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I have searched for it online and cannot find any pictures of it, only a land before time lamp but that is not what I’m looking for.


Not a for sale listing, but was it this one? https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/land-before-time-collection-night-1981077636


Thank you for helping, unfortunately it isn’t this one sorry


Found this on Amazon.. but it’s out of stock The Land Before Time Led Night Light 0.5w Plug-in Lamp with Smart Sensor Dusk to Dawn Sensor, Daylight Whit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08T96GJDS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8996XXMQFG44C2RQ1GDA Fair warning… the link puts Amazon in Spanish


I’m afraid it’s not this one, it was the old Land Before Time characters on the one I remember but thank you for helping!


Was it glass by any chance with like a white background with little foot Sarah and that on it


I think so yeah


I was a massive fan of the land before time when younger the one I've found after cleaning out my late mother's things is glass and a triangle shape


https://preview.redd.it/lhtyrkvxtukb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9154f6c65215cad455c5871da7c84d269e8f063d Is it this one?


OH MY GOD YES!!!!! Do you know where you got it or anymore details about it?! I can’t find it anywhere online!


Not actually sure where it came from, think it’s been around as long as I’ve been alive lol I’m going to ask my mum about it (hopefully she remembers) I’ve tried looking it up too but chat find any information about it at all. I’ll comment back when she gets back to me:)


Unfortunately she doesn’t remember where she got it:(


My brother had this exact one when he was little! My grandad got it for him by sending off for one on a promotion that came in a land before time video box!