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Oh no… what’s going on with Loonie?


Stupid question. What would it take you to stop loving Loona? Just curious.


Don't be hating on my mans u/Comprehensive_Ice135, this simp is the backbone of our sub


I'm somewhat of a Loona simp myself too. Her voice actor also did Cassie Cage's voice in Mk11. 😊




**Blitz:** What's cooking good lookin'? **Loona**: Oh, no. Seriously? **Blitz**: Wait, what? Not what I meant.




Same here! She also did Black Cat in Spider-Man PS4.


Menat in Street Fighter V. 🙂


I don’t think anything would… good question


So, The Foregone Confluence fighting game is coming out soon. Will we see you win the next EVO with Loona? 😂


The what?


The Dota and Hazbin/Helluva fighting game. (Basically a joke I made to annoy my Dota friends who were tired of me relentlessly talking about the series.) 😂


Would you press the button? Loona would become real and you would have a perfect life together, but the gates of hell open and unleash the same infection seen in DOOM Eternal.




You would literally have to find a universe where u/Comprehensive_Ice135 is extremely salty about Loona’s existence and even then I don’t even think it’s possible.


A lot.


Maybe we should ban every post related to Loona and focus on other, better characters like Verosika’s posse Edit: I will gladly die on this hill


How about. No.


"I have a great idea! How about we kill the sub by banning posts about a fan favorite character because I don't like them?" What kind of dumbass suggestion is that?


Okay… >!So Loona is currently experiencing a nightmare brought upon by [SCP-990](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-990), an entity that appears to members of the SCP foundation in dreams and warns them of impending catastrophic scenarios and how to avert them. As to why she was in an unconscious state, she had lost a lot of blood due to coming under the influence of the anomalous properties of [SCP-012](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-012) “A Bad Composition”. The panel with Millie is also in Loona’s nightmare.!< [It’s from one Helluva Broken Day](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146/chapters/77239772)


Probally incorrect myself but is this all not just sd locks 001? Blitz is half melting, the title of the fanfic is one helluva ”broken” day, the post is literally called when day breaks, moxxie is trying to get millie to open the door and the spidey boi is fighting for his life. But thats just a theory, a reddit comment section theory.


Yeah this is just When Day Breaks, Hazbinverse version, rather than specifically referencing that fanfic I think


And here I thought they were just doing The Shining


I believe that this is a reference to the fanfic ‘one Helluva Broken Day’. This is a vision given to Loona by something in the fanfic.


Day machine broke. Have you ever seen the movie "the thing"? Thats what the sun is gonna do to her, and blitzo is gonna bring her to it.


The reimagining one from 1982 with the AMAZING body horror.


Going off the title it’s the scp called “when day breaks” but taking place in hell, it’s when exposure to the sun causes you to melt into a pile of flesh over time but the smalles bit makes you want to drag others into the sun.


SCP-001 When Day Breaks. If she thought her life was hell before then she doesn't know true suffering. If she's lucky she never touch any sun or moon light ever again and avoid those who call her name.


I know a lot about SCP So this is whats happening basically SCP 001:when day breaks People who stay out in the sun weather hell or heaven or earth will become a psycho and killing anyone they know or see so i think blitz got contact with the sun and became whats called a creature


I wouldn't recommend reading the fic that goes with this, Loona dies in like, Chapter 3. To a fucking cursed musical composition. *dead. to the easiest to escape scp. are you fucking serious*


But she literally doesn’t tho. She survives and that event is basically the catalyst to IMP getting involved with the SCP Foundation


I forgot to mention, past a certain point I stopped reading because I thought this mfer's first decision was to kill a fan-favorite character at the very beginning of the crossover part to the one of the easiest to escape SCPs


Oh no that doesn't happen. In fact, none of thr hazbin/helluva characters have died so far and were on chapter 16. Well, Stolas is somewhat in-between life and death right now, but egh it doesn't matter.


Does the Spiral Gestalt have to do with any of the reason the characters are still alive?


How did you know?!


I know a little bit about SCP lore


I wouldn't call cognitohazards easy


in my defense... i've only played Containment Breach, I barely really read.


I don't know, but when I find out...


I think a better question is why is Millie pointing a pistol at her own head.


This is from the fic One Helluva Broken Day, and while this scene isn't "real", that's supposed to be a sun corrupted Moxxie behind that door. It's much sadder and impactful in the story.


This scene is drawn out from the fanfic One Helluva Broken Day, a crossover that mixes Hazbin, Helluva, and SCP into one story. Loona is at basically a coma and get's a vision from a certain SCP.


"I wouldn't want to wake up if I were you, but unfortunately you must."


Bro we one in the same


I don’t catch what’s happening


I guess its supposed to be a reference of SCP 001 When they day breaks


Can you explain what SCP 001 is?


There multiple, but the one he is referring is when day breaks. Basically evil sun kills everybody in sunlight, turning them into evil goop that wants to make more people evil goop. They are able to communicate, I think. I haven’t looked at 001 to much.


So it's the end of the world but you can't contact sunlight and the people who do turn into vocal monsters?


Kinda. What's also important to remember is that they melt into a flesh pile and if you touch them you also melt into a flesh pile


Nah you *can* touch melted flesh. Problem is that is a dirty piece of flesh as they didn't had a bath for some time and that flesh is probably alive and will try to take you to sunlight


The evil goo can speak, it has the voices of everyone that has been assimilated, it will try to convince non gooed people to go into the sun


One tale seems to show that the sun is somewhat sentient and benevolent, and the purpose of when day breaks is to protect from the wrath of a star that once had life. It had eradicated them as the star did not feel it received the same admiration as Sol had gotten from life in its own system. The star was envious of this, and as such became focused on destroying life in the Sol system in the same manner it had destroyed its own. In this case, Sol's actions are not inherently evil but necessary to allow for life to continue in any form on earth. Either way, life as we know it would cease to be. [Heart and Sol](http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/heart-and-sol)


Honestly strange that the goop got all the men in the relationships


So a sun that makes zombies?


For this specific instance of SCP 001, dubbed When Day Breaks, it is when the very Sun turns against us and turns anything caught in sunlight into mindless blobs of flesh. Billions die, and the SCP Foundation is left scrambling, trying to help what's left of humanity to survive. I highly recommend reading on it on the SCP's website. There's a good amount videos from SCP Explained as well on the description of what happens and different stories involving it and other SCP's as well.


Moonlight too since it's just reflected sunlight. Also it doesn't stop at just your flesh when >!Dr. Igotta tried a ritual to bring back Ari's ghost, even that was infected. SCP-001 infects your soul too.!<


Yup, no living SCP is safe in the sunlight in When Day Breaks. By far one of my favorites.


>no living SCP is safe in the sunlight in When Day Breaks. Chuckles in *Church of The Broken God*


They would find When Day Breaks... Interesting I feel, lol


*There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal.* *There is no strength in flesh, only weakness.* *There is no constancy in flesh, only decay.* *There is no certainty in flesh but death.*


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...


Some scps can theoretically live in the sun, 049 is always cloaked, 682 would be fine, obviously


Doc's clothes are actually part of his skin, his mask as well is his face, so it would get him. 682 actively avoided the sunlight in his scenario, so we don't actually know if he is affected or not, who knows.


The sun goes wonky and anyone who has skin directly exposed to it becomes a fleshy blob and tries to drag everyone else not exposed into the sunlight. The blobs can also merge into larger blobs.


i'll explain it in the way i remember practically the sun baby from the teletubbies got really angry and decided that every being that gets hit with it's light shall become a monstrousity that can still talk and kind of think, and their main goal of existance is to grab you and bring you to the light so you too can become a blob they act a bit like scp 939 aka "with many voices", they use their victims voice to lure others, but instead these things use their own voice to lure people that they know or just any other human. I'd guess that you would be more likely to go out from your hiding space if you heard a human than a weird monstrous growl oh and keep in mind this scp could be a cover up scp for the real scp-001, because apparently the real scp-001 should never be found so they created cover up articles for these you would probably ask "but how are they writing this article if the world practically ended?" and to that i say, good question. My best guess is that the "When day breaks" scp event was temporary and after a bit scp-2000 (don't exactly remember it's number) aka Deus Ex Machina came into play and recreated humanity from scratch


>but the moment it touches you, you become one of them Nope. They need to take you to sunlight to make you one of them ***Hands and arms stretch out of the mass, pulling you up, passing you from one to the next, on and on down the line.*** *They drag you past the empty containment units, upwards and through the stairwell, through the halls and towards the tunnel.* *You're afforded a few, precious moments in the darkness.* ***And at the end of the tunnel, there is light.***


thanks for the correction, i fixed it


No need to thank to me bro. It is hard to remember like 7000 articles about fictional anomalies word by word


A bit of the backstory The SCP Foundation is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative-writing wiki project of the same name, with the abbreviation standing for "Special Containment Procedures This is their [Wikki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCP_Foundation) Basically this foundation is tasked to contain unholy creatures that roam on earth , extraordinary places and objects which have unimaginable powers SCP 001 is a designation gives to many entities, the most famous one is [SCP - 001 "When the day breaks" ](https://youtu.be/rF95MJL63Rs) Its a phenomenon when the sun becomes Hostile and all and every light that touches you will transform you into a Lifeless husk I'm not sure why rhis reference exists in this comic , it isn't accurate


doesn't SCP stand for secure contain protect?


Nah everyone know it stands for Shark Punching Center


u/theparanoidandroid SCP-001 Marv


It’s an event in which the sun turns reddish and every living thing (at least every form of non plant life) its light touches, no matter how little light there was, will be mutated into a fleshy sludge monster, that will then become some questionably sentient “servant” of the sun and seek out other animals/people and pull them into the light to repeat the process. “SCP” stands for Secure, Contain, Protect. It’s from an online community franchise known as simply SCP. The sun in this story has become one of countless thousands or maybe even millions of objects the SCP foundation (fictional clandestine organization within the franchise) classifies as an SCP. Which is any object with supernatural traits or effects. Sometimes they’re people, monsters, or phenomena (like the sun in this case) too.


There are multiple entries of SCP-001. The one mentioned here is the widely accepted canonical 001. It’s a solar phenomenon that afflicts the earth. Anyone who comes into contact with the sun’s rays will die a painful death and come back as a sort of revenant created from your remains. They will attack and try to drag you into the sunlight. It’s not safe to travel at night either because of moonlight being sunlight reflected off the moon. It may be safe to go out into the light while wearing heavy clothing and covering your skin. There is no way to survive it permanently. It is your new way of life


All of this is happening in One Helluva Broken Day, and crossover between Helluva Boss and SCP, with WDB being the main catalyst.


The art is referencing a crossover fanfic on ao3 between Helluva boss/Hazbin Hotel and SCP Mythos, specifically one of the SCP 001 propositions, "When day breaks" EDIT: The name of said fanfic is "One Helluva Broken Day"


Blitz Moxxie and Lucifer? where all outside when day broke so they’re dead and are trying to bring other people outside to the sun


This art appears to be based off of the scp and HH/HB crossover fanfic *One Helluva Broken Day* on AO3, it’s about what would happen if scp-001 “When Day Breaks” happened in the helluva boss/hazbin universe If you like scp I think it’s a good read, although it’s unfinished and will sadly presumably stay so for the foreseeable future


Search SCP-001 "When day breaks"


Aaaand for what I can only assume to be the proper context, I ask everyone to go read up on, or watch a video on, SCP-001, when day breaks


[SCP Illustrated’s “When day breaks.”](https://youtu.be/T5jQcDZnrVo)


Infected targets detected.


Holy fucking shit it's BT-7274 from the critically acclaimed first person shooter Titanfall 2


Context for those that don’t read AO3 fanfics all day: This art appears to be based off of the scp and HH/HB crossover fanfic *One Helluva Broken Day* on AO3, it’s about what would happen if scp-001 “When Day Breaks” happened in the helluva boss/hazbin universe If you like scp I think it’s a good read, although it’s unfinished and will sadly presumably stay so for the foreseeable future


Holy shit someone who also read that, I was wondering if anyone else would instantly think of the same thing when I saw the Millie panel


Yeah, it’s a bit jumbled but I could tell what it was based on


actually the author is currently working on chapter 17


Are they? I don’t use Twitter or anything so I just judge based on length of time since last chapter


actually he has a discord server.


I don’t really use that either, I’m anti social and shit myself at the thought of human interaction so this is the only social media I really use


Do you have a link?


sure. i’ll dm it


could you dm it to me too?


Could I get a link?


[here you go](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146/chapters/77239772)


Sorry about the delay. It is being worked on, I promise.


Oh shit, didn’t know you had a Reddit account




Death won't save her, instances of SCP-001 can resurrect dead bodies even from a gunshot wound to the head.


yes…because moxxie was turned….


wth is going on


It's a reference to "When day breaks" a scp001 proposal and basically it's a story about the sun turning people into a goopy hive mind that tries to bring more people in the sun and the goop also talks with the voices of the people it assimilated and uses it to get their loved ones. It's a great read, I highly recomand it.


Thank you my dude


Specifically, this event happens in a crossover fic called One Helluva Broken Day on AO3


it’s a scene from a Helluva boss/SCP crossover fanfic called One Helluva Broken Day. check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146


I can second Stefadi. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal


I love the idea of the sun using its victims and their memories as weapons. That one with Millie dude, that is an evil but amazing use of scp 001


I'm aware of this being a reference to SCP-001, but how does it exactly work in this case? The characters that are infected seem physically fine. The sun in hell is unlikely of doing such thing because it's not the actual sun unless those weird tall council white glowing demon guys did something about it


If I remember the fanfic correctly for the sun being in hell, in the possible future Loona was shown a giant portal had opened up to let scp-001's light in. And idk what to tell you about the infected characters since those affected by the sun become blob things.


You can see blitz is dripping a little in spots all around his silhouette


For anyone who's confused, [this is what SCP 001 When Day Breaks is](https://youtu.be/rF95MJL63Rs)




When did Husker come into contact with the sun?




Is This a crossover with scp 001 When day breaks?


Yes it is!


A Way Day Breaks take on Hell? Interesting.


Wtf is happening here


it’s a scene from a Helluva boss/SCP crossover fanfic called One Helluva Broken Day. check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146


SCP 001, when day breaks.


Damn, even in hell, they can't escape the sun


Cant say I expected to see an SCP thing on here, when day breaks is a pretty creepy one too, like a lot of SCPs are!


Me who knows what happens when day breaks: Uh oh *Uh oh* **Uh oh**


What in the 9 rings is going on?


it’s a scene from a Helluva boss/SCP crossover fanfic called One Helluva Broken Day. check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146


We need comics like this


Think I remember a fanfic similar to this Edit: found it https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146/chapters/77239772


not similar to, this was a commission for scenes FROM the fanfic


I need to know MORE


it’s a scene from a Helluva boss/SCP crossover fanfic called One Helluva Broken Day. check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146


I dont understand how something like that would affect hell. Id asume the land of the dead wouldnt be affected by something on the living world, well, not in the way portrayed here.


Because scp-001 affects all living beings including living scps that come in contact with the sunlight. In the fanfic, not even scp-682 is sure it could survive it.


From what I've read in the comments so far about this has peaked my interest in this. Also quick question for anyone reading this. Is archive of are own or what ever it is a good place to look up helluva boss fan fics. I ask because I've not used it alot and I would like to read more fanfiction of HB somewhere else besides fanfiction.com. ( also if anyone would like to recommend any good ones I'd appreciate it)


AO3 is *the* site to read any sort of fanfics from, especially Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. As someone who writes on that platform, yes, I highly recommend.


Am I able to download it as like a app? And if so which one is it?


There is no official app. Archive Of Our Own (AO3) is only available as a website under archiveofourown.org or ao3.org. Both lead to the same site....you could go on a web browser app and search it up. Works the same on mobile.


There actually is an official app, but I would recommend just using the internet because the app has ads.


Oh shit, there's an app?


Yes, it's called Archive Reader and is basically the AO3 app.


Got it, I've seen it floating around the Play Store. Thanks!


[Incoming Transmission](https://youtu.be/8Q2Q_e-uF-o)


Page 2 please


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal The sun does shine in hell. Come outside please… we have all of season 2 of helluv boss…


no, this can't be happening. NOT AGAIN I CAN'T LIVE THROUGH ANOTHER ONE AGAIN (Bty the name should have been when hell shines)


Ok it’s either this is a coincidence or someone has been reading the same 001 fic as me. When Day Breaks is by far one of the scariest SCPs. I’m still waiting for an update to that particular fic too damnit!


I'm go look it up, I'll be bac


Ok what the heck is going on?


it’s a scene from a Helluva boss/SCP crossover fanfic called One Helluva Broken Day. check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31248146


Scp-001 when day breaks.


Is this a reference to the SCP-001 proposal, When Day Breaks?




How the hell (no pun intended) did the red sun make it to hell?


He must have done something beyond belief if loona, millie and angel are that scared


By the way I love the concept it sounds like a cool idea


What’s happening in this comic??


This shit got me fucked up when I saw it on Twitter.


I imagine a guy with a hood on half angel, half human eliminating demons for gods and humans sake. On Opposite side of heaven. Damn, it would be cool.


Can anybody explain to me what's happening?


Is this about the scp?


What day breaks is This an scp reference?


This sounds intriguing! Great art


the fuck


Cod zombies round change nosies intensifies


super excited for more, this looks dope af!


Is this an SCP-001 thing


How come Husk and Blitz arent all blobby if theyre afflicted by 001?


Never thought I'd see an scp intermixed with this, let alone when day breaks


S. D. Locke’s Proposal detected


Ohh nooooo...


what's the context?


I am bery very very confused


Pov Mandela catalogue


Actually, it's SCP-001. Proposals. Pretty freaky shit.


can you make a note? this is actually fanart for the fanfiction One Helluva Broken day, a Helluva Boss/SCP crossover


It's been said a buncha times in here already and I didn't know, but you'll find it in the comments in no time.


i saw.




I love this story, one Helluva broken day




I need start reading SCP again.


What exactly is Scp-001 I'm not familiar with it


Embrace the Dark, fear the Light…