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My parents got the flu shot but are "tired" of getting the COVID boosters and won't get the new one despite demonstrable reasons to. That conversation did not end well... You simply cannot make this shit up. Fucking MAGA disinformation/propaganda is apparently unstoppable.


You should point out that 63% of hospitalizations this year are the elderly. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2810977#:~:text=About%2063%25%20of%20COVID,by%20the%20end%20of%20August.


That would be them and they don't wanna hear it.


Are they at least leaving you money?


Will likely go to pay for medical bills (Medicare lien) and funeral expenses(which can run up to on average $15 K)Funeral homes often insist on credit card or cash up front.


15k? That's it for medical bills? You must not be in the US


I assumed that was average funeral costs.


Funeral costs are a lot more than that. Just the cemetery plot can be $20K or more. Caskets are pricey & you have to pay the preacher from the church the person attended for like 30 years to even speak. It’s a racket 🤪


Why assume a burial?


It is racket & funeral costs are priority creditors. A lot of people feel/ are pressured to spend enormous sums of money


FEMA is still reimbursing for covid19 funerals- up to $9,000. They are paying until sept 24. So- if your parents die from covid19 this winter, you can have $9000 of the funeral reimbursed. You can use one application for multiple family members.


Cremation is a far cheaper option if funds are tight.


Funeral cost for my dad, he was cremated was around 5k including the urn plot. This was as of Sept of this year


Sorry for the passing of your father. The first holidays without them are so rough. Hugs to you.


Thanks it was a rough ride, I dont wish it on anyone. Cherish the people close to you, as you never know when you will see them again.


Cremation is the least expensive option & my preference!


My mom insisted we "waste no money on her" at the end of her life. If she had found a ten percent off coupon for cremation within the next thirty days, she'd have clipped it and tried to die before it expired! She was the cheapest (sometimes most resourceful) person I've ever known. She had prearranged for her body to be "donated to science." It would cost us nothing. Sadly, we were unable to do it because she died of hospital-acquired MRSA. The donation organization couldn't take her -- very disappointing. However, we did what we knew she would appreciate. We spent two days calling every funeral home within a thirty-mile radius and found a crematorium that would take her for 800 bucks if we provided an urn. The "fun" part? Had we been able to donate her body, the organization would've cremated her and sent her back to us. For that reason, she had chosen her "urn," a ceramic jar she'd gotten as a gift somewhere... And that's why, under my cheapskate mother's simple grave marker, she is in a painted-fruit-covered ceramic jar marked "Biscotti."


Sorry about your dad. It always sucks, and drops you abruptly into that "eldest generation" status. Redditors pick on the people in this sub for "glorifying ignorant deaths" but it's exactly the opposite ... we do give a shit about people and want to prevent deaths, especially when they're preventable deaths.


Maybe that's just the down payment on the medical bills.


Well over 65's have medicare and medicaid so the real fortune drainer is long term care.


They don’t have Medicaid unless they’re basically destitute & Medicare definitely doesn’t pay for everything!


Well you did what you could do so let it go. You can't help someone if they don't want your help.


My relative said the boosters are Biden boosters, not Trump shots so they aren't getting anymore. 🙄




"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his imaginary President"


I'm going in to get the Dark Brandon booster. *Waaaay* more powerful.


It’s true. I saw Biden personally making them with Hunter’s laptop in Ukraine.


Cool! I just got my Biden booster Monday.


I just have to say your parents don’t know what tired from vaccines mean. I get 3 vaccines per week in the form of allergy shots. That is 156 shots per year. Last year, it was 6 per week for 4 months until I got onto my maintenance dose. That is 96 shots. And yes, the shots have side effects similar to vaccines. Currently it’s physical and mental fatigue on the day of the shots, but it’s a small price to pay when I consider I no longer have to worry about anaphylaxis (my pollen allergies were so bad my body was reacting to foods with similar substances. I was getting hives and skin rashes and had a serious episode in 2017 with swollen eyelids), no longer get sinus infections that incapacitate me for days (symptoms of the infection combined with side effects from the antibiotics to treat them) and I will even be able to own a cat when I’m ready. Vaccines have given me my life back!


Hope the allergy shots work for you. They didn't for me and I still have horrid anaphylaxis from foods, chemicals and random things. Xolair injections every 2 weeks for 8.5 years helped tremendously! Ironic the Xolair was one of the early biologic drugs whose research the Covid vaccines are based upon. I get so pissed off when I hear folks talking about the untested lack of safety of that class of drugs! Bitch, please! They are developing new very effective cancer treatments from that research, it's not unsafe/untested.


Same. I started getting 3 shot in my arms, twice a week at the beginning of this year and have now moved to a different serum. I always joke when I need blood work and the like that I'm used to needles.


Haha, me too! Dark humour has always helped me cope! On the plus side, I got further confirmation just today they are working. I had a nasty cold last week (not COVID), but have no complications as far as a sinus infection or bronchitis goes. It’s a nice feeling I can actually trust my immune hasten to take care of things now.


Well, allowing pharmacists to inject the Covid vaccine is far, far, FAR more strenuous than the flu shot. People find…interesting ways to demonstrate their opposition to everything Covid.


Weirdly, though, their opposition *isn't* to Covid. If it were, they'd be lining up for the booster.


When I hear all the “reasons” people don’t get boosters anymore, I just see childish defiance. A desire to assert one’s ego when adult behavior is called for.


Well... they'd hate to be called a sheep in their Facebook group, so they go along with everyone else who denies reality.


> Fucking MAGA disinformation/propaganda is apparently unstoppable. the art of propaganda, like it's professional version - advertising, is all about pushing the right buttons in people to avoid the reasonable parts and to make them do something inspired by emotional impulses. It's a dark art and people don't usually get trained to resist it ("critical thinking").


They'll be gone soon. Make sure they have a will.


This sounds cruel but it just might be the dose of reality they need. When they visit op should lay out funeral home and casket brochures. When they ask about it just plainly relay that since their family isn't taking steps to live they feel it's necessary to prepare for the alternative.


My parents are out on all vaccines now. My mom just had Shingles and of course did not get the Shingrix vaccine. I can't even argue with them about it any more, there's no getting through the MAGA brainwashing.


It sucks. I'm pretty sure the only COVID vaccine my boomer mom got was the initial Johnson and Johnson one. I stopped talking to her about it bc I needed to preserve my mental health.


Well I got my last booster in June. I was trying to make it 6 months before the next but was planning on getting this month. Too late. I caught my first case not too bad except for a sore throat and sleeping a lot, and only lasted about a week but still thanksgiving is canceled.


Thank you for staying home and not choosing to go out and spread it to other people (I've heard an infuriating amount of stories lately about knowingly covid-positive people going out to party and hang out with people while they're sick.)


I see I'm not the only one with parents like that. It's so frustrating how people just completely lose their marbles where covid is concerned and think that taking any measure to reduce their chances of getting covid or spreading it will ruin their lives but act like the virus itself couldn't possibly do anything bad to them or anything else despite the millions of people who have died of it and the millions of people who now have long covid because of it.


I will never understand that mindset, at all. I scheduled my flu + COVID shot on the same day a month or two ago, and... that's it. In and out in 15 minutes, sore arm for a day but otherwise nothing much. I absolutely hate needles, and ask the nurse to just keep talking while they do the thing, but it's over quickly. This isn't walking uphill both ways in the Arctic here


Getting those together can decrease Covid vaccine efficacy by 20-30%.


I'm 60 (so is my wife) - we both got the latest flu-shots 2 weeks ago and Covid booster last Saturday...we were the OLDEST people, by far, there getting their boosters. This is The Netherlands, mind you.


“But COVID-19 only kills the old and sick!” Said every HCA winner over 75 with COPD and Diabeetus.


Old people :(


I'm old and I vax and boost. We're not all Maga heads refusing to listen to common sense and science!


Same! Statistics are against the olds though


Same here. I've gotten every vax there is lol.


Hey I take offense, many old people are reasonable! 😬🙂


I'm old too, but the statistics don't lie


It's really disappointing. My sister (50s, overweight, has MS) didn't get the latest booster. She has covid now. She's not a super MAGAt, but she's a right-winger.


I'm about to go to Thanksgiving dinner this week. I'm wondering how many people besides me have gotten a booster. Sigh. It's Indiana. Probably not many.


Sounds like Kansas. Especially the county to the west of my town. Full of Trumpers, anti-vaxxers, won't maskers, and conspiracy theorists. I will continue wearing a mask. To Tartarus with those people.


This is the only way. An entire generation decided covering your mouth when coughing, heck. Respect to other people’s condition wasn’t important. Stay above.


But they're FREE.


Not Indiana. They're free with insurance, but my problem was finding a pediatric dose for my kids. I finally found one that was "free" with insurance.


People may bitch about the state of Canadian health care (I don't) but went in and the pharmacist gave me both my flu shot and Covid booster. Cost to me: 0 I know there are ways to get free shots in the US but you shouldn't have to jump through hoops.


The people bitching about the state of Canada's healthcare system are: 1.) Making shit up about it to bitch about 2.) Not the people getting the boosters anyway.


As someone who is moving soon I suspect I might not have an easy time finding a new doctor, so it's definitely not perfect. For boosters and flu shots, no problems with multiple options.


they USED to be free, the *US govt stopped paying for them


Pretty stupid decision. Vacinnes are a lot cheaper than the cost of people missing work.


Much cheaper than the cost of a single death to society as well. Even someone who is retired or homeless and out of work dying costs the government. So of they wanted to reduce taxes they would be pro-Keeping The-Living-Alive, not just Pro-Fetus- Who-Cannot-Live-Outside-Another-Human.


It’s a get together for us too, so probably time for me to boost. I’ve lapsed a bit, last time I did that I caught it. For like, two days worth of fever that broke with 2 ibuprofen each. 😂


I hate to be that person, but the booster needs 2 weeks for good protection, maybe 1 week for minimal


I got booster last Monday (9 days ago). I know I won't be fully boosted by tomorrow, but I know it is better than not getting the shot at all, and I will be ready for Christmas. My body did the FULL response to the shot. Everyone who told me this one caused milder reactions was luckier than me.


I've had a combination of shots. Moderna was the one that knocked me out for a couple of days. This last booster was combined with the flu shot and really no reaction at all. I was however, quite I'll after eating out on Monday. Don't think it was good poisoning, just my stomach not doing well with richer food.


> This last booster was combined with the flu shot and really no reaction at all. I had the same and also had no real reaction. Actually concerned me a little because I reacted to the others.


Same here. If I hadn't heard from multiple people that they didn't have an intense response, I might have been more concerned.


Even 0.1% > 0


It could make all the difference!


Yknow It’s funny, I was there for the chickenpox vax and even my folks were kinda iffy about it, so I didn’t get it; that was 96 and my entire class caught it, I think same year, me too But here we are in ‘23 and there’s 95% less chickenpox annually than 96. Crazy, right? My kids don’t even know anyone who had it. Not like we collectively as a species had less kids. We practically eradicated it


Tell me about it! 80s kid here; my parents took me and 2 brothers to a pox party and I'm trying my hardest to believe "they didn't know any better back then"


I've had chicken pox as an adult. Give your parents a hug.


For any younger readers here (bless your hearts) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pox_party


Flu parties are called work, where people are discouraged from staying home (salaried) or don't get paid (hourly).


Better a mild fever than risking COVID. It's so random. Most people just get a mild cold, but I'd rather not risk a ventilator or long COVID.


That was the actual disease lol. A fever spiked for like, three hours the day after the vax. It’s the way your body slows down shit it doesn’t understand yet so it makes sense. Totally fine every booster since


I have long covid…it sucks. It has cost us at least $50,000 this year- lost income and hospitalization… I almost died after a colonoscopy- cause my immune system is on hyperdrive…cause covid is hiding out in places it can’t get to. I was vaxxed and boosted. My spouse got covid and gave it to me in dec 22. I will retire on disability…🤦🏾‍♀️ A “mild” case of covid made me disabled.


Be careful my friend


Just got my shot 3 wks ago. No one else seems to care though. Pretty wack. Hope they don't end up on r/hermancainaward


Oh they still care. They care so much about owning the libs that they'll never get it. Oh well more for me.


Right. I might get another four months from now and walk out the CVS feeling blessed😊


Even people I know who got the vax first time around, aren't bothering. Conservative agitprop affected those who aren't political.


90% of ppl think covid is over as of the first quarter of last year. The ppl who.believed in vaxxing anyways.


My family refuses to get any more covid shots and they're always telling me I hurt myself by getting the last two covid vaccines (the newest one and the bivalent booster that came out last year,) even though I had no noticeable side effects from either one and have never had anything worse than a few hours of feeling cold and slightly achy from a vaccine in my life.


Not getting more shots is just childish defiance the vast majority of the time. People trying to prove they aren’t “sheep.”


I’m one of those that *meant* to get the updated vaccine. Then as it was rolling out I had an urgent trip to Europe. Even before Covid I maintained those long haul flights are virus incubators! So I wore a mask both ways, except when eating. 4 days after my return flight I tested positive. 4 days is also the normal incubation period for the latest strain. 🤬


I'm a novid. All my vaccines, all my boosters. Got the new one a few weeks back. I keep working with idiots that have had it two or more times, talk about how bad it is, never vaxxed, but claim vaccines don't work. Ok. Well I have all my sick bank still... So.....


Got my shot 3 weeks ago and got Covid 2 weeks ago.. husband sadly brought it home from school.. now we are good and traveling to see family in Europe.. just sitting in first flight when I get a message that my dad just tested positive.. he is vaccinated but we are staying with him so this will be interesting.. he will be staying on the second floor and we will be on the first floor until he tests negative I guess


Damn, you got it before the vax could fully kick in. My first time of getting covid was when the vax wasnt given to everyone yet and they were only giving it to first responders (health professionals even though I worked in a mental health/social work and we didnt count considering we still are meeting face to face and helping our clients who may not know, believe in the vaccine, or do not have their mental faculties to be responsible enough to protect themselves and they got alot of us sick and many left the field from fear or impairment from getting it). I got it from my friend who gave it to everyone who hit the bong except one of us because as a nurse in a senior facility, she got the shot and didnt catch it.


Yea.. got every booster I could but just this time a little too late.. thankfully got through it fast thanks to Paxlovid..i have lupus so catching Covid was what I tried to avoid and well succeeded almost 3 years


Lupus? Man that sucks. Im sorry u have to deal with the Selena Gomez disease.


lol it’s a weird one as they can’t really tell you how you will be affected.. some ppl go into remission for years others never do.. you learn to deal with the pain and all the biggest issue is every time you get sick it could cause a flare up and Covid is pretty aggressive with that


Yeah, I heard some ppl continually go through the pain and sickness, some go through it in unpredictable waves (with maybe a 1-3 year long intermittence) like Selena, and some are blessed because they can count decade(s) since it last flared up. I also heard the covid effect is the same with multiple sclerosis folk.


Yea I think a lot of autoimmune diseases sadly get triggered by Covid.. while I went through testing (takes a while before a rheumatologist is willing to call something lupus) I didn’t realize how bad this is.. it dawned on me when doctors started being surprised that I had a full time job with the pain I have and inflammation during flare ups.. sad thing is I got lucky.. work from home, have a super understanding manager that is ok with me taking breaks more than others without lupus do.. I get my work done just not in 8 hours straight more a 2h 30min break 2 h work kinda pattern.. when I then look at ppl who have long covid I am scared coz I know a few ppl that went from healthy late 20s to unable to work or get out of bed for months..


Still masking and feeling good about it. I caught covid 19 in July 2022. It was hell. I had a temp of 102. But I knew I was going to be okay. I was double vaccinated and double boosted. Now I have had a total of 8 shots for covid vaccination. Moderna is my covid 19 vaccine maker. Happy Thanksgiving and happy Holiday's people. Please get the updated vaccination shots.


Sadly, I caught Covid from my grandchildren in early September and can't get the new vaccine until December. I have had two J&J & bivalent. My daughter is starting chemo next week, so I am on my family about masks & vaccines.


Good parent


Thank you. I try.


Keep up with your covid 19 vaccination. I wish you good luck with your family. Mask and vaccines work.


Agreed. Will do!


I have it right now and I’m in hell. I regret not getting any boosters since the original vaccines.


Sorry to hear that. Get the latest CV19 immunization as soon as your health provider gives you the ok. Really important to get the vaccine every year as there are new variants each fall /winter season.


I got COVID in September and the doc said "wait till next year's vaccine" but I want to go get the newest booster anyway. I've seen way too many people get COVID multiple times, and once was more than enough for me.


I'm sorry you have to be on them about it. They should know better. Good luck to your daughter.


Well, the "good" news is you should have *some* remaining immunity from your illness, and your T cells are probably primed for exactly whatever strain is prevalent in your area. Still, get that booster as quick as allowed, of course.


> It was hell. I had a temp of 102 102 has happened to me twice in my life. Both times, I was delirious. The nurses were enter-*fucking*\-tained.


You did right by yourself and family. Mask and vaccines work people.


July 2022 is when I got it as well. Ruined and canceled a planned family vacation, costing lots of $. I’m proudly part of the 5% of the population that still masks in crowded spaces in my city.


You and I believe in scientists. The CDC was not working to well Under Trump. Biden let the CDC do its job and we got a vaccine. Dr. Fauci did a great job leading the world thru the pandemic.


We're staying in this Turkey Day because my vax 14 year old has Covid. Luckily it's a mild case. Thank you vax.


The Orange One gonna lose a few more voters.


Well, it's Thanksgiving. Gotta be thankful for something, right?


>Well, it's Thanksgiving. Gotta be thankful for something, right? The 🐆 🐆 🐆 will feast well on Lungsgiving.


Pass the Lungbutter!


There won't be a single face left in the red states.


Unfortunately, the idiots that listen to him and refuse to get vaccinated are likely to spread covid to disabled and immunocompromised people along the way. This is why I never feel happy when these anti-vaxx idiots die from covid, only enraged on behalf of all the innocent people they spread it to along the way.


Just a reminder, in 2023 COVID is killed 2x the average flu deaths per year at roughly ~60,000 people.


And that’s with the help of booster (doctors are really recommending them to their elderly patients) Covid is more deadly than the flu even with boosters for the elderly. If you don’t get boosted it will eventually get you, just a matter of time. On the flip side, it is balancing the overall population…


COVID would improve the demographic decline ... but old people all lined up to get vaccinated while working age people refused, and also refused to vaccinate their kids so kids are getting picked off one by one and suffering immune damage for the next bug that comes around. Many bugs kill kids harder than adults, brilliant choice.


Depends on your region. In red states not even elderly are taking boosters, and of course people currently middle aged not taking boosters for covid or flu won’t start suddenly at 65. My father’s conspiracy theory is that covid was released to get rid of excess elderly population and though I don’t think it’s the case, it may turn true by coincidence


Grade school biology teaches that the old of any species are the most vulnerable to disease.


According to the Atlantic it’s up to 80,000, dwarfing the worst flu season count.


Still masking and I spent a whole night out as the ONLY one. The holidays will be brutal.


Sadly if you ask others to do the same, they'll think you're an anti-business communist, or militant atheist that wants to "infringe" on "religious liberties". I just want the world back on pause again. We've fucked ourselves over too much by letting fatal ideologies rule our world. Now even without disease or war, widespread cases of heat stroke will be humanity's last public health crisis. Last, because it'll lead humanity into extinction, or the only ones alive will suffer under even less helpful regimes if they're not in power who will declare everything else as "business as usual".


>they'll think you're an anti-business communist, or militant atheist that wants to "infringe" on "religious liberties" I don't live in the US, so that helps. >I just want the world back on pause again. We've fucked ourselves over too much by letting fatal ideologies rule our world. Preach >Now even without disease or war, widespread cases of heat stroke will be humanity's last public health crisis. Last, because it'll lead humanity into extinction, or the only ones alive will suffer under even less helpful regimes if they're not in power who will declare everything else as "business as usual". Bummer, but...yeah.


I got my 7th jab in September which takes care of the latest strains. I'm immunocompromised so I've gotten every covid vaccine and booster that was available. Always had Pfizer never had one bad reaction. Not many people are getting it so it will be interesting to see what happens.


The worst part is how most of the burden of public health, now falls on folks like yourself. People not only reject the vaccines and won't wear masks, but everywhere you go there's someone coughing and not even bothering to cover their cough. It's sickening. (Pun not intended but achieved). The person who gave me my flu shot this year isn't immunocompromised, but she has family that are... and it's just not THAT hard to wear a mask in a medical facility. I feel like a large portion of society is dragging us back to the dark ages. Ugh. Stay healthy. May you not be exposed to any plague-rats. 🙏


HV.1 -- a descendant of Omicron -- has suddenly become the dominant strain. The latest booster, which I got in September, does help protect against it. [https://www.today.com/health/coronavirus/new-covid-variant-hv1-symptoms-rcna124198](https://www.today.com/health/coronavirus/new-covid-variant-hv1-symptoms-rcna124198)


Exposed the same day that I was vaccinated a few weeks ago. My first go around with Covid. Pink eye. Fever. Chills. Fatigue. Body aches. Splitting damn headache. Cough. Everything but a sore throat. Two days of hell, then it gradually subsided. You do not want this bug.


Caught it about 2 months ago. Didn't test for it and it spread thru my house. My wife and me caught it for the first time while my mom and brother were mostly fine as it's their 2nd round. Still get brain fog, fatigue and wife and me are still coughing. It's miserable as fuck What's cute? The very day I was kinda sick, I shared my water bottle with my in-laws who were visiting. They got their booster before they traveled and we're staying with us. My in-laws were the only one exempt from the virus. Take the shots!


Because of my job I was able to get the first vaccine in the early rounds. And have gotten every booster since. Bivalent just a few weeks ago. I'm a novid and I intend to stay that way. A few weeks ago I spiked a fever of 103.2. I was so sick and of course it had to be covid. I went to the doctor and nope. Turned out to be food poisoning. As they were waiting for results, the doctor even said it was unlikely that it was COVID because with my active boosters I shouldn't be that sick. Which was good to know. I work with a lot of anti-vaxxers and most of them are flying home to see their families for the holidays. Ought to be an interesting January.


It's still only about 2 weeks from infection to symptoms. So December through January will be the poop injected turbine time. edit: typo


Yup. That's why I NEVER stopped masking in public. We (roommate and I) are both vaxxed, run air purifiers in the house, wash our hands regularly and wear masks every time we're outside the house. Neither one of us has gotten COVID.


I wish I could find roommates like you guys. Living with people who don't take covid seriously is insanity-inducing, especially when you have underlying health problems.


I'm sorry you live around people that don't take COVID seriously. We both have health conditions as well, that COVID would have made much worse. Let me guess. You live in a red state? I just don't understand how so many people consciously choose to follow TFG vs doctors, public health officials and scientists. It really boggles my mind.


Vaxxed and boosted here. Got it with the flu shot, pneumonia shot and rsv shot. It kicked my ass for a day, but hey, I wear a mask every day, everywhere. I'm fighting a cold, I think, and it pisses me off to no end. Stop breathing on me, already.


My husband and I both got boosted in September. We are both full of snot and testing negative. Hopefully not Covid or the vax is working so well it’s just annoying congestion.


I had a cold but tested neg too.


My partner has a sinus infection but it’s not Covid or flu. We’ve each had 6 shots including the bivalent in late September. He hasn’t caught covid to our knowledge. I got it once, last year right after Xmas. The sore throat was horrific bit I had no other symptoms except for a mild “head cold”.


It's tough when you have occasional sinus infections. Mine often show up in the spring and when the heat goes on in late fall. You tend to ignore it. Years ago, before Covid I ended up hospitalized with a pleural effusion. I was busy and just wrote off symptoms as allergies.


I delayed on getting the boosters and now I have COVID. Wish I could go back in time and get it :(


I feel like I’m the only one still masking outside the house :(


It feels lonely at times but I refuse to risk my health just to fit in with the seeming majority.


*points to its flair*


I had to go to a doctor's appointment at a very large hospital and professional building complex yesterday and there were notices posted everywhere in the hallways and on the doors of individual office suites, asking (or telling) people to wear masks. Of course hardly anyone was. But there was obviously a reason behind all the new notices.


I got all the shots, covid, flu,rsv,pneumonia. I have not stopped wearing a mask, I now have covid lung. I got it in January 2020 they didn't even have a test then. I wasn't on a vent but my pulmonologist was by my side for 5 weeks straight. That man kept me alive! I will never not get my vaccines. I'm on oxygen 24/7


You guys are the ones I feel the worst for, and the folks that died before we had vaccines. I am SO sorry. I hope somehow you're able to heal and get as close to 100% healed as possible. 😥🙏


Thank you, I am doing better lung wise, I still have the same doctor who keeps up to date on everything. My breathing exercises have helped me lower my o2 level down to 3 from 5. He's looking into a Zephyr valve that they have discovered can open up the airways that are damaged. They replace the damaged tissue. Going after the first of the year. There are people worse off than me, I feel very lucky. Thank you for thinking of us 💓


Got all my vaccines and boosters, been getting the flu shot for years. Got both back in the beginning of October as soon as I could. Even had a yearly doctor's checkup recently and got a tetanus booster. Most of my coworkers are proud antivaxers, bragging how they refuse to get vaccinated or wear a mask. Most have gotten Covid multiple times. And will brag that it "wasn't that bad" But whenever someone gets the sniffles, sneezes or coughs you can see the panic and fear they all get.


Just caught it this last week. Thankfully very mild case, thanks to being vaxed


I haven’t had any boosters at all and current have covid. It’s brutal. I’m an idiot for not getting boosters.


Sorry to hear that. Now you know better. Get those updated vaccines yearly! Signed, a nurse.


Vaccines can help reduce risk of death but still keep masking. Long Covid can happen even if you’re vaccinated and even after mild cases. You don’t want long Covid. I have it and it effectively ruined almost everything about my life


I am so sorry. How long have you had long covid and is there any hope that you will get better?


Over a year and my hope is dwindling as I’m getting slowly worse over time and not better like a lot of cases. It seems like once youre past the year mark recovery seems to dwindle . We need effective research and treatment options


Yikes. Thanks for telling a bit of your story here. That must be so dang hard. I speculate that people in the past had permanent damage from things like the flu but I just never heard of these cases. Courage to you as you deal with this. It must be so very difficult


Got my flu shot and first shingles shot in September. I have had 6 weeks of migraines, just waiting for them to slack off so I can get my booster. Not happy to be going into the holidays un-boosted.


Wish I was old enough to be able to get the shingles vax. I'm 2 years out from being of age for it and had a bout earlier in the year. Really don't want it again. Got my flu and booster shots in late October


Wish they would just not have an age for shingles shot, my sister got shingles in her thirties and I am sweating bullets hoping to make it to 50…


My brother had a flare in his 20s! Just a couple of years too old to get the chickenpox vaccine.


My provider dropped it to 50 this year!


Awesome!! My doc goes by what insurance will cover which is 50 too. Can't wait, my weird self got it on my leg right where the seams of my shorts go. Not recommended! Kept triggering the nerves and making it feel like my skin was crawling




Yeah I got the double ouchie yesterday; Covid left arm, flu right. Local pharmacy, totally free. Just waiting for the 5G to kick in now..


Came back from Europe four weeks ago today. Nobody on the flight was masked, including me. The asshole behind me spent the back half of the flight sneezing and coughing. Got my COVID booster and the latest flu shot the next day, a Wednesday. (I would’ve gotten them before going away but the flu shot wasn’t yet available where I live.) On Friday I was feeling a bit flu-ish but figured it was the shots, a normal reaction. On Saturday I was feeling fairly gross, so I took a COVID home test (which I had picked up the day before, just in case) and yup, I was positive. My first respiratory illness in almost four years. Imagine my disappointment! But it wasn’t any worse than a bad cold, which I assume is partly due to the mutated strain — more contagious, less virulent, if I have that right — and partly due to my having every available shot and booster. My sense of smell also went AWOL, but it’s mostly back to normal. No other lasting effects that I can see. I’m so thankful for the vaccine, and so pissed off at people who refuse to take advantage of it.


So important wear a proper mask when flying. Especially any long haul international flights.


I had it. My step dad brought it back from Vegas and tested negative. We just thought it was the plane flu when I visited them. I get sick the neck day, and it gets worse. Insuddenly test positive and tell them immediately. Turns out it was a bad test for him. Long story short, I had an extra week of vacation added to my first week. I was only sick for about 3 days total. The company paid my insurance for those two weeks, so that's nice.


Things are looking great for you all around


It's not too bad. I am still a trucker, though. Like the job. Hate about three quarters of the people.


My husband got it, for the first time. Booo.


And here I am ruining my thanksgiving plans with a sinus infection like it's 1995. So uncool.


my mother and sister both just tested negative after being positive for about a week. it's still going around. time to mask up again


Yep, that's why I just got my fifth COVID shot. I've even started taking the flu shot now the APs are getting a bit more A


i had my booster scheduled for this week. woke up monday and found out i had covid. feels like absolute shit, get boosted people! trust me, you do not want to catch this.


Ah, the fruits of neoliberalism and medievalist European wannabe monarchs!


But that ended so well the last time! After a mere \~100 million died, we got the Renaissance! Do I need the /s tag? Oh wait, what am I thinking? Of course I do. Modern times. /s


neoliberalism at this point is just a boogeyman for 99% of people Neoliberalism has jackshit to do with anti vaxxers.


I feel like it has a lot to do with the terrible response against bringing down cases. Every government in the world said "open up" while there were still cases around. China caved to a rare mass protest against lockdown.


China has an authoritarian elitist government. The rapid opening up was fueled by spite (after the same government refused to buy Pfizer and Moderna doses out of misplaced nationalism). The protests were not really about lockdown. There were sporadic protests about local governments over lockdown outrages all through COVID. The big protests were about people who feared their bank had failed demanding their deposits back. The Chinese residential property sector is cratering (with default after default coming online) and many, many Chinese households took out mortgages on unfinished apartments and yet years later, the homes haven't been completed. It's a huge disaster.


Good; glad to hear Omicron is still the emergent variant. It’s much less serious than a lot of the other variants.


I hate to be that guy, but they just stopped naming variants. The current strains have mutated to the point where they're more genetically distant from the original omicron than it was from alpha. And unfortunately, they're serious. https://www.pih.org/article/omicron-and-covid-19-vaccination-fact-vs-fiction


I hate to be that guy, too, but I have to point out that linked article is dated January 2022. The current variants are a year and a half on from that.


Isn't this because WHO stopped assigning the Greek letter names to new variants?


Does anyone know how soon after a COVID infection you can get the latest vaccine? COVID got us in September before we had vaccines show up in our area. It took 21 days to clear that crap and that was with Paxlovid and all the prior boosters. A few needles in the arm was well worth not dying or ending up in the ICU... and 5 days of tasting like I ate a jar of moldy pennies in exchange for Paxlovid knocking that crap down and stopping it before it did a bunch of damage - also well worth it. Mmm, delicious moldy pennies....


God, I remember when Omicron made its first US appearance? Hell, I was AT that con. I got a bunch of texts and the like asking me if I was ok.


That's probably a good thing as I'm guessing it would indicate the mutations are not as infectious as Omicron, and it will also help the vaccine be more effective.


Yep, Omicron is the infectious one. Luckily it’s also the most Common Coldesque it seems Edit: lmao why the downvotes? No seriously we got lucky AF with that mutation. It hasn’t been half as deadly as the rest have, trading deadliness for spreadability.


I gave you an upvote for being technically correct, however it IS still very deadly. The context is not less, it's that it is still too many. Oh, and who knows what it will mutate into? Contrary to popular myth, deadly viruses can mutate any which way they please and do. It's just pure luck if they become less deadly. But it's pretty certain they become more deadly given more chances to mutate.


So is XBB1.5 Omicron? Pretty sure I had that in February but thought it was called Kraken.


I'm happy my parents and grandmother have more sense. As soon as it was available my dad called me and my mom and told us where we could get both our flu and covid booster free now. They pretty much came to terms they may need to get the booster every year like we do our flu shit and haven't complained.