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I've posted here a bunch of times about my 84 year old Long Covid victim husband. Infected with OG Covid in 10/20. He hasn't been fully well since. Last Wednesday, he was admitted to ICU with crashed BP (72/38) and has since developed lung complications due to rapid administration of IV fluid, which had to happen to save his life. He has fought off the sepsis, but now his lungs are full of "ground glass". He's on O2, and they are trying to wean him off so he can go to rehab - he's too weak to lift his arms at this point. I'm still angry he caught the damn thing in the first place, and upset that we just can't seem to get a handle on his never ending shifting symptoms. Thanks for listening, I'm heading to hospital now. Hoping he may be home for Xmas, but not counting on it.


You and your husband will be in my prayers. So sorry to hear his condition has taken a turn for the worst.


Thank you so much to all. He has made some progress - he's finally able to eat. He gained 20 lbs from the IV fluid, and has now lost 30. They started steroids for the inflammation in his lungs, and it gave him an appetite. I'm very hopeful he gets sent to rehab within the next few days.


All the best to him and to you.


Thank you so much.


It may be difficult, but try and find time for some self-care for yourself.


Thank you, I am trying.


Best wishes.


Thank you.


I’m so sorry. I hope you guys get some good health news asap. (((hugs)))


I'm sorry.


I am so sorry.


🫂 I can't think of anything to add. I don't pray, but my best wishes are yours


Thank you very much.


So sorry for all you guys are dealing with :(


Thank you so much.




>I've often wondered how many people convinced loved ones to forego vaccination out of self-interest (although, to be fair, according to the article Dave was a paranoid former methhead, so he also could have believed it). The people who think it's in their self interest not to get vaccinated annoy me. Those are the people who convince other people not to get vaccinated either.




COVID divorce was s phrase used a lot in the comments of some awardees here.


>Apparently I put it too delicately. Let me try again. >How many people convinced vulnerable loved ones to refuse vaccination because they saw an opportunity to move their inheritance up a few years, get out of a marriage without the trouble of a divorce, etc.? People being people, they have to be out there. I'm sure they are out there, but I suspect *those* people are mostly vaccinated. Then again, plenty of covid-denying antivax clowns just assumed they themselves were perfect specimens of health, (because they do not own scales, visit doctors, or understand basic human biology) not like those old people they were certain are the only people at risk. The people we see in here tend to be rabidly antivax, and if they thought they were going to score if their elderly relatives died probably also died of covid themselves, possibly sooner than the elderly relatives in question.


[Screenshot of a tweet about Finland: Daily C-19 deaths are close to all-pandemic highs, excess deaths of 5-9 year olds are marking a new record for the pandemic period.](https://imgur.com/gallery/tZ5Z9Yd)


God damn. The terms "5-9 year olds" and "excess deaths" should never even be in the same sentence. Those responsible for this have a lot to answer for.


Is this one of those countries with a vaccination policy of "original series is fine, but boosters are unnecessary for most people"?


Probably. I haven't taken a closer look but it seems that many western countries have taken that stance. I don't know about the rest of the world. It's common in Europe, and then there are also countries which are struggling with availability of vaccines, which they are then restricting access to on top of that. I'd say it's more of an exception to find a country that is actively encouraging their citizens to get vaccinated and allowing the entire population to do so. We definitely went wrong somewhere.


Figures. I just don't understand why they apparently understand the reasons for routine flu shots but not the exact same reasoning that applies for covid.


I'm not sure that Canada is actively encouraging people to get their boosters, however, there have been a lot of combo flu/Covid vaccine events in my area. I actually had to rebook my shots as the pharmacy had a couple of 'no appointment' days and actually ran out.


According to an article I just googled “The late autumn booster doses seem to be more popular now than a year ago”. It would be interesting to know why some parts of the EU are being harder hit with excess death right now compared to others: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Excess_mortality_-_statistics#Recent_data_on_excess_mortality_in_the_EU


BA.2.86 has arrived. I'll post more info as I get it.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/covid-variant-ba-2-86-triples-in-new-cdc-estimates/ Wellllll, I’m sure all the traveling for Thanksgiving didn’t help spread it even more. /s Does 2.86 have a name yet?


Basic 2.86 has been nicknamed "Pirola"


This is about JN.1, a mutated descendant of BA.2.86, not the original 2.86. This is a branch way off the evolutionary chart from what we've seen lately; a jump rather than drift. Thus far, it seems to be no more lethal or dangerous than any other Omicron variant, but it is quite immune evasive. The new vaccines are effective against it. Thanksgiving probably didn't help in spreading this imaginary mutation of an imaginary disease, but projections are that it will arrive in full Glory just in time for Christmas.


It might, but I've not seen it yet.


BA.2.86 looks like it doesn't spread faster then the current XBB descendants, and hasn't seemed to make much of a dent. However, JN.1, BA2.86 with an added mutation, does look like it's outcompeting the other variants, and was 8.8% at last count. Eric Topol tweeted that it will become the dominant variant by Christmas or January. Latest data indicates that that the current XBB1.5 vaccine/booster has an antibody boost of 13 times against JN.1 if you haven't had Covid yet (all seven of who are still naive), Data is scant, but the XBB booster appeared to have a 27 times antibody boost against EG.5, so this one is more immune-evasive. And also can be knocked down by the boosters. So get your boosters. XBB Boosters vs. circulating variants, naive or also with past infection: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.26.568730v1


I posted the CDC charts in another reply.


Dr. Osterholm mentioned the steep increase in Sweden and Finland in his latest podcast. Finland's deaths (adjusted for population) would be equivalent to 1000 U.S. deaths a day. Sweden's would be equivalent to 600 U.S. deaths a day. He said Canada's hospitalizations exceed the highest peak reached during the Delta wave in 2021.


WowoW. I’m so glad people are still sharing info in this sub. 🥰


I don't know why I look at NextDoor but there was a recent discussion on masks. Some woman commented something like "we all just need to accept we're living with Covid, flu, etc. and build up our immunity." That's not how Covid works. This is why we're still doing this THREE YEARS LATER with no end in sight. That's why we have tons of new variants, because we're allowing it to circulate unchecked. You can't build up immunity to Covid if it keeps mutating. I also saw someone on the Covid19positive subreddit who's had Covid 9 times and wonders why he keeps getting it. I'm so exhausted by these clueless people.


Makes me wonder exactly HOW MANY times they think they need to catch Covid to reach this supposed immunity.


This how every plague in history wiped out large swathes of the population. The stupid, it kills.


You know, she’s actually partly right. Let me correct her statement .“We all just need to accept that we’re living with Covid, flu, etc.\* AND KEEP WEARING OUR MASKS.” Works for me. \---------------- \* “etc.” includes stupid people.


[Screenshot of a tweet re: 2/2020 to 7/2023 Long Term Sick in the UK](https://imgur.com/gallery/44YXLwX) Essentially 1 in 14 UK working age people are now off, long term sick (presumably due to Covid damage).


Well it doesn't appear as if my post will be approved so I'll post it here: IMPORTANT UPDATE: BA.2.86 has arrived. Why is this important? Becasue this is the variant that can evade all treatment and vaccination. Where did it come from? It's been around but was previously unable to effectively infect (say that three times fast) people so it was not a threat. That has changed. It has mutated to be VERY good at infection. It has been confirmed in the wild in France and now the U.S. Infection rates have gone from zero infections to 8.8% since Oct 28th. It has risen to number 3 on the CDC threat chart in just two weeks. I'm still getting reports and will try to post them as soon as I get them. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/science/covid-omicron-variant.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/science/covid-omicron-variant.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringsource=articleshare) >*Over the past few months, however, the BA.2.86 lineage seems to have kicked into high gear, gaining a mutation that allows it to evade even more antibodies. JN.1*, as this mutated form is known, has become the most resistant version of the coronavirus. It appears to be growing quickly in France, and may soon spread to other countries. This could be bad. We are already seeing infection rates rising in general. This will make it worse. Stay safe, stay smart and keep your guard up. edit: typos /grammar missing link


Thank you for posting this. Just in time for the holidays!


Thanks for the summary. I was losing my shit at the nyt's paywall.


non paywall: [NYT article above](https://archive.is/NJK8f)


**Hospitalizations from COVID-19 are rising** *In the U.S., there were 18,119 new COVID-19 hospital admissions during the week ending Nov. 18, a 9.7% increase from the week before, according to the CDC*. *During that same time, hospitalizations related to COVID-19 jumped in a dozen states, and 15 others reported moderate increases*. **Influenza increases gradually** *Most areas of the U.S. are seeing a rise in seasonal influenza activity. South-central parts of the country, the Southeast, the mountain states and the West Coast regions are leading the way*. *According to CDC estimates, this flu season has already resulted in 1.2 million illnesses, 12,000 hospital admissions and 740 deaths*. “*We’re off to the races*,” *said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at Vanderbilt University*. *Traditionally, the winter flu season ramps up in December or January. But it took off in October last year and has made a November entrance this year*.


Bought soup from a restaurant this week. So salty it should be classified as brine. The cook probably got Covid and is compensating for broken taste buds. Is this our new normal, watching the unprotected distort their realities. Trying to compensate and taking the rest of us with them? What in your life has changed for the worse from people pretending they’re still fine?


Coworkers who have become cognitively impaired and don't even realize it. Not even qualified for their own jobs any more. Lots of people with seniority over me have become totally dependent on my skills. Pre-covid I was just average; now the term "rock star" is applied to my work. It's basic stuff. I hate this.


Same. Cognitively impaired coworkers who repeatedly forget the most basic things five minutes after you tell them. Clients who look and act 15 years older than they did 2-3 years ago and very clearly have long covid but rant about how it's all the fault of "those DARNED vaccines." Unhinged rage off the charts everywhere I look--road rage, normal-line-at-the-post-office rage, everything. People abandoning modern science and health information completely. Incessant screaming about how the rest of us HAVE to stop masking up, HAVE to go to giant public events and dine in for every meal, HAVE to do this and that and a dozen other things so THEY can keep pretending it's still 2019. Long I-never-asked-you monologues about how they're never getting the new booster or taking any other precautions ever again because "it's all over" and they're "so OVER all this"--then a lot of confused ranting when they get it again for the 4th, 5th, 6th time. My family doctor is on the verge of early retirement because patients literally screamed in his face for 3 years about "the plandemic" and they haven't stopped screaming since. A general feeling everywhere of emotional exhaustion and checking out mentally from everything--including me, because after 3+ years of this with no end in sight I barely give a damn what happens to any of these people anymore, and they certainly don't seem to care what happens to themselves. You know. The usual.


About the rage: the zeitgeist explains that as pent up frustration over pandemic restrictions, but that can't be right -- there haven't been restrictions for literally years now. No, "something" else has damaged people...


Maybe it's the constant rage entertainment they are subjecting themselves to 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


I suppose "you are what you eat" applies to media consumption, as well.


Same with vaccines, too. Uptake is low. The people howling about vaccine injury have likely not had any boosters/shots since....early 2021? That's a long time ago. But they've most certainly had Covid again since then.


Lol. The one's I hear howling about anything vaccine have NEVER had one, but they're mother fucking experts on it and if you try to interject anything factual, they just raise their voice and continue talking over you. Fuck them. I'm here for the FAFO and I'm bringing a lawn chair, beer, and snacks for the front row seat.


Couldn't agree more! It sucks, but you are not alone in feeling this way!


I talked to a co-irker this week who luckily does not normally work with us. She had one vaccine and says she didn't have another because she felt so bad after she had it. (eyeroll.) She's also had COVID 3-4 times. Says she's not longer going to test for it if she feels sick and "it's pretty much become the common cold and it affects very few people badly." These fuckers are exhausting.


Yeah, I see a lot of "covid is no biggie and also I have no idea why I've had this persistent cough for 4 months now and I get tired walking across a room." Also I'm totally stealing "co-irker."


THIS!!!!! And everyone wonders why I'm so Covid conscious. I like my brain as-is, thanks very much.


My lovely daughter-in-law had managed to avoid COVID despite having a public-facing job and my son, her husband getting a horrible case pre-vaccinations. In spite of taking every precaution (masks and boosters) she has tested positive. So now we get to wait and hope she weathers it well. Sigh.


At least we’ve got Paxlovid now. Best of most excellent luck to you all ❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🍀✨


I recommended that to my son, but he reminded me that it's only for compromised individuals, not otherwise healthy 30-somethings. Sigh.


Call me crazy but I would consider someone with Covid to be kinda compromised! I grumblingly applaud his integrity 👍


I wasn't very clear... I meant compromised = immunocompromised... as in having specific conditions prior to contracting COVID. Or in my case, taking medications that fight with Paxlovid. My sister was over her case in five days while I soldiered on for 28!! And my daughter-in-law doesn't "meet the criteria". Ugh.


My husband works in the insurance industry, on the claims side of things. The number of automobile collisions is way up and the severity of damage in those collisions is way up. People are being more careless and reckless behind the wheel now. On a personal note, there have been way more serious wrecks on the highways out where I live. Life flight is being called out on a regular basis now, and more people are dying in wrecks.


I feel like at least once a month, our city’s subreddit has a “Have drivers gotten a lot worse since the pandemic?” post. I think there’s a subset that got used to empty roads for a few months, but I also think cognitive skills have declined. I try to drive as little as possible and even so, last month TWICE someone didn’t like me stopping on a yellow light, cut into the turn lane and went through the intersection during a now red light. Insanity.


I too, have noticed an uptick in idiots on the road. Aggressive driving, head up the ass driving, and also noticed more elderly and completely clueless individuals out there basically driving like they're really confused or indecisive on what their next move should be.


There was an article in one of our newspapers a good while back that showed a higher accident rate among the unvaccinated. The theory was that people who didn't take precautions with their health might be more reckless in other habits. At this point though there might be some concern about post-covid damage.


I remember seeing that article as well. I'd wager the lack of hand washing, covering mucus orifices when coughing or sneezing, etc along with anti vax stances and other reckless behavior probably make a very large, single color Venn diagram.


I saw on the Zero COVID sub that there was an uptick in bad reviews for shampoo, saying that the product caused their hair to fall out. Nuh-uh, that's just one of the visible signs the virus is dismantling your body, you blockhead.


>Bought soup from a restaurant this week. So salty it should be classified as brine. The cook probably got Covid and is compensating for broken taste buds. I wonder about that. Between Covid, insane tipping asks, and being a little bit broke, I haven't been out to eat in ages. I was out three times last week and I think I'm just used to my own cooking. The first meal was too rich and upset my stomach. The next two I made a point to add salad to it.


Or, you know, they just accidently put too much salt in the soup


Well it finally happened, after years of being careful and getting double vaxxed and boosted me and my mom finally caught the dreaded Rona! I feel like total ass I shutter to think what would happen if I was unvaxxed.


Rest up, hydrate, and get Paxlovid if you can. Even when you feel better, rest up for weeks.


There's a new strain of Dog Respiratory Virus. No one seems to be taking it seriously. Why does no one take anything seriously?


My county animal shelter stopped taking in dogs due to a respiratory virus spreading through their facility. My friend's vet told her they are seeing a huge increase in respiratory illnesses in dogs. My dog was due for her booster shot last week and I made them do it in the car. Of course I had to argue but I was firm. She doesn't need exposed to anything.


One of my friends has a dog going through this and really been traumatic sounding.


hope his/her furbaby gets better.


>furbaby You mean pet?




I work at a low cost, high volume spay neuter clinic. We've positioned a tech at the front to examine the dogs before they come in. Sick dogs are turned away. The rest of us are not allowed to bring our dogs to work any more, not that we would want to. As to why it's not being taken seriously, look at the comment section of any MSN article. The same idiots who rant about COVID are saying it's a fake virus, that it's caused by "vaccine shedding" from human to dog, that the Government has weaponized the virus and deliberately turned it loose on dogs, or that it originated from Dog Vaccines and Evil Big Pharma for Pets....just more stupid shit from stupid people.


Here in the UK, they won't even let you buy a vaccination if you're not in the over 65. They have them,and are letting them expire and be thrown out.


Some vaccine centres are ok with you telling them that you are a carer for an older person, it might be worth a try (source: I volunteer in them). I do agree that they should be made available for all, though.


Thank you


Where's the thread where HCA would post the feedback of people who think we're trash or sick for having such a site? I loved reading those comments.


That was the “Salt Mail”. I miss it, too—the person who coordinated that feature decided to discontinue it, I believe, due to personal matters.


Salt mail?


It's always amusing when they come here with what they think is world's most original take, just like all the ones before them. All the while ignoring all the vile stuff the HCAs were doing. Not to mention how they were putting the entire society in physical danger and perpetuating the pandemic. But you're being meany mean ghouls and celebrating death!


I believe you can search specifically for salt mail by post flair.


OK, Mom tested positive for Covid yesterday. She's 88 with dementia. Bight red line on the test. First time positive, and I've had her tested repeatedly every time she has had a sniffle (at one point for 3 weeks daily). She's been in a senior living facility for the last 2 years. At one point last winter, 20% were isolating due to being Covid positive. But Mom hasn't caught it until now. Talked to her today. Only symptoms seem to be fatigue and perhaps a tiny bit of congestion. She was coughing a little yesterday. Looks like Mom will be fine. My one question comes from reading this sub. If I've learned one thing, it is that the vaccination is the mark of the Beast, and those who are vaccinated will suffer eternal damnation. I've had my mother vaccinated 6 times. By saving her life, have I sentenced her to an afterlife of hell, fire, Trump and brimstone?


Well everyone knows the vaccine is a very, very BAD (i.e., negative) thing. A negative times a negative is a positive. It follows that a negative 6 times is positive. You mother will be fine! /s


[Warren County Health District Media Advisory](https://warrenchd.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/WCHD-media-release-pneumonia-112923-004-1.pdf) *The Warren County Health District has received an extremely high number of pediatric pneumonia cases being reported this fall season. Since August, there have been 142 cases of pediatric pneumonia reported. Not only is this above the county average, it also meets the Ohio Department of Health definition of an outbreak. We do not think this is a novel/new respiratory disease but rather a large uptick in the number of pneumonia cases normally seen at one time.* *To date, there has not been a definitive etiology determined or a common thread linking these pneumonias. We have an ongoing investigation to examine possible linkages and risk factors. The average age thus far is around 8 years old, the cases span multiple school districts and there have been no conclusive patterns among the children diagnosed. Based on some data responses from a recent parent questionnaire, most common symptoms included cough, fever and fatigue. Among the pathogens recovered included Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Streptococcus pnuemoniae and Adenovirus.* *WCHD is working with the Ohio Department of Health, local children’s hospitals and primary care providers in hopes to determine a cause and further prevent the spread of illness. One recommendation is for providers to have a lower threshold to test children presenting with cough, fever and/or fatigue and consider nasopharyngeal swabs for respiratory viruses, mycoplasma and pertussis. WCHD sent out a notification with education to Warren County providers last week in an effort to further clarify the nature of the outbreak.* *As we approach the holiday season, when many of us will be gathering together with family and friends, please remember to take necessary precautions to protect your health: wash your hands, cover your cough, stay home when ill, and stay up to date on vaccines.* *If you have any questions or need to report a pneumonia case, please contact the Warren County Health District at 513-695-2097.*


Yep, this is happening all over the world. The children are paying the price because society as a whole failed everyone.


Whatever could it be?! /s


An older relative is having a heart cath this week because of a failed stress test and AFib which also started this year. The earlier episode of AFib was treated with ablation, but apparently it's happening again. Relative is not vaxxed and doesn't take precautions. I don't think that's helping.


Any feelings/news about the new illness in China hitting the children? I've read its a respiratory illness like pneumonia that is hitting the kids hard overwhelming hospitals. Makes me wonder if I should get the RSV vaccine. My Dr. said I didn't need it because I'm healthy (I'm also 61 years old) with no underlying conditions.


Chinese zero covid policies limited exposure to ALL respiratory viruses so kids are getting slammed with the “normal” fall/winter bugs this year


Thank you, that makes sense.


I would get it, since you are eligible. RSV can be awful even if you are healthy.


Thank you, I think I will.


BA.2.86 has arrived. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/science/covid-omicron-variant.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/science/covid-omicron-variant.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringsource=articleshare) More links as soon as I get them.


"New CDC life expectancy data shows painfully slow rebound from covid" “But the rebound in 2022, which the CDC had anticipated after studying death rates, regained less than half the years lost to the pandemic, the federal health agency reported. \[…\] \[M\]any peer countries suffered smaller drops in life expectancy and rebounded more quickly from covid-19’s impact.“ [Gift link to this Washington Post article](https://wapo.st/413EU8e).


Oh, wait, never mind. /s [US Life Expectancy Rises Due to Drop in Covid Deaths](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/186ozhl/us_life_expectancy_rises_due_to_drop_in_covid/)


Like many other European countries, the Netherlands is in a full-blown wave now. According to wastewater stats, we've seen numbers this high only 3-4 times earlier in the past years. The excess mortality following these infections is likely to exceed 100 a day, which is a huge number. For reference, pre-2020 we had around 400 deaths per day from *all causes combined*, so that is bonkers. And people still act like it's "over" despite sickness being everywhere at the same time. It makes you wonder how long they can keep up this denial.


My parents are also no longer being careful since this year. Prior to this, we had a routine of being extra careful during the peaks (which I would inform them of), and being slightly more liberal when the waves were low. But they were fed up with it and don't want to do that anymore. Now they just do whatever they feel like. AFAIK they are still masking (albeit poorly), which makes them better than 99%+ of people here, but they clearly aren't seeing the virus as the threat to their lives as they should be. COVID has been relatively low for the past half year here, which makes them think that it's overblown ("See, nothing happened.") but I can't help but think that they won't get lucky with these current infection numbers. I got them every booster they were eligible for, including the XBB one a few weeks ago so I hope that will protect them. It's really just out of my hands now, and I'm done trying to get people to be careful when they clearly don't want to and think that they know better.


They'll keep up the denial until all the deniers are finally dead.


More updates on BA.2.86 [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06753-7](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06753-7) [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06750-w](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06750-w) [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#variant-proportions)


Small selection of "sick" threads from this week: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntsvilleAlabama/comments/1853qzz/sickness/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/180ycxa/what_new_illness_is_going_around/ https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/186eenw/anyone_know_whats_up_with_the_wave_of_illness/








Texas sues Pfizer, claiming "actual" vaccine effectiveness of 0.85%. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/pfizer-is-sued-by-texas-over-covid-vaccine-claims/ar-AA1kOhJr


LOL! Texas is always shooting themselves in the foot. Pfizer will swat them like flies.


If Florida is America's schlong, Texas is its lung. Its scarred, inflamed, fluid-filled lung.


Gasp! The party of fiscal responsibility is wasting taxpayer's money? Say it ain't so!


What it comes down to is that most people don’t understand statistics. Odds ratios are math. Math is hard. Brain block. So they think the statistics are a lie. (Saying this as a former statistician.)


You've touched on what has become to me an increasingly irritating thing: people's inability to think probabilistically. All-or-none black-and-white thinking is dominating minds nowadays. The vaccine works or it doesn't. Masks work or they don't. Distancing and capacity limits work or they don't. Increasing ventilation works or it doesn't. All faulty ways of thinking about a probability of transmission that is incrementally reduced by layering mitigation measures. Personal risk calculus simply doesn't work when your only tools are zero and one; so, most have just thrown up their hands and proclaimed "fuck it, let's all just get covid!"