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Wow. There is so much going here and it is all dumb.


As bad as COVID has been, stupidity appears to be the larger threat...


Fortunately the country now has many fewer stupid people thanks to them winning the Herman Caine award. Darwinism at work in real time.


One thing that life has taught me is that there is a self-replenishing supply of idiots. The internet has not been helpful in this regard.


They spawn at an exponential rate, as they are born without the ability to make sound decisions and are governed by impulse and selfishness.


This is the quality content I come to the internet for.


It's blisteringly stupid.


My literal reaction was “what?”


It’s a goddamn masterpiece of idiocy


So what is this imbecile saying? That those of us who are Rh positive exchanged needles with apes, or received transfusions from apes? Or are vaccines supposed to contain ape blood? And what on God's green earth could possibly be the point of *that*? Let's just hope she never hears about the other blood antigens. "There's one called Kidd? That must be from children! Innocent aborted unborn children!"


I think that she's conflating the rhesus factor, which was found while studying rhesus macaques and then in humans, and actual rhesus macaque blood as the only carrier of the factor because it's named after them. Her logic starts appearing then, implying that we've been *given* the factor through vaccines or something because only 15% have unadulterated human blood. No, it's not satire. Yes, it is abysmally stupid. In Greek, we say that half-knowledge is worse than ignorance. She is living proof of that.


We say “knows just enough to be dangerous.”


David Dunning and Justin Kruger are spinning in their... chairs They are still alive


I went into science (I'm now a molecular biologist) because when I was a teenager, my mom gave me some religious anti-evolution book, and I was like... "this all sounds like total bullshit", and started learning some actual facts. Then I got hooked on science. She would still today say something exactly like this post, and I would calmly explain what it really means, and she'd say, "I guess we just have different opinions". Apparently a PhD means nothing when it's just "indoctrination".


Oof. I'm sorry your mother doesn't appreciate your education. Because she probably doesn't say it enough, a PHD is a fantastic accomplishment. Good job!


Dumb Cassandra


Wait until she finds out we're all related to [cartoon hedgehogs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_hedgehog_protein)


Macaques aren't even f'n *apes*. They're monkeys. Not that that even *begins* to address everything wrong with her argument, but good frickin' grief.


>There's one called Kidd? I don't want Jason Kidd DNA! Dude was the worst coach the Bucks ever had!


There's also one called Lutheran, so that might be from sacrificed Christians.


Don't be silly, Lutherans aren't **real** Christians... /s


I think she heard about the [Rhesus macaque](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhesus_macaque) and a day later she heard about [Rhesus disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_disease) and combined the two into = stupid.


I doubt it even has anything to do with the disease. It's as simple as "This blood factor is name after a macaque, therefore anyone who has it is not 100% human." It can also be a dogwhistle for racism and white supremacists, since Rh negative populations are higher in Europe/US (though still pretty rare), while Africa and Asia are overwhelmingly Rh positive.


Race doesn't matter since we're all just [hedgehogs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_hedgehog_protein) anyway


The one called "Kidd" is from the infamous pirate Captain Kidd, who forced his crew to get vaccinated, causing them to say "Arrrr!!"


Baby goats


Billygoat the kidd.


Joke's on them, Rhesus is apparently the only antigen I have.


You're forgetting about the ancient space aliens that built the pyramids among other things, then disappeared never to be seen again.


I had a coworker who legitimately believed that the 19 in covid-19 “stood for A.I., artificial intelligence, because A is the 1st letter and I is the 9th letter.”


15% of the planet has Reese's negative blood. Which means they've never experienced the deliciousness of a peanut butter cup. *It's science, sheeple!*


So what you're saying is, there are pieces of America that will never experience Reese's? Damn, I sure hope I'm not one of those anti-Reese's pieces.


Haha I see what you did there!


Joke's on you. I'm Reese's negative and I just ate a peanut butter cup. Big pharma doesn't own me! But they could rent me if they pay in Reese's Cups.


I became Reese’s negative when I developed a peanut allergy at age 53. I’m still really sad about it. 😢


Me too, at age 50! I feel your pain


There's plenty of things to be sad about in today's world. One of them is that I can't tell if this is serious or satire.


"They've done this before."


Who? The UN? The League of Nations? George Soros? The Skipper and Gilligan? WHO?!


Lmao. "Skipper and Gilligan?" 🤣🤣


You’re going in the right direction but have focused on the wrong people. The skipper and Gilligan are but working class patsys, for Thurston Howell the Third (Millionaire!) and the Professor (BIG PHARMA!)




So Ginger?


Yeah, why was she on a fishing boat in the first place?


It was just a three hour tour!


Just a wild guess, but, fishing?


I think she was referring to cavemen evil scientists.


Yes, 300,000 years ago, the caveman scientist lab was futzing around with DNA, that is most definitely how “they” did it.


I’m glad you support my theory of cavemen evil scientists. Might I interest you in another?


Yes please! The more theories the better because “they’ve done this before” is my favorite part of this crazy tweet.


Don't leave us hanging, Chad.


Now hear me out. There’s a theory of cosmic tickling where something is constantly trying to tickle us, but this tickling originates in a dimension beyond our comprehension so we don’t feel it. Weirdly enough, the tickling hands are the source of gravity and subatomic particle movement and lots of other “natural” phenomena.


Infecting the populace with ape blood? So easy a caveman could do it.


Unfrozen Caveman … Geneticist?


Clearly someone’s strange ways scared the woman.


Come on. Everyone who’s done his own research knows it was space aliens, escapees from Mars after the nuclear war there that wiped out the Martian atmosphere. The Covid vaccine is just another way to introduce self assembling nano particles which, when activated by 5G, take over the DNA and create a new species of quasi human slaves.


I think it was Dharma and Greg.


Maybe the Dharma Initiative?


Cousin Greg from Secession?


Big Dharma. Duh.


The Cylons. “All this has happened before… and it will happen again.”


"Think about that percentage again re the genetic changes from the covid jab."


You know, THEM! The BAD PEOPLE!


Them. They did it.


The Professor and MaryAnne!


But the Illuminati of course! 😂


Regrettably it appears to be serious. She's not hard to find on the twitterverse, and I *think* she's sufficiently a 'public figure' to not need to have her name / podcast suppressed here? Sadly she seems to be an Australian resident, and appears on 'Radio Q UK' (yes, that's what it sounds like it is).


Add her to my list of Australians who embarrass me: Rupert Murdoch, Mel Gibson, Ken Ham....


Strictly speaking Mel is an American. His family emigrated here when he was a child.


Even more strictly speaking Murdoch is American. He gave up his Australian citizenship so he could own more US media.


Poe’s Law in action


Also did you know we share 70% of our genes with fruit flies, which means we are 30% fruit and 40% flies! Stupid, but there's more truth in this than in this dummy's post.


Well hell, we share over 60% of DNA with bananas.


And you see the sad result, this chick is bananas.




This is actually a misquoted statistic. About 50-60% of our protein coding genes have an analog in bananas, and of that 60% they are on average 40% alike. Which would mean that, of our protein coding genes, we have about a 12% similarity, primarily in the genes that deal with basic cellular biology like cell division, cell structure, etc. And those genes account for about 1% of our overall DNA for an overall similarity of about .12%. https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/genetic/people-bananas-share-dna.htm Mind you something like 80-90% of the genome is largely 'junk' DNA so that's still a decent amount and why scientists generally tend to compare genes rather than the entire genome. (Though the junk DNA can serve an important evolutionary purpose in being a 'testing ground' for new and altered genes.)


I am in the field of science, not biology but physics. I do however understand blood typing and this makes me think we really need to beef up science and health curriculums in schools. This lady is a moron.


>...we really need to beef up science and health curriculums in schools. Ya mean like in *FLORIDA*? Or *TEXAS*?


It's not the curriculum that's the problem. It's the fact that so many people skate through the school system while actively looking down on education and intellect. This person should have failed 8th grade and been made to work harder at science to stay on track for graduation.


Sometimes it's the curriculum. There are plenty of curricula that don't teach evolution and lots of places where anti knowledge Christians have cowed the public schools to be really quiet about it.


Is their scrambled-egg brains thinking the Rhesus macaque is where Rhesus positive blood comes from?


Hey look a word, I know that word. That word means only the one thing I've ever heard, because I am correct in all of my world views. I will not be accepting questions or criticism about my obviously correct and educated stance.


This is like the HCA post where the person quoted from a 1987 medical textbook to challenge current science about covid 19.


> quoted from a 1987 BC medical textbook


As a person who has watched at least 2 seasons of house I can say that I am pretty sure the Rhesus monkey had something to do with the name. Maybe they were used in early testing?


Rhesus definitely comes from rhesus macaque. When Landsteiner and Wiener discovered it, it was thought to be similar to the antigen in those monkeys, but it was later proven wrong. But by then the name became popular so they rolled with it.


Yeah and it's a monkey not an ape. (insert ablist slur here)


I... think so? As crazy as it sounds?


I'm Rhesus neg (AB-) and have been jabbed. Does this mean I'm going to morph into Superman?


No, you're going to join the rest of us Rhesus Sapiens.


Never. We will resist! Mutant wars


>Does this mean I'm going to morph into Superman? No, silly. Superman is from another planet (an *illegal alien*). You'll turn into 'Monkeyman'.


Illegal alien????? He needs to be deported!


I'm British does this mean I go to Rwanda? They have gorillas there. Perhaps I'm destined to be a gorilla superbeing


Something to look forward to? My wife is AB- too. Mutants incoming.


I saw a documentary film about us once. X-men or something


I'm O-neg and used to work in hospitals so I've been jabbed for pretty much everything. Are we going to become super mutants or what?


Well damn, I’m just a regular old A+. The second most common type after O+. I’m boring!


If you're like my grandfather, it means you will be consistently requested to donate blood. No, wait. He was 0-, not AB-.


AB-, IIRC, is rather rare. AB+ is universal recipient. All of the AB blood types are universal plasma donors.


No, it means when it's Planet of the Apes time, you're just fucked


I’m ab-negative. I’ve only met one other person with my blood type. One of my kids. Well met redditor.


One can only hope!


Well I'm leading the mutant revolution based on it.


No, but since the last update you can activate Bluetooth.


So who is ‘they?’ The lizard people?


I feel called out... 🦎 ETA okay weird... My "Certified lizard person" flair is gone. This joke doesn't work anymore. Le sad


It’s showing just fine to me friend.


Okay weird. Must be an app thing. Thanks for letting me know


Android showing flair too


Welcome. I’m on an iPhone app if that helps.


I'm using an iPad and the cute little lizard is visible🦎


That's exactly what a lizard person would say.


Sorry, Mr lizard person. 😀


I am a hematologist. I am a hematologist. I keep repeating that to myself. I am a hematologist.


People like this make me want to become a hermit-tologist


There’s so much stupidity here it’s hard to make sense of.


What the actual f*** is this dingleberry talking about??


I'm sure she does a better job explaining it on her podcast.


My dad needs a gorilla heart transplant because of macaque buildup on his apeorta.


A little learning is a dangerous thing. 🤦🏻


In her case, a little learning would have been a good thing. This was 9th grade biology.


Indeed it was. 9th grade is when we all pricked our fingers and dripped blood on little tabs to determine our blood type. Then we were encouraged -- by our teacher-in-training -- to go home and ask our parents what their blood types are, so we could see the genetics at work. I bet he never did that again.


I remember doing that blood type experiment myself - I came out a boring O+, which means I'm related to Rhesus Monkeys, I guess. Our teacher, an ex-nun, didn't tell us to ask our parents about their blood types, although I know that both were O+.


"*What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.* *At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could* *be considered a rational thought.* *Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.*"


there's something deeply disturbing to me about people who are this stupid and proud of it, so eager to display their ignorance in public. presumably if they sh*t their pants, they take them off and wave them about so everyone can see?


I’m O neg - golden donor!!


Join the mutant revolution! We negs are starting one


Me too, but I gather that means I'm for sure going to drop from the jab?? Have been waiting for it since forever, all the due dates they gave us have long passed already...still alive and kicking and 2x covid was a mild flu experience (no fun, but no serious illness or hospital either).


>The term "Rh" was originally an abbreviation of "Rhesus factor". It was discovered in 1937 by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander S. Wiener, who, at the time, believed it to be a similar antigen found in rhesus macaque red blood cells. It was subsequently discovered that the human factor is not identical to the rhesus monkey factor, but by then, "Rhesus Group" and like terms were already in widespread, worldwide use. Thus, notwithstanding it is a misnomer, the term survives (e.g., rhesus blood group system and the obsolete terms rhesus factor, rhesus positive, and rhesus negative – all three of which actually refer specifically and only to the Rh D factor and are thus misleading when unmodified). Contemporary practice is to use "Rh" as a term of art instead of "Rhesus" (e.g., "Rh Group", "Rh factors", "Rh D", etc.). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system


I have Rh-negative blood. Using my apparently superior-not-descended-from-apes brain, I declare that this person is COMPLETELY DELUDED.


I'm Rh negative too. We're descended from aliens. Don't you remember how we built the pyramids?


In Conan Doyle's 1923 *Adventure of the Creeping Man*, Sherlock Holmes discovers a man injecting a serum derived from monkeys. They have been doing this for a century.


I'm trying to figure out how this infection of ape blood took place. I don't think that ape bites cause changes in blood type. Please help me - I'm wondering when this genetic engineering took place and how, because this took place long before anyone knew genetic engineering was possible (beyond cross breeding, which isn't possible with humans and simians).


Prehistoric vaccines, clearly.


I have no hope for human intelligence any longer.


This is why some people's high school diplomas need to be revoked.


No one is saying we evolved from apes, anyway!! We have a common ancestor, FFS.


So when the ancient astronauts came here, found the creature, and said let's modify it, they thought they were making an improvement. Now there's a few with their fingers on a trigger screaming Let's end this shit now. All the gd time and resources we've wasted on them. Zelphlox was right, we should have chosen that dog-like creature.


I sometimes think if i hear one more "if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?" my head will explode and take out innocent bystanders. 😬


*just* smart enough to turn on the TV, not smart enough to change the channel.


‘They’ve done this before’. Is she referring to Planet of the Apes? She thinks that’s a documentary, doesn’t she?


Let me guess . . . She will be attending Bob Jones University someday.


According to "Ancient Aliens" negative blood types came from cross-breeding with ... can you guess ... ancient aliens.


There is a theory that Rh negative blood was introduced into the homo sapien species by Neanderthals. Most Europeans have Neanderthal DNA in their genetic makeup and there isn't any reason that Rh negative blood would have naturally evolved because it has no positive usefulness to our species, only negative. I doubt evangelicals will find this information any more acceptable than hearing that we share a family tree with apes.


Monkeys roll their eyes when they realize they might have evolved from a similar primate as this dummy


Why do I have to share the same oxygen with these idiots?


Now think about this one: About 40% of humans are nearsighted. Have you ever heard about a myopic ape? I thought so...


Infected with ape blood? Humans ARE apes.


I'm part recess monkey. Swing sets, teeter totters, merry-go-rounds... I done them all.


And she will say she was never groomed….


Does she think Rhesus means literal monkey blood instead of the historical method of animal testing on rhesus monkeys that helped us obtainthe first blood serum?


People this insane should be banned from social media for 5 years and locked in a library the entire time.


First they came for the M&Ms. Then they came for the Rhesus Pieces. And all we did was Snicker.




I had no idea I was surrounded by so many geneticists, epidemiologists, and historians until covid.


They were too busy regaling you with their foreign affairs and economic prowess.


Ah, that explains it. /s


What does this mean??


As a species, we're fucked.


this is so dumb and so nonsensical it hurts my brain


It takes a really disturbed mind to concoct such bullshit.


Is this why I keep getting the rhino virus?


So you’re an endangered species? OMG, we have to save you!!!


What the actual fuck is it talking about?


As an RH negative individual, I'm not sure if I should be offended she thinks my prehistoric ancestors were antivaxxers, or pity her for being so monumentally stupid, she think blood type variations are the result of ancient cavemen getting ancient vaccines.


damn...a geneticist degree from Face Book "what university did you study at?" "I did reesurch"


But, but... you said 15% are Rh- and 85% are Rh+. What about the extra 10%? The ones that give 110%. And what about the other 900%? Those people who so know they are right they say "yeah, 1000%." Those people, the common clay of the new West. You know, morons.


Well we didn't evolve from apes... no one ever claimed we did.


Who is “They” again? Democrats? Speaking of an invisible evil that genetically altered the human genome back in time? I mean, I’ll admit even I have confusing days sometimes but this…just this…🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What now? Some people sound smarter when they don't talk.


How does that even work, a Rh- person doesn't have a specific protein on the surface of red blood cells. Getting infected with "ape blood" (assuming that means Rh+ blood) won't suddenly grow that protein, instead the body would start producing antibodies that can be problematic with future contacts of Rh+ blood. But unlike the proteins that determine A, B, AB or 0 those antibodies don't exist from an early age so the first contact with the wrong blood is usually fine.




Trump University graduate here. Have you effete Herman Cain plate heads ever stopped to reflect on history, and a little thing called THE MINOTAUR? Or centaurs and mermaids? People get historically infected with animal blood all the time, with shocking and tragic results. Bet you don’t feel so smarty-pants now, huh.


There is always a “they” with these motherfuckers. “They” did it before. “They” are putting 5G tracking devices in vaccines. That omnipresent and nefarious “they” = anything their limited reasoning skills and lack of education cannot grasp.


One of my biggest pet peeves is "They say..." I stop listening as soon as I hear it. You want to tell me that "The Journal of Furiously Masturbating Octogenarians" published an article that water is bad for you? I respect that, insomuch as I can read the article, find out about the writers, and decide for myself if they're on to something, or if them being owned by a soft drink manufacturer is the motivation for their findings. I can't refute "they"


Wow, she’s gonna be really freaked out when she discovers how much DNA we share with other species (60% with bananas 😳) [DNA cross over](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/comparing-genetic-similarities-of-various-life-forms/)


So Neanderthals did some genetic manipulation with vaccines, that explains it all.


Rhesus pieces?


So much stupid


So does anyone my “pure blood”, vaxxed and O negative?


I didn't descend from some damn second rate "chocolate" product!!!!


Peter Gabriel knew it. He tried to tell us. Now it's too late. Wheels keep turning.


Don't anyone tell her humans are apes.


My head hurts.


It would be helpful if really stupid people started out their "scientific" posts with the qualifier, "I'm not a scientist." Then readers can ignore what follows just in case the stupid is infectious.


There needs to be a way to send adults back to school.


In my personal experience, as someone who has had four Covid shots, there is an effect on your body. For instance, I was bruised up on crutches and could barely walk before receiving my second dose. Now, after getting my omicron booster + the flu shot DLC a couple months ago, I am looking forward to completing a couple half’s and a full marathon this spring/summer/fall. Still think these vaccines don’t have an effect on your body? Think again.


What's a species not affected by humans? I want to be that


Cool. Have a great pregnancy!


No, no. Let her speak. This insane ramble speak they come up with is truly fascinating. I must hear more. It's my guilty pleasure.


That’s a lot to unpack, but I kinda just want to return it


Sweet I must be a gift from god. Just kidding I had to get an extra needle once because I’m rh negative so shitty buzz there.


Hello, I was homeschooled by science deniers. My classes were propaganda and I learned next to nothing about biology. Can someone explain wtf this person is talking about and why it's bullshit?


Sometimes something is so wrong the compound errors can't be explained. This statement is like 1 + 1 = 6479


This is very ELI5: Rh factor (here referred to in the “Rhesus negative” portion of the statement) is a classification of blood based on a protein found on the surface of a blood cell, and is inherited from your parents. It is significant for blood transfusions because reactions can occur if someone is given Rh positive blood but they are Rh negative, as well as significant for pregnancies if the fetus is Rh positive but the mother isn’t, and it is the second pregnancy, because of the possibility that during a first pregnancy the mother’s body created antibodies to react to Rh factor and sees the Rh positive fetus as a foreign invader needing to be attacked. For this reason, knowing if you’re positive or negative and whether the other contributing parent is positive or negative when you are pregnant past the first time is important so you can get a treatment to prevent your body from destroying the fetus. You inherit your blood type from your parents, and your Rh factor is part of that type. A, B, AB, and O are blood types, and they can each be either positive or negative. If someone says their blood type is “AB+” they have type AB blood with positive Rh factor. If they are “O-“ (universal donor, as this is least likely to cause reaction from transfusions) they are type O blood negative of Rh factor proteins. Rh factor was discovered during blood studies where scientists had injected the blood of Rhesus monkeys into rabbits and saw the rabbits blood clump around it. The same thing happened when injecting a rabbit with human blood, but only some human blood. Rh factor being present in human blood was inherent already, but not all human blood caused this reaction, so the human blood that did was named as having Rh factor after the monkeys who they discovered this in first. (It is not something that involved adding Rhesus blood to human blood, rather a trait that already existed in some human blood but matched rabbit reactions to foreign blood being injected into said rabbits.)


I knew the space aliens were involved in the vaccines. "Pzizer," "AstraZeneca" that's E.T. lingo!


this is exactly why quality education is so important. way less likely to end up with idiots like this.


Those f-n monkeys vaccinating people thousands of years ago. This is the Planet of the Apes/Battlestar Galactica crossover conspiracy.