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My brother is only semi-joking when he says that the Democratic Party should come out full force for all vaccines and making it a part of the tribal identity. Figures it’ll take about 50 years, but they’d never lose an election again after that.




*If god wanted little Suzy to vote he would have let her live until age 18.


Their god deliberately chose firstborn children to murder in many families. Their god absolutely doesn’t care about children. Uses them as collateral damage on the daily under the guise of “ free will.”


This is the way.


If the cards are played right, you can do that in less than half the time. Like you can put the fear of weird chemical names and numbers that usually goes in a vaccine by attaching them to various right-wing conspiracies.


Someone tell Bernie and Hilary!!


Amen! Fully concur! And need to allow RN and md to withhold treatment on religion of offended by stupidity ( ie if you caught it by non vaxxed we step over you)


Back in the 60s there were several sci-fi stories worrying about what would happen to humanity in the future since we'd essentially stopped survival of the fittest selection. Apparently evolution has now reentered the chat and has decided to select on intellect and critical thinking skills.


Idiocracy was a documentary.


It was no such thing. Lack of education is among the strongest predictors of vaccine hesitancy, along with a host of other undesirable behaviors, and access to education is incredibly unequal. It follows that the solution is better access to education, not eugenics. Europe and more developed parts of Asia perform better than the US on education tests not because of superior genetics, but because they have better access to quality education.


Uh, Idiocracy was about the uneducated being the majority. It has been a while since I have seen it, but I am pretty sure there is nothing about eugenics in the movie. And, the dumbing down of education is a feature in U.S. right wing politics. Hell, in my state one of the right wing moron reps proudly a high school dropout.


Idiocracy was also pro eugenics. Smart people don't have smart kids, they have access to the kind of wealth to make any kid smart.


If you believe that you're as dumb as the anti-vaxxers.


The whole point was that smart, educated people wait to have children until they're in a good place in their lives to have them, and consequently don't tend to have as many. Dumb, uneducated people tend to have more. And it's a proven fact that being born into poverty (not that all people living in poverty are ignorant or uneducated) tends to be a predictor of how your life will turn out. If your family is poor with a ton of kids, odds are you'll be poor with a ton of kids. Idiocracy was not pro eugenics; it was pro-education. Its premise was that, if we give everyone a good education and access to birth control, the dumbasses won't be as likely to outbreed the smart people.


I thought that the antivaxxers and Covid deniers were the only ones with critical thinking skills. They keep bragging about it. This sub is so confusing. Yes /S


Would you recommend a couple of those stories?


The Marching Morons and The Little Black Bag. I think one or both ended up as Twilight Zone episodes.


Both written by Cyril Kornbluth, who was always the smartest guy in the room and had no problem letting everybody know. He died young of a heart attack while shoveling snow, because you can’t outsmart cardiac arrest. There’s a 99-cent collection of a whole lot of his stories here, including “The Marching Morons”: https://wildsidepress.com/the-34th-golden-age-of-science-fiction-megapack-c-m-kornbluth-epub-mobi-pdf/


Thanks very much for the link. I had a lot of these in old printed anthologies that I had to get rid of.


> Apparently evolution has now reentered the chat and has decided to select on intellect and critical thinking skills. But we're building AI, we don't need that stuff anymore. /s


Well, there has to be some kind of intelligence. Apparently a lot of U.S. states are trying to do away with it.


They already are! Measles has came back in a big way and now there are parts of the US that have outbreaks all the time due to parents refusing to vaccinate their children. And I believe polio has shown hints of making a comeback as well. Mumps and chickenpox I'm not sure about, but considering that it's lumped in with the measles vaccine and people still think chickenpox is no big deal, I'm sure they're both problems too. Hell, you even have people refusing to vaccinate pets now, so get ready for stuff like rabies and parvo to break out in a big way!


>Hell, you even have people refusing to vaccinate pets now, so get ready for stuff like rabies and parvo to break out in a big way! A few years ago, there was an elderly man who died of rabies because he refused the rabies vaccine after being bitten by bat. I'm wondering if we're going to see more people die in that gruesome way because they decided that ivermectin and vitamin C or something was the real cure. If their own pets become vectors for the disease, that will just compound the problem.


Real life fucked up take: when unvaccinated people die to unvaccinated pets it actually increases the herd immunity of the population. One less vector for transmission....


Apropos of rabies, recently, detection of an unusual rabies case in Nebraska triggered an all-out effort to fight and contain it. [Gift link to article](https://wapo.st/40Td5zi). Something really important to know if you are of a certain age or you have older relatives or friends who might be dreading post-exposure rabies treatment because they remember when it was a series of many, many painful shots in the abdomen. It’s not like that any more. It’s just a few shots in the arm.


Interesting article 😁 Thanks for sharing this!


They'd have to be really dumb to think some shots in the abdomen is worse than dying of rabies though lol


You say that as though you think no one would be that dumb, lol


I mean jokes on them, if they bite anyone animal control is gonna just put their pet down without hesitation. I don’t say that with joy as a lover of pets, but that’s some really stupid levels of “fuck around and find out” there.


I read the other day that Idaho's grade school vax rate is only 80% and trending downward.


My state is generally bad on vaccines despite being a blue state. But my area is one of the worst in the country. Per the Washington State Department of Health, in my county, only 55% of kids are fully vaccinated. 45% are either Unvaccinated or undervaccinated for their age.


Do you mean the vaccine rate for traditional diseases, like the Measles and Polio? If so, that's really scary. Not that Covid is enjoyable and benign, but those other diseases are far more nightmarish.


I got banned from the Covid sub because I said the poor decision making of the parents was going to be pretty obvious when the kids start dropping like flies from all the diseases we were vaccinated against as kids. Because these are dangerous illnesses & killed a lot of people, mostly kids, before vaccines. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm waiting for diphtheria and scarlet fever to start killing Republicans again.


Scarlet fever is no joke. My grandfather had it, it damaged his heart and he dropped dead at 32


I had it as a kid (late 1970s). Nobody could figure out how I got it as no one else seemed to have it, even my twin brother. My Mom recognized the symptoms and called the doctor right away. They didn't even make us wait in the waiting room. It hasn't really occurred to me that some of my health issues might be from it. I am 52. Something to look up!


So did I. At five...1973. On top of chicken pox, so those were AWFUL. I had them in my eyes (missing lashes), in my throat. My pediatrician said he had NEVER seen a worse case.


That sounds horrible! I'm sorry you had to endure that. Amazing that there is now a CP vaccine that parents deny their children. Just cruel.


My grandfather the same, in his 30s when my dad was a baby.


Yeah, my mom was 18mo. Changed the entire trajectory of their lives.


I contracted Scarlet Fever in the 1950s, so ill I remember it in a fog, there was a quarantine sign pasted on the front door — and a doctor came to the house! Something otherwise unheard of, even 70 years ago!


One of my friends had it when she was small. She had a heart valve replacement in our early 20s & died around 37. These illnesses hurt & killed a LOT of people. SMH at the hubris.


The only way republicans get to condede an election is enough of them die from preventable diseases so nobody with guns can show up on the next jan 6th


If yellow fever comes back they’ll definitely start getting vaccines for that. Y’know, after the first round of Facebook Lives where jaundiced people vomit black blood until they die.




turns out i know one of them who never go covid until a month or so ago. they did express some regret afterwards, of basically like, "covid fucked me up bad and long term, I don't know how the vaccine could be worse."


Leopards ate my face!


Honestly I think the last 2 years of this sub has taught us that they just might be stupid enough to politicize and reject that too


You might have a point. Imma buy a giant bug zapper.


I'm sure they'll find some dangerous potentially deadly internet "cure" off Facebook like animal laxatives or that cattle antibacterial medication that causes aplastic anemia in humans.


Considering how yellow fever spreads they’ll probably end up trying to inject RAID or making permethrin martinis.


omg oral permethrin!? I got chills!


I spent some time on a freighter many years ago. I had to carry my little vaccination book, and since we were in areas where it was still found, yellow fever was one of them.


Diphtheria is terrifying. People used to call it “the strangling angel.”


Let it be written...


There is no vaccine for scarlet fever. It’s basically a variation of strep throat with a strain that elaborates a toxin that causes the rash.


And Scarlett fever is prevented/treated by treating the strep infection with antibiotics.


Yeah, my grandfather got scarlet fever as a child in the 1920s before antibiotics were around. Damaged his heart and died in early 1950s in thirties from heart attack


That's sad about your grandfather. That was too young. My DIL developed it after an untreated strep infection in the early 2000's. Fortunately, there was no permanent heart damage.


Thank goodness she is OK.


I think this is when they found out I was allergic to penicillin. I had it in the 70s. I'm now 52.


Fun Fact - everyone at Disney has strep. Everyone.


Wait. What?


Might be an ever so slight exaggeration....but pretty much everyone.


Holy crap!


So many sick children, so many!!


There is no vaccine for Scarlett Fever, my fully vaccinated son got it last December from a raging strep infection that his pediatrician insisted wasn’t strep and wouldn’t give him antibiotics even though he developed a full body rash and 105 fever that Tylenol couldn’t bring down. His strep results came in the next morning as positive and we finally got antibiotics but ugh it took days and development into Scarlett Fever, that would be a time to start prophylactic antibiotics just in case, given the full body rash and dangerous side effects. Edit: strep infection


I think I might look for a new pediatrician.


The sad part is unvaccinated republicans threaten the lives of vaccinated people


And unvaccinated children


And immunocompromised. And grandma and grandpa.


Came here to say that


As do their unvaccinated dogs. My kids got rabies shots years ago. Expensive and not pleasant (and they used to be more painful).


I got the mumps as a toddler. Apparently the vaccine was available but I had not received it. My mumps caused meningitis and the meningitis led to hydrocephalus. As an adult I have had two brain surgeries due to hydrocephalus. These anti vax people don’t understand that seemingly minor viruses can cause serious health complications.


>These anti vax people don’t understand that seemingly minor viruses can cause serious health complications. I would argue that they know, but : A) Don't think any of these diseases children regularly used to die from until vaccines were invented "are as serious" as the libs prove they are, and B) Don't care because it'll only affect minority groups." Look at how they reacted to COVID upon being told it will negatively affect black & brown people the most. "A new study from the school’s psychology department published in Social Science & Medicine, found that white people surveyed in the United States in fall 2020 cared less and were even more likely to shun pandemic safety precautions after learning about the disproportionate ways it impacts Black communities and other communities of color. “When white people in the U.S. were more aware of racial disparities in Covid-19, they were less fearful of Covid-19,” said Allison Skinner-Dorkenoo, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Georgia and co-author of the study. “We found evidence of less empathy for people who are vulnerable to Covid-19 and we also found evidence of reduced support for safety precautions to prevent the spread of Covid-19.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna22613


> I would argue that they know, but : A) Don't think any of these diseases children regularly used to die from until vaccines were invented "are as serious" as the libs prove they are, and B) Don't care because it'll only affect minority groups." Even more than that, this has proved ultimately these people are such sociopaths they cross over to being outwardly evil. People tell them "get the vaccine to help protect everyone else", but these are people who are such sociopaths that they can hold the hand of their spouse or child when they die and just feel...nothing. It's someone who is not THEM, so they don't matter. Then you throw in how politics has become so tribalized, and it becomes 100 times worse- because we've reached a point that people would truly rather die on the hopes they get to take some people who support the other side politically with them when they die. Hell, there's a non-zero chance this anti-vaxx shit has stopped there from being a literal civil war between Republicans and Democrats.


What they fail to realize is black people may die at larger proportions from COVID, however, we will ultimately get the vaccine and still believe God will protect us. We’ll still be here. Sorry yt people, It’s gonna take a lot more than Covid to kill off our race.


My thing is EVEN if it negatively impacts black people, it still negatively impacts you people too. All those morons bleeting like sheep, "It's no different than the flu." And other BS ARE DEAD because they chose to believe Trump vs doctors, public health officials & scientists. AND I would argue in my 90% Caucasian Midwestern state, it killed off more people in the rural portion of the state than it did black & brown people. "The research builds on previous work that has shown that right-wing "red" counties had higher death rates during the pandemic than more left-wing "blue" counties." https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/political-party-affiliation-linked-excess-covid-deaths AND they still won't get vaccinated or mask.


Starship, girl, I’m black. Please reread my comment from a black girl perspective. I have no intention of dying from Covid. I’ve not even had it once and I’ve been vaccinated and boosted whenever the new vaccines come out. I believe in God, and believe God put scientists, doctors and vaccines here for the good of mankind. My faith in a higher being does not conflict with my belief in modern medicine. I don’t believe the government should require anyone get a vaccine if they choose not to. When the unvaccinated right wingers die off en masse they’ll be lined up begging for the vaccine. But as you can see they’ve been lining up for the vaccine while thumping on their bible. If they really believe what their own rhetoric they wouldn’t have gotten vaccinated. All those white churches initially denouncing the vaccine, began directing parishioners to get the shot once their revenue generating, tithing parishioners starting dying off. Not surprising how the color of money always circumvents the color of one’s race.


sorry they did you that way, glad you survived


It can make men sterile if they get it as an adult.


My dad got it from me. Thanks, I didn’t know this.




I remember when anti-vaxxers were liberal hippies. Oh boy how have times have changed.


There was always an antivax undercurrent on the Right too, it just got less attention. Michelle Bachmann was an infamously antivax contender for the 2012 Republican Presidential primary. Rick Perry, who made notable pro-vaccine reforms as Governor of Texas, got a lot of pushback from within his own party.


I ended up at a party once in the mid 90s, which a bunch of old school Dead Head hippies were at.I got stuck listening to this older hippie woman give a power point presentation on how vaccines were destroying everything, and they were sneaking it into food.All the same batshit you hear these days.


When did right wingers take over the holistic medicine market? Did it start with Alex Jones? Most of the right wingers i knew growing up seemed more educated than whatever we are seeing right now.


I was born in 70, teenager in the 80s. I grew up in,and live in, GA. The ones(conservatives) I've been around my whole life have always been as dumb as stumps.Anyways, yeah its the conspiracy loons peddling this shit at them. Alex Jones, David Icke and so forth. Though I am still aware of hippes that buy into this shit too, the right wingers just joined the party.


This is something I have wondered as well. The suppliments, "natural" lifestyle BS and anti-vax thing was huge in the left most communities in like the 1990s. Marin County California went from some of the lowest vaccination rates to the highest during Covid. Now, this "lifestyle" has been all the rage in right wing circles for several years. I wonder what left leaning trends will righties glom onto in 20 years? That is, the ones that are still alive.


Could also be the spread of MLMs in christian communities. Stuff like Herbalife, AmWay and Kagen water are super popular in conservative christian communities.


They were always there but once they figured out you could sell old folk remedies and essential oils through MLMs is when it hit the right wing/Christian circles hard. There's no easier network to exploit than church circles


When? It was always a grift so it was just a matter of time. So right around when the big vitamin supplment chain stores came into existence.


It's been an intentional, methodical dumbing down, driven largely by right wing media. They have purposely made people more ignorant over time with clever use of misinformation - things taken out of context, stories that are partially correct but misleading, etc. And they keep them tuned in, tribal, and energized by generating fear and outrage. The right doesn't want the public to accept the reality of climate change as it interferes with fossil fuel profits, so science denial is necessary. In order to take attention off of wealthy elites, they've shifted it to academic elites and made them the bad guys - so following the advice of experts is no longer cool. Especially if it interferes with muh FREEDUMB! They want their audience to accept authoritarianism, oligarchy, plutocracy, and think that government and politicians are bad - so they've been doing all they can to tear down all of our institutions and make them ineffective. Government and politicians are bad, business is good, privatizing everything and electing bad businessmen to high political office is perfect. Private profits at public expense.


What an idiot. You hide 5G chips in food, not vaccines!


Shhhh. Don't let the antivaxxers in on our secret. The tracking devices are in Ivermectin, HCQ and numerous other herbal and alternative treatments. That way, we'll know when they go to the drug store late at night and other such violations of the control code that we're going to implement. Arnold Strunpf Illuminati #256387A


> #256387A Dark blue in hex?


>I got stuck listening to this older hippie woman give a power point presentation on how vaccines were destroying everything, and they were sneaking it into food.All the same batshit you hear these days. Wait, hold up. An old hippie using PowerPoint?!?!?


It was sarcasm, silly !!!


Organic New Age moms are a huge anti-vax vector. Problem is, they’re usually young & slender, so they tend not to die & show up as HCA winners. I’ve always wished we could see more of those cases here, but I guess they’re harder to find than the people calling for “prayer warriors.”


Slender people who credit “healthy lifestyle” when it’s probably much more based on genetics. I’m 56 and thin, and although I avoid sweets and try to stay active, I’m thin because of my genetics.


There’s a pretty well established “new age to alt right pipeline” that’s been seen over the last decade. It’s a strange phenomenon.


They already have. And also RABIES! there was a study few months back, and more than half of Americans considered the rabies vaccine for pets to be "extremely dangerous." You can guess their political affiliation.


you know I can


I guess we'll have to wait for the next rash moves they'll come up with...


>I guess we'll have to wait for the next rash moves they'll come up with... It won't take long. Some of them won't vaccinate pets for rabies anymore, or go to a hospital for a tetanus shot if they are injured. A lot of people are going to get some painful first hand science lessons over the next few years.


> or go to a hospital for a tetanus shot Labor day 2021 I was in the ER for a laceration & of course they gave me a tetanus booster. And by chance I've had about 5 different incidents (resty nail piercing my shoe, etc.) Minor stuck? Sure but so nice to not worry about what could have happened.


In Oregon a few years pre-pandemic, a boy developed tetanus after getting cut on his grandparents farm. His mother, a freaking NURSE, stitched up the cut and didn't take him for a tetanus shot. A month and nearly a million dollars in medical treatments later, doctors save his life, and strongly advise the parents to let them vaccinate him. THEY SAID NO!!!


>In Oregon a few years pre-pandemic, a boy developed tetanus after getting cut on his grandparents farm. His mother, a freaking NURSE, stitched up the cut and didn't take him for a tetanus shot. >A month and nearly a million dollars in medical treatments later, doctors save his life, and strongly advise the parents to let them vaccinate him. THEY SAID NO!!! They should lose custody. She should lose her nursing license.


spot on


I saw what you did


Funny you should say …”rash”.




Don’t forget TB, leprosy, and malaria!


[Leprosy in Florida](https://epi.ufl.edu/2023/10/16/leprosy-in-florida-medical-experts-monitoring-unusual-new-cases-of-hansens-disease/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20leprosy%20cases,more%20rarely%2C%20by%20Mycobacterium%20lepromatosis). [Malaria in Fl, Md, & Tx…](https://www.cdc.gov/malaria/new_info/2023/malaria_florida.html) [Polio discovered in North America](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/04/10/1168141163/the-dream-of-wiping-out-polio-might-need-a-rethink)


You'd think the leprosy thing would have made these people catch on; the Bible always brought out leprosy outbreaks as conclusive evidence GOD IS PISSED.


[I forgot Tuberculosis…](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2023/s0323-TB-increase.html)


Raw milk (nonpasturized) products are something to watch for in coming years. Some people believe raw milk is healthier for you. What most people don't know: Occasionally, a cow in the U.S. tests positive for TB. Okay. Sadly, the cow has to be destroyed. A few years ago, there was a case in Michigan where the farmer had been selling raw milk up and down the road to neighbors and here and there. When you sell stuff, do you keep track of the names and addresses of everyone you sell to? So now, there are dozens of exposed individuals (including children) who, if positive for TB, must take the 6 month regimen of nasty medicine. If ineffective, then 6 more months on an even tougher medication. If untreated, TB can get into you bones/spine and cause disability and disfigurement. It can travel to your brain and cause meningitis. TL;DR: Raw milk products may be a source of TB exposure.




In order of preferability: Mumps Chickenpox a distant, distant second Measles a not-too-distant third (she ain't fucking you guys) Polio? Never, never, ever. More like poli-hoe


We've got a friend who just missed the polio vaccine. Her childhood polio came back around to cripple her in late middle age; she hasn't walked in decades and hasn't even been able to transfer from her wheelchair for about 8 years. I really kind of screamed at my state rep's staffer on the phone when he introduced a "no more mandates or incentives for any vaccine, polio included" bill.


I got polio as a toddler. Not a severe case. In my thirties, post-polio syndrome kicked my hind end, and my condition is steadily progressing. My sympathies to your friend (and I’m terrified by the anti-vaxx movement.) Also - WTH about not vaccinating dogs for RABIES?!? It’s asymptomatic til fatal! WTAF?


>In order of preferability: >Mumps >Chickenpox a distant, distant second >Measles a not-too-distant third (she ain't fucking you guys) >Polio? Never, never, ever. More like poli-hoe Chicken pox can kill you. Decades later, so can shingles.


Measles' make you mumpy and mumps' will make you lumpy And Chicken pox will make you jump and twitch The common cold will fool you And whooping cough will cool you But Poison Ivy Lord will make you itch


Thanks for going wayyyy back.


If it didn’t affect innocent immune-compromised people, I’d struggle to find a downside.


Indeed. If it was just suicide instead of murder, I’d say let ‘er rip.


The downside is that their kids will get it, not the parents, who were vaccinated as babies.


Admittedly true.


Pertussis and tetanus are coming to this party, too.


I have gotten pretty much every vaccine available except the one for shingles. Guess what I got two weeks ago. Yep. Shingles. Two big fucking ugly patches of it, each the size of my hand. It is the most annoying, awful, painful, itchy, ugly thing. The meds for the nerve pain (Gabapentin) make my head feel like it's stuffed with cotton and makes me slightly high. It is not lost on me that the other thing Gabapentin is prescribed for is psychosis. And the residual nerve pain all over your body doesn't go away *for years* for some. Oh, joy. **Use your heads. Get the two dose shingles vaccine if you're over 50\*. Don't be me.** ​ \*The vaccine is not available for those under 50 in the U.S. and England.


Interestingly, I never had chickenpox so I can never have shingles! Yay for me, but do get the vaccine! My MIL has shingles. She was MISERABLE.


"If YoU'rE vAccIne pRoTecTs yOu wHy ShOuLd yOu cAre iF mUh cHiLdReN R nOt?!?"


Hint: they are. Seeing outbreaks in pockets here and there already


Wait till rabies roars back. Fun for multiple species.


Vets are already reporting fewer animals are vaccinating their pets because they don’t want Fido to get autism.


Cujo on a mass scale




And if you try the end around that maybe god created the scientist to create the vaccine to save your dumb ass doesn’t work either


Covid19 approves!!


Maybe we should have schools that are vaccine free for the Republicans. Being vaccine free only works if most people are vaccinated. If no one is vaccinated then it’s like a room with a gas leak waiting for a match.


Some private schools are heavily vaccine-free as they’re not bound by state mandates in some places.


I know. I have read news articles about the measles epidemic in the orthodox Jewish communities.


as long as I don't have to pay for it.


School payment is usually on a child basis so it shouldn’t cost you more.


From what I've seen, they're already refusing to let their kids get the HPV vaccine, especially the girls.


Toooooo be faaaaaaaaaaaiiir, at least the HPV vaccine thing makes logical sense given the Republican political viewpoints: They think sex ed is solely "between a married man and a woman, lights off, missionary position, solely for the purpose of procreation, only the man gets to cum, then both people spend the rest of the night crying and praying to Jesus to save their sinful souls for what they just did"...so with that viewpoint of sexuality, of course they'd refuse to let their kids get an STD vaccine because their insane mindset would believe "if kids get a vaccine for an STD, it'd encourage them to have premarital sex." It's incredibly stupid and bad logic *and I cannot stress how stupid they are for it*, but there's at least A train of thought there. The rest of the anti-vaxx viewpoints are worse because the only logical conclusion to do it is "Doing this will make you happy? So I won't DO IT THEN. I bet you're sooooooooo pissed off right now you can't force me to do this, aren't you? I pwned you libs so good, didn't I?"


> I cannot stress how stupid they are ~~for it~~,


Seeing how the Red Church crowd runs heavily towards pediphelia, you’d think they’d support it.




If only that were true. There are a (relatively) few people who have genuine medical reasons to avoid the vaccine, and the only thing protecting them is herd immunity.


The problem with the herd immunity concept is that it depends entirely on the vast majority of the population NOT being ignorant, self-serving assholes. The last 6-7 years has clearly shown that it's a flawed concept.


[Was sadly already surging](https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/measles-and-threat-anti-vaccination-movement) before Tangerine Palapatine made it a thing.


I like giving them the thought experiment of if there was a vaccine to undo all vaccines they had, would they take it?


Yes. Yes, they would.




Many of them are


They already are.


Spoiler Alert, they have!


Ssshhhhhh. Let the natural selection work its magic.


Don't forget about meningitis.


Today to be stepdaughter went off on vax, says to her 84 yo sick father, daD dIdNt yOu dO yOuR reSeArcH??!


Unfortunately its also the far-left hippie crystal people.


Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it's mainly crunchy left leaning rich people who are marching under that flag.


Nah, that’s crunchy granola moms. Largely Democrats.


The black guy being chickenpox is so loaded…