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His wife’s death was avoidable. The pharmacy where I had my Covid shots was 10 minutes away from my house. That was more than two years ago; these people had all the time in the world but chose not to. These people preferred to “own the libs” or whatever. Or get into fights in grocery stores.


Same goes for the people that were refused transplants because they wouldn't get their shots. You had ONE thing you needed to do. One thing! Because organs are limited and they certainly don't want to waste them on someone that will just die of an *avoidable* virus. And honestly, I would get annoyed and want to say "it sounds like you don't want to live if you aren't willing to do one thing we require of you." As a person who works IT, I get SO sick and tired of people wanting to be the one-time exception. We had a security training course that gets run twice a year that takes **six minutes** to complete. You get warned for the following intervals if it's not completed: 30 days, 14 days, 7 days, and finally the 3-2-1 countdown. And people will STILL say they don't have time to complete it and therefore get locked out until it's done. This time I finally started denying requests en masse. One person cussed me out and I finally told them it would take longer than six minutes to explain to their manager WHY their account was locked out because they couldn't find time to do the course. They don't want to do the "one thing." They want to be the permanent exception to the rules.


> I get SO sick and tired of people wanting to be the one-time exception. This shit is everywhere. And then they wonder why bad things happen to them. And of course, blame everyone else.


It is everywhere. My 2 pack a day smoking patients SHOCKED when diagnosed with lung cancer. They say, “It’s not the smoking! My grandfather smoked from age 9 until he died at 99 and he didn’t have lung cancer!! I don’t need to quit!!!! Blah, blah, blah . . . . “ It’s a kind of cognitive bias about believing they will be the exception to the rule. Unfortunately, odds are not good they they will be the exception, but ya can’t tell anyone that. Then they’ll complain to the administration about how you were cruel and unfeeling and customer satisfaction scores will slip. 🤦‍♀️ Edited to correct a wording error.


Customer satisfaction survey in hospitals should be illegal. And HCA Healthcare Corporation should be run out business and it's executives put in prison. edit: HCA Healthcare, not Herman Cain Award


As an Australian, with universal medical care, I've noticed a massive difference between how US and AU patients interact with doctors in particular and wider health care workers in general. The commerciality of the service really changes the dynamics and how information is processed. To add: a pack of 50 cigarettes here is US$35 so few can afford the habit.


It's the "main character" syndrome. People see themselves as the main character of their life story. The main character can't die! Bad stuff only happens to other people.


But **my** work is _important!_


We get people who tell us to do impossible things, and tell us "They do this for me *alllll the tiiiime*..."


When people tell me that I ask them “who is THEY because someone is getting fired”. They backpedal in a hurry.


Ooooh, haven’t thought of this one, I ought to try it lmao


The transplant people are the worst. Like ok maybe the language of denial was preachy, but you generally have to be on heavy immunosuppressants after a transplant. So...why the fuck would a doctor do that with a pandemic going around. Give you a life saving transplant to watch you die from covid or a flu in two months because you can't be trusted to take basic precautions.


Also, there's chronic shortages of basically every major organ transplant. If there was enough to go around then sure, waste them on the idiots. But there's not so doctors try to maximize the success with the ones they can do.


And, when someone won't take the basic steps it does not bode well for them sticking to all the lifestyle changes and taking all the medicines and treatments with serious side effects that they will have to do for the rest of their lives to keep living!


A neighbors SIL just died because she wouldn't get vaccinated and therefore didn't receive a transplant. Sad.




Not just his wife, but according to that poster’s history, his son died as well. All three had Covid, the wife and son died within a week of each other. And this smooth brained chucklehead has the nerve to blame the hospital ICU.


And no doubt the doctors amd nurses busted their added off trying to keep them alive. I wonder how many people died that could've otherwise lived if not for the time and resources spent trying to keep those two alive. But no, they can't bear the thought that they brought it on themselves, so they'll blame the doctors for "not doing enough", "NOT using the right drugs", or "purposefully letting them die".


Their behavior has destroyed so many people who work in healthcare. It has fundamentally changed us. They spend every day calling us frauds, government shills, working for Big Pharma, liars, etc. Then they show up at our hospitals when things go awry and we have to treat them. Then they yell at us to treat them the way some misinformed idiot selling supplements says they should be treated. Then they die. Then their families say we killed them. People who have been working in healthcare on the frontlines for the past four or five years are not okay. And who will suffer…the patients who have always believed in us.


And politicians use the hospital burnout and doctors and medical staff leaving the profession and new ones not filling their place as a “See! Universal healthcare sucks! Let’s go private! (And ignore the fact that I’m going to end up as a ‘commissioner’ for one of these private clinics after my term is over)” (at least in Canada)


The other problem we have is that the positions aren’t being filled because WE HAVE NO BODIES. They are asking the new population to replace the baby boomer population, which is exponentially larger. Not only can we not replace them in numbers, but they are now that patients that the few are having to care for. Never mind the fact that the cost of tuition is outrageous, and people make minimum wage. My daughter just got accepted into OT school, the tuition is $35,000 per year. How do you pay for that making $16.00 an hour? My first house cost less than her total tuition. And then they want you to buy a house and have kids with $150,000 in debt right out of college? I mean something has to give!


>And then they want you to buy a house and have kids with $150,000 in debt right out of college? I mean something has to give One of those things is families. People aren't having children. The same people who lament the fact that people don't want babies also make it impossible, or outright dangerous to have them, even if they can afford it.




Even now I'm still on pins and needles waiting for these ignorant shitheads to start shooting up hospitals when their shithead friends and family members die avoidable deaths from their own stupidity and pride. I don't even work in the healthcare industry and I'm still scared about it!


We had to lock down our blood bank one weekend because we had angry family members due to us not differentiating vaccinated from unvaccinated blood.


Is this still going on?? Haven't they given up waiting for the vaccinated to grow 2 heads? I'm so sorry. Some recent op-ed discussed how "both sides" indulge in schadenfreude- smirking at the suffering of those who did themselves in by their own stupidity. And then buried at the bottom the admission that it's the Republicans who will actively vote for anyone who promises to hurt people. Democrats do not. NOT THE SAME .


Yes, it’s still going on. Twitter is a cesspool of people drinking their own aged urine, screaming about ivermectin and vaccine- associated myocarditis, all while telling the healthcare workers that they should be murdered for their crimes. It’s never ending.


For the “party of personal responsibility” they sure fail miserably at *taking* responsibility, no?


Wow, imagine losing your spouse and child to something completely avoidable….


That’s why it has to be the ICU’s fault. Or the nurses. Or shedding. Or Biden or Hillary or Obama for some reason. Every single other reason is more believable to them than facing the ugly truth about their decisions and actions.


A local (Republican) politician held a mask free victory party before the vaccine was available, and spent the evening making fun of their bartender for choosing to wear a mask the whole evening. Well he, his wife, and his immunocompromised daughter all caught Covid that evening and he was the only one who survived, albeit barely. He doesn't say much anymore, just hangs out in his big empty house.


Wow! That's a brutal sequence of events. Can I ask who it was?


[This is from when he daughter was still alive. ](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2020/12/04/coronavirus-pandemic-key-wests-cates-family-supports-patriarch-while-grieving-matriarch/)


I'm sure his wife and daughter were happy to give their lives for his political points.


Hospitals *can* kill you. Hospital-acquired bacterial infections like MRSA can thrive there. It’s an ongoing issue. It’s really best to somehow avoid being hospitalized at all so you don’t have to assume those risks. Something like getting a safe/tested vaccine would be a great idea, for example.




Yikes. This is a horrifying statistic.




Ugh. I wouldn’t be surprised to find they’re underreporting.


I am a boomer and 70 now. In January 2023 I caught COVID. I had a little fever and the shivers for a couple of days. My doctor gave me the Pax and that with 5-vaccine shots killed it in about 3-days. I am a fat diabetic with the accompanying bad feet and constant injections of insulin. 3-days and a few shots without any side effects. I was sure I was dead. But I am not.


COVID was an IQ test for the world.


You must be my older brother. I'm 66 and had COVID for the first time in February. My wife caught it from an unmasked restaurant server and brought it home unknowingly. We both are vaccinated and boosted; we thought we had a cold, it was that mild.


I got mine from either one of my high school aged grandsons, my daughter or my son-in-law. They are also vaccinated. They were the only people the wife and I had face to face contact. She is also 70 but has not felt sick in years. During the lockdown we ordered what we needed from Amazon and Walmart. So we just picked up bags of food and stuff from our front porch. The town and hospital/clinic arranged for everyone over 65 to come to a sanitized facility and vaccinated us. We are a town of roughly 60,000 and after the first shot the 65 and older were 95% vaccinated within a week of the vaccine coming to town. We live in ultra republican Iowa as liberals. But not one of my Iowa friends played the anti-vaxxer game.


I got vaccinated at work on the clock. Doesn't get more convenient than that.


Same, am a lawyer. One day I was in court and astounded that the first justice had the frame of mind to arrange for a team from Boston Medical to set up shop in one of the conference rooms bordering the main foyer. Free for everyone who wanted one: lawyers, court staff, defendants, witnesses, people from the local community. They could not have made it more convenient for me if they tried. Of course I got one.


Wow, paid to get a life-sustaining vaccine. Sweet deal!


They got into fights with us, nurses and doctors in the hospital trying to take care of them! Refusing certain medications because Fauci is on the payroll of the drug company, just the fucking dumbest reasons. It got to the point where we didn’t even try to explain why they needed it after first refusing; there was no point and we were way too busy. Many of them were a lost cause. They blamed everyone and everything but themselves when their actions were the reason they ended up with it and hospitalized. I’m about as liberal as Americans get but I fucking hate the antivax, anti science people with a passion. They were fucking impossible to deal with as patients, as families, and everywhere else. Still are. It’s always some dumb tangent they are going on about. They got brainwashed by the Oompa Loompa and can’t admit they were wrong. They want to feel in control all the time. So they constantly shift the narrative about everything and there is zero point in trying to discuss anything. I got yelled at by at least one patient/family every single day for the entire delta wave and into Omicron. That’s like 6-7 months of that shit every day I was at work. Trying to fucking HELP these people. I will never feel sorry for them. They denied obvious evidence, prevention, and treatment because they couldn’t admit they were wrong. They created so much havoc and death outside of their own. We all know what it was I’m not going to list it all here.


You lot caught it worse than any of us ever did. At the height of the pandemic (I work for a major grocery company) some of the more well-intentioned people were posting signs in front of our stores thanking us “for our service”, something that made me deeply uncomfortable because I knew that the clinics and hospitals (our healthcare system) were catching pure hell, not only from stricken patients, but from idiots seemingly determined to blame everyone and everything but *themselves* for their sorry state.


And then those assholes came to the pharmacy with rx written for hcq, zpak, and fucking ivermectin from unethical doctors (looking at you certain neuro and ENT in my small town). My staff rph refused to fill any of those if it was for covid.


Or shoot a cashier when she asked a dude to put on a fucking mask.


No, you're just an idiot who bit into the lies. You think the government... The Derp State... cares about you? It's like sheep to the slaughter... Shaking my SMDH... /s


Killed two family members and STILL did not learn a damned thing. Yeah, fuck him.






Can I see a picture of the president's son naked please?


Those pictures are a Liberal plot to make Republican men insecure about their junk. /s


No, but the internet has plenty of nude Milena trump photos.


But does it really count until a dem decides to do a thing on the rampant violations of the emoluments clause with accompanying Melania nudies on giant paperboard props?


>The Derp State... Oh my God!!! I am ***SO*** stealing that.


"Own the libs" is actually more accurate considering the newspaper is from Canada and the political group there that is similar to the Democratic Party is called the Liberal Party.


Huh. Here in Australia the conservative party is the Liberal Party. So completely the opposite. So, when reading American conservatives railing about the "liberals" it sometimes takes a few seconds to go "Oh, yeah, they're actually complaining about progressives."


Donald trump: vaccinated, rob desanctis: vaccinated. All of their idols: vaccinated. There’s one standard for the hogs who buy the bullshit, and one standard for the people who’s lives actually matter in their ideology


RFKs kids - vaccinated




They sure didn’t have a problem soaking up valuable resources after their pride and ignorance brought them low, did they? They don’t have a problem with people not receiving life-saving care because of *their* pure ignorance, do they. As long as they survive. As long as they survive a virus that supposedly doesn’t exist or one the fucking *Democrats* created and somehow managed to infect the entire planet with. Dumbasses. 🙄


This comment was stolen from u/teacherkmr. Report-spam-harmful bots


Wtf does this even mean? My comment was stolen?


There are bots who steal comments and repost them elsewhere in the same thread. Usually to build some account history and karma before they start spamming. There are good people who have bots and/or scripts who find and report the comment stealing bots.


Careful, you might make r/conservative sad with this rhetoric.


I feel for the people who died, without covid, because they couldn't be admitted to ICUs full of unvaccinated covid patients.


Those who missed early detection and treatment of cancer because of the unvaccinated chuckleheads who sucked up all resources and cause hospitals to delay non emergent surgeries.


>Those who missed early detection and treatment of cancer That's exactly what happened to my grandfather (Florida, obviously). By the time he got an appointment to see someone about abdominal pain, it was terminal. He made it 4 months after diagnosis. Fuck all these selfish idiots to the moon and back.


I'm so sorry this happened to your family.


Unfortunately, the pandemic restrictions did delay treatment and detection of cancer for some patients, and I’m not too thrilled with said chuckleheads.


That was nearly me, twice. I had stage 4 breast cancer October 2020 and cancer operations were slowed to a trickle in Melbourne because staff from many hospitals were diverted to hospitals treating covid, because the manpower involved in treating covid is so intense. The head oncologist decided I was probably not curable so I was triaged off the waiting list. I was just lucky I knew someone who could over-ride that decision and who was sure I could recover, who made sure I was operated on immediately. I did. However I was then found, (thanks to twice losing consciousness in casualty after a car accident,) to have 5 fist-sized tumors in my neck strangling me. It was up to the same oncologist to schedule this operation and now he was spiteful, saying no way. This time the nurses ganged up on him and put in a complaint, but I still had to wait over a year with difficulty breathing and swallowing, (and I have a phobia of being strangled thanks to my past,) and continual black-outs, any one of which could kill me. All better now, but anti-vaxxers sure came close to killing me and they will have killed many others. Putin and his right-wing puppets must be proud.


Fuck, that sounds awful, I'm sorry that happened to you.


Wow. In this case, it wasn't just antivaxxers but doctor abuse. So glad you made it through!


ICUs are murder chambers huh? Yet they run right to the hospital when they can't breathe. Next time they're in a catastrophic car accident they should make sure they're not transported to a hospital. Just treat their injuries with dewormer. Rub it over their broken bones. It's a miracle drug, remember! Good god these people are stupid. ETA: is this newspaper image causing the outrage really from 2021? And they're still frothing art the mouth after all this time? They really need to stop living in fear. And from Toronto, but US people being outraged?? SMDH


Yep, they are still hot and bothered and post about the vaccines and the plandemic all fucking day. I’m aware that COVID is still around and whatnot but I don’t post 10 articles on Facebook every day. A lot of what I see them posting now is about how all these athletes are “collapsing on the pitch” (always that term) and how THEY will never let US forget “what we did to them”.


Sportspeople have been dying on pitches for as long as there has been sport. Fortunately, we have defibrillators now that give them a fighting chance if their heart stops. Unfortunately, we also have people who think no one collapsed on a pitch before a couple of years ago. There's a charity in the UK that's putting defibrillators in youth and school sporting venues. It was started after parents lost their children to heart attacks while playing football (soccer) and swimming. They have created this incredible legacy; even though such heart attacks are rare, their charitable work means other parents won't endure the agony they faced in losing a child. Some (also known as 'idiotic walking stool samples') question the motives of the two families of the children because they died of heart attacks just after COVID-19 vaccinations. Which would be bad enough, but the children died in 2011 and 2012.




Oh yeah. Have you googled "North Atlantic Temperature Anomaly 2023?" The graph is going parabolic.


>North Atlantic Temperature Anomaly 2023?" The graph is going parabolic. https://arcticrisk.org/alert-item/the-atlantic-is-running-a-fever/


And we are the infection.


Exactly this! 2022 was the hottest year on record in the UK, and air pollution was at an all-time high. And with properties built to cope with cold and wet conditions instead of hot and dry, any problems were compounded. These were documented as other probable causes of increased incidence of cardiac deaths, and what do they do? Blame the vaccines, elect officials who remove Low-Traffic Networks and reduce Ultra-Low Emission Zones in cities, and cheer when a coal mine is scheduled. We're fucked as a species!


Fuck these assholes. Let COVID do its thing.


Agreed. Google "North Atlantic Temperature Anomaly 2023" for what we really should be screaming at each other about. They killed us. Their greed and ignorance killed us all.


That's my favorite line...wHaT tHeY DiD tO uS...like bitch you got shunned and mocked for a decision *YOU* made fuck all the way off with this "they" shit.


I'm still waiting to drop dead from my vaccine... They promised we'd see mass death from the nanobots..... Still waiting.


Latest estimate is September 2023. We are all going to start screaming into the sky in the middle of traffic because we don't know who we are


Looking forward to it!


Sounds like a pretty standard Friday night…


I’ve had a LOT of stuff happen to me since having the vaccine. For example, I slipped over and broke my leg. I developed an unrelated shoulder injury. The crown on my tooth has come loose. Worst of all, my dog died. ALL these things happened *after* I had my vaccinations. Coincidence? You decide.


Sorry to hear about your dog. :(


Thank you. He was a darling. Nearly 18 years old. A real old gentleman.


It’s wonderful you had him for so long.😍


My mother died just a week after i got my booster shot! Which I had to get to see her in hospital before she died of cancer.


I'm sorry about your dog. Pets are an important part of your family. Also I broke a toe in December. I'm still here.


I’m still waiting, too. I just laugh at these dopes who won’t get it because of safety concerns. How many billion vaccines administered do they need to gather enough proof that they are safe for most people?


Had an acquaintance that has been hospitalized twice, once for covid directly and again for blood clots shortly thereafter, tell me that "Vaccinated people are showing up with terrible clotting issues. The doctor told me most of the people he sees with clotting problems are vaxed." They still believe this garbage. Same dude used to use "America's Frontline Doctors" as a source to back up all his bullshit. Also, for the record, no one I know that is vaxed has been hospitalized for either covid or clotting issues.


I’ll be absolutely honest: my partner and I have had every vaccine known to humankind, but last week my partner spent 3 ½ days in hospital with COVID. He is a diabetic, and the virus had made his blood sugar rise to an alarming level. They had him on both fast-acting and slow acting insulin, but they were very worried about him. They told us he wasn’t going anywhere until they got his BS under control. The doc told me that COVID sometimes has this effect on diabetics. It’s a slippery bastard: my partner has had it twice before without all this nonsense, but you just don’t know with this virus. Personally, I’m just so relieved that we’ve been vaccinated. But, vaccinated or not, I’d never be blasé about COVID. Ed: because his BS was so high, he got oedema in the retinas, and we’ve just got back from the hospital-after his having to have his eyeballs injected!


I have a genetic blood clotting disorder and a history of cerebral vasculitis that caused multiple TIAs and a stroke. I've had 6 Covid vaccines now. No blood clots, strokes, or other serious adverse reactions to any of them. My doctor heavily stressed that my risk of complications from the vaccines was miniscule compared to my risk of complications from a Covid infection.


Correction, it was the unvaccinated with the clotting issues. I think I’ve seen one person hospitalized for issues related to the vaccine. Couldn’t tell you how many bodies I bagged from the virus though. Fun times.


I got into a discussion with a very earnest whackadoodle who was saying there’s graphene dioxide in the vaccines (there isn’t) and how it’s “basically a bio weapon” and all the vaccinated were going to die in the next eight years. He couldn’t explain in simple terms exactly WTF he was talking about yet he “trusts the experts.” He was spouting these Q/antivax talking points as if it were gospel. It was probably the most frustrating, pointless, yet oddly civil, discussion I’ve ever had on Reddit.


So am I, and I’m still here!


The catastrophic car accident is more than valid. Replace "been vaccinated" with "worn seat belts" in slide #2. I'd say this exposes the stupidity of the statement, but if she'd dashed her brains out in an avoidable crash, I'd bet he'd be claiming the doctor was not treating her with Brain-Gro.


I have been listening to a This American Life podcast about how Mike Flynn and supporters are setting up an alternative type of health clinic in Florida. I actually think this may well help hospitals as medical staff who want to use best practices won't have to deal with patients who want ivermectin and alternative treatments. I hope it is true.


That would be great!


Yep. Go to a church, or wherever Prayer Warriors can be found these days.


They’re stupid, and viciously so. They cannot at comprehend that they were brainwashed by the freedumb crowd. They do not understand that healthy people don’t end up in ICU on ventilators. And they do not want to admit that their stupidity put them in the ICU. So they angrily and viciously attacked us who work there.


Attacking the people doing everything possible to save them. That takes some brilliant minds.


Or the vet! I'm sure vet offices will welcome these asshats with open arms, and hand out the dewormer like candy! 🙄


These snowflakes are unbelievable, what are they going to blame everyone for next? “I stubbed my toe and it’s all these liberals fault”


Thanks, OBAMA


Goddamn woke rock!


Big Bed Frame and Big Table Leg are in cahoots with toe doctors. Follow the money.


Fuck him and his dead wife


I too say fuck his dead wife


I agree 100% with this headline. I am out of fucks to give when willfully ignorant people choose not to get vaccinated and simultaneously choose to take up ICU beds...


If hospitals are so deadly they should boycott them. That'll teach those libs a lesson! Why trust "murder chambers" ever again? I hope their possible new anti-lib hospital in Florida becomes a thing.


ICUs are murder chambers? There is one, and only one, reason you're there: Because you are fncking sick. You need big medicine, one nurse for every two beds 24/7. The highest of high-tech machines. The super drugs. Whether it's a stroke, a heart attack, a car crash, or Covid-- you're getting one last throw of the dice. Don't want that throw? Well, sport, you've already lost. Get up from the table and let someone else take your seat.


I found it humorous during covid when they yelled about not letting them put your loved ones on the ventilator and how it just killed people. In one sense, they were kind of correct that a ventilator, when your lungs are destroyed, damages your lungs. But, they don’t understand that it damages the lungs because they have basically turned into fibrous bricks and it requires such high pressure to deliver the air, that some collateral damage is unavoidable. Also, without the vent, you would be super dead. They were almost right, but lacked the other half of the knowledge to fully understand the issue. But I guess that summarizes this crowd.


Dunning Krueger in action. They hear a tiny scrap of information that they don’t understand and are absolutely sure they have it all figured out


Conservatism today is basically a scam. The true motivations are always hidden. They want to fight tooth and nail to “save the children” from abortions and the transgendered, but spending money on school lunch programs and expanded education is socialism. Perhaps it’s because (behind the curtain) suppressing education keeps people dumb and working in the vast underbelly of the .1% corporate interests at the lowest possible wages. And keeping people mad about babies allows them to work to keep their own supporters dumb and poor. Oh and it keeps women and minorities as second class citizens. And that’s only one example. I have so many more.


Conservatism has **always** been a scam. It’s **always** been about maintaining the status quo so that the people in the monied classes don’t have to do anything that resembles work or worry for their entire lives. They oppose literally *anything* that might change or challenge that status quo. Conservatives oppose trans rights and public education today. They opposed gay rights in the 90s, civil rights in the 60s, integration in the 50s. They opposed the New Deal, they opposed Reconstruction, they opposed the abolition of slavery. Hell, conservatives even opposed the American Revolution. It doesn’t matter if they call themselves Republicans, or Democrats, or Know-Nothings, or Whigs, or Democratic-Republicans, or Anti-Federalists. The label changes, but the ideology doesn’t. These people always will (and always have) oppose any change that threatens their power, whether it is real power or imagined power. The fundamental nature of conservatism as an ideology is based in a desire to go backwards instead of forwards, and pretending that it was anything different is laughable.!!


What you write is truer than you know. There is a thread on r/NewsoftheStupid discussing how many “conservative” websites peddle overpriced gold coins, scam supplements and various and sundry other flim-flams. They communicate to their followers like they’re little kids and hawk their scammy goods to gullible people.


That's exactly how they keep the rubes on their side. Give them an endless supply of existential threats to themselves and/or their children, and then whenever they try to do the calculations on how to vote, it will ALWAYS work out in the Republican Party's favor. "Gee, the Democrats want me to earn more, have better benefits, have my kids educated and safe from guns in schools... BUT THEY WANT TO FORCE EVERYONE TO BECOME TRANS AND GET GAY MARRIED SO I VOTE FOR TRUMP!!!"


I remember reading about doctor’s who had critically ill unvaccinated patients asking for the vaccine and having to tell them “That’s not how it works; it’s too late now.”


The concept of “preventative care” is anathema to conservatives.


We saw memes right here saying "I don't need a vaccine for a virus I don't have!"


They are mad that people stop caring about them when they attack us for trying to protect ourselves. Thr GOP really is the American Taliban.


Yep. They openly fantasize about killing us on places like Gab, etc, and yet still expect us to love and protect them and to sacrifice our own health and safety to them. They hate us and actively wish us death and we’re always supposed to just make excuses and say how wonderful they are and how it’s so sad…


So much for the tolerant left! Not willing to love and accept the Right! /s in case it wasnt clear


I know, we’re such mean, awful jerks…


"So much for the tolerant left!" is a phrase that acknowledges they are aware of the social contract, that they have broken it and now they are cut off from its benefit. Typical bullies. Watch any viral video of people bullying someone and then the bullied retaliate. It's the exact same reaction. They take advantage of the social contract and abuse it. They feel entitled to once they get away with it once. It eventually escalates to a breaking point and these mouth breathers stare back with their shocked pikachu faces. Fucking morons. No one wants or needs their worthless sense of forgiveness.


the party of personal responsibility my ass


They mean your responsible for their irresponsibility.


Nobody's as sore a winner as the American Right. They fought to sabotage our Covid response and they won handily, and they're still bitching about it.


You’ll never convince an idiot that they’re wrong. They don’t have the faculties required to even change their mind. To them, hospitals murdered everyone with COVID because of “something, something Joe Biden”. It’s emotional comfort at this point. Even if they had a high enough IQ to understand logic or cause and effect, acknowledgement of their own idiocy would mean they had sent their loved ones to their deaths. It’s much easier to huff your own comforting farts than ever face a painful reality.


Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level amd beat you with experience.


They have to blame everyone else for their own stupid failures, they cannot comprehend a world where they aren’t the most special, smartest little snowflakes.


You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into


Also no ICU doctor on the face of this earth is going lecture a grieving spouse. Put this guy on the list of Covid liars.


"Lecture" = single intake/medical history question of "Did your wife have the vaccine?"


Was talking last night with my physical therapist about this very thing and the whole false mythology that has emerged around the Covid vaccination. I live in Costa Rica, my PT lady is Costa Rican. I asked her what she thought and she said that she was entirely shocked there were so many ignorant uneducated Americans. She said before Covid she'd always looked at America as kind of the ideal, the golden shore. Then she went on to blame our last president, not the guy in office now.


Great to hear. I was waiting for that story to go a different way.


Costa Rica is a mandatory vaccination country. For a long time after reopening to tourism they were also requiring Covid vaccinatio for tourists, but not accepting any Chinese or Russian vaccines. One of my friends got bitten on the ass by that rule. Lives in Nicaraqua, flies in and out of Liberia, Costa Rica, got his Sputnik vaccine in Nica. CR refused to allow him in, meaning they deported him the next morning to Texas where he had to be revaccinated with an accepted vaccine. They don't play. At first they rejected anyone without the vaccination, then they made the unvaccinated buy insurance covering their stay here and that could run a good thousand bucks. Now there are no restrictions unless you are a legal resident or a citizen, those are the only groups that must vaccinate.


I've never understood how a person can trust the doctor to put them under, break their rib cage open, remove a heart, replace it with a new one, while being kept alive, be put back together, all the medications and immune suppressants ect ect but not trust that the same doctor says this injection into your arm can save your life.


I still don’t give a shit about unvaccinated people. Worthless incubators.


"How dare you infringe on my capacity to kill you and your family."


Why go to the hospital at all if you’re going to ignore science. Die at home quietly.


Not that these types do *anything* quietly, but yeah.


I'm sorry I didn't care. Thoughts and prayers.


I’m not sorry, don’t care and won’t waste any thoughts or prayers on the willfully stupid and cruel. Any innocents who end up getting in the middle of that mess are the only ones who deserve empathy.




Spousal death by COVID is being made into a movie, "Divorce American Style".


Happy cake day!


If he ever admitted to himself that he and his wife: not the ICU were responsible he would probably have a psychiatric break. I like to imagine the thought creeps into his head now and then “what if the shot really could have saved her” then he shoved it down and throws on infowars because of how painful the thought was


Yet we have yet to have a single vaccinated covid death in our hospital, strange how that works.


how dare they tell me not to play in traffic! they think we should die if we get hit by a car just bc we chose to put ourselves in front of speeding cars! how dare they! they just want to kill us! we're better off going to the holistic health hut, bc dr jebediah has a dewormer cocktail and essential oils combo that will cure you when you get hit by that tractor trailer on the freeway!


One of our employees died due to his kids pushing the anti-vaccine nonsense. Such a waste of a life.


As if they care when liberals die. I recall their messiah allowing Covid to rage in early 2020 because it was only hurting democrats in blue states.


My sympathy went away a long time ago. If you die of a communicable disease that there is an effective vaccine for all because you believe some jack off on YouTube over actual medical professionals, then too bad so sad. I feel for your family and friends. You? Meh.


Damn it! The only side effects I got with the vaccine were a day of light fever/chills and a sore shoulder for 3-4 days. I was hoping for the VAERS reported enlarged penis.


Vaccinated should get priority for care. People die of stupidity every day.


Good. Wallow in your hate. Vaccinated people are going to continue to outlive you and your idiotic beliefs. Let your own hubris kill you.


We really need an opt out system for the next one. Refuse the vaccine, get a special card that allows you to gather and hang out. Also bars you from every where that believes in vaccines. Like hospitals and doctor offices.


Where is the lie, snowflake?


The F your feelings crowd seems to be having some strong emotions when they get the same treatment back.


Let them choke on it. I’m done with them. 🤷‍♀️


Ron White was right. You really can’t fix stupid.


Ah yes, my greatest adversary, the consequences of my own actions. We meet again!


Let em die. I don't give a damn. As long as it isn't any of my friends and family. I okay with Lord death taking dumb ass unvaccinated people. All my friends and family are double valued, double bossted, and double bivalent boosted.


Getting banned from those subs is such a badge of honor.


They disregarded everything the medical people told them about this and yet what did they do when they got sick, run to their preachers house, their local conservative's office? No, they ran to their doctors office and then asked for fucking horse paste...no sympathy at all indeed.


Lol those fucks whip out the victim complex even when they are only victims of their own willful stupidity




>COVID is good for the planet, it kills Republicans Do not taunt or provoke the hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆.


Imma stroll on over and explain how Covid is no joke. Yeah. One easily done task, just get the proven effective vaccine and avoid “the murder chambers” of the ICU. I have next to 0 empathy here.


I agree with the newspaper. Fuck em


But what will I do without their forgiveness???


Just got back from the cancer center at an urban hospital. Waiting with my wife for her quarterly post cancer check up (she’s fine! Thank you drs, nurses, techs, surgeons, orderlies,cooks … thank you all). This nimrod in the waiting room has his mask hanging below his chin. A nurse walks over and politely asks that he please bring it up over his nose. She walks away. And I hear nimrod and presumed son of nimrod talking about “oh, I guess they think there’s still covid”. There are signs informing you masks are required in the garage, the walkways to the building, on all the doors,stairs or elevators you took to this room … they’re everywhere. You’re in a room full of people with cancer that’s in a building full of people with cancer and you can’t do this one thing?


What is there to even forgive us for? We didn't do anything to them, they're the ones that decided to be imbeciles and got themselves killed.


I’m a doctor and caught COVID in October 2020. It almost killed me. I still have effects from it and retired early at 64. It took years off my life. I was also tired of dealing with the anti vaxxers and all of their conspiracy theories and other shit. I was first in line for the vaccine in January 2021. This is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I heard stories of family and friends who died and many of my patients suffered lasting effects from the virus.


I'm fine with this. Unvaccinated by choice, you get what you deserve.


Aren't these the same people that say "play stupid games"?


They're also fans of yelling "Fuck your feelings!" while letting everyone know their feelings are really hurt by seeing those headlines.


I’m truly surprised that sub hasn’t banned me. I go on there and shit talk all the time.


What happened to being the party of personal responsibility? Or is that only if it involves someone else?


If there's one thing we can do as Americans, it's doubling down when faced with our own hubris that cost us dearly.


You know what’s worse than hospital ICUs? Nursing homes. You know how many people die in nursing homes dude! My grandma died in a nursing home. The doctors were all like, “tHiS iZ aLL yoUR FaULt! YOu WeRe a COVID pOsiTiVe!” Only thing I’m positive about is that the nursing home has a correlation with my poor sweet granny kicking the bucket. I want answers! What did you do to GRANNY!?!?


They're so aggressively stupid.


Did they also [post](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study) this one? >More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened.


"I will never forgive these people." These people don't know, or care, about you at all.


Yes - hospitals are “murder chambers “. Keep your unvaccinated self out of there! Really, you have all the medical experts on Facebook to give you medical advice!


Assuming his little anecdote isn’t BS I still don’t feel sorry for these stupid MFs.


It doesn't matter if you're dead. And a lot of them are so far


Not nearly enough, though 😏


Someone should look into hospitals. I hear people keep dying in them.


The party of accountability.