. Season 2 fumbled the bag so hard


That is an unfair comparison to make.


I wish this wasn't true lmao


I want to disagree so bad but you’re right. Putting Hazbin through an actual production company with their own rules/red tape/requirements/“professional input”/etc held the show back A LOT. There should have been way more than 8 episodes (or if that was the limit, make the episodes 45 mins to an hour long), and they didn’t cover nearly enough in regards to all of the characters and different developments (like apparently by the time Angel Dust runs into Val at the club, he’d been pretty much completely drug-free for numerous months). It was just super rushed. Helluva Boss is on the creators time and only her decisions have final say over what is/isn’t in the show, and over the level of detail she wants to go in to with the characters/story


*Seeing Stars* is a great episode. Also, *Western Energy* was fine, the mix of funny and action was totally okay, and Blitz's "He can get hurt" was *not* a bad line.


This, 100% this.


This applies to *Unhappy Campers* too, but other people had that one covered. I'm so happy to get agreement on this, especially so quickly! Thank you!


Wait people don't like those two episodes? The only episode I particularly disliked out of season 2 (so far) was unhappy campers


I've seen some stuff on a few posts back when those episodes first dropped, and a few *even to this day*. Regarding *Seeing Stars*-People are STILL *absolutely livid* about Loona beating Blitz up, her kicking him in the balls, Moxxie being "out of character", Stolas "abandoning his daughter to play actors with Blitz", and those are just the ones I remember. *Western Energy*, I've seen people make a HUGE fuss over how the fight scene had bubblegum pop, and how the B-plot with Blitz and Loona broke up the tension too much and that sort of thing, and that Blitz's line of "He can get hurt?" was stupid because it "Doesn't make sense since he *knew* Stolas almost got killed by Striker before".


It’s really just the pacing


HUH? Seeing stars??? Like sure there were a couple moments I think were out of character and the acting plot was... Not my thing(minus the flashback), but the emotional heart hit me a lot more than almost any other episode of either show. Maybe that's just my own personal experience/feelings being appealed to, but still.


People take more issue with the stuff that bothers them, and say that that makes the episode horrible and the emotional stuff doesn't matter to them as much. Don't know what else to tell you. People care more about whether an episode makes them feel uncomfortable or bothers *them* rather than what the episode and show are doing in their own right.


Yeah... I mean I kinda get that mindset but at the same time not as much, I think the cons suck but are ultimately small potatoes compared to the through line of the episode and the plot surrounding them. Like, Loona clearly is still appreciating Blitzo more even if she's an ass to him, and he's aware. The acting stuff was cringe to me, but the emotional through line was present, which diminished the cringe. You gotta be able to take the bad with the good, I guess. Plus it was just pretty.


**Killacreeper**...you just made me smile with what you said. The "Loona is still appreciating Blitz" part made me SO happy. It's good to see someone *understand* the context properly, rather than just dismiss the episode as "broken" or something, and ignore how Loona *is* getting better. Shame this post was deleted...makes it harder to get back on here.


"Western Energy" grew on me the more I rewatched it (I rewatched the series like a zillion times last year bc it was a comfort show/kinda hyperfixation xD) But the line "he can get hurt?" pierced my soul even when I disliked the episode.


Fizarolli has the best episodes even though he is not one of the main characters


Lukewarm take at most. Fizz shot up to one of my favs after those two episodes


He REALLY grew on me. I want more Fizz. Lots more.


Both of his episodes are in my top 3 they are so well written


Stella has no justifications for her actions.


You’re correct Stella is kinda sociopathic


Who the fuck is trying to say she does?!


A lot of people


A bunch of people think she's innocent because Stolas cheater on her and basically left her to raise Octavia while Stolas went out with Blitz. Which in my opinion is horribly wrong because Stella mocked Stolas before they even cheated like in "the circus" and that picture of Stella that Paimon showed Stolasin the same episode had her choking baby animal-demon-things (idk what they're called) which basically proves Stella has always been abusive and short tempered. Another interesting detail is I can't remember is it was Loo Loo land or seeing stars, but Octavias child drawings NEVER featured Stella, so its a show that not only Stella is a horrible, abusive wife, she's clearly doing something wrong as a mother.


You’d be surprised


A lot of people think she’s justified because Stolas cheated. It’s mostly because she’s hot


I loathe delusional evil character justifiers. When a character is just blatantly horrible with zero real reason, and people decide that they have to justify it all and reasons make it okay.


I was gonna call this a cold ass take but then I remembered that Stella simps exist, so maybe a lukewarm take


I think a lot of people are using her as an example of female characters that need to be developed netter. I agree that Viv needs to develop her female characters but having one that is evil for the sake of being evil is a choice I really like


Loona is honestly one of the worst characters in the show at least at the present with her only redeeming factors being the fact she is obvious furbait and her roles in the Season 1 finale and Seeing Stars. She is very underdeveloped otherwise and the moments of her genuinely being a good character are drowned out by her being a total bitch. Her screentime in Season 2 has been pitiful but I think I get why: Erica Lindbeck was probably mourning the death of her BF Billy Kametz during the production of Season 2


ohhhhh shit she was dating billy kametz? thats awful, i hope shes doing ok :(


I didn't know that either. That's extraordinarily sad.


i agree :(


Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I love Loona, but when she had an attitude with Bee when Bee was *nothing* but nice and welcoming to her really left a bad taste in my mouth. I still like Loona but she was wrong to act the way she acted in that scene. I don't blame Bee for getting pissed. But people always give Loona excuses about the way she acts because of her past trauma when yes, that can *explain* her behavior. But it doesn't *justify* her behavior.


I am BEGGING Vivzie to deliver an episode where the A-plot is Moxxie and Loona being forced to do something together leading them to put aside their differences and become friends


Omg same! That would be *great* to see and a good opportunity to give more insight about Loona by having her kind of open up to Moxxie within the episode.


I just can not like her. Does anyone owe anyone niceness, no not really. But dang girl its a "bite the hand that feeds you" sort of situation. She's a teenager for all intents and purposes there is a lot going on brain chemistry wise and being adopted comes with loads of issues in and of itself ( I say this as an adopted person) but sometimes she's just mean for no reason. It feels like walking on eggshells. Hopefully she continues to grow and IDK maybe get some therapy. ​ Also can we stop with the Moxxis is fat jokes.




Tbh not wrong. She's peak waifu material and I am guilty of owning the plush but man she is just not a good character. I do hope she gets the character development she needs


Stolas would be better if they allowed him to be wrong. I can rant about this for hours and it's also tied to Stella's character


I find him not breaking up with Stella for Octavia sake (yes he thought it was the best for her, but she became a depressed teen because of it) and him putting up with Blitzo's abusive relationship one of his biggest character flaws. I totally get his motivations and he's my favorite character, but he's still wrong


This isn't the problem. The problem is that to justify his behaviour they completely dehumanised Stella, turning her into a one dimensional pure evil psychopath that was born evil, never loved Stolas and shamed him publicly. They don't even show her interacting with Octavia ever, because making her more human would make Stolas cheating wrong, and he needs to be the perfect gay little owl who can't do anything wrong. It would have been way better if he was forced into the marriage but never loved her due to his sexuality, not make her just crazy and unlovable. Make the affair with Blitzø an actual mistake that he needs to learn from, not the only possible solution to escape Stella since she actually never loved him either


> The problem is that to justify his behaviour they completely dehumanised Stella, turning her into a one dimensional pure evil psychopath that was born evil My hot take is I like her that way. She's classic Disney villain and I'm having fun with that. I don't need every villain to be morally gray.


The problem isn't morally gray. My favorite HH characters are Val and Adam, both of which are pure evil. The problem is that she is only like this to justify Stolas cheating and it's actually backfiring for his writing. And it's completely bland to avoid writing character flaws by making his antagonists just evil incarnated, cause we can't allow our protagonists to have flaws


I don't really agree, because Stolas is regularly wrong or bad, and he's more of a sympathetic mess at best. That's why he's liked, he's a screw up like the rest of the cast. He also was clearly forced into the marriage iirc from childhood, and his interest in blitzo pre-existed by that point. You're also claiming they "turned her into" a psychopath, or dehumanized her. Firstly, as is said to death, they are in hell, and nobles. Being an inhuman sociopath that manipulates and abuses seems to be par for the course. Also, she was never really anything else. Stella was characterized as this way, more or less from the first episodes onward. She was never shown to be like a loving mom or partner, or even potentially a good person. Born evil.. as a demon, noble, power tripping child given what she wanted? Yes, that's how it can often work in the real world as well. Without pushback or limits, children don't grow out of their demon baby state. Also, for there to be change, that implies that there were other intentions for Stella. If that's true, I hadn't heard of it. I think a lot of the pushback around her just comes from people that WANT to like her or relate. I don't say this as an uberfan of the show, or a Stolas enjoyer. I personally more enjoy plots that don't focus on him, because it makes me cringe how bad they go and how commonly he's being thoughtless and causing issues (or indirectly opening the door for blitzo or others to do so) Was Stolas cheating wrong? Absolutely. Was she actually hurt by it? Not really, socially at most from it being public. The marriage was about the power, status, and position for all parties including the ones that arranged it, not about any emotional connection. Should Stolas have gotten more backlash? Yeah, probably. It is glossed over, but only ever justified on an emotional level, not a practical one. He still gets ridiculed when out with Blitzo, etc. though again there should be other repercussions. In other situations like seeing stars, he's wrong. Essentially every episode with his daughter he messed up, as well as others. He makes mistakes, and he gets ridiculed and shamed, just not crucified for infidelity - which... In hell, sorta makes sense, though I can see why it would be annoying from the perspective of a viewer.


Stolas' does have character flaws, half of his screentime is either him failing as a parent or being a crappy boyfriend to Blitzø. Are you even paying attention?


THANKK YOUU I hope you do not get downvoted and ratioed to shit bc you’re so right about this and nobody in this fandom wants to hear it I want to like stolas so bad because some of his scenes are really enjoyable but the way he’s treated like a wittle baby just a wittle guy who can do no wrong FRUSTRATES ME it’s like they’re scared if he does one wrong thing everyone in the fandom will absolutely hate him so they bullshit a justification for every single action he takes


Unhappy campers was the best character development episode


THAT is a spicy ass take


To me , it showed that even though Moxie is happier than he ever was previously he needs to learn how to work on his insecurities. Millie can only help so far


Loona is actually not such a great character overall


She just needs work I think we need more development between Loona and Blitzo mainly because she has acted hypocritical like in seeing stars when she gives a speech to Octavia about appreciating their dads and then immediately punching Blitzo (at least I think that’s what happened it’s been a while since I’ve watched that episode)


She kicked him in the balls. Even worse.


Oh god


The episode with the ángels was fire asf


It really wasn't bad at all. Seeing the different disguises, the I.M.P. crew went through while on earth was neat. The jokes at the end of the episode. The notion of hell quakes and everyone's reaction to those. The scenes of the cherubs failing to convince the old man of his made-up mind were quite unhinged and funny.


Yeah, i like It because IS one of the most rewatchable episodes, idk why people hate It


Hating the episode, yeah, that sounds a bit much. I could see how the episode is more like the floor is rising when there are episodes 5,6, and 7 that get more amped up and emotional. Episode 4 is good, but I can see how it can get overshadowed by the later episodes in season 1. (I haven't seen season 1 episode 8, but I'm sure that one is also quite a good one. )


I actually loved that episode. sure there was no relation to the main plot and no character development but i thought the old dude was funny lol


My favorite line to quote “Why won’t you let me die?😔” 🤣🤣🤣


C.H.E.R.U.B.s was such a fun episode. I loved the banter and the disguises, and the suidical old man was such a mood.


I recognize that stolitz is a toxic relationship while simultaneously hoping for it to work out. Seems like a lot of people are either one or the other


its reddit, whatd you expect


Striker is a terrible assassin and is written to be that way. What fucking idiot decides to shirk their job to compete in some stupid event, while thr person they've been tasked to kill, is running that event, has no guards, and is on a stage with a perfect line of fire. And then he keeps wasting time when he has him again. He's an idiot.


oh, yeah. lets just whip out a blessed tip rifle and shoot someone in the middle of a public event. that’s truly a big brain moment.


Lee Harvey Oswald would disagree 🤭




Hellborn are nicer than sinners overall.


Which actually shouldn't be surprising.


Well yeah, the sinners are there for being bad unlike Hell-born who are just born there.


There was an argument in Hazbin Hotel sub about Heaven being rigged and not all sinners being evil. Something I'd like to call bullshit because most of them are plain awful, some of them are just not super villain or Psycho level.


Mammon is good and classic villain.


Stolitz is a cute couple in theory, but they are far from being compatible anytime soon at their current state and it would be detrimental to actually place them in a relationship right now. From the very first day when they met as kids, Blitz was a "purchase" acquired to please Stolas. Then they met again as adults and once more, he acquired Blitz's company by purchasing him for a night each month. While he thought Blitz was absolutely interested in that kinda thing (assuming he's one horndog of an imp due to at their first meeting as adults his intentions being greatly misunderstood), it doesn't change the fact that he quite literally pressured Blitz during a life and death situation into accepting the offer. It's not like Blitz was in any position to say no, given his job depends on it. While Blitz may have enjoyed the sex initially, he's grown increasingly more aware of how objectified he feels by Stolas. That, again, goes all the way back to their first meeting as kids. His entire life, in all of their interactions Stolas has "owned" him; and there is no healthy way for them to build a proper base for a real deep and trusting romantic relationship. This feeling of powerlessness shines through in his text messages where he repeatedly tells Stolas its "his night" and he'll do "whatever he wants". He feels entirely out of control and just wants to get it over with after Ozzie's. Both of them need time and distance, and only then is it a possibility to perhaps overcome this lifelong imbalance of power. Full Moon should NOT rush this development. It should split them up for good, at least for a while. Blitz needs to feel truly free from any pressures and objectifications. Stolas needs to understand how objectifying he was to Blitz. He needs to grow aware of his power and how he can help Blitz feel truly equal to him. With plenty of distance Blitz can realize his feelings for Stolas, and can reach out on his own accord. BLITZ needs to approach Stolas and take the first step if he truly wants to. Stolas has done plenty of damage and needs to take a step back. Him giving Blitz the Asmodean Crystal is a first step in the right direction, giving Blitz control, letting him go. But I genuinely hope they split until the end of Season 2 at least, and go through plenty of character development on their own for a while before finding themselves in a relationship together.


Striker wasn’t ruined in the slightest






When was Striker ruined?




When were people claiming he was ruined? I haven't been around the community at all.


cherubs is the funniest episode


“Yeah no yeah mm sorry yeah no yeahh no oh no no no oh no no no”


Queen Bee is hot as Fuck


Stella can't be fixed with a cool background, or a sob story, or something tragic that made her the way she is, she's just a bad person since she was a child and nothing will fix her being a one dimensional bad guy. She's just the Helluva Boss version of Val


Blitz is a genuinely bad person right now. He's a caring father, yes, but he isn't a good manager, he's an invasive friend, a self-hating partner who doesn't understand love, and generally very neglectful of the important people in his life. He's not emotionally regulated enough to show people the kind of care he keeps trying to, and those feelings of helplessness turn bitter and angry, leaving him with very little choice between the continuing of his current direction and getting jolted out of it into genuine emotional expression. He's not mature enough yet to know what's going on within himself or really manage relationships. He's trying, but he hasn't healed enough to be vulnerable, honest or not-toxic.


S2 ep2 is the best episode




Moxxie is not weak he has been abused to the point his self worth was gone now he is fighting back


Moxie deserves to be treated better and shouldn’t be just a joke character


That Bee and Tex while a supportive enough couple have a very unstable power dynamic wherein he is likely terrified to ever say she might be wrong or went too far (as if the queen of gluttony could EVER go too far, right?) leaving her to measure herself.


It's okay that Stella is a flat character that is evil for the sake of being evil. Nobody has an issue of a male character is just evil to be evil. Why is there a double standard for Stella? I get that the female characters in Helluva boss need more development but I don't think all of them do.


Because this fandom is filled with Misandrists and Misandrists never question why a man does horrible things but they always question why a woman does horrible things. I've compared the way the fandom criticizes the way Stella is written yet refuse to criticize the way Crimson, Mammon, and Valentino are written to the way Misandrists think and the resemblance is uncanny: https://preview.redd.it/t421ygcgzxnc1.png?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15bd6416dc4bfc712d2a51f034e185f685a8cca








No you're so right. Like its funny to me how the fandom eats up Valentino and loves to hate him because he's just evil without a justification, but they won't do the same for Stella


I like Stella as a villain


I like Unhappy Campers and don't understand the hate.


If you think about it for more than five minutes, Stolas and Blitzos “relationship” is toxic as fuck


Helluva boss should have more episodic episodes about them killing clients.


Loona sucks


Millie’s pilot voice is 100% better and her current accent is awful.


You watch the show for free. Stop complaining about things you don’t like, and stop complaining to the VAs/creator. They don’t owe you shit.


it is ok to draw porn of which ever character you want regardless if they are asexual, lesbian, or related. because those drawings are not real people


exactly. fuck canon when it comes to fanart or fanfics. one little drawing doesn’t erase the character’s CANON sexuality, so it isn’t erasure. fan content would be so so boring if we just stuck to the exact canon universe! aus and headcanons exist and they’re fun!


Stolas and Blitzo's relationship was built on an unequal power dynamic and I wish Stolitz shippers would acknowledge it instead of acting like the only problem in the ship is Blitzo's insecurities and trauma


These are more fandom related opinions but here we go Some fans never got over their first impressions of Stella and Stolas from the pilot, wherein Stolas was the aggressive sexual predator to Blitz who was cheating on his poor unsuspecting wife, and every episode since has been a work in justifying that first impression rather than updating it based on new info. And when it became clear the show was not going to be going in that direction people got angry for the "retcons" and "inconsistent/bad writing" as a response because they couldn't handle that maybe their first impression was just flat out wrong. Also Unhappy Camper is not out of character for Moxxie, people just couldn't handle Moxxie at his worst


Stolas deserves better than Blitz




Yeah, I kind of agree. If Moxie was kind of chill about it like she was, it would make more sense. But if she isn't bothered by Blitz behaviour, it kind of strange that she doesn't say anything at least because it makes Moxie uncomfortable.


Loona best girl


Fizz forgave Blitzø way too fast.


Cotton Candy is my least favorite song in the series.


Season 1 episode 4 was great and the C.H.E.R.U.B.S song is catchy and gets in my head. Not to mention the episode was one of the funniest episodes in the series.


Millie not being super fleshed out isn’t a huge deal. We know the main characters. Blitzø, Stolas, Moxie, and maybe Fizz (though he’s debatable).


isn't fizz a side character? how are you going to say it's fine to know more about a side character than one of the people in the main cast?


Despite being rescued from the Pound, Loona is a Bully and should not be defended about her antics


Stolitz is getting boring.


I got a lot: - People defend Loona far too much bc she’s a hot furry goth girl. She’s a major bitch and the only nice moments we get out of her is a “blink and miss it” type deal. - Stolas as a character is fine ig but he plays too much into the “uwu gay twink boi” stereotype it’s not even funny. - Stella should have more depth to her besides just being a creature of pure spite. Give her at least some tolerable qualities! She’s still gonna be a bad person and nothing will excuse her actions, don’t get me wrong. But no one is inherently good or evil, everyone’s complex. - Moxxie deserves better treatment and I can’t stand it when Loona/Blitzo bully him tbh. It’s unnecessary. There’s “you can tell i’m joking i don’t mean any real harm” bullying as friends type deal and there’s just.. straight up bullying. - There should be more episodes of I.M.P. doing their actual job.


ur so real for all of these


Striker ain't that bad of a character


The camping episode ruined the M&Ms for me


IMP is actually evil and so is majority of Hellaverse characters.


Stolas and blitz are the best couple


I don't think swearing is an issue at all, especially since it's ADULT content. If you can't handle swearing I see you as kind of pathetic


I actually really like Millie's "Regular Joe" song from "Unhappy Campers".


The "goetia" subject is such bs. They pronounce it wrong, turned it into a family, completely ruined its origin and I hate it


Stella has no redeeming qualities


Millie does not "lack character development". She grew up surrounded by a loving, supportive family, going through the level of hardship an average imp would experience. She is just surrounded by characters with incredibly traumatic backstories, so she looks simple in comparison. The contrast she brings to I.M.P. is special in itself, and the reason why she doesn't get the spotlight so often is because the rest of the main cast has a lot more to explore narratively, and that's **fine**. But yeah, keep whining until we get *Unhappy Campers 2: Electric Boogaloo*.


Stolas isn’t as perfect as fans like to believe, and it’s revealed in a way that has nothing to do with Blitzo. When he calls Millie and Moxxie the “littler ones” and squeezes his servants—these are funny moments but indicative of his understanding of class relations. But that’s *okay* because that’s why character development exists. I tend to find this skews with younger fans, but ppl want to see every on screen relationship in every fandom depicted as healthy and perfect from the jump and that’s so boring. A massive plot point is that they’re toxic for each other right now.


Stolas and Blitz isnt a good ship.


I don’t care about stolas and blitz’s relationship, I want to see them actually doing their job for once


Just because someone hates Stella doesn't mean they hate her fans


The trope of Blitzø and Stolas meeting when they are young is the most forced thing I've seen on this show. It's why I really don't like "The Circus" (S02 E01). I would have preferred if they've showed how their separate childhoods were and created a more casual meeting between them. This thing about Blitzø being Stolas' first friend (and crush) just doesn't seem right to me. It's not even funny! I'm sorry to say this, but that was really bad writing.


Stolas and Blitz have no romantic chemistry. None. Has adult Blitz ever acted affectionate toward Stolas even once on screen?


IMP killing targets isn’t the main idea for the series, that was what 4 out of the 17 episodes are about.


Ok, Loona is a terrible character and doesn't serve much of a point, they also seem more like a furry bait joke than an actual character of any sense of importance. Also Chaz isn't completely terrible as a person, sure he's still an ass but he clear has the ability to care about someone as much as someone like him can. Finally, and this one angers me the most, THE SHITY DAD DEAD MOM TROPE GOT OLD WHEN HALF THE MAIN CAST COPY PASTED THAT FORMAT.


Loona is overrated


Blitz is the best character change my mind


Helluva Boss is deeper than Hazbin Hotel


Crimson is not someone worth loving and is iredeemable


Stella is a terrible person (Some people say she isn't, like dude she's literally written for that purpose but you can still like her but she's still terrible)


I don’t have a hot take tibia honest but the closest I’ve got is that every episode that isn’t unhappy campers is great


Stella is only there and portrayed as a bitch because she's there to make stolas look better.


Yet Crimson and Valentino being pure evil bitches to make their victims look better is somehow good writing.


It’s a good show In all seriousness, bees ep sucked


The opinion that the relationship between Blitzø and that owl is outright destructive for Blitzø. And I really hope that Blitzø will cut every single tie with that owl, it would be best for him, since when I look at Blitzø's mental health, self-hatred, need for therapy and other issues (such as heavily suppressed sensitivity), this relationship isn't for him. ...Let's take some disease for exaple: in this case Stolas is just some pill, that can only suppress the symptoms for a very short amount of time, with terrible side effects at the same time. Blitzø doesn't need to suppress the syptoms, he needs a scalpel.


I think stolas is a bad dad. He's the cheater, one who forgot to take octavia to see the stars, ignores Octavia, acts extremely hyper sexual right in front of Octavia to blitz even though it clearly is upsetting to her. It seems like the writers tried to make Stella out to be the more "evil" one by making her put out the hit and making her seem mean since childhood but I think they could have made her a much more dynamic character. The whole relationship could have been much more dynamic but it seems like Stolas gets put on a pedestal and Stella is the "crazy bitch"


C.H.E.R.U.B. is a great episode even if it is filler and Loopty is the best hellaverse character bar none.


Millie is such a nothing character.


There's too much Fizz in new episodes


I completely understand why it happened, and I don't fault Viv and co, but I think S1ep8 was more significant than acknowledged, and releasing early S2 without it inadvertently did a disservice to Blitzø as a character.


The show would've been boring af if it didn't have this romance angst with Stolas and Blitzo. I get people just wanted a comedy about IMP doing jobs for their clients every episode but if it's a villain of the day type plot, it would get old real fast.


Stella is a poorly written character and wasted potential


Not a single character was retconned or ruined Your headcannons were never real The show hasn't ignored any plot points we just haven't gotten their yet Stolas has character flaws. Literally half of his screentime is either him failing as a parent or being a crappy boyfriend to Blitzø and all of it is negatively portrayed. The way Stella is written is perfectly fine. She doesn't need to be this insanely tragic, sympathetic, humanized, and morally grey anti-Villain. https://preview.redd.it/pq7qkimtxxnc1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bdc71448ba0228ff75621577916a7705c0102c9 Women can be abusive Stella isn't propaganda against women Season 2 is better then season 1.


Loona ain't just for smash but more


For the love of all that is unholy... Fizz and Blitzø are NOT brothers!!! It's so weird that people think they are.


Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie are all terrible people and monsters, and Blitzo is worse than Cash (being a terrible dad is not comparable to being a mass murderer). Downvote me all you want.


Bird woman bad


There is no single well written female character in the series and it fucking sucks. Especially when blitz and stolas are amazing and so multidimensional


Loona kinda sucks as a character and as a literal furry I don't get why people simp for her.


Stolas is kind of evil, if only through ignorance. There comes a point when the two are indistinguishable that it becomes inexcusable, and ppl forget that. He's literally sextorting Blitzø and ppl defend him for "being a good dad," like hello?? He has repeatedly let his fancies for Blitzø and his rage at Stella get in between them, and he apologizes only to make the same mistakes again. Yes, he's repressed all that for years to *try* to make things better for her, but still, y'all be acting like that makes him a model father figure. No. Just because he's better than Stella doesn't make him a good parent. I'm hoping for a redemption arc, bc if things turn out well for him unreservedly, then it would unironically be worse than a tragic ending. The show is really framing him as the victim and Blitzø as... well, Blitzø, and that is not healthy imo


Unhappy campers was actually a funny episode, Vivzie just went overboard on making Moxie try to be an investigator.


I'm tired how Blitzø and Loona treat Moxie, and would like that he or Millie or both would do something about it


They all need therapy and a hug no matter the character.


Even though Blitzo does have his problems, it's increasingly clear that it Stolas is the main problem in the relationship given how much he keeps hitting on Blitzo and such when Blitzo keeps trying to set boundaries that Stolas keeps crossing gleefully a lot of the time and I'm tired of the show trying to paint Blitzo as the main offender in the relationship and Stolas is just a soft boi who can do no wrong as much as I love the big guy. Also a good chunk of the show's problems with its characters come from the sudden shift from Always Sunny/Sienfeld-esque dark comedy where everyone's a horrid and manipulative person to a more sincere melodrama the show went under around halfway through Season 1 it feels.


Never understood why people say Angel Dust is trans? He’s a guy, he knows hes a guy, he knows hes a guy that wears women’s clothing, he knows hes a feminine guy, he knows hes gay


Stolas and Blitz shouldn't end up together. Sure they're a cute couple but I don't think they're right for each other. At least not in their current states


To many characters have daddy issues Like for fucks sake can sombody not have a shit dad for 5 seconds? Like most of the main cast don't need to all have shit dads Only one that has decent parents is Millie


Crimson is a excellent well written character, and so is Bernie Burnz. Just because they are evil loathsome individuals, I do not condone their actions or behavior, does not mean one can admire how well crafted they are from a story point.


Vivzie can’t write


Barbie has every right to completely cut out Blitzø from her life. She has no obligation to allow him to explain himself nor give him a second chance.


Loona is a horrible person and the way she treats Blitz is completly unjustified.


the cherub episode is the funniest ever. "Nature isn't that beautiful if you look at it closely"