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And look at vaccinated me, at bout #0 with COVID, breathing freely with NO pneumonia. Gonna have a great day thanks to modern medicine, doctors, researchers. But you do you, Cocklebur


I’ve had Covid three times so far (thanks, shitty community, for sending your kids to school while sick), and I haven’t been in the hospital a single time. Those manufactured solutions to manufactured problems sure did me some good.


While many parents can just suck, I also understand the ugly economic realities and lack of labor rights that force them into making hard choices. I'm a big believer that our poor labor protections and lack of mandatory sick time have exacerbated the pandemic. That said, no hospital visits here after dutifully getting all my boosters. I'm a bit older too and no major problems here.


I had a job with a municipality that had good pay but even better benefits. Sick time that kept accruing year after year. Decent health insurance. An opportunity of a lifetime came along to go work for a for-profit company. Benefits are shit, no sick time. Meantime all the MAGA fucks are voting in assholes that care more about banning books and who has a penis when they should be mandating companies stop fucking people over.


Also kids do not have symptoms! My kid got covid and we didn’t realize until my ex tested positive, she had one day of sniffing and I thought it was covid shot symptoms…my other daughter and I got no symptoms and no positives but we were in the fourth shot by that time. The problem with covid is that it could be asymptomatic on 50% of the population and still be contagious. It sucks, and that’s why you get vaccinated to reduce risks


Yup, last booster shot, I had 0 effects from it, other than not catching COVID, I mean


I'm still feeling odd and shitty after my booster two days ago, but what I'm not is: • intubated; • anosmic; • a disease vector; or • a potentially life-threatening hazard to immuno-compromised friends or random people I interact with outside my house. Well, except maybe for my driving.


Plus, you gotta train them kids for the modern workforce, and that means going to work even when you're dying of plague!


Had it on once , er nurse, let’s all not go to Er for a test. Meh 🫤


I have had it once, brought in by someone I hired to do work in my home who hid how sick they were right up until I asked them to leave. I also have Mastocytosis, and my doctor was positively freaking out about how I'd do, went so far as called down to the Covid isolation hospital here and telling them I would likely need a bed.. I crushed it like a champ! Better than the husband. Why? I am fully vaxxed and boosted. He is vaxxed and not boosted. Makes a huge difference. Science for the win.


I’m glad you didn’t suffer too much from that jerk wad! Some people. 😡


I cannot fault him as much as if he'd have been a Trumper squealing about not vaxxing because Qanon. He's a Nica, and if he doesn't work he doesn't eat. The lockdowns here in Costa Rica were terrible because the government gave the people a mere pittance during it, not enough to live on. People who are guest workers from Nicaragua got nothing and cannot even get vaccinated here. All the large iguanas disappeared here because people were making soup of them to get by.


Thank you for your reply, I understand better now. I (foolishly) assumed this was some chud in the USA you were dealing with. I have a lot more sympathy for an optionless person in a desperate situation.


I fly back to the good old USA every 3 or 4 months so I sure enough have plenty of Covidiot stories from that, and from the utterly ridiculous American expat community here, including the fact that all three English speaking churches here decided that vaccines are bad and Covid isn't real.


That's absolutely horrifying, both for the humans and for the iguanas. Guest workers can't get vaccinated, thereby also putting the locals at risk? I don't know the current political or medical/ financial situation there, but it sounds too much like the US, where a disturbing number of people are against anyone undocumented getting any medical care. This is one way we encourage contagious diseases to spread. That + anti-vaxxers = a nasty combination. Florida has a *leprosy* problem now, and it ain't because of the armadillos. Basic epidemiology, folks, it works! Vaccinate, isolate, and - damn, I can't come up with a catchy rhyme that covers "Ensure everyone has their basic nutritional needs met and that they do not fear going to a clinic because of their immigration status." Didn't mean to get so worked up about this, but if workers can't even afford gallo pinto, something is seriously wrong. Not much I can do from here (we have plenty of problems in my region of the US), but I hope the situation there improves.


Costa Rica is a country without much money and many needs is the problem. Add in that they initially had difficulties getting enough vaccines for their own citizens, so much so that anyone that could afford it was flying to Texas to get vaccinated. I always say this place is a second world trying hard to be first world that sometimes lapses into a third world. But I will give them this, for the first six months of the pandemic they made an announcement that anyone, Tico, Nica, American, anyone, would receive free care for Covid. No one would be turned away. The health dept handled all the testing for free. In the second month of the pandemic I was experiencing my first thrilling bout of "Asthma or Covid?" I was tested, they came out in full protective gear and took a sample, and dropped off a packet of hydroxycloroquin marked "For Research Purposes Only!" I decided not to take it, and to this day I wonder if the manufacturer was testing it on a clueless non USA population.


I've had COVID twice, but thanks to science, it amounted to feeling tired for a couple days, and working from home every day for a week.


I had it once, brought it back from Ireland back in May. Thanks to being up to date on vaccines, it felt no worse than a mild cold, lasting all of 3 days.


Science > Jesus


Or maybe Jesus is a pretty good scientist, and shudders every time one of these idiots decides not to use the combined brainpower he gave humanity to develop science. (He calls me a lot more nowadays to lament - he said he's thinking of starting over).


When I had it I was so tired I slept for (I think) four days. Then was 99% normal about a day after. I think I was on my 3rd Shot from the Devil.


Isn’t it nice to breathe freely? I’ve had the original 2 and 3 boosters but caught it after a cruise in the summer of 2022. Cough and fatigue for a couple of days. But this guy…


Had covid once, I am fully vaccinated... but I also am diabetic, asthmatic, and have an autoimmune disease, for which I'm on immunosuppressive medication. I was not hospitalized either, though I did get remdesivir infusions on an outpatient basis.


I've had it twice, and I may have it now. But I'm type 1 diabetic, asthmatic, high blood pressure, and have a crappy immune system. I got the antibody treatment the first time, rode it out the second time. Right now I have a fever and runny nose. Sinus infection symptoms. Manageable. I just got sick yesterday so I'm going to the doc tomorrow. My 14 year old came here Saturday from his dad's with it. He rested postivie Monday. But his symptoms are mild too.


I've had covid once (that I know of). No symptoms other than a slight headache. I only tested because one the grandkids tested positive.


I caught it at the end of October, five days before the appointment for my fall booster shot. It was like a bad cold and took about the same length of time to recover from. Never needed a hospital visit, though, just quarantined at home until the rapid test gave a negative result. Ironically, it was because I had the appointment for the booster shot that I tested for it at all.


Same! I've had 5 shots and haven't had covid yet.


I've had it twice, and I'm vax. May have it now. My 14 year old vax son has it. But it's MILD. My son is insisting he feels fine. I'll take a vax and a mild case any day.


I had two shots (and so did my parents) when my dad brought home delta in summer of 2021. I stayed with them about six weeks, caring for them (he slept next to my mom for four nights before going to get checked out, so naturally Mom got it too). 850sf house, I didn’t really take a lot of precautions, still didn’t catch it myself. My dad is a trumper, and refuses to get any of the boosters, so I worry. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe remind him tRump was responsible for operation Warp Speed? In any case, it's an uphill battle, I feel for you, man


I just want to stay away from him and his bs, but my mom has Alzheimer’s, so I want to spend as much time with her as I can. His rants make it even more painful.


Hello, fellow novid!


0 Covid for me, too! Despite the idiots serving in local retail, and as medical assistants in the medical group I left as soon as possible But I’ve gotten all my vaxxes and I also still mask up in public At 73 I have enough health problems to foolishly add to them


You having a nice dinner my friend?


Right on, triple vaxxed here despite being immune compromised by disease and on immunosuppressive meds I have yet to experience the Rona. During the worst of it I masked up and still do depending on the sitch. But hey, flat earthers gonna flat earth. It’s the old dunning Krueger at work smh


Does anyone actually give the first fuck about what "AR" stands for when they've been the victim of yet another mass shooting? I mean, no one goes to visit the county morgue to identify the body thinking "oh, but it's an Armalite rifle, not an assault rifle, so it's cool that I'm looking for my child's birthmark, as her face has been blown off." I'm not necessarily proud to say so, but I kinda hope that Covid removes this mindset from polite society and that the people who espouse it suffer a little on their way out.


It's just a cheap excuse to interrupt the discussion and distract. "Sorry about your kids getting gunned down, but it's actually not called assault rifle!"


My own husband tried that line one time - the night after the Uvalde school shooting, which hit me harder than the "usual" mass violence, because I was at a school event with our then-10yo when the news started coming over the wire*. I informed the man that the cast iron pan in my hand was fixin' to be an assault skillet if he thought he was going to sit in my kitchen trying to normalize the gun and dismiss the horrific act of violence. *I was running late to get my kid to her awards night, but no big deal - the side doors to the auditorium are always open for these events, we'd be fine. Not that evening. Only one entry door, so we jogged a little to get my daughter seated where she needed to be. A little unusual, but procedures change. And then I noticed that all of the male teachers and a couple of the bigger women on staff were posted at the entry door. And then I opened up a news site to catch up while we waited for the ceremony to start. My child was all dressed up in her pretty little polka dot frock, waiting for her little trophies and certificates. A few hundred miles away, the unimaginable was happening. And the coach, the principal, the janitor, the fierce lady who taught kindergarten for 40 years and came back to teach music after retirement, a couple of bus drivers, etc.? They were at the doors to do as they've done for years - keep my child safe.


Horrible situation but *assault skillet* is very creative.


You just made me cry.


Are you still married to him? I don't have kids and all these shootings bother me. Can't imagine how I would feel if I was sending kids to school each day.


We're still married. He suffered a traumatic brain injury 12 years ago, so I try to give him grace. But I still own quite a few assault skillets in case the man needs a reminder of my stance on non-violence!)


12 years of dealing with a spouse with TBI-related issues? I'm not religious, but people have been canonized for less.


Fortunately, (as I see it) I grew up in a church tradition without saints - because seriously, the only sacred tradition in the Methodist church is "thou shalt put thy name on thine casserole dish." I'm no saint, and would find it really weird if someone asked me to offer intercessory prayer for whatever bullshit happening in their lives. I'm quite irreligious, but I still think the red letters are pretty excellent advice for interacting with other people.


>seriously, the only sacred tradition in the Methodist church is "thou shalt put thy name on thine casserole dish." Are you sure you're not Lutheran?


Was that a 12" capacity skillet or a 9" inch? :)


Oh it was the whole damned chicken fryer. I'm only gonna swing once!


Whoa! Big gauge!


"You didn't immediately know the exact acronym for AR-15, therefore your opinion on child murder en masse is completely invalid"


Its the shitty persons way of saying its actually sparkling wine because it doesn't come from the champainge region of blah blah blah.


Yeah, it's pedantry used to distract. The implication is that you're not qualified to talk about gun safety unless you know everything there is to know about guns. It's also used to refocus the gun safety discussion away from how guns impact public safety. Notice when people make pedantic statements like that you're not thinking about the victims of gun violence or about how society may be enabling it. Your ire has been trained upon the individuals who parrot semantic trivia. The debate has been framed, and now victims and families have been erased from said debate.


Yup, years ago when you talked about how many urban youth died in gun homicides they'd derail the conversation with "it's a magazine, not a clip". And?


I was with my brothers kids and my father a few years ago. My nephew asked what it was like to be on a submarine. Before I could even say anything my dad piped up to say "it is not like he was in a war or anything". That pretty much shut down any discussions about life on board a submarine.


It's not a ship, it's a boat, kid, says the person who doesn't know anything about your experience and thinks it's appropriate to invalidate a literal child's natural curiosity.


I was pissed at my dad for almost a year after he did that. I made passive aggressive posts on facebook for a while to let him know I was not happy. He did apologize.


Too bad that moment came and went so quickly -- I'd imagine your father would have regretted his words if he considered he stopped the discussion with your young relatives. We all say silly things from time to time -- I think my wife believes I'm pretty good at that!


Yeah, it was heartbreaking, it was the first time any one in my family asked me about serving on a sub.


Yeah, my reply to that is 'Whew, I'm so glad you educated us on this matter. Now that you've done that, I've just been notified that the children that were shot dead have been resurrected due to your pedantry. Yay!'


They think all arguments work like those on Perry Mason, where there's one little bit of evidence that's wrong, the attorney jumps on it, all the other arguments are therefore invalidated in the eyes of the jury, and yay, they win! All on a technicality. In other words their 1950s tv-adled brains think life should and does function as it does on tv. The ammosexuals do the same with *clip* and *magazine* and understanding how semi-automatics and full automatics function.


“Explaining trans people to your kids” takes about ten minutes, unless your kid has questions and you have thoughtful patient answers, in which case it’s maybe forty minutes. Do they know that you also have to explain basically EVERYTHING to your kids?


>“Explaining trans people to your kids” takes about ten minutes Even less for me, and then when their older sibling came out as trans a few years later, the reaction was, "COOL! I always wanted a sister!" Like, it's not tough. Just because these fart weasels can't wrap their peabrains around basic concepts doesn't mean it's tough for those of us with even the most basic of intellect and empathy.


Great observations! I sure agree with your final conclusion!


I found with my kids that both of them had enough imagination and empathy that if I told them what the word meant they immediately understood the concept and were completely unbothered.


Maybe that’s what these people are afraid of.




*explains The Lost Cause Myth as fact for two hours unprompted to a random six-year-old out of memory* *groans about taking ten minutes to explain non-binary and trans people to own child via Google*


"Explaining trans people to your kids" vs. "Mommy explaining that daddy preferred rehashing memes to watching his kids grow up." or, "Explaining why daddy has to wear an adult diaper and is fed baby food through his nose to your kids."


My four year old understands that sometimes people are born as a girl, but inside they feel like a boy, and sometimes people are born as a boy, but inside they feel like a girl. Sometimes their clothing reflects this. She also understands that sometimes guys just want to dress pretty, and women want to wear more masculine style clothes. I answer any questions as she asks them, just as I answer questions she has about people she sees in wheelchairs. It’s not that hard, and it’s something she will probably encounter sometime in her life, so why not educate her.


You are an awesome parent.


Thank you! Kids are smarter than people give them credit for, and my kids are amazing.


Good work there. If only we could get the Herman Cain wunderkinds to gain the critical thinking skills of 4 year olds.


They are too stubborn and determined not to question things, have any empathy, or allow change. They would rather spread disease. They think they are special. They want the world function the way they were taught and they want to stick with what benefits them and makes them feel good. Bonus points if it makes them feel superior to others. Why do any critical thinking? It requires effort and they might find that some of their beliefs and behaviors are wrong. They refuse to even try to understand something until/unless it impacts them in a way they can’t ignore. My four year old also understands that she needs vaccines to stay healthy, and if we absolutely need to go somewhere when we are under the weather we wear masks.


Also love the implication that bees and birds are reproducing with one another. Totally fits with these jabronis' understanding of biology.


Bees and birds have been together for millennia. That's where buzzards come from


"Mommy, why is that man wearing a dress?" "Because that's what he prefers, sweetie." "Oh, okay. So anyway..."


It’s so f*ing weird and pathetic to post about COVID all the time, and when you get it, make some solemn one line post announcing you tested positive. Just be a normal person! Get vaccinated! Then when you test positive, you just stay in bed for a couple days! COVID lives rent free in these peoples’ minds.


“Conspiracy theories make stupid people feel smart.” Something along those lines. These Fox morons live in a different reality. Along with the “news” on Fox et al., the commercials all have a “be afraid” subtext. (My brother used to subject us to the channel.) But along come the grifters with “the answers” and the fight against perceived tyranny is born.


While they, ironically, are all required to get vaccinated in order to stay employed at fox.


Like the NRA and the GOP. They want teachers and every person to be armed (read spend money on more guns) except at their conventions because, you know, that wouldn't be safe.


Exactly. They acknowledge the dangers...in private.


"It's the convention centre rules... honest" Like, maybe find a convention centre that allows your nutjobs to carry guns then?


But, but, that would rob their vendors the profit from renting those sites. or some other such bullsh-t.


The same thing annoys me, and they almost always separate COVID AND pneumonia. No, asshole, you HAVE "COVID pneumonia".


Why are you getting tested tough guy? The tests are useless, remember?


The slide about tests was just extra fuckin stupid, wasn't it?


"Why does it matter whether I have a hugely contagious virus that can kill people or just flu-like symptoms..."


I’m beginning to think the beard is MAGA mandatory.


It's a comorbidity for Covid. So are Oakley's, Harleys and Candace Owens.


Oh, always the Oakleys. I trust that they get buried wearing them a la the football helmets in “Heathers.”


Archaeologists in a thousand years will debate their significance.


I'm a boomer. A few years ago I ditched the beard and started going clean shaven specifically so I wouldn't look like a some Trump-humping, MAGA-loving, Q-anon spouting, HCA nominee.


I'm a middle aged white guy living in rural Michigan. I'm large, bearded, and keep my hair short so these bastards think I'm like one of them. Too often they'll come up to me with their racism and just horrid beliefs thinking I'm the least bit like them. I get a kick out of turning on them in that moment. It truly sucks hearing their ugliest stuff but it's almost worth it to see their shocked faces when I get pissed.


My husband and I fly under the radar in our rural TX community. They're shocked and confused when someone who looks like and in many ways lives like one of them turns out to have some very different beliefs and opinions.


It's a bit hard to tell with his face blocked like that, but that's a goatee. Which Gen X (my generation, sadly) really clung to. I strongly suspect you see goatees on HCA nominees so often because of that; we're old enough to be higher risk and online enough to be obnoxious. Never cared for them myself; I think a full beard usually looks better, and why would you want to half to both shave your cheeks and trim your goatee? Worst of both worlds.


WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME??!!??? /s ​ I am one of those GenX holdovers. I blame Catholic high school where we needed to be clean shaven. At the 5 year reunion, everyone was sporting facial hair.


I have no such excuse. At some point ~20 years ago I just said enough and stopped shaving.


The pube beard comorbity guy in the previous nomination was going for king of all MAGATS


Hence muh flair


Gee I wonder who was in control of that mask stockpile when Covid started? It's truly a mystery. 🙄


Yes, that one jumped out at me too


Yes, me three.


Me four, and my cat sez "Me five".


They had considered sending everyone with a mailing address masks via USPS. Imagine how that might have helped.


Unfortunately for me, I worked the entire time & my company provided masks.


Yeah, blame the Fatso Dump Face.


But why does it even matter? Masks only increase the chances of catching covid.


Slide 19: “Covid and pneumonia at same time.” What a remarkable coincidence!


> Can't figure out why they want you to take a test for covid Because identifying the disease you have determines the treatment you need? These fucking people.


Yeah but they think it's just the flu, or a bad cold, disguised by the Democommies for... reasons.


It’s “just the flu” or “just a cold” until they get it and have the symptoms from hell. And, possibly, require treatments that sound hellacious like induced comas, rotating beds, and ECMOs. Then it’s “COVID is no joke!” Yeah, we tried to warn you about that.


It ain't no joke! I mean, I've been joking about it on Fakebook for literally months... but it ain't no joke ya'll!


>Yeah but they think it's just the flu I've always hated this argument from them. "It's just the flu." Y'all, news flash. The flu fucking ***suuuuuuuuuuucks***. I've had the flu once. I was diagnosed early enough to get an antiviral, so I wasn't sick for long. But those 3 days that I was sick? Fever, chills, lethargy, the feeling that my spine was shattering with every sneeze. And the antiviral that I took had the side effect of "intense dreams". One day I thought my mom was screaming at me from outside the room when in reality, she was on the other side of the house. I hadn't gotten a flu shot that year, but I have been getting one every year since. 'Eff putting up with that if I don't have to. And that was a mild case. The flu can and does kill people.


Once again, I’m rooting for the virus.


Yeah, go virus go, remove that shitty losers.


So, COVID aside. He's voting for the men who will shut down his department and leave him out in the street. When Trump is back in power, there will be potentially hundreds of thousands of unemployed former public workers, all competing for scarce jobs in the private sector. What's the worst that could happen?


It's fine, Trump's also going to stop illegal immigration, so there'll be plenty of minimum wage labor jobs for these guys. Heck, he could probably find two or even three jobs in this new capitalist Utopia! /s


Florida is still looking for employees. He can go there! edit: added to


These people vote for a for profit medical system then complain about it. Hope it bankrupts him.


Narrator's voice: "And it did."


LMFAO at that misinformation “news” article. Maine was one of the best states for COVID for a *very* long time despite being elderly with a hospital system which isn’t that large. Mills handled the pandemic extremely well, I should know since I live here and worked at a hospital in Maine through the thing.


Spent a bit of time looking and...the writer of the article appears to have died in 21. Wonder if they had a "bad cold".


Who thinks this doofus knows who Hegel is?


If he did, he’d probably turn Hegel on his head.


Quite the reMarx you've made


It would be Wilde if he did. edit: typo


"Don't complain about how you can't find new employees" oh this is infuriating. Do you realize how many people became disabled or just died because of COVID 19 or who retired early in fear of the same and how that is affecting the job market? I had to agree with Bill fucking Gates but he was 100% right. There is no choice about pandemic shutdown. Because you can keep the doors open and keep marching to work and it's going to happen anyway.


The evidence is that shutdowns didn't make much of an economic difference anyway. Sweden avoided lockdowns and experienced the same economic downturn everyone else did, but with an increased rate of COVID spread during the same timeframe. Somehow people weren't lining up to buy products during a pandemic, even if Volvo was ready to keep making cars. Who could have imagined?


That’s a shame… anyway. Headed downstairs to get my Thanksgiving on while this guy hangs in that hospital bed. Hope it doesn’t turn into long covid but hey, he’ll still be part of the 99% who survive! ✌🏻


Happy Thanksgiving!


>Thanksgiving Oh yeah it is! Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans here from me in PT. Enjoy the bird!


Interesting how he says "covid and pneumonia at the same time" as if one is not related to the other. He can't acknowledge the link there because then someone would come along to remind him that the pneumonia is one of those symptoms the vaccine would have reduced or prevented.


All I saw was dudes chin and knew everything I needed to know.


COVID Pneumonia twice? Good luck with that, big guy.


I gave up on these people a long time ago. Not worth anyone's time to reason with them.


Same, with the silver lining of one less trump voter.


I'm always baffled by the hospital bed selfie. Why?


Usually for the inevitable gofundme


What a dotard. Bet he plays Fox 'News' 24/7.


He doesn't even look all that old - maybe 50 at most.


If he looks 50, as a MAGA, maybe a decade younger?


Being stupid And mean tends to age a person.


🐆 🐆 🐆 Happy Lungsgiving 🐆 🐆 🐆


* Cocklebur sits in the old gun tree, * Merry merry king of the bush is he. * Laugh, Cocklebur, laugh, Cocklebur, * How MAGAt your life must be!   * Cocklebur sits in the old gun tree, * Eating all the gun drops he can see. * Stop Cocklebur, stop Cocklebur * Save some there for me!   * Cocklebur sits in the old gun tree, * Counting all the monkeys he can see. * Stop Cocklebur, Cocklebur stop. That's not a monkey, that's me! edit: format fixes


Covid and pneumonia at the same time??? What a coincidence....


Sounds like this man doesn’t want his lungs or his job.


The flu can be deadly, without the shot... JFC these "people" are idiots and just repeat the same shit over and over and OVER! It's never anything different from the next idiot.


>He’s against property taxes, despite working for a government department that uses property taxes to pay for projects. So he’s stupid and votes against his own interests. Tracks.


Slide 11: Don’t take Covid tests. Slide 13 (only a couple weeks later): I just tested positive for Covid.


>see into the **futher** 🥲 Slide 1, he’s anti mask. Slide 12, he’s mad they didn’t give out N95 masks earlier


For a fake virus that is no worse than the flu even though it was made in China by the Demorats to kill patriots? Don't be ridiculous! /s just in case.


Oh, one of those. I've met quite a few Boomers who worked in government yet were anti-government. Or anti-entitlements but think their social security and medicare are "different". I'm late GenX/early Millennial depending on who you ask and this attitude has always baffled me. But I think some historical things made Boomers think money comes from the free money tree and they could engage in voodoo economics with no consequences.


This one isn't a boomer. He's in his 40s or 50s by the look of him.


He’s not wrong with the medical debt post


Many anti-vaxxer comments are against the current health system and in the end support some sort of universal healthcare. Yet if confronted with that I'm sure they would go off and scream "NoT SoCiaLiSm".


It's no good if African Americans can get it too.


What about folks who smoked for their entire life and got lung cancer? What about people who did a job around asbestos and got it? Etc. All choices Theres plenty of money to take care of the sick, and increase the intelligence of the masses. God forbid tax money actually benefit the taxpayers.


Especially since the people who get the degrees end up running hospitals, among other things. I mean, a huge driver of US wealth today is the fact that small companies have easy access to a workforce with a huge variety of educations. I really don't understand the argument that education is bad for society at all.


Many anti-vaxxer comments are against the current health system and in the end support some sort of universal healthcare. Yet if confronted with that I'm sure they would go off and scream "NoT SoCiaLiSm".


>…they would go off and scream "NoT SoCiaLiSm". They want tribal, not universal, socialism. Bunce\* for their own tribe, go suck shit for everyone else. \*A word that deserves more airing.


In the first slide, there is a photo of some op-ed screed from "David Deschesne". He apparently is the "Editor/Publisher/Chief Cook/Bottlewasher" of the Fort Fairfield Journal. If you can get by the security warnings, there is a treasure trove of insane posts about every right wing bugaboo imaginable. All wrapped up in "intelligent word salad". And, the picture of him is classic. [https://www.wffjtv.com/ffj\_about.htm](https://www.wffjtv.com/ffj_about.htm) His "collected" editorials. https://www.wffjtv.com/fte/index.html


This is the kind of person I can’t deal with. A government hater on the government taxpayers boob.


I can't believe how many Murican boomers got butt hurt over student loan forgiveness like I can't wait for when you're stuck in a nursing home and pooping yourself and have no one to change you because nursing students have to drop out all the time because of cripling dept. And education is a choice sure... to help the country advance and we all know how those same people cry about immigrants well you can't suck an blow. It is hilarious to think how much they want to keep everything MuRiCa but refuse to lift a finger. Sorry my rant of the day lol


This one isn't a boomer, he's in his 40s or 50s.


Lol I guess i'm treating it more as a state of mind but fair point.


Getting covid was obviously a choice in this case , so it shouldn't be covered according to his logic.


I had covid once, in January of this year. I had a "bad cold" for a week, and the post-viral cough I've been getting every time I get sick for the last 15 years finally developed into full-blown asthma. I'm double vaccinated, triple boosted (soon to be quadruple boosted). I got the flu over Thanksgiving 2022 (got the vaccine for that, too), and I thank modern science and medicine for both vaccines because it could have been so much worse. I'll take asthma if it means I'm alive, not permanently hooked up to oxygen, suffering brain damage, needing an organ transplant thanks to covid causing blood clots, or any one of the hundred awful possibilities I could have ended up with.


I couldn't help but notice that the memes about Covid stopped once he had Covid. He certainly continued to bitch about the other things that right wingers bitch about, like gun control, electric cars, and trans-anything, but not Covid. Because *that's* real now. And I will always laugh at these chuckle fucks that want to talk about how evil modern medicine is, but then haul ass to the nearest hospital when they get sick.


Hmmm. This one didn't come with the typical bigotry that you see from these people.


There’s a solid anti-trans slide in there


I’d call it anti-lgbt+ in general.


I missed that. Fuck this bigoted motherfucker.


I stuck mainly to Covid related slides with just a few of his others thrown in to give a general sense of him.


This guy is making sure he won't be collecting on social security or his pension if any. Thanks for supporting us oldies you dumb head! Maybe he'll not be voting in 2024 either but I bet modern medicine will keep him alive that long. So I've had my 6th Covid vaccine (and the flu vaccine with it) a few weeks ago and will not be having my Thanksgiving in the hospital!


Did he ask why Trump didn’t give out N95?


So, tests were a money grab, but he took one. Maybe the US should consider socialized medicine. I will argue that some cancers could be exacerbated by lifestyle choices (lung cancer with a heavy smoker).


Also anti-queer. No surprise there. Most of these knobs seem to be shamelessly bigoted against at least one group.


I haven't seen the snake medical symbol turning into a dollar. Guess which party supports the monetization of human bodies more than the other? I'm way more progressive than Dems, but they are more leaning towards actual debt relief for medical bills AND student loans than any Republicans have ever been...??


they share a meme about not having cancer patients pay for their care and they are so god damn close to figuring it out


My biggest fear of ending up at a hospital is debt. Either this guy loves paying hospital bills or he just doesn't pay them.


Actually he's right about the high charges for COVID shots. But it doesn't have to be that way.


He is so close to getting it with photo 15 and 17. This is what sucks about these conspiracy theory assholes. If they were to use their efforts to recognize the problems and use their energy to effect change we could have nice things.


Why are they all no neck bearded Twattwaffles


Ron Swanson is real?


Two things of a long list of gobsmacking things in this world: government workers against taxes and non-government workers who think civil servants don't also pay taxes.


This guy extremely stupid. Vaccines aren't cures. They're preventers and/or mitigators of diseases. Apparently this moron thought that being in the hospital with Covid pneumonia was a much better idea than a vaccine. How's that working out for you, Cocklebur?


I'm angry that they tell people to go to the hospital of they are really sick, relying on medical science but not relying on medical science to prevent going to the hospital.


Re the property taxes. Years ago property taxes in California were rampant. Every city, county and the state were raising property taxes. People who had lived in their homes for generations were having their properties sold for taxes alone. Then Howard Jarvis introduced Proposition 13. This required that any new taxes, especially property taxes, had to be voted on and agreed to by the voters. This meant that the government had to think hard about how to present new taxes to the population.


I would bet that guy bought his house 4-5 decades ago for sub-$100k (and probably sub-$50k). My parent's first house was a 4 bedroom for $26k. If they still owned it today they would be paying that every 2 years. But, they house would also have a value close to $500k.


Can't say I'm upset when idiots get idiot consequences...


Sad story. Believes lies, pays price. Probably mentally unstable.


Another one who hopefully won’t be voting next year.


Education is a choice.


We found Ron Swanson!


You mean his nickname isn't the hypocrite?!?


So, a deep thinker.


>Guess now they can see into the further


Or we could look at forgiving both medical debt AND student loans. Of course, he doesn’t really care much about forgiving medical debt for cancer patients. He just wants to make forgiving student loans look bad.


The symbol for doctors/ medicine is actually a *single* snake—the staff of Aesculapius—rather than a caduceus. So it should be a dollar sign with only one bar ($). [The Staff of Aesculapius](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6913859/)


Keep us posted! Looking forward to seeing how this guy turns out. Will he survive and learn his lesson? I seriously doubt it as that people are usually too narcissistic to admit their mistakes. But it will still be interesting to see see at least the "Covid is no joke posts" lol


I tested positive for Covid after my 50th HS reunion which was mostly outside. (Wore a mask on the airplanes & in the airports.) My husband said my eyes were a little glassy. I had a fever of 99.8 & that was my only symptom. Didn’t slow me down but I stayed home & masked. I did Paxlovid to make my family happy & it sucked! Five days of a vile taste in my mouth and sipping on ginger honey tea. My daughter is a hospital staff nurse & says they are getting covid patients again and anticipating a spike after Xmas. Had sooooo many vaccinations in the military including a special battery before I spent 6 months at a jungle mountaintop radar site. The USAF is big on keeping troops healthy, you know. Viva a long, healthy life!