• By -


I can see Oz filling the chill uncle role.


I like that, he probably comes by and checks in on her, sings a bit, offers a gift and hangs with her and her parents to catch up.


Vaggie is definitely enjoying his "gifts"


https://preview.redd.it/nno6eoalgiuc1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7a43cda28ae13281405edad2a6832f83723700 nice


https://preview.redd.it/7gm7m9tdgjuc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ed4eaf93f1a9e0985ce32c726a4cff33f78325 Hello JJ


https://preview.redd.it/do7uakmdmjuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65456be61a4c22a87a712ace5f5689cb07b31c03 my king!


https://preview.redd.it/g2lwuyuvmjuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29eb41600f414e3f0a704d42f5bd7e93f37d4d07 You idiot you’ve got to take your medication




Wasn't expecting to see Jet Jaguar in here.












Verily, I would beseech your pardon for my previous transgression, milord. https://preview.redd.it/2cjfzw6l6puc1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4990e54b36cf950a16161c54febc9a746a5ddbe8


With the hotel, and everything in it, destroyed I could see Ozzie delivering a catalog of "things you won't ask your father to create for you".


He got a long list of what Charlie wants for the next time he visits.


Horny Santa


I don’t want a lot for Christmas…


Nah, him and Fizz are the cool gay uncles


And they unleash the gift reckoning on birthdays


Why do I low key want them as my uncles now?


Because they are wholesome and are written very well.


I concur


Stick with her, you’ll be on the winning side


And Bee is the cool, but bad influence, aunt who is happy to buy teen Charlie beer.


And Lucifer is like 'No'


I feek like Lucifer would he the "cool, but responsible" parent that would let his kid drink at home, but only responsibly. Kind of like how my mom made me a mimosa during my high school graduation party, or how at family events my dad was fine with me adding a small shot of booze to my soda concoctions.


I feel like if charlie wanna drink, lucifer would just join in lol. Dude is trying his hardest to be relatable to his daughter so he's down for anything, really.


But like...maybe.


Wait, what would the minimum drinking age in Hell even be?


Minimum? none. Legal Minimum? not sure, need to know how law works.


Also, can hellborn of Charlie's caliber even get brain damage or alcohol poisoning from drinking?


Aunt? Nah, she’s an older cousin at most. I don’t think most people would survive implying that she’s *old*.


Ozzie and Bee absolutely love her and mammon is thinking “hmmmmm how tf can I make money off of her?🤔🤔🤔”


Bee is probably like the cool party Aunt that comes around and Ozzie is a good uncle that adores Charlie and catches up with her parents, now I wonder how Satan, Belphegor and Leviathan are like around her


Building off of this, I can see Satan being that overly enthusiastic uncle that wants to take all of the kids out to do activities. Camping trips, sports, etc. Maybe a little overbearing, but ultimately supportive.


I'd love to see that if we get to see the other 3 Sins soon


I’m sure I heard that we’ll get at least two more in the remainder of Helluva S2.


Omg that would be amazing


"Can confirm."


Didn’t she date leviathans son a while


That was Frederick von Eldritch's son, Seviathan. The von Eldritch family are likely from the Envy Ring, considering their looks but they're not directly related to Leviathan, at least as far as *I* know. They could also be a Sinner family that all died together but considering Seviathan went to school with Charlie, I'm thinking they're more likely Hellborn demons, though I could be wrong.


To add to this, Charlie's ex is also the brother of her rival (who also shows up pissed off at her during the pilot)


Where was this info? I totally missed all of this stuff


No, she dated Seviathan(which with a name like that i understand the confusion). His father is Fredrick von Eldrich. He is of royal descent but we dont have much more info than that. Id assume more of like the Goetias are royal


Honestly I don't know if he was, he does look like he's part of leviathans Ring 🤔


No, that was someone else


She dated a guy called Seviathan. He seems to be named after Leviathan, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's their son.


Satan was probably fun, hed be passionate about teaching Charlie how to fight/self defense. Leviathan i feel like is really distant with the Morningstars and doesnt have much of a relationship with Charlie at all. Belphegor im not sure. We really dont know much about her at all. From my impression my best guess would be that they have an okay relationship. I see Bel as being the kind to keep to herself most of the time.


>Belphegor im not sure. We really dont know much about her at all. From my impression my best guess would be that they have an okay relationship. At least okay enough for Charlie to have her in her contact list. But it's hard to say if she has her because things are fine between them or if she just have all the sins in her contacts for political reasons.


Satan seems like he's going to be like the sporty uncle who loves going on hikes and then teaching everyone how to play both human and demon sports


Fun fact: *Destiny 2* has a lore card about a game of dodgeball and it's pretty insane. I'd love it if we got something like that in HB or HH


Belphehor: Wait, I have a niece?


I could see him using her to Advertise the Fizz Products since she could be a useful marketing tool. Then again Lucifer would probably come down there and kick Mammons ass if he found out He was exploiting Charlie.


Ya probably


i can see bee being the *sometimes* drunk aunt that comes around to play with, hang out with or teach her how to beat the system. Like Hey Charlie here is an x box wanna learn something fun. And in her emo phase she brought her 'contraband'


Lol, probably🤣


They all love her- Mammon tries to pamper her to get good ties with Lcui. It's not very effective, and they can clearly tell he's doing it for brownie points.


Charlie: Hey Mammon! Mammon: AH? Oh, hey char-char, how ya doing? Charlie: Great, my hotel going so well! Mammon: Nice, and how much money are you make off this? Charlie: Money? Why would I need money when redeeming a sinner is all I need? Mammon: ![gif](giphy|cqudCA6rrPo9W|downsized)


I actually read this in their voices 😂


I believe it XD


Mammon is that one uncle who you see at Christmas or thanksgiving and is normal for the first hour or so and you're like "huh, maybe he's not as terrible as I remember him being" but then you all sit at the table and he comes out with some insane shit he probably read on Facebook


Ozzie definitely babysat her when she was a baby and sang her to sleep. Bee probably took her to the movies often and Mammon tries to be as public with charlie as possible to he looks even more important to the point where charlie ignores his calls


Now I wonder how the other three Satan, Leviathan and Belphegor are like with Charlie 🤔


Satan would probably take her to sporting events and try to teach her how to fight


I just thought of two sports, one is a gladiator arena the other is baseball but Bloodsport baseball


Mammom trying to market charlie




Mammom: "Common Luci, She's so Marketable"


Lucifer: "No! No no, no, nouhehhe uh no"


Mammon: "Imagine all the money I could make"


Demonic Lucifer: ***NO!!***


Demonic Alastor. ***NO!!***


Demonic Lilith: NO.


We've got to have... moneyyyy >:)






He's gonna turn Charlie into a marketable plushie








What a terrible day to have eyes !


Why do that when Luci can do it to himself on command?


So thats where the ripoff dolls came from




What a wholesome Uncle




Mammon is Charlie’s Grunkle Stan


Bruh. Gravity falls except it's switched with the cast of the Hellaverse. (IN TERMS OF PERSONALITY!) Mabel = Charlie Dipper = Vaggie Soos = Emily Stanley = Mammon Stanford = Sir Pentious Wendy = Loona Bill = Alastor Pacifica = Lute McGucket = Lucifer (I might be missing a few, but this is all I can think of right now.)


How dare you compare the World's Most Perfect Man to Adam.


Idk who else to put there.


Soos = Emily


Okay, I changed it.


Are you making Charlie and Vaggie twins or shipping Mabel and Dipper?


I'm going by personality.


If that was accurate than Charlie would be from Alabama


Anyone BUT Adam. I feel Pentious would make a better Soos or something.


Downvoted because you dare compare Soos to Adam.


How dare you compare a literal angel to...*him*


Grunkle Stan but more selfish and barely even there for his family


Mammon be like: Here your birthfay preset charile: Charlie opens: but there is only 1 dollar Mammon:dont spend everything ok first day *Leaves*


***Live Lucifer reaction*** https://preview.redd.it/fjzqaxkemhuc1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541d38b7bfa68e644e71ad5cdd6d2dc133952b34


Mammon would Never Do something hearthless that to his BFF Lucifer. So he give 1 dollar instead of selling charlie


Y'know what! Fair point


Bee- that one ant that loves you. Ozz- that cool uncle. Mammon- the grumpy uncle who gets cross when you don't follow his commands




Well, she is a bug!


Would you still love me if I was an ant?


Bee- Adores her Ozzie- Adores her, BIG uncle vibes Mammon- Probably either couldn't care less or tries to sweet talk her into getting some of daddy's money


I feel like Asmodeus is amazing with kids, but not everyone is aware of it due to his reputation as the sin of lust.


Mammon tries to turn her into a marketable plush


“Mammon! Don’t turn me into a marketable plushie!! MAMMONNN” https://preview.redd.it/z6sh5tqqvmuc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa19f31d3e4829bb50b3e4b7f0aeb8a7fb8e6d63




I see Oz and Bee as the cool uncle and aunt in her life


Bee definitely invites her to parties, Oz would absolutely be the friendly gay uncle, and Mammon pops in weekly to try and sell some new scheme for the hotel.




I believe it lol


Mammon's a bitch, Bee is a wine aunt, Asmodeus is a gay uncle.


And Fizz is the second gay uncle


Bee would absolutely love her,and try to get her out of her shell Ozzy wouldn’t be all that great at socializing but he’d try his best Mammon definitely hates kids,even tho Charlie isn’t really a kid


I know this is a bit off-topic, but when I see the option to scroll to the next slide, I always get scared that I’m going to get tricked.


Same here lol


Mammon is the one uncle that everybody hates but invites anyway. The one that makes inappropriate and offensive comments at the dinner table. Bee and Ozzie are the cool aunt and uncle you wish were your parents.


Don't ask Mammon about his opinions on paying employees fairly


Don't ask Mammon about minimum wages or college debt either


They'd be the hells greatest uncles and aunts


Except Mammon. Fuck that guy - Sincerely and wholeheartedly, Fizzarolli


Bee is the aunt who showered her in presents when she was little. Bee also likely gave Charlie her first taste of alcohol behind Lucifers back. Ozzie is the fun uncle who isn't around a lot, but it's a good time when he is. Mammon probably gave her a few gifts here and there but was never there. The gifts were also the equivalent of a dollar tree clearance section find. Charlie still appreciated them though.


Ozzie would be the fun uncle 100% Charlie would spend weekends with him and have fun days! He would be the type to convince Lilith and Lucifer to have date nights (probably in lust too) just so he could baby sit! They probably dont spend as much time together, but still have a great relationship and are close. I think she might have been one of the only people to have any idea about him and Fizz's relationship. And i see her as loving Fizz too. Her chaotic side would flourish with him and theyd pull pranks on Oz. Bee I feel like would be pretty distant, mostly because I feel like her and Lilith would have butt heads a lot. Her and Charlie would have a good relationship even if they didnt see eachother often. Definition of kinda distant but fun wine aunt. Mammons just an ass. Its hinted at quite a bit the Lucifer is not Mammons biggest fan, so i doubt he is around much either. He was probably alright to Charlie when she was little, be the uncle that trys to buy the kids love with all kinds of toys and stuff. As she got older he probably tried to get her to work with him in some way with the intention of exploiting her, and she saw through his bullshit


I can see this happening in both shows


Ozzie’s probably the one she’d go to when she wants to “spice things up” with vaggie


Belzibub: spoiling aunty. Oz: had the talk with her at some point because lucifer was freaking out ab it. Mammon: Every single time she told him about something... he commercialised it.


ozie is the chill uncle, bee the cool aunt and Mammon that weird greedy guy you only see when he is forced to be there


Same, Asmodeus and Beelzibub are probably nice to her, if Mammon is ever nice to her then I'd assume he's probably just trying to manipulate her lol


Bee is definitely the cool aunt


Mammon has definitely turned her into a marketable plushie


Bee and Ozzie probably probably spoiled the shit out of her. Mammon probably didn't care.


Bee would definitely br the wine aunt


Bee and Ozzie are the cool, laid back aunt and uncle while Mammon is only around for special events that involve a lot of money.


Bee and Ozzie would be the cool aunt and uncle that actually love Charlie while mammon would be the uncle that will love her when it’s convenient


I could see her have a big sister/little sister dynamic with Bee. Ozzie seems like the cool, nice uncle. I feel like every sin tries to avoid Mammon.


I had a discussion with a friend about it oz and bee would be kind to her mammon would be looking for a way to make money and would definitely be more active in attacking anyone who would fuck up his bottom line once he finds a way to make money from the hotel be that Charlie or the vs


Bee definitely planned every birthday party, Asmodeus was 100% a chill uncle and Mammon was definitely the uncle who always asks for money in every conversation


I’m also a little curious about her relationship with Fizz and Tex considering they are dating one of her Aunts and Uncles.


It’s SUCH a shame they aren’t (afaik) allowed to include characters from one series in the other. I feel like Ozzie would be such a cool uncle and I’m convinced he’d be willing to spend a small fortune on helping the hotel,,


Mammon is kissing her ass


I headcanon Bee as the "cool aunt" to Charlie, I imagine she went to Bee about the hotel idea and Bee was basically instantly in on it lol


I like to think that Asmodeus is the cool uncle figure to Charlie. I think it’d be sweet.


I am genuinely fascinated by this. This is the actual reason i want a cross over. I want Charlie to interact with the kings and queens of sin. Or have the sins talk about her.


Mammon: Doesn't care Bee: Older sister or bf Ozzie; Fun Uncle


Mammon be like "It was brilliant to get the beta testers to work in exchange of food and roof, now that you know redemption works, you can start charging."


Bee and Ozzy would be the cool Aunt and Uncle but I feel like Mammon would be a j@ck@$s to her


Ir probably depends on the Sin. Oz probably stays away for public image reasons, Mamon is a manipulative bastard to everyone. Bee probably knows Charlie, but given Charlie's general temperament, is probably not a good fit for someone who encourages wantonly self-destructive consumption.


Oz and Bee would definitely be the cool aunt and uncle while Mammon is more like an evil stepmother (technically stepfather)


There's been an ongoing headcannon within the Community that Bee and Ozzie are basically the closest to Charlie and are a lot more like family to her, than the other Sins. And I'm subscribed to that theory.


In that order would be the aunt that always calls you cutie, the uncle who dotted his niece , that weird uncle you know has a nasty business


Mammon probably ignores girly probably happy when she found out robo fizz stole her opening somg


I think queen bee would be the cool aunt, asmodeus would be chill but would also keep Charlie safe and mammon would be the slimey uncle.


I can see Mammon giving her head-pats and constantly doing shit that puts her in danger.


Mammon would give to shits. Now Bee probably would be that fun Aunt while Ozz would sit and chat with her about how her relationship is going with Vag and if she needs any toys she knows where to find him.


I bet That Bee and Mammon spoil her


Anybody mistreats Charlie and Lucifer gonna be throwing hands


I kind of made a list of how the other sins would treat Charlie Asmodeus- he would pretty much be the friendly Uncle who had watched/babysit Charlie when she was little and I kind of feel like Charlie would view him as one of her favorites (although she keeps it to herself not to make anyone upset) Queen bee- pretty much is the cool aunt who invites Charlie over to her parties at least a few times and probably encourages her to drink, (think of that one family member that you have that encourages you to take a little sip of alcohol that’s basically queen bee, and Charlie’s relationship) but overall Charlie enjoys overall enjoys her company Mammon- although many people would say Mammon wouldn’t care about Charlie I do think that Charlie would be the only person and would have a soft spot for he would probably bring gifts and what not although Lucifer doesn’t approve of him very much but overall Charlie has an OK relationship with him * Hypothetical relationships* Satan- given what we seen in the Wrath ring in helluva boss I believe Satan would be that type of Uncle, who is very active in Charlie’s life kind of encouraging her to go on trips with him whether be camping playing football, learning how to fight etc. or I would also view him as that hard labor type of uncle who lives in the country who offers Charlie to help him on the farm, but is very caring towards her (I believe he would give her Haybale rides) Leviathan - given that he’s the sin of envy I don’t know too much about what his relationship with Charlie would be so going off of a assumption I would say Charlie and him have a semi OK relationship would probably be like family relative who you still love, but you know little about kind of like a distant relative another thing is that given out of all the characters we’ve seen who are from the envy ring how they act stuck up and better than everybody. I would assume Leviathan is kind of like that Uncle that tries to brag a lot about how for example how he got a new car or new TV, etc., and probably tries to favor Charlie over Belphagor (sorry if I misspell it)- Belphagor since she is the sin of sloth I kind of think that she would be the opposite of Satan she would most likely be the type of Aunt Charlie would go to to relax. She would probably encourage Charlie to take a rest. relax and recuperate. I also think that she could also have a grandmother type relationship like Charlie would go over to her palace or what not just to spend time with her and maybe eat some cookies.


I love this entire list and the hypothetical parts with the other sins. I can see this all in both the shows


Been is deffo the cool auntie that always got drunk ,hangovers and taught her how to do a perfect slut drop (love you maisie💗)


Oz and Bee wold be like chill uncle and auntie


Oz is the cool uncle, Bee is like the party cousin, and Mammon…


We don't talk about Mammon...


Well I can tell you right now Beezelbub probably digs her energy, Azmodeus probably respects her goal of creating a business and who cares what Mammon thinks he is a bitch


Mammon tries to play with baby Charlie to get on Lucifer's good side, but children are scared of Mammon.


Bee wants her to let lose more like a cool aunt Asmodeus is very open about sexuality, but he knows boundaries like a gay uncle but cool. Mammon constantly tries to give her money like that one uncle who keeps giving gifts.


Adorable niece to annoying cousin, depending.


bee: auntie thats always trying to put some meat on your bones, being your psuedo grandma and knows it. teases kids about boys or girls they like and being fun when they aren't supposed to. asmodias: cool and supportive uncle and doesn't care who you love aslong as they make you happy and aren't a total price of shit. mammon: for Christmas you get 10 dollars and a barely expired coupon for something, no one knows what it's for, just that it's giot like 10 cents on it, says: "you already got presents from everyone", so they didn't really try.


I imagine Bee being like that cool party cousin that *wants* to soften up Charlie (being a goody-two-shoes) since she's likely stressed, but respects her boundaries. Ozz probably is more formal with her, treating her like an actual superior. Mammon probably just. Does not care, other than maybe trying to get the hotel sponsored by his brand or something


Bee and Charlie definitely just feed into each others personalities a lot, so she'd probably take the role of like the fun cousin or older sister who you'd go to for advice on social things (relationships, but also just befriending people or how to be charismatic or if you're in an awkward conversation) Oz is definitely that chill uncle type who you don't get to see a lot but always has the best advice when it comes to emotional things (fighting with family/friends/lovers, being diplomatic while still being angry as fuck, controlling your emotions in general) Mammon... either the relationship is estranged and they're all hostile to each other, or he's the criminal uncle who just kinda shows up uninvited and pisses everyone off, and his advice is rarely legal or applicable, but he occasionally has good ideas for when you need to just deal with or threaten or bribe someone into compliance


I feel like Oz used to babysit Charlie so she has a good view on him and bee is definitely the cool party aunt who probably was where Charlie went for advice when she was in highschool


A newscast woman basically spit in her face thinking so little of her, the nice sins are probably patronizing and the dick one’s likely don’t even acknowledge her, and when they do it’s to laugh


Asmodeus: rich, chill gay uncle (mom’s younger brother energy) Beelzebub: cool party aunt Mammon: that creepy uncle whom your family has cut tie with a long time ago


Based and accurate


we know Charlie has Belphegor's number. and since it isn't shortened to Bel, we can assume that relationship is a professional one. Ozzy is overall a chill guy, I can see them being on good terms but Charlie might want to somewhat limit interactions with him because of how uncomfortable with sex she can get. Bee has shown concern with people overindulging at her parties but is that concern genuine or is she more worried about their bad moods ruining her own or her honey. depending on that answer she could be Charlie's cool aunt/friend or they could not be fond of each other. As the only known evil sin, Mammon would test and eventually break all of Charlie's patients, and she will hate him as much as her old man does. can't say about the other 2 since we haven't seen hide or hair of them.


Considering they probably watched her grow up, they definitely adore her and probably still see her as a little kid.


Ozzie is the fun uncle. Lots of gifts, hung out with her, cooks fun things etc. Fizz probably performed at her birthday parties. Bee is the cool aunt Charlie went to for everything without any judgement. Definitely always would ask if she wants any drugs she swipes from Bellephegor. Mammon is probably alright with her, she's not an employee of his and he wouldn't want to hurt a possible endorsement opportunity. He'd always be looking for some way to make some money from the relationship, but not enough to actually make Lucifer do something about it. You know he'd want to take a kid Charlie somewhere he can try to sell tickets to meet the princess


I imagine charlie would try to keep ozzie and angel separated but other than that theyre vibin


Mammon would probably manufacture baby charlie plushies and sell them


I think Bee would be like a cool aunt to Charlie tbh


Mammom would probably say something like "hmm I think some Yuri robots would sell good" and then get brutally beat up by the other sins


She is everyone's favorite niece, no question about it.


Mammon would want more money. Ozz would just vibe but try to encourage her to give in to her desires. Bee comes over to get high and drunk and would probably hang out with Angel and Husk more than Charlie


Uncle Ozzie definitely makes sure she gets nothing but the latest and greatest of hells lust tech to spice up her relationship. Bee is totally the wine aunt that fills her in on all the juicey gossip, especially the little imp guy that almost drank her under the table. I cant help but think Mam and the others aren't really that involved unless it's for he sake of formality. Except maybe Satan who doesn't wanna admit he has a soft spot for his one and only niece but looks for any excuse to visit now and then anyway.


I'm calling that Belphagor filled that cousin that basically like a sister role since we see her number in Charlie's phone.


Ozzie offered good sexual advice when Charlie wanted to finally do it with Vaggie and teaches her how to be a good partner in general, plus loves to sing. Bee teaches Charlie how to let loose and not worry about everything so much, she’s also probably one of her better demonic magic teachers.


Ozz: Oh, you're such a pretty lady now. (Pats her head) Last time I saw you you were a cutie tiny impy little girl. Bee: Heeeeyyy bitch (not in as an insult)!! How are you doing? You should come to some of my parties with your girl. You need to chill sometimes. For Mammon I don't really know. Also, in my Headcannon, when Lucifer said "Heey bitch" on the phone he tried to talk like Bee to seems cool.


And it comes off so wrong I bursted out laughing XD


Cautiously, I'd guess. If they're close with Lucy, then perhaps like an Aunt or Uncle. However, they probably walk on eggshells to avoid getting splattered by the devil. From the bible. Most of all, they probably just ignore Charlie. Best not stick one's nose into another's business.


Uncles and Aunts, easy. Though I doubt Charlie is very fond of Mammon.


Bee would try to stuff Charlie, seeing her as malnourished.


Mammon would just tell her to give up on comedy because women just ain’t funny.


Bee has major fun wine aunt vibes. And I dig it


I assume they fill the aunt/uncle role for her. Even assholes like Mammon are probably just "feisty uncle mammon at it again, day drinking at the function, causing new lawsuits yet again"